tv News Al Jazeera November 2, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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>> check this is al jazeera america live from new york city. i'm jonathan betz with a look at the top stories. >> pakistan summons the u.s. ambassador after a drone strike kills a well-known taliban leader. we are learning more about the suspect and motifs about the shooter at a los angeles international airport. >> two french journalists are captured and killed in rebel held territory in mali. >> the pakistani government demanded a meeting with the u.s. ambassador to protest the drone
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attack that killed the leader of the taliban in pakistan. hakimullah mehsud. the pakistani government is concerned about the fallout. we go live to washington with more on this. what can you tell us? >> well, apparently the meeting between the u.s. ambassador to pakistan, robert olsen and members of the pakistani ministry took place in islamabad. the u.s. is refusing to comment if the meeting took place, and what message ambassador olsen took to the pakistanis. there's a loft anger in islamabad and across the country. we hear from the interior minister. >> the efforts have been ambushed. it was an ambush. we see it as an ambush. now, this is the situation that of course could put reviewed
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strains on the relationship between the u.s. and pakistan. the issue of drone strikes has been a contentious one and, in fact, at one point after there was an errant attack that led to the killing of some 24 pakistani soldiers about two years ago, the relationship was about as non-existent as it could be between two countries with full diplomatic relations. >> there seems to be contradiction with the latest action. hasn't the pakistani government been cooperating with the c.i.a. drone program? >> it's been widely known, even though the pakistani government under successive presidents and prime minister publicly said it does not like the drone strikes - it's widely known in washington that the drone strikes could not take place without pakistani approval and acceptance and, in fact, there was a recent important story in the "the washington post"
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outlining how detailed the briefing was between washington and islamabad on the targets for the drone strikes, for the intelligence leading to the targetting of these people, and for the outcomes. there seems to be a lot of domestic hue and cry over the crowned strike. >> thank you ros ill and jordan. >> a news conference is getting under way at lax after a shooting killed a tsa screener. we'll go live to it. >>... the t 3 airlines report approximately 30 total cancellations inbound and outbound, impacting approximately 3,400 passengers. now, passengers are checking in at t 3 now. the jett blue and french operations are actually operating out of terminal 3.
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the virgin american operations are operating out of the tom bradley terminal or the remote gates. airline staff is taking them to their respective gates. t3 airlines are operating at the two adjacent terminals as i mentioned. jet blue's flights for today are likely to operate out of longbeach airport. we expect them to return back to lax this evening. now, passengers who abandoned personal belongings during yesterday's evacuations of t3 should work with their airline to claim everything that they left behind at terminal 3. we greatly appreciate the public's patience during this. most of the terminals are reporting that they are having normal operations just very,
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very busy. we know the security screening checkpoints are operating normally. there is a large demand. once again, thank you for everyone's patience. i know there are questions for chief gannon, i'd like to bring up our chief of airport police gannon. >> thank you. good afternoon everybody. a trying day yesterday for everybody involved. as we mentioned yesterday and we'll mention again, our hearts go out to the tsa officer that was shot and killed yesterday, it's a tragic event, and to others that were also injured. in our attempt to try and ensure that we keep security posture here that is high for the foreseeable future, i'd like to thank and continually thank our partners that came yesterday -
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obviously from the los angeles police department, california highway patrol, los angeles county sheriff's department. hawthorn police department. el sacondo all the agencies that came quickly to help us out. again today, in our enhanced deployment for los angeles world airport and in addition to our airport police officers here every day, los angeles police department committed additional resources. this morning i met with federal airmarshals. they are providing resources for us and every agency has offered resources to us if they are needed. and i'm very, very grateful for that. our whole posture for security is high profile. we have a security strategy that we employ every day. obviously today and for the foreseeable future we'll our
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high profile at the curbs, and anywhere in those ticketing areas, and anywhere on our campuses. as i talked about a little yesterday, or i said yesterday about how proud i am of the airport police officers who responded to this incident, this did not hesitate for one moment, and confronted an armed and dangerous individual. some people have asked about how the officers are doing. i want to report to you that they are doing well. to say that this was not a traumatic incident for them - that would - i would be lying because it absolutely was. they handled it with the utmost professionalism throughout the night and... > and we were listening to a live press conference out of lax with an update on the shooting.
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23-year-old paul ciancia is accused of shooting a tsa workers. pulling an assault rifle of his bag. 1500 flights were affected, of 116,000 passengers. brian rooney is on site. have we learnt about the suspect and what may have motivated the attack? >> they have been very sparing with details about this. apparently he left a note in his bag saying that he was going after the tsa, and possibly federal officials. i think there's a hint of some sort of mental illness here, but we are not getting much out of the authorities. one thing that was not said in the press conference is that terminal three, where the shooting took place, has been released by the fbi as a crime scene. the airport is cleaning up the
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terminal. they tell me between two and 4:00 pm local time things should be returned to normal. a lot of people will be trickling in for who knows how long coming to get baggage and hand-held items left in the terminal when the shooting started. >> we want to go back to the press conference, we are listening to chief patrick gannon with the airport police. >> ..we held a large-scale exercise at ont -- ontario, at a facility, an old - not a hangar, but a terminal - i can't believe i can't say that word right now - an old terminal out there to practice this type of an event. when we look at how we are going to respond to things, and things that have occurred over the last - not that far, when you think about what happened in kenya, nairobi, and you think
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about what happened at the washington naval yard, sandy hook elementary school - it doesn't take much to want to be prepared and ready to handle an incident if it were to occur in our own backyard. we trained or 200 of our own officers, and almost 200 officers from los angeles in enhanced training to enhance the traj they had already received on this. i can't tell you how many people, how many officers stopped me stood and yesterday to express how grateful they are that that training occurred. that training was provided not only by our officers trained and certified in that, but with the help of los angeles. >> great cooperation at the airport to ensure the safety of everybody. so i just really want to end by once again saying how sorry we are that somebody - that people had to be hurt in this incident.
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we are confident that we are trying to do everything we can do to keep the airport safe. thank you. >> thank you, chief. lax is part of a broad community. nothing happens here without great partnerships. people come from far away, that use our airport every day, but we are fortunate to reside in council district 11, westchester, i want to introduce and welcome to the podium our council member mike from council district 11. >> good afternoon, i'm the council member that represents the airport and the surrounding communities. yesterday morning, shortly after 9:30, one guy, a single man with a gun, demonstrated the worst of human nature. throughout the rest of yesterday if not today tens if not
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hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated the best of human nature. our first responders, airport employees, civil servants and passengers travelling through here yesterday and today demonstrated that in a pinch, crisis, tragedy, in a challenge los angeles is ready and knows how to respond, and this is one tough town. barely 24 hours after this happened terminal 3 was partially reopened. less than 30 hours after the incident this airport will be fully functional. that is a remarkable achievement. that is unheard of. the work that los angeles airports has done in order to make everything come back to normal in so short a time is nothing short of mir abbing u lus, paralleling the -- miraculous, paralleling the work
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from the los angeles police force. the fact that they disabled the assailant within minutes was remarkable and saved untold lives. i am absolutely confident that when we analyse this event after the fact, we are going to see that what the police force did yesterday is textbook. we had great work by the first responders, and great work by the second and third responders. we had cooperation from the los angeles emergency management department, from the red cross, from la county mental health, from the la city department of disabilities, from the city of recreation and parks. the mayors office of homeland security, county sheriff, highway patrol. los angeles convention and business bureau and los angeles metro - everybody came together to show los angeles is ready in a crisis. thank you. >> thank you councilman. i am proud to say that terminal
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3 is now fully open and operational. great job by everybody. we will take a few questions if you like. (inaudible question). >>... greater presence - security has that been beefed up in the wake of this, and how long will it be? >> we'll keep it going as long as we think it's necessary. like anything else when you bring in resources from another place, we'll decide how long it will stay. to tell you how much we have and how long it will occur, i think, if somebody else was planning this, they betting keep guessing. i'm not going to tell them. >> i realise you are not going to give us an answer, but will we see more presence of officers with guns or undercover... >> a little bit of everything. our approach to security at the
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airport is layered into many different cases - we have undercover officers deployed, uniformed officers that we deploy here, a number of different ways in which we try to keep this airport safe. we participate daily with the joint terrorism task force and get intelligence on a regular basis about things occurring both in the world and throughout the main impact of the airport. if you had the opportunity, since we've been here today and driven around the upper and lower levels, i am sure you saw the increased presence of uniformed officers all around the airport. we'll keep it going for the foreseeable future. >> ..officers were pulled away from the gait within five minutes. will you go back to the way it was? >> first of all, i want to clarify. i never took armed officers away
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from anything. what we did was - is we changed our strategy to a certain degree. so, for example, if i was a football coach and ran the same play every time, well, i wouldn't gain a yard. same thing with security at an airport or anywhere else in the city. i can't run the same thing every day. to imagine to having an officer sitting at a podium because that's the issue, and having them sit every day for the same amount of time doing what they do - does not improve the security at this airport. i made a decision over the last year to make a move of those individuals. instead of being behind security, where people have been vened and we assume they are unarmed -- screened and assume they are unarmed, we moved them out.
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the threat is not behind security, the threat exists from the kerb line on. as a part of that we have people stationed throughout the airport. that particular individual' position was just moved to a front part of the airport. they have other responsibilities up and down both sides - on both floors of the terminal's arrivals and departures, so will they be in the same moment when i hope they would be - no, it didn't happen in this case. i guarantee you within - within seconds, we had armed officer chasing the suspect through the terminal. what i'm putting together now is trying to - through surveillance videos that we have, through the dispatch tapes, is to come up with a time line as to how long it actually took.
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in a briefing this morning with the fbi, they told me that my officers were 60 seconds behind the suspect. >> (inaudible question) ..up an escalator and then came back down. >> this afternoon at 4 o'clock there'll be a press conference with the fbi as they announce - they are holding a press conference. they told me this morning they'll go through that part of the investigation. i would rather wait to let them get into that. that will be at the federal building is what i'm told at 4 o'clock. >> (inaudible question). >> all i know is that it was - and what i saw, it was an assault rifle. >> (inaudible question).
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>> no, i - deployment at the airport is fluid. we have officers retire, we put people through the academy, we have people move and go to other places. my authorised strength, i'm 17 officers below my authorised strength. i have seven officers in the los angeles police academy to help replace that. i'm constantly looking to replace people, and that deployment will fluctuate based upon normal atriggs that occurs. it will never stay the same. i like the range in which we are now. we are arguably the biggest law enforcement agency at an airport in the united states. so i have looked at deployment throughout the united states, and we are in good shape here in la. >> you have been watching a live press conference out of lax
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after the shooting at the airport, killed a tsa officer. that was patrick gannon talking about extra security precautions. our brian rooney is at lax and has been listening to the press conference. what were the take-aways from it for you? >> i was a little - it's tough for me to hear. i believe they said terminal 3 is up and operational, contrary to what they said earlier, it may be not until later in the afternoon. the airport is still trying to return to normal. there's a - there are piles of baggage here. people are trying to recover that. they need to recover personal items left out in terminal three during the shooting yesterday. it's interesting what they say about the security here, and without them giving the details, it's hard to know - i would say that they did awfully well against a man who was armed with
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an assault rifle. presumably the officers had handguns and they stopped it. we don't know the details of how it went. >> there's a lot of unanswered questions. as you mentioned it took 60 seconds for officers to pursue and find that suspect inside lax. >> thank you for your time. we'll check in with you later in the show. >> we want to move on to other news. in mali two french journalists are dead hours after being kidnapped in rebel territory. france's foreign minister talked about finding the bodies, they were on an assignment. armed men in a 4 x 4 captured the pair in the north-east. the journalists were grabbed after finishing on interview with a rebel leader. >> a final salute for an american space hero. family, friends and dignitaries honoured scott carpenter in colorado. he was the second man to orbit
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the earth. >> scott carpenter played an important role in the early days of the american space race. a time in the "60, when the united states was locked in a race to get to the moon. scott carpenter being the fourth american to travel into space. he is being laid to rest in boulder, colorado. a family member told me a short time ago that carpenter was an altar boy here many, many years ago. carpenter was among the "mercury" astronauts, the "mercury 7", the first to fly into space. he was the fourthman to travel into space and went up behind john glen. they were good friends and neighbours during the early days of the nasa space program. john glen is here, among the
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astronauts here from nasa as honorary pallbearers. carpenter was the man behind the nasa mike in february 1962 who ordered the famous words "god speed, john glen", sending his friend soaring into the sky, in february 1962. john glen is here to give the ooulolgy for his friend and with carpenter's passing john glen is the sole survivor of the original "mercury 7" astro nauts. >> more than so,000 people are rallying in france, protesting new taxes. officers fired tear gas. the government promised increases of $4 billion to reduce the national deficit. >> tim friend is at the protest. >> there are several thousand here, furious at an ecotax that
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president francis hollande wants to introduce. he's backtracked slightly, saying he'll suspend it for more talks, but the people want it scrapped altogether. they say it will jeopardise their livelihoods. brittany has been hit hard by factory closures mainly in the food processing business. they say they are being undercut by cheap labour elsewhere in the european union, and are angry about germany who is undercut them, but the economy generally has taken a knock. the focus of the protest is on the ecotax. a week ago there were violent clashes with the police, rubber bullets were fired, tear gas fired. the protesters hurled missiles at the police. that were several injuries. a couple of days later the
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president francis hollande backtracked and suspended for further talks. protesters feel they have the initiative, they want to go further and want it trapped. they have been promised more state aid, but they are not happy, and speeches are made here before a big march are voicing that anger. >> honey bees in canada are dying putting local produce at risk. a nicotine pesticide is being blamed. many insist it's safe. >> well, this area is really a paradise for bee, the natural vegetation, huge plant diversity. >> a third generation bee keeper, this is known for the quality of honey bees raised to sell to others. for several years too many of his nurtured charges are devastated and dying.
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>> bees landing around the yard, sitting on plant leaves, hundreds of leaves, running around the grass, not coming home, twitching and spasming. it's like a good percentage of the colony population disappeared. >> beekeepers across canada report losses. dead bee, mouldering highs. many blame a pesticide used on soi and corn based on nicotine. manufacturers say it's safe. scientists found that honey bees evolved as social animals protecting each other from disease, meaning les immunity to parasites and other insects. >> bee keeping as an industry is becoming more and more expensive to keep honey bees, that we'll reach a threshold where it won't be worth it for a bee keeper to
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maintain a colony to see 40% die every year. >> bees do more than make money. they pollenate crops, ensuring plentiful harvests. whatever the reason for the current round of honey bee deaths, consequences are worrying scientists. >> if we lose bees we'll lose a significant part of our food supply. without bees we don't get food or animal feeds. there are many things we'll lose. >> there are calls for canada to do the same until more research is done. these bee colonies look healthy. after years of die-offs, bee keepers are wondering about the future of their industry - economically small, vitally important in pollinating many from the we rely on.
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welcome back to al jazeera america. we have a look at your top stories - terminal 3 at los angeles international airport was reopened. a gunman opened fire inside the terminal killing tsa agent gerardo i. hernandez, and wounding several others, and shutting down operations at lax. police identified the suspect as 23-year-old paul ciancia. >> pakistan summoned the
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american ambassador after a drone strike killed a top taliban leader, hakimullah mehsud and three others were kill. he was suspected of planning an attack that killed seven c.i.a. workers at a u.s. base in afghanistan. pakistanis worry the strike could hurt peace talks. >> the pakistani taliban named khan said as its new leader, and he is promising revenge. we have this report. >> this is the taliban new leader, khan said. he is in his mid 30s. he was appointed by a taliban council, securing 43 out of 60 votes. some factions made up of 30 groups are pushing for other candidates to take the top job. khan said is well-known. he is thought to is have planned
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an attack on a gaol in north-west pakistan that freed nearly 400 prisoners, as well as an attack on an air force base that same year. khan said was a trusted lieutenant of the former leader hakimullah mehsud killed in a drone strike on friday. the interior minister condemned the c.i.a. led strike saying the attack harmed the peace protest getting under way between the government and the taliban, and u.s.-taliban cooperation would be reviewed. many pakistanis are angry at what the c.i.a. did >> translation: americans have no right to cause this destruction in our country through these attacks. i believe this was criminal. >> translation: the person killed in the american drone attack was a muslim. he was our brother. this should not have happened. there should be no drone attacks in the first place.
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>> translation: it makes the process of dial ol difficult with hakimullah mehsud dead. dialogue can take place only when there's peace from both sides. >> privately the pakistani government military and agencies will be pleased with hakimullah mehsud's death. during his time as leader of the taliban he carried out several major attacks against the state that claimed thousands of lives. there's few details about the taliban's new leader. some suggest that khan said is the most moderate of the contenders for the top job, his election, they insist, meanings the peace process started by the government could possibly still go through. with the pakistani taliban planning to revenge the death of the former leader, it's all but certain there'll be more violence ahead of any talks.
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>> to talk about this we have christopher swift, a professor of national security studies at george town. thank you for being here. so there is a lot of anger in pakistan, but hakimullah mehsud has been terrorizing the country for more than a decade. why the outrage? >> there's a number of things going on. the first is the pakistani population is opposed to these strikes mainly because of concerns about civilian casualties. the pakistani government is making a lot of noise in recent days about this particular strike, because there has been a lot of controversy within pakistan about numbers that they released a few days ago concerning civilian casualties, and the broader concern of domestic security. the tariq jirks group, known as the pakistani taliban terrorized people in the north-west and all the way to swat valley and major
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urban areas. there's an internal political issue, there's a broader concern in the population about u.s. intervention and the reality of fighting an insurgeon si on the ground of all of that is coming together in a complicated way. >> why do you think this is happening now? this figure is well-known, has done media interviews in the past. why do you think the u.s. struck now? >> the simple answer is they have found him. he's been in u.s. sights for a while. a complicated answer would be the pakistanis may have wanted him out of circulation. this is someone who is a relevantly proficient leader with a strong following. he was in a strong position to keep the factions of the pakistani taliban that your report mentioned together. by taking him out of circulation you avenge the death of all the civilians killed in pakistan,
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but you put the pakistani taliban in a position where it's weaker going into the negotiating table and you engage in diplomacy under the threat of force, which is an effective way to proceed with a group like this. >> we know the taliban was supposed to commence peace talks with the pakistani government. what does this mean for that? >> it is likely you'll see a symbolic movement on both sides towards some kind of negotiation. the difficultiy is it's not clear how much control the new leader has over the various factions which are tribal and family paced that make up the pakistani taliban, and how much the pakistani government rhetoric is a commitment to move forward or something the current prime minister articulated during the course of the election campaign, that is part of the reason why you are seeing so much attention to this issue in pakistan today.
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>> it is a complicated issue. christopher swift from george town university, thank you for meeting with us. >> germany and brazil are angry over spy allegations by the n.s.a. a move following the u.s. spied on the leaders of both countries, saying the collection of personal data constitutes a personal act. the resolution will be voted on at the united nations later this month. >> the chemical weapons deployment in syria is looked at as a time of peace. millions have been uprooted fro their homes. questions of life and death stems from basic concerns - food, water, medicine. with the onset of winter the challenge to survive is growing daunting. on friday the united nations high commissioner for refugees made a call to the international community asking for more aid. we are joined by noah, a policy
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advisor for oxfam. he returned from the region where he manages the humanitarian efforts. talk about what you have seen out there. how bad is it? >> thank you for having me. there's more than 2 million people who have been displaced in the region, displaced to neighbouring countries and 5 million displaced in the country. 7 million are in need of assistance, about a third of the population. in u.s. terms it's like 100 million needed assistance. people are worried about how to survive winter, which is predicted to be the worst in a century. more assistance is needed, but ultimately an end to the conflict is needed. >> until that happens, talk about the humanitarian efforts.
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what is most needed now? >> in the short term what is necessary is the things that will make the winter survivable for the people who are most at risk. things like blankets, heating fuel and stoves, preparations to make homes more liveable. 80% of rev gees are living outside of camps. we see the images in the camp...
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... a lot of people at the time the winter is coming they are e-victoriaed from their homes. people are facing a variety of challenges. there's a window particularly over the next month before the snow falls. that's why we are making an urgent appeal now. >> the crisis is growing, there's no end in site to the war in material. thank you for your time noah, today. >> he just got back on air.
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the man known as egypt's jon stewart has been pulled off the egyptian chan elt. a private channel refused to air youcef's show. it was popular. his satire lead to state investigations. >> rebuilding after massive wild fires is a counting task. some scientists are taking on the challenge, working to improve the resilience of plants affected by wildfires. we report on seeds of success. >> when a wildfire ignites cop tainment is the first priority. record high temperatures, coupled with dry weather whipped up more than a dozen major wild fires in colorado. what happens once the fire is
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extinguished could be the difference between fuelling... ... few days, one in particular. 10,000 acres burned. >> andrea kramer is a scientist with the chicago boatanic guard an. >> one of the problems, is chi grass, one of the things that causes or carries the wildfire further. >> before the presence of chi grass, the average fire cycle was anywhere from 40 to 100 years. ecosystems burn every three to five years. restoring the habitat is a step in decreasing wildfires. it's one of the reasons receding
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with hardy plants is a priority for land management. >> we'll pull the seeds out. we'll look and sigh if they are ready for collection. working with the seed for success, carol and her squad of in-turns take to the colorado fields to ensure the next generation of plant life. >> the ideas that we'd put the seed into seed storage so it would be viable for a couple of hundred years. >> the seeds would collect between so and 20,000 seeds. the seeds are september to various seed banks like this one at the chicago botanic gardens. >> most people are not aware of the scale, the millions of acres that burn. a lot of time it's done by helicopter. areas are inaccessible. dropping vast quantities of seed
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on the scorched earth, with the hopes that it will come back and be a thriving native plant community in the future. >> in this lab about 1500 different collections representing 1500 species are banked. in total more than 1 million seeds are deferred. it's a depost that can protect humans and wildlife in the absence of a rainy day. >> it's another college football saturday. there were key nsc match ups. darren haines back with that. and going the difference - a first responder runs his first marathon.
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. runners from all over the world are heading to new york for the new york city marathon. after last year's race was capsedly because of hurricane handy, many were looking forward to sunday. for some sunday's race is extra special. >> we catch up with a runner training for the big day. >> brian wilton has waited years for the day to come. >> i decided to train for the new york marathon. it's been been my to-do list, bucket list. >> training on the shores of the country he loves. >> being a sufber and triathlete i experienced death and what the ocean can do. >> on the night hurricane sandy hit belmore, brian was among the first to respond.
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>> i don't think any could prepare us. when the storm hit we had a 15 foot storm surge. it was pitch-black, down wires, it was scary. cars from floating. you hoped no one was in them. >> brian and his team scrambled to save their supplies. >> water was waste deep, if not higher. we were able to bust down a door, swam in through the open bay door, and fished around in the pitch-black until we found what we needed and carried stuff back to the bay. >> they rescued families and whatever they could find. >> once we saw people on the front porches, begging for help, we knew we had to go in. we landed people in whatever we could get them in, kayaks and surfboards. >> brian was shocked when it happened to the boardwalk he ran
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along. >> i have never seen anything like it. the boardwalk was gone, lifted up. shocking to see what your kids play on, a source of joy and happy innocence. >> brian's community rebuilt and brian built up his endurance to run the marra it thon. >> when you -- marathon. >> when you run along the boardwalk, you can't help but have memories. some houses destroyed are still destroyed, the damage is there. some houses are almost back. >> finding out he qualified for the marra thon this year meant more. >> i got an email from a friend on the water rescue team who said, "we got in." it's good news after a tough wimenter and storm season. into for brian and others the journey felt longer than 36.2 miles, making crossing the finish line a sweeter victory.
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>> all right a lot of people in new york will run for boston, they are celebrating today the world series win. >> yes, you have the marathon, and then we look at the boston marathon, and what that meant to the city of boston after the bombing. the red sox won its third title. the parade today held a different meaning than the previous two. it was a time where tragedy became triumph in the city of boston. with thousands of fans lining the streets it started at fenway park, and ended at the river. there was a touching moment at the boston marathon finish line, where three were killed and many injured. 25 boats carrying the players stopped at the finish line, where one of the players placed the world series trophy. david ortiz ran the final yards. the red sox defeated the st
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louis cardinals to win the franchise's eighth world series title. >> before the michigan football game, irvin myers said, "records don't matter because it's a rivalry game", what about ohigha versus wadoo. the guys struggled against the boilermakers. myer, 20 and 0 since coming to ohio, not having lost a game in 35 months, on the second play things went downhill. that is nod good. danny etling's past intercepted. then on ohio state second play from scrimage a different story. braxton to jeff hireman and the defence is mia. easy 40 yard touchdown, miller's 233 passing yard. four tds. ohio state extending their winning streak to 21 gams.
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42-42 is the record between wisconsin and ohio. records are meant to be broken. stevie to jacob petersoners 44 yard touch done. more where that came from starvy pitch and catch to gerard. joe with 114 passing yards. number 14 hosting mississippi third quarter second in goal. connor shaw zips one, collecting six points. connor shaw sharing the highlight, love hitting gerald adams with a 4-yard strike. four touchdown passes. south carlo linea with the final. >> illinois looking to get on track. under a minute to go. sam picken from 35 yards out.
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game tied at 17. we go to overtime. here is when christian hakenberg on third and call carter coming up big with a tv catch of the year. 44-17. now it's illinois's turn. nathan schille house's pass. intercepted by ryan keiser. penn state winning 44-17 in overtime. nba is in full swing, as part of our preview, we focus on someone with high expectations. all world center dwight howard. i went to houston for a look at what the rockets have in store for the season. >> if the houston rockets are looking for a time to make a run towards their first nba title in 20 years, the time is now. >> we have the same goal, which is to win a championship. we understand it will not be easy.
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there's a lot of great teams in the west. we have an opportunity to do something special. >> with the rock et cetera landing dwight howard, and one of the best guards in the lead, and contributors the rockets believe they have what it takes. >> we have a chance to win it all. i don't think we are a favourite, but we have a chance. you know, i think when you think of the favourites you have san antonio, miami - you have good teams that have been there. we haven't been there, we just got put together. we'll try to make noise. >> as the rockets look to make noise they are looking to make sure their renovated team wince. >> we all have to sacrifice something to be a championship team. >> whether it's points, wherever it may be we have to sacrifice something. everyone is on board.
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>> we have a buy in to sacrifice for each other and understand hey, everyone may not be able to do as much as they have done in the past, but for the good of the team we'll all buy in. that's the important component. >> there's to doubt the pressure to win is on houston. also on darren morgan, the general manager who put the team together. >> you are the general manager, you brought in james hardie and jeremy lynn. now you have git howard. what makes you think this will work? . >> pretty simple. you look at the formula for winning championships and it's preparing a top lin on a top day. whether it's pierce, koby, shak, genol jirks, duncan, that's the formula. we feel we have it. we'll be disappointed if we don't make the finals. i think, you know, we have a
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chance. i mean, usually there's 5 to 7 teams in the league with a chance to win. i feel like we are one of them. >> we are not sure. we have to figure it out. it's kind of our job. you know what, i'm envisioning that we attack from a lot of different angles. hopefully we make a lot of teams feel like they have to take their poison. >> we have question marks. we hope to be as good as we hope to be. it will be a good thing in the long run. >> >> and tonight the rockets take on the jazz in utah. the rockets are living up to the hype on being one of the good basketball teams. >> you think this may be houston's year. >> it could be. you have tough teams like san antonio coming out of the west. i wouldn't say houston is the team to beat.
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i'm meteorologist eboni deon with an update on weather. it's been enjoyable. there has been mild temperatures in the '50s and '60s. we have the cooler air in place across our interror sections. in boston we were spared as the victorious celebrations got under way, nice conditions for the boston red sox teams and fans. we have the showers over spreading much of the region, light to moderate rain we are seeing with the gold front moving in. all eyes on new york city, looks like we'll be spared the wet weather as we head to the new york city marathon. temperatures down the 40s, rising into the "'50s. colder for the early workweek.
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