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tv   Consider This  Al Jazeera  October 23, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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>> good evening everyone, welcome to al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler. here are tonight raps top stories. president obama heard complaints from german chancellor angela merkel today about the fact that nsa has been monitoring her cell phone calls. the nsa is not listening now or in the future but refused to say if it had happened in the past. president obama also met with pakistani prime minister today, increasing trade was one of the topics they talked. they also discussed u.s. drone strikes in the region. a 14-year-old high school freshman charged with first degree murder accused of celg his math teacher. the teacher was found dead in the woods behind the school, the
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student fill ip chisholm will be tried as an adult. a bankruptcy judge will decide if detroit can file for bankruptcy. retirees pension funds and unions have been fighting the bankruptcy proceedings to try to protect their retirement payments. that's the news at this hour. consider this with antonio mora is next. i'm john siegenthaler and you can get the latest on
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>> hunting the nightmare bacteria. hundreds of americans are dying from diseases caused by germs that can't be fought with 18th biotics. antibiotics. one of the n. star refers, brandon marshall, will talk about his struggle with borderline personality disorder. wing suit flying, what drives athletes to drop from huge mountains with no protection. creeping up on us for years. antibiotics credit saved hundreds of millions of lives since they came into wide use, antibiotic superbugs are threatening to roll back that
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progress. >> the world health organization, things as common as strep throat or child's scratched knee could once again kill. >> antibiotic resistance is one of the most serious threats we face today. >> according to the,s 23,000 people die because of these infections in its 117 page record released last month the cdc counted bacteria and fungus that cause the overwhelming majority of drug crins in the -- resistance in the country. >> these called cre, i've called cre a nightmare bacteria it can resist all antibiotics, spread from person to person and bacteria to bacteria readily. >> cre is still relatively rare
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causing 600 deaths a year but researchers have identified it in health care facilities in 44 states. there have been warnings for years about antibiotic infections but there's not been much of a public outcry and hasn't gained traction like hiv or cancer. the pharmaceutical industry has taken its concentration away from developing drugs for germs. courtney keely al jazeera new york. >> seen online at and joining me from tucson arizona is dr. sean elliot, medical droarks of infection prevention, he is featuring in hunting the
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nightmare bacteria. thank you for joining me tonight. i want to put the issues into context. it is the story of an 11 and a half-year-old girl taken to hospitals after hip pain led to a fever and the symptoms of a virus. the person you will hear speak is addie's mother a former nurse. >> i remember thinking she looks bad, something is bad, something is really really wrong. they put her on antibiotics. her blood pressure was dropping and they were making space in the icu for her. the next morning she needed oxygen via mask. they looked at part of her lungs and diagnosed her with pneumonia. i remember sitting there watching the sun come up. and thinking how did she get so sick? how did this happen so fast?
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>> dr. elliot to answer the question, her mother posed you treated adie. how did she get so sick? >> addie had a form of resistant staph infection causing septic shock. this grows very quickly, releases toxins, in the heart and lungs causing pneumonia. in her case she had a simple innoculation if you will from playing sports from her skin to the bloodstream and the bacteria took off like a shot, stopping every organ system she had. >> she's very struggling? >> she's still struggling. she had to have a lung transplant from gram negative bacteria she contracted at the hospital. >> the pharmaceutical firm as trastra-zeneca, if we don't have
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new antibiotics and have a vibrant new stream seaso soon we going to be in trouble. why we don't have a pipeline coming out can you address that? sure. i think very clearly we have a golden age of antibiotics. in the '50s and '60s many dozens were discovered. if some of them stopped working, new ones came along. we overused them, a lot of this adds to the tide of what we're seeing. some of the biggest pharmaceutical companies realize that if they were going ohave to invest $1 billion in a new drug, that would take ten years to develop, they would have to look at what kind of return would they get on that investment? and drugs for chronic disease, a drug that you might take for the rest of your life promised the
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industry a much higher return on investment than antibiotics a drug that if properly used you take shortly and then after a short course you're finished with it. so they began to move out of antibiotic research and development toward these big blockbuster drugs for chronic disease. and the pipeline is really running dry. >> and part of the problem you highlight is the government just hasn't taken this seriously enough. there is only one interagency task force that meets once a year. >> you know when you think back about other big public health crises we've had. hiv-aids or even biodefense after the an anthrax letters, wo have a tradition of stepping up. after the work we have done on this film was, why hasn't the government stepped up to this one? this is a crisis that the cdc
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says is leading 23,000 deaths in the united states, that's more than hiv-aids yet we don't have the same kind of response. >> you highlight a terrible case that happened at the national institutes of health itself right in the federal government's backyard. dr. elliot astra zeneca's dr. rex said another, finding something that kills bacteria from one point is easy. but what doesn't harm you at the same time is a whole other matter. is that the problem, we have all these bacteria that are resisting the existing antibiotics that the antibiotics that are used to kill them would mess us up with the side effects? >> that's very true. as antibiotics mature in response to nature, which changes, in response to
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pressure, the side effects are dangerous. we had to use a glorified detergent with had further potential to kill her kidneys. adverse effects are a major limiting factor as are the resources to empower drug discovery. >> talking again about dollars and cents. this week johns hopkins released a study that said the farm and animals ilt quoted the fda in, 80% of the antibiotics are used to treaten and fatten up the animals we use for food. we don't want them used in farm animals because that leads to more resistance to antibiotics that basically the biggest profit center for these drug companies is selling these antibiotics that go to the farm
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animals. if they can't make money there then it really doesn't make any sense for them to be developing antibiotics. dr. elliot. >> that is very true, it is a dollars and cents issue. it is a for profit institution and if we could remove that need to make a profit then potentially we could focus on altruism. this is the number one or number two killer in the rest of the world, it is not just the u.s. that has a problem. >> dr. brad spellberg which specializes in treating infectious diseases says the u.s. is having a terrible time tracking these diseases. it is embarrass that we don't know where infection is occurring. who uses what antibiotics when. europe doesn't have any trouble doing this, why don't we know
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where this is happening in what hospitals and how many cases there are? >> we don't have a national system for surveillance for a lot of these organisms and infections. when i mentioned before the government hasn't stepped up on it, this shs item 1 on their agenda. the europeans have done so. we know we have a problem we should do something about it. >> dr. elliot, addie got her infection as you say presumably playing sports, scraping her knee. do we think that hospitals are the most likely place to get them? >> that's true. hospital he have a dense population of sick individuals putting a lot of others at risk for bacteria shared by patients. some of the these bacteria live in the community but in general if one is healthy it is less likely for you to acquire true disease. addie's trouble was different she had mrsa, which could
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activate in a simple abrasion. other gram negative bacteria come from the gut and it could easily be that somebody is in the hospital for another reason has those bacteria enter the bloodstream and then coat an iv or breathing tube and cause infection that way. it is easier to get infection from a hospital because that's where sick people are. >> david, is there a lot out there that can't be treated with antibiotics? >> well the cdc record said 2 million are getting next gettins per year. probably more. but the thing that's worrisome and that we saw with the research we did for this film on front line was these gram negative bacteria are starting to become resistant to our most modern last resort antibiotics,
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the ones that worked before. and that really concerns people because you get to that edge of life, to that desperate situation where you need something and there's nothing in the medicine chest. >> that's the situation, people forgot what it was like before antibiotics came into play. what do you think washington needs to do to avoid that catastrophe that some people are talking about? david? >> well i think the thing is to set up this kind of national surveillance. 11 out of 50 states are requiring sphaings, but that sue but that's not enough. there are times whether the private sector doesn't function, society has an urgent medical need here. we need a new generation of antibiotics. the science might be more difficult than the ones in the past. and the government could think
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about how to stimulate that research, maybe participate in some of it. help some of the smaller companies that want to attack the list, find the capital to do it. and it seems to me that when we have a problem as a society and we're not getting answers from the private sector that's the time for government to act. >> and i know doctors and patients can help out by using antibiotics in the proper way and not overusing them. david hoffman, dr. sean elliot, thanks for joining us, an important issue that needs attention. thanks. one of the motte famous players in the nfl has a private battle. hee tell us about it. and the lgbt persecution in the community, and hermella aregawi, what's trending?
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>> heavy internet censorship. more on that coming up and what do you think? join the conversation on twitter at aj consider this and on our facebook and google plus pages. hard-hitting debate and desenting views and always explore issues relevant to you.
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>> gay rights continue to advantages in america and many other western countries. but there are 76 countries worldwide that punish homosexuality among consenting adults. among those, 38 are in africa. in uganda, they're considering punishing homosexualities. in a movie god and uganda. >> something has a potential to destroy uganda. and it is coming from the
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outside. if we don't move fast i foresee a lot of death happening. the fire has already been set. and i think it is important to trace it back to where it is coming from. >> we are you now joined by the oscar winning director of that film ross williams and a former member of parliament, dr. robert bukena. lgbt persecution in uganda is very serious, has the death penalty for homosexual acts. it didn't pass but it's come back to life with slightly in a slightly milder version. but still with life sentences for gays. what's going on? >> i'm not sure the bill was actually altered.
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dr. bukena can probably answer that question if the bill has been altered but i think the death penalty is still part of the bill. but what's going on is just as you said,% execution of homosexuals, they become the scapegoat for a lot of -- there's a lot of issues probably in uganda, corruption. and so gays are an easy scapegoat. >> is it really that, trying to distract from bigger issues? >> you know the american fundamentalist, scott lively, addressed parliament on the threat of homosexuality and he addressed it for a number of hours. he takes credit for really sparking the fire that started the bill. >> i want to talk about lively in a moment. you do highlight their role in this antigay sentiment put on the other hand they built
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schools they built hospital he and get credit for a lot of other things. so why has this taken such a -- why have they taken such a big role in this in eafnl africa? >> they feel frustrated that he have lost the culture war in america. as marriage equality has passed state by state, with the recent supreme court ruling they're frustrated but they feel they're winning in places like uganda, in the global south in africa especially. >> dr. bukena how big a situation is homosexuality in africa? it's equivalent to to the third rail, like social, you can't support gays, just like you try change social you're in big trouble politically. >> that is true oa certain
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extent. and the main case uganda is a back water state moving towards development. and in so doing so, such minorities, people perceive them wrongly. for example, tell you that in the 70s, 80s and 90s if you talked about a female genital mutilation, nobody would listen to you. but then when you talk about that very important group of females who have been undergoing that very barbaric action, things have been changing. something would happen to the lgbts, they were not being organized as an important right to existence. but what is happening now in uganda, we are beginning to see it as a human right. the situation. and that it should not be discriminated upon.
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and that they are free in the only way. to do what they do. but takes a bit of time. takes a bit of time. because you see, we are completely bombarded by you know, whether christian interests, especially from the west, who come and tell us about the condemnation of such acts. for example, smooively myself s condemned for condom use for prevention of hiv. my church would not are follow that, what is wrong with you? but i insisted. now that it's starting to come out very well. >> as vice president of uganda in 2003 you praised the
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archbishop of uganda when he criticized the uchurch, you publicly denounced homosexuality because it was against the, as someone who is supporting the gay community in uganda? >> you have to think about this very, very very deeply. at that time we did not think about the gay community as a minority who has a right. but now when you look deeply in human rights you look at minorities who are refusing a chance to assemble, who are refusing a chance to be a religious group, to be what they are in their own human dignity. when you think deeply about the
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rights and the minority groups, you begin to see that there is a window of need to organize that the lgbt are just like any other minority group and they must be kept and understood. it takes a bit of time. especially, as you know, even in this country. many people's rights were stampeded until time went on an development took place, people recognized the importance of those people. >> in september at the u.n. general assembly meeting the president of gambia said, it's becoming an epidemic and we muslims will fight. in such strong statements and in such a public forum how do people in the gay community have
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a right to fight against that? >> we have to engage the progressive safe community, in america we have a separation of church and state. and a fringe figure like scott lively who went to uganda, basically said gay people wanted to end society which is crazy, he's allowed to address the parliament. >> for five hours. and interestingly, there has been a case brought against him in the united states for violating human rights, this is on behalf of gays in uganda. arguable whether this is going to move forward but it's under a special law that allows those cases to be brought in the united states. >> yes, the cases of -- being brought by the center for constitutional rights on behalf of smug in uganda. and he tried to get that case thrown out of court and the judge said he had to stand
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trial. there was evidence percented to the supreme court and he agrees with that evidence. >> many are anticipating that you are going to run for president in 2016. but an important antigay activist had this to say about lgbt rights. >> i want to warn the politician that if they dare to come and support homosexuality they are committing political suicide. >> if you plan to be president of uganda how do you respond to someone like that? >> thank you very much. for the sake of the principles of human rights, which everybody yearns for, the rights to assembly, the rights to associate, the rights to organize the minorities, including the handicapped, the rights to stop mutilating female genital systems, should be also
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if same principle given to the lgbts. they should not be discriminated should not be a law that only attacks the lgbt because that would be a discriminative law over our population. so we shall go back to uganda and explain. for all those who are interested in human rights to the rights of my individual, the rights of my association, you must also remember that there must be rights for humidity dignity. and if -- human dignity. if i'm lgbt it's my right. if i'm heterosexual it's my right. if i'm a catholic it is my right. if i'm a pentecostal, it's my right. and i want to appear particularly to the african communities that don't get absorbed by ultrareligious
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groups that come from the western countries, and to brain wash us on many, many issues. i was seeing god helps uganda, the in film, you are going to heal you and have all your diseases cured, and -- >> dr, we have to leave you, the documentary, god loves uganda. in theaters now. >> thank you. >> it's time to see what's trending on ldges tonight. hermella. >> today's stories is about the web, it's very meta.
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designed to glorify free expression on the net. china queue ba and thailand, browse the internet in the way you and i can. >> the control of the information has always been a priority for the ceub ann ceu cn dictatorship. >> i think the internet was the most important factor in the teun sha shahn revolution. >> check out this, around the world in real time. how cool is that! although neither service has been made public yet this news was met with a lot of skepticism from some of you on social
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media. on redit, trusting a fox to guard your hens. viewer jara ken says, kudos to google for trying. and viewer gary steel wants more from google. he says how about a service that works against the nsa. you can read more at the website, antonio, back to you. >> knows too much about all of us hermella. straight ahead, one of the nfl's biggest stars, brandon marshall is fearsome on the field but he will reveal to us, after that. and a thing suit of material and a parachute. why so many people are taking leap.
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>> start every morning, every day, 6am to 10 eastern with al jazeera america.
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>> chicago bears star brandon marshall used to be known as a troublemaker off the field but in 2011 he was diagnosed as borderline personality disorder. marshal talked very personally about his transformation. >> especially professional these wathletes we think it's about u. they point at their name on the back of their shoulder pads. i was one of those guys. i was lost, i thought football defined me. how many of us are out there suffering and don't have the resources to be able to get the
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help you need? how many of us out there are afraid because of the stigma attached to it? so i dwoarted my life -- devoted our mission our resources to fight this thing to use my platform finally for the right reasons. >> joining me from boston straight from giving that speech is brandon marshal, the star wide receiver, brandon clearly you got emotional during that speech you're up there in boston at the kennedy forum, you're with the vice president, the kennedys, chelsea clinton, you had pretty serious demons, how do you get where you are now and your career doing great and a high profile activist for an important cause? >> my situation wasn't unique.
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it goes on every single day but it's magnified when you're a professional athlete or you're a prominent figure in the community. and for me it's just a blessing to go from being a patient to now a treater. you know and i say that and it's a bold statement but because our foundation, we really believe that we can be the preeminent foundation devoted to mental health. how cool is it that you know we celebrated tonight, the last legislation signed by president kennedy, you know the community mental health act. to me that's just amazing. this is more stimulating and more fulfilling than anything that football can bring. >> it's great to hear. how would you describe what you've been through, how borderline personality disorder? >> you could say it's emotional disorder. it presents itself in over 200 something different ways. how it would look in me is probably totally different than
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the person next to me that may suffer. hits both ends of the spectrum. it doesn't mean if you are black or white or a woman or a male, young or old. it affects all of us. the numbers it's staggering. one in four of us suffering from something. for me i had to fight borderline personality disorder. getting the right help surrounding myself with the right people that was validating and really understood what was affecting me really changed my life. and now i'm sitting here at the kennedy forum really raising awareness and spreading you know, the word about you know mental health. >> and your nickname the beast, were your run-ins did you live up to that name because of the disease? >> no. you know the things that made me who i am, it's a gift and a curse. my strengths is also my weaknesses. i wouldn't change anything for the -- for the world.
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you know, the past was -- it's great because now it's a trickle down effect, now that i got help that i needed, now only am i helping the people in my family like my mother who is also you know someone who had to deal with some things. now she's lefg a healthy -- she is living a healthy effective life. it's trickling down to the community and people watching football games, a few weeks ago we wore lime green cleats. to light up lime green to get conversation start id and start breaking down this stigma. it's kind of disturbing. that -- >> you did that to find you right? >> it's kind of disturbing that 50 years ago president kennedy signed this but you know mental health is still a taboo topic. we need to turn this into a
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every day conversation. >> you did that in order rather than paying the $10,000 fine. >> $10,000 is nothing towards the conversation that got started and the awareness that was raised not only during that game but throughout the week. we had women painting their finger nail polish lime green. develop a color that's called crazy stigma green and do something that's called nail gating. this is my purpose, like i said before football is not my purpose. it's my platform. >> i want to play some of the trailer of your documentary, brandon marshal borderer line beast. >> i've been trapped all my life not by man or cages but by my own emotions. traveling beside myself can be summed up by one word.
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damn! >> what is your emergency? >> please come and consider my son. >> tell me what the 911 call was about and why it's important? >> that is not important now. the fact is now i'm living a healthy and effective life. i've been through so much and i'm so thankful for the things that i've turned into. my test turned into my testimony. i'm standing here today being able to advocate for something that real almost took my life and the people around me. it was affecting everyone that was around me. so i'm so thankful for every single trial that i've been through. because it's made me who i am. you know you go from a kid grown up in pittsburgh and moving the orlando and really defined by football and now you're sitting with the likes of the vice president. you're sitting with the likes of the secretary of health and
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welfare. so it's just a pretty awesome experience and a journey is just beginning. >> and in that documentary you say that sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before things change in your life. was that the moment for you? >> you know what? it's -- it presented itself in me probably you know my second year, third year in the nfl. and it was a number of things. you know my life was just spiraling out of control and i tried to talk to people and tried to get the help i needed but it wasn't the right treatment. so it wasn't until i got to mcclain hospital that we were able to really get ahold of it and start getting to the root. >> one thing you said that i thought was very powerful was that you had it all, a wife, three dogs, a massive contract a mansion, a pool, a basketball court, but because of your disease you couldn't enjoy it.
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>> it was one of those things that life wasn't fun. i was isolated, i was depressed, you look around and you are someone at the age of 26 who reached all their goals. that's pretty unique, when you know as a boy you write down all your goals and you reach at the age of 26. and for me having all of that it wasn't fulfilling. so i hit rock bottom and the good thing is that i had the right help. and i think that's something that needs to be available for all. >> a quick final question for you. how did the nfl the players receive you when you told this story and what is it meant for your career? >> yeah well you know what it's transformed me, a lot of times as football players or professional athletes we get caught up in the sport we get caught up in the fame and we let it define us. and when the jersey's ripped off our back and the lights are turned off and the checks stop
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coming we're depressed and we don't know what to do for ourselves. for so long the fans were cheering and we were on this emotional high. this has shown me the true spark in my life. the clinicians and family members, it's awesome to have something that's rea stimulating and fulfilling. >> brandon got to leave it there. best of luck in the mental health community and for the new season. straight ahead, what could save your diet and wind suit jumping takes extreme sports to a whole new level. all next week america tonight investigates the campus rape crisis. >> serial rape is the norm on college campuses. >> i know that when i did report, i was blamed. >> then on friday, november 1st at nine eastern, we open up the conversation in a live town-hall
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event. sex crimes on campus, a special week of coverage and live town-hall on america tonight nine eastern. only on al jazeera america.
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>> today's data dive, slims down how your drinking is messing up your diet. alcohol ruins more than a quarter of all attempts to lose weight. it claims two out of five people drink more than 900 calories a night. that means you're drinking the equivalent of a full extra meal in calories. a pint of some beers can deliver 250 calories, some wines can pack 300 in one good size glass, hard liquor is not behind. a basic cost mow, can deal 400 calories. people eat more junk food after they have been imbibing. four out of five polled said they often had pizza after they had been drinken and there's no trouble when you're not at a bar. when you think you're eating healthy you're probably not, upon grapomegranate-pear drink,e
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is not best for you, each has 156 calories and six grams of sugar. you're adding a whole day's worth of calories every week. some experts say their calories outweigh their benefits. that could be the sale of juice drinks and sugar drinks have been going down. keep an eye on what you're eating and drinking. coming up wing sport is an extreme sport that kills a lot of people who try it. why would you risk your life to try it? we'll ask one of the biggest names in sport next.
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>> wowz try a sport that kills a
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frighteningly high percentage of the people who usually do it. stunt drivers or skate borderers use a lot of padding. but wing suit flyers, take a look. that was a human being flying through that sign. there is no doubt that this is thrilling. but it carries a death rate six times higher than the deadliest profession in the u.s. so what drives a person to such an extreme sport where one slight mistake could kill you? alexander poley is a pioneer in the sport of wing suit, we just saw him flying, the first wing suit targeted sites, he joins us from mil milan i.t. li.
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and yari joins us from stockholm sweden. the statistics are frightening. estimates say 6 to 7% of the 3,000 or so jump suiters or wing suiters die out there every year. alexander the basic question is what in the world are you thinking? >> i have to pause you there because the way you started, honestly, i got frightened when you were saying those number. i think there's a big miss conception. like the way somebody can decide to ride a motorcycle, they can ride a bicycle and skip that scooter stage and go right away to the big bike. but when they fall on the big bike they probably are not going to die but most likely break a leg and so forth. this is where our sport is so different. we can't afford to fall and so
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forth. so to really take an emphasis on the preparation that has gone into this, you know, for me i did 1500 sky dives in the first two years before i did my first base jump. flying wind tunnel. so when i actually did go and do my first base jump i didn't have a doubt in my mind if i could pull it off or if i could do it because to some extent i had done all my training and rigging so rigorously, i'm not allowed to make those mistakes that in skateboarding and in snow boarding or in motocross you are entitled to make. >> we are not just talking about some of the famous who died, mark sutton, who did the fake queen elizabeth in london's opening ceremony, he died. and just a couple of weeks ago
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victor kovats a major in the sport perished. yari, doesn't that make you reconsider? >> the people like alexander who are doing it basically professionally. and just like in formula 1 at the rate that people can get hurt or even die sometimes it is higher than people who are driving normally with the cars you know in the traffic. so i think that we should have this distinction here. >> but in formula 1 there's a lot of money in that's you can make a lot of money. how do athletes who risk their lives get a big payday? >> this is one thing for me personally, i know there are bigger names in the sport that i believe sometimes perhaps don't portray us in the best aspect. i can't see myself ever flying for somebody else. i can fly and film and capture
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my magic with the idea of sharing the joy that i feel. but even the cave night in spain for me i wouldn't consider it a stunt or anything. it was for me by me if anything a form of self expression if i made at. >> we're just looking at the cave dive,. >> yes please. >> it's and incredible dive as you went through that stone. and again there's no margin for error. yari those have to be an essentially place of safety for them. you work on that to make it an essentially point for them. >> that's true i think the suit and the equipment are really, really safe nowadays, it is the danger of getting really close to the cliffs that sometimes causes these steps. i think i have alexander here to really stress the point that it's for people who do it it's pure joy.
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it's the incredible realization of human flight and this is something that is striving for all of us. >> when you mentioned the name of mark sutton and some of these other jumpers that have perished, now there's a big difference between wing suit sky diving and wing suit base jumping. yes, you are still flying a wing suit, but in my belief in my humble opinion here the way you fly a wing suit in a skydive because the skydive is so much longer you start adopting a lazy body position. i think the old school of flying these suits have all this knowledge and the specific requirements on how to be able to do it in the safest manner possible. when i fly down the mountain i have kind of like a checkbook of dos and don'ts. >> take us through your jump in
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the cave in spain. how do you gear up for it and how do you manage yourself, to get through such a high space at such an incredible speed? >> when i'm carving down a crack, i hit a foam pole with my left wing, that's in another video. we wanted to take that further and see if we could build a sign that was only two meters by one meter. when i open my wings i'm about my height, i'm about 185, six feet. i have about four, five inches of error margin between either supporting pole on the 2013 flight. now two target flights, the two 2013 flights and the cave were three excessive jumps done all in the same day. so meaning i did my first 2013 flight i didn't hit that center i wasn't happy with it, i went back up, i was able to do a second jump where i nailed it, i
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hit the target straight on, the cave is at least four, five times bigger than that sign. and kind of like just knowing that i can, believing in myself. i think this is something that has been given ome by my father that has always allowed me to live such an adventurous life believing in myself believing that can i do it. because when i can hit that sign there's no reason i can't fly through the cave. the only thing that's preventing me is kind of my mind and my fear. >> any minor errors of change if wind. yari, alexander mentioned this earlier, what do these guys do and what do these guys do when you sell them your suits to prepare the wind tunnel? how does it work? >> if you don't mind it would be proper to go back in time and talk about the wing suit in general.
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100 years ago, 80 years ago when they came up with the first wing suit, it was very, very dangerous, the first commercial wing suit we did back in 1999 and ever since we introduced the first commercial wing suit in the training for that, let us remember that the wing suit is only for the very experienced sky divers, people who have 200 jumps already or more. the wing suit diving has been extremely safe just as safe as the normal sky diving itself, then when we go to the base diving that's when we have the more risk. sky divers have lots of training and courses before they can handle themselves in the free fall and then for the wing suit itself we have lots of different training programs and the sport in general is really safe. so it would be fair that it's not so dangerous as you make it sound all the time. >> although i -- looking at some of the things that alexander and others have done it's certainly
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dangerous. what you're saying is people need to do a lot of sky dives with pair chutes, comfortable in the air before they try anything like this. but you could have some more recreational use the wing suits, jumping out of a plane before opening a parachute right yari? >> that's correct, 13,500 feet and we can fly miles and miles or three or four minutes even before opening the parachute. that can be really, really safe and we actually have some rules and regulations that we have governed that we actually have our pair chutes open at 650 meters. and that actually gives us enough time to even open the reserve parachute which obviously the guys doing base jump don't have. >> and alexander when you are at those lower attitudes and you are flying at more than 100 miles an hour, how do you stop?
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is it just the only thing you can do is, get to a certain altitude and then you open a parachute? >> that's also one of the basic guidelines right? or one of those many guidelines that you have when you fly. you always as a basic rule disconnect early from the mountain, don't try to be greedy and fly those extra four seconds close to the ground. be a little on the conservative side. >> it is breathtaking what some of you do out there. it does seem completely insane when you look at the numbers of how many people have died. and the people who were very good at it. the highest percentage the most dangerous job in america is logging and it has less than 1% fatality rate. >> if i can add an interesting point here, i was at the
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international mountain summit, and talked to mountain climbers that accomplished some amazing things. there are scary number that out of every 100 people that try to summit everest, about 8 don't come down, 8% that's ohigh number. i know that's something that's only mown everest i think. >> you were very carlos to that. i think very frightening. guys we have to leave it there. thank you for such an interesting conversation and i wish you both the best and to please stay safe. >> my pleasure. >> the story may be over but the conversation continues. you can find us at twitter @aj consider this. we'll see you next time. .
11:00 pm
good evening everyone. welcome to al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler in new york. angry allies - germany's leader is the latest to demand answers of the white house about nsa spying allegations. health care - lawmakers want to talk to people that built the website and find out why it doesn't work. >> it's an emergency. >> we're at school teachers have been shot >> teachers at risk - from a teacher shooting in nevada, to a stabbing in massachusetts - what will it take to keep teachers safe at school?


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