tv News Al Jazeera November 5, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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>> good evening, everyone, welcome to al jazeera america. i'm john seigethaler in new york. both virginia and new jersey are choosing a governor. one expects a winner and the other may be too close to call. pot, deception and minimum wage. in other parts of the country it's the issues not the candidates bringing voters to the poll. and changing the guards, governorrers in new york an. and brothers who don't live in iowa bought local races in that
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state. >> well, the polls have closed in several states includes new jersey, massachusetts, what voters is a decided today offers an intryinging look at the parts. governor races in new jersey and virginia, and six states have more than 30 battle measures ranging from a hike in the minimum wage, new taxes on the sale of marijuana, and 200 million bond issue to save the houston astro dome, and there are cities electing mayors like atlanta, detroit, houston and new york. let's begin with the governor races, new jersey governor chris christie said he's not concerned about lack of support from the state's tea party republicans, and from the looks of the polls
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he has no reason to be. christie is expected to win in a landslide over democrat barbara bono. we just heard that the associated press has just called the race for governor chris christie in the state of new jersey. but it's been a different story in virginia why terry mcauliffe faced off against a conservative opponentopponent ken cuccine ll. mmcmcauliffe leads with a very small lead. let's go to new jersey and john terrett is there with the latest news. >> reporter: as you cross over to us, the polls are closing not only here but right around the state, and the associated press has called the election by a wide margin. how could this be after the four
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years that the governor has lived through. the unemployment rate is one percent above the rest of the country. many of his constituents disagree with him on his tax policies, gay marriage and minimum wage. questioning his strategies. >> first on the economy it's moving in the right direction. it's getting better. is it where we want it to be can you "r" wilto be?not yet but per christie as anson who is authentiauthentic. they're looking for someone they trust, who is a leader, and they found someone that they like in him and they trust in him.
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>> reporter: what chances would he hav have had if hurricane say had not happened? >> he was a formidable candidate before the hurricane came in and in strong position for election. we don't know what it would have been like, but he was in strong position before that. >> reporter: he's not only polling well among general new jersey voters but he's doing particularly well among women and minorities. these are the constituencies that the republicans need moving forward. what signal the fact that he's doing well in those constituents sending the rnc headquarters about the kind of mangles he's the way he governs. he basically looks for consensus. he didn't look for places that divided us. he looked to work together. he looked around the state on where we agree. that mentality has brought people together rather than dividing us apart.
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>> reporter: now there is rumor of governor christie running for higher office. if he runs, is the republican party strong enough to run the state in his absence? >> i think there will be things happening here on the state, local counties. i think the bench will be strong. in terms of what he's going to do in the future i have no idea. we'll wait and find out. >> reporter: interesting that michael duhane there does not rule out any possibility for the governor of running or not running. he was very round about in his answer only talking about the republican party in new jersey being in strong position, and he hopes even stronger position after tonight's election results come in. a quick word about barbara depot know who was his candidate for the democratic party. she never got much traction. they didn't raise as much money as christie did, $3 million versus his $13 million to $14 million. she never really got her message
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out. people of new jersey didn't really get to know her the way that they certainly know governor christie as a result of what he did in the immediate aftermath of hurricane sandy. some people say barbara bono only ran because she was the only person in the party wh who could run or would run against the governor. here we are tonight, the ap calling it for governor christie. this could be the first night of christie's 2016. >> it sure could be. john terrett in new jersey. now let's go to georgia, mike viqueira covering the gubernatorial race there between terry mcauliffe and ken cuccinelli. it's still too early to call, right mike? >> reporter: it is, john, and it will be a closer race than we've seen in new jersey. you have a republican candidate here who has the opposite problem of chris christie who
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lacks the tea party support or has that perception in new jersey because so many conservatives angry with him for boosting chris christie's chances or president obama's chance notice aftermath of hurricane sandy. we have a candidate here ken cuccinelli who does not have that problem. he has strong tea party support. he is a tea party conservative, tea party-affiliated. the problem is that might not be enough to carry him over the polls. the democrat terry mcauliffe leading by five to nine points. the area is increasingly blue where it once was deep red. president obama won this state in 2008, and in off year election when there is no presidential race at the top of the picture it often goes to republicans at the state house level and at the governor's level. as a matter of fact, with the
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sitting democratic president it has been a generation of since a member of the opposite party has been elected. you've got this tea party republican, ken cuccinille who has the representation of a happy-go-lucky guy who ran for the democratic nomination and trounced in the primary four years ago. who is a f.o.b. friend of bill clinton, that is, running more or less as a political neo-fight, and yet he's leading in the polls. now at this hour 23% of precincts reporting ken cuccinelli. you can't read too much in that, many of the rural counties have already reported. >> the affordable care act has been an issue in this race, and the republicans have been on the attack. is there a sense it has played a big part of the result of this
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election? >> reporter: ken cuccinelli has two problems, that is the government shutdown. virginia is a state with a lot of federal workers, particularly in the populous northern part of the state where we are now, and where terry mcauliffe hails from, as ken cuccinelli for that matter. a lot of military people who did not want to see the government shutdown, so it is a problem, but cuccinelli has run on it, but terry mcauliffe has outraised ken cuccinelli $32 million to $20 million, much of that coming from out of state on both sides, john. >> we'll be going back to mike several times tonight before this is over, and here to talk more about other races including
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the new york city mayor race is david pollock, former new york state director for the obama campaign. it's great to see you. >> reporter: how are you go give me your since, bill de blasio is expected to win the race in new york, but the polls have not closed yet. what will the margin here? what will it tell us? are there some voters who just stayed home because they thought he was going to win big? >> high guess is that they are. i was stunned when i went to go vote and i didn't wait in line at all. it's going to be an enormous victory. i don't know what that tells you other than the fact that you have a 6-1 registration in new york city. >> how is new york going to look different under bill de blasio then it did under bloomberg?
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>> the reason why he was alienated from the outer borro borrows, he looked out of place. he didn't look that comfortable as we sa saw him in the aftermah of hurricane sandy. and bill de blasio is having his victory party in brooklyn. >> you're a democrat looking closely at other races including virginia. is this a referendum on the tea party in virginia. >> reporter: what's very interesting is there is a debate in the republican party, should we be horror moderate? is that how we win? should we be more conservative? is that how we win? you have two candidates that represent each of those points of view. the fact that the moderate is running very strongly in new jersey and the conservative is running neck and neck in the red or purple state of virginia gives you a strong answer on the
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referendum of the republican party, and the extreme social agenda, is not a winner. >> it's not just boo not just o, there are a lot of people who work in washington, d.c. >> sequester is still a big issue in virginia. in northern virginia all those federal employee who is lost their jobs because of some would argue, i certainly would, of the republican attempts to block the obama administration by shutting things down when they can't win. i think that will hurt cucc cuccinelli. >> let's cross the river to chris chrissie, big winner. what does that tell but his possible run for president. >> reporter: it tells you that he has a lot of appeal outside of the traditional republican
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party base. what it doesn't tell you is how well he would do in the republican primary. the republicans are going to have to decide where do they want to go as a party. chris christie is showing you that you can win and be popular in a blue state even though he holds social conservatively positions he's not wearing it on his sleeves. he's not strident about it, but can that type of republican person, in that republican position win where there are more tea party voters dominate. >> there has been a seesaw since the shutdown and obamacare. we saw republicans take it on the chops after the shutdown, and now we're seeing democrats take it hard and the president because of obamacare. has the president's makes really hurt the democrats when it comes to the affordable care act. >> i don't think it's fair to call it a seesaw. the unpopularity of congress, i
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think the popularity of an issue may go back and forth and some people hold it as very important for everyone. there are strong feelings about that. but in terms of pure dislike and unpopularity the republicans have to look at themselves. >> there is a reason why they call it obamacare, especially the republicans. >> remember the obamacare embraced the term obamacare. >> but it sure hasn't been a smooth ride in the last few weeks. >> there is not a lot of smooth rides in the past few weeks. >> there is plenty of time. we're just at the midterm election. but i--so generally tonight what you're seeing, if the democrats lose in virginia tonight, will that tell us something about what is ahead in this campaign especially when it comes to the tea party? >> reporter: i would argue no. just the fact that terry
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mcauliffe as you mentioned in your opening as a democratic candidate that was trounced four years ago, the fact that he is on election day and leading in most polls and it's very likely that he'll either win or lose narrowly. in virginia, a state that while trending purple, is still considered a traditional red state with, as you pointed out, with the struggles of the roll out of obamacare in the last couple of weeks. the fact with all that head win that terry mcauliffe will win this race or lose narrowly sends a strong signal that the socially conservative, meaning tea parties is not the way to go. >> polls close in new york in 25 minutes. thanks for being on the program. >> reporter: thank you very mu much. >> in detroit voters are choosing a new mayor. bisi onile-ere has been following the mayors' race. what are you hearing tonight?
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>> reporter: well, john, mike duggen and vinnie napoleon, they campaigned until the very end and at this hour both candidates are with their family and supporters waiting for the results to come in polls had duggen leading napoleon by a margin of 2-1, and this is a city that is predominantly black. if duggen is elected mayor, he will be the first white mayor in 40 years. the results of the poll sow that there is support for new leadership regardless of race. >> so, bisi, i think we lost her signal. unfortunately, we lost her signal. we'll try to get back to bisi and talk about the detroit mayor's race in a little while. lisa bernard joins us from sunny vale, california, voters there are trying to vote on a new measure on guns.
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tell us about the measure and why it's controversial. >> reporter: well, it's controversial among others things because it requires guns to be locked up at all times if they aren't being used. it would require stores to keep track of customers that buy ammunition, and we spoke to one voter here today. he is a gun owner and he tells us that he worries that this will hurt local gun shops here in sunn sunnyvale. sunnyvale's mayor voted for this measure. they think that cities and particularly voters should lead the charge when it comes to this issue of gun reform. so we will tell what you they basically is is that the city s
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where it should start. now the nra has threatened to sue if the measure passes and nra sent me a statement where they believe measure c, quote, would put gun owner's lives at risk. >> you had a sound bite there and we didn't roll that, but how can we set a precedent for other communities or even a national law with this vote? >> reporter: well, what has happened in the past is that many states won't allow cities to deal with gun bills. they say it has to be at the state level. in the cases where city asks have wiggle room and were able to legislate gun bills. in the past city councils have generally passed the bans. the difference here is that it would be the voters. so in the past often the city council would pass the ban. the nra would sue and the council would settle out of
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court. they wouldn't want to spend the money. in this case it would be the voters and nra would sue and they said they would come up with the money to fight it. >> lisa bernard in sunnyvale, california, thank you. let's go out to bisi onile-ere. you were just talking about one candidate wins tonight, that this race could enter into this, we would have the first white mayor in detroit since the 1970s. is that been a factor in the campaigns at all? >> reporter: you know, what's interesting, it really hasn' ha. clearly you have one white candidate, one black candidate in a predominantly black city. but the city has gotten past the point of voting for someone passed their skin color. the frond run center this race
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has been mike duggen, and it basically shows that people are willing to put race aside and go for new leadership. >> so with an emergency manager running this city, what's the new mayor going to be able to do, actually? >> reporter: well, we know one thing for sure, john, whoever is elected, their control and power will be very limited. the emergency manager has been in control of city operations since march. he is the one who made that bankruptcy filing on behalf of the city, and as far as we can tell he'll be here for least forforanother year. whoever is in office, the when t e.m. is out, eventually whoever is elected mayor will have power. >> quickly, bisi, what has the turnout been in detroit today?
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>> reporter: well, i can tell you one thing. the big talk around here has been this bankruptcy filing. it has also been the emergency manager who is in control of city operations, and there seems to be a bit of a feeling that a lot of voters are discouraged. what does my vote mean? to me it means nothing. to give you an example earlier this afternoon voter turn out was 5%. over all they're expecting that number to rise to 20% to 25%. but because the number was so low the current mayor, mayor bing, came out and said don't be discouraged about the bankruptcy and emergency manager in place. look forward to the future and look past what you see now. things will get better and get out and vote. >> bisi onile-ere in detroit, we'll get back to bisi later on tonight. thanks. [♪ music ]
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>> meteorologist: good evening, i'm meteorologist kvin corrive corriveau. we're looking at a nice western seaboard, not a lot to talk about. in the center plains there is rain that we see here in parts the iowa. now if it would have been a little bit more down here towards the southeast it would have been the snow and mix precipe we had to deal with today. that's a good thing that it stayed to the north. but unfortunately up here towards the north it will be a major problem for people across nebraska, parts of minnesota as well. in this area we expect to see four to six inches of snow falling overnight. this is going to be a major problem. i'll bring you back a little later in the show. >> a seattle suburb is center stage on the battle over minimum wage, the campaign for and
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against $15. and why two billionaire brothers have been throwing big money to a small town political countdown. >> in egypt, police fired teargas at supporters of the ... >> a fresh take on the stories that connect to you. [[voiceover]] they risk never returning to the united states. >> grounded. >> real. >> unconventional. [[voiceover]] we spent time with some members of the gangster disciples. >> an escape from the expected. >> i'm a cancer survivor. not only cancer, but brain cancer. america tonight next on al jazeera america
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>> the automaker tes la meteoric rise in the stocks comes to a screeching halt. the stock has dropped ten percent in after hour trading. it reported stronger than expected profit but disappointing wall street. it delivered 5500 of its model s vehicles in the third quarter. analysts were hoping for better sales. there is positive news about an important part of the u.s. economy, the service sector none manufacturing expanded, hig hirg was up despite the government shutdown and restaurants and
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retailers makeup two-thirds of the economy. michael eaves is here with sports, and some nfl injury news. >> reporter: the good news is that it's good news on the injury fun. the dallas cowboys travel to new orleans to face the saints. defensive de marcus ware was about to return with a thigh injury. the cowboys won two of the three games he missed. the major league baseball players association is deciding it jay-z violated rules when he gave robinson canoe a $34,000 birthday gift, and finally tiger
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woods did something that it believed to never have been done in the history of the world. he hit a golf ball from europe to arab. woods who is in turkey for the turkey airlines open was able to hit a gol golf ball across two continents. >> those cars are flying down there. i know tiger woods is good. >> he was worried about the wind coming off the left and it going right and hit a car. >> you know did he not a car. >> reporter: did he not hit a car. >> that's all i want to know. thanks, michael. new york city is about to elect it's first mayor in a hundred years.
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you. >> election results across the country. here are some of the other stories we're following tonight. the family of a young man who fired shots inside of a new jersey mall is looking for answers. relatives of the gunman say they don't know what sparked him to take part in what turned out to be an elaborate suicide. they don't believe that he believed to hurt anyone but himself. the rebels in the democratic republic of congo will not fight back and it's been called a step in the right direction. rob ford told reporters today that he will stay on and
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even seek re-election next year. >> i love my job. i love my job. i love the city. i love saving taxpayer's money, and i love being your mayor. there is important work that we must advance, and important decisions that must be made. >> last week ontario police say they had obtained a video that shows ford smoking crack cocaine, but they said they have no legal drowned to charge him with any crime. new jersey governor chris christie has won another term in august. the republican fended off the charge from the democrat barbara bone anbono winning by a sizable margin. in less than an hour the polls will be closed in park
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city, and our randall pinkston is in the bureau of brooklyn tonight with more on that story. hi, randall. >> reporter: hi, john, we're in the place where bill de blasio helps to celebrate as the first democratic mayor in 20 years. they cannot allow crowds in here until the polls close at 9:00. the latest pre-election polls showed de blasio with the huge lead, and every is expectin oneg him to bring home the victory tonight. >> so randall, before today's election, as you mentioned, de blasio way ahead in the polls, it sound like his campaign is pretty optimistic. what are the policy differences
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between these two candidates. >> de blasio wants to raise taxes on the wealthy. he needs those funds so children can have full time daycare. he's opposed to the stop-and-frisk policy. hi opponent, mr. lotta is in favor of stop and frisk and he said he'll continue the policy that has driven the murder rates to record lows almost as low as it was in the the 1960s, and he wants to lower taxes. so the taxes and stop and frisk is what separate these candidates widely. >> the polls will close in less than 30 minutes from now. campaigns in iowa are very local stories but this year the races for mayor and city council have been heavily influenced by
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outsiders. diane estherbrook is in coralville and she joins us now with more. who are the outsiders and what are they trying to do. >> reporter: well, john, there is a group called americans for prosperity, and it is backed by the billionaire koch brothers. this is a group that advocates small government and low taxes. the reason why they've come to coralville is because the city has taken on significant amount of debt to build a marriott hotel behind me for a convention center. the group is saying that this is wasteful spending and they've been blanketing the city with flyers and criticizing the mayor and city council members. earlier today i talked to the mayor who is not going to be seeking re-election, he's retiring and other voters about what they think about this. they're confused with what this group is doing here in
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coralville. and they're questioning their motivation. this is what they had to say. >> in a community our size, and i've been involve with controlville for 50 years and we've never had anything like this before. it's always been local. and if there was someone had an issue they took it up local and came up to the council, and we took care of it. >> i was curious when i got those flyers. i couldn't tell by looking at them where they were coming from. so i contacted several of the candidates and asked them if they could inform me about who might be sending us these negative flyers. >> now the polls here in coralville will be closing in 25 minutes. for municipal election voter turn out has been heavy, when i say heavy, only 15% of the city's registered voters voted.
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john? >> americans for prosperity, they worked on campaigns all across the country, explain what they're trying to accomplish. >> reporter: well, that's the question that we have, that's the question that some of the voters here in the city officials have. what are they doing here? we tried to call and send e-mails to the local president to find out exactly what they were trying to accomplish here in coralville. they never got back to us. some of the people we talked to locally said they might be building a base here. maybe if they could have an influence here on this local election they may try to branch out statewide. >> diane estherbrook in iowa for us tonight. diane, thank you very much. in washington state now voters have been deciding whether food manufacturers should be required to say if a product is genetically modified. and one seattle suburb is deciding whether to approve the highest minimum wage in the country. we're joined live from seataca
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suburb just outside of seattle. let's start with the minimum wage bill. >> reporter: proposition one in the city of seatac is about this place, seatac international airport. it would affect 6,000 workers and raise their minimum wage to $15 an hour. it would not impact or raise the wage of any other minimum wage workers in this city. this is specifically targeting the airport and the businesses that support the airport, the big hotels, the rental car companies, the parking lots, that kind of thing. it's fully funded and backed by. organized labor and it's specifically targeting airport jobs. >> who checks up to make sure that the employers will comply with the $15 an hour? >> reporter: that's a big question in this. there is nothing written in proposition one who said who is going to regulate it or how it's going to be fund.
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the assumption is that the city of seatac would have to check to make sure that employers were complying and make some way to make sure that people did comply and institute penalty when they did. there is work to be done and it might cost a lot of money. there is no were vision in this proposition for the funding for all this work. >> now the labeling of genetically modified food, we're going to see more anti-gmo moves across the country. >> reporter: i think so, yes. people supporting this move say they're going to bring this to other states especially other states where they have the citizen initiative process, get out there to get enough voters, get the signatures on the ballot and get votes on this.
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the estimate is 70% of processed food items that you would find in your grocery store have some kind of genetically prodfied organism in them. we're talking about a lot of labeling. >> back to the $15 an hour minimum wage, what are the polls showing on this? >> reporter: you know, i haven't seen good polling on this, john. the people who are pushing the proposition to boost the wage to $15, they're cautiously optimistic. this is a vote by mail state. it could be a couple of days before we get solid numbers. >> and seatac, while a suburb, it's not a huge town. we'll be watching this from videotape the country. thank you very much. >> reporter: you bet. >> a devastating three-year drought in texas is a driving force on proposition 6. voters are deciding whether to
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set aside $2 billion to fund water projects across that state. we're joined live from austin, texas, and prop 6 would help finance 500 water projects. so why are some people voting against this today? what do the critics say? >> well, the people who don't like it don't like the idea that three people appointed by the governor will be in charge of giving out two billion dollars. they feel there needs to be more oversight. but tonight we're at the party for people who support proposition 6, and there are a couple of hundred people. it's early, but they're pretty happy right now with 4% of the votes counted 331,000 have voted for it. 102,000 against it. that's 74-26. that's only 4% reporting at this point. proposition 6 if passed would make $2 billion from the state's rainy day fund and allow them to use it for low-interest loans to
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cities and water districts across the state. that means they could spend money on crumbling infrastructure, replace some pipes that are liking, which is wasting water. they could build new lakes and create some conservation programs. one thing about this proposition is that extreme bipartisan support, which is very rare when you have a conservative governor like rick perry on the other side of an issue like the sierra club. they say water is a finite resource and we need to get this past. i was talking to someone who said if this does not get passed this will take them back 15 years on this issue. >> this is a bipartisan issue for those who support it? >> reporter: i'm sorry, john? >> it's a bipartisan issue for those who support this proposition? >> reporter: absolutely, yes. democrats and republicans.
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we've got lawmakers on both sides that absolutely support. >> mark, thank you very much. now in some parts of the country 16-year-olds can't get a license to drive, and they're not old enough to drink or by liquor. but in one maryland town a 16-year-old is legally allowed to help decide the future of the community. lisa stark has that story. >> reporter: it's election day in tiny tacoma park, maryland, right outside of washington, d.c. where the mayor and six city double members are on the ballot unopposed. still this election is creating enormous buzz not because of who is running, but because of who is voting. this is the first place in the nation to allow 16- and 17-year-olds to cast ballots in local elections, and right after school many did just that. >> today i voted for the first time. >> reporter: what did you think about that? >> it was--it was awesome. >> i felt like i had an impact on the community.
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>> i'm trying my best not to take it all for granted considering we're the only kids in america who have ever done this. >> reporter: the move in tacoma park stands in stark contrast of what is going on in a number of states where there are fierce battles that will woo make it tougher for folks to vote. the view here in tacoma park is the opposite. >> at the local level we can use all the support we can get to shape what democracy does. >> i'm really excited by letting people vote at 16 and 17 they might become better voters. >> reporter: not everyone agreed. freed schultz was the lone dilonedissenter. >> i believe they'll come because of their mom and dad. >> reporter: historically it's the older voters who turn out in
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large numbers, but today the teens took center stage. >> i feel like most of my friends are just as qualified if not more qualified to vote than a lot of people. >> reporter: by the time they're 18 and the next election rolls around they'll be pros. tacoma park, maryland. >> voters in colorado are heading to the votes to cast their ballot on several controversial issues including higher taxes to fund schools, the amendment could be the largest voter approved tax hike in the state. we're live in denver with more details, and paul, paul i pollsn for another hour or so. what are the polls showing about the school amendments. >> reporter: this is an all mail-in election. they have all the voting results except for today coming in. when the polls showed at 7:00 local time they'll start counting those results, and they'll get a pretty indication
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of how things are going on this tax reform including sales tax on marijuana and the movement in the eastern side of the state. >> you have pot, fracking, possible secession. what is going on with marijuana, the bill to impose tax on marijuana sales. >> reporter: that's right, they would be hit with a 25% tax, 15% that have will go to building new schools. 10% will go towards law enforcement to enforce laws around the new retail marijuana sales. actually advocates of marijuana sales are saying this taxes are too high and it will drive people back to the black market. so a little bit of controversy around this initiative. >> and probably one of the most interesting measures that is on the valley bat involves success session. we know that 11 counties are
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trying to ceceed from colorado. >> reporter: this may an case where the supporters secession movement generating publicity. we invited some of those counties. people there were quite divided about it. it's a real question whether it will get passed. >> all right, paul, out in denver, colorado, for us, paul, thank you very much. it's time to go to washington. joie chen standing by to tell what's is coming up on "america tonight" at the top of the hour. >> reporter: hey, good evening, john. we'll uncover some art that needs to be seen. and the man committed to finding untapped talent.
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awful these unconventional tools, and a talented artist you may never have heard of before. one man wants to change that. for more than 30 years a man named bill arnett has been meeting people from the great south, people with a great story to tell, in the only way that they know how. tonight we'll meet the curator. >> i took it to people. i didn't want it for myself. i didn't want to make money from it. i didn't want to control it. i just wanted to disseminate it. i wanted the information to get out. >> reporter: it is fantastic. you'll learn more about bill and his discoveries coming up on "america tonight." >> one of baseball's biggest stars is seeking a record-breaking contract. michael eaves is next in sports. >> a fresh take on the stories that connect to you...
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>> investigative journalism that's engaging, powerful, thought provoking... >> there's nothing but hopelessness... >> it's either kill or be killed... >> america tonight, right after live news at 8 and 11 eastern. >> welcome to al jazeera america i'm john seigenthaler, and here's a look at the headlines... >> al jazeera america, there's more to it.
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al jazeera america - a new voice in american journalism - >> introduces america tonight. >> in egypt, police fired teargas at supporters of the ... >> a fresh take on the stories that connect to you. [[voiceover]] they risk never returning to the united states. >> grounded. >> real. >> unconventional. [[voiceover]] we spent time with some members of the gangster disciples. >> an escape from the expected. >> i'm a cancer survivor. not only cancer, but brain cancer. america tonight next on al jazeera america
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>> bike share something a growing trend in some cities, and in some places people are sharing their cars, their tools, and even their nannies. the report is that it's not just convenience, it's economically smart. >> pressing her paintbrush provides escape for chicago artist and musician. the maze-like common space on chicago's west side offers established and aspiring artists like yvonne spaces and studio mates to pursue their art. >> it's really a fun collaborative environment. anything that you don't need we usually put on the hallways saying take this, make art out of it. >> reporter: it's not just about sharing easels and supplies. they benefit from their unique community of talent and expertise. >> that idea of being able to
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share what you make and do and help other people make and do what they're doing is really cool, and i really kind of enjoyed working that to my life. >> for lunch erin foregoes the cost of a taxi and uses the shared bike from the shared bike program. logging a million and a half miles, it works particularly well for big ticket items that not everyone can forward but people need access to like cars. there are nearly a million car share programs around the country but they're also sharing power washes, nannies a and even dogs. >> any time you can save $50 or $100 and put it somewhere else it's generally in your best interest to do that. that sharing sense of community, that you really can't put a
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price tag on. >> reporter: and new share programs are making it easier to find what you need but dentinesly want tdon'tnecessari. sharing everything from blenders to ladders without leaving their building. >> these are recently added items. >> residents post items they're willing to share on a virtual sign up sheet. >> it's not just about saving money but it's about pace, and the awareness of things that you buy and collect dust for most of the existence. it's coming down to access. >> reporter: to save money or lifestyle choice, it's not just about common sense. it's sharing dollars and sense. al jazeera, chicago.
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>> michael is back with sports. talking baseball and making deals. >> reporter: this is when superstars get those super fat contracts. the player expected to garner the biggest contract is robinson cano who is said to be seeking $300 million contract. earlier i spoke to usa today baseball columnist bob nightingale if he could sur past alex rodriguez's contract. >> he wants $300 million but there is no way in the world he gets that. i think he'll get $200 million and the only team willing to pay that is the new york yankees. i would be surprised if not shocked if he went anywhere else. i think he stays in new york. >> why do you think the $300 million mark is unattainable, the way the market is right now? >> reporter: everyone is making a killing financially but nobody believes that he'll leave new york. the one team that makes sense
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would be the los angeles dodgers, who have the bigger payroll than the yankees, but the dodgers just got a second baseman. it's really supply and demand and no one is in that demand for a guy like robinson cano. he'll get $200 million and he'll be one of the highest pay players but he won't eclipse a-rod. >> do you think these contracts we saw for alex rodriguez and albert pujols, that some players are not living up to the dollars, and that will force teams to steer clear of those kinds of contracts? >> i'm not sure. teams talk about that, but they keep giving them out. you had pujols contract, and then they're still giving those kind of contracts out. the tv revenue doubles for all of these teams so everyone is making a killing. it's not a matter of money. it's just if they want to throw
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that kind of money at pleas thee players or pad their bank account. >> so is there another player in the free agency market that could alter the entire market blow them? >> reporter: the one guy that is eclipse cano but is not a free agent is clayton kershaw. they're talking about giving him $250 million, so that would help all the other pitchers even though it's a very week pitching market. if he gets that kind of money, which he should, then i think it will b be a trickle down affect where they will get the financial benefits of it. >> soccer x one of the most important soccer conferences was canceled three weeks before it was to be held in the rio de janeiro but to the civil
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>> meteorologist: hello again. we're seeing a lot of weather across the central plains. this is the snow we're dealing with and the rain. you can see first starting in nebraska moving up to south carolina. nocarolina--south dakota. this is going to be going on through the night because the temperatures are really dropping. we're also seeing that mix of rain. let's go closer in and this is what it will look closer in 12 hours ago to now.
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in iowa, it has been raining all day long. by the time we get to 2012 midnight we'll see nebraska start to break out, but snow will be a problem and probably minneapolis as those temperatures begin to drop. four to six inches of snow is expected anywhere across parts of nebraska u up to the northern part of wisconsin. that will be a problem on the roads because those temperatures are going to be freezing and below in many locations. home had a, 49 degrees. you can see that cold front. you can see back behind the front busines bismarck, 24. have a good night everyone.
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>> welcome to al jazeera america. i'm john seigenthaler. voters are choosing the next mayor for america's largest city. turn out was light because democrat bill de blasio was expected to win by a large margin. if he wins he'll be new york city's first democratic mayor in 20 years. republican governor chris christie has won another term in new jersey. in virginia, the governor's race is still too close to call. democrat terry mcauliffe facing off against republican ken cuccinelli. the count
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