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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 27, 2013 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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and the pos polls open up if inp gorge that. >> later we'll foe caus focus oh arcafrica ofafrica. they flee things like war and political unrest and poverty. and ind indonesia has not signep to the 1951 refugee convention.
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australia has political limitations as well. they pay thousands of dollars to people smugglers to christmas island. here we are outside of the detention center in sydney australia. on the indonesia island of java where thousands of mike rants ms begin their journey each year how do they do it? this is a major escape becauses this is the closest point to indonesia. a little over 300 qlams kilometres away by boat. the refugees from iraq and syria and miramar are reaching indonesia by boat. the people smugglers are active
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here people pay thousands of dollars and in the middle of the night they are transported from the safe house to one of these beaches here. many of them don't make it alive. these boats are in bad shape and many are intercepted by police and they don't make it to this point. only last week a group of people failed to reach this beach. as you can see in our report. they were arrested and he was taking people to a boat when the authorities stopped him. the police were tipped off and intercepted six trucks of asylum seekers. he was the only one arrested. >> i was afraid when i saw all of these people going into the trucks. i told them i was not going ahead with this. but the man that had ordered the
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transport threatened me with a gun. a police officer is expected of being involved. they are trying to escape persecution in my march. >> they played $3,000 to a smuggler that promised safe passage. now they're broke but still desperate to make the journey by boat. all of them have been stuck in indonesia for eight months or longer. >> we don't trust the snuggle ss for sure. we have no choice but to try to reach australia. we don't receive any help in indonesia. >> indonesia has not signed to the u.n. convention of refugees
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and the authorities are blamed for not doing much to stop the smusmuggling. and are making a profit from it. so far i have not death with police officers who are involved in smuggling. but i have heard of the allegations. >> we meet a man accused of being one of them. he refuses to be interviewed. but according to police he is responsible for smuggling lots of people. the man is optimistic he will soon be free. that was the report from indonesia. i want to flip it over to andrew thomas in sydney. as you have been telling us throughout the day australia a country with a proud history of immigration. and now immigration causes controversy. >> that's right. it's very, very politically
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controversial to be seen weak on immigration and weak on border security as it's described here. it's an issue that elections are won and lost over. and the previous labor government that was voted out in september seemed to have lost control of australia's border. given the tens of thousands of people making the boats journey. the labor government ratcheted up the toughness of their policy. it was not enough that people were already detained on arrival in immigration centers like this one. essentially a prison where they were held for months or years. because at the end of the process those people were found to be genuine refugees an and fleeing persecution. and settled in australia. the waves of people kept on coming. the previous labor government continued by the incoming center right government has made the policy tougher still.
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and any asylum seekers who arrive by boat are sent immediately to a tiny pacific island nation that receives a lot of aid or papa new begin 234eu. tanneand it's up to them to be d to be refugees and they not settled in australia. it's a stop on australian acceptance of refugees. that is the idea to dissuede people from getting on boats in the first place. >> you have got the u.n. refugee convention that australia has signed up to. how does that work with the tough policy that you just described? >> it's a good question and it's a grey area i may say a fudge that australia has come up with. what they are saying is that their obligation is to make sure that the people that are claiming astyl asylum are not pt persecuted or sent back to where
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they came from without being properly assessed is. they think they can send people to other countries and leave it up to them to assess their refugee claims and naru and papa new guinea they did sign the convention. the asylum seekers do not want to go to those countries but australia says they are doing their duty to send them to those countries. it's a bit of a fudge. and many people think that australia is pushing the limit on what the u.n. is all about. >> a whole day of coverage on al jazeera this sunday of the worldwide refugee crisis i mentioned before later we are going to look at north africa and europe and the cri caribbean later on not day. more on live we have put together a price of
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passage map. it shows you how and where migrants are traveling on their journeys. fogs fofogyou find it all at >> we move to the car bombings in the iraqi capital. according to the newsining newss 39 people have been killed. it's mainly she wh shi'a areas f baghdad that have been ta targe. in syria more fighting around the capital. we have video of fighters firing machine guns and rocket grenades. i15,000 people are estimated to have been killed since the uprising began in 2011. >> sporadic gu gunfire across mozambique. the is radicals have taken over the a area. we have an update in the
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district. the government soldiers say things are now relatively calm and they are in control of this area. but just a few hours ago they forced fighters in the barb bush behind me. here are the soldiers here they took over the base on tuesday a few days ago. this base belonged to the fighters and the government fighters came in and forced a number of fighters into the mountains and hills behind them. they are in kee control and this are far from over. the village chief we met him along the way and he said he is scared. he heard that the fighters dispursed they scattered all over the place. they are moving from one side of the national park to the other side of the mountain. people believe they are trying to regroup. another question is where the leader? people think he may be trying to get it back together for conty
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newfcontinuity to regroup. and things are worrying and driving on the main road is a scary experience. there is a section of a road where the army has to he i escoe civilians. on saturday a passenger bus was attacked and people were killed and several people were injured. and people are quite tense and local lengthses ar lengths e eln november 10th. >> the u.s. national security agency may have bugged german chancellor merkel's phone for ten years. this comes from a report in the magazine "speaspeigle." >> well hundreds of demonstrators in washington, d.c. have been protesting against eaves dropping on u.s. citizens as well.
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in washington hundreds gathered to protest the national security agency's surveillance program. the man that made them public was called a hero. former nsa contractor edward snowden is in russia but sent a statement. >> it's about power, control and trust in government. it's about whether you have a voice in our democracy or decisions are made for you rather than with you. >> the protestors message to the government, you have been listening to us so now hear this. >> it bothers me because we don't know what is going on. any time you send a tweet or take a picture or do anything that involves data or a phone call or anything you don't know if this information is housed somewhere. >> people have a right to privacy. >> i'm here because i support the constitution.
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we should be secure from unreasonable search and seizure. >> the demonstrators delivered to congress a petition with half a million signatures urging that domestic surveillance be stopped. >> it's time to rollback the surveillance tape. it's time to restore the fourth amendment. it's time to repeal the patriot act. >> some speakers acknowledge that many americans are apathetic about nsa surveillance and bringing about change will not be easy. >> in the news ahead calculating the cost bangladesh's absent politicians accused of missing 18% of work days. >> and we report from northern kenya where the government is trying to promote self-sufficient farming. ♪
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all next week america tonight investigates the campus rape crisis. >> serial rape is the norm on college campuses. >> i know that when i did report, i was blamed. >> then on friday, november 1st at nine eastern, we open up the conversation in a live town-hall event. sex crimes on campus, a special week of coverage and live town-hall on america tonight nine eastern. only on al jazeera america. [[voiceover]] every day, events sweep across our country. and with them, a storm of views. how can you fully understand the impact unless you've heard angles you hadn't considered? antonio mora brings you smart conversation that challenges the status quo with unexpected opinions and a fresh outlook. including yours.
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>> top stories once again for you on al jazeera. the united nations sayings ther- saying there are more refugees than any time since 1994. al jazeera is looking at the global crisis a is and see peope risking their lives to reach shores. >> at least 39 people have been killed in ten blasts throughout the city. >> an firing in central mozambique. the government forces saking over the rebel base in the mountains. the president of mow za mozambis blaming the movement for a
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bombing of a mini bus. >> georgia's election 23 candidates in the race. >> three leading conte conten cs we want to tell you about. we are following the elections from the capital. >> this is genuinely historic election for two reasons. the most powerful man in georgia for many years is finally stepping down since leading this country after the rose revolution in 2003. it's really been turned around. the lights stay on at night.
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he dealt with petty corruption but he became extremely unpopular and his government lost in parliamentary last year. he is a bit of a lame duck president now. and secondly the international community have de commended geoa for bucking the trend in post abovsovereign states by holdinga free and democratic elect.ion. there is a man named david he is expected to pick up some of the votes. a veteran politician she is expected to do reasonably well. the front runner is the coalition candidate. and he is a political know unknn but he is po popular because hes the backing of this government and it's leader, the prime minister arguably the most dominant force in georgian politics today. the powers of the presidency are
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going to be diminished after this vote. constitution changeses come into effect and they will be transferred largely to the executive led by the prime minister. but he shocked everyone by saying he is stepping down after this race. that leaves georgia in a period of political unfortunate certainty. certainty -- uncertainty. no one knows who he will appoint to be the prime minister. having so much money and influential the concern is he will be the guy in charge from behind the scenes. >> in mu mumbai a teenage girl s forced to drink acid and thrown into the sea. the government is being accused not doing enough to stop these attacks. you may find some of the pictures in the report disturbing. >> it's about about a year since acid go this to her face. a family dispute led her uncle to throw acid on her the day she
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gottegotgot engaged to be marri. my life has changed so much i didn't think i would survive. >> she has survived but it's difficult for her to hold back the tears. all she want wants is to come ce to having a normal life. >> i think if i can get better i can get a job i can take care of myself. >> in the meantime it's her family and friend who are taking care of her. the same can't be said for the government. the latest victim of ana an acid attack is recovering in this hospital outside of mumbai. her family is frustrated in the lack of help by either assisting her or pr preventing this type f attack. we are told there is no money in the front until november. what are we supposed to do again. it's not enough to punish the attack earners or help the vict.
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they have to have public awareness. experience shows no place is safe from ana an an acid a att. safety will come only when the government cracks down on those that carry out the attacks and those that sell acid. fee spitdespite the restrictiond it's still easy to buy. >> once you are sent to jail for ten years after that you go free. what about the girl who has been thrown acid, she is in prison for life. dr. gupta is a plastic surgeon for 30 years has helped people with acid attacks. he believes the only way to stop the crimes is to end the sale of acid unless we make the vendor also equally responsible and like they should also be
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punished. >> she agrees if people can't bias sid thebuybuy acid they woo throw it. a simple solution from some bune who now faces a difficult life. >> three people have been killed in unrest in bangladesh. a three day strike has begun after being called by the opposition o. the violence between police and opposition reporters in the capital. six people were killed there. the bangladesh nationalist party wants the prime minister to hand power to a caretaker administration ahead of the january election. boycotting power is normal in bangladesh now. in the past five years opposition m.p.'s have skimmed mormore -- skipped more than 80f working days between january 2009 and january 2012 politicians didn't show up or
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walwalked out 7 and a half thoud times we have the executive director of transparency international of bang l banglad. says one of the key problems is the government is not held to account. if the opposition is fighting and taking advantage of the constitutional provision that allows 90 days of absence from the parliament, what becomes an opportunity given by the constitution has now become a deliberate policy on the part of the opposition party or the coalition to take a deliberate step from the parliament. so that has to be banned. that has to be totally stopped by amending the constitution. there are two things. one is about the constitution amend the. and the provision i have mentioned it doesn't allow the parties and the bloc, that is a misuse. that has to be done by the parliament members themselves.
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they have to stay away from this culture. and secondly what we explaned is to impose a legal restriction on the boycotting of the parliament. >> here is a story that is about press freedom in china or incompetence in the newspaper. the paper made a public apology after one of the reporters apologized. in the u-turn the paper says improimproper practices have a profound listen. >> argentina are going to midterm elections and the president is expected to lose ground. the vote is an inne indicator aa decade of the family being in power. >> argentina's vast plains
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famous for producing free range cattle and soy and wheat. much of it is located here in this province. argentina's largest where ramos and his family have produced cattle for four generations and like many ranchers and farmers he is angry at the government. >> five years ago they stopped us from exporting beef. supposedly to allow prices at home. instead prices are sky high because many stopped investing and killing off the female cows which means killing offa argentina's industry. that is why he is looking forward to the midterm elections. >> in any election winning winns decisive. at that represents 40% of the nation's vote. this is a dress rehearsal for the 2015 presidential race. from the pampas to the tongues d
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cities all eyes are on this province where the rule party is lagging behind in the polls. >> we have done so much in these ten years giving people back their rights i in terms of socil spending and human rights and housing. >> soring inflation and have taken place. they have governed argentina for more than a decade. >> we are at a turning point and we are nearing an end to the era. she may lose control of the senate and any chance of forming the constitution to allow her a third term is over and there is no substitute. the province mayor who is running for congress against the president's chosen candidate may
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be an option. argentine politics is unique. the movement is made up of many factions and parties. and typically it plays the roll of government and opposition. if the ruling party scores badly as polls indicate, a power struggle for alternative leadership is to follow. >> five people including a toddler are dead after a stabbing in a house in the new york bureau of brooklyn. the emergency services says the victims were found in the sunset park neighborhood before 11 p.m. on saturday. that is a work being class neighborhood home to hispanic and chinese class immigrants. >> thousands of nomadic herders are suffering because of drought. the government is trying to introduce a new farming method
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to reduce the aid. >> a yellow flag flies high at this government office in northern kenya. you can ask the people here, there is a drought. system aisome areas have not har months. he knows the signs. he has seen drought too many times. >> it's a problem, all of the animals die during the drought. there is no water and no pasture. >> he is not the own one worried about the dry season. at the animal market the business is chris being. is -- brisk. these herders have come from afar and they are eager to sell off their animals before the drought gets worse. >> they have to deal with starvation and food aid. that is why the government is pushing for a program. this man is trying to convince herders that farming is the way
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to go. >> we have the time to feed the rest of the country. so i want to be very much optimistic by saying that it's possible we can set land aside. >> already many who lead have abandoned and are now putting in communal land using canals like this to irrigate. >> this farming has changed our lives. we can feed our families and still have a surplus to sell. >> but it's a new practice and there are many problems, the biggest one is protecting their crop from being destroyed by the many cattle roaming free. so they take turnin turns to gue farm day and night. it's difficult. but they tell us it's better to depend on only animals in a region where drought often wipe
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out the entire livestock. >> don't forget will give you so much more coverage on-line. the live stream is there when you are away from your television. and video on demand it's all there breaking news al jazeera >> i'm mei-ling mcnamara in canada here to discover how the great bear rainforest is being protected. >> i'm amanda burrell. i'm in london to find out how to make old houses green. >> and i'm yaara bou melhem in indonesia's south sulawesi looking at how the efforts of local people are restoring this mangrove forest.


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