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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 10, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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>> this is al jazeera america, live from new york city. i am jonathan betterz. typhoon haiyan leaves thousands dead across the philippines. >> we are just hopeful. what wican we hold on to? right? hope. >> families desperate for answers unable to reach loved ones in the typhoon's path. >> a firm no from iran's president halts talks for now. the price of domestic violence in the united states. it's been described as one of
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the most powerful typhoon's ever, haiyan has left its mark across the philippines. thousands have been killed. that death toll is expected to rise. margaret ortegas has more from the capitol of manilla. >> sur viefrdz walked through what's left of their town, still in shock over how quickly their lives were turned upside down. reminders of what they have lost everywhere. thousands of people are missing across the central philippines and many areas are unreachable. >> for the missing and those who have been confirmed killed that is a concern. we are working toward the leads of those living. >> the extent is making rescue and reoperations difficult. operates in the central philippines have been difficult. many of the roads are impossible emergency personnel haare havin to walk for hours to reach survivors with aid.
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>> the storm hit on friday and since then, for many of the victims, there has been no access to basic necessities. survivors are finding shelter where thing. looting has become a problem. displaced residents struggle to find food and clean water >> what's important for us are clothes and water. we have no problem with food. we have found stores with lots of food that's been given away. >> other nations have promised help and food and supplies are beginning to arrive. coordinating it all is proving a challenge in itself. for the millions affected by typhoon haiyan, getting through the day is challenge enough. >> i can't think. i don't know what to do. right now, all we can do is survive the day, but i don't know what will happen tomorrow or the day after that or if we can continue surviving. i really do not know. >> but there will be little time to catch a breath at a time true
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scale of haiyan's damage is being assessed. there are reports of more heavy rain on the way. al jazeera. manilla. >> in the city of takalaban as that sternly hill, here is a report. >> a vicious force. haiyan swept through the philippines early friday morning. it destroyed everything in its path, power lines, roads, coastal villages, all wiped out in an instance. the tie off and onning arrived three hours earlier than expected. thousands of people were trapped when water rose as high as 5 meters. we were one much them rye at the eye of haiyan's wrath. >> wir trying to make our way out of this place. this is a little over three hours of the wrath of typhoon haiyan has brought into this do you know. this place has become a ghost
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town. just a few hours ago, we were, ourselves, caught up in the middle of the most powerful typhoon in the world this year. it was hard because at some point, we were preparing for it and the water was coming up. before we knew it, we were by the ceiling, clinging for our lives. it's a miracle that we are suvived. what we need to do now is to make our way out of here because there is nothing left. only distrucks and death. the world's most powerful typhoon on record. the governor fears 20,000 people dead. those remaining face hard days ahead. thousands have been left homeless, unsure exactly where to go, searching for shelter in the few structures that remain standing. almost everyone here as a family
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member or a friend who has died. the reality, too hard for many to grasp. we almost drowned. it's so difficult. no place to sleep. not even dry clothes to wear. >> we were in the gymnizium, supposed to be our evacuation center. it collapsed. everyone started to run everywhere to save their own lives. doctors here are working under strained conditions separating on the injured without electricity and clean water. short supply of medicine is running out. most of the areas remain unreachable. the dead, the wounded and those who survived cut out from the rest of the world. as night falls people become
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more desperate. the devastation is staggering. the true extent of the damage remains unknown. eboni has more on that. the storm is powerful. >> it is even at the time status, a min mull churn what we are dealing with. we are going to find a lot of rainfall with it the heavy rainfall and flooding concerns will be an issue. we are going to continue to watch it as it continues to make its way up toward the north and northwest already making landfall. parts of south china have felt the impact has made its way off to the west of haiyan. this is an area it that picked up six to seven inches of rainfall. >> that's what we are expecting here off to the north and east of hanoi. >> that's where it's located for
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now as it continues to make its way further northward. it will weaken further now that it's over land, just not enough food to really allow that system to maintain its status. we are going to see that rainfall very wide reaching. so, parts of china being impacted by this as well as northern areas of vietnam. flooding, the main issue. winds not as we hadspread or as much of a concern. right now, feeling hurricane-force winds, gusts with the system, but gusts have come down to 74 miles per hour making it equivalent to a category 1 storm. we still have hayan that we are still watching and tracking over the next 24 hours. but it's going to quickly sdpant and then further off to the east, we are watching this area of disturbed weather right now, just an area of concern, but unfortunately, it's going to track towards the philippines over the next few days. whether it develops into a cyclone or not, we are expecting to see more rain being pushed into the area and it certainly doesn't need to be any more wet weather at this time.
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jonathan? back to you. >> not good news. thank you, eboni. fill penal 0-american communities are trying to cope with devastation. major families have still been unable to reach loved ones. many are turning to prayer. killheny duke hard has more from new york. >> route now, all laura milayy lambert can do is pray. she is a member here at the church of christ, a predominantly filipino section of new york. her brother and relatives live on the island of latai, one of the main areas hardest hit by tai-fun high yon. >> i am anxious because i haven't heard from them for two nights. i have been trying to call them for two days, two nights, but sometimes, the phones would ring but nobody would pick up. it would say that i can't get through or it's unattended or sometimes, there are just no connection at all.
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it's dead. >> widespread power outages from the storm have made communication from the u.s. near impossible. milaci lambert says her faith gives her something to hold on it. >> we are hopeful. what can we hold on to? hope. >> paster rubinino says the church has been gathering funds for the victims. >> one friend said we cannot change the path of the typhoon, but we can have a good attitude in facing in the. so as a pastor, i want to speak about the pope, about the resource in our faith, to rise up from death to life. >> faith he says they will need as information of the scope of the disaster unfolds. >> paritioners here at the united crunch of christ say they want to help their friends and family devastated by the typhoon but their biggest fear was
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damaged roads and bridges is that the aid won't get there. >> kill many dukehardt, richmond hill, new york. >> after three days of talks, no deal with iran on its nuclear program. iran says it will not give up. secretary of state jong kerry defended his strategy. >> we are not blind, and i don't think we are stupid. i think we have a pretty song sense of how to measure whether or not we are acting in the interest of our country and of the globe and particularly of our allies like israel and gulf states and others in the region. we are absolutely determined that this would be a good deal or there will be no deal. >> with more on this, let's go to al jazeera patty:hane from washington. >> if there is any hope that the u.s. will be able to come to some sort of negotiated settlement with iran over the nuclear program, this will be a critical week because it looks like congress is going to step in and get involved in the
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negotiations. it looks like the senate may pass additional sanctions on iran. they could also move to limit the president's authority to make any changes now, the administration through secretary of state john kerry is asking congress please wait saying that would show the u.s. is negotiating in bad faith. the israeli lobby is going to up the pressure on iran and the president may not have any choice but to listen to them. >> meantime, in an address to parliament hassan rhouhani says they cannot be pushed to give up iranian enrichment. >> the rights of the iranian nation are our red line. national interests are our red line. among those rights are nuclear rights within the framework of international law including the right to the enrich iruranium. >> more from iran. >> in the iranian capital there is frustration and
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disappointment that there was no deal achieved in general over regarding iran's nuclear program. iranians have been waiting a decade to resolve this issue. there hasn't been any kind of movement or agreement in a decade certainly not under the previous government. at the moment, not under the current one either. it seems like rannians are going to have to wait locker to see what happens, if there will be a deal that includes sanctions release and to what extent it will affect their economy. the president of iran did speak about those talks in geneva. hassan rhouhani speaking about iran's red line, uranium enrichment, said iran would not give into any kind of bullying from anybody else and would protect iran's national rights and interests under the non-proce non-proliferation treaty, the peaceful nuclear program. so the line from the iranians is that they are keeping their ground. there is disappointment here, of course, these talks haven't really bore any kind of fruit
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but there is optimism. these next talks taking place just in over a week's time. so iranians are going to have to wait to see what copmes out of the next round, if there will be more disappointment or something to be happen to. >> joining us now to talk about these talks is professor hushain from rutgers, the founder and president of the american council. thank you for being in. >> thank you for having me iran sealed rather disappointed that these talks collapsed. is that a fair assessment? >> it istran came to vienna with the perception that in the previous meetings they had agreed with 5 plus 1 and that fra framework had three parts. part one was common goals that they thought they had arrived at. the second part had to do with the processes that were would
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make those goals achieved and finally, the end state of iran's nuclear problems. >> that's to say, iran would maintain civilian enrichment on its soil but make sure everybody else would make -- there would be no bombs made. now, iran got surprised when it came to the negotiations this time and realized that there is no agreement on the end in our state of iran's nuclear problem, but they were still talking about, all right. what is it you wanted to do at the end of the day? iran thought, wait a minute. i thought we already agreed upon it. >> we were on the same page. france kind of threw a monkey wrench into all of this. >> yeah, but i think french has really used as a fall guy here. >> you think so? >> honestly, i think it is. secretary kerry and hague have acknowledged the fact that beyond france's objections, there were serious problems, and
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the problem, as you can see, also from, you know, secretary kerry's statement in the last 24 hours, very obvious that the question was much deeper. the problem was much deeper than france's objections. >> because they were talking about temporarily freezing iran's nuclear program, basicallying to try to hammer out a long-term deal, prime minister netanyahu called this the deal of a century for iran. do you agree with him on that? do you think it was generous for iran? >> i think he was overreacting. >> the prime minister? >> yeah. the prime minister. i believe in every negotiation obviously has to be taken into account, into contract. but i think the prime minister netanyahu was overreacting. there was no agreement to begin with. and but the idea that iran was really getting a good deal out of this true or not. >> not true because iran came and got surprised that there was
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no agreement even on iran's end state in terms of the nuclear beyond that, iran was expecting real relief on the sanctions. the united states was very open that there would be no change in the structure of the sanction regimes in place and that all we can do is to unfreeze some of your own money that is being frozen in banks all over the country, even they partially. so again, i don't know why prime minister netanyahu was calling this the deal of the century. i think the bottom line for mr. netanyahu is this: that iran should not but any level of enrichment whatsoever. therefore, for him, any level of agreement that would leave iran with anything called nuclear would be a bad deal. >> frankly, is that not fair?
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should iran be trusted to have any kind of nuclear facility? >> that's a great point. >> that's a great question. the biggest problem in vienna -- i'm sorry, in geneva, was that very trust issue that americans say i wanted to unfreeze the sufrex or whatever. but how do i trust you? and then you say that at the end of the day, i will have only, you know, nuclear enrichment for civilian purposes. >> right. >> how do i trust you? >> should the united states trust iran? >> that's the problem. this framework had three parts in the middle of the framework, there was, step one was to be basically what they called confidence building. >> uh-huh. >> iran was supposed to do a, b, c, and the u.s. was supposed to proportionately match that a, b, c with relieving sanctions on it.
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at that point, the problem got into difficulty. negotiation into difficulty because iran said you are asking me to do a, b, c, for example, stop my 20% enrichment. >> slow down the enrichment program. >> what am i getting in return? lifting sanctions? >> you are asking me. >> why should iran be trusted? why should the united states bother? israel, as you argue, argues that this this this this
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iran is a little bit is too into this game very late. they should have done this in advance. unfortunately, the problem on both sides have accumulated too big. there are, on both sides, institutions, individuals, organizations that have become, you know, basically habit annual in this struggle against this relationship. i have to tell you u.s.-ran relations has very few friends. almost everybody is an enemy. amazing how bad that is. >> as you say, the game continues, negotiations pick up in 10 days.
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>> at the end of the day, they have to come to an understanding. >> iran and the united states or just iran? >> yes. more sanctions will create like in the past, sent triv huges. at the end of the day, if they don't reach an agreement, believe me, war and bombs. >> that's the bottom line. war and bombs. >> that is the bottom line. >> that's a reminder that stakes are very high. >> extremely high. >> thank you professor. from rut ger's university. we appreciate tour time? >> thank you for having me. >> is it i will ahead on accessmey, later actually poison the well and make things worse, make the stress so unbearable that the iranians
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will see those sanctions as pure belligerence and then walk away. if that is to happen, it will be a dangerous situation because it means that the diplomatic path will have closed and what happens after that, well, you know, there have obviously been talks of a military option but the u.s.a. says that that should be the absolute last option on the table. they much prefer the idea of trying to talk to the iranians. they do not -- there has been no discussion of a complete lifting of sanctions. they say that possibly by easing some things, perhaps as the iranians would like to see an easing on the oil exports i'm phill torez. coming up this week on techknow. they may look like smokers. >> oh my gosh, it actually smells like pizza. i would eat this. >> they're not. >> wow. >> welcome to the world of vapor. >> there's like hundreds of variations that you can make.
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>> we tend to regulate that in this country. >> we don't like people making their own moonshine. >> the science behind e-cigaretts. >> wow, ya, now we're actually spiking.
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>> john is a second sgeneration his parents are from south korea but he was born here a new study finds that the crime rate of second generation immigrants like john is soaring. among 16 yooermingdz, only 17% of first generation immigrants have committed a crime in the past year compared to almost 25% of second generation immigrants. >> what happens with the second gen is that they are stuck in two worlds. dr. alex vaquero says while most immigrants don't commit crimes at all. he did a follow-up study looking at those did. the second generation kids do more than second generation kids. he found something else. the crime rate of second generation was almost identical of native born americans. researchers found immigrants are more likely to commit crimes as they become more engrained in
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american culture. >> 25% of second generation immigrants committed a crime come pavered to 24% of native-born americans. >> second generation immigrants and native-born americans offended virtually identical to one another while first generation immigrants offended less and less violently. >> khalil says he understands why. it wasn't until he moved to america he was expose today crime. >> when you first come to this country, there is not a sense that you belong. as yi grew up, my culture startd to be what was around me. that was crime, drug dealing. >> so khalil and his buddy robbed two women and spent six and a half years in prison. for john, it was a little different. >> john, what happened here? >> this was the place i was arrested when i was 16. >> using fake credit cards, he went into electronic stores, bought new equipment and resold
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it for a trafraction of the cos he spent three and a half years in prison. he said being a second-generation immigrant had nothing to do with his crimes. >> i never saw the crash between the two cultures. at home, i spoke korean, i ate korean food but i ate american food. i spoke english as well. >> which is precisely why researchers say studies like these are needed now more than ever. >> there is a perception, and i would argue a miss perception, that the crime problem in america is an immigration problem and that that could not be farther from the truth. it is an american problem. >> on that point, everyone seems to agree. it is a problem. i think they live with something for the rest of their life. you live with something for the rest of your life
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. >> all right. rasha mabuka is here from the headlines. we hear from one of the players in the harassment case rich incognito opened up about his harassment scandal on jonathan martin. he told fox sports martin was his best friend on the team and he regrets using those racial slurs. incog nit 0 said the text messages were taken out of context. he said this skaujdz is not a bullying issue. he said it's an accepted part of the locker room culture. he was suspended. martin left the team two weeks ago. the league continues to conduct their own investigation you have a problem. arian foster has decided to have season-ended back surgery for a disk in his back. he was going to try and play through the pain about after multiple opinions, he decided to shut it down. time to follow the bouncing
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ball. geoff green as he nailed the game-1ing 3 ball right in front of lee bron james. take that, king. celtics winning on dramatic fashion. 1-11, 1-10. >> speaking out, we will hear from him later in sports. we will be right back.
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this this
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people aren't getting enough food, water. obviously they do not have adequate shelter at the moment. security is also becoming a concern now, and that is another role that the military must play as well as still searching for the people who are missing. they now have to try to secure the areas because looting has become a problem. not only people looking for food, water and things like that from destroyed shops and houses but other things as well. people looting things like television sets. an important role for the military to play. the residents have been critical of the government, critical of the military for not getting quick enough to get to this city to deliver the things that they need the most. >> wayne hay in the philippines. how is how you can help. the united nations world food program will cindy mergency food and also working to restore communications. you can donate $10 by texting aid to 2722 on your cell phone
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or vest the website, www.wfp unicef is air lifting 66 tons to stricken areas. donations can be made at >> the red cross says those who want top donate, write philippines, typhoon or flood and donate at red cathy lick relief services is sending supplies and staff. doanations can go to world vision, another one providing food, hygiene kits and emergency shelters. it's site is and the american jewish joint distribution committee is making donations at in a houston suburb, a girl's 18 birthday party turned deadly. police described mass chaos at
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the scene. reports of people jumping from the second floor. officers are looking for two gunmen. >> beyond the motional and physical toll domestic violence has, there is a less obvious cost. from nashville, it's a billion dollar problem. >> cathy walsh is a survivor of domestic abuse and the director of the tennessee coalition to end domestic and sexual violence. she says crimes against women are not a private matter. >> domestic violence is an issue that impacts every level of our community from law enforcement, to courts, to social service agencies. >> the tennessee economic counsel on women examined the cost connected to violence against women including human trafficking and sexual assault. they found the cost to the state just last year alone was st staggering. when you deal with the areas we researched whether it's in healthcare, the judicial system,
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law enforcement, we came up with nearly a billion dollars, $886 million. >> that's what we could count. >> tennessee has the highest per capital violent crime rate anywhere in the u.s. trying to understand all of the factors involved. >> reported domestic violence incidents make over half of the crimes against persons reported in our state. so it's really kind of the driving force behind our operating room program. >> tennessee spent more than $38 million for mental health services, more than two million in lost wages and workplace productivity. 200 million from social service providers and 27 million on law enforcement. the cost for children's services was too high to accurately calculate according to the council's executive director because of the special needs of young survivors. >> children who view their
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mother being beaten and the kinds of services that they need once they become wards of the state and the cost of those services are $900 tests every week because the child is so traumatized. we have to pay for that. >> the counsel offered several key recommendations including better documenting domestic violence related injuries and more money to help survivors become independent. they want more programs that focus on prevention. >> if he want to end violence against women, we must have more resources available for victims at the local level. we must work on prevention of violence including working with men, involving men in the movement to change the culture of violence against women. we must also continue to hold perpetrators accountable. >> state leaders hope understanding real world costs for tennessee will help achieve the most important goal actions
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breaking the siebel of violence. jonathan martin, arizona nashville the streets of mad rid of piling up with trash. 6,000 garbage collect orders walked often the job last tuesday, to proceed test eliminating jobs and slashing salaries. they have been trying to reduce their national deficit, among the highest in the euro zone. another kind of waste, toxic waste dumped by organized crime. claudia lavonia reports from italy. >> this is a land where grass barely grows. in at a time countryside around naples, to your knowledge of toxic rubbish has been polluting the soil for decades. local residents say the waste is not only killing the environment. it's also killing them. >> first my husband was diagnosed with cancer. then me. my neighbor and six of my
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colleagues got cancer, too. that's when i started suspecting it had diagnose to do with the nearby landfill. >> they are among hundreds of residents who say the mountains of toxic waste illegally dumped by the mafia for decades has led to a rise in cancer rates in the area. in 1997, a former mafia boss admitted organized crime buried millions of tongs of toxic waste from italy and europe, a lucrative dirty business. >> in a statement made recently public, he said about the people living near the landfills, they are all at risk of dying from cancer within 20 years. i don't think they will survive. 16 years later, a local oncologist says that with cancer rates in the area three times higher than the national average, the prediction is now coming true. >> what really hurts is not only discovering the criminals have
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been poisoning us for 20 years but discovering that the state knew about it and has not' worn us. >> it's not only toxic industrial waste that the ruins the local ecosystem and the health of residents. all kind of unsorted general erbic waste winds up in illegal landfills like this one turning this into italy's unofficial dumping site. >> now residents are calling for the authorities to clean up their act so these dumps won't pollute the area for generations to come. national strike underway in bangladesh for the government to call new elections. rob reynolds has more on that >> reporter: bangladesh is marching toward a political crisis with opposition activists outraged with the government's arrest of several leading party officials. they set fires and block traffic
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on roads including the vital highway linking the country with the major seaport. >> the national party bnp has called a three and a half day general strike, the third shutdown in as many weeks. stores in daka were shuterred. streets usually crammed with traffic were nearly empty. tium keepers who remain open or taxi drivers who dare come out risk a beating or worse by opposition activists. >> i am scared if someone throws a bob and something happens to me and i get disabled who will take care of me then? the strike was called by the leader kiazida that the government step down before elections in january and install a neutral caretaker government to ensure pair polling. shake hasseena has refused. she has offered to set up an
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all-party government to oversee the elections with her staying in charge. >> in age aapparent reminder to the government's power, police surrounded bnp's party headquarters for hours on saturday and sunday. they were later withdrawn about a government minister hinted she may be arrested if opposition unrest continues. >> the repeated strikes have had an impact on the economy and on the lives of every day working bangladeshis. >> during the shutdown, many of my customers are too scared to leave their houses. so business is bad. >> many of bangladesh's i impoverished millions workday to day earning little more than to buy bread. the strikes mean they can't work. many will go hungry. rob reynolds, al jazeera, daka.
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still ahead, in sports, one of the most notorious linemen in ball tells his side of the story. a proposal to name a street after a not otherous b.i.g. shows the impact of time on his hometown. at supporters of the ... >> a fresh take on the stories that connect to you. [[voiceover]] they risk never returning to the united states. >> grounded. >> real. >> unconventional. [[voiceover]] we spent time with some members of the gangster disciples. >> an escape from the expected. >> i'm a cancer survivor. not only cancer, but brain cancer. america tonight next on al jazeera america
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>> every day, events sweep across our country. and with them, a storm of views. how can you fully understand the impact unless you've heard angles you hadn't considered? consider this... antonio mora brings you smart
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conversation that challenges the status quo with unexpected opinions and a fresh outlook. including yours. >> what do you think? >> stories that matter to you consider this unconventional wisdom. weeknights 10 eastern on al jazeera america brooklyn's bedside neighborhood like many inner city communities across the country has seen changes in the last few deck aides. a proposal to name a street after a late rapper is revealing some changes. here is more. >> two decades crow ago, the notorious b.i.g. rapid about his home here.
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♪ all good, baby, baby. ♪ >> wallace was murdered in 1987. since then, the streets he called home have undergone a profound trans formation. robert price has owned this for 20 years. >> this was a solid black neighborhood. you have people who have come from other places in different types of people. it has changed, yeah. >> it's changed but it's changed for the better. >> he used to rap in fronts of the barber shop. leroy mccarthy wants the community to remember him. biggie smells aie smalz. he lived here as a child some board members said wallace wasn't a good role model because of his involvement with drugs and guns. >> his music is what we are trying to honor. there is a lot of good that came out of his life and his life experiences. in his lyrics, we were from
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negative to a basmati that's what i am trying to celebrate. >> his mu i can made this area famous. it isn't just about the notorious b.i.g.'s legacy but about the people who call the area home. >> they opened their supermarket here in 1967. >> everybody that came up in this neighborhood packed, you know, part of growing up out here. if you wanted new sneakers and you didn't want to sell drugs and stuff like that, the way was to pack bags, make money. >> he says not all of the changes have been good. >> close knit families, brownstones used to be owned by families. your uncle on the top floor, good morning on the first one. now, you don't know your neighbor. you say hi and that's it. >> lance freeman studies gentrification and says what happened in brooklyn represents a wider trend. >> it's more trendsy, at least
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in theizes of hipsters or yuppies or upwardly mobile young professionals. they are moving to neighborhoods like clinton hill that were formerly predominantly african-american, predominantly working class and, you know, housing prices are rising. individuals living there may no longer feel like this is their home. >> for some who have lived here their whole lives, it's about embracing this new homes. >> a burst, you know, veibe goig on. the type of people, more blacks than whites collaborating together which is cool. it's a big difference. it's going to shine now. >> a shoe new and old neighbors are eager tore a part of,ies new york. >> all right. ross is back. this bullying scandal with the
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development inc.'s is getting interesting. i have to tell you. >> some clarity. one player speaking. incognito said jonathan martin was his best friend and the text messages and voicemails were taken out of context. the suspended dolfins offensive lineman opened up to fox sports about his harassment scandal. he said he regrets the use of racial slurs and he also said this situation is not a bullying issue but instead, he said it was an accepted part of the team's locker room culture. >> when the words are put in the conte context, i understand why a lot of eyebrows get raised but people don't know how john and i communicate to one another. for instance a week before this went down jonathan martin text me on my phone: i will murder your whole f-ing family. do i think jonathan martin was going to murder my family? not one bit. i knew it was coming from a brother. i knew it was coming from a friend. i knew it was coming from a teammate. that puts in cogtexas how we communicate with one another.
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what i want people to know is the way jonathan and the rest of the offensive line and our teammates xhuj indicate, it's vulgar. it's not right. there is a lot of colorful words thrown around in the locker room we don't use in everyday life the fact of the matter remains that was left on a private voicemail for my friend and it was a joke. i am not a racist, and to judge me by that one word is wrong n no way, shape, or form is it ever acceptable for me to use that word, even if it's friend to friend on a voicemail. i can't sit here and tell you who over reacted, who did what. i can just sit here and be accountable for my, and my actions were coming from a place of love. no matter how bad and how vulgar it sounds, that's how we communicate. >> that's how our friendship was, and those are the facts and that's what i am accountable for. as the leader, as his best friend on the team, that's what
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has me miffed, how i missed this and i never saw it. i never saw it coming. >> incognito shared over 1 text messages between him and martin including these two that were sent after martin left the team. martin text incognito saying the world's gone crazy, lol. i am good though. congrats on the win. martin would later text i am good, man. it's inc. sane, bro. but just know i don't blame you guys at all. it's just the culture around football and the locker room got to me a little. >> on the field, he had a 3-way time for first place. two of those teams, the bears and loins strapped against one another in chicago. cutler making his first start since tearing his groin, looking good from the get heave go because on the opening drive, he finds his favorite target brandon march accounting. bears with an early 7-nothing lead. the lions would answer back. matthew stafford, right down the pike to durham. that ties things up at 7.
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stafford to cal ven johnson and megatron at 6' 5", scores, lions would hold off 21-19 to prove to 6 and 3 summit sitting pretty in first place in their division. aaron rogers having issues against the eagles. 7 toughendown passes. he continued to get groove on. he lacks concentration, eagles up 7-nothing. in the third, unloads another to bradley cooper. eagles 17-3, to beat the packers 27-13 philadelphia improves 5 and 5 while the packers drop second straight game to fall to 5 and 4 on the season. st. louis rams putting hurt on the colts, chris long scoops up the piggy. the big fellow is off to the races. chris, howieson's scammers 45 yards and sal on thes the
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troops. a risky move, instead of letting the ball bounce into the end zone. he gobbles it up on the two-yard line looky here adios alo. ha, you can kiss him good by. 98 yards to the happy place. austin racked up a lot of fantasy football points with three touchdowns on the day as the rams dancing for joy. they were going to hammer the colts 38 to 8. seahawks getting tricky against the falcons, marshon lynch to germane, that 43 why yard bomb, 13-3 lead. before the half. seahawks flying high. laying it out. look, mom, one ham. 23-3 lead into the break. seahawks would go on to beat the falcons 33-10 in the battle of the birds the giants won the third straight game beating the raid arizona unbelievable after losing the first six months. >> on a role, turnaround here.
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>> lost the first six and won 3 straights. >> happy people this weekend. eboni is back with a look at weather. what goes up must come down. arrest that applies to a satellite, knowing where it's coming down can be, you know, kind of important. future, and take you behind the scenes at our evolving world. techknow - ideas, invention, life.
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what happens when social media uncovers unheard, fascinating
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>> the olympic torch is on its way back to earth. three russian cosmonauts said good-byes. they will bring it back after it's first ever space walk, 260 miles above the earth. it was not lit in the space station for safety reasons and to preserve oxygen but the torch lands tomorrow and gets back on the road to the winter games in sochi. the remains of a crippled russian satellite will soon re-enter atmosphere. debris is likely to reach the surface of the earth though no one is sure where. joel tan reports you probably have no reasons to worry. >> march, 2009, the goc roars into orbit. the ferrari of space for sleek
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design. it was to map variations in earth's gravity. now, it's mission is complete but it's experiment with gravity isn't open yet. it had a run out of fuel and has been pulled back to earth. >> "the explorer" weighs more than a ton. once it reaches an a lot tut of 80 kilometers, it will break apart. roughly four-faiths will burn in the atmosphere. the rest of the debris is set to come crashing down, some weighing up to 90 kilograms. we are in contact with the national civils protection
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still dealing with winds gusting upwards to 40 miles an hour around toronto and we have wind gusts near 30 miles per hour, at larntic city, philadelphia, network 25 pile per hour gusts. it's a little bit brisk. watch out for winds. >> wicontinue through the evening. we are seeing that right off of lake eerie and around the clive land area. we will see wind advisories coming down. around monday, we will make it into the 50s around new york city but we have another cold frond going to be moving through and will drop much colder air. along with the rain on tuesday, we could see a flake or two of snow. we will see the best chance of that a little further north and west of new york city. our temperatures will be falling overnight lows down into the 30s with highs only in the 40s here is a look at the progression of the fronts. for today, mainly right along
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the northern tier dropping southward out of canada where the source of the much colder arctic area is moving in from. by monday, pushing further southward, moving into the lower mississippi valley by tuesday so that's going to bring our temperatures down even into atlanta in the 40s. colder air in place. right now, very nice, at 67. mild in memphis, 74 in houston, even into the low 80s around miami. so that front not quite making its way all the way that far south. we will see cooler air. 64 in atlanta by the time we get into the start of our work week. here is a look jumping ahead until wednesday. >> that's when the colder air moves in to much of the eastern u.s. mid 40s for highs around the d.c. area and 50s for highs around orlando. >>
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this is this is typhoon haiyan is making landfall in vietnam after killing thousands of people in the philippines. the storm was one of the most powerful on record. officials expect the death toll in that country to rise as crews search for survivors. secretary of state john kerry says world powers are closer to a deal on freezing iran's nuclear ambitions. three days of talks ended last night without any progress. more meetings are scheduled though for later this month. >> at least one person is dead and many more injured after protests turned violent in bangladesh. opposition activists clashed withright police on the first day of a national strike against the ruling party.


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