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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 9, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EST

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there were certain issues we needed to work through. we came here with bracketed language. that's the nation of negotiation, and we knew we would have to work going forward, and we did. we needed certain language that clarified certain things. i certainly came in here inten intending to do that, and that's what the president wanted me to do. the president has repeatedly said we will not rush to an agreement. the president has made it clear that no deal is better than a bad deal. and ihink it's good we're going to take the time we're taking to make certain that we are dotting the is and crossing the ts and doing what is necessary to have an agreement that we are sure we can look our allies and friends in the face and say this gets the job done. that's the purpose of it. so we are grateful to the french
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for the work that we did together. everyone there made coributions to the negotiations. this is the p-5. these are sovereign nations. no one is going to come rolling in here with one point of view or another. we have to work together, and that's the nature of the process. this is something that i think over the next weeks as the political directors work together, they'll build on what was achieved here in the last hours, and i feel very confident that this can be done. i can't tell you that it will be, but it absolutely can be with good effort over the next days. >> the next question will be from michael gordon of the "new york times." >> mr. secretary, the other day while you were in israel you said the u.s. was asking iran to
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bring it to a complete freeze over where they are today. how important is it to impose constraints on the plutonium side of the iranian program as part of a first step agreement in putting fuel in the heavy water reactor being built in iraq. is that part of the first step. and the political leve little, doesn't that suggest that there are significant differences that need to be married before it makes sense to bring the foreign ministers back to the picture? >> no, it really is a reflection of wanting to get language issues that came up absolutely resolved so the ministers when they come have a sense that everybody is in agreement with respect to particur language, and the schedules of the ministers.
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it is not possible for all of the ministers, and i think everybody felt they wanted to go back to their capitols, work through a few of these issues that are technical and complicated, and see if we can find ways to deal withou with te political directors, the appropriate people, and work the language at that level, that's what got us here, and we made a lot of progress. now we go to the next step, and hopefully when the ministers come back two weeks or so something like that will be in position to move forward. but with respect to the plutonium, absolutely. it's a very central issue and one at a that we spent a significant amount of time on and one that we're absolutely at manned must be addressed in the context of any kind of agreement. among others. and there are a number of others. >> thanks, everyone. >> is that it? >> we have to finish, unfortunately. >> i apologize.
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thanks. i have to run. i apologize. >> interesting there, secretary kerry leaving the podium looking like he was willing to take more questions. it's a very late night in geneva, close to 2:00 a.m. and sounding relatively optimistic. word of the night it certainly been productive with all the world leaders. no deal reached tonight. it's hoped that the leaders will meet again this month and reach an agreement on the program. we have phil ittner with us tonight. phil, what was your take away? >> reporter: as you see, there goes secretary of state kerry, i took from that press conference quite a different atmosphere from what we heard with the press conference with the e.u. representative. much more down to earth and
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sober outlining some of the difficulties that caused these talks to end without an agreement. we heard secretary of state, they're talking about trying to reassure the players in the region and some of thallies who have deep concerns. him talking about the concerns on the hill and in congress that there are still difficulties, and that this is a process that will take some time. not an awful lot of the colorful language that we heard of optimism and outright, you know, expressions of good will and good faith that we heard, an frm ashton's press conference. he did say, you know, that there are ts to be crossed and is to be dotted, that when they do come back together that they
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hope that once the second tier, the deputy foreign ministers, the undersecretary of state will be able to hash out those outstanding issues. so that actually when the foreign ministers and when secretary of state kerry returns that there will be a document that they will be able to sign without having been brought here in this manner, and then walking away pretty much empty handed. interesting press conference there from secretary of state's kerrsecretary of statekerry, anl indication that this process is not over, that there will be more to come. as they go to their separate capitals these dignitaries will still stay in communication with their counterparts, talk about what has happened here over the last few days, and try to iron out those differences that cause
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these round of talks to end without an agreement. jonathan? >> the secretaries will frankly urging patience saying that it takes time to build confidence. diplomacy takes time, his words. i thought that it was interesting that he brought up the use of military force, and that all diplomacy must be exhausted first, and the use of force must be the ultimate option. >> yes, and we heard that even before secretary state kerry arrived on the scene here. this is the position of the united states diplomatic core that while the military option must remain on the table, it must be seen as the last resort. so you know, you point out the e statements that secretary of state kerry made about this being a lengthy process, that
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diplomacy takes time. interesting to me that he did point out that there is thi this--this issue of distrust between members of p 5 or certain members of the p 5 and iran based on so many years of distrust. but that there does seem to be at least some thaw in that distrust but a long way to go, that diplomacy takes time. playing into the idea, apparently again this is a process. this was not meant to be finished here in geneva during these talks. this will take some time. you've got decades of difficulties to overcome, and again, not shying away from those issues, note ply even pointing out that issue that contentious issue of the heavy water plant in iraq that apparently was such a contentious issue for the french
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in particular. so not shying away from these difficulties, but secretary of state kerry still seeming to be optimistic that something in his words can be done. >> that is the hope tonight. phil ittner thank you. live in geneva after days of negotiations, no deal reache reh iran over its nuclear program. we'll take a quick break and we'll be right back after this.
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♪ >> hello, welcome to al jazeera america. i'm jonathan betz live in new york. talks about iran's nuclear program end the tonight without an agreement. but concrete progress has been made. those talks in geneva wrapped up earlier tonight, and there is still no deal this evening.
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we have negotiations under way after days of negotiations, though, no deal. phil ittner is covering all of this p phil, what, if anything, was accomplished today? >> well, jonathan, i think what's been accomplished today is at least a beginning, substantive talks have been conducted in geneva in which there has been real substantive talks between the irans and the p-5, something that the diplomats here in geneva say is a real break through in the fact that the iranians are here and willing to be talk, or have been here and willing to talk and there is sincerity to do some sort of deal. and we heard just recently there secretary of state john kerry
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speaking in some terms of continuing talks, and that the will to find the solution despite the lack of an agreement still remain. >> we are working hard to try to overcome mistrust, to try to build confidence, to try to find the ways that both the p-5 plus one and iran have the ability to be able to achieve this goal of ascertaining for certain without doubt that a program is a peaceful nuclear program. >> no, maybe, i'll let you no. little' let you have it. john kerry still holding on hope that there will be further progress, and the indication from a number of different foreign dignities are on the
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ground that maybe this is the end that--that there will be another round, that this is a process, and while sure they didn't come away with an agreement that they hoped to once when these talks began, that there is still a momentum here. there is still hope for ultimately a process to be begun in earnest so that ultimately down the road there will be a solution. now earlier in the evening after long talks, and a full day of discussions we heard from the iranians foreign minister, and we also heard from the european representative katherine ashton. let's take a listen to what she had to say. >> france plays an important role in the e-3 plus 3, and they played an important role today as they do in every negotiation along with colleagues from the
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other countries. we're not going into details about our discussion, but of course, you know, i pay tribute to all the ministers who came determined to try to support this process. and we're very grateful. >> now it's interesting that katherine ashton are pointing out in particular the french that it's well thought in geneva that they were the flaw in the ointment, they were the guys who came saying we have grave concerns not only because there is question of a heavy water plant in iraq, and the question of stock pile uranium that are still on hold. it is thought that once the french foreign minister showed up in town with these grave concerns, that he was the one that was kind of obstructionist.
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and normally that title goes to the iranians, but this time the fresh diverfrench diverted fromf the p-5 plus 1 a.m. and they said that they thank the french and there was no discourt but they say this is a negotiation among a number of sovereign nations all with our r own perspective and all with their own agenda and items important to them. so there will be a moment now as we wait for resumption of these talks by the deputy foreign ministers and the undersecretary of state, windy sherman, those talks plan to start on november 20th. they'll go with their capitols, they will talk and confer amongst themselves and their
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counterparts and come back with hopefully a better result next time. >> we'll see what results after a long day. phil ittner, we thank you for your live report. we appreciate it. moving forward with the deal without a tougher stance against iran. >> the israelis have gone to just about everybody to press their case. they went to the united states, of course, apparently netanyahu spoke with putin, i have no idea what happened with the israelis and the french, but if that did have something to do with it, that probably wasn't the driving factor simply because the french have been known to be taking the hardest line on the iranian issue for a while now. so this--it's not entirely surprising that it would be the french to come out and throw a monkey wrench into the works on
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this. what is really surprising to me, though, is how this was done--what appears to be so suddenly at the last minute. it seems to be picking up on some rather minor details in the negotiations rather than central factors. this was meant to be a confident-building measure, so far from the nuclear issue even if we do get this deal, and this is supposed to be something for six months. and that sets the bar a little bit lower in terms of what might constitute an acceptable deal. at the same time we're not giving up all that much. it's not giving very much to iran. this is unfreezing, i think about $3 billion in iranian
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funds. it's going to lift some of the sanctions on trade in gold and petrol. from everything that i heard this does not touch on the major sanctions which are against oil and banking. this seems like a pretty good deal to the p 5 plus 1 a.m. give those sanctions from everything i heard are going to stay in place. >> we want to move now to the philippines. the last three days have been devastating for those people there. typhoon haiyan killing an estimated 1200 people and that death toll is climbing tonight. the u.s. secretary of defense has ordered to assist in humanitarian relief efforts. it comes as they continue to try to rescue families still stuck in homes.
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the winds have been among the most powerful on record. measuring up to 190 mph with the gusts reaching 235 mph. let's go now to al jazeera's craig le esen who is live from manila. is the death toll expected to rise above the 1200 people killed? >> well, that's correct. first responders move into these remote areas, many of them completely cut off by landslides and fallen trees. they're finding that the death toll is increasing rapidly, we're getting unconfirmed reports but officials saying that it's now 10,000. the governor said that he expected it to rise to 20,000 to 30,000. while that remains uncertain, and will be for many weeks, what is in certain is that the philippines is in absolutely ruins as it has been hit by one of the largest storms on the
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planet. >> reporter: this is the moment when the storm hit tacloban, a city of more than 200,000 people. lots of winds whipped in the coast with gusts at 200 kilometers an hour. and with it came floodwater. people use mattresses to stay above the rising waters. >> okay, i can feel electricity in the water, guys. my legs are tingling. >> reporter: these are the kinds of scenes that rescue crews are seeing. a tornado just passed us. and the tornado lasted four hours. the roof was just crumbling. at first it was the ceiling that went off, and then the roof just started flying in all directions. and then the water just started coming. >> the survivors are desperate. >> so we've got looting coming
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on by the looks of it. >> we're opens as many stores as we can. there is looting going on, we have the army and the pmp as much as we can. and trying to secure power and water, which are the basics. >> reporter: with communications down and roads out the emergency organizations are struggling to organize relief. the philippines military only has three hercules aircraft to fly in soldiers and aid. other countries are promising help. >> we're bringing in food, medicines, water, filtration plants, water bags. we're also bringing body bags because a lot of people who are dead, we want to make sure that we manage the conditions of the dead. >> reporter: people are starting to identify bodies. full human cost will take some time to count.
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>> we're not prepared to say how much at this point in time because that is also difficult to predict. >> reporter: the government says there is an one kilometer wide strip inland from the sea where everything has been destroyed. it had sent out weather warnings early and often, but there was no preparing for this. >> so as we mentioned first responders still making their way in. the philippines government only has three 3130 hercules aircraft to use to go to tacloban. as they entered lates late last night was looting in the
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malls and people fighting over the few pieces of food and water remaining in that city, the worst-hit area in the philippines. >> just stunning stories, craig. are crews able to get in to these hard hit areas with aid? >> yes, they're starting to get in, and they're getting help from ngos. the red cross is on the ground. they made the first initial estimates and they reported seeing bodies floating around as we heard in that report. our correspondents down there also talked about stepping over bodies once the tidal surge moved away. that tidal surge was as tall as coconut trees. we had reports from locals who mentioned having to let go of their children because the surge was so strong and not being able to find them again. stories of real tragedy, and i suspect that will happen for weeks to come. >> now we're hearing more than
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10,000 people could be killed. craig live in manila for us, thank you. well, haiyan is headed to vietnam. people there have been ordered to flee and china as well. we go to the latest on this track because there are still a lot of people in harm's way, right, rebecca? >> meteorologist: it was a super typhoon at the time has weakened to typhoon status, we're talking about a storm that was so powerful. we only had two hurricanes hit the u.s. that has 200 mph sustained winds. that was in 1980 and 1969. those two tigers mentioned quite a bit when you talk about the devastation we face because of those winds. now these storms had dropped to typhoon status. it was equivalent to a category 2 with sustained winds. and we're still getting wrapped
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around showers in the philippines that were hit so hard by the storm. now the typhoon haiyan is tracking towards vietnam 5:00 is expected to make progress towards hanoi. it's expected to make landfall between 11:00 a.m. and noon and bring a significant amount of rainfall in north vietnam with 10 to 12 inches of rain before taking a northern track into china. still a lot of concerns about landslides and flooding continue not only for the philippines but now for vietnam. >> we'll continue to watch it. thanks rec. wrebecca.we turn to syria, a den that could have major consequences for all parties in that ongoing conflict. >> reporter: the issue of the syrian national coalition participation in the geneva two negotiations whenever they actually finally happen will be
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tricky for the coalition, and remains the issues that they'll have to take on over the next couple of days. at one level this opposition can't not show up at an international meeting of this magnitude. on the other hand if they show up and the opposite side of the table is the assad regime, and bashar al-assad himself, they will loss any credibility they have left to get to this point. >> there is a polio outbreak in syria, the first in 14 years has already paralyzed 10 children and hundreds of thousands of more are at risk. providing polio vaccines for 20 million children. >> the vaccination is across the
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country, it is in all public health facilities, all shelters, and door to door. all the children under five irspenttivirrespective of natioe immunized. >> a national vaccination campaign already began yesterday in lebanon. much more ahead on al jazeera america, including a source of hope for millions of americans struggling with mental illness and addiction. new rules to help those heal are ahead. and with them, a storm of views. how can you fully understand the impact unless you've heard angles you hadn't considered? consider this... antonio mora brings you smart conversation that challenges the status quo with unexpected opinions and a fresh outlook.
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including yours. >> what do you think? >> stories that matter to you consider this unconventional wisdom. weeknights 10 eastern on al jazeera america
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>> start with one issue education... gun control... the gap between rich and poor... job creation... climate change... tax cuts... the economy... iran... healthcare... it goes on and on... ad guests on all sides of the debate. and a host willing to ask the tough questions and you'll get... the inside story theses are strait forward conversations, no agenda, just hard hitting debate on the issues that matter to you ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5 eastern only on al jazeera america >> we're getting new reports up to 10,000 people may have been killed when typhoon haiyon slammed into the philippines. they're still searching for survivors. the secretary of defense has ordered all to assist in
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humanitarian relief in that region. an earthquake struck japan. the quake shook buildings in the capitol city, but they're not worried of a tsunami there. and workers at the fukushima planet are gearing up for another high stakes operation. the task, fuel rods that were damaged in the tsunami of 2011. they're concerned that the plant could collapse in the event of another quake. they do not expect it to be a very difficult job. the streets of madrid are piling up with trash. 6,000 maintenance workers walked off the job on tuesday leaving the city without garbage collection. they're fighting proposals that would cut salaries by 40% and cause a thousand people to lose their jobs.
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china's capitol beijing has reported a surge in lung cancer cases. the number of cases have risen over 50% in the last decade. beijing has taken emergency measures to tackle it's poor air quality. pollution is part of the reason for the surge in cancer rates but smoking is the main culprit. 30 million americans suffer from eating disorders and many medical insurance companies don't cover it. but the laws may now change that. >> reporter: for years puja discovered with an eating disorder. >> for me one of the hardest parts was going in to treatment. >> reporter: eventually going to a treatment center that her parents paid for out of pocket. >> each day was $1,000. and fo for a two month stay was
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$60,000, a judge education. my insurance company did not think that an eating disorder was significant enough to have it covered in any sense. >> reporter: 20 million american women and 10 million american men will struggle with eating disorders at some point in their lives. lynn runs the organization and talks to patients every day. >> it's horrific to get treatment for eating disorders and it depends on where you live. i have heard horror stories someone goes in for treatment and the insurance company says, no, you're not thin enough and the patient has to go home and lose more weight. that's like saying to a cancer treatment, well, your tomber iss not big enough until we remove it. >> reporter: many struggle to pay for mental health treatment themselves. >> families have gone into debt. i've seen them take second
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mortgages on their homes. i've seen them go through their retirement accounts you do whatever you have to to save someone in your life who might die, and eating disorders can kill. >> reporter: that changes the new laws to force insurance companies to cover mental illness the same way that they cover general care. >> that law combined with the affordable care act will expand and protect behavioral benefits to more than 62 million americans. this is the largest expansion of behavioral health coverage in a generation. >> for puja staying healthy is something that she works hard at. >> i struggle for a long time. it's something that you have to think about consciously every day and work towards it and remind yourself why you're doing it. you're doing it for yourself, you're doing it for your family. it's something that can be done without proper treatment whether that's therapy, in-patient treatment center. >> reporter: treatment that patients can now count long.
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>> for millions of americans who struggle with mental illness and addiction this is now a source of hope that they can focus on healing rather than on costs. al jazeera, new york. >> hawai'i is a few steps away from becoming one of the next tapes to approve same-sex marriage. they voted to legalize same sex unions. if passed they'll be the 15th or 16th state, that depends on when the governor of illinois signs that state's gay marriage bill. as part of our champion to the economy series al jazeera visit as family business that survived the recession but now it's expanding. >> reporter: the kind of company where employee birthdays are celebrated. danny started his business in a
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bedroom 25 years ago. the company which refurbishes hand hard barcode reeders for companies such as starbucks and ups has now grown to 250 employees. >> i have to pinch myself a lot of times. even though we reached over 150 employees, we're still trying to keep that small feeling, but it gets harder. i don't know everybody's first name back there any more like i used to. and it's a mixed feeling because you got to grow so you give more, but you can't know everything. >> reporter: even so there are many long-time employees such as alexandra who view their coworkers as kind of extended family. >> yeah, i've been here for is a years. they are part of my family. >> reporter: responsibility to employees is one of the things that weighed on cat when he considered up rooting the company about 15 years ago. >> i was concerned about being able to get to the workforce that i needed here in south
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florida. >> reporter: through networking and referrals, local officials helped are referrals and find employees. for the first time in company's history cat was forced to layoff people and he convinced people to work a seven hour workday. over the next several years the company expects to almost double its workforce. yu man wu was one of the new hires. it was a relief for him becoming employed. >> i'm working, and i can contribute to the society. >> katz at mids he's too worried to ex-hand hi expand his busine. >> i'm holding back of starting
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it because i'm uncertain. >> reporter: but for now katz is grateful that he stayed in miami and in position to expand his work family. al jazeera, miami. >> religious leaders in germany have been marking the 75th anniversary of cristallnacht when there was destruction of jewish homes, businesses and synagogues. >> reporter: a mark of silence to remember a day that was one of the darkest moments in german history. through the streets of berlin they carried a banner that said, remember, commemorate, take part. the city's mayor said the act of remembrance was as important today as it had ever been. >> especially it's a time where the witnesses are dying out and becoming less and less we have to find new ways of commemorating and looking back upon it. to intervene th when injusticese
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happening, to make clear to everyone that we intervene and accept people as they are, and i think we still have a lot to learn. >> reporter: it was 75 years ago that the nazis launched their attacks upon german jews. it became known as the kristallnacht. the night of broken glass. they broken into jewish shops, 90 jews killed, and 7,000 businesses destroyed, and this was just the beginning of the nazi campaign to rid the country of its jewish population. germany's leaders have used the anniversary to warn the country to be watchful for the dangers of anti-semitism. it is a timely reminder. in a recent report across europe it is on the increase.
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>> and on this anniversary a neoneo-nazi group turned up in missouri for push back. >> they say they chose kansas city for its annual fall rally because it's centrally located but the city was not welcoming. the city council condemned this rally and hundreds of protesters showed up across the street. there is a huge police presence out here. now the neo-nazis is saying they're delivering a fiscal message. the councilwoman said don't buy it. it's all about hate and eliminating minors. several right civil rights groue holding another rally but they decided to play it safe and hold it two miles away. >> the navy has christened it's newest aircraft carrier. it's not ready for the open sea
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yet. it's named after the 38th president of the united states, gerald ford. ford's daughter did the traditional bolt breaking at the ceremony. >> the ship and all who sail her. [ cheering ] >> big cheers there. the ship cost more than $12 billion and already $2 billion over budget. the navy said it will be two years before it's completely finished. big day in college football, all the highlights ahead in sports. and it's in out of this world sighting of the olympic torch. details when al jazeera america returns.
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determining using some sort of subjective interpretation of their policy as to whether or not your particular report was actually abusive, because if it doesn't contain language that specifically threatens you directly or is targeted towards you specifically, they may not consider it abuse. they may consider it offensive. and in that case they just recommend that you block that person. >> i don't want to minimise this, because i mean, there's some really horrible things that are on line, and it's not - it's not just twitter, what has happened through social media and the anonymity of the net is that you see websites, hate-filled websites targetting all sorts of groups, popping up.
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there has been a huge number of those that exist as well. i'm phill torez. coming up this week on techknow. they may look like smokers. >> oh my gosh, it actually smells like pizza. i would eat this. >> they're not. >> wow. >> welcome to the world of vapor. >> there's like hundreds of variations that you can make. >> we tend to regulate that in this country. >> we don't like people making their own moonshine. >> the science behind e-cigaretts. >> wow, ya, now we're actually spiking. >> al jazeera america is the only news channel that brings you live news at the top of every hour. >> here are the headlines at this hour. >> only on al jazeera america. >> welcome back.
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in ireland while jobs are so difficult to find, many are turning to farming. while ireland is the place where the buffalo now rome. >> reporter: the last five years have seen expectation fall. but for once these students have no fear of finding work once they leave college. >> we're studying the ph.ds and food science for the previous four years they've all been given jobs straight into the industry. in fact, they can't even hold onto them because they're wanted so much in research and development. >> reporter: providing their own commentary on how they feel of at prospects of having to emigrate because unemployment at home is at 30%. food supply advertised 900 jobs. and at 4,000 applications to 300
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places. >> they are employing graduates so it's a great opportunity for our students to stay in ireland and not have to emigrate in order to find good employment. >> just like the weather. >> when the rain comes in, the mood goes up. >> reporter: the agriculture boom has seen some interesting results as well. this is ireland's buffalo herd grazing happily in the gloom. they have brought in month mozza in. >> when someone from the south of italy telling you that it's as good or better than what they've had at home. >> and ireland exported much more than it consumes.
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this restaurant serves all that ireland produces. >> use what you produce, endorsing other own produce and using seasonality. and absolutely there are a lot of more people going into farming. it's a good business decision now as well as a worthy business decision. >> reporter: ireland is not the only poor country in the eurozone to see more people go to the land, it shows sands for a plan of growth. it would be a welcomed thing, if food security ended up being an unintended consequence of the economic crisis. >> well, tradition for the olympic church took a trip around the world. but host of next year's winter games in sochi, russia send the to. to space. it went outside of the space station earlier today, but for safety reasons the torch was not lit. it's set to come back down to earth on monday. i know you were disappointed by that, ross, they didn't light
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the torch in space. >> reporter: only 89 more days until the winter olympics. >> right around the corners. >> alabama controls their own destiny, people, they're the number one team in the country and they're on track, but they have to man up against lsu because the tigers are stacked, and they have nothing to lose. number three florida state looking to take care of business against wake forest, and putting on a show. the heisman trophy contenders down the pike benjamin, and the route was on. wake forest tried to make it a game, but picked off by nate andrews, and any way you want to say it, you can kiss him good buy. 56 yards for the happy play. and racked up six interceptions on the day and they would go on to spank the demon deacons to 59 the machine. james franklin dressed up for
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number min nine missouri. the red third freshman as the tigers would holler the wildcats to improve 9 and 1 on the season. number 7, auburn clicking on all cylinders. in the second team tied, check out chris davis, kicks it into high gear and 85 yards to the house and tigers never looked back. i mean, they were rolling. just before the half nick marshal running the option, and he opted to keep it himself, good call because he's off for the races. he would pass for another as the tigers go on to win big 55-32 is your final. >> we feel like we have one of the better special teams here, and they settled that today. and helped us win the game. >> how about this football team going forward. it doesn't get any easier. what do you have to say about their focus in terms of each and
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every week dealing with success. >> i was worried about this one. they were playing great at home. they're an up and coming team. our guys came out and took care of business. they played a like a top ten team today. >> he is a rock star. the trophy winner wa with a carr high with five touchdown passes and through for 446 yards. check out this move right here. hooked up, and yeah, get off me, texas a&m would go on to win big. 51-41. oklahoma state making a statement against kansas on the opening kick off. bill gert, and watch out. 6'0" has diddy up in his step because he's cowboy from oklahoma state. can he get there request?
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yep, yep, oklahoma state wins big, 42-6. number 25, texas tech u upset te wildcats. this 63-yard score, one of five touchdown by kansas state, and jake waters, nice pass here. texas tech, and red raiders ro roll. they fall 7 and 3 on the season. florida head coach definitely on the hot seat, and for good reason. gators 4 and 4 heading into the match up against vanderbilt. vanderbilt living large because they would go in snapping a 22 22-winning streak for the gators. ththe last time that they beat florida was when ronald reagan
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was president and backstreet boys were around. can he do it again tomorrow against the packers? our john henry smith spoke t to shah rein williams. >> he played two great games back-to-back and then passed for 60 yards against the cowboys and got hurt in that game as well. another start and it has gotten him another start. they're not ready to commit to him yet, but nick foles looked awfully good last week. now he needs to show the consistency to keep this job.
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>> how much trouble are they without aaron rogers? it's been 21 years since the packers have had a quarterback miss back-to-back games. the last game that rogers missed was with rogers with a concussion. he's probably going to be out three to four weeks. they think they can weather the storm, but this is a guy who didn't show up until september 4th. he's only made 21 starts in his ten nfl seasons, they're confident he'll be better than monday night because he only had four reps with the first teamers in practice last week. he'll obviously get a lot more this week and they need him to play well. >> let's talk about the super bowl champions for a moment. what is going on with the running back in baltimore, ray rice, he doesn't seem very effective this year. >> we could have seen some of the problems come at the ravens have had. they've lost 13 starters. the passing game okay. the defense okay. we knew they might have problems with their running game. no one expected this. they had 28 yards on 17 carries
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and joe flacco they do need ray rice to getting about. they ranked 27th in rush offen offense. they even went to the pistol formation five times. he's confident he can still play and play well, but they need to do it and do it quickly to help the baltimore ravens team if they're going to turn this thing around. >> they're having a super bowl hang over. >> my question for you, i love them, too, it's voicing because tortillas are taking over the grocery aisle. mexican tortillas are now outselling hamburger and hot dog buns. paying $3 billion a year for tortillas compared to $2 billion for hot dog and hamburger buns.
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salsa now tops ketchup in the condiment department. how about that. >> when i went to school in arizona state we would throw them in the football field. >> no wonder they were sell so many to throw them away like this. the world's largest robot fair is coming to a close. the exhibition hosted 300 companies in tokyo and including robots of all sorts from ones that build cars, dinosaurs, and a row bought that can even swim. pretty cool stuff. stay with us, rebecca is back with weather next. >>grounded. >>real. >>unconventional. >>an escape from the expected.
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>> while you were asleep, news was happening.
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>> super typhoon haiyan is thou just a typhoon as it hit a as a gore 5 equivalent. it powered through the philippines. we're seeing devastation now there, and now we're hearing about quite a bit of crime across the philippines as all these places are destroyed and there is no fresh water and food in many places. now the storm
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is going to be bringing issues of flooding, mudslides not just across the philippines but now it's headed to vietnam. the south china seas has temperatures that will cooler than farther off in the pacific. we expect the winds where they are i 103 mph right now, it will be dropping down to a category one. and it struck down 80 mph. and the pass of this is going to shear that surgeon island of china causing damage here. and we'll see it make landfall in vietnam south of hanoi. once it does that it will drop down to tropical depression, and take a sharp north turn into china. let's get back to the u.s. because we've got a big cooldown on the way, and we're talking about arctic air that has been up and developing dropping into canada, and then down into the u.s. and through the middle of
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next week, boy, are we going to get chilly we have a cool night tonight in some places but we might call this cool, you're really going to feel cool as you get into sunday and monday. minneapolis right now you're 39 degrees. that's going to feel balmy after what you're about to experience. temperatures are somewhat comfortable now, but what we've got going on in the northeast are quite a bit of showers. some of this changing over to snow for maine a rain snow mix for vermont, new hampshire. we've got a winter weather advisory for parts of maine. the roadsly will bthe roadways e slippery. in the morning hours you'll want to watch for icy spots in the north. northern minnesota just nicking the top of michigan and starting
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to feel that cooldown but it's really that cooldown in michigan on monday as that cold air gets a second shot and it will go south, and this time the time wl it through iowa. and you've start to feel it northern georgia, northern alabama, and yeah, that arctic air will modify a little bit but you're going to feel a cooldown. we'll get to the temperatures here. first i want to point out the storm system bringing rain into the west side of the cascades. snow in the cascades and snow really falling once that moisture false over montana. we have a winter storm advisory going into affect here. here are the low temperatures and getting into the 20s for minneapolis. tomorrow we're going to be low 40s for minneapolis. look at monday, mid 20s. that's your high temperature monday. tuesday, cooler yes, starting to feel the cooldown with the high in the mid 40s.
9:00 pm
>> welcome to al jazeera america. i'm jonathan betz. here are today's top stories. efforts to reach a nuclear agreement with iran has failed. progress was made in this iran of talks. the u.s. is still determined to prevent iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. diplomacy takes time and all the parties need time to fully consider the issues. very complicated technical difficult issues that we discussed here in the last days. >> we're getting new reports that up to 10,000 people is now have been killed when typhoon haiyan slammed into the philippines.


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