tv News Al Jazeera November 11, 2013 3:00am-3:31am EST
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. prfe rescue workers in the philippines struggle to reach survivors of typhoon haiyan. hello, you're watching al jazeera live from doha. ahead - a human rights group accuses the syrian government of dropping napalm on its citizens. >> who owns land around a temple - cambodia and thailand await a court verdict. >> climate talks in poland sponsored by some of the region's biggest polluters.
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. hello. rescue workers in the philippines are struggling to reach survivors of typhoon haiyan. tacloban, leyte was also badly hit. the damage to roads and airports is making it extremely difficult for the much-needed relief to reach those that need it. there are fears that 10,000 people could be killed or missing while hundreds of thousands have lost their homes. there's wide-spread looting and soldiers are trying to restore order. wayne hay is in tacloban. >> people have been streaming into the airport here in tacloban city on monday as the military flights from areas such as the capital manila resumed, bringing in crucial aid for the people badly affected by the
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huge storm that has left this city, this area, in tatters. people have been coming here since first light trying to get their hands on items - food, water and something that they can use to build a shelter. most buildings in tacloban were completely destroyed by the storm or substantially damaged. a lot of the people who have been coming here want to leave. their homes have been destroyed or damaged and they want to get out of the area because there's nothing here for them. the flights, military flights that have been taking people away to nearby cebu or the capital city manila. people are saying they are not getting enough help in the city, not getting enough supplies in tacloban. one of the things the military will need to do is bring in body bags - so many dead and missing. a substantial search for the bodies, and for the missing has not really begun.
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there are bodies lying on the side of roads. also the makeshift evacuation centers set up. they are in need of body bags so they can process those killed during the storm in a proper way. >> wayne hay there. outside help is on the way. the u.n. is sending in a plane carrying 60 tonnes of aid. water purification system and shelter will follow. >> the united states has 55 tonnes of food, rescue ships from bases in the region. several european countries are sending money. germany has search and rescue teams on the ground and the u.k. has aid to help 500,000 people. >> japan is offering medical teams. other pacific counts - australia and new zealand are donating $12.5 million worth of food and
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temporary shelters. now for the latest from manila with marga ortigas. first of all, how is that aid effort going in trying to reach the people there that straightly need it? >> there is no shortage of aid coming in, even locally. there's so many volunteers. this is a tenth of the country's population. everyone that saw it has volunteered to work with aid agencies, setting up groups on their own - anything they can do help those in need, they do this. the problem is this - many places cannot receive the aid because they are impossible to get to. roads remain damaged. they cannot get to them by land. airports are closed. we can't begin flying things in to the areas that needed them the most.
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and sea ports destroyed by the storm surge. in some places as high as five metres. aid is coming in. the biggest problem is how to distribute it in a way that is sufficient. we spoke to the army spokesperson. he basically said that the main goal right now is clearing operations. they are flying in two battalions to begin clearing operations there in ernest. there were 15,000 troops stationed in a central philippine, in the islands, but they, too, are victims of the storm and need support from the other parts of the country. they cannot get equipment in with the men. they'll have to use what equipment and hardware they can salvage from the debris. >> presumably the mood in the philippines, in the capital is a sombre one. what of the efforts from the capital and surrounding area to pitch in? they are trying as
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much as possible. they are setting up websites, chat rooms so people with missing relatives may communicate request each other and are trying to get the word across to the media, very much involved in public service. many people who are on the ground have walked for hours to get the temporary mobile phone sites that have been set up by corporation, so that people could get word out to their families that they were alive. many of these people are not able to remember the phone numbers of family members that are not in the federal philippines. they are calling in to radio stations and announcing that way to the public that they survived. >> marga ortigas there in manila. thank you for that. human rights watch is calling on the international community to condemn the syrian
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government for using insend uary weapons, some targetting residents. >> august 26, 2013. aleppo, syria. the victims were students and teachers at school. the group human rights watch says a syrian military debt dropped a bomb that contained napalm. >> all i saw was people on fire. i was on fire. there were unidentifiable bodies on the floor. >> this was one of 56 attacks with insend uary weapons that human rights watch documented. the rights group accuses the syrian air force of using weapons. these weapons, like napalm and foss ferrous. they are difficult to treat.
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>> what i saw in syria in august stands alone in terms of the cruelty, the expense, the devastation, the severity of the injuries that i saw. >> human rights watch wants the international community to condemn syria as they did for the government's use of chemical weapons. >> the red line and bar has been set too high, on chemical weapons. implicitly saying that anything below that is - is not such a big problem. it is a big problem. we have documented abuse after abuse in syria. >> insend uary weapons are classified as conventional, causing more death in syria than chemical weapons, which the government is believed to have used on august 21st. that was a major turning point in the conflict.
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>> it led to a deal to get rid of chemical weapons stockpile. that has not stopped the war and men syrians criticised the deals, feeling removing chemical weapons from the battlefield makes little difference. they believe the international community gave the syrian government permission to kill civilians. >> syria has not signed the protocol banning the use of insend u air yea weapons. human rights said syria has broken international law. the head of the u.n. unusualing leer watchdog is -- -- nuclear watchdog will meet the head of the international atomic energy agency and iran, after holding meetings on the nuclear program. the iaea's visit follows talks
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with world powers with iran in geneva. theyeneded without a -- they ended without a deal to suspend iran's nuclear enrichment. it's been difficult to sell as home. patty culhane reports. >> they talked for days but couldn't agree on what is next for iran's nuclear program, as the foreign ministers headed back to their capitals, they went public with their conditions. iran's leader broadcasting his bottom line. >> national interests are a red line. among the rights are nuclear right within the framework of international law. including the rights to enrich uranium on uranium soil. >> iran has the right to peaceful nuclear power. that is not sitting well with its ally israel, who says the goal should be the wholesale dismantling of iran's program. israel's prime minister took to the airwaves to warn meself not
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alone. >> it's not only my concern that this is a bad deal. many arab leaders in the region are saying it's a bad deal for the region and the world. you know, when you have the arabs and israelis speaking in one voice - doesn't happen very often - i think it's worth paying attention to us. >> he has back ertion in the u.s. -- backers in the u.s. congress who might vote to increase sanctions. >> it's anassurance that iran will comply with an agreement. >> sanctions could end discussion, lobbying congress to trust the administration and give them more time. >> we are not going into a full deal and giving away something. we are talking about stopping the program where it is, with enough guarantees to know that it is, in fact, stopped where it is while we then negotiate the
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full measure of the deal. >> that may not be enough for the u.s. congress. we could find out this week if they'll listen to their president or the israeli lobby. how they decide could determine if the talks get another chance to succeed. >> in russia four men from chech nia have been child for an airport bomb attack. 37 people killed, 173 injured in moscow in the arrivals terminal. the chchan commander ordered the bombing. three of the convicted chechans were given live, a fourth sentenced to 10 years in gaol. this is al jazeera - we are live in cambodia and thailand where a territorial tussle over an it 1,000-year-old settle may be settled by a court on the other side of the world. that's ahead.
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hello again. the top stories on al jazeera. rescue workers in the philippines are struggling to reach survivors of typhoon haiyan, one of the worst storms on record, devastating cities and killing many. 300 people are confirmed dead. official estimates are at least 10,000. the syrian government is accused of dropping napalm on its people. human rights watches has 56 attacks documented. >> the head of the unwatchdog is
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flying to iran. his arrival follows the failure to reach a deal on iran's nuclear ambitions after three days of talks in geneva. >> the high court is expected to rule on who owns land around an 11th century temple. it's fuelled on both sides. scott heidler has more from the thai side of the border. >> with words and with bullets, people in thailand and cambodia has been fighting over the preah vihear for two years. there's hope for clarity on monday. the u.n. national court of justice is expected to rule on who owns the land around the temple. >> what is in question is a 4.6 square kilometre area next to
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the temple. thai merchants set up shops and there was visitor access through the disputed zone. after the exchange of gunfire the area was cleared and the cambodian government sought clarification on its ruling 51 years ago. >> this man teaches at the school inside the thai border. artillery shells fell on the school. students left an hour before. we sit in a bunger, a fourth grade class. >> when we were told that the ruling would be made. after the verdict the children will not be able to come back for a week. >> this is a huge political issue in both countries, nationalists took it up as a cause. army generals meeting here hours before the court ruling is due. relations are good, but this meeting is to ensure there's
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coordination between armed forces. >> the thai government is already on edge with thousands of opposition protesters on the streets. if the ruling goes in its favour the opposition can use it to their advantage. >> i think it will ba big crisis. >> the road that leads to the border goes through the thai national park. >> some of these groups want the land back, i want it back. we have been in the area. we have to accept the verdict, but we are a member of the u.n. >> no matter which way the verdict falls, both nations say they'll work to avoid cross-border conflict. it's the political conflict inside each country that could be a big challenge. >> we have reporters covering both angles of the story.
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in a moment we'll speak to rob mcbride on the cambodian side of the border. first to scott heidler to an area 12km from the preah vihear temple. that is as close as anyone other than the military can get to the disputed territory from the thai side of the bored are. how is the community there preparing for this verdict? >> as you can see behind me, over my shoulder, that is is the check point. no one beyond that, other than military and police can get close to the border. the community has been reacting in different ways. that school to the right, bunkers, they are concerned what it may lead to. it's not as though if it doesn't go thailand's way that fighting will break out. they are preparing for the worst. school has been cancelled for
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the last couple of days and couple of days at the end of last week. they are bracing for the worse. this is something they've gone through. down the road a kilometre local politicians has called through the local public address system, for the people to gather at community centres. he's lined up chairs. the icg ruling will be televised in thailand, and he want the community to be in one spot so they can discuss it and calm things down. it's an important issue for the people of the community and thailand. >> it's a small bit of land we are talking about. why is it a contentious issue for the country. it's 4.6km. if you look at it from a local level, from a microlevel, a lot of people here made money. that's how they made their
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lying. they had shops set up, a woman who had been up there for 15 years. she used to move away. it's about livelihood. when you look at it, that's what a lot of people are out saying this is an infringement on the sovereignty of the country. they believe the temple is their line. they look at this as thailand losing its territory. it's a big political issue. >> thanks for that. let's cross to the cambodian side of the border. that's where rob mcbride is, at the base of the hill where the preah vihear sits. what is the mood there like in anticipation if this doesn't go their way? there is a feeling of expectation and anticipation, if you like. many people here believe it will go their way. they occupy the temple at the
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moment. the big question is whether the court will come with a ruling saying that the entire military cannot re-enter the 4.6km. that's what people are hoping and expecting. some people have chosen to visit the temple for the first time. a number of tourist groups have been here. it's been open to the public, people arrive, buy a ticket and go up the hill. no journalists are allowed in. there was some sort of incident overnight. we are not sure of the details of it. it wasn't that serious. it was serious for the authorities to take the decision not to allow media on to the temple site. the hill, itself, is closed. the same time yesterday it was - a lot of people - it's quiet an hour or so before the decision comes out. people are taking precautions. they are not expecting an
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outbreak of hostilities. should anything take place. >> what is the mood like on a national level. is this something that all of cambodia is rallying around. >> yes, i mean i don't think you see the same kind of activism. this part of cambodia is undeveloped. it's very much more remote. we are seeing the television, the result come live by television. nothing like that on the cambodian side of the border. it's a big issue. it is a national issue. people do rarted the temple part of the culture. the prime minister will address the nation soon after they have the ruling from the hague. >> thank you.
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very contentious issue for the two countries there. >> in naple, cars and buses have been set on fire as police crackdown on the nationwide strike - in nepal - and businesses are closed. nepal's maoist and communist partyies organised the shutdown. they want next week's parliamentary elections postp e postponed because they say they are unconstitutional. >> in the maldives, a second round of presidential elections has been delayed. the first democratically elected leader won on saturday, but failed to win a clear majority. he held a press conference calling for the president to stand down. >> the government is trying to broker a lasting ceasefire, fighting between shia hewitties
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and salafists have less more than 100 dead. we have this report. >> salafist fighters on their way to a village. they are setting up checkpoints to block reinforcements and weapons from reaching enemies. this is a sunni cleric who wants people to join the fight against the houthis. >> brothers are killed, houses destroyed. our brothers are peace lovers, teachers of theology. the houthies are determined to kill them. >> in the mall the army and police are nowhere to be found. the match is still besieged by houthi rebels, who have been sell -- shelling the area for weeks. >> vehicles belonging to the red
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cross are seen here leaving, after staff removed some of the injured. tension is on the rise. the houthis who control most of the law remain defiant. they say the fight is against al qaeda. >> we want to restore our authority in damn acknowledge and want the foreign fighters to go. the houthis and the sala fists seem to stand firm. as the fighting conditions, fears of an all-out sectarian war grows. there have been many deals brokered over the last few days to put an end to the fighting between the salafists and the rebels. most of these lasted a few hours. if both sides can't agree on solving a long-standing dispute, peace will be elusive.
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>> how greece's coalition government survived a vote of no confidence. the motion called by the left wing opposition party fell short of the 151 votes needed. they have been critical of the handling of the public shutdown. >> from around the world popish capital in warsaw holds the climate change talks. the hosts are criticised for their choice of partners. >> it's the world's 10th largest consumer of coal and relies on it for its electricity. poland relies on it for climate change talks. there's no surprise which companies the organizers chose to sponsor the event. they include the world's largest still and mining company,
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mittel, producing 190 million tonnes of carbon dioxide each year. that's more than the co2 outlook for oil-producing venezuela. also a partner - poland's largest electorate company. >> it runs this power station, one of the largest fossil fuel power plants in the world. >> it's concerning, dangerous and we have to ensure that that conference is for the interests of people in the planet. these companies and their bottom line is that theyto maximise their property. >> this is akin to a cigarette company sponsoring a cancer conference, and saying at the end that smoking is encouraged. >> business is worried about change. it's a big issue for companies.
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business has to be part of a solution to climate change. we can't do it without the active engagement of business. >> how to help populations adapt to climate change is on the agenda. and also to map out purt cuts and carbon emissions. there's a growing awareness that emissions must include developing nations. in particular, india and china. >> carbon dioxide emissions from the united states has remained more or less constant. add to this emissions from industrialized countries. look at china's emissions. you'll see where the increases lie. more than 10% between 2010 and 2011. add to this all the other developing countries, you get a sense where the greatest challenges lie in reducing emissions. >> the warsaw meeting is not
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expected to result in a break-through agreement. it will lay down important ground work. with many competing voices and interest, the common ground will be hard to find. people are living longer and birthrates are falling fast. no other country has a greater percentage of old people. the government has responded by raising taxes and the retirement age, it's even pushing for a robot revolution to support the graying population. i'm dr a
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