tv News Al Jazeera November 7, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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>> hello everybody, and welcome to al jazeera america. i'm david shuster in new york. here are the top stories that we're following tonight. >> i am sorry that they, you know, are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances that they got from me. >> reporter: president obama apologizes to americans whose insurance policies thanks to the new healthcare law has been canceled. the government said it will ban the controversial ingredient that keeps some food fresher. >> the ayes are 64, the nays are
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32. the bill is passed. >> reporter: legislation to add workplace discrimination against that community of american sails through the u.s. senate but the equal rights bill is not going anywhere in the u.s. house. we will explain. big money twitter stock goes public for the first time attracting billions of dollars from investors, but when will the social media website, which has never made a dime, provide a return. and a typhoon bearing down on 2 million people and the storm is larger more than hurricane katrina. and millions of filipin filipino-americans are praying for family and friends in danger. >> we begin with the u.s.
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government new war on trans-fat, an ingredient in some of the food that many of us eat. trans-fat is added is to vegetable oil to maintain food freshness and taste. it raises bad cholesterol levels and can clog arteries and cause heart disease. they will require the food industry to phase it out. there will be 60 days of public comment and then the fda will announce when the ban will go into affect. several counties across the country have already banned trans-fat. baked goods, and some breakfast foods, mark snyder is in dallas with reaction in today's announcement. >> lunchtime in downtown dallas and the food trucks are swamped. here you can make healthy or not so healthy choices. aretha johnson goes for healthy,
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but she said avoiding trans fats is her choice, and that choice should remain. >> it's a waste of time. it's a waste of time, waste of government money. it's a personal choice. >> reporter: trans fats extend shelf like in foods like frozen pizza, cookie doe and microwave popcorn. many communities across the country has already banned trans-fats and many food make verse dropped them. now the food and drug administration said its time to phase them out nationwide. the fda calls this a life-saving proposition. estimating the new rules would prevent 20,000 heart attacks a year and 7,000 death as year from heart disease. scientists say trans fats are the worst kind of fat for your heart. they can increase bad cholesterol, raising your risk of heart disease. registered dietitian doesn't see
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that it's bad at all. >> these trans fats can be replaced with other things. these products are not going away. they're still there. the cheet-toes and free toes, and the packaged deserts are still there. they're still adding chemicals that are recognized as safe for us. >> trans fats are bad but felt that there had to be better ways for new regulation to get them out of our diets. >> companies will stop using trans fats as a natural result of people not buying products with trans fats. >> the fda has not set a timetable for the trans-fat phase out. >> seven years ago new york city became the first city in the united states to ban trans-fats. mayor michael bloomberg realized this statement:laurel, which of
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the tastiest foods. will the cookies be effected first? >> it will be the cookies, oreos, chips ahoys anything that sits on the shelf for a long time amazingly still has transa fat in it. people need to look on the label to see if it has partially hydrogenated oil. i was under the impression everyone was taking it out, and recently i picked up some oreos and some other cookies, and i saw that there is actually two grams or one and a half grams of trans-fat in some of these cookies. >> i was going to say for most of these products are there replacement brands that don't have trans-fat? >> different brands that don't have trans-fat? is that what you're asking?
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>> yes, if someone wants oreo cookies but you don't want the trans-fat. >> yes, there are companies that are offering different types of oil such as palm oil, that are not hydrogenated, and some are adding ow omega 3 oils, which ae very beneficial. >> some are saying enough. if the cookies taste good we want to eat it, how dangerous is trans-fat for people? >> i think if the fda is not considering safe--we know that the fda considers almost everything safe, if they're retracting that and saying this is not safe americans need to go with this and know it's in our best interest. why should we add something that is completely not necessary. if you taste one of the chocolate cream cookies that don't have oreos in them. they're delicious, they taste
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just as good. why cause heart disease, causation. our kids don't need this, neither do adults. >> are they already adjusting? >> i don't think that it will make a huge impact. will it cost them money to reformulate a recipe? yes, but at the end of the day there are a lot of fast food companies that have already taken out their trans fats, and a lot of companies that we've mentioned already created new cookies but don't have trans-fat in them. >> the ban is not going to start immediately. there is a 60-day comment period where anyone can go and register their comments. at that point the fda will decide this is how long we're going give companies to ban this stuff. >> right, again, people can make these comments. at the end of the day new york city has done a really great job with this, and we also have to
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make sure that once the fda does ban this, that someone is following up to make sure that the companies have truly taken out the partially hydrogenated oils. read the label, make sure it doesn't have partially hydrogenated oil because the product can say it's trans-fat free, but it can contain partially hydrogenated oil, which is trans-fat. so we definitely want to make sure that you're reading ingredients and avoiding that. >> registered dietitian here in new york. thank you for being on the program. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> a survey by pew research center shows how divided americans are over the trans-fat. the study conducted over the last week show that 44% of americans favor prohibiting restaurant were using trans fats in foods while 52% of americans oppose the idea. speaking of health, president obama has now
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apologized to americans who are losing their health insurance plans as a result of the affordable care act. before president obama said that people would be able to keep their plans if they liked them, but now the plans must reach certain standards and many americans have received notices that their plans have been canceled. >> with well, more than a month after the disastrous rol roll on , president obama is now issuing a personal apology for all the problems on the website. he told nbc news that he regrets that many people are losing their insurance even though he said repeatedly leading up to the vote and in the three and a half years before the bill was signed that if you have insurance, you can keep it. >> i am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances that they got from me.
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we've got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them, and that we're going to do everything that we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this. >> one of the big questions that remains now will the marc march 31st deadline you have to have insurance by that time or you will face a fine. will that be extended because of all the problems on the website. the administration said repeatedly that they expect the website to be fixed by the end of this month. a democrat in the senate joined by republican mark kirk has introduced legislation to push back march 31st deadline. but the president hosted 16 senate democrats all of them up for re-election next year. many of them vulnerable. many of them facing a backlash at home because of problems with the website. he was asked in that meeting will you push back the deadline? the answer simply, no. >> mike viqueira reporting for us tonight from the white house. it is the most highly
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anticipated tech launch sinc, tr joined wall street. twtwitter listed as twtr among wouldn't popular users at the beginning bell. twitter's highly anticipated debut, it's stock searched 73% from its initial public offering. for more we turn now to real money's ali velshi. >> reporter: david, i'm exhausted with all the references to the 73% gain in twitter stalk. find me someone who was able to buy the stock at $26. most people are not institutional investor. if you're not a high roller or institutional investor you bought it at the market price. that meant many institutional
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high rollers who got a piece of the ipo dumped it on you and scored a sweet gain of 73%. that means your loss was .5% since the stock closed lower at 4$44.90. this is not a commentary on twitter. it's not. this is a commo common tear on . twitter has millions of active users but losses in the first nine months of this year, and one analyst has already downgraded the stock. a guy name brian wiser of profittal research said to justify a price of $45 a share activity would need to generate $6 billion in annual revenue b by 2018. this year's revenue is expected to be a tenth of that. the question is whether twitter is the exception to pretty much every rule of investing or whether it's a sign of a tech
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public. the s&p 500 jumped 24% for the year, the nasdaq is up 28% and there have been onfire ipos, regardless it seems that hashtag fomo the fear of missing out trumps many things in people's investment decisions. >> ali velshi, #aj real money, #awesome. we want to bring you up-to-date what is shaping up the most powerful storm of the year. rebecca stevenson is joining us with the latest, rebecca? >> reporter: this is one of the strongest storms we've had in the last 50 years. this powerful typhoon we've been seeing it develop over water and this is over water that we've got winds up to 190 mph. this is one of the strongest that we've had in a long time. just this year alone the pacific
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has had 30 storms. eight of these have been typhoons. now of these storms five have made landfall on the philippines and you can see here several of them focus in the same area that we're getting high on tonight. now, as you can see on the satellite picture it is advancing, making landfall, and it has now made landfall. we expect the gusts inland. we'll still have potentially at 200 mph. but most of the sustained wind as the storm tracks gradually across the area. we'll have winds sustained to 100 mph. this is devastating. catastrophic, and we have a very large population in the philippine island here. as you look closely you can see the eye of this storm. this is where the intense winds exist. and as you get farther away from the eye, the winds are not quite as strong. but then the other part of this is storm surge and the amount of rain that we're getting, four to
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six inches are the totals we expect to look at after the storm is back in the south china sea. but the storm bringing anywhere from one to three inches in an hour. again, a very wet windy dangerous storm, and we will be looking closely to hear from anyone after it passes. david? >> we're being told that the size of the storm is almost 500 miles which would put it larger than hurricane katrina. there have been wind gusts of over 225 mph. i know some folks in the weather department suggested maybe this could not be accurate because these numbers are so far off the charts. >> well, we don't have hurricane hunters to fly through these types of storms. so certainly we have to use the tools that we have, which is satellite data. utilizing our satellite they'll get the data from the storm based on various features they have, and it will tell us approximate amounts of wind and rain and how strong these storms actually are.
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>> rebecca stevenson, rebecca, thank you very much. we'll keep everyone posted on this devastating storm. the headline is that the storm has now made landfall in the philippines. some 200,000 people stand in the way, and again this is a group of the philippines that got pummeled just a few weeks ago by an earthquake. we'll keep you up-to-date on all of these developments as we get information and we have our reporters on the phone from the philippines. coming up the. [ senate voted to ban discrimination in the workplace. and we'll talk to someone who hopes the bill does not make it into law. at&t has been giving it's global phone records from the c.i.a. and making money from them. details ahead.
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determining using some sort of subjective interpretation of their policy as to whether or not your particular report was actually abusive, because if it doesn't contain language that specifically threatens you directly or is targeted towards you specifically, they may not consider it abuse. they may consider it offensive. and in that case they just recommend that you block that person. >> i don't want to minimise this, because i mean, there's some really horrible things that are on line, and it's not - it's not just twitter, what has happened through social media and the anonymity of the net is that you see websites, hate-filled websites targetting all sorts of groups, popping up. there has been a huge number of
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soccer lisa found herself without a job after she revealed she was a lesbian and expecting a child with her partner. >> i remember feeling like you would when there is a death in the family, like being sad but being angry or being bitter. >> howell had a winning record in nashville and was loved by players but she suddenly left the university in 2010 after telling its leaders about her sexual orientation. >> i was definitely fearful of that was my career. i grew up in college coaching. >> they are story led to national attention and a series of protests the school said there was a mutual agreement for howe to extend down. then after weeks of criticism the university added is it
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sexual orientation in the policy. it was a major step forward. >> you have lgbt workers who are hubs, wives, parents, and they have families who depend on them to support them. to be able to just be evaluated based only on talent and work ethic is important for any american. >> reporter: howe now works at nashville's lgbt chamber of commerce. she hears from people who feel they have lost their jobs because of their sexual orientation.
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>> the senate had held off particularly with an election year coming up. >> joining us from california. jason, thanks for being on the program. we appreciate it. >> thank you. you're welcome. >> and michael eaves is here with sports, and one of the biggest nights in college football. >> and early normally on a saturday. but this is on a this is on a
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thursday. bcs standings could be affected with it was games as number three oregon visits fifth ranked standard forstanford and baylorg oklahoma. nfl, chicago bears quarterback jay cutler is expected to start sunday's game against the lions after he was cleared to take over practice today. originally the team expected him to miss four weeks due to that injury. in soccer fifa president set remember iranian women in to watch soccer matches. they're not allowed to watch soccer but they're allowed to watch volleyball and baske bask. we're learning more about the
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>> welcome back to al jazeera america. i'm david shuster in new york. here are some of the top stories we're following right now. president obama apologized today to the millions of americans who are losing their current insurance plans because those plans don't meet minimum requirements mandated by the affordable care act. the president has been saying for years if people like their plans they can keep them. today in an interfere he said the administration it is looking for ways people must now shop around and might have to pay more. the u.s. food and drug administration is proposing
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measures to ban artificial trans fats. and have been blamed for increasing the risk of heart disease. the fats are still found in many processed foods. hitting the philippines. one of the most powerful storms ever reported. ordering evacuations and closing schools, but u.s. navy which has been watching the storms with wind gust versus topped 235 mph. twitter started selling shares to investors who liked what they saw. they priced the shares at $26 but by the end of trading today the stock was selling at nearly $45. we have a stock strategy and joins us from dallas. why is twitter any different than facebook which many investors discovered the hard way. >> it's a completely different animal. one of the reasons why i'm surprised the stocks, remember when facebook came out morgan stanley had to step in and buy
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shares like crazy. twitter didn't need that. the key to twitter, the reason why it's holding up here is people is viewing twitter as a potential acquisition target. google is its own stand alone yahoo. activitier is better as a part of those bigger companies. i think that's part of the desire why the shares are so high today. >> the opportunity to put ads right there. >> yeah, i think that's the main reason. obviously what advertisers are looking for are the demographic of the person understanding what they're thinking at that very moment and selling them in advertisement at that moment. you know, the thing that i'm concerned with activitier is critical mass. what are they going to be able to do to get more users and those users who are engaged how are they going to be able to monday advertise them.
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that's a question that still remains unanswered. >> twitter continues to essentially lose money. how many years when investors will see a return on their investment and see that this is a company in the black? >> with a very tough call. i was running the numbers. think about this for just a second. twitter is worth as all state, corning, discovery, netflix, it's worth as much as yahoo, and the company did lose $134 million. i think it's going to be three to our years at least before this company gets in the black unless there is a major propellant. i think we're three years out from profitability. >> what is the greatest risk that twitter stock is taking with it. >> this idea that twitter is going to become something or bought by somebody never comes to fruition. you know, there are a lot of people working with a company that they believe they're going
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of national security and not business. >> it's a reminder that the u.s. national security agency is not the only one mo monitoring the phone calls around the world. >> for $10 million a year a at&t search data reports. the program monitors cool data between foreign nationals. if on international call is made from or to the u.s. some o u.s. dig integrated homicde investigatiodigits are mask the. the agency is prohibited from spying on citizens in the u.s. it's not clear whoa ove what ovt this and. the whistle blower he ha edward snowden has been marked from protests by google and apple. they insist that the company's
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information is only handed over as ordered by the court. at&t has a history of voluntary loy hundrevoluntarily handing or information to the government. from georg george bush's wire-t. now it looks like they are making money from selling the information to customers. at at&t's interest in buying vodophone. aat&t has become part of the united states surve surveillanc. most of the time it does not involve an american. but that would raise privacy issues if they own vodophone. >> they insisted the agencies collection activities are
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lawful. >> according to new report the interuntil -- internal very much revenue service has paid out illegal refund refunds. during this year ac years' tax s .6 million people had their identities stolen. >> all of this year al jazeera is focusing on ways americans have been succeeding in tough times. today we head to detroit's midtown area. a bright spot. a woman is helping to spark a boom amidst the bust of the motor city.
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>> downtownear downtown detroitn area known as midtown. it's a culmination of art, music, higher education and new business. >> on a city on the verge of bankruptcy. midtown is a hip urban neighbourhood on the rebound. but it hasn't always been this way. >> there is many like me in this neighborhood. that have always seen pro potenl here. for many years susan has run a planning and development agency solely focused on revitalizing this community. >> she and her team have sealed the deal on dozens of multi-million dollar pro jecketsprojects.this whole foodn midtown this past june. >> every week we get favou fiven calls from serious retailers or restaurant owners and housing
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investors. >> mose yey heard from scott rue rutterbush. mosey helped open this coffee shop which is thriving today. it's important to be in midtown because of sue's influence. >> we are rechange reclaiming tn water. >> when scott saw po potential i turned to mosey. >> she i is a powerhouse he owns three restaurants and is in the process of renovating this apartment building that was slated for demolition. >> i see midtown as something that has momentum and it's great
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to see. midtown is pushing ahead. mosey is the catalyst and her work here isn't done. 26 that is the number of business that will open here byy the end of the year. iit shows that what is good for business can be good for detroit. >> u.s. secon secretary of statn kerry says a failure of peace talks between israel and palestinian leaders could cause another uprise. >> the state department says they discussed several issues from middle east peace talks to the war in syria. the world need to be outraged by the syrian president's brutality. >> and the humanitarian challenge must be addressed. >> kerry is heading to geneva to
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join the world powers. he will join them after a brief stop if israel where he meets with benjamin ne netanyahu. both sides sigh ther say there n progress made i in an agreement with ey iran of and some of the commissioeconomic sanctions wile lifted. tonight on our program. an exclusive america tonight. one year after hurricane sandy. at the center as is the american red cross. >> and the fine print of eligibility cr criteria.
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there were drastic changes leaving long list of victims. so disturbing that red cross volunteers are stepping forward explaining how they were left to deliver the bad news to the victims that clearly didn't need anymore. >> we are in a situation that is supposed to be helping people and has a track record of helping people. and having this mess up and tensionsconsistency and we have0 employees coming forward with information about what happened. it's frustrating. >> sheila mcvicker will bring us this exclusive investigation. she will introduce us to those that lost everything in sandy and then found that the charity system had take eva taken away y hope. >> and speaking of storm devastation. we are closely following typhoon haiyan.
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there are 200,000 female that stand directly in it's path at this hour. our meteorologist rebecca stevenson will have the latest coming up. >> how football has taken a toll on this football stars find and as a result his family. next, go deeper on the nations top stories with america tonight >> a fresh take on the stories that connect to you... >> investigative journalism that's engaging, powerful, thought provoking... >> there's nothing but hopelessness... >> it's either kill or be killed... >> america tonight, right after live news at 8 and 11 eastern. >> welcome to al jazeera america i'm john seigenthaler, and here's a look at the headlines... >> al jazeera america, there's more to it.
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system. >> any time they see a social worker its like seeing a police officer. the immediate response is, "they're here to take my kids". >> from the indian perspective who sees this in terms of history, this is as about as adversarial as it gets. >> a court in florida donated an egg to her lesbian partner legally has parental rights to the child. that tasnatasha reports on whato the ruling. >> a lesbian couple had a daughter in 2004. one woman donated the egg and another carried the baby.
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in 2006 they split. the birth mother took the girl and fled the country. the biological mother hooiferred a private investigator and tracked them down in australia and so began the fight on thursday. the florida strea supreme courtd that the biological mother does that parental rights and she should be able to see and raise this girl who is about nine years old. >> this is a couple that got together and produced a child and intending to parent the child together. that is what lots of couples do. this is protecting the expectations of that couple. that is consistent with every area of family law in florida and with international law. >> the legal sticking won't was this. when the biological mom donated her egg. lower court ruled that she signed away her parental right. the judge signed a 1993 law to prevent egg donors from hunting
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down families. but the supreme court ruled that because this couple intended to raise this girl together that law didn't apply. university of miami family law professor says the birth mother's case was flimsy to begin with. >> for the gestational parent, to claim that her rights have been vie lated in some way because another parent is granted a relationship right with the child, does. conform with our tradition and our social understanding and not with how we analyzed rights with parents in the past. >> finton believes this long custody fight will likely end here. show doesn't see the fed court taking up this case because she doesn't see a constitutional basis for doing so. >> michael eaves joins us with
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more sports and allegations from miami scandal continue. it's a culture that a lot of fans are not familiar with. ritchie incognito's treatment of jesse martin may have been encouraged. >> manager jeff ireland says he should punch incognito in the face if he wants the bullying to stop. they have not responded to this latest claim. well criticism of incognito continues to build the former and current doll fix players have come out in fort of incognito. john henry smith talked about serena williams about the hazing culture of the nhl. >> we have to differentiate between hazing and bullying. haze something a common day in the n.f.l. bill par sole had the highest drafted rookie every day in
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training camp. all of those things have gone onned a and will continue to go on. we have former placers reiterating stories that they went through similar things. how this is different is johnathan martin's reaction to it. the things are going to change in the n.f.l. the way the this thing has played out. it seems like an overwhelming sentiment i have heard from players around the league is pro incognito and anti-martin. is that what you are are getting and are you surprised that is true. everyone seems to be on ritchie incognito site. and especially the miami doll dolphin's players that is what made the case different than some of the others that we have seen johnathan martin is not going to be able to come back from to the miami dolphins. and he is not going to be welcome if there is no retal quakes. this has a long way to go and we'll see how it plays out and
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we'll see how they respond to this. >> dorsett rushed to 27 touch downs. it was not just his body that paid the price. resent toast results show that he is suffering from cee a in a program outside of the linings he says he suffers from memory loss and including getting lost when driving his daughters to school events and angry moods with lead to outbursts. >> it's getting wors and worse as the days go by. my short temper it's getting worse. 12k3w4r-6r7b8g9s it's feign full for my daughters to say they are scaird of me.
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it's painful. >> have you found yourself dealing with depression? >> i have been diagnosed as being depressed. and i'm in denial. i'm not depressed. what you are talking about? frankly i'm depressed. i have thought about crazy stuff. sort of why do i need to keep continuing to go through this? i mean i'm too smart of a person i think to take my life. but it's crossed my mind. i get trust straighted. >> i get frustrated and i look at myself you are just in this shell. you are not anthony tony dorsett. you are not him anymore. who you are? who are you becoming? i beat myself up. i challenge my self who are you
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becoming, man? look at you. >> as a player in the nba or as a league broadcaster charles barkly 'lee has never wil neverm with giving his opinion. >> somest greatest discrimination we have seen lately in american society has to do with gays and less by yanks in past season jason cool ridges came out as the first active player in the nba to say he was gay. >> yeah. you have said you have probably played with gay players. >> everyone has worked with a gay person. being black i'm a really, it stuck they were racism rears it's ugly head. you see it all the time. you see it all the time. i want to be inclusionary in all
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walks of my life. if a guy is gay god bless him i want nothing, but the best for him. i was proud of jason. you don't want niche to have to hide their identify tea. >> hear more of my conversation with charles barkley at 10:30 on al jazeera. where he shares his opinion on why young people should stay in college and why healthcare should be a given right for all americans. >> we will be watching. that will be a great program. we are looking forward to it. stay with us we are going to get you the latest from the philippines where the typhoon continues to bear down. would be the equivalent of of a category 5 hurricane in the united states. rebecca stevens will join us. >> and we'll talk to someone live in the philippines to see what it's like to be in the middle of a storm.
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>> we want is t want to bring yu up-to-date on america alberta h. the people most at risk live in the central pil philippines. the city is getting a direct hit and it has more than 200,000 people. joining me via phone is joe curry of catholic relief services. >> what you are seeing rid ritew and what you are hear being about the damage so far. we know that the typhoon has made landfall. we can expect this is catastrophic. there are a million and a half people on the island. this will hit the main provincial capital and also the rural areas along the coast which are low-lying and there are mountains that are prone to
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land slide. it's going to go through several different islands and it's going to maintain it's strengths and there is a lot of concern on how to access these populations when this storm passes. >> joe we are looking at some video that came in from one. agencies that was shot earlier today. this particular area was struck by an earth quak earthquake fewx sox -- weeks ago and so it doesn't have a strong structure to begin with. >> there is a lot of concern about rainfall. this is expected to bring six to 112 234r-612-inches of rain wit. in boho we have 360,000 people displaced because of the earthquake flee whit three week. the government is working on masmassey situations, butmass m.
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>> these people will be on their own if this monster typhoon hits them. a lot of people have been living outside for the past three weeks because they're scared to go back to their home. it's one on top of the other and it can be cat trough i cat trou. thank you for giving us that information. let's go to rebecca stevenson. as we look at haiyan we are looking at the structure of the storm and the very, very clear picture of the eye of this storm. >> when we look the way the thunderstorms are wrapping around, you can city several new band coming in the north, north
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east. we are expecting the general rainfall amounts to be four to six inches. >> and wheand when you get to tt takes that is where we get the higher total. imagine all of that and the wet dirt and no industries aroun --e slide it's a catastrophic situation. with the storm surge in addition to this on the northern portion of the storm wingin swinging ara wall of water ten feet or so inland. >> this is a dramatic picture bother going to see. we are going to see. weir seeinwe are seeing heavier. and the storm surge is reaching far inland. the storm is relatively quick moving. it it was moving along at a quick clip and it's to make land fall earlier than anticipated.
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the rain and gusty wind across the philippine island. answered then helding back to the south chin tha china sea. and then it moves toward north vietnam. we look at this track we are tonight and tomorrow watching the philippines as the storm moves through. as we go to the west coast of the u.s. here is another storm we are watching. >> it brings some gusty wind to the northwest. we have flownty o plenty of snog down. and the cold air is going to be pushing temperatures closer to freezing. as we we dry out that is when e cold air moves in.
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>> welcome to al jazeera new york i'm david shuster. one. mosmost powerful storms ever is hitting the philippines. this is a city with more than 200,000 people that was directly in the pas path of this monster storm. the typhoon had winds gusting to 235 miles-per-hour before it hit the island nation. you are looking at pic pictures. there are some 2 million people that are in the danger zone in the fill pension. philippines. we'll keep you posted through the in and out. >> the food and
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