tv News Al Jazeera October 22, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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good evening. welcome to al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler in new york. >> u.s. counterterrorism operations are precise. they are lawful and they are effective. >> these and other killings documented in the report may constitute extrajudicial executions or war crimes. >> defending drones - the barack obama administration rejects accusations from human rights groups who say too many civilians are dying in drone attacks. >> ban lifted - facebook reverses policy on posting violent content. the reason behind the change. >> destructive wildfires - 1,000
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miles of bushfires burn in australia. wednesday could be the most destructive day. appear >> the barack obama administration calls them an important weapon in the war on terror. pakistan's prime minister says the use of drones is a threat to his people and must stop. the leaders are meeting at the white house tomorrow, hours after two human rights groups issued reports critical of america's widespread deployment of drones. the group says drones kill civilians, violate international law and their use may be a war crime. randall pinkston has the storey. >> amnesty international focussed on drone strikes in north waziristan. investigators researched nine of 45 known attacks occurring between january 2012 and august 2013. in one strike they claim 18 labourers were reportedly kill.
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>> the most challenging situation we had to face was the complete and utter secrecy of the u.s. authorities. because of that we cannot be 100% certain, but we are certain that these and other killings in the reports may constit use war crimes. >> the pakistani prime minister visiting washington expressed concern about the u.s. drone policy. >> in a national conference we declared the use of drones is not only a violation of our territorial integrity, but detry theal to our efforts at ellimb nating terrorism from our country. this issue became a matter in our bilateral relationship. i stress the need for an end to drone attacks. >> yemen is a frequent argument of u.s. drones. human rights watch charges the
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u.s. launched 80 targeted killings there since 2009, killing 473 people - among them civilians. >> we found despite assurances from president obama that it's doing its utmost to protect civilians from harm, and in many cases it is killing innocent civilians. this is a clear violation of international law, even if not the u.s. intent. if it indescrim nantly killed it should be held responsible. president obama spelt out america's drone policy at the united nations general assembly. >> we limited the use of drones so they target only those posing a threat to the united states, where capture it not feasible and there's a certainly of no civilian casualties. >> amnesty international accuses the president of escalating the use of drones. from 2004 to 2008 the bureau for investigative journalism reports that there were 42 drone strikes
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in pakistan. in 2009 president obama's first year in office there was 56. in 2011, 127. >> as randell mentioned there's growing international criticism over the u.s. drone policy. amnesty international's naureen shaw described some of the specifics in that group's report. >> we have documented our cases which we call rescuer strikes. where after an initial strike villagers rush in to bring stretchers, render medical assistance, find the wounded, recover bodies. 10 minutes after the u.s. government was committing a second scribing. if the government did it intentionally and knew it intentionally targeted rescuers, it constitutes a war crime. >> amnesty international is calling for more transpersons si and accountability in the u.s. drone program. joining me to talk about drones
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and drone war fair is tim crockett, the president and ceo of pioneer consulting and a former member of the u.k. special force asks an expert in the area. in give me a sense of why you consider drones are important in modern warfare. is. >> they are a useful tool. they can go where other conventional weapons and other systems cannot. they limit the exposure to danger from aircraft going down, those sort of things, that would put our servicemen and women at risk. they have their place, are they perfect? far from it. i think we'll see perhaps an increase in the use, not just by the u.s., but many other nations as we progress into this knew era of warfare. >> there has been suggestion that the u.s. will cut back on the use of drones in the united
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states, that the white house is moving in a different direction, but you suggest maybe that's - that that might not be the case? >> well, the timing of the reports, and again the visit from the pakistani delegation tomorrow highlights some of the controversy over the use of drones. but we are seeing that the u.s. air force, since 2011 have actually devoted more resources to the development of pilots and unmanned vehicles and their use than conventional weapons. the cost benefit analysis - they are a clear winner. so perhaps where we are today and this latest criticism should maybe lead to more discussion about their use, the parameters of how they should be used and greater transparency when civilian deaths are a habit. >> i don't want to get into the
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politics of this. clearly when you kill civilians, there are people in that country - you make enemies of people. the more you use drones and kill civilians, is that a political problem, a public relations, a serious public relations problem? >> of course. civilians get killed in warfare no matter what systems are used. drones are no better at avoiding civilian casualties than any other weapon system - be this missiles or jets. the move to a distant warfare or warfare remotely conducted certainly you're leading - there's a danger that you disenfranchise or alienate the local populous. we have seen examples of home-grown terrorists led down the path because of what they
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are witnessing through the us of drones. one of the other points we have to point out is the military use of drones has sort of gone on with fairly little criticism in their use. whereabouts i think the reports are more directed towards perhaps the cia's use on their drone program, more so than that of the u.s. military. >> isn't it also possible that the enemies of the united states could use drones to attack the u.s. as well. >> like i said, we saw an explosion in the technology, 10 years ago it had a monopoly on the use of drones. now more than 70 different countries around the world has some type of drone technology, not all of them armed drones. so, yes, there is a real chance that drones will be a threat to the u.s. in the future. >> what about the argument that if you capture people, go on the
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ground and capture them, they can provide information that you won't get otherwise with a drone. >> yes, like i said it's hard to isolate these things and say drones are bad and these weapon systems or this other form of warfare is better. like i said, they are not infallible. one of the things that we have to look at is the drone is just a tool. often the torghting of combat n ants -- targetting of combatants, terrorists are led to by different forms of intelligence, and sometimes that is what is flawed that leads to death, not necessarily the use of drops. >> tim crockett is in atlanta. thank you for joining us. some people who live in the south-east of chicago say every time the wind blows black dust comes into their yards and homes.
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it's petcoke a by-product of refinery. they've had enough. >> from her second-floor apartment susanna gomez can see mounds of black soot. >> see how it's thicker. it's not regular dust. >> because of concern about what is in the air she tries to keep her kids indoors. >> it's hard to breathe and it gets sticky. in the summer time you see it on your skin. >> these piles of crumbly back powder are a high sulphur product of pep coke. thousands of pounds is being storeded. >> the united states is where the dirtiest of the dirty oil in the world is refined. it's being refined and leaving a waste stream of petcoke >> it's shipped from indiana to
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kpcx terminal. charge controlled by charge l charles and david koch. >> community activists say when the wind blows clouds of dust cover the community. >> it's notice air, affects the property values. children are playing outdoors, and breathing in the stuff. we are concerned. >> there's reason to be concerned. >> there are various carcinogens, cancer-causing chemicals riding with the dust from this source. all of these can cause long-term health effects. >> while no state law requires petcoke to be enclosed, the illinois npa is investigating the permits. bp responded to questions:
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. >> environmental activists hope the investigation will lead to better containment or stricter conditions. >> i worry about this all the time. >> bp's refinery is the second-largest pep coke producing facility. when they expand by the end of this year, it is expected to produce 2 million tonnes of petcoke annually. >> facebook is facing a backlash. the social media giant has quietly lifted a ban on content featuring graphic violence. that's launched a debate online and around the globe about graphic content in its pages.
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juan carlos molina has the story. >> home to more than a billion users, facebook faces challenges over what it allows people to post on the site. a video posted back in may of a woman in mexico being decap tated illicited so much negative response that facebook placed a ban on content featuring graphic violence. today it confirmed reports that the ban has been lifted allowing violent videos back on the site. the news prompted britain's prime minister to blast facebook on twitter, calling the policy change irresponsible, adding: >> theed tore of media -- the editor of media watchdog site agrees. >> these are gross acts committed by terrorist groups and maniacs to get attention. in order to show their followers
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how strong they are. facebook says, "sure, great, more content, we'll put it up there." >> facebook issued a statement explaining the decision saying in part: is >> tech editor for the handcuffing tonne post says:. >> there's thousands using facebook as a way of documenting human rights abuses or war atrocity. it's an important distribution mechanism for violent - records of environmentals abroad, particularly in countries without a free press. >> these are not acts that happen in the course of war. they are deliberate acts of terrorism and murder. why do we want to encourage the people who do it by giving them more visibility.
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>> bosker points out there's hypocrisy in what facebook allows members as young as 13 to view. >> there are pages pro-rape. why are those okay and a woman breastfeeding her child is not. >> facebook is working on tools giving users additional control over the content they see. including advance warnings that an image or video contains graphic violence. >> good evening. i'm going to take you here towards asia. when we talk about the weather we use certain tools. this is satellite. it uses infrared technology, measuring the cloud temperatures, that is what you get while you get the images that you see day or night. i'll take you here towards parts
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of china. i'll use visible imagery to show you the pollution situation that's going on. this is another satellite. what you can see here are the clouds in white. the dark area of brown is actually pollution. we have hundreds of square miles of pol use in the area. we have been talking about it for days. this is what people are doing to deal with it. this gentleman is wearing the wrong surgical mask with no protection from this pollution. if you are an american travelling to china, you want an n-95. that will take care. look ahead before you go. >> thank you. australia's bushfires are the worse the country has seen in 25 years. 60 fires are burning now, a dozen near sydney in the state of new south wales where a state of emergency has been declared, joining us from katoomba is jonathan gravenor. the wind is blowing out there -
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what is the situation right now? >> well, the situation as you said is the wind - it's gusting up to 60 to 70 miles per hour , combined with temperatures over 100 degrees farenheit and the conditions are perfect to make the bushfires that exist worse. they have identified two new burnings, one in an area called newcastle - a city an hour to an hour and a half north of sydney. in the last hour fire officials came out and said one of the fires in the mt york area, a main concern fire they have here, is now causing issues, and hitting trigger points. basically in the last few days they have built firelines, areas where they've gone in and bulldozed and burnt out bush and hoping the fires wouldn't cross it. obviously the winds are causing problems and they have moved more resources up there. right now the fire line itself
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is 1,000 miles long, which covers all the fires. it sounds for the most part the major city of sydney. the fires have been exasperated by the winds and officials are concerned if the wind keeps up. even all the firelines they have made will not be enough to stop the embers moving and moving the fears closer to populated areas where we have lost 200 houses. >> jan than gravenor good to have your report. >> afghanistan's first military academy opens on wednesday. it will be used to educate the next generation of afghan army officers. jennifer glasz has this report as the first year gets under way. >> these then hope to be the leaders of afghanistan's young army. for now they have to get through the training. at the new army officer academy the recruits are seen as the
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future of a sustainable military. >> translation: to make a strong army we need educational institutions like this, the basis of building a country. >> the afghan army has a high attrition rate. most of the regular soldiers are illiterate. big challenges for any military officer. these future leaders were carefully chosen. >> 10,000 afghan competed for 270 slots in the first year at the officer's academy. they are about to start a 42-week course. >> the course will be rigorous intellectually and physically. some men will not make it. the recruits say they are ready. >> translation: we'll tighten our belt to serve our country, to anticipate sacrifice to rescue the children in these dark times. >> the academy is in construction. eventually 1350 men and 150
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women are expected to graduate each year, with the help of international mentors from five locations. >> we intend to be here since 2023. >> nato 's plan will be debated next month. if rejected this academy and afghan's security forces could find themselves without international support at the ends of 214. years before planned. >> the cost of filling up the tank dropped. next - what you can expect to pay as people get ready for the holiday roadtrips.
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14-year-old daisy coleman and her younger men. the charges were dropped. now a special prosecutor has been called to reopen the case. jonathan martin is in maryville with more. >> maryville, missouri, a down of 12,000 people is in the national spotlight as several hundred demonstrators rally with daisy, supporting daisy coleman, and her friend page. the two girls claim they were sexually assaulted in 2012. the charges were dropped by local authorities. >> all the evidence was there. they turned their back on her. >> the girls, one 14, the other 13 at the time, say they were raped by two classmates, a 16 and 17-year-old boy. a third teen is accused of recording the incident on a cell phone. >> the girls and their families sha they endured -- say they endured bullying and harassment by some in the town after coming forward. >> i want to know the truth.
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i don't care which side it's on. we want justice. >> the local prosecutor dropped the charges saying there was insufficient evidence and the victims refused to cooperate. >> this case wag handled perfectly from beginning to end. it's unfortunate that the prosecuting attorney was put in a position where he had to dismiss the charges. the girls and their parents say they did cooperate. some in the small town believed the charges were dropped because an accused attacker was a standout football player from a prominent family. it was political. people knew people. >> the truth and facts will come ou. i hope when they do, the people that are critical of the community are big enough to accept what the truth is. >> a recent article published in the kansas, "city star" led to new interest. a special prosecutor happens been assigned to reopen the
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case. >> two farmers in colorado pleaded guilty to charges from a deadly listeria outbreak in 2011, coming from cantaloupes that the farmers grew. food safety violations are rarely prosecuted as crimes. the fda says it sends a message to producers that tainted fruit was sent over the country, 33 people injured and dozens sick. >> gas lean prices could drop to low levels by christmas. that's the word from oil analysts. the average price is $3.36 a gallon, expected to drop $0.20 to $3.15. the last time it was this low was during the 2010 holiday seeftenlt. the christmas present is linked to falling oil prices.
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michael eaves is here with good news for college football. >> football should be played. head coach kevin says he's hope fall johnny manziel can play after hurting his right shoulder during the loss on saturday. he wore a slipping during the practice, but a team-mate told the reporter that manziel was out of the sling and expects to play on saturday. despite a 10 and 14 record the san francisco giants signed pitcher to a $2 million, contract. he received a full no trade clause posted a run average of 4.76 the last two seasons. >> mets pitcher underwent surgery to repair a tear of the owner collateral ligament. the rehab is expected to last a
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year, guaranteeing that harvey will miss the entire 2014 season. more sports news and a preview of the world series in 20 minutes. >> the government closes its doors and nearly defaults on loans, we see how fractured government is. next, what lawmakers can speak dc politicians about bipartisanship. >> crisis for certain class, and a college could jump more than 300%. we look at the plan and the reaction.
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welcome back to al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler. here are the headlines: 60 bushfires are raging throughout australia. hundreds of homes have been destroyed in new south wales. hot, dry, windy weather is making it more difficult for the thousands of firefighters in the region. many of the fires were caused naturally. three young boys have been charged with setting three different fires. >> another side of a sluggish
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economy - a disappointing jobs report in the united states. 148,000 jobs were created in september. that's weaker than expected. the labor department numbers suggest employers may have held back in hiring in anticipation of the government shutdown which began october 1st. >> two reports by amnesty international and human rights watch say u.s. drone strikes to take out militants in pakistan and yemen may have been war crimes. the obama administration rejects the conclusions saying it's counterterrorism attacks are lawful and effective. >> amnesty international has been interviewing the relatives of civilian victims of drone attacks. one killed a grandmother. imtiaz tyab spoke with her family in north western pakistan. >> this is the family of mamana bibi. they say the 60-year-old mother and grandmother was killed in a u.s. drone strike in october of last year.
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all they have left to remember her by is the photo from her id card. mamana bibi's son, rafeequl rehman, says these x-rays show the injuries sustained by his children when the u.s. drone fired a missile near their home in ghundi kala, in north waziristan. >> everyone was working in the field where we have crops. that's where the drop hits. when the missile struck it was so powerful some fell down steps. >> in a wideranging report into drone strikes, the human rights watch expressed serious concerns over the deaths of people like mamana bibi. >> the u.s. must explain why the people have been killed. people who are clearly civilians. it must provide justice to the people. it must investigate those responsible for the killings. >> according to government and ngo statistics, the u.s. launched between 330 and 370
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drone strikes in pakistan between 2004 and last month. the united nations says during that 9-year period more than 2,000 people have been killed in drone attacks, 400 believed to be civilians. it's difficult to get accurate figures because the cia's drop program is secretive. that is to prevent pakistan's prime minister nawaz sharif, a vocal opponent of drone strikes" from bringing up the issue with president obama when the two meet. >> pakistan cannot afford a rivalry with united states. if pakistan's requests are reasonable they can't be ignored. >> few expect the drone strikes to end. president obama called the strikes lawful and power to the legitimate campaign against terrorism. >> relations between pakistan and the u.s. have been tense
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since 2011 when osama bin laden was found living not far to the pakistani capital. in a sign of warming tide, the obama administration requested more than $1.5 billion in military assistance for pakistan. drone strikes will continue to be a problem, it appears that the relationship is on the mend as the u.s. prepares its exit from afghanistan by the end of next year. >> a new poll out today has bad news for the republican party. the abc washington post numbers have not been this never for lawmakers in general. the latest from mike viqueira. >> as congress sifts through the rubble and makes sense of the shutdown, there's bad news as
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far as political fall out is concerned "the washington post" out with a new poll - 12% approval rating. a new low in 40 years of polling for abc news poll. 85% disapprove of the job that congress is doing. congressional congress men - 32% favourable. 63% unfavourable - the lowest in 30 years. now a year is a long time, an eternity in politics. everyone in the house of representativ representatives, a third of senate is up for re-location. there's time for republicans and democrats to recover. >> how will this affect the items on the docket now in the immediate future for congress, imgracks and the budget negotiations. remember on january 15th, that's the deadline. if there's no agreement on how to spend the money, it could be
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shut down again. democrats are a favourable rating, approval rating, unfavourable opinion. even though it's below 50%, it's a record high for the democratic party in the poll. the president in the meantime is holding steady at 50/50. his strategy seems to have paid off. he stayed above it and let harry reid and nancy pelosi do the dirty work. >> mike viqueira in washington. before washington some considered california as a symbol of government dysfunction. they have this several legislative successors in recent weeks. let's bring in two members, kristin olsen joins us from riverbank and democrat anthony renden is in los angeles. welcome to both of you. >> thank you. good to be with you >> thank you. assemblyman anthony renden, let me start with you.
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in the past few months you passed legislation dealing with gun control, immigration, abortion. is this is democratic authority asserting itself or is there something more here? >> i think it's a numbers thing. first of all, for us, for my class, and for part of the freshman class, we'll be here for 12 years, it's a group of people carefully looking at important legislation that will have an impact on the state. and doing so in a methodical way. we want to make sure we get it right with respect to a lot of this legislation. >> assembly woman olsen, how big an impact has redistricting this process? >> i think we have yet to see the long-term impact of redistricting will be. the combination of redistricting and 12 year limits is making a difference. people are thinking more thoughtfully about what
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legislation they'll propose. and they are not looking for the immediate victory. >> do you think redistricting has had a big impact or not? >> i am not sure that it has. i agree request christen, i believe that what has had a big impact is the 12-year limit. we are a group of people who will be here for a while. we are a group of people who will be in the legislature whilt the impact of our legislation is felt and sign. more than the redistricting it may have impacted behaviour. >> what has changed, assembly woman kristin olsen what changed? did you not get along before and now you get along? >> no, i wouldn't say that. california has a super majority at all levels of government.
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they can pass what they want to if they desire to. having said that, i will say there are several examples where there has been bipartisan policies passed through the legislature. with the changes in term limit, there are more of us that are really interested in are commonting bipart -- demonstrating bipartison leadership. we have a long way to go. we need more legislators, but it's a start in the right direction. >> and assemblyman anthony renden. some say this is a democratic state, a liberal state. and that makes the difference, is that the case. >> i'm not sure that it is. to a certain extent the extent to which california is a democratic state is overplayed. if you think about in my life, for example, i'm 45 years old.
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35 years of my life is spend under republican gough nurse. >> we had a republican governor. wh separates california is good ideas seize the day. if you think about the republican governors who served the state. ronald regan was responsible for the environment quality act. and governor for the environment protection agencies. governor swars negger were responsible for two pieces of legislation. i think what happens in california is that again good ideas tend to prevail over ideology. >> any advice for washington dc. >> people want bipartisan
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focussed leadership. california is different to the other 45 states. >> i'll be the first to say we have done crazy things in this state that i hope no other state mirrors. we get good things done in education in other areas. it's really important and that voters hold us accountable to make the decisions they want to make. >> what do you think, anthony renden. >> i would agree. i run a federally funded head start program. the impact that the program has, the organization that i used to serve. the impact that that had on the families was terrible. i think the federal government can learn from what we do in california. >> i rarely had an interview where republican and democrat agreed so much. maybe you can show washington a way in the future. great to have both of you on the program. thank you very much. >> thank you.
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california cole edges have been strapped for cash for a few years. lawmakers are trying something new to try to raise money. the idea is to charge extra for classes that are popular on junior college campuses but the 2-tier system is getting a failing grade from some people. jennifer london has the story.
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>> it's production time at the student newspaper at longbeach city college. on this day students are writing and talking about this. this is a chance for a lot of students to actually get the opportunity to take classes when state funding is not available. >> it's masked as an opportunity for the students. >> the opportunity is to allow six california community colleges to charge five times as much for popular classes taken in winter and summer sessions. instead of paying $46 per unit, the same class would cost $$208. the fee hike is called an experiment by california's governor. many say on the surface it's a good idea. offer the high demand classes during winter and summer sessions. but if they are not affordable doesn't it gat the purpose.
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-- defeat the person. >> it creates a 2-tear system, us as low number systems. we can't afford that. >> as controversial as this is. many view this as the best option that we have. >> california assemblyman authored the bill. >> a community college, open access for all, essentially turned away half a million students last year. they were allowed to come into the college, but they weren't given any of the classes they need to transfer or get a 2-year certificate. >> under the plan participating colleges can funnel a third of revenue into the school to help with financial aid. if students have to spend more for high demand classes like english and maths, william says they'll spend up less in the long run, because they'll get the classes they need to graduate or transfer sooner. the faculty association of
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californian community colleges disagrees. >> californian community colleges are founded upon the principle of equitable access. ab 595 turns it on its head saying there's a segment of forces to economically priled -- privileged. >> two of the col edges invited to participate has taken a pass. >> we have a mission at longbeach to ensure we open up as much opportunity for students. these courses are only in addition to what we would normally offer. students can choose to make the investment or not. >> with course offerings declining by 21% because of budget cuts, it's clear something needs to be done. ultimately it will be up to the students to decide if the state's experiment makes the
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grade. >> michael eaves is here with sport. there's a chill in the air, and 24 hours away from the world series. >> feels like fog. during the regular season the boston red sox and the st louis cardinals led. it seems fitting that the two teams meet in the world series. there's something else they share. solid pitching. as john henry smith tells us we'll get a taste of it when jon lester faces adam wayne wright. >> jon lester and very good boston red sox rotation had what it took in the alcs to get past a great tigers rotation. they'll have to work magic as they contend with a cardinals rotation that is the second-best in all of major league baseball.
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the best of the second best is adam wayne wright in his three starts in the post season he's been brilliant, striking out 20 and only walking one batter so far. he and his caster have been plotting on how to beat the boston red sox. >> i know i have my work cut out for me. one of my favourite things to do in the world is game plan for a game. i love it. i'll spend an amount of time today and tomorrow to come up with a plan. >> wayne wright and jon lester are 2 and 1. wayne wright will come up nine day's rest when he throws out the first pitch in the 2013 world series pitting boston against the st louis cardinals. >> the red sox held a workout at fenway park as they are in search of a title. the red sox have hold overs
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including manager john farrell named american league manager of the year. he was the pitching coach on the 2007 squad, and tomorrow night's game one starter, jon lester - he picked up the win in world series clinching game four over the rockies. >> i remember nerves. i remember anxiety of trying to get to the field and calm down a little bit. you know, different point in my career. tomorrow there'll be nerves and all that to be expected. i think i am a little more as a pitcher, and what to expect as myself, and what to expect from the crowd and all the different things that go along with a start in the world series. >> there's no doubt his personal story is a major contributor to who he is today. thinking back to "07, when we sent him out of training in 07 to start in greenville in the
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south atlantic lead and work his way back to build stamina. to see him regain the physical stamina, culminating in a game four start, for so many of us it was a great experience to win the world series. for john's case, to be on the mound in a clinching game in a world series environment. that is stuff that stories and movies are made of. >> jon lester a cancer survivor. >> to baseball. dufty lead the team to three appearances and four play-offs. cincinnati are replacing him. reds announcing pitching coach brian price will be the 61st manager. prior to joining the red staff he spent 10 years as a pitching coach with seattle and arizona. >> we are a talented group. i think a team that is capable
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of doing more. i think we should talk optimistically about the three play-off appearances in the last four years and be somewhat discredited because we got beyond the first ground and where we were the is a years prior. it was a huge step in the right direction. we have expectations of getting beyond that. >> despite a 10 and 14 record the san francisco giants signed pitcher tim to a 2-year 35 million contract. the 2-time winner, who received a no-trade clause has posted a home run average of 4.76. the mets pitcher matt harvey underwent surgery to repair a tear of a collateral ligament in his elbow. the rehab will last a year, guaranteeing that harvey missed the 2014 season. now to football. the fall of the team's that
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boycotted over poor facilities, personnel conditions continues. there could be a lawsuit. gramly said that the financial losses for the school and city of jackson mississippi would be in the millions. it was a home coming drawing 20,000 fans. the school is expected to refund $200,000 in ticket sales. in a statement released the university said it intends to use litigation to be made whole for direct and indirect losses. >> those issues are not jackson state's issues nor jsu's responsibility was said in a statement. >> kevin is hopeful that johnny manziel can play after hurting his right shoulder during the loss. he wore a sling during monday's practice. but a team-mate told a reporter
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that manziel was out, expecting to play this weekend. >> putting up big numbers. five games of 500 or more yards total. >> thank you. >> california is returning a fishing boat to japan. it was the first debris to wash up on the west coast of the u.s. after japan's 2011 earthquake and sun. as aya asakura -- soourn , as aya asakura reports, the boat's return is helping to heal the community. >> it became a symbol of hope for the town. the only one that wasn't swept away by the tsunami. 1800 people died here in march 2011. among them a teacher and 22 students. now the school may continue the study in marine science inside a relocated school building away from the coast. >> having lost so much, at last
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they are getting something back - a boat used by the school for training. the tsunami centered on a voyage across the pacific, reaching the shores of california in april last year. locals and high school students identified it, scraped off layers of barn abbingles and helped to complete the long journey home - this time in a container. >> almost 1,000 days since the disaster it is battered but not destroyed. the boat is symbolic on the spirit of the students here. like the pine tree, students call it the miracle boat. it was the only one to ever return. >> translation: we never expected it to return or be found. it surprised us. >> the handwritten characters on the hull saved it being lost among the statement 1.5 billion tonnes of debris floating in the ocean. it will take pride of place in a
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temporary museum. the tsunami destroyed the fishing industry, the livelihood that the community depended on. several thousands live in temporary accommodation away from the coastline, hampering building progress. >> younger generations are left with no choice but to leave their home town to find jobs elsewhere. >> translation: with so many things to do, that's why we haven't been able to take solid measures. we want to support the young in some way. >> for the students it's a moment to rejoice as they trace the long journey the boat has endured and feel their own determination is also intact. >> kevin corriveau is back with the weather after this.
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>> hello, this hour i'll take you to the north-east. it's a big day for boston, the begood evening of the world series. what -- -- it is the beginning of the world series. notice the rain showers coming through. they are the ones we have to be concerned about. what will happen tomorrow is we'll see rain in boston, off and on all day long. this is the forecast we'll give you, mostly cloudy, rain showers in the forecast. high temperatures in the high 50s. by the time we had the first pitch, the rain will be stopping. the clouds and temperature will drop. we'll see 47 degrees. it will be chilly on thursday. boston looking good. temperatures going up. as we go to st louis on saturday. we'll see better conditions. temperatures getting up to the low 60s. no rain on the forecast as of
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yet. we'll keep you updated. out here it is cold. we are looking at previously some rain and snow mixed that went through parts of chicago and indiana. and even into ohio. as we go into tomorrow morning we have frost and freeze watches and warnings across the ohio river valley. it will dip about 4am, coming up after sunrise. we won't see an extended period of below freezing temperatures. we want to take care of plants in this area, because it could be a problem. towards mexico, this is a hurricane sitting off the coast of mexico for days. it hadn't made landfall. the problem is all the rain that we see here, even acapulco is seeing the rain, pushing to the north-east. >> florida, you'll get wet. that's a look at the weather. john has your headlines right after this.
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>> welcome to al jazeera. i'm john siegenthaler, here are the top stories. >> deadly u.s. drone strikes to take out suspected militants in pakistan and yemen could be war crimes according to two reports by amnesty international and human rights watch. many victims have been civilians. >> john kerry de nice reports there's a rift between u.s. and saudi arabia. referring to comments made by the saudi arabia chief who says they are shifting away from american policies. john kerry said the comment were made before a meeting with the country's
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