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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 22, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT

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>> this is al jazeera. ♪ >> hello and well come to the news hour from al jazeera new center here in doha in london the top stories. >> is this war will not come to an end on the battle field i believe and i think most people believe. it will come to an end thre thra negotiated settl settlement. >> renewed calls for talks on syria. they won't take as long as the president hangs on to power.
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>> amnesty international condemns drone strikes. >> a crack down on golden dawn goes on. gezehegngreece's parliment debas withdrawing funding for the party. >> and all of the details coming up later this news hour. >> it's been touted as the last push for peace. it's proving to be a sufficienth sale. the friends of syria are meeting in london. but the si syrian national coalition says sitting down with president assad would make them traders to the revolution. >> the foreign ministers who met in london call themselves the
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friends of si syria. but they are not friends of the syrian government and they have long struggled to find a strong opposition request whom they can do business. william hague the host tried to reasure syrian opposition leaders. >> we agree the syrian opposition and the moderate armed groups and represented by the syrian national coalition continue to meet our strong collective backing. there can be no peaceful settlement in syrian without the participation of the moderate opposition. speaking afterwards the leader of the coalition announced tough conditions if his group is to attend talks in geneva. >> if the aim was to remove the criminal from power and the war criminals that we tried we well come geneva and this is where we stand and to build on these
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principles together we will rid the region of the spreading fire. these are requests and not conditions but geneva two cannot be a success without these. the americans believe there is no alternative to the zi diplom. no one can win this war. >> it's clear that both sides will continue to fight and to fight and to fight. and in the end the greatest victims, the people that sufer thsufer -- suffer the middle eae syrian people themselves who are being driven from their homes and killed in the most wanton violence. >> the foreign leaders know that get" the syrian leaders to unite is one thing and agreeing on a agenda is another. at the end of day of diplomacy in lon london we are none the-wr of when the talks can be or if they can take place at all.
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western leaders hoped the deal on chemical weapons would improve the prose prospects on r agreement. that could be a forelone hope. until then the suffering will go on in syria. >> the u.s. secretary of state john kerry has responded to questions about relations with saudi arabia. this follows reports that the kingdom is rea a assessing their relations with the u.s. kerry says he has already discussed the sawdy' saudi's cos with the foreign minister here during meetings on monday. >> i think they understand exactly what the united states is engaged in. and i reaffirmed president obama's compliment tha commitmel not allow iran to have a nuclear weapon. and i reiterated our position in any george bus negotiation thats are wide open, actions are what
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will speak to us, not words s and no deal is better than a bad deal. >> while to talk more about this i am joined by hussein. owe is a columnist from the news paper. thank you for being on al jazeera, sir. before we go into the reasons why we are seeing deteriorating relations two enthe u.s -- betwe u.s. and saudi arabia. do they have the full backing of king abdullah? does this reflect the mood in saudi arabia? >> i would like to challenge the reports that have been published not because they do for sure conflict with what we saw today in london during the meetings between john kerry and saudi officals both the secretary of state and foreign minister of the kingdom. they were cordal meeting and they were in full agreement. the communicated was released
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and the agreement that came out was synchronized between both parties. i'm not very much in fave y favf endorsing what was said. it's speculation. there arish ice on th -- issuese table. >> prince bandar served in washington for a long time. if he made such a comment would that not reflect the overall mood in saudi arabia today. the ki key word is "if he made t comment." he would not go on record and say that. there are issues in syria and iran and to a great degree eye t that the saudis and americans don't see eye to eye and there are open dialogue between the parties and the issues are discussed sometimes very frankly.
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to call that situatio situatione in the making or a separation in the making that is a slight exaggeration that is not called for. >> when you say there are issues when it comes to iran and the war in syria, what particularly are the issues? what is the point of disagreement. what are the saudis not happy about? >> you have been criticizing iran for the longest time for meddling in the countries in the region. you have called it of an axis of evil member. and because of the change of percenpersonnel in the presidenu are switching gears and beginning a warm and friendly dialogue with the same country that has been the source of criticism for 30 years. for sure you cannot market iran as being the oasis of the peace
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in the region. or the icon that needs to be followed. iran is still a pariah state. it's a dictatorship. it's a forced democracy and it owoppresses it's citizens and is neighbors. >> but again, do you see relations breaking between saudi arabia and the u.s. bas becausef iran. can it be that we can see these relations further fe deterioratg and this is a relationship that has lasted for many years and it's a solid one. who stands to lose most today if there was a break in the relationship the saudi arabians or americans? >> saudi arabia is a very important member of the arab world and it has a very important status in the islamic world. i don't think both countries can afford to break up from each other. both are members of the g-20
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countries and the united nation and the wto. there is a lot of important relationsships at take for both countries. they don't see eye to eye and this is not a novelty they have had the same stance before with the palestinian issue and the invasion of iraq. september 11th was a great test between both countries. they have been going through tough situations in the past and i believe they will pass through this one as well. but some frankness and bluntness is required to discuss the issues on the table rather than behind closed doors. thank you for sharing your issues with us. >> now a amnesty international says u.s. drone strikes are illegal an coul and could amounr
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crimes. it's kawin calling for those responsible to be prosecuted. the drone strikes between january 2012 and august of this year. the highlights where civilians were killed and including 9 the death of a 9-year-old boy. to that ran to help the victims were killed in a follow-up attack. here is a family that survived one such strike. >> this is the family, they say the 68-year-old mother and grandmother were killed in a u.s. drone strike in october of last year. all they have to remember her by is this photo from this id card. the son says these x-rays show the injuries sustained by his children ye when the u.s. drone fired it's missile near their home. >> everyone was working in the wiewhere we have crops.
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that is when the drone hit. when the missile struck it was so powerful some of the children tumbled down the steps. >> the interviews were carried out by ai amnesty international. they expressed serious concerns over the death of people. >> the u.s. must explain why these people have been killed. femalpeople that were clearly sl yanks. yanks -- civilians. the u.s. has launched between 330 and 370 drone strikes in pakistan between 2004 and last month. during that nine year period more than 2000 people have been killed and 400 of those are believed to be civilians. it's hard to get active figures
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because the drone program is see secretive. >> pakistan cannot afford picking up a rivalry with the united states. but at the same time if pakistan's questions ar requeste reasonable the u.s. cannot ignore them. >> earlier this year president obama called the strikes lawful and part of the legitimate campaign against terrorism. relations between pakistan and the u.s. have been tense and particularly since 2011 when bin laden was found living near the capital. they have a billion dollars worth of military assistance for pakistan. it would appear the researc reln
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slip irelationshipis on a mend . preparation to withdraw from afghanistan in the coming year. >> whawhat has been the reaction washington. >> the americans believe that using drones i is an poo importt tool in their battle around the world. they believe it's low cost in the fact it doesn't mean boots on the ground. it doesn't put american personnel at risk. when the white house spokesman addressed the media a short time ago he almost said that what am necessaramnesty was saying was . he believes what the u.s. is doing is right and proper and lawful. >> i think it's important to note that by narrowly targeting our action against those that want to kill us and not the people they hide moc among we ae
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choosing the action that is least loss of life. the u.s. does not take lethal strikes our preference is to detain and interrogate and prosecute. we take care to make sure that our actions are in accordance with law and they consistent with u.s. values and policy. >> these terrorism americ measue used across the world and in the middle east in pakistan and in afghanistan and yemen and the middle east. the prime minister is in washington and has been talking to a peace institute and he addressed a issue of and amnesty's report.
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>> ladies and gentlemen the drone strikes have deeply concerned and agitated my people. in my statement to the parliament i reiterated a strong commitment to ending the drone attacks. the parties in the national confrengsconference had declaree of drones is not only a violation of our territorial integrity but detrimental to eliminating terrorism from our country. this issue has become a major issue in our relationship as well. i would stress a need for the end of drone attacks. >> the idea of it impeding or imposing in some way on pakistani territorial integrity is not new. it's something they have been saying for years ag years and yd
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years. it's unlikely that the u.s. position will change. the u.s. will asked to address the use of drones on friday at the u.n. what they say here will follow the line of what the howe sounde is saying in the last few hours. the drone strikes degrade operations such the al qaeda and taliban and they are going to continue. >> allan fisher thank you very much live in washington. >> bush fires in australia are threatening the outskirts of sydney. >> could messi return to the european state we'll look ahead to the champion league action later in sports. ♪ they are fears that 100 100-kilometer winds will spread
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the bush fires in new south wales. 60 fires are burning in the blue mountains. andrew thomas went out overnight and joined a crew battling the blaze. andrew submi smith is on the nit shift for a third night in a row. normally he works as a chef. a thousand kilometres from the town of lisco. but tonight he is one of hundreds of volunteer firefighters who have flown in from all over australia to help protect the blue mountains towns near sydney. >> that is what we are going to do. any questions? >> the hills above are alight. tonight's cast is to stop the bush fires traveling down to the town. they'll be fighting fire by lighting more fire. but first an edge of townhouse needs 3r0 protecting .
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>> we have a favou five or six r line of dirt. >> once the ground average aroue house is wet the area around it is lit. the flames will travel up the hill and the wildfire burning down it. the wildfire burning around it it can't reach the house and the town of lisco. >> you can see it's going up and the wind is going to start bringing it back. see these big ones here and if that drops back down in here and ignites behind us that house is gone. >> there are hundreds of operations going on lin like ths around new south wales. much of the work doin work beint night. >> if we didn't do this tonight
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the fire would come down the little and into lisco. >> you are protecting the town. >> yep. the bush fires could meet and that could create a mega fire. that would threaten not just towns but even the western suburbs of sydney. this is what is being done to stop it. andrew thomas al jazeera. >> greece's parliament is preparing to vote on whether to cut state funding for the far right political party, golden dawn. for more less go to lauren taylor in our news center in london. >> the vote that is heed i expen a few hours will fine their m.p.'s charges of belonging to a criminal organization. >> the resolution is a come blow compromise agreed by the conservative led government and left wing opposition. if says parliament may suspend public funding to parties in their leaders or a fifth of
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their m.p.'s are indicted for organized crime or terrorism. >> it's b absured for taxpayerso support a party that is engaged in criminal acts. this prosecution has been long oveoverdue and has been tolerant for years. golden dawn's leader and another five m.p.'s are accused of running a criminal o. that organ that ordered killings and beatings. a man that claimed to be a golden dawn supporter killed a musician last month. they will deny them half a million dollars this year and more next year. it's designed to star o starch a government portion. but the candidate predicts it will fail. >> we can keep going because we haven't spent all of the money we have received from the state.
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parties get a lot of money. we were shocked when we saw how much is spent on parliamentary parties. a year ago we proposed a bill to scrap state financing but we were told it's unconstitutional. they are doing itfull it anywayt a lid on golden dawn activity. >> golden zaun i dawn is tryingn it against their deniers the law alowseallows them to claim 14%. golden dawn's share was 2 million the party says it's too much in the current economic climate. a drop in party funding is the last thing the socialist and be the conservatives in government want. they owe banks $350 million need to preserve their state financing. if golden dawn's gambit pays off their punishment school board cs
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as well. >> at the rate it's going on, what have they been saying? >> well the debate has been focusing on this resolution and 331 others that are riding on this unnewable energy bill. >> it under scores the scarcity of parliamen parliamentary debae days. there are only a few sessions in any given year and the prime minister has appeared a half dozen times since he was leftedd last year. that is one aspect of tonight's debate. the other is there is going to be overwhelming support for this resolution listening to the m.p.'s talking about their party positions tonight, i think the government should gather about 4/5th's of the parliamentary
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vote. 43 m.p.'s out of 300. if all goes as planned. it may be smaller than that in the end but a majority we can safely predict that the resolution will pass and golden dawn will be quickly deprived of their state funding. >> john thanks very much indeed. >> in greece authorities are ordered a nationwide investigation into birth certificates that were issued in the past six years. the case of a young girl with blonde hair and blue eyes lives with a couple in southern sicily. a girlfrienthe girl was taken ie custody. the dna test revealed she was not related to the couple and they have been formally charged with abduction. some have said they have been unfairly targeted. >> you will also say that this s one was stolen and all of these children were stolen. >> police have removed a young
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child after a raid in a camp. the raid followed a tip off. the 7-year-old is said to have blonde hair and blue eyes. the family she was living with could not provide proof the girl was their child. we speak to rob christian. he says those guilty of crimes must be punished but the whole community must not be targeted. >> the his at th hysteria is mue blood targeting the jews. some how the roma are waiting to steal the blonde haired children of non-roma when they turn their backs. greecgreece has a huge child trafficking problem. and greece has a problem of state respons sponsored discrimn against their roma population. if you look at europe as a whole, the vast majority of
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older adult women who are trafficked in women are roma they are a tie target of traffickers. >> six russian soldiers are dead after an explosion in a military training site in the west of the country. that is according to the state run news agency. two more troops were injured in the blast which happened close to the border with estonia. >> we have more news from europe later now back to doha. >> the military in nigeria has reported to kill dozens of fighters after a raid in the northeast. the news agency says an insuand the aimwas to destroy t.
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>> now nodding disease is a fatal condition that affects the lives of thousands of children in africa. there is no known cure but researchers are trying to find one in the united states and find out why regons regongs rego affected. >> in the remote regions of sue begasudan uganda and tanzania te are thousands of children that are suffering from nodding syndrome and there is no cure. >> there is nothing i can do. i can keep giving him malaria pills and it isn't working. the government is not helping. a world away the cdc has been studying in unexplained neurological disease since 2009 after a plea from the uganda government. >> it's a troubling disease. it affects children from 5 to 7
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who were well before that. and they have a progressive nodding of their heads. >> the nodding is a type of seizure. the children become mentally and physically stunted. this doctor has been traveling to the area in the past four years. working with health officals on the ground and studying children and looking for a cure. there are many ideas of what may cause nodding syndrome. environmental toxins and exposures to chemicals during war and eating strange things. first discovered in the 19 -6r 9 12kr01960'snodding syndrome witn sight this little boy may die soon. he is suffering from seizures and he is losing control of his body and has no way to fight the disease. >> three of my children already had the disease and two have
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died. he won't last much longer. >> dr. james campbell has been in africa looking for answers. >> these were children that lived or were born in idp camps. and the concern was something happened in the camp. and a lot of people are looking at trying to ask the right questions what happened in the camp in terms 6 their food source and water source and toxins and munitions. >> as the children wait wilt a, the cdc has ruled out 30 possible eses pla explanations e disease. >> 30,000 children have already been affected by nodding syndrome and that number is growing. >> protecting bang l bangladeshr garment workers. we'll have the details of a new initiative launched on tuesday
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singsix months after the disastr killed many people. >> and why these images are more acceptable the than breast fedd. >> trying it on for size. the vatican decides to get involved in cricket. we'll have that in about 20 minutes. stay with us on al jazeera. [[voiceover]] every day, events sweep across our country. and with them, a storm of views. how can you fully understand the impact unless you've heard angles you hadn't considered? antonio mora brings you smart conversation that challenges the status quo with unexpected opinions and a fresh outlook. including yours.
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behind this story. >> from more sources around the world. >> the situation has intensified here at the boarder. >> start every morning, every day, 6am to 10 eastern with al jazeera america. welcome back. syria's opposition will not attend peace talks in genevas ia unless the goal is to get syrian president as sad. >> the u.s. drone strikes in pakistan are illegal a and do amount to war crimes and wants those responsible to beloss
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beprosecuted. >> some news just in. in iraq a suicide bombing and a series of shootings have killed 15 policemen. the attacks happened in western anbar province. gunman opened fire at three other check points in the town. >> now israel troops have shot a palestinian man dead in the occupied west bank. israel says the 24-year-old man was a fighter with the arms group islamic jihad. they say he helped to plan a bus bombing in tel aviv last november where 29 people were injured. >> this is the spot with mohammad arsi was killed on tuesday morning. he fled to this cave after being pursued by israeli soldiers who arrived in large numbers at 4:00
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in the morning local time. on their way they destroyed many olive trees. and when they got here there was an exchange of gunfire lasting for several hours before mohammad arsi was killed. they fired a missile toward the cave. once they got his body they took it away from the area. despite local youths trying to stop them. the troops fired tear gas and there was clashes in the villages nearby. we know the israelly authorities were after mohammad arsi for his involvement of a bombing on a bus in tel aviv in 2012 during israel's eight day war with hamm hamas. on tuesday they put out a statement that one of their members was in fact killed right here. >> a series of industrial
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disasters have led to owners and retail and government to make changes. >> the international labor organization is launching a program that will put factory safety measures under the greatest scrutiny. >> these workers are lucky. they are at a factory that takes their safety seriously. that has not always been the case for the workers. the last playing i used to work wouldn't pay us on time and wouldn't pay our bonuses and didn't have the proper safety measures. that is why i came here this factory is better. >> the manager here is proud of the fact he looks after his workers. he says they do a fire drill each week. eight teams more than required by law. he knows not all factories are doing the same. >> there are many other factories that are not doing what they need to be dinin doino make sure that the workers are
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safe. the workers g there are getting injured or killed. >> the industry has been hit by disadisasters in the past few y. in april the building collapse and becoming one of the worst industrial disasters in history. killing over a thousand garment workers. that tragedy may have been the reason for push being the governmen --pushing the governme owners and the international community to finally take action to protect workers the labor organization is launching a program to make sure that the workers are safe. the factories that are unsafe are going to be shutdown or made to renovate. >> that will take time. >> it will cover 3500 factories and it will take several months. and it's a huge under taking. >> that is why our program is in total 3.5 years. i think that the inspection will
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take at least to the first of the year. gilbert is worried another large scale dis' disaster may undo the momentum. another factory fire killed seven workers. >> the garment workers are hoping that all of the international attention on their industry that the problems will be become rare. >> let's go back to london for more news from europe. >> a spanish woman who spent the past 26 years in jail for her part in a bombing campaign has been freed after two court judgments in her favor. she was convicted in 1997-for-her participation in the deaths. >> she wa to be released in 2008 but was kept in prison few t doa
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public outcry. what is your reaction to the release. >> well we were really sad, you know, because we think it's unfair what really happened. that kind of thing can happen and it's hang no happening now . >> what are the families saying about it? what are they going to do as a result? >> well they are sad and angry. the first measure the families are going to do next sunday they are going to do a public demonstration in madrid and i'm sure thousands of si citizens wl participate. >> you are understanding that other eta nicer prisoners may be released because of the judgement. >> we think 6 60 6 60 terroristl
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be released soon and also children rapists as well. it's hard for the spanish september what happened. -- september whasociety what happe. >> do you accept in practice that the jump is fair but you don't like who it applies to. >> i won't agree to that. she was committed to 3000 years ago she committed 23 murders. here in spain you can be in jail a maximum of 30 years and all of the benefits it should be for 3000 years not just for 30 years you should be in prison, you know. i don't see what is the problem. the spanish high court will say
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that everything is was okay. >> and what the international court of of just justice has sad because that 3 0 800 sens sentes unfair because it's changing the sensentence after someone is convicted. do you think that is fair? >> do you think it's fair this lady killed 23 persons. here in spain it's the same killing one person or 23. that is our feeling on the situation. >> is there any kind of legal recourse that you have to try to challenge this? >> well we are thinking about it. we'll see. but i think it's hard. as i told you before the first measure we are going to take is the public demonstration this sunday. and we will show the spanish
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society that we support the separation. >> thank you for taking the time to talk to us. >> three iranian men have pled guilty to stealing priceless paintings from a museum. they took the paintings in a nighttime raid a year ago. six people are on trial for the heist. the works have not been found and may have been burned. >> a flood of mik migrants headg from africa to italy is not slowing down. a boat carrying 221 people mainly syrians were interseptembeinterceptedoff the. amongst those on board a woman in a whee wheelchair and several children and a mother carrying a new baby a few months old. >> turkey began negotiat negotin
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2005 but the progress has been slow. early this month european union criticized their excessive use of force but welcomed political reforms. >> social networking site fates facebook has lifted a ban on decapitation videos on their website. such videos will be allowed if they are presented as news or if the person posting them is condemning the content. they will issue warnings about violent content but they have not been enough to silence facebook critics including british prime minister david cameron who criticized the decision to allow the videos back on the site irresponsible. i'm joined by biancia bosco and
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thank you for being on. you think that this is a good decision by facebook? yeah, i any this marks an an uncharacteristic for facebook. these are very difficult videos to watch but because they are hard to watch doesn't mean beshouldn'weshouldn't watch the. people are posting videos on facebook that glorify this. there are activist groups that are using facebook. it's an important distribution for records of violence particularly with countries without a free press. i think this is an important way to support their efforts to document what is going on on the ground.
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you condemn the decision by facebook? >> come on, come on, come on, free speech. these are gross acts that are committed by terrorist groups and maniacs in order to get attention. in order to show their followers how strong they are. now facebook says sure, great. it's more content. we'll put it right up there. unclear and unwilling to make a comment about the purpose of all of this, which really are to outrage and terrorize the public. these are not acts that just happened in the course of war. these are deliberate acts of terrorism and murder. why do we want to encourage the people that do it by giving them more visibility? hello? >> biancia. >> so i would say first of all beheading those are country type of violent video. there are many other types of violent video that facebook
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would say they would be able to post. facebook is not doing this because they are hungry for more content. this is the most headache inducing thing for facebook to do. it introduces a host of criticism only a few which have emerged over the last several addition. >> and for those that say these videos celebrate the watches. >> biancia what about the idea. the photos from facebook and video. >> just a second. >> just a second. >> what about showing the beheadings and not a woman breast feeding? forgive me. i produce the human rights television series for four years every week. >> and what we found regularly is that stories that provided graphic violence was a turn off to the audjenning audience evene human rights communities.
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they often lacked context and background. this is fro gratuitous violence. it's a form of pornography really. and i don't think it should be posted because it makes us more callous towards acts of this kind. we accept, oh there is another beheading how interesting. >> i'm se sorery sorer sorry wee people. >> facebook is not an organization is it? facebook has policy and pack tis -- practices they just loosened their procedures to pro protect the privacy of young people and teenagers. this puts a lot of people at risk in my opinion. it's irresponsible and part of
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whole notion some how if it's there and we show it it's cool. that is not cool. that is what the human rights commission is saying it's not cool to butcher and behead people. >> but is it cool to ye censor videos that are important evidence and documentation of what is happening in countries where we would have no idea what else is going on. and while i might agree individually these videos may not tell us a lot. we have seen the incredible things that researchers and experts and journalists can do when they watch these taken together as a whole. >> mbiancia there is it no consistency. is it okay to she a behidding bg and not a woman breast feeding her child. >> facebook policies are completely hypocritical and inconsistent.
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i don't think in any way, the critics that say why is the beheading okay and why is it a breast not? why are we saying no to nipples. they have a point. facebook is haphazard around tot they allow and what they don't. there are pages that blo pro rae anded a sri katadvocate and makf violence against women. why is that okay? >> danny you have the last word in explaining the decision facebook said that showing beheading would be away to condemn the killing rather than glorifing. glorifingit. how do you do that? >> why do you think people do these obscene act? to get attention. who is going to help them get attention? faciafacebook. the more we see of it the more
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it becomes all right. i don't think it helps us learn anything about the problems that we are up against and the human rights abuses that are going on in the world and the responsibility of governments to do something more aggressively and to protect the freedom of rights. it's a big cop out and away for mark zukerberg who pound his chest and how open he is. you watch these things, mark. i don't want to. >> thank you for sharing your viewpoints with us here. >> still ahead on the program. a coach in argentina takes exception to criticism from his own supporters. details coming up after the break. do stay with us. ♪
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on august 20th, al jazeera america introduced a new voice in journalism. >> good evening everyone, welcome to al jazeera. >> usa today says: >> ...writes the columbia journalism review. and the daily beast says: >> quality journalists once again on the air is a beautiful thing to behold. >> al jazeera america, there's more to it. >> we find the fault lines that run through communities. >> the shooting happened about 30 minutes ago. >> companies... >> the remains of the fire are still everywhere here. >> the powers that be at home and around the world... >> not only do they not get compensation but you don't even have to explain why? >> well thats exactly what i said. >> we question authority. >> so you said we could get access... >> that's enough! >> ... and those affected. >> investigative journalism at it's toughest.
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>> entertainment fotime form sp. one day to start that is day three of the ua champions league. they have all kicked off five minutes ago. che sechelsea and and ac milan t barcelona. and goalless in all of those games. a long way to go. >> one man that knows about winning the european cup was alex ferguson. he launched his biography detailing his 26 years in charge.
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the 27-year-old retired last may. he had 13 titles and champion leagues cubes. -- crowns. >> in his book ferguson claims he twice turned down the chance to manage the england team. he said the captain was intimidating and gathe ferociou. fergie claimed the skipper had to leave the club because beckham thought he was bigger than the manager. the problem with me is i fell in love with victoria and that changed everything, i think. and being a of a fina mind i hao think of the club. if you would have asked my advice i would have told him
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exactly what i thought. >> who can argue whether is rotundo is a human being. he is an icon and wel well thi . >> fergie's old club manchester united will play on wednesday. royal madrid will host their italian champions u sve u venti. he came on as as substitute. they need to stop putting pressure on his new teammate. it's better to leave him alone. don't make him pressure.
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do pressure to other players. >> players leave him alone. he is going to do well for the club and he is a fantastic player and fantastic boy and he always wants to learn and this is important. >> bayerin is looking to keep their record in tact. they scored six goals in the last cham champion league outin. >> they know how to switch their game from attack to defense. if we permit them to think they can play a good game. we have to fight and find our rhythm tomorrow night and i expect the best from our team as always. >> moving to asia. the finals of the afc cup. east bengal and rallying up the win in the 88 minute sending the kuwait through to the third afc
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final. >> ice hockey the colorado afghanistaavsbeat pittsburgh 1-. the goalie ensured the win and gigere made 34 saves and giving the afghanista avs an 8-1 recor. >> and in another close match up the san jose sharks needed a shoot-out to beat the detroit rettered wings 1-0. san jose are the last remaining nhl team without a defeat in regulation time. >> the 2012 stanley cup champions the l.a. kings suffered their fourth loss of the season though after going down 3-2 to the calgary flames. brody scoring with 37 seconds
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left of the game to give them the win. >> we know the pope is a huge football fan but the vatican announced the formation of their own cricket club. the new teams will be drawn from these players. the club plans to have games against teams representing other faith. our challenge is hopefully playing a match against the anglican's and with other faiths as well. we do this not just to challenge and play cricket but to build up a repore of friendship among believers and non-believers >> an argentina to football coah has resigned after punching one of his fans. he claims he was being insulted by the fan. and at the final whistle he clearly snapped.
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off he goes. yep the cameras are back on him in time to see the police restrain the 44-year-old. he says he w regretted his actions. >> that is football news from on the pitch. i can tell you ac millian has taken the lead against barrings barcelona. more on that in the lat later bulletins. >> thank you very much indeed. >> walwal-mart shoppers got a surprise when a six foot long alligator showed up at the store. it blocked the main entrance of the shopping center. the police were called and no one was hurt. after a bit of retail therapy the reptile egg escaped to the nearby woods. they are common to the the area. >> that is it for news hour on
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al jazeera. do stay with us.
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>> this and a america live in new york city i'm tony 45eur ha. >> the new reports is criticizing the united united ss for using drones. >> it violates international law and be could war crimes. >> everyone wants to know why. that is the big question. the answer is we don't know right now. >> police in sparks nevada are trying to find out why a 12-year-old student opened fire monday at a middle-school. the boy killed a teacher and wounded two students and killed himself. >> a weaker than


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