tv News Al Jazeera October 19, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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the twitter, google+ pages and facebook. see you next time. >> you're watching al jazeera america live from new york. i'm jonathan betz with a look at the top stories. >> the manhunt in florida is over. two convicted killers who walked out of prison using forged pages are behind bars. >> two san francisco tran sit workers killed by a train as the tran sit strike approaches its third day. jp morgan chase reaches a $13 billion deal with the government over bad mortgage bonds. the worst could be ahead as firefighters try to put out over 1,100 wildfires in eastern australia.
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>> two convicted killers on the run for weeks have been found? a florida motel. charles walker and joseph jenkins went peacefully with police. both serve life sentences when they escaped using forged documents. we are joined life from miami. have the police revealed how they tracked down the men? >> they said that they had a tip from an informant or associate in the area, i believe, is how they termed it, to track down the two. all along the police said they weren't sure if the two men whose escape from prison was 11 days apart, if they were in any way coordinated together. the fact that they were arrested together certainly gives credence to the notion that their escapes were coordinated. the taste of freedom ended
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around dinner time at a motel in panama city. police say that they were arrested without incident, and their arrests come hours, literally, after the mother of one of the convicts stood before cameras and pleaded with him to turn himself in. their escapes were an embarrassment to the florida department of corrections. they were able to walk out of a prison, the the franklin correctional institution. that's in the panhandle, thanks to forged documents send to the clerk of the court. the place where they were arrested was less than a 2 hour drive from the prison in which they escaped. in any event, once they got out, they had gone to a gaol in florida, where they were required, as felons to register. they did, they were fingerprinted and had mug shots taken. it was the mother of a murder victim who brought this to the attention of a prosecutor's
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office when she got a piece of mail saying that one of the convicts had been released. in any event, their arrest came hours after family members stood before cameras and urged them to surrender. >> has there been additional measures at the gaol put in place so that this kind of thing doesn't happen again? >> well, the department of corrections is saying that now will modify the way it verifies prison releases. there'll be a hearing held on the matter. i want to point out both men are going to be facing new charges. they'll appear before a judge tomorrow in panama city. they were already serving life prison sentences without the possibility of parole. >> okay. back in gaol. thank you. >> a transit strike in san francisco continues to strand 200,000 riders. the unions and management remain
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at an impasse. earlier today a tragic development. two bay area rapid transit workers were killed by a train north-east of san francisco. al jazeera's lisa bernhald reports. >> it happened between two suburban stations. the transit agency says two employees were hit and killed by a train as they checked out an of report of a dip in the rails. an agency spokesman says one worked for bart and the other a contractor. one inspects and the others watches for trains. both people had extensive experience working around moving trains. the agency says the train was on a routine maintenance run with an experienced operator at the controls and at the time of the accident the train was being run in automatic mode under computer control. >> investigators are trying to learn what led to the accident that has stunned an agencies scrambling to cope with a strike
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and 200,000 frustrated riders. >> jp morgan chase could pay a record fine over mortgage practices leading up to the financial crisis. a tentative deal was reportedly reached yesterday, calling for the bank to pay $9 billion it the february and $4 billion to struggling home owners. the bank faces a criminal investigation by the justice department. this is the latest of many settlements by jp morgan. in july the bank was announced to by $410 million to the federal energy which commission for manipulating electricity prices in california and the midwest. last month they agreed to pay $1 billion to regulators, traders acting recklessly in the london oil scandal and jp morgan was ordered to pay $300 million to customers hurt by illegal credit card debt collection.
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on wednesday the bank agreed to by $100 million to the commodities commission for the london deal. and the $13 billion penalty for selling bad mortgage bonds to invest juniors. it's close to $14 billion since july. they could face criminal charges over mortgage bonds and an investigation over practices in asia. >> let's break-in in john prior. he's been covering the settlement. when you hear about all of the fines adding up, you hear critics say the government has not done enough to crackdown on these banks. is this finally enough is this. >> well, that is the big question. the concern raised from the settlement and the ones that you mentioned is an interesting question. not only are these banks having failed, but they are too big to manage. the settlement that they have
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reached tentatively last night is - is a dent to the notion that jp diamond, the ceo has been long held as one of the best on wall street. he's been heralded for getting the bank through the financial crisis. the legal troubles that you mentioned forced the bank to report its first quarterly loss under his stewardship since taking the ceo job in 2005. this certainly raises the question of whether the bank is being properly managed under his control. >> do you think that this could maybe raise calls for jamie diamond to step down? >> investors in the company have not really done that. clients for the bank have not done that. most of that - most of those voices came from outside of the bank in washington, possibly.
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so i don't think this really - this really will lead to him stepping down. it's more of a dent to his reputation as one of the best ceos, not only on wall street, but in the country. this fuels the fire for that. i think the management at jp morgan, if they put the concerns behind them, as it looks like they are trying to do, the settlement concerns other mortgage funds sold to the mortgage giants fanny may and freddy mack. they are trying to put this stuff behind them, moving forward. if he's able to do that, he's able to return the bank back to a profit. some of the alarm bells about his job will quiet down. >> when you hear about the $13 billion penalty, it could be a record in this industry. why - especially since, by the way, the bank could face criminal investigations and charges, why would jp morgan
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agree to this? >> again, like i said, it's about putting all this - the legacy mortgage crisis behind them, and moving forward. it's been a few weeks of tough negotiations with diamond and eric holder. it's something that the bank wants to do all at once, rather than drag it out. the $13 billion, like i said, involves 4 billion that could be paid to fanny and freddy. allowing the bank to move on and get back to doing what the banks are supposed to do, which is finance small businesses and lend to home owners. >> it's something that has been going on for a while. maybe it ends here. and john prior thank you for your time. >> two countries hard hit by the global financial crisis, portugal and italy announced cuts. they both have had enough.
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violence erupted in italy. we have a story from rowan. barnaby phillips starts us off in portugal. >> the portuguese government says light is showing through the gloom. economic growth is showing after years of recession. here in porto, it's hard to find signs of it. the latest austerity measures brought thousands on to the streets. in a march organised by the trade unions. >> many people are angry with the portuguese government's latest government, which raises taxes on people earning as little as 600 euros a month, pinning hopes on the country's constitution, which has rejected some of the government's austerity measures. >> the union members tend to be older workers. in portugal, like in europe's other crisis countries the young are more often in casual labour
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and have higher levels. >> in a porto backstreet i met pedro, a nurse in a state hospital. like many colleagues, he's on strike this week. >> we have a bigger workload and no increase in salary. this means at the end of the month we worked more hours with less money. >> nearby i met mario in his bar, where he mixes cocktails and worries about how few customers walk through the door. >> we invest our money in business, improve our business. nowadays it's almost impossible. you have to fire people, getting cuts from two years now onwards, and next year i think it will be the same and it's been a struggle for us. in the capitol lisbon, there were protests. workers drove hundreds of buses over the river taygas after crowds were not allowed to march on the bridge because of safety
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concerns. in porto they filed through the city center. the sign says, "enough", meaning we can take no more. right now the portuguese don't know where to look for the signs of recovery that the government promises are on the horizon. >> a showdown between masked demonstrators and police in central roam. they appeared within the crowd of protesters, charging the police officers and setting off smoke bombs and fireworks. many fled when the trouble kicked off. the march started peacefully. they came from all over the country, tens of thousands of protesters, many younger people descended upon the capital. they showed anger at the government's austerity drive and their frustration at increasing unemployment. conditions, they say, guaranteeing fewer opportunities for future generations. >> translation: we need a change. enough of this political
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theatre. people can't stomach the crisis, they want change. >> translation: it is hard for us now. i had to sell my belonging, i don't have my wedding ring. i'm not complaining, there are worse situations. i can't live like this any more. >> also present at the march, immigrant groups urging italian politicians to ensure protection of their rights and asylum for those escaping conflict. along the march was a heavy police presence. around 4,000 officers were deployed across central rome. >> the square in central rome is where the protest wound up on saturday evening. sofl of the protesters are trying to set up a tent city in the square. they don't have prime ministers to do that. the government's reaction is it will stick to its plan to bring italy out of recession. many believe there's little benefit for italians. the government, a shaky center left has a fight on its hand.
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that could be a political battle that may cost it its survival. >> after a tough summer of wildfires in the united states australia's battling dozens of their own. they are burning near sydney in the blue mountains, fireofficials say the conditions are serious. so far 200 homes have been destroyed as the wildfires continue. let's turn to andrew thomas in australia near the blue mountains. we understand that there's concern that army training exercises may have sparked the fires? >> that's right. the worst of the fires began on thursday in exceptionally hot and windy continues. crazy conditions, you would think, to do anything that might spark a fire. this is the newspaper in sydney this morning "blazing stupidity", they are saying, for a defense force exercise, an army exercise carried out on
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thursday using explosives to train their soldiers. it's believed that that might have caused one of the worst fires near the town of lithgow in the boun ans, west of -- blue mountains west of sydney. let me give you an overview of the situation. there's 60 fires burning across the states of new south wales and south-eastern australia. of those 15 are out of control, meaning firefighters can't contain the fire - they can't contain the flames in a certain area. of those, four are causing concern. a bit of bad news i'm afraid is the weather, which has been relatively cool is set to get worse, it will get hotter and will get windier too. those, of course, are the worst possible conditions when it comes to trying to stop fires from escaping. >> people in this region west of sydney are getting text messages when fires are approaching. they are telling them to get out, grab what precious possessions they can, and head to families in safe areas or
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friends, or go to evacuation centres, of which there are many across the blue mountains. d daniel, you lost your home, this is devastating for you. >> reduced to ash. >> did you get anything out? >> few things. there was not enough times to get everything. our lives was the priority. we had to grab what we can and make a run for it. >> i can see you clutching a precious item. >> this is my violin crafted in 1942 during the world war ii. we left this behind. i am indebted to a firefighter for rescuing this instrument of mine >> glenys of joy or hope. >> it's a miracle -- glimmers of joy or home. >> it's a mire abbingle. there are fears there'll be more like daniel where the fires look
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likely to get worse than better. >> i'm glad he saved the violin with so much devastation. andrew thomas live in australia. thank you. >> fire danger forecast for australia set at high and potentially destructive this year. as they are moving in too the heat of their wildfire season. also known as a bushfire in the continent. there are sea breezes going along australia throughout the area, especially where we are seeing the most powerful wildfires blaze through sydney, new south wales. these sea breezes continue. we'll see sustained winds anywhere from 15 to 30 miles per hour. and high temperatures back up into the mid and upper "80s, across the area. as we move into the other corner of the international forecast it is addressing supertyphoon,
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equivalent to a category 5. it's francisco, it's forecast to move to the southern portion of japan, offshore of key oato. it will bring rain where we had a lot of problems with mudslides just flooding in to buildings, taking 23 lives at least, and this particular picture is a high school student helping to clean out homes from the mud. >> coming up - i'll tell you where we'll get new snow in the united states and details of how cold it will be where you live. >> coming up on al jazeera america - an emotional home coming. hostages held by syrian rebels have been free. >> texan gun owners rally at the alamo to test the limit of state gun laws. stay with us.
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>> welcome back. canada - indigenous people and environmental activists are fighting a plan for fracking. they blocked a highway near the town of rex tonne, new brunswick, where an energy company is planning to tap shale. indigenous activists from a group there took an aboriginal reserve in new brunswick - they led the demonstrations there, protesting an energy company plans to frack shale.
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it could pollute the drinking water. demonstrations began thursday. as many as 40 have been arrested. >> hundreds of people raised their guns at the alamo. marchers rallied with shotguns. it's the latest effort by progun groups to strengthen their rights to bear arms. >> the alamo is sacred ground for texans, from the battle in 1836. it was a pivotal motion. some texans are using the imagery to wage what they call a revolution of their own. this is about gun rights, which they say are being attacked. >> on a normal weekend the historic alamo would be sworming with tourists -- swarming with tourists. on this day people carrying rifles, shotguns and assault weapons filled the plaza. texas state law bars people in carrying handguns, there's no regulation about carrying a
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loaded long gun. >> we are a nonviolent group. we are not a civil disobedience organization. >> gun rights groups called the rally after san antonio police charged three activists with disorderly contact for carrying loaded long guns outside a coffee shop. >> protesters say the rests conflict with state law. san antonio suspended its enforcement for this rally, leading some tourists feeling threatened. >> it's stomach turning. when i walk through the crowd seeing all these people with guns, it scarce the heck out of me. >> meanwhile the progun reform group, mums demand action, held its own event. the membership swelled since the shooting at sandy hook elementary school in conety cut. >> it's legal. but it's terrifying.
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>> my boyfriend and i designed it and built it. >> christina is a mother and gun owner. >> i'm a single mother, by myself, travelling from work to school. i carry a weapon with me at all times. >> she said she never had to use the weapon in self-defence. having one makes her feel safer. and she hopes displaying her rifle in public will help others learn to feel the same. >> protests began and ended peacefully. the one confrontation we saw between police and a man armed not only with a loaded rifle, but a pistol on its holster viewable to the public. it's illegal. in texas you need a licence for a pistol and it has to be concealed. it's unfair. they want all weapons to be carried openly, legally.
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>> all right, michael eaves is here with new developments in the a rod suspension hearings. >> yes, multiple reports say both major league baseball and alex rodriguez paid for documents from a biogenesis clinic which it is said provided rodriguez and others with performance enhancing drugs. these admissions were made interesting testimony of rodriguez's appeal of his 211-game suspension. on the college grid iron the motive behind the grambling boy got of the game against jackson state was prin in a players -- written in a players headlines letter. among the complaints, mould and mill due, subpar equipment, long bus rides and the team upset of firing of coach doug williams. the boycott calls the athletic department at grambling $20,000. >> in the pack. ucla - first loss.
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24-10. cardinal outgained them. 419 yards to 256 thanks to ken hogan's passing yard. stanford has not lost conservative games since 2009. those are the sports headlines for this hour. more sports news ahead, including an injury to a trophy winner. >> peanuts are fan favourites across the country. they can be deadly for an increasing number of americans, especially kids who are allergic. a football stadium stopped selling them for one game. we have more. >> elie had never been able to watch his college football team play at north-western university. his family did not want to the take the chance, because his pae not allergy material killed him as an infant. >> row 12. >> i feel great about going to a football game. i am really happy that we can do
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it. why is that at the goal line. >> i don't know. >> today elie is going to his first wild cat game. the university has banished peanuts - at least for this game. and they are making a big deal about it. they are calling it peanut free day at ryan field - none sold and none allowed in. >> it's fantastic. it's fantastic. you can't do it otherwise. it's not safe. you go to ridley field, they have peanuts and peanuts - it's all over the place. it's like playing rushon roulette with the kids. the university hosed down the stadium, removing traces of peanut residue from past games. >> if it's stream - doctors ta it's not. >> if you are sitting in a seat where someone was eating peanuts and you touch it - kids put their fingers in an ara face 14 -- ora fizz 40 times an our.
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>> this doctor found one in 13 u.s. kids has a food allergy, the common being a peanut allergy and over half those had a severe reaction. >> they can go into anna fall axis, severe symptoms, throat closing, swelling, trouble breathing. drop in blood pressure, and it can lead to death. >> outside the stadium tailgaters munched on the peanuts but did not mind the ban. >> just this one day. everyone knows it. it's advertised so you don't take them in there with you. >> how has it come to this? why has the number of peanut allergies in kids tripled since 1997. there are plenty of theories, but no one knows. we may have become too clean as a society. all the antibacterial products may keep kids getting common
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infections preventing foodal ergeies. the loss of a treat for a lot of fans is a big score for this fan. >> pulled from a bus in front of classmates and deported - still ahead. a teenage girl - what she is saying to the french president. plus, a scathing u.n. report on how many civilians died in american drone strikes around the world.
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>> welcome back to al jazeera america. i'm jonathan betz, and here are the top stories this half hour: two convicted killers on the run for weeks in florida have been caught. police tracked charles walker and joseph jenkins to a panama city beach moment. both slipped out of prison using forged documents. police are trying to figure out how it happened. tragedy on the transaction of the san francisco bay area transit system. a train struck and killed two workers. union operators were on strike,
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bart officials insist it was operated by an experienced operator. jp morgan and the department of justice reached a deal in the ongoing securities investigation. according to reports the bank could pay close to $13 billion to the federal government, but it will not release the bank of criminal charges. >> a report to be presented to the u.n. general assembly reveals several hundred civilians have been killed by u.s. drone strikes since 2004. the numbers are higher than what u.s. officials confirmed. earlier i spoke with amnesty international's marine shaw who is not surprised by the finings. >> the u.n. found that there are 35 cases of drone strikes by the u.s. and israeli governments. that raises concerns for civilian casualties. the pakistani government said between 400 and 600. the u.s. government gave no
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data. we see allegations from the pakistani government. we should pay attention to it. amnesty international is not in a position to verify. no information from the u.s. government. >> the own us is on the -- onus is on the u.s. to identify whether drone strikes are lawful. >> a french government made an offer to a teen whose deportation angered the world. she can return to france, but her family cannot. >> leonarda dibrani won her battle to return to france. she still is not happy with the offer from president francis hollande, the man she described as heartless. only leo dicaprio, not her family would be allowed back from kosovo. >> >> translation: the president did not under my situation at all, not at all. i think he hasn't considered our
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case. he probably did it because of politics. but i'm not a dog to be dragged by the arm. i'm not an animal. >> during the week the case brought thousands of protesting students on to the streets, appalled at the way her case was handled. now the president admits it was heavy-handed to detain leonarda dibrani in front of her friends. the expulsion itself was legal. >> translation: if she requests so and wants to continue her education, she and only she is welcome. france is the rub lick, and that is firmness in the application of the law. president francis hollande's difficulties with the case are not over yet. the leader of the socialist party says the entire family
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with the exception of the father should be allowed back. while the interior minister is reported as saying he will quit if leonarda dibrani is allowed to return to france. >> president francis hollande is caught between two camps, those outraged at the treatment of asylum seekers and others demanding tougher immigration laws. >> in greece, police are trying to track the parents of a girl found. this is the child the police believe may have been kidnapped. she was found with a couple. dna tests prove they were not her parents. her pictures has been posted on the website. the couple has been arrested on suspicion of kidnapping and falsifying documents. an emotional home coming, nine lebanese hostages held by syrian rebels for more than a year from free in change for two turkish pilots who were captured. the release comes after complex
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negotiations between turkey and syria. >> 530 days after their capture, a chaotic emotional home coming for nine weary men who thought they may never get out of syria alive. nothing like a formal handover to relatives. a woman is overcome and collapses. lebanese security couldn't hold back the rush of people wanting to embrace their loved ones. some of the freed hostages didn't have to walk. the relatives are in the crush. they waited since may for this breakthrough. there has been false alarms. this is a reality now. >> this woman with a bump of red roses searches for her father in the confusion. he's outside on the shoulders of his son and another family member addressing the crowds, saying they had been on the religious visit to a shia shrine in iran, and that had protected
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their lives. >> translation: we visited the shrine. with his protection our lives were saved. >> reporter: another freed hostage described his sense of relief. >> i thanked god. i felt i would never see my family, particularly when there were raging battles taking place around us. in the beginning they treated us well. then it was bad. in the last few months they imprisoned us in a room where the temperatures would reach 50 degrees. the doors were closed. >> the two tush irk airline -- turkish airline pilots kidnapped in reprisal were reuni-itemed with their families. plenty of emotion and great feud for negotiations by qatar enabling their release.
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finally relief. questions remain about the identities of the armed group that kidnapped the turkish pilots and there's uncertainty about how, if or when assad's regime is releasing women's prisoners, a demand made by opposition fighters. >> a suicide bomber struck a military checkpoint outside damascus, killing 16 solediers. 15 syrian rebels died. it's not the first time rebel groups stormed an army complex. the syrian refugee crisis is getting worse. the european union is donating $100 million to lebanon, which has 800,000 displaced syrians. iraq has nearly 200,000 sirrian refugees. jordan has seen 500,000
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refugees, and another half a million people are in turkey. >> germany is helping by offering temporary housing to 5,000 syrians. >> chemical weapons inspectors say they are progressing inside syria, they checked 14 of more than 20 sites on the lift. syrian state tv showed video of inspectors af a site. security is a concern. those inspectors have nine months to find and destroy all of syria's chemical weapons. >> two days of concerts are bringing together music fans for a celebration in afghanistan, despite the security threat posed by taliban fighters. jane ferguson has more from the capital kabul. >> kabul rarely rings with the sound of live music. afghans rush to buy tape cassettes of favourite singers. live concerts can be dangerous for the fans and performers.
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arian saeed is a western based sippinger, singing all over the world. performances in her home town are risky. >> when i'm in afghanistan, i'm almost a prisoner. in fact, my room, in my hotel room. i cannot get to go outside like normally we do. i have to lock myself inside. if i have a show on tv or a concert, i have to take body guards with me, a proper car and everything. >> she sings about issues important to her. >> i had some for women, for women's rights and things like that. in fact, i'm working on another one right now. because, you know, my concentration is on that now, on afghan women, their rights, things like that. i worked on something like that, which got popular in afghanistan and and ladies in particular, they love the song and i'll perform it.
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>> the event brought together meeuwsicians from afghanistan and surrounding countries, with the songs carrying antiwar messages. outside the war goes on, and tight security is a must. >> this concert is a musical call. a lack of security across afghanistan means it's difficult to attract large crowds from all different sections of society. >> so it's mostly young, modern afghans who attend. those with the most to gain from peace. 13 years ago music was panned under -- banned under taliban rules. the crowds hardly cam pair to concerts in other capitals of the world. for the young people it's a crucial start. . in the work of world famous artist banksy has been popping up over new york city. we look at the extremes people are going to to protect this valuable graffitti. >> upsets saturday in the
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. same-sex couples in new jersey filed marriage applications, and many planned to marry on monday. the high court ruled that the state cannot delay gay marriages while the issue is decided in courts. governor chris christie will comply with the decision. the decision should come from the voters, not the courts. new jersey is the 14th state to allow same-sex marriage. the secret of graffitti artist known as banksy has left his
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mark over new york city. his spray-painted pictures are worth big bucks. most have been painted over by taggers or removed by city workers >> >> reporter: graffitti rarely gets the museum treatment. this was not spray-painted by anyone, it's banksy. a british artist who kept his identity secret, despite growing fame. to keep the work safe, the landlord of a brooklyn building set up a roll-down gait and 24 hours surveillance. >> he knows and appreciates the work, do you know what i say. he knows what it's worth. >> banksy's worth sell for six and seven figure sums. in brooklyn fans are excited to see an unspoilt example of his work. >> i'm glad it's intact. you need to get close to something. it's a legend. most of banksy's new york street art has been painted over by graffitti artists.
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taggers are not the only ones taking aim. city workers scrubbed work off the walls. to his fans, an act of sackry ledge. >> we are trying to get rid of them. surely here in new york, we are going to welcome it with open arms. >> banksy's american fans are trying to see his new york pictures while there's time. >> michael eaves is here with sport. win or lose, johnny men'sel makes it interesting. >> with a name like johnny football he has a sense of the dramatics. the scc dominates for a decade winning seven consecutive titles. they used to hang their hat on defense, now they export some of the post expressive offences led by dine am k players, including
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johnny men zel. his favourite target is mike evans, receiver, who set a record with 287 yards receiving to go along with four touch downs as he was the first player in history to record two 200 yard receiving games in a career. the big story was a shoulder from men zel suffered on this run. after the play he was on the field for some time before eventually leaving the game. look at the replay. the defender lands on top of him, ploughing his shoulder into the ground. on the sideline men zel would try to throw. he couldn't. all of a time johnny football returned after missing a series and his one-yard tough down gave the aggies a lead. men zel producing 500 yards, no scc fullback has one. nick marshall back down the people. mason tracking the drive.
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the stage set for a comeback by men'sel. it was not to be. defense comes up with a game-winning. orban causes the upset. >> in oxford mississippi, the rebels missed out and looked to even the score. they set the tone early. first an end around pass scored. a 2-yard run by jay land walker give the rebels a 17-0 need. ellis responded in the half. zack mettenburger passing for 274 yards connecting with jarvis. omis responds at home. 6 seconds remain. andrew riter from 41 yards out winning for the rebels. totty. old misses wins. >> knoxville, looking for a win.
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south carolina hosted. connor shaw - 76 yards of his 156 passing yards came in a play. a touchdown to jem. >> r. tennessee brought one of their best efforts. justin warily was 16 of 13 with a touchdown to howard. the game racked up 219 yards on the ground, including 137 yards from mike davis. he gets into the end zone. let's get back to connor shaw. i mentioned passing numbers. he scored a rushing touchdown before leaving with five minutes to go with a sprained knee. the day was worse for south carolina has michael pol arty connects with a field goal giving tennessee the upset 23-21. speaking of upsets let's go across to nashville where georgia was hosted, recovering
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from a loss to mississippi. vaned der belt looking to capital ice. seymour finishing with 76. chris pierce pauling off a fake field call. georgia would take control of the game with a mix of offence-defense. austin carter sammuals picked up. eric murray finished 16 of 28 hor 113-yard passing produced on the ground. two touchdowns. georgia building a lead. bandy rallied. that was the theme. the commodores scored the final 17 points, capped by seymour's 13 yard scamper. 3127. the surprise team of the scc no doubt undefeated. mississippi - number 17. tigers quarterback matty threw
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for 291 yards, subbing for james franklin. he led mississippi to a 10-point lead. florida back in the game. solomon pat returned the kick off. 100 yards for the score. the day belonged to munning, adding a 17 yard touch down. he finished with 310 yards, mississippi going on to win 36-17 improving to 7 and 0 on the season. >> now to the nfl where it's home coming weekend for peyton manning returning for the first time. during his 13 years on the field manning set the colts record at 55,000 and touch towns 399 and led the team to 150 win, including the playoffs capped off by the super bowl. after miss gs the 2011 series, manning left for denver, where he thrived. sunday manning will face the quarterback.
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the colts drafted to replace him. >> it's hard to predict how i'll feel emotionally. football is an emotional game. but, you know, to predict how you feel. i don't know. >> i don't think there's a problem for anyone keeping focus. it's a football game. we are not ignorant. we know who is cam -- coming to town. it's a great team. there won't be a problem keeping focus. >> a team that is unfamiliar. an unfamiliar opponent. a lot of guys i have never played against. how i'll feel walking into the stadium, i can't tell you. i'll know after the game. probably i may not tell you that after the game either. >> speaking of the quarter barks, former university quarterback keeznan - despite throwing for 19,000 yards and
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155 touchdowns, he was undrafted. it was thought he was two short to be effective. >> to be able to obviously be in the same city that i've been in for the last six or seven years makes it special. you know, all that aside. i'm excited to play a football game. i love playing the game. i have a lot of respect for it. i have a lot of respect for kent city. i'm excited to go out and have a good test. a really good football team and defense this weekend. >> big day in football. one baseball score. the boston red sox - 5-2. if boston handlings on the win, they go to the playoffs. >> an american city is adopting spain's running of the ball. corroded by the ocean and no longer playable. it's what the violin represents which makes it a huge value.
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>> obviously not the running of the bull we wanted to show you. it's a later stoppy. i can tell you that we'll go to that story with the violin. it came from the "titanic," believed to have been played on the ship as it sank that night so many years ago. it sold at action for $1.7 million. our andrew potter has more on the story. >> corroded by the ocean, and no longer playable. it's what this violin represents which makes it a huge value. these initials stand for wallace hartley, band leader on the "titanic." which famously sank on its maiden voyage. hartley and his bandmates played to comfort passengers as the ship went down. it's thought this was the instrument he used. >> it represents bravery in human nature the way this young man and his colleagues on the
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ship stayed and fulfilled their duty. >> it represents a substantial investment for a collector, after going under the hammer at auction. >> going. >> 900,000 british pounds - $1.4 million. more than four times the expected value. >> it's not about the cash. it's about what it is. it's the moment iconic there is. it's history, it's a brave man and the money is secondary. it is a very valuable item. no doubt about that. the vil in was discovered in an english attic in 2006. there has been fierce debate about its authenticity. the auctioneer is addament it's the real thing, seeing hartley strapped it to his body before becoming one of the "titanic"'s 1500 victims. there's no word on who the buyer
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. all right. back to the story. an american city is adopting spain's running of the bull tradition. >> atlanda played host to the great bull run. 3,000 people took part, doing their best to dodge 18 angry bulls. there were no reports of injuries. days before the event an animal rights group tried to block the bull run from taking place. . that's one way to take a vacation, going on a bull run. the other way - getting good skiing. in the swiss alpossess, we had great falls on the glazes. 3-5 inches of snow was reported. good skiing. here is a picture we have got of snow on the ground in parts of
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norway. they are getting storm systems starting to roll through, and while europe had warm temperatures recently, slowly the next 2-3 days will be cooling off and we'll see more rain around parts of the france over to paris. let's move to the united states, where we have some rain. it's a cool rain, and that is tracking off the east coast now. temperatures will be cooling off for all of us. getting cold enough to see some rain or rain snow mixed in parts of the north dakota change over to snow. we'll see anywhere from 1-4 inches in north dakota. as we get into minnesota, these fall colours you can see on fireisland - beautiful picture. see why it's called that. we'll get a little snow here. it's light snow showers. heavier totals look like they'll be primarily in north dakota. you see where the mix is starting to develop. we are getting the snow coming out of canada.
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it's an alberter clipper. yes, coming through saskatchewan dropping down and skirting through minnesota. it won't bring snow to the north-east. we'll feel the cold air. here is the alberta clipper. tracking down across the lake. we'll have cool rain off the great lakes as we get later into the day tomorrow. snow looks to be north dakota and parts of north central minnesota. it will take time to change over to just snow overnight. by 10am the snow showers there into northern minnesota. >> here is the winter weather advisory. in effect for those spots that will get the snow. otherwise it's a frost advisory. tennessee, kentucky, ohio, wisconsin. we'll start at 50 for new york. in the 40s - it will get cooler in the week ahead as we get a
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few rounds of cold air coming in. welcome to al jazeera with the top stories, i'm jonathan betz. >> florida law enforcement captured two killers who walked out of prison with forged documents. walk where are and joseph jenkins had been serving life sentences, police are investigating who created the forged documents and how the prisoners got them >> tragedy on the tracks of the san francisco bay area system. a train struck and killed two maintenance workers this afternoon. union operators are on strike, the train was reported to be on a routine maintenance run. officials insist it was operated by an experie
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