tv News Al Jazeera October 24, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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this is al jazeera. ♪ . >> hello, and welcome to the news hour. from al jazeera nude centers here in doha in london. spying between friend fries unacceptable. in condemning the u.s. over phone tapping allegations. >> hello, there. in london at that same summit leaders are also discussing the mediterranean refugee crisis. we will be live where yet more migrants have arrived on thursday.
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also this hour, the final exchange, part of a three part deal, women prisoners are released. and while the legendary elephants are at risk of dying out. >> the european summit is being overshadowed by the claims that u.s. has been spying on its latest allies. if it was alleged that her mobile phone was tapped. it follows gains at the security agency has spied on french diplomats. while merkel complained to the u.s. president about the allegations and the white house admitted that the strain relations with its closest allies. >> the revelations that have appeared of late have obviously caused tensions in our relationships with some countries and we are
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dealing with with that set of issues through diplomatic channels. but -- and we are also clearly and publicly, engaging in a review of our gathering operations. with an eye to the need to find a balance between our security needs. and the security needs of our allies on the one hand, and the privacy concerns that everyone shares. >> live to al jazeera who is in buts sells for us, breast sells where e.u. leaders are meeting today, no aapology there from the white house, will the comments that we heard, at all satisfy the leaders meeting there? >> no, i don't think they will. i think this argument has gone beyond that, and the leaders here will want a lot more clarity than they have just heard. in those excepts from the white house spokes men. no apology, in essence a message that we carry out surveillance, so does everyone else more or less, and we will carry
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on doing it. the latest target angel merkel to be revealed by these revelations by the whistle blower edward snowden. she is now here in buts sells and she is in talk with her fellow leers. not just in germany but across europe. >> with regards to the national security agency, i have made it clear to the american president that spying between friends is unacceptable. i said that in june, when he was in berlin, and in july and also yesterday in a phone call. it's not about me, it is about the privacy of all german people, between allies there must be trust, and this trust must now be rebuilt. >> other leaders
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gathering in brussells lines up to express alarm about the latest revelations on the extent of u.s. phone tapping. >> we can't accept this systematic spying, whatever it may be. we need to take measures. we need to take european measures as well. >> there was also this moment of levity from the irish leader. >> i always use this phone. >> french president francoise whose countries was another target for national fying is meeting his german counter part to coordinate a full response to washington. >> u.s. ambassadors have already been called in. >> this is now extremely embarrassing and damaging. between the united states and europe. they have been seen in recent years. angel merkel grew up under a regime that spied
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as a matter of course. she might have expected better from the united states. this summit was meant to focus on immigration, and the economy. it's been overwhelmed with the controversial. western governments always knew that the u.s. was watching its citizens but the extent of the operation revealed by whistle blower edward snowden has shocked and angers politicians. it is already prompting calls for the suspension of the cooperation on certain data sharing. what h washington will have to move swiftly to calm the mood. >> meanwhile, in berlin, john d was summoned to answer allegations that his phone had been tapped be i the u.s. let's go live, who joins us now. do we know what was said in the meeting between the u.s. ambassador?
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we don't know what was said, but we have a pretty good idea that it amounts to dressing down the german foreign minister, he said he wanted to find out the extent of the spying and that this could not go on, and when he met with reporters there is what he had to say. >> for germany, it is unacceptable. that the mobile phone of our federal chancellor may have been subject to surveillance activities by our american partners. for us, spying on close friends and partners is totally unacceptable. this junked mines trust and this can harm our friendship. >> we expect that these activities that have been reported will be comprehensively investigated, we need the truth now. >> quite apart from the diplomatic consequences that we have just been
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hearing about, there are political and possibly judicial consequences here in europe. the political ones involve the members of the opposition social democratic party who may well join the new coalition saying it's time to review the whole idea of having a tran atlantic trade partnership with the united states, because they are probably listening in to how we are going to negotiate. so there can't be a free and fair discussion when it comes to coming up with a trade deal, which is fair to all. on the judicial front, the federal prosecutor is thinking of opening an investigation, to see what kind of laws may have been broken by the alleged wiretapping, so the consequences are far from over. now that angel merkel has spoken and the foreign minister, and the politicians and the judges may be stepping into the ring. >> thank you very much. that's nick spicer live in berlin. now also being discussed by european lead leaders is a growing migrant
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crisis in mediterranean sea. >> yes, the mayor of italy has warned european leaders they urgently need to rethink immigration policy. has been swamped by an exodus from neighboring north africa, and she is pushing for europe to change its policy to avoided more tragedies like the one on november the third, which claims hundreds of lives. >> otherwise it is a very idea of europe that will be ship wrecked along with them in the mediterranean, if they can help contribute to an understanding of these issues i am proud of that and proud to represent a community that has been generous, and now expects a change. that something changes. >> and earlier on thursday, more migrants arrived. on the aisle, he joins us live now.
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this is a reminder of the problem they are facing. >> yes, a very timely reminder, and quite con vennent. as she is in brussells to take the story of this island to senior european politicians. the people here have long felt ignored when it comes to this migration crisis, we are here in this remote corner of europe, just 100 or so kilometers from the coast, and the people here feel very much on the front line of the unions trying to cope with this endless wave of migration, and we saw yet another boat load coming in, and by the coast guard, and it is the coast guard here that more or less day in and out have to go out and rescue these boats. we have had confirmation this evening that there are a number of boats out
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there in the waters a few hundred a few miles off the coast which are being tracked. we spent time with the coast guard to get a sense of the stresses and strains they feel in this very difficult work. >> on thursday morning yet more migrants made it. spotted 11-kilometers off score, transfers to two italian coast guard rescue boats. 127 mainly many women and children. stepping on to european soil for the first time it is all in a days work for the hard press coast guard. they have 75 men and seven vessels under his command. two of these with eight crew members each are on permanent stand by to rescue the next boat in trouble. today it is a routine patrol, it isn't always like this. >> we are close to the spot where oven october
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the third a boat carrying 500 migrants, sank. and this coast guard vessel and this crew were the first to arrive at the scene, and many of the men onboard here, are haunted by memories of what they saw. over 350 migrants drowned, this crew pulled 43 from the sea, just a few hundreds meters from the shore. it was the worst thing they had seen. >> after we think about the people that are rescued, the people found dead. we found at a lot of child. dead. migrants are reaches these shores for years but the sheer volume is overwhelming. 33,683 migrants have entered italy so far this year. 13,075 of them have come
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all but 500 of those have needed help from the coast guard. >> despite the stress of this job, they don't blame the migrants he tells us what the father of one migrant family told him. i have to decide. if tomorrow i died in my country, or tomorrow go to italy and i am 50% of possibility to save my family. you are a father, what do you think about that? >> his coast guard takes great pride in every life saved. it's a shame it's taken so many lives lost to focus the attention of europe's politicians. simon mcgregorwood. more news from europe later, but right now it is back to doha.
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>> al jazeera news hour, of course still ahead, madagascar prepares to take its first step back on the road to democracy, four years after its military backed. also ahead. >> in luxor in egypt, it is the start of the tourist season, but there's almost no one here. >> and in sports batters into submission, pakistan in the face of a south african onslaught in the second half. >> the syrian government has freed a group of women as part of a regional prisoner exchange. among those due to be released is a 17-year-old. author her release is not to be believed to be part of the deal.
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the three way deal was put into action on saturday when three lebanese hostages were released. and finally on wednesday, the syrian government released 51 female prisoners. she has been in rids since she was 17. this is the website she accused of maintaining. >> arrested in december 2009, spying for a foreign country.
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most of them manage to return to their home in syria. >> they were discreetly handed over, no families or friends were there to welcome them. a stark contrast that surrounded the release of shiite pill games on saturday. they was part of a group of 11 who were seized by rebels in may went 12 after touring holy sites in iran. after the capture, a lebanese group calling itself, kidnapped two turkish fie lots in august, and posted the message online saying they would be released only after the lebanese hostages had been freed. the pilots are now back in turkey, at least 60 more women should be released in the coming hours for the three way swap to be completed. al jazeera under theboarder with syria. >> for more, let's go to
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a mar who is live for us. more women are expected to be release in the coming harrods we know if they will be among those who will be freed? >> well, with regards i request confirm to al jazeera sources that she remanged at the prison. but legally she is a free woman, because earlier today, a judge released her, and then a prosecutor also approved that release. and that's based on the fact that she had spent three-quarters of her jail sentence. now if you speak to activists they say yes the government perhapses is trying to play out and implement that legal aspect to try and say this is nothing to do with the prisoners exchange. now, because in syria, the activists will tell you if you are a
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political prisoner, then no judge will grant you the two-thirds of two-quarters of your sentence. so we do expect that to be released part of that prisoners deal, now, that release order from the judge and the prosecutor has reached the prison where she is, but i think because it reached late, so they didn't release her today. tomorrow, bear in mind, is friday, so it is a weekend in the arab world. so p pas there is a slim chance she could be released on friday. or even delayed for a few days to come. >> tell us more about how the release is linked to the hostage swap that just took place recently. >> and the syrian
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government as well as a rebel group. to inch nuance that tyne of group in syria, so they snatched and kidnapped two turkish pilots and then the syrian reasonable group decided to relief them, demanding their relief of female prisoners. let me very briefly tell you about at least 61 female prisoners that were released. on wednesday, they are also some of them are relatives of wanted people to the regime. >> omar, thank you very much for that update, reporting there live from turkey. >> gunman have killed an
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air force colonel in libya. security forces say the unidentified man fired him on him as he left his home. the officer was involved in the operation that led to the capture and killing of muammar gaddafi two years ago. in triply 37 aids to the criminal court, they are accused of undermining the security, inciting tribal war, and trying to put down the february 17th revolution. among those accused is the chief. in jordan, women are protesting demanding their receive the same citizen ship rights as men. women, cannot pass the nationallalty on. the african island is set
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to hold its first democratic election since 2009. >> campaigning has drawn to a close ahead of friday's vote, they are 33 candidating vying for the presidency, and the election has been a long time coming. it has already been postponed three times this year. in the indian ocean off the coast, a military coupe in 2009 plunged the country into police crisis, the coupe also scared off investors and foreign aid, and the economy was severely damaged, so much so, that despite its rich national resources many people live in poverty. nine out of ten survive on less than $2 a day. aid cuts deprive the leaders of cash flow and pour jut tommings are common. a peaceful and successful election would be a major
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factor in unlocking aid and getting the country back on the road to democracy. the representative in madagascar, he hopes the election would lead the country to getting hem to sort its problems. >> i think it is an opportunity, actually, with these elections that will coming together, the first ones to really engage, and support the investment in children, in this country. it's a moment to put the country back on track involving other problems. unfortunately, over the last five years, children had to pay the price. of this political crisis. in comparison, five years ago, we have half a million children more out of school. half a million children more that brings the total of 1.5 million children that don't have access to education. that's during the last
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five years were not able to learn how to count, how to read, how to write. and because the parents couldn't afford to send their children to school. >> the temples and pyramids of ancient egypt have long been a magnet for tourists but rent events have kept them away with devastating consequences for the economy. reports from luxor. >> it's a tourists dream, but luxor's nightmare, this is high season, a few visitors have these ancient sites to themselves. >> it is nearly disaster. looks here, it is safer, and that moment of the year, we are in season, in the beginning of the winter, and to see september is empty, it is absolutely something very very bad for us and for our economy and for our future.
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>> on a normal day, thousands of people will be walking through the funeral temple. just two turned up while we were there. >> we asked friends and -- the news to decide if we should come here. but now we are very quite happy to come see the monument alone. it's a unique experience. >> yes, we are very lucky to see this without people. >> luxor hasn't been touched by the violence that has effected other parts of egypt, but most of the tourists have been scared off, devastating the local economy. this is the entrance to the valley of the kings. in there, among others the tomb. as you can see, the parking lot is pretty much empty. >> the hotels are
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desserted. on pansy rates are around 4%, they are usually more than 80% at this time of year. the nile used to be clogged with cruise boats, now they are marred and hoff balls. the government says more than a billion dollars in tourism revenue has been lost since the mass demonstrations in july that prompted the military led coup. >> since we have this problem between the new government, and the muslim brotherhood, i expect there will be like nothing for a longer time. i don't know when, they will come to sit together, and then everything stop. >> and while those two sides remain far apart, u.s. and european countries will advise against travel. al jazeera, luxor.
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>> you are watching the al jazeera news hour, still ahead, how spending habits in the united states are effecting garment workers in bangladesh. >> plus, a look at the future of timber elephants. >> and russian football teams here hit back at claims that their fans are racist, details of that in the rest of the sports coming up. do stay with us. [[voiceover]] every day, events sweep across our country. and with them, a storm of views. how can you fully understand the impact unless you've heard angles you hadn't considered? antonio mora brings you smart conversation that challenges
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>> while you were asleep, news was happening. >> here are the stories we're following. >> find out what happened and what to expect. >> international outrage. >> a day of political posturing. >> every morning from 6 to 10am al jazeera america brings you more us and global news than any other american news channel. >> tell us exactly what is behind this story. >> from more sources around the world. >> the situation has intensified here at the boarder. >> start every morning, every day, 6am to 10 eastern with al jazeera america. there's more to financial news than the ups and downs of the dow. for instance, can fracking change what you pay for water each month? have you thought about how climate change can affect your grocery bill? can rare minerals in china
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affect your cell phone bill? or how a hospital in texas could drive up your healthcare premium? i'll make the connections from the news to your money real. welcome back. you are watching the news hour. a reminder of our top stories. the german chancellor says it is unacceptable for the u.s. to be spying on its closest allies. the mobile phone was tapped by the u.s. national security agency. the refugee crisis in the mediterranean will be high on the agenda of the e.u. summit in brussells. trying to reach the continent. and the syrian government has freed 61 female
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prisoners as part of an exchange deal. >> six months after factory collapsed in been he dispatch claims more than 1,000 lives 94% of the victims are waiting for compensation. for the survivors that are ready to return to work, a new fair labor factory is helping them. workers there are paid decent wages and share in the profits but for some, it is still a traumatic experience. >> i didn't think i would be able to do this again. when the generator starts i get scared. but then i think this building is only one floor, and maybeky do this. >> so while some workers are fortunate to have moved on from the disaster, the industry as a whole still has a lot to do, top selling clothing companies in the u.s. say they are working to improve safety standards, but these changes real or just wind
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doe dressing? in this brooklyn boutique, where and how the close are made, are just as important as how they look and fit. >> so one thing we do here, is we with try to fit all of these categories in some way. >> it is the latest trend ethically produced fashion. >> i don't know that this store would have been able to survive four years ago, but we have a lot of people that want to have conversations about what is happening. >> a series of factory disasters including the collapse of the plaza have helped call attention to the substandard conditions. more than 1200 workers died. it has also put the spotlight on clothing companies that rely heavily on bangladesh companies. lice gap and wal-mart. initiative in response to the collapse. they. proked to provide more
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factory inspections higher safety standards and $110 million in loans for building improvements. but critics say european efforts have gone much further. the american initiative allows brands and retailers to retain control of factories ins paying nothing towards the renovation and repair, and walk away from the agreement with only minor penalties. al jazeera reached out to all 23 retailers and the management of the alliance itself. not one would answer our questions on camera. they cannot -- the western brands and retailers are willing to support that process by accepting modestly higher prices for their products. >> it is that demand for lower prices that helped drive apparel manufacturing out of new york's famous garment district. at its peek, 105,000
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workers made clothes here, now it's just over 7,000. >> these american garnment workers make more in one day, than bangladesh she workers make in an entire month. the safety standards are more stringent, not to mention more costly. >> and while awareness of the problems may be growing it is yet to reach most consumers. >> do you ever think about where your clothes come from and how they are made? >> no. not really. >> we know about it, was the more popular it is, the more big retailers are likely to change to stay fashionable. which has been involved in retailers over improving working conditions.
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jenny is live. thank you for being on the program, you have been at the center of the negotiations and the lead organizations. has inning changed since the collapse. >> i think the biggest chain that has happened has been in attitude. what we are seeing is an absolutely commitment, by the employers by the factories themselves, but the industry here needs to change. the business model that has relied on cheap clothing under substandard conditions is not sustainable and not viable for the country. we have had very very powerful discussions in been he dash, and that's what we are moving forward with. >> try mart has said it will extend compensation for victims and the families effected. what about other other
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retailers for instance? >> there has been discussions. the prime mark so far is the only one that has paid. and after six months that is a tragedy. it is the six month anniversary of the collapse, and families are really suffering. so urgently, brands must come to the table and put money on it. many problems exist as to why that isn't happening. partly it is about the government here not being decisive, but it is also the technical problems about bringing it into the country, some brands don't want to admit that they were there, or didn't know they were there. and they don't want to accept liability for the case. so a like must be drawn under the plaza incident and the compensation pay to all of the families. so that way can look forward to the future to make sure this sort of tragedy doesn't happen again p and in the event
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that it does, a fund is in place, and these negotiations are happening simultaneously. but we call on all brands to pay those workers and their families who are suffering so badly. >> briefly, tell us about the human side of this? i understand you have met with the victims and the families what are they telling you. >> well, basically they are in a really hard place. they are suffering great grief. they have loose love ones and others are living with the injuries they have sustained. there are people that are living as single parents. there is a woman who was giving birth who became pregnant who her husband dies. there are many stories. and you can see them trying to live with this immense grief, and difficulty, while lacking the financial means to support themselves. and it really is a human tragedy, six months after the actual disaster. jenny, thank you so much for sharing this with us.
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a policy director and she joins us there, thank you for your time. stupids and teachers have walked out of class in spain, in protest against education reform. let's go back to london. >> yes, this two day nationwide strike is being held in protest of a series of reforms and cut backs. critics are raising about the rising cost of education. they say cuts have created bigger classes and put more pressure on teachers. one reform is the introduction of a friday lingual education system. it was at the beginning of the academic year. tell us how these went today.
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>> the professors have all gone home, but about an hour and a half ago, this square was full, with teachers and parents and students who come out to voice their opposition to the education reforms. now, the numbers -- depending slightly on who you are, say nationwide about 20% of the education sector supported the strike. the unions if you speak them, understand the number much higher. one puts it as high as 83%. now they say that units are completely empty, and that some areas like valencia, classes of schools are almost completely empty too.
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the first time that public schools and units have walked out together, with status assisted independent schools. the list of controversial measures is long. >> we believe that these reforms they are opening the public schools to private companies that want to get a profit out of it. >> but in the islands there's another reform that is upsetting people. most children here are bilingual. and at the beginning of this year, cool lan is no longer the primary language. they will be conducted in spanish and english too. >> we decided talking english, math and natural
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sciences will be taught in catalin. >> the tri-lingual model known as til is both hugely complicated and hugely unpopular here. plenty ofn't pas think it is a damaging experiment on their children. >> they want to spanishize the student, which is what he said in parliament that he wanted to do, for that reason a loot of people relate the new reforms with other times from the past. >> these poke at two of spains raw nerves. one old, and one new. firstly, messing around with regional languages here always reawakens memories of the dictatorship of general franco. but secondly, there's embarrassment that most spaniards don't speak good enough english to compete in the modern world. >> the ruling popular party didn't have anyone
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available for us to interview, but the justification it gives for all its education reforms is spanish students aren't employable enough, they must get better at languages. that is certainly true, a quarter of kids drop out before her 16, and spain ranks poorly among develops countries for nba restsy and literacy. but if they can mark the government on how it is chose ton address the problems they certainly give it a fail. am al jazeera, spain. >> unemployment in france has surged to a new record high, the ministry sets the number of people registered as looking for work reached almost 3.3 million. that's a 1.9% increase on the previous month. but officials say much of that is due to a technical glitch, which miscalculated the numbers in august. after the charges against
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him were changed from piracy to howl howl gannism. >> she and 29 others have been held since being arrested last month. during a protest on the russian owned oil rig. although it is a lesser charge, convictions still carry potential jail terms. the 59.6 karat diamond is off the skate in every way. and they expect it to set a glittering world record. the pink star diamond was mined in africa in 1999 and it is one of the largest jewels of its kind.
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large pink diamonds are rare, but this one is exceptional. and according to and the auction house any private or royal collection in the world. looking at this ring, up close, is absolutely incredible. most pink diamonds weigh no more than five karates, this one with tipped the scales at 60. it took two years of cutting and polishing to transform it into this jewel. it's been glymph the highest color and clarity rating possible. and if you want this ring on your finger, you are going to need deep pockets. it's estimated to fetch $60 million. >> it's been described as the most important gus coverry in modern times. everybody knows about diamonds will want this. but obviously, $60 million plus, you have to have millions of dollars as well. but i think it will
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appeal to people that want the rarest of the rare. >> for a record $46 million. but it is much smaller and isn't flawless. so the glittering pink star will surpass this, becoming the most expensive jewel to ever be sold at auction. al jazeera, london. >> a little bit of fun. >> still ahead in sports after a crushing loss in game one of the world series, can the st. louis cardinals fight back against the boston red sox? on august 20th,
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uncertain future for the legendary and hardworking timber elephants. now his handlers say he is strong, and obedient. ideal qualities for a timber elephant. >> the oozy of this elephant, some of them are nice, while others are not. >> more captive eln't fatalitieses than any other country, more than half belong to the timber enterprise. the governments official logging agency. others are in private hands. but times are changing fast. from april 2014, log exports will be banned,
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but while that may be good for the forests the eln't fatalitieses and their handlers face an uncertain future. the handlers are worries. what is not economic fall will be eliminated. >> private handlers who has 20 elephants are in a dilemma. >> we are in a situation where we have to sell our eln't fatalitieses. >> if we don't get any help, we will have no choice. we will release them into the jungle. >> they could have trafficked, exposed, or abused. if released in the forest they could clash with farmers. elephants are left with a shrinking hack tat. wild life conservationist is concerned about their fate. >> the government, and the people, those --
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associated with the elephants those close with the elephant they are all responsibility. >> the big question is whether elephants will remain relevant, or be relegated to tourist spectacles like these white elephants. while elephants are considering incredibly auspicious, because the mother dreamt of a white elephant the night before he was born. ironically, and at like here they have been reduced to curiosities. the el nantz facing a turning point, they have survived walls and dictatorships now they must survive democracy and a free market. al jazeera. all right, time now for sports. >> thank you very much. a beaten partnership of 326 runs from grand smith.
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128 for 3, they lost from spain early on. but then it was grand smith. going on to record his fifth test, and his 9,000th run in test match correct. he remained unbeaten. he ended the day on 157. the partnership so far worth 326. now baseball's world series opened as the boston red sox hosted the cardinals at fenway park. the fielding error was just the start of a bad night. justin pedroia was initially called out. despite replaying shows the ball has slipped. the umpires -- but, the red sox rightly
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complained anyway, and the umpires reversed the call. that left bases loaded. who hit a three run double. david ortiz was robbed of a grand slam. quite an incredible catch. >> went to the hospital with bruised rips. but ortiz put the game out of reach in the 7th. a that run homer, boston going on to beat lose 8-1, before their 9th straight wing, be uh the overall still the focus of many after the game. basically the explanation is that is not a play i have seen before. it's pretty much to debut over the world series. i get trying to get the right call, just a tough
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one to swallow. >> there was no entry into the glove with the ball. and to their credit, they did confer, and i think the one thing is we just strive to get the call correct, and i think based on their group conversation, surprisingly to a certain extent they overturned it and got the call right. >> five hours away from game two, and john henry smith is at the park to tell us how the contest is shaping up. hoping it is less chilly, but is the scale of the victory a surprise. >> absolutely the scale is a surprise. i don't know anyone expected an 8-win outcome in favor of either team. and adam wainwright and john lester but i think the more element tool surprise is how poorly the cardinals played. in the regular season that's a team that committed 75 errors. no one committed fewer in the national league, and yet they committed three
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errors yesterday and they could have very easily been tagged with two more. so we can put this down to a bad night and expect them to bounce back in game two, are we? >> well, you would certainly think they would, and the cardinals certainly have reason to feel hopeful. they have 22-year-old rookie going for them on the mound tonight. this kid only had 12 career starts but it's been 12 brilliant starts. he is 3-0 with an era of under five, which is just amazing. certainly they are banking on a good start from michael tonight, now, a reason that for them -- for the cardinals to be worried you mentioned it earlier, carlos beltran's injury. and if he is out of that
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line-up, i would venture to say he is irreplaceable. >> i am just going to go back to this decision, that everyone has been talking about, the cardinals called it a tough call, do you think that will be hanging over their heads? >> i wouldn't call it a tough call, i think most people would call it the right call, have seldom do you see them confer, and say okay, this is the right call, let's overturn and make the right call, but that's what they did. i think most would say they are commended for doing that, and if the cardinals are letting that over their head, you would think they would need to get over that quickly. moscow, over the alleged racist behavior of their fans at a champions league match. claims to have been the
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subject of chantz during wednesday's 2-1 group stage win and he complained to the referee at the time, by the match continues. t.f.k. says it considers the allegations under founded but man city did lodge their formal complaint. >> i don't know whether -- what happened, i just -- just tell me some shouts against italy. i think it is a pity that they continue with those stupid things. is i would hope they would have the right message to finish other things. it's pitiful for the city. well, the union which represents professional footballs has criticized the match for not taking a tougher stance at the time. that thursday congress, it's european president said the protocol agrees that the safety officer should make a stadium announcement warning the fans if the chantz do
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know desist, the game will be stopped. we are very disappointed that a clear agreed protocol which is agreed to deal with these situations was not affected. now clubs in france, have agreed not to play any matches over one weekend t a the end of november, over protests for government plans for a super tax on players. those earning over $1.3 million at 75% champions. will be one of those 20 teams that will go on strike. 24 matches in the uefa league on thursday, a number are coming to an end. in group eight, also holding two time syria champions, kicking off soon, leaders take on romanian side 2004 champions in their group
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a clash. former australian was driving alone when hit car hit a brick wall. the 83-year-old was taken to the hospital with chest and shoulder injuries and is expected to remain there for a few days. that is always for now. >> thank you and happy birthday. >> thank you very much. >> now, the big bolllywood blockbusters are facing some competition, not from hollywood but from independent films made in india. more from mumbai. >> it is like i said, it is what i live for. i have waited eight year today have my first release. >> his film is callnga. and it is screening. this wouldn't have been possible a few years ago. bolllywood is still king songseah, flashy songs and larger than life stars. but a new crop of films most recently the lunch
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box, have drawn rave reviews at international festivals and have attracted the crowds at home. >> he just says these nonbolllywood films have been around for years now, though, film makers can reach their audiences. >> with the internet we put the film out there and the audience finds us. we have multiple theaters in the same premises, so we sense now that the distributors, don't mind give us the smallest screen for a week. >> at this year's festival audiences say they like having an alternative to bolllywood. >> they are typical. very plastic, and very -- more of a typical. >> you don't really need song and dance, but i think it's time to be bolllywood without song and dance. and support audiences of
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independents. >> interests and line-ups are steadily growing that's being driven by the internet and exposures to international films. but film critics say don't expect the musical to lose the film industry. >> i think even in the u.s., or in europe, is has an audience of it own. >> the chance for small bud jest movies to make it big, or at least bigser encouraging more independent film making. you have no excuse not to make a film. and the people that want to watch it, they will find you. >> that film can then find its way to the box office, and even go on to become a hit. >> al jazeera, mumbai. >> all right, that's it for this news how, do stay with us, more world news coming up very shortly, back in a moment.
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