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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 8, 2013 1:00pm-2:01pm EST

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>> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ >> welcome to the news hour. i'm in doha with all of the top stories. the world's main diplomats fly to geneva in a bid to end the standoff over iran's nuclear program, israel warns of an epic mistake. the crime of the century, that's what the palestinians say who say yasser arafat was murdered.
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and typhoon haiyan batters the philippines. i'm nike spicer in the ukraine where the country is racing to develop its own gas sup place after twice being left out in the cold by russia. we begin in geneva where attempts continue to end the stand off over iran's nuclear program. now the meeting is in its second day. but the u.s. secretary of state john kerry is warning, there isn't a deal on the table yet. >> i want to emphasize there is not an agreement at this point
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in time. but the p5 is working hard, and i look forward to the meetings that i will be having very shortly with -- with lady kathy ashton, and with my fellow ministers in the p5 and also i will be meeting with minister zarif. we hope to try to narrow the differences but i don't think anybody should mistake that there are some important gaps that have to be closed. so thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> we have correspondent covering all angles of this story. first let's first go to geneva where james bays is reporting for us. now, james, a lot of -- i beg your pardon, senior foreign ministers are there in geneva. there's a lot of talk. john kerry, very cautious at the
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moment. is there any hope of any sort of a deal coming out of this meeting? >> there certainly hope of a deal, i don't think he would bring these four foreign ministers here to personally take charge of the negotiations if he didn't think it would help. i we're at a crunch point. we certainly know a lot of meetings have been taking place. you heard secretary kerry talking about some of the meetings that he was going to have. we understand he is now in a meeting with the iran foreign minister, with his iranian counterpart, in that way, maybe one of the most important meetings that are taking place. we are getting no hard facts at all on how this is all going. they are having very important
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negotiations and i think you understand where they are not giving us, the press a running commentary on what is going on in these meetings. so we're trying to get an indication from other bits we are gathering. secretary kerry flew her canceling part of his middle east trip to north africa, algeria and morocco. we understand that leg of his trip has now been canceled suggesting the talks may continue beyond friday and into the weekend here in geneva. >> all right. james it is definitely understandable that everything is very tentative at the moment. let's cross now to washington, d.c. now it is one thing for p5-plus-1 to potential agree to lifting the sanctions against
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iran, but it is another thank to sell the idea to the senate. >> huge opposition on capitol hill to any sense of a deal in geneva. the usual western narrative is all about hard linerings and teheran potentially scuttling any idea, but it is the hard liners in washington who are actually against it. it is president obama's own party that is overwhelmingly against any sort of deal with the iranians. in august just before president rouhani was inaugurated, the house here passed a tightening of sanctions on iran. this week we have heard that the democrat's leadership in the senate has almost put in to play the beginnings of debate on
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tightening sanctions. harry reid has pushed this forward. it's not republicans it's the democrats who are hugely opposed to any idea of this. the general narrative we have here in d.c. as president obama is being [ inaudible ] by an article in the "daily beast," has come out saying that sanctions have already been softened. obama decided to enter the persian nuclear bizarre to haggle with the masters of negotiation, and has had his head handed to him. so plenty of scepticism here. >> thank you very much for updating us on that. now any suggestion of a deal has angered israeli prime minister
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benjamin netenyahu. he says iran has got what it wanted without giving anything. >> i understand the iranians are walking around very satisfied in geneva as well they should be, because they got everything and paid nothing. everything they wanted. they wanted relief of sanctions after years of a gruelling sanctions regime, they got that. and they paid nothing because they are not reducing in any way their nuclear enrichment capability. so iran got the deal of the century and the international community got a bad deal. this is a very bad deal. >> the spokesman for israel prime minister joins us now live from jerusalem. thank you very much for making it on the show. now let's look at this big picture. we have rogue state here willing to compromise, and yet israel says that means a bad deal for the international community.
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how so? >> well, if you get sanctions lift and the iranians actually haven't taken substantive steps, so you reduce the pressure on iran and reduce the pressure to follow through and take the important steps they need to take, so you understood mine the chance for a peaceful solution to this nuclear standoff. >> but surely this is a stage at this time -- this is a very tentative stage at the moment, john kerry himself said no deal has been made as of yet. there are still gaps that need to be met and need to be made, why then the panic from israel? >> no one is in panic. all we're saying is, as the americans themselves have said that no deal is better than a bad deal, and a bad deal is dangerous not just for my country, but the entire middle
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east and the world. you'll recall in 2004, 2005 there was a deal with north korea. and a year later north korea exploded its first device. >> you talked about your middle east neighbors. and we see saudi arabia voicing the same concerns. we're seeing two traditional foes here agreeing on a regional issue are we about to see israel and saudi arabia cooperate if iran gets its sanctions lifted. >> there is no doubt on this issue that israel and more than one arab government agree. and israelis and arabs don't agree on a light but when we do agree on something it's time to take notice, and we can't allow
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this regime in iran to get its hands on nuclear weapons. and it's very important to keep the pressure up. some people say, well, we're only a little hole in the sanction's regime, the trouble is, it's like with a tire on your automobile, if you have a knoll your tire, the whole tire goes. if you put a hole in the sanctions, then the sanctions crumble, and there is no reason for the ayatollah to make any sort of concessions. >> really, this is more than just a nuclear issue, isn't it? i mean this actually we're talking about regional power here. if a deal is broken, it does mean that tehran is no longer considered a rogue state in the eyes of the international community. this could actually change the balance of power in the region. israel may actually lose its power in the region.
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is this something that israel would be concerned about? >> no, i disagree with the basis of your question. i don't think that is factual. i want to stress a point here if you'll allow me. the irans so-called big concession is giving up 20% enrichment. it is clear today through their own breaks through they have made 20% enrichment irrelevant. so they can jump from 3.5% to 90%. he has said himself if you have low level enriechment you can have weapon's grade enrichment. we have to stop all enrichment at all levels. that's a decision of the un security council, and there's no reason to backtrack on that. >> thank you very mump for joining us on the show. very much appreciate your time. the spokesman for the israeli prime minister speaking to us
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from jerusalem. the palestinians are calling it the crime of the century. two reports into the death of their former leader have determined that arfat did not die of disease or old age. but they don't agree on what was responsible for his death. >> almost a year after the remains were exhumed for scientific studies. the palestinian inquiry gave its conclusions. it found radioactive substances in arfat's remains. but they differed in identifying the poisoning. >> translator: who stands before the assassination of yasser arafat? hah who has the technical and
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scientific resources for that? we say that israel is the only one that could. >> let me say this as simply and clearly as i can. israel did not kill arfat, period. it's as simple as that. we have nothing to do with that, and the palestinians should stop levelling all of these baseless accusations without a shadow of a proof. >> reporter: the swiss say he had at least 18 times the normal polonium level when he died. the russians agree it was there, but doesn't conclude that it was the reason for his death. a trainsic -- forensic scientist has told al jazeera that the
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samples were low. >> the samples they choose to use have very low levels. so i think the results are [ technical difficulties ] >> the palestinian inchoir recalls it the crime of the century. palestinian officials have said they would take this matter to the international criminal court at the hague, but it's unclear whether they will do that now. that's because at the start of the current negotiations, the palestinians made a promise not
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to approach any un organization. the nine-month period ends next april. many palestinians were skeptical of the talks before they even started. and now they say it is hard to believe these negotiations will go anywhere. and it was an al jazeera investigation into the death of yasser arafat that lead to his body being exhumed. and the palestinian authority ordered three separate investigations. and as was said, al jazeera has discovered there were abnormalities in the way the russian report was produced. >> reporter: a new development brings me to the armenian capitol. we were expecting results from switzerland months ago, but the news is that they will be delayed for more testing and verification. in the meantime a man from the former soviet union contacts me
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online saying he can access leaked findings from the study of arafat's remains. the palestinian authority brought russia in to conduct a third examination on top of the french and which ises studies, but the krim listen has refused any access, so the leak could be significant. after months of communication, i decide to meet the source. ♪ he asked and we agreed to hide his identity. we spend hours checking that neither of us are being followed, unsure of the risks of releasing this classified material. he shows us 15 pages, said to be the summary findings from the russian lab. after we convince him to speak to us on camera.
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they were not only restricted in how they presented the report, they were also given an incomplete selection of samples. the document shows they measured only four of a total of 20. >> it's not clear what happened to the other 16 samples. in the four that were tested the
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readings of polonium 210 in arfat's bones are suspiciously low even less than what scientists would expect from background levels. nonetheless they write that the results are inconclusive. and you can see the full investigation into yasser arafat's death right here on al jazeera. our exclusive documentary premiers sunday. still to come . . . >> translator: the children were hungry, so i went to get potatoes for them in the farm.
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that's when they shot at me. >> fleeing the violence, aid workers warn of a worsening humanitarian crisis. plus the drug of the rich and it's all too easy to get ahold of. and sport, fifa president gives his strongest hint yet about a possible winter world cup in qatar in 2022. details later in the program. ♪ >> a car bomb has gone off in the somali capitol. the incident happened in an up scale neighborhood outside of a hotel. the red cross is calling for urgent humanitarian help for millions effected by typhoon haiyan in the philippines.
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it is the largest recorded storm to ever hit land. nicole johnston has the latest. >> reporter: huge waves pounded the coast as typhoon haiyan hit the central philippines. here a crew are rescued. this is category 5 superstorm. the red cross says 15 million people need help. and this is what the typhoon is creating, terrifying winds which have knocked down trees and uprooted electricity and phone lines, cutting communication to effected areas. flash food have inundated towns. the president warned people to move to higher ground. >> translator: as always, no storm can bring a united filipino people to its knees. it is my hope that we all stay safe in the coming days. >> reporter: emergency shelters
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have been set up. all right three-quarters of a million people are on the move. >> translator: we feel safe already. we have far from harm in case of a flood. it seems we are far from it already. >> reporter: as the typhoon starts to head towards central vietnam it should begin to weaken. it will still be dangerous, but the gusts of winds will probably drop to under 200 kilometers an hour. the philippines has been hit hard by one of the strongest storms ever recorded. but it won't be until communication is back on that we'll see exactly how bad it is. a british soldier has been found guilty of murder following the killing of a seriously injured afghan fighter. >> the fighter was shot at close range two years ago. two other soldiers on patrol
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when the shooting happened were acquitted by the court-martial board. lawrence lee has more details. the incident dated december 2011 when a british patrol base had been attacked by the taliban. and one of the solders was badly wounded by helicopter fire. and a group of marines dragged him to a line of trees. audio released to the court-martial recorded the moment when they decided the helicopter was out of site. a gunshot can then be heard. [ gunfire ] >> all three men had pleaded nothing to murder claiming they believed the man was already dead. what the court-martial had to decide is whether the marine's own words contradicted that assertion.
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>> what we have heard over the last two weeks is not consistent with the values and standards of the royal marines. it was a truly shocking, and appalling aberration. it should not have happened, and it should never happen again. >> the judge in the case ruled the men's identities would not be revealed and decided the video itself would not be made public, arguing it would be a propaganda gift to the uk's enemies. but the murder of a british soldier a year before the withdrawal from afghan is going to make the exit more difficult. italian police have arrested a somali man in connection with the boat disaster in which 166 refugees died.
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the boat sank off of the island last month after capsizing just a few hundred meters offshore. protesters have marched in bosnia demanding that street signs are changed to remove the names of known fascists. the streets include the names of high profile members of the movement that carried out acts of brutality during the second word war. firefighters are among throws of government workers that have worked out as part of this strike in portugal. the strike is part of ongoing protests against new austerity measures. ukraine has signed a second deal to search for natural gas after warning from the russian gas monopoly that it might interrupt supplies.
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russia has turned off the gas to ukraine on two occasions. now it is try toeng sure itself energy independence. nick spicer reports. >> reporter: the kremlin may not like it, but ukraine is looking for its own natural gas. at this site the anglo dutch company shell is searching for what is called tight gas. the ukrainians hope [ technical difficulties ] >> it domestic production particularly of gas. >> chevron is the second big
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company to sign up with the ukraine. opposition to frac-ing and other unconventional techniques is relatively low here thanks in part to the memory of russia's state company turns off winter gas supplies in 2006 and 2009 because of disputes about prices and debts. ukraine's president says he thinks his country can be energy independent by 2020. that may be a bit optimistic, but the trend is one towards more gas production and more sparing use of gas by consumers and companies. imports from russia have already dropped by 60% in three years. part of that drop comes from breaking with soviet era habits of not even counts how much gas you use. >> by introducing even some small changes, for example in some companies in the ukraine they -- until very recently they even didn't have meters, you
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know. just by introducing meters they are able to save their energy. >> moscow has been blowing hot and cold on another gas dispute this winter, but the russian prime minister is saying no supply interruption is in the offing. but if the exploration works out, there may no longer be need a worry what leaders in russia think. now let's return to doha. >> felicity thank you. lots more to come on the al jazeera news hour, including pushing back retirement, we found out why older people in the u.s. are choosing to stay on in the work force. plus tiger woods digs himself out of trouble and into contention. details are coming up with robin.
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>> al jazeera america is the only news channel that brings you live news at the top of every hour. >> here are the headlines at this hour. >> only on al jazeera america.
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>> they say they did it because they were trying to protect my children. they didn't protect my children, they traumatized them. >> fault lines examines why so many native american kids are caught in the child welfare system. >> any time they see a social worker its like seeing a police officer. the immediate response is, "they're here to take my kids". >> from the indian perspective who sees this in terms of
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history, this is as about as adversarial as it gets. ♪ welcome back a reminder now of our top stories on al jazeera. the u.s. secretary of state says there is no deal yet on iran's
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nuclear program. the red cross is calling for urgent aid for the millions who have been effected by the powerful storm that has hit central philippines. it has killed at least three people and left millions others misplaced. and the italian government has arrested a man responsible for the boat accident in which 163 immigrants died. two people have been killed during anti-coup protesting in egypt. a 12-year-old boy was shot when security forces tried to break up a fight in giza. and another protester died in confrontation with police. people have been demonstrating calling for better protection for women. they say security forces are
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increasing lly using violence against female protesters. a sign willing take place in uganda where the m23 group leader is being held. hundreds of fighters are also reported to have surrendered. the m23 announced it was giving up arms on tuesday. several leaders are meeting in bangi, they are part of a group to try to scope with a growing humanitarian crisis. violence has escalated since rebels ousted the former president earlier this year, and their appointed leader has told al jazeera that he cannot
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control all of his forces. the president of the republic of congo has reacted to that statement. he is attending the meeting as the principle regional mediator. that's what he told our correspondent. >> translator: if the president told you there are elements in his forces that he cannot control, that's not good news. those elements that are out of control, they must be excluded from the force. you have to stable and secure the country. those measures have to be taken. the out of control sources, above all the foreigners don't have a place in central african republic. >> they always spoke to the un under secretary general, and he says leaders are hoping to come up with a plan as soon as possible. >> the security council has asked the secretary general to
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present options. and there has been a group on the ground looking at the op shuns. so we will be presenting to the secretary general for his consideration options to then present to the security council. we'll present to the security council the options for them to consider before the end of the month. but the members of the security council who have the opinion date -- to decide what to lay out. >> hasn't the un got a serious issue here? some of our reports have shown that the security forces in parts of the country are out of control. the president has admitted to al jazeera that he cannot control elements within the security forces, but the un has to deal with these people.
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the un has to talk to them, you have no choice. isn't that frustrating? >> what is frustrating is to realize how multi-dimensional and deep this crisis is, and how few tools we have in our hands that can deal with this effectively right now. and that's one reason why we're going back to the security council. we were leased that security council on september 10th passed a resolution about the car that is allowing us to strengthen our human rights monitoring, the un political missions on the ground will get additional strength because of that. but that's not enough. we need to sound the alarm on the humanitarian issue. there are hundreds of thousands of people who are surviving because of wtp programs for example. but we need more support in helping us come up with security tools to help stabilize the
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situation in this country. a blow for the french government after it has its credit rating downgraded again. >> that's right. the ratings agency, standard&poor's was the first to down grade last year, and on friday it reduced it further from aa-plus to aa. the outlook for the french economy remains stable. the french finance minister has criticized the downgrade calling it inexact. the united states influencing culture, science, and education around the world has been dealt a high profile let back after the country lost its voting rights at the world's cultural agency, unesco. the u.s. had until friday to pay its dues or be excluded.
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paul brennan explains. >> reporter: there are more than 20 world heritage sites in the united states. the statute of liberty and the grand canyon to name just a couple. for two years they warned the americans contribute or lose your vote. and on friday, the warning became reality. >> our vote is a very precious thing when you are part of any kind of enterprise. we have been raised to believe that. so losing our vote and not being able to vote has a very, very strong emotional impact for me. >> it was this decision in 2011 which created that crisis. >> to add palestine as member of unesco. >> the u.s. was then paying 22% of the budget. but u.s. law banned the funding
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of any un agency that has palestine as a member. >> we believe this turns unesco into an organization of science into an organization of science fiction. >> it may be best known for its heritage sites, but its core mission is fighting extremism through education, and promoting gender equality and press free comes to. the obama administration has tried to amend the law to allow payments to resume, but the reform is stalled. >> what we hope, we very, very, very honestly is that the u.s. gets back and that it plays its role fully. u.s. is a -- one of the main, main partners. how could they keep away from
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this arena? >> many expect an american return to happen sooner rather than later. the arrears since 2011 are racking up at nearly a quarter million dollars a day. prolonging the problem will only make it worse. paul brennan, al jazeera. the dutch king, williams al alexander and his wife have arrived in moscow. their visit coincides at a time of not so friend ly relationship between the two. live now to kevin, who is in the capitol moscow. kevin there have been a number of recent issues which have raised tensions between these two countries. are these issues likely to surface during this visit? >> they are unlikely to surface between the king and putin who
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will meet, but the russian foreign minister and the dutch foreign minister will meet tomorrow, and it's almost certain these problems will appear. the problems have continued this week. on tuesday the dutch foreign minister attacked russia's anti-gay propaganda law, and today russia attacked the netherlands for not doing anything to stop the arctic sunrise going to the arctic in the first place. >> there was a question mark at one stage about whether the visit would actually go ahead. but why is it an important visit for both of these countries. >> yes, there were talks on whether or not it would go ahead, and there was lots of tension in the netherlands about whether the two should meet. but this has been planned for a
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number of years. they were to celebrate the russian dutch relations, but also as a way to increase trade between the two countries. trade is very important for both. russia's biggest partner in the eu, and the trade in 2012 was more than $80 billion. a huge amount. >> thanks very much indeed, kevin. finally for me, the russian olympic organizing committee is offering moscow committee the chance to put their bodies on the line for a free ride on the subway. they installed a vending machine which dispenses a free ticket every time someone does 20 squats. not sure how many will take that up. that's news from europe.
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now back to doha. . >> thank you. according to a new report the amount of drugs seized in asia has risen strongly. and much of it originates from myanmar. >> reporter: a new plan has been launched to educate people about the danger of drug use. >> translator: we see a rampant abuse of methamphetamine among the wealthy families and the upper middle class. the drug is not cheap, but very easy to make. according to a new un report, myanmar remains the primary producer of methamphetamine in east and southeast asia. last year police seized 18 million meth pills.
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that's a three-fold increase compared to the previous year, and the number of people seeking psychiatric help has also been consistently on the rise in the last five years. these are indicate thoors point to an increase in the use of the drug. methamphetamine is the top illicit drug threat in east and southeast asia. the number of pills seized last year was 59% higher than the previous year. the biggest seizures came from thailand followed by china. but 90% of those were manufactured in myanmar. the drugs are trafficked from there to neighboring countries. the region, has long been politically unstable, under the control of war lords and armed ethnic groups, but now a recent peace initiative has given hope that drugger ratification programs may be able to take
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hold there. coming up in the program, trimming the fat. why the u.s. food authorities want to impose a ban on an ingredient that makes up these products. and we have got sport in just a moment, including details of a rookie moto gp rider who is on the brink of an historic achievement. ♪ >> audiences are intelligent and they know that their
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♪ welcome back. syrian government forces have --
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which has been in rebel hands since february. the base is next to an airport which is also under opposition control. the united nations is aiming to immunize 20 million children against polio across the middle east. the un wants to stop the virus spreading from syria to other countries in the region. doctors are also warning that europe could be at risk. they say the polio vaccine is not effective enough to prevent the disease from spreading. and most americans plan on retiring by the age of 65, but a growing number of older workers are staying in the work force. tom aeshgman reports. >> reporter: in this pack, gail
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stands out. she recently turned 65. she said she doesn't know when she'll decide to stop working. >> i never actually thought about retirement because it just wasn't anything in my consciousness. >> reporter: but the rocky u.s. housing economy has also made working longer a necessity for her. >> pretty much everything i saved i lost. so i'm kind of at square one at this point. >> reporter: she is part of what economists view is one of the biggest changes in the u.s. economy. the surge of seniors in the work force. government projections see a 12% drop in the number of workers age 16 to 24, barely any increase from 25 to 54, while workers 65 and up will grow by
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31%. one reason is a smaller draw on pensions. social security, the national prengs program allows you to draw a paycheck and still collect your full retirement benefits. younger workers may think they are getting the short end of the stick, but they should be encouraged by this. >> as people work longer, they are paying taxes and the rest of society doesn't have to support them. >> gail says she has just started to plan for life outside of the workplace, but not until she turns 70. >> it's time for sport and here is robin. >> thank you very much. the president of fifa has given
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its most likely note that there could be a winter world cup in qatar. speaking on friday, he say a winter world cup was inevitable. >> you know that we have in the executive committee take note of the situation in qatar. last executive committee. we have said that there is -- just to confirm that 2022 will be in qatar and we are starting now the consultations to try to bring this world cup into the winter -- winter, and when i say winter, i just want to say, can only be november, december, and in no way january, february. it is in no way, january, february. >> he has in the last hour congratulated nigeria footballers for being crowned
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the under 17 world champions. they beat mexico to become the first nation ever to win the event four times. they go by the name super eagles and won the battle earlier this year. [ inaudible ] out of the americana with a surprise defeat of the brazilian team. in buenos aires they boosted the occasion following a break away early in the second half. almost equalized when it clearly hit the posts. then sealed the win to substitute fernando. they will play nanuse in the semifinals. in the other semifinals, it was the opponents who scored through
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belava in the first half of their return match in columbia. they were denied a spectacular second in stoppage time. so it liverpool to go through 2-0 on aggravate. and [ inaudible ] has kept alive his hopes of clenches the semifinals. the swiss player knew a win would [ inaudible ] instead of himself. but this match didn't start well for him. losing a 5-2 lead. he took the first set in the tiebreaker but bounced back to take the second set 6-4 and then 6-1? his first appearance at the finals. that match underway in just under an hour's time. >> yeah for me it's my first
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time here. i did everything i can this week. i beat [ inaudible ]. i lost a tough match against [ inaudible ], so for me my job is done, i can only enjoy a little bit for sure. i'm going to watch the match tonight for sure. i am going to be a little bit nervous, because it will be amazing if i make it to the semifinal. golf's world number one tiger wood has played his way into contention at the turkish open. he got back with a sparkling 9 under par in the second round. ian and henrik the swede leads the money list. and ended up 12 under par. >> i played well today. i hit a lot of good shots and made some puts, but i missed
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quite a few puts today too that were within 10 feet. so it could have been one of those really low special rounds, but i'll take it and this golf course lends itself to a lot of birdies, and the greens are really receptive, so you just have to make a bunch of birdies. it has been a happy homecoming so far for this man. the australian sits top on 10 under par. but the highlight of the secondhand came from vicky. he is in a tie for third. but the gp rookie, mark marquez is moving closer to a spanish title. he was fastest. he has a 13-point lead in the championship standings.
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he only needs a fourth place finish to clench the title and become the youngest-every gm champion. the miami heat beat the los angeles clippers. for the clippers it was their third loss of the season. the lakers traveled to houston to face the rockets. dwight howard finished with 15 points and 14 rebounds. but it was blake with 1.3 seconds on the clock that clenched it for the lakers. cricket news now, india beat the west indies to win the first test in calcutta. earlier on day three, the host dismissed the west indies. and the next match will be next
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monday. meanwhile pakistan taking on south africa in the fourth. they lead the seedies 2-1. pakistan has 228-6, and dale stains has picked up three wickets so far. our sport is regularly updated on our website. that is your sport for now. robin thank you very much. the u.s. food and drug administration is planning to ban trans-fat in processed food. it is hoping to prevent some 20,000 heart attacks a year. john reports from chicago. >> reporter: americans prepare to say good-bye to all of this.
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it might prove tasty, but the u.s. food and drug administration has declared trans-fat an articlery clogging peril. >> i'm so glad they are doing it. >> reporter: many americans can't quite say what a trans-fat is. >> i know they aren't good for you, but i don't really know what they are. >> i don't know. >> no, i do not. what is it? >> the agency says banning the substance could prevent 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths each year in the u.s. >> trans-fats are the worse fats in our food supply. they raise the bad cholesterol and lower the good cholesterol. it is in processed food, in fact everything on this counter, and here in chicago it can even be found in this signature meal, deep dish pizza.
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here in illinois a proposal to ban the substance failed two years ago. but americans are eating 80% less than a decade ago anyway. some u.s. fast-food chains including mcdonald's still serve up trans-fats but most have phased them out entirely. for some persons, however, personal liberty is more important than health. >> i just know it's bad. but i'm not for banning it. i want to have my own choice. >> reporter: it might require a change in american's hearty appetites but once the ban is finally phased in, authorities will hoping a bit of prevention will avert the need for a pound of cardiac cure. >> that's it for us. more news at the top of the hour, and you can always go to
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our website, ♪
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welcome to al jazeera america. i'm del walters. these are the stories we're following for you. >> this is a bad deal. a very, very bad deal. >> could a deal with iran damage u.s.'s relationship with israel? the president in the big easy, but job growth has been anything but that has plans to fix it. and the jobs report is out, we'll have the unemployment numbers for you. ♪ there is still no deal at this hour on iran's nuclear


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