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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 22, 2013 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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this is al jazeera. ♪ hello and it's good to have you with us for a news hour in doha and the top stories and london connection and friends of syria meet to push for a political solution despite concerns that key players have been left out. hundreds of firefighters have flown in from around australia to battle brush fires threatening sidney. amnesty international said the united states must be held accountable for drone killings
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in pakistan. and poachers turned game keepers in libya to save the rhino. ♪ it is the latest push for peace, the friends of syria group of western arab foreign ministers are meeting in london and hoping to persuade leaders to have a planned peace conference in geneva for next month. inside syria the fighting shows no sign of abating and we report. [bomb going off] much of syria war is the battle for checkpoints like this, in the town east of damascus rebels breakout offensive and regime forces are back but rebels prevail and impossible to say which took action but it's repeated across the country. here the rebels appear to win but that is not always the case.
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[gunfire] in the country side, shelling continues for a fourth day, the damage is immense. [gunfire] there is more violence with sides showing no signs of backing down. and as the fighting continues a planned peace conference of geneva two is enroll and one of the opposition groups representing the rebels would like to discuss the role outside of the talks with the friends of syria and prompted this from russia. meanwhile the syrian president assad said the peace conference has much work to do before it become as reality. >> translator: there is no data and no factors that help in holding it now if we wanted to succeed meaning who are the parties participating in geneva? what is relation of the forces to the syrian people? are they forces representing the syrian people or representing the countries that made it?
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if this is participating in the conference with a dialog wanted to suggest some suggestion later on which basis do we enter it as a country and who does it represent? >> reporter: with all sides trying to dominate the peace conference it's likely no one side will come out on top particularly as the role of key players like russia and iran have not been in talks ahead of the geneva two conference, al jazeera. >> reporter: well it's hear from al jazeera's barnabie phillip whose is at the talks in london and giving the opposition, what is the aim of this meeting? >> well, the aim is to achieve some sort of unity between them. as you say they are very fragment meanted and perhaps and this may be ambitious saying they will go to the peace talks in geneva because the syria
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national council say unless there is an explicit promise that president assad will be standing down and a transition government will take over with full sovereign powers and frankly at this stage they don't even see the point in going. so there is an awful lot of work for john kerry, william hague and the other foreign ministers from the so called friends of syria meeting in the building behind me. >> reporter: william hague, britain's foreign minister was speaking before the meeting, what did he have to say? >> he said that extremism and sectarian splits in syria are getting worse as the war goes on. i think that is going to be his main line of persuasion, the longer this goes on he will be telling the syrian opposition, the more you are weakened on the ground. therefore it is in your interests to make this geneva peace talk work just as it is in
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the interest of governments in the middle east and the west. he is also pretty clear and john kerry has been saying the same thing during his diplomacy in the last few days as far as they are concerned neither side can win militarily, there has to be a diplomatic solution. >> reporter: what is your reading of the solution, what is the best we can hope forbearing in mind many of the rebels on the ground do not recognize the western-backed opposition in exile? >> it's a real uphill struggle adrian and i don't think there is going to be any dramatic breakthrough. today but i think the diplomatic pressure will carry on and the friends of syria will try to achieve this geneva two peace conference and they are talking about it being in late november as you know. they believe that there is a tiny bit of diplomatic light, if you light, despite the dark
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situation on the ground, in view of the agreement on chemical weapons, in view of the fact they were finally able to achieve some sort of cooperation with russia on that, some sort of agreement in the united nations security council for the first time and they would like to exploit that opportunity and likewise indeed between the west and i ran gives them an opportunity but they don't share the hopes and quite to the contrary and feel neglected by the chemical weapons deal and feel it as a distraction and concerned about the west agreeing on too many issues with russia if you like and deviating from the position that they had before and that gives you an idea of the challenges that the negotiators face today. >> reporter: thanks and live in london. in australia bush fires in new south wales are threatening the capitol sidney and the worst fires in a decade, one person
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died, more than 200 homes have been destroyed. fire officials are saying to prepare for the worst as forecast and weather conditions are set to fan the flames. >> the conditions are going to be worse than otherwise expected only this morning. they are going to be worse to the point that the fire danger ratings across most of the greater sidney area, the hunter and indeed the fire ground areas of blue mountains in the southern highlands are going to be widespread extreme fire danger ratings. >> and let's hear from al jazeera andrew thomas who joined a fire crew battling the blaze. >> andrew smith is on the night shift for the third night in a row. >> it has been very busy. >> reporter: normally he works as a chef, almost a thousand kilometers from the town. >> we will split up the two, okay. >> reporter: but tonight he is
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one of hundreds of volunteer firefighters who have thrown in from all over australia to protect the blue mountain town near sidney. >> that is what we will do. any questions? >> the hills above this are a light and tonight's task is to stop the fires travelling to the town and they will be fighting fire by lighting more fire but first a townhouse needs protecting. >> we are putting in and put a line of wet dirt and it's not going to catch a lot. >> reporter: once the ground around the house is wet beyond it is lit. >> that will do it. >> reporter: and within seconds this. >> the idea is these flames travel up the hill. i mean the big wild bush fire coming down it the wildfire cannot reach the house and
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cannot reach the town. >> reporter: it's risky work. >> it's coming up, and the wind will stop bringing it back. look at the big ones here, if that drops back down in here and ignites behind it, that has not gone. >> reporter: there are hundreds of operations like this going on across new south wales and much of the work being done when it's coolest and the wind lightest at night. >> it would come through the hill and straight to the town. >> reporter: you are protecting a whole town. >> yes. >> reporter: the concern is in coming days already huge and set for brush fires could meet and some call it a mega fire and could threaten the town and even the western suburbs of sidney and this is what is being done to stop it, al jazeera. barack obama called the french president to talk about accusations that the u.s. has been spying on millions of
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french citizens and the latest allegations in the newspaper came from leaks by whistleblower edward snow den and u.s. secretary of state says the u.s. is reviewing how it gathers intelligence. >> as president obama said, very clearly in a resent speech he gave at the united nations general assembly a few weeks ago he said we in the united states are currently reviewing the way that we gather intelligence. and i think that is appropriate. and our goal is always to try to find the right balance between protecting the security and the privacy of our citizens. >> reporter: amnesty international says u.s. drone strikes are illegal and could amount to war crimes and calling for people responsible to be prosecuted and it highlights
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cases where civilians were killed including the death of a 14-year-old boy. amnesty documented so called rescuer attacks where those who ran to help the victims of a drone strike are killed in a follow-up attack. and al jazeera reports on a family who survived one such strike. >> this is the family of beebe and the 68-year-old mother and grandmother was killed in a u.s. drone strike in october of last year. all they have left to remember her by is this photo from her id card. and beebe's son says these x-rays show the injuries sustained by his children when the u.s. drone fired its missile near their home in the village. >> translator: everyone was working in the fields and we have crops and the drone hit and i thought it was a terrorist and wheb the missile struck it was so powerful some of the children
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tumbled down the steps. >> it was carried out by amnesty international with drone strikes in pakistan released on tuesday the human rights organization expressed serious concerns over the death of people like beebe. >> people who have been killed and clearly civilians and must provide justice to people and compensation and must investigate those responsible for killings. >> reporter: according to government and ngo statistics the u.s. has launched hundreds and it was a nine-year period and 2000 have been killed and 200 believes to be civilians and it's difficult to get accurate figures because the cia drone program is secretive but not to prevent the prime minister an opponent of drone strikes from bringing up the issue with
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president barack obama when the two meet on wednesday. >> pakistan cannot afford picking up with the united states but at the same time if pakistan's requests are reasonable u.s. cannot just simply ignore them. >> reporter: few expect drone strikes to end any time soon and earlier this year president barack obama called the strikes lawful and part of a legitimate campaign against terrorism. relations between pakistan and the u.s. have been tense particularly since 2011 when bim laden was found living not far from the pakistan capitol but in warming ties the obama administration requested $1.5 billion in military and civilian assistance for pakistan and drone strikes will continue to be a problem between the two countries, it would appear this relationship is on the mend as the u.s. prepares its exit from afghanistan by the end of next
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year. al jazeera islamabad. a proposal to auction off brazil's largest off shore oil field led to protests in rio and they say it will fund healthcare and schools but many say it's not worth the cost of putting their oil in the hands of foreign investors and jamal reports. >> the protests have been loud, collarful and determined. those on the streets mainly oil workers want to get to the hotel where the auction was being held and they used tear gas to drive protesters back and to take out the anger on any available target. they also gathered missiles to aim at police lines and made their own arrangements for protection as they pushed forward. >> translator: this is unbelievable, since morning they are attacking without reason and just people in general. there were old people and
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children and they were shooting tear gas. >> translator: we understand that the government instead of helping out the people with health, education and public transport is helping out the multi nationals and big business. >> reporter: demonstrators want to halt the auction of the largest off shore oil block and it could be holding up to 12 billion barrels of oil and the rest of the block could be hiding more than 100 billion and exploiting that would make brazil one of the top oil exporters but by letting foreigners bid with the control they are selling the country's ticket, an accusation that brazil's president said is baseless. >> translator: results of the auction mean 85% of all income from the labor fields will relong to the state and this is quite different from privatization. >> reporter: meanwhile brazil justice minister denies the policing has been heavy handed. >> the right to protest exists and has to be ensured but the
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event security also has to be guaranteed. >> reporter: the winning includes two chinese firms and brazil run state petroleum company and it will be the sole operator of the fields and that means all of brazil will be better off. and not everyone is convinced. jamal, al jazeera. >> reporter: still to come here on the news hour, smothered by smog and 12 million people brought to a stand still by pollution. russia named the female suicide bomber who they believe was at the height of an attack at a crowded bus and could the world east best footballer return to the european stage and we will look to tuesday action a little later in sport. ♪ a roadside bomb exploded in egypt killing an army officer
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and it happened in the northern sinai peninsula and it hit an armored carrier on the south of the road. four other soldiers were injured. tuesday sees the retrial of 11 egyptian football fans convicted in january of a deadly riot in fort side and 74 fans and mostly friem cairo-based died after violence at a match with the home team. families say the convictions were political motivated and we report from port side. >> a family wedding video, the bride, broom and all the guests and nothing very striking you might think apart from the shots of this young man, a shot that could prove his innocence because this wedding took place on february the 1st, 2012. a day of violence for the football stadium between the football fans that killed 74 people and injured over a
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thousand. and abraham known as monty was arrested nine days later and he told the police he left the match at half time stopping for a haircut before heading to the wedding. >> translator: he sat in the middle chair, when we finished washing his hair the second half kicked off and i was a bit unprofessional and cutting his hair and watching the match and he wanted me to hurry up and i finished the haircut by the end of the match. >> he testified at his trial last year but abraham was sentenced to ten years in prison and one of dozens of fans now being retried or waiting for their appeals. his mother says she used to trust egyptian justice but not anymore. >> translator: i thought that there was justice in egypt, i thought i was going to bring my son back home. there is no evidence against him. so how did they find him guilty? on what basis? we want to his lawyer to all the sessions. no pictures of my son at the
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scene and not in the first or the second half. >> reporter: egyptian you hear here and translated the prisons are full of innocent people. it's not a sentiment held by the fan base in cairo threatening to take to the streets if any of the verdicts are overturned. >> i think i will go crazy, it will go crazy. and i don't think that with the current political situation that we can afford to restart the investigation in the fields. so i think we are smarter than opening one more issue at this time. >> reporter: fans from both sides believe the authorities had a hand in the violence by failing to keep them apart and pay back for the fans part in the 2011 revolution. the families of many of those found guilty say the pressure on
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the police to convict those at the match was just as political. now they say it's time to investigate who was responsible and who was innocent. al jazeera port sied. >> soldiers shot dead a pal stint man in the occupied west bank and israel said the 24-year-old man was a fighter with the jahaad group and they maintain him asthma ham assad and helped with a bombing last year where 29 people were injured and tear gas was fired at local people protesting at his death. smog has caused havoc in northeast china forcing highways and airports to close and visibility is less than 50 meters and air quality in one city is 24 times the level considered safe by the world health organization and we report. >> reporter: autumn in china never used to be this dark but
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millions of people and industrialization switching heating systems on means this has become the new normal and it's aggrivated by the seasonal burning of crop stocks that are used as fertilizer on agricultural land. in the city visibility was less than 3 meters causing 30 vehicle accidents and traffic problems and the smog led to schools being closed and public bus routes not being used and the airport needing to stop operations. visibility is not the only problem, breathing is too. the pollution levels in many areas are beyond hazardous on international measuring scales. the plugs is not just a health and environmental issue, it's a political one and it's a symbol of access and seasoned to public anger over corruption among officials and the widening wealth gap. information on pollution levels
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and effect on health is available and the government needs to show it's serious about handling the problem and pushing a shift to cleaner energy and has a reward program to allocate 800 million as further incentive to regions that successfully reduce pollution by the end of the year. >> we have a lot of capacity in for instance in china and reducing these over capacity with the government we actually save a lot of energy used and china has to have a lot of potential in energy efficiency and that is another solution for china save energy consumption. >> reporter: it has to change and quickly. the world health organization recently reported that air pollution leads to cancer and it's already the cause of premature death here and it's a race against time now to try to turn things around, al jazeera
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beijing. >> reporter: and she was in beijing and it was breezy and having air pollution problems of its own but northwestern china where the smog is thick not a breath of air and there is a clue as we have the latest on the weather. >> absolutely, spot on, stable conditions, barely a breath of air and that is because we have high pressure very much in charge. you can see collegely keer skies and when you get away from the surface on the ground there we are looking at very little cloud in and around that region of northeastern china we are talking about here. that is because of high pressure and that is a lid on the atmosphere and trapping that fog and that smoke, the smog that is now in place. but here we do have a little system coming through, and you see that will make its way further east and over the next couple of days it will take a couple days before we see things improve sickly across that part of china. this is low pressure and
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unstable and this is rising and not just low pressure it's a typhoon san francisco and goes north towards japan and they are still recovering from the typhoon and it's 140 kilometers per hour and it will go north through the next couple of days and friday by the time it passes just to the east of tokyo and we will see increasing wind and rain coming through and rain making its way on wednesday and thursday and by thursday look at that, the wet and winter weather pushing across the northeast of china. russian investigators said a woman from pakistan carried out a bomb attack on a crowded bus on monday and six were killed and 30 others injured in the southern city of vologrand and we report. >> reporter: the moment the suicide bomber detonated the device was caught on a dashboard
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camera and she just boarded the bus with more than 40 people on board, many of them teenage students. an unexploded hand gernade was found under the bus and she is from the north and investigators found documents at the scene say she was suffering from a degenerative bone disease and on painkillers and her husband who is 22 was converted to islam by her last year and now goes by the name of abdul jabar and met studying at the university in moscow and he is believes to be in pakistan. investigators say he is an expert in explosives and joined a group fighting to establish in the north caucuses for the last ten years and implicated in other bomb attacks in the
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pakistan capitol. >> translator: the leader of the movement recorded a video in june this year calling on his followers to use maximum force to ensure the winter olympics did not take place. >> translator: this was most probably something like a test shot ahead of the olympics and it's quite clear the international terrorist groups or groups affiliated with them are acting on orders to create an atmosphere of fear and panic before the start of the olympics. >> reporter: three days of mourning have been declared for the victims of the suicide attack. the city is more than 600 kilometers from the caucus and no claim for responsibility and 8 people are in the hospital in critical condition. the president putin stated his reputation on the winter olympics going ahead without disruption and the special services are keeping updated on all developments. he has already ordered a boost
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in security in the northern caucus with olympics only over three months away, moscow. >> in sicily a memorial service is held for 400 migrants who drowned off the island earlier this month but those who survived were not allowed to attend and we report now. >> reporter: marked by criticism, on monday the italian government held a memorial service in honor of the almost 44 040 0 migrants who lost their lives in shipwrecks and catholic communities shared the grief but voices came from those who call this memorial an shamble. >> translator: away to clear their conscious without doing
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anything. >> reporter: despite promises of a state funeral by the italian government they were buried in cemeteries with private and somber ceremonies and most are identified only by numbers. and he traveled from sweden and lost his cousin in the october 3 shipwreck but says he shouldn't be here alone to grieve for him. >> his girlfriend is alive and she is not here. she is still in pakistan. so i'm asking why is she not here? and everyone who survived should be here at the ceremony. >> reporter: among those invited to the ceremony the ambassador to italy and to some people who lost their lives. >> translator: many of the victims are running away and to representatives of a regime and they died and running away from
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and makes no sense. >> reporter: on the nearby island of lampudusa show anger in not being invites to the ceremony and held a imprompitu service and the it continued long after the politicians left. and al jazeera. >> reporter: still to come here on the news hour, finally getting to say good-bye the memorial service in kenya for victims of the west gate mall attack. plus if we like -- if you like your coffee and we will talk about packed warehouses and they are back for a big game in the champion league and joe will be here with details in just over 15 minutes. ♪
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. ♪ hello and we are in doha with the news hour and talks are underway in london to try to lay the ground work to peace negotiations to end the conflict in syria and friends of the core group are meeting leaders of the opposition national council. in australia bush fires in south wales are threatening the capitol city and the worst fires in a decade and one person died and more than 200 homes destroyed. amnesty international said u.s. drone strikes in pakistan are
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illegal and could be war crimes and they investigated 45 drone strikes in pakistan over the last 18 months and the talks in london to try to lay the ground work for peace negotiations around syria and michael is an author and foreign affairs specialist at the times and is live from london. michael good to have you with us. with russia and iran not represented at these talks is there any point? >> well, the main point is to try to get coordination on the opposition side. russia and iran may or may not be represented in geneva and russia will and iran possibly which is where the actual negotiations may take place with the government but the first point is photo get unity among fighters and that is proving pretty difficult in london. >> reporter: if the talks lead to a geneva two meeting, given
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what you just said, what could it achieve? the syria national coalition did not represent the rebels fighting on the ground in syria. >> well, that is a real probably and true. the problem is that they are on the ground and particularly those linked to al-qaeda have no intention of either negotiating or really cooperating with western-backed groups and would like more weapons approving quite effective fighters and determined to set the agenda on the ground. the moderates if you can call them that rather over shadow doed and not well represented on the ground and may have support in capitols of western europe and elsewhere and may be represented in london, but what they can actually achieve on the ground is hard to tell especially as the government at the moment seems to be getting the upper hand. >> with groups fighting on the ground in syria i want to get your feeling, has assad
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assertion he is fighting terrorists become legitimate now? >> in a way it is legitimate because to some extent the opposition is infiltrated and taken over by extremist who by any definition in western terms would be counted terrorists and asaid created the myth at the beginning with all opposition figures were actually terrorists when you say some were human rights protesters. the way the conflict has gone and it sucked in more people from outside with more and more extreme views and agendas who have become terrorists groups and sponsored by al-qaeda inspiration and therefore assad's claim doesn't look real. >> reporter: and with such a disconnect between the opposition represented at these talks in london and those fighting on the ground in syria, what do you think will
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ultimately determine what happens in syria, diplomacy or fighting? >> it's hard to tell, at the moment both sides think they can gain more by fighting, diplomacy is obviously the only way any long-term settlement can be achieved and the west is hoping it can find some way of bringing at least some of the rebels and the government together with moves to some kind of transition government and then elections which perhaps would lead to president assad standing down. on the ground however it looks rather different and the more that the government achieves in wiping out the opposition and regaining control, the less likely it is to be flexible in any diplomatic negotiations. so it seems to be a stalemate diplomatically and militarily. >> reporter: thanks and rebel group ranomo said it ended a 21
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peace deal with the government. the group says a military raid on the jungle base forced it to break the pact and a million people were estimated to have died following the war in mozambique after independence in 1975. memorials for dozens who died in an attack on the west gate shopping mall has been held in the capitol and fighters linked to al shabaab were behind the killings and we report from the capitol nairobi. >> without formality relatives and friends of those who died at nairobi's west gate mall marked a month since the attack. it was a dignified and religious ceremony intended to emphasis the solidarity of suffering. with almost 70 known victims the
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pain crossed ethnic, cultural and religious boundaries and beth lost her nephew and fiancee both gunned down, her final embrace. >> and they are united even more. and that is the spirit that we want to echo for this nation. >> reporter: kenya has seen attacks before but the killing and the scale of blood shed have taken the country. kenya praised response of security and this is the attack by al shabaab gunmen but as details emerged the faith has been challenged. the latest security camera pictures show a leak of kenya soldiers carrying bags out of the super market and people see it as looting and betrayal of trust with the men charged with protecting the nation. back at the ceremony one month
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later, families celebrated the lives of those who were killed. they planted trees, one for each of the victims creating a memorial garden with peace, but the questions still haunt them. and his son was the first to die. he was killed on the steps outside the shopping center after the family shared a coffee. >> the act of terrorism and people who are inhuman with no value for life, who have no direction, people who do not concern themselves with anything and just kill us and they kill everybody. >> reporter: the garden is not finished yet and there are more than a dozen trees still to be made and representing those victim whose have yet to be identified. and it will grow as authorities uncover more bodies and it was very much about memorializing the victims of the west gate attack and for the time being at least the very difficult questions about what happened
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and the government's handling of the affair have been set to one side but over time the questions will resurface as the families and country search for the truth of what happened at west gate, al jazeera nairobi. >> reporter: the new healthcare law in the united states is coming in for criticism over the website for people to sign up for the program and the site has been plagued with computer errors and frequent crashes and president obama who touted the law as a big achievement has been forced to apologize. white house correspondent patty reports. >> went live. >> not right now it's not. >> reporter: it is a familiar refrain of frustration, across the country millions have tried to log on to shop for health insurance now available under the affordable care act but for most it seems the website just isn't working. >> the excitement became more like a question mark. but we are not giving up.
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>> reporter: that was the message that barack obama tried to send monday promising the website will get fixed and defending the product it's selling. >> through the marketplaces you can get health insurance for what maybe the equivalent of your cell phone bill. >> reporter: the people in the u.s. have to sign up for insurance or face a fine which may be a bigger problem than just getting the website running and the plans the president is promoting are relatively inexpensive every month but they also won't pay for much and in many cases people will have to spend as much as $5,000 for medical care before insurance picks up any of the costs so paying a small fine might be the better option. for people like 24-year-old opra singer. >> there is not enough money to go around to pay for insurance too. >> reporter: if healthy people like him do not sign up the
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system doesn't work. it also won't work if the government doesn't get 7 million people to enroll by march. so far only half a million have even started the application process. >> remember, the coverage doesn't start until january 1. how many people do you know actually go and spend money to buy something three months before they can even use it? >> if she is wrong there will be consequences for the country and its economy. >> insurance companies on the exchanges now might pull out of the exchanges in 2015 or 2016 because they are not able to make money at -- given the mix of people signing up. a second possibility would be that the government basically increases its subsidy. >> reporter: the president has a few months to convince americans they need what he is selling, so far even he admits it's not going so well. patty al jazeera, washington. >> cuba will ask the u.n. to
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condemn the u.s. trade embargo on the island and 22 time they sought it and the ban has been in place since 1962 and president obama said he wanted to improve relations with the island and 188 condemned the ban and u.s. and israel and the tiny state of pilow supported it and they hope the lifting of the embargo will allow exports of tobacco and coffee. >> we have good coffee produced in cuba and increasing exports would be good for the country and the block has had an effect because as you know we can't sell to the united states, which is a big coffee consumer. >> if you are a coffee lover here is news to give you cause for celebration, the global price of coffee beans has four-year low thanks to a crop but how does that translate into savings for us consumers?
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and we report. >> reporter: if drinking a cup of coffee is part of your daily grind it could be an increasingly cheaper habit and that is thanks to the sun. dry weather has been helping improve growing conditions in brazil, the world's largest producer and exporter. production this season will exceed demand by nearly 4.5 million bags and that is on top of a 10 million bag surplus from last year. the packed warehouses are driving prices down. on monday the price of coffee tumbled to $1.12 per pound or $2.48 a kilo, that is the lowest it has been since march 2009. tat store one might expect to pay $10 for a kilo bag and let's do the math. a kilo of coffee yields an average of 80-100 cups of drink and 10 cents a chart but that is not what they charge, an latte
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can charge $3 in most markets and "starbucks" is facing scrutiny in china this week because media is accusing it of over pricing $4.50 for medium sized latte and roughly a third more than in the united states. the costs and rent often contribute to the price tag of designer coffee and even though the price of beans is on the downward trends it's mostly super markets where one gets more brew for a buck. ahead on the news hour. >> i'm reporting from libya and how former poachers have become conservationists and they are running this lodge. >> reporter: in sport, he pays tribute to one of his greatest matches. ♪
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a new voice in journalism. >> good evening everyone, welcome to al jazeera. >> usa today says: >> ...writes the columbia journalism review. and the daily beast says: >> quality journalists once again on the air is a beautiful thing to behold. >> al jazeera america, there's more to it. >> we find the fault lines that run through communities. >> the shooting happened about 30 minutes ago. >> companies... >> the remains of the fire are still everywhere here. >> the powers that be at home and around the world... >> not only do they not get compensation but you don't even have to explain why? >> well thats exactly what i said. >> we question authority. >> so you said we could get access... >> that's enough! >> ... and those affected. >> investigative journalism at it's toughest.
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♪ hello again the european course of human rights told spain to releast the separatist and pay compensation and she was this prison in 1989 for an r number of violent attacks and it could lead to release of many more separatist as we report. [bombs] the 1980s in spain was a tax perpetrated by the separatist group etta and caused the government to have tactics against the organization. back in 1989 this woman was jailed for 30 years for taking part in 23 violent attacks including bombings and assassinations and she was scheduled for early release in
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2008 but the spanish government expanded the sentence after victims of attacks pressured politicians. according to the top human rights group it was deemed to be unlawful. on monday judges at the court in strausberg ordered her release as they decided her rights had been violated by retroactive charges to the original sentence. >> translator: firstly the court votes 15-2 there is a violation of article 7 of the convention. secondly, it says unanimously july 2, 2008 the plaintiff has been detained violating article 5, paragraph 1 of the convention. >> reporter: the court also ruled that spain would have to pay $40,000 to compensate for emotional stress. spanish politicians defied the order. >> the government will not change the policy of defending the rights of spanish citizens of what constitutes an open wound for all victims and therefore this decision
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regardless of how it's executed by the courts in spain will not change the spanish government's counter terrorism policy. >> reporter: there are around 600 etta members in prison in spain and 61 had early release cancelled and the government said it would study the court ruling and it is a controversial issue. there is significant pressure to keep convicted etta members behind bars and it seems unlikely it will change its mind on sentences any time soon and al jazeera. >> reporter: time to get you up to date with the sport and here is joe. >> thank you. the words best football is expected to make a return to the starting line up later this tuesday. the international has a hamstring injury since the end of september and they have a substitute in the match. now expected to line up for barcelona in the league as they face them and extend the perfect start to three games.
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>> translator: we understand that we are going to face a great team and institution that has great tradition in the world of football and we can't belittle it. and like always i will send out a team that plays well and wins. in no way do we think this will be an easy match. on the contrary it will be different to find ourselves in a position if we triumph. >> and milan could have the star player back in sight and there was a four-match band for intimidating a referee and they will assess his thigh injury and may be called back in. >> translator: playing against barcelona is tough and difficult because barcelona at the moment is the best club. >> reporter: and they are playing arsenal and top of the qualifying group after two wins and the coach said there is no
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big secret to the early season success. >> the solidarity of players and desire to do well, we know we are a team who looks for being of course successful, for that you need a special hunger and i believe they have a special hunger. >> reporter: 2012 champions chelsea played the top of the group schalke and they take on st. petersburg and face austri and vienna and then group h. the colorado avalanche beat the penguins 1-0 on monday and in a close goal the goal was in the second period and he grabbed the third goal of the season for colorado. the goalie ensured the win and making 34 saves for the second
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shut out in three starts and gave 8-1 record for the best start in history. a close match up they needed a shoot out to beat the detroit redwings 1-0 and they scored the only goal for the leaders and it means they are the last remaining nhl team in regulations. the 2012 stanley cup champions beat the kings and suffered the fourth loss of the season after going down with the calgory flame and 30 seconds left of the game and gave them the win. number one golfer says he is returning to his best form now and number six is on the tour of asia and can attract a crowd like in shanghai and he bids to win the first tournament of the
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year. >> i saw some continued green and hit the ball very well last week and the best i hit it in a long time, so it's like if i can hole a few putts in play i will be close to being right up there in contention. >> reporter: and thousands of fans gathered to pay tribute to one of the greatest managers in african football history. the frenchman died last week at the age of 59. he coached several national teams and best remembered for his time in charge and the famous win over france in the 2002 world cup and we report. >> reporter: the french football beinger to be buried in senegal and he was known as the white soarcer and won games and giving national honors and he
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was famous in the 2002 world cup and he was part of the squad he put together and like so many people he will never forgot what happened in south korea 11 years ago, the lines scored against the world champion france in one of the biggest upsets of world cup history. >> translator: let's not forget were are a former colony of france and never qualified for the world cup before and going against the world champions in the opening match with all eyes on us it was incredible and all of the sudden everyone knew us. >> reporter: and they orchestrated the victory and they went on to reach the quarter finals and took the lions to the final stages of the african cup. >> everybody considered him as a small team and we proved in football there is no such thing as a small team and anybody can win.
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>> reporter: shortly after he converted to islam and married, he went on to coach the national squad and several other teams in the gulf states and at 59 he was diagnosed with cancer. he battled cancer for months in his hometown in northern france. but his final wish was to be buried here in senegal under his islam name. to his fans here this came as no surprise. >> he is african and french, this is his home and culture. >> reporter: here the passion for football runs deep and the white sourcer is more than a hero but an african leg end and inspiring so many who believe in the magic of the game and nicholas in dacar. poachers pray on rhinos and
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elephants in africa and libya is different and credentials earned it international attention thanks to an unique community-based program as page reports. >> reporter: these tourists are on the trail of a rhino and used to be rare but since gaining independence in africa wildlife made a come back thanks to protected areas by communities that live on the land and turned poachers into conservationist and one rhino was porched compared to 668 slaughtered in south africa. >> translator: i will not repeat that mistake because they give me a job. i have settled down now, the way forward is i will not hunt any more. >> reporter: he worked at the owned and operated by the community. it earns them 3,000 members
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about $80,000 a year. they vote on how to spend the profits. either on improvements or beyond the large walls and for promising students and soup kitchen for elderly and fuel for pumps. the only thing that is out sourced is marketing which a private company does and the view really sells itself three are being trained to take over that role as well. but the system is not perfect. some people feel they have not benefitted enough and because there is more wildlife now there is more conflict between people and animals. >> translator: there are lots of animals now and eating all the grass and my goats have to go very fast. before we could hunt and eat wildlife but now we are not allowed. >> reporter: john used to porch for food too but he is a farmer now and just been elected by the community to be the treasurer on the board of directors.
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>> i know now that it was selfishness of poaching animals and instead of conserving them and getting the benefits for all the people in the area, i was doing it for myself. >> reporter: 444% of the land s protected and the community is turning to conservation and ensuring theirs and the wildlife's future and tanya page al jazeera in libya. >> now to wildlife of a very different kind, look at this, shoppers at a walmart store at the u.s. state of florida were surprised when a six foot long alligator showed up at the store and blocked the main entrance to the shopping center. police were called but the reptile escaped into nearby woods before they arrived and they are fairly common in the swamp lands in the states. and david has more news on al jazeera in a couple moments and
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i will see you again. ♪
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[[voiceover]] every day, events sweep across our country. and with them, a storm of views. how can you fully understand the impact unless you've heard angles you hadn't considered? antonio mora brings you smart conversation that challenges the status quo with unexpected opinions and a fresh outlook. including yours.
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>> fire in the area. >> a student opens fire, killing a teacher and shooting two children before taking his own life. now police are trying to determine if bullying was a motive. >> nobody's madder than me about the fact that the website isn't working as well as it should. >> president obama vow to say iron out the problems plaguing the federal health care website, saying there are no excuses. >> dozens of bush fires raging across southeastern australia. there are fears this morning the flames, which have already destroyed hundreds of homes could join together to create one


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