tv News Al Jazeera October 26, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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>> new allegations are prompting more anger over the scope of the u.s. deposit's secret surveillance programs. a german news magazine, monitoring the phone of german chancellor angela merkel back in 2002. demonstrators marched to wach washington and our jean meserve was there. >> nsa spying should stop. >> i'm here because of our liberal principles here in this country that should be stopped. that is. >> our first amendment our fourth amendment and we're here
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to restore balance to the way our lives are been tumped up, get our sprieives back our safe space back. >> 580,000 signatures to the member of the u.s. congress. it is callings for full disclosure of what the nsa ask doing, an end to those programs and accountability to those who are responsible. in addition the organizers released a statement to the man who is responsible for the current state of knowledge about nsa programs, edward snowden. that statement says in part, we declare that mass surveillance has no place in this country. it is time for reform. elections coming and we are watching you. interso for more on this protest we're joined by kurt opsel. he is the organizer of the stop are spying protest today. do you think you achieved what you are hoping to?
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>> a lot of people worked together, diverse group of hundreds of groups came together and put together a great rally. i think we were able to impress upon the congress that there's a lot of people who are calling for the end of mass surveillance, we want accountability, and we want to have transparency in what the nsa is doing. >> but are you at all frustrated that these stories don't seem to make more of a splash here in the united states? >> well, we have actually seen a lot of great stories coming out of the news media. a lot of then are originating from the guardian newspaper and a lot of overseas papers, but the important thing is to get the information out there to understand what's happening and when they find out what is happening they become upset by it. >> there's argument that no matter how many stories are sprinted about the nsa revelations it doesn't seem to fire up a lot of americans? >> i think people do care. we had 500,000 sign the petition
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against nsa spying, we had thousands show up today, and more on live stream. polls are saying that more and more americans are upset by the spying dong on their government. >> you were on the hill for lobby day, did you think you got a lot of attention and support from legislators? >> that was great. we were able to meet with staffers from over 55 representatives, explain the story, explain why we think that mass surveillance has to end. and we're going to have some bills coming up and hopefully these bills will be able to rein back the nsa. >> which bills are you most excited about? >> the one on tuesday, leahy, senseenbrenner bill. we will see what the result is. >> what would you like to see
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long term ? >> the idea of mass surveillance. if you look at a huge sea of data, you'll see that it's a faulty notion and that's the premise of this nsa surveillance program where it's looking deep 52 the lives of people who have nothing to do with torment, nothing with legitimate national security, and that's a premise we would like to stop. >> the organizer of today's stop rachg us -- watching us rally. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> ing where kim ber liz are calcut has more. >> information gathered by 17 different u.s. agencies is collected and analyzed. this is the national
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counterterrorism center where even americans not september of terrorism come under scrutiny. that is something jasmin tiige and edward leef levy. >> working for arab american institute our community in particular is constantly the community that's targeted by a lot of these post-9/11 cowrnlt counterterrorism and efforts. >> they are combing through that and that is alarming and contradicts principles of our constitution. >> that information is not only selected, it is stored for sometimes decades. the fbi is able to keep intelligence the longest. >> 20 to 30 years basically on
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the theory that it might be useful in the future. that information will only be gotten rid of if it's going to be of no use to the fbi or any of the other 16 agencies that are in the american intelligence community. >> those agencies include the nsa and the u.s. counterterrorism center. they can search information about a person's phone use for five years even if they've never been suspected of a crime. the key score tracks 50 billion communications on the internet. so much information is being compiled by the nsa, there is a massive new center being built. privacy advocates says that kind of are, approved the government's application, to
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continue its dragnet surveillance of domestic telephone and internet communications. and it's changed the way some americans now go about their daily lives. >> you don't feel as free to say what you think and even the most mundane phone conversation about you know what you're going to have for dinner tonight or with your spouses about you know what your child is doing or something. you're just wondering if someone is listening to you. >> and it appears they are. just in case what is said now becomes useful later. kimberly helcutt, al jazeera, washington. >> about to test the foreign intelligence surveillance act. in papers filed by the u.s. government frida jamshid muhtor, likely to set the stage for an
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appeal to the u.s. supreme court. >> a car bomb killed almost 100 people outside a syrian mosque. more than 100 peopl,000 people e been killed in the syrian war so far. hem is not getting through, many are in need of the basics. bernard smith has their story. >> syria's civil war is creating a nation of refugees. this is the aftermath of what activists say was a government bombardment of a damascus center on friday. now refugees in their own country. many are sheltering in empty buildings and schools. others are in more formal but basic camps. nearly all are reliant on
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outside help. bureaucracy has reduced aid delivers to a trickle. urging increased humanitarian access hasn't made much difference. >> i have expressed my deep appointment to the council, that the situation on the ground has not changed fundamentally as a result of the statement. we are doing everything that we can, to look at ways in which operationalization of the statement would help us, but i need the political support of the security council members, but also, other members of the united nations to really make a difference. >> the security council resolution on syria's chemical weapons threatens consequences for noncompliance but valerie amos has said the rebel groups
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have largely ignored the appeal because it is nonbinding. both sides are accused of daily indiscriminate attacks on schools, power plants hospitals and personnel. no one is taking seriously their obligations under international humanitarian law. bernard smith, al jazeera. >> it was an execution of rebels, that's what the iranian official news agency says after 16 men were reportedledly hange. iran was said to have avending the death of their garts along the -- guards along the pakistani border. friday night in a town in the southeastern part of the country. >> women in saudi arabia are taking the wheel to demand a right many take for granted. driving. 17,000 have signed a petition to call for the right to operate a
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car. saudi officials are threatening to arrest anyone involved in the protest. one woman said the campaign though isn't just about driving. >> it's a very good platform to start asking for more rights in general. not just for women. because the way we've been going about this is in a very calm, peaceful way. we're not rioting. we're not having any types of gatherings or protests in that sort of way. >> saudi arabia is the only country in the world that has laws forbiddin forbidding womenm driving. >> a fire has moved across east texas this afternoon, thick smoke is filling the air and making eyes sting. people can feel tonight nearby cities including houston, crews don't yet know what caused the fire but they do say it is suspicious. well, the world series shifts from boston to st. louis
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now. game 5 gidge begins shortly. jessica taff is there. jessica. >> fans can't get in until 5:30 even time, about a half hour before the first pitch. media are ambiguously around, players are inside, but truly just electric atmosphere, first pitch 8:docto 8:07 p.m. before that they have the aid budweiser clydesdales come around. the boston red sox have come to play in this stadium, actually the last time the boston red sox were here was 2005, that's when david ortiz had a homer to win the whole thing, so it was at the old busch stadium, in st.
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louis. the first taste for many of the players. >> so what else can we look forward to jessica? what do you think is going to happen with the game? >> well, the game is going to be interesting. right now nobody can tell what's going to happen. the series is tied at one game apiece but you've got to look at the home team advantage. cardinals are 5 and 1, in the last 16 of 18 world series winners have won game 3. so we really want to take a nice look at who wins this first game. this is the first game right here in st. louis and cardinals fans are really excited to see this one happen. it's interesting. weather conditions right now it's a balmy 63°. you know october baseball it's going to gel chillier. by the time the first pitch probably about 10° colder. by the time we have the final out you could expect a probably
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10 to 15 degree swing in temperature for the colder portion. rebecca will tell you about that later on when she talks in weather. >> looks like a beautiful day out there, we'll talk to you later jessica thanks. >> all right thank you jonathan. >> jessica you have a job in any department. you nailed that. temperatures are starting out in the low 60s but boy was it a chilly start in the midwest this morning. across the upper portion of the midwest temperatures in the low 40s to the north and as you get a little further south, kansas city is 60°. what we've got is a forecast of winds to pick up, out of the northwest about 5 to 10 miles an hour. so after the cold air up to the north starts to seep down to the south this game 3 is going to be on the cooler side with partly
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cloudy skies and as the wind progresses, by the end of the game, depending whether we go into extra innings, temperatures will be dropping down to around 40. temperatures 5 to 10° below normal but boy, we have a big blast of cold air on the way. i'll show you where that's going to move in and jonathan i'm also going to show you a good shot of snow. i'll show you where that's going to move in coming up next. >> can't wait to see. thanks rebecca. somalis are taking advantage of something americans do all the time. why they're pumping gas the first time in 20 years. and hurricane sandy one year ago and one town still struggling to recover. closest to the story, invite hard-hitting debate and desenting views and always explore issues relevant to you.
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(vo) al jazeera america we understand that every news story begins and ends with people. >> the efforts are focused on rescuing stranded residents. (vo) we pursue that story beyond the headline, past the spokesperson, to the streets. >> thousands of riot police deployed across the capitol. (vo) we put all of our global resources behind every story. >> it is a scene of utter devastation. (vo) and follow it no matter where it leads, all the way to you. al jazeera america. take a new look at news. >> last year new york was bracing for hurricane sandy.
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forced crucial health care centers to close. most of those clinics still have not reopened. an international aid organization is stepping in to pep hypothesis benedict moran reports. >> dr. amber featherstone is stocking up on supplies. a routine for the doctors, this is new york city, in an area called the rockaways. >> even before the hurricane in was designated as a medically underserved area. after the hurricane it just got worse. doctors were not able to return for one way or the other. their files were washed away. and they couldn't provide services the way they were before. >> just 20 miles from manhattan's financial hub, the rockaways are still struggling.
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during the storm much of the area was flooded, electricity and public transportation was cut off. forcing many business he like health care providers to shut down and many of the services are still not going. >> 56-year-old howard walks, and the rockaways are a war zone. >> for the seniors or just those about to be one there is a rise of depression, fear, tremendous fare, if i have a heart attack where (bleep) do i go? >> now there's only one full service hospital for the area's 15 neighborhoods. doctors of the world helps to be a second choice offering residents free primarily and preventative care like diebts ds
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and health care screens. >> i think at the end of the day we are all human with the basic same sets of needs. and whether you are not receiving health care because you are caught in a war zone or you are in an underserved community in the quote unquote industrialized world, i don't think those needs change. >> wash away to have that clinic open is a tremendous relief. benedict moran, the rockaways, al jazeera. >> hawaii could begin issuing licenses and performing ceremonies on november 18th for same sex couples. the islands created the defense of marriage act in 1996. the supreme court eventually struck it down but turned gay marriage into national discussion. in somalia, gas stations are opening for the first time in 20 years. violence that has plagued the
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country for decades have kept oil companies out. >> for the past 20 years this is what a pet role station in moagdmowingmogadishhas looked l. >> the improved security situation nowrnlgtd us to reopen the station. made a lot of drivers happy because they can now buy good quality petrol at a good price. >> functioning petrol pumps, only fuel on sale. >> this fuel is better and cleaner, it's better for the engine. before the fuel would be ruined because it wasn't being stored properly.
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hopefullies thishopefulliehopefe stations will get rid of the old fuel. >> the drive to open more petrol pumps. >> we are in consultations with the street vendors. we've now given them a grace period and soon we will issue a law banning the sale of fuel except at licensed petrol pumps. >> the sale of fuel on the black market has cost many somalis their lives. the hope is with the reopening of these stations at least one part of o every day life will be safer. georgijamal elsaiayd, al jazeer.
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>> darren haynes is here to talk about a big changes inred sox lineup. >> after david ortiz grand slam and home run in game 1 and two of the world series trust me, they will find way to keep their designated hitter in the lineup. national league rules are now in effect. that means no designated hitter but sox manager john farrell is opting to keep big poppy in the lineup sending regular starter mike napoli to the bunch. two home runs, five rbi and three runs scored. >> roger goodell has made it clear, he doesn't care which forum has it first. doesn't have a timetable for a new franchise in london or l.a. yet but if it were to happen, he wants it to be done the right way. the nfl will currently play two regular season games this season
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and three more, while los angeles hasn't had a franchise since the rams left in 1975. despite a tough fight against wake forest, duke johnson ran for two second quarter touchdowns, the second, held off the demon deacons 24-21. that sets up next weekable pops ncc showdown against florida state. that's a look at the sports i'm darren haynes. >> great we'll see you next half hour. polls indicate that the ruling party will lose ground. lucia newman has a look. >> what you see here is are not dunes of sand but of soy. billions of dollars worth is exported from the port city of rosario, the nation's fourth
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largest. yet the middle class is not happy. soaring crime, double digit inflation and harsh restrictions on foreign currency has put lucia in a foul mood. >> the middle class wants freedom to buy dollars not holidays as the government claims but to protect savings from our are depreciating currency. we want to be free from being robbed and assaulted. >> this is bad news for the ruling party head of the ruling party elections. >> no one has won an election in argentina without the support of the middle class which continues to be the majority. their income is dropping but not their aspirations. >> and it's not just the middle class that's complaining. on the other side of the traction, rosa navarro is expecting her seventh child and is struggling to feet her family.
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>> the government subsidy is not enough for more than one meal a day. my older children want a job but can't find one and neither can i. >> her husband i is in prison fr murder. slums in the last decade have grown by 70%, partly because of the abrupt end to the construction boom which attracteing arg jenattracting am around the cun . they are no longer convince they'd their leadership can guarantee a brighter tomorrow. lucia newman, al jazeera, rosariveo. >> quincy jones says the michael jackson estate owes him nearly
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$10 million. the pair repeatedly worked together for 35 years.. jones says the songs were reedited to cut him out of royalties which violated his contract. jackson's estate says jones has been properly compensated, sony has not yet commented. plus this: oh boy, taking customers satisfaction to a whole new level. we'll take you inside the anger room, ahead. uncovers unheard, fascinating news stories? it drives discussion across america. >> share your story on tv and online.
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a dash, a pinch. a lot of giggles. cooking with your family isn't just fun, it's a great way to teach them about food that's good for you. you'll create a healthy masterpiece together and a new tradition... the more you know. >> and welcome back to al jazeera america. here is a look at your top stories today. a rally in washington, d.c. opposing surveillance, stop watching us, coalition of organizations that includes the american civil liberty
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association. german chancellor angela merkel's phone may have been tapped for ten years. blast causing building to collapse syrian government and rebels are blaming each other for the attack. warnings the humanitarian crisis in syria is about to get worse. mobilizing to vaccinate 2.5 young children to protect against polio. world health organization says more than 20 people may already have it. joining us to talk about this is dr. bruce aylward with the world health organization. doctor thanks for being with us. we appreciate it. >> good evening. >> so how alarming was this discovery of polio in syria for you? >> well, polio is a disease that is on the verge of eradication
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globally so seeing it anywhere in the world is lawrnlg. alarming, this is extremely alarm. >> so talk about the challenges that your group is going to face trying to go into syria and vaccinate these 2 million children. >> well, there's already been a vaccination ongoing in syria in a number of rounds over the past two years, on the government side and also in other areas in an effort to protect kids about vaccinatable preventible disease. the effort is to get the effort up extremely high. this is one of the most contested areas particularly dangerous and particularly active conflict there so there will need to be a tremendous concerted effort among all sides to get to as the kids as possible. >> what are the workers from the
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w.h.o. seeing when they go into syria are they getting resistance? >> no, actually the wonderful thing about syria it has been a very, very long and strong history of vaccination and public health in general and this persists even today. and the government is quite keen that vaccination continue and all syrians get vaccinated. the government is acutely aware that you have to vaccinate all syrians and even those in surrounding countries. the emphasis is that we do it not how we do it. there's been a lot of support and cooperation. >> how do you think these will be handed out? >> it has to go very fast. when you are trying to battle polio the key is speed, you have to go very fast.
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the week of the 27th, of october, next week and within ten, 15 days get a second dose into the kids, in a broader area. first targeting the dear area then the broader area. hopefully the entire country will be targeted in a mass campaign that will also involve most of the surrounding countries as well. >> that sounds like a huge campaign but a crippling and deadly disease. dr. bruce aylward with the world health organization, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> the five people accused of plotting the 9/11 attacked, their lawyers say the cia violated the men's rights by torturing them in foreign prisons. ross lind johnson has more. >> the defense wants to be able to bring into the discussion the u.n. convention against torture which would allow their clients,
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the five men accused of planning the september 11th attacks to gain some sort of redress for the torture they said they suffered in cia custody from 2003 and 2006. one of the strategies was to have a defense lawyer to bring a specialty in international war crimes including the matter of torture. however, cheryl boreman was not able to bring in toby cadman. here is some of what mr. cadman had to say to reporters on friday evening. >> if you don't deal with these issues now it is going to cloud the entire judicial process. and i think this is a very defining moment for the u.s. i think everyone looks at the u.s. as the beacon of democracy and this is really setting the u.s. back almost into the dark ages. >> even though the five defense teams have already entered a
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number of motions trying to get more evidence about the cia's rendition program entered as evidence in this trial, they've also taken the step of writing directly to u.s. president barack obama asking him to declassify the rendition program because they say without that information, their people in the united states who will know about how their clients were treated than they will be able to say in open court. they say in a defense case that involves the death penalty that's inexcusable. what does the prosecution think of this? >> the public is going to know what the prosecution knows. our case in chief is going to be to the public. there won'ting any so-called secret evidence. >> the next hearing in the 9/11 case won't be heard until december. during that time you're going to see more efforts to try to bring up more of the questions about torture and how it might affect the outcome of this trial bought into play in a number of filings. there's no possibility of the
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trial starting at this point before 2015. >> that is our rosalyn jordan in guantanamo bay. the u.s. army has changed its honor academy for the cadets. they have the option of saying the last part of the oath, "so help me god." the god reference violates the constitutional concept of religious freedom and the academy agrees saying the academy respects all cadets including those who are not religious. a 2009 law set to expire, a family of 4 receiving full benefits will now get $36 less while single households will get about $11 less. nationally the reduction amounts to $5 billion next year. it's the first month to month food stamp benefit drop whatever. armed with the mission that no one goes hungry, a new
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program is underway in india, brings military style training to planting and rice paddies. food security army. >> these cadets are getting ready to plow the fallow fields of karala. they'll soon join their comrades in helping to provide the local agricultural industry. this is the new front line in karala's push to become more self-sufficient. >> we need expansion, very good expansion, through training, the training should be just pliek our retraining. highly disciplined, highly committed and highly productive output. >> new recruits spend 20 days learning about everything from fertilizer and seeds to planting
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seasons and machinery. since the first session in 2003 more than 3500 cadets nope to their community as service providers have been through this training. over the past 40 years the state of karala has said a steady decline in the number of people willing to work in the field. but the food security army is trying to lure people back to the land. its mission is to start a national movement. to make sure that all indians have enough food. lepa vendrian is one of the food army's first provider and runs a business worth $130,000. >> translator: my income has quadrupled since i started doing this. my life has changed a lot. now, i own one acre of land and also have savings.
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>> in the 1970s the state of karala produced 1.5 million tons of rice. today it produces one-third of that. for farmers like narin asksn a shortage of labor has been a persistent problem. >> compared to before production has increased many fold. other farmers in my village have also started using the services and gone back to their land. >> this grass roots initiative has captured the attention of the nation. and if the indian government could hope to produce food for all of the its population it could turn this into groundbreaking policies. libby al jazeera karala. >> the fight osave giraffes from
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extinction. >> i'm jessica taff, live in st. louis for game 3, cardinals red sox, coverage coming up later on in sports. you impact unless you've heard angles you hadn't considered? antonio mora brings you smart conversation that challenges the status quo with unexpected opinions and a fresh outlook. including yours.
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very much longer. it's feared that giraffes could become extinct in a couple of decades. >> in africa's harsh are savannah lives the world's tallest animal. conservation experts are worried about encroachment into their habitat. only about 80,000 remained by 2012. >> the trend across the african continent is very worrying. the numbers have actually declined by 30% across the continent. two of the subspecies are now listed as endangered. >> mainly included in the most rare subspecies are found in kenya. this is the rothschild giraffe.
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because their existence was so threatened they had to be put into protection about two decades ago. this rothschild giraffe has to be in protected centers such as this center where they can breed. this is the lucky one. the more vulnerable are outside of game reserves and sang wears whersanctuaries. >> because of clearing of the natural areas we have ended up in a situation where we now have fragments of habitats across the country. and these fragments is where you'll find the giraffes in, and where you'll find other wildlife and we know from our own research that most extinctions in this wild have occurred in habitat fragments. >> the endangered rothschild
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giraffe may be changed as a comprehensive national policy to guarantee this. what has now been campaigned more aggressively is sensitizing those who live close to wildlife to try to coexist with animals. >> our main mission is to help create awareness and conservation through learning situations. >> it's a hard sell when you consider fast-growing population and the wildlife all competing for the limited space available in a rapidly industrializing country. but conservationists say this is a fight that must not be lost. losing africa's wildlife is just not an option. al jazeera, nairobi. >> all right, we've got sports now with darren haynes. so game 3 of the world series.
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tied 1-1. >> lot of things changing with shifting over to st. louis. david hor ortiz, home run for game 1 and 2 of the world series, it is a no brainer keeping big poppy in their lineup. national league rules are in effect. that means no designated hitter but sox manager john farrell is opting to keep big poppy on the lineup. sending napoli to the bench. 4 rbis and three runs scored. 2004 world series against cardinals, current st. louis manager mike metheny was a catcher. he had a special bond with yadir molina. >> there was mike metheny, the
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team's manager was the catcher for cardinals from 2000 to 2004. it was during that time that metheny started mentoring a young molina. >> it was very, very similar, i think that's part of the relationship working out so well. metheny talked about this in the nlck, how are you able to manage guys you played with, is there a little bit of conflict? people we work with not sure we want them to be our bosses. but he was a mentor to molina then and he is a mentor now. >> 2004 when metheny went on the disabled list, 2004 world series against the red sox that molina was elected to start over metheny, pushing his now manager out of the starting job. >> catchers who are brilliant,
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yadir is so amazing, i think they saw that at the beginning. >> and that gets us to today, metheny and molina are back in the world series, but this time around they are hoping to beat the very team that swept them nine years ago. >> bad memories of 2004 and we're looking to kind of right that ship. >> once themen tor, metheny is relying on molina to do what he could not, beat boston i beats . >> rosh shimabuku al jazeera. >> now, for more on game 3 of the world series let's welcome in jessica taff who is in busch
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stadium in st. louis, jessica with the world series now playing, what does this mean now for the boston lineup? >> yeah, certainly means that they take that big bat of mike napoli out of the lineup but the good news is you've got ortiz and napoli and late innings you've got that bat to come off the bench if need be. the team was hitting .188, hense why they kept ortiz in there. he is starting at first base. it is a position that he has played for a long time. the fact that he has only played six games there this last season? in 39 innings he has had zero errors, his big job is just to get out of the way of justin pie
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pedroya when he is hitting bunts. solid right in that position and all star right next to you at second joe. >> the spotlight definitely on the red sox and cardinals pinches but that spotlight a little bit brighter for jake peavy wouldn't you say? >> absolutely he is the veteran of the two but one of those things that he had a tough outing in the last go-round he wants to redeem himself a little bit. for both pitchers this is a world series debut and with jake peavy, what he has dreamed about. >> to go out and execute pitchers and be able to execute pitches it comes with no end. obviously i'm an emotional guy, motions, at the same time, i'm 13 years into this, i'm as excited as i ever will be for a start to go out there tomorrow. but there's not going to be a situation where i get
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overwhelmed in and get too emotional and let the emotions of the moment to beat me. i feel like i've been in enough situations over the years that there's nothing tonight that's going orattle me or get in my head, doesn't matter how loud the crowd is or how bad things are going. it comes out to executing pitches and make tiny adjustments that make the biggest -- it takes getting some balls hit at people and some guys making some plays and just getting in that rhythm of the game and i think we all expect that to happen tomorrow night. >> okay now darren a couple of lineup notes cardinals allen is out of the lineup still battling a foot injury, also for boston danielle nava is in left field in place of johnny combs.
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5-1 the playoffs here in busch stadium however, the last time the red sox actually lost a game on the road in the world series goes clear back to 1986, darren. >> 1986, i was five years old at the time so -- >> i don't think we need to bring up your age. i was listening to toto play africa right then. >> of course we have a big game 3 coming up this series even at one game apiece jonathan. >> 1986, acts loose ancient history, seems like yesterday. thanks darren. there is a place you can go in dallas and get out all your stress. destroy a room full of stuff and there are no consequences. mark schneider takes us to the ache are room. >> the guy busting up this room with a baseball bat fixes computers for a living.
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but his life is taking a 180 from the stress of his job. >> you kind of don't let your stress flow, you are fixing problems and things have to get complicated. you kind of have to be reserved and do your job. >> donna alexander created the opportunity to have this medication. she grew up around violence on chicago's east side. she came up with the anger room. >> a lot of people i know have gone to jail for things ridiculous, punching holes in walls and things like that. i figured i would create a place for a things like that, where they could get all their anger out and go about their day. >> she gets items donated and stages a living room or office for people. >> there you go, yeah!
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>> oliver broadis spends a full five minutes inside getting his full $25 worth of aggression out. >> i feel great,. >> i wanted to know if this sort of stress relief is actually healthy. a lined counselor who helps people with stress told us for most of us, this is great. >> especially a person who tends to be depressed or holds everything in, it could be a good release for them. >> but some people should avoid it. >> people who are already explosive, rageaholics, it is going to be made worse for them. >> we're not set up for therapeutic or therapy center, we are mostly entertainment but if people choose to use it as
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therapy, why not. >> donna would like to go national by franchising the anger room. she knows there's nf ag enough . >> late november it's getting cold on the equities. rebecca is back with the national forecast, next. together unexpected voices closest to the story, invite hard-hitting debate and desenting views and always explore issues relevant to you.
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>> so chilly temperatures and on top of that we've got gusty wind and that is making it feel even colder than it actually is outside. this includes the world series game in st. louis. wind speeds, these are our gusts in the last half hour, and you will notice they are the strongest around the great lakes. wind gusts up to 30 miles an hour as you get into canada. that's where the stronger gusts definitely are. but even heading off to the east we've got wind gusts, even new york city 25 mile-per-hour wind channeling through those buildings definitely makes it feel a lot colder outside.
4:59 pm
cold air plus some gusty winds not too comfortable. wind gusts for montreal, 25 miles an hour but 25 also for new york city. so it feels like well, 54 in new york, not too bad but then you go over to toronto, and it feels more like 33. so it's definitely a chilly day out there. and we've had some snow reports off and on in parts of new york. mostly it's a little bit of cold rain but around parts of the southern great lakes we've gotten reports of eye pellets, like gropple soft ice. first thing you notice is shower and ice from texas and oklahoma from a little disturbs coming through but we are eyeballing this one coming in late sunday into monday into montana. that is going to bring anywhere from four to seven inches of snow.
5:00 pm
alaska gusts to 70. >> this is al jazeera america, live from new york city. i'm jonathan betz the nsa might have begun monitoring the cell phone of angela merkel as early as 2000 -- 2002. the president apologized to merkel in a phone call this last wednesday. warrantless surveillance programs in a case against an accused terrorist. a legal u.s. resident who is from
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