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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 12, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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this is al jazeera america live from new york city i'm tazy harris with a look at today's top stories. victims of typhoon hiyan. struggle to get the numbers they need. the numbers are lower for the glitch ridden government healthcare website. and the largest airline merger could soon cost you more for a ticket. misery is add being to dispair in the central philippines. people struggling to subur survn
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the weak of one storm crews are removing bodies from one area and the crews are dealing with the stench of corpses right now. take a look at the desperation as people attempt to put the pieces of their lives back together after the storm. the president of the philippines expects the death toll to be between 2000 and 2500. 7 million people were affected and 578,000 people have been displaced. it's been a big task for aid workers. >> it's a major d da da lambty. the country has seen many crisis but this one is the most deadly and destructive. it's too early to tell the full
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scale of the destruction it's clear that the need are huge. hundreds of thousands of pounds of food and aid have arrived but relief workers have having trouble get help to those that need it. this is after bad weather hits the area devastated by typhoon hyian. it's not until you see it from the air that the typhoon's devastation is evident. when it struck land very little was able to with stand it's power. in this catholic country the church is at the centre of the community. some are still standing but it will be a long time before they are restored to their former glory. people are desperate for food water and shelter. the weather is deteriorating leaving people to look for protection in whatever is left in their homes. >> we have to stay here because we don't have any money to leave
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and we don't have any money to ill prove ouimprove our shell t. shelter. as the helicopters roll in the aid statio stays grounded. that means more waiting for those that received little or no assistance from the outside. some areas are cut off in vehicles. trekking across the debris is the only way in and out. the locals try their best to clear what they can with the few tools they have have. in some areas the storm e took house as way. the water rose halfway up to the second store. there are many people still missing presumed buried beneath the rubble. here they are stored on a stage at a children's day-care centre. she is struggling with the pain of losing her niece and seeing her home destroyed.
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they never cared about storms in this part of the philippines because they have seen so many but now they are scared to stay here. >> after the typhoon we heard water was coming in again. we left to the local hall and we came back home. every time it rains we live. >> days have passed sens since e storm struck but in many areas it's just as if it just happened. we can add that u.s. troops are helping the philippines relief effort. the pentagon says 350 army an ad navy personnel. the navy is sending ten ships and 20 helicopters to help with search and rescue efforts. the ships are equipped with medical facilities and digs disstilling plants. two patrol aircrafts are in action assisting with flood and water drops. the military are air lifting the sick and injured and survivors
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and they are being taken to a military air base. now the base is overwhelmed with the sheer number of people who need help. >> they lumbered into the air force base with military precision. delivering their precious cargo. those that couldn't walk were carried. the sick and the old and those that wanted to escape the disaster. >> they are on the road and nobody is picking them up. >> the injured and sick were taken to a military hospital. for many here the horror of losing their families out weighed the pain of their injuries. this woman was struck by her roof as it collapsed in the storm. she managed to crawlout with her daughters after it passed they were among the lucky ones. >> rowe survived. >> the doctors are working
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around the clock and overwhelmed with the sheer number of injured but everyday hope. we have fractures and trauma injuries and pregnant women coming in. we delivered babies yet. the c-130's are loaded with relief supplies. the u.s. government is helping us and saudi arabi various other international governments are helping us and we will continue to bring the support to the people aforke affected by the sr typhoon. the relief supplies are not getting to those that need it the host. most also at the airport a few brave survivors determined to go back to the diss at the d. >> imagine the courage of these
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people at the air force base. many of them who were there during the storm. they are waiting here for a c-130 hercules aircraft to arrive to take them back to the devastated ai area. why? in those embassy ar bags are fod water. things their families need to survive. >> they say the government aid is not reaching their families fast enough and going back is their only option. >> i am scared. i have no choice. i have no choice. my family is there. >> international relief is on the way. the united states has directed the carrier, the u uss george washington to head to the philippines and give support. as the bad weather begins to close in the survivors wonder if they will ever arrive in time. joining me now to discuss the massive relief effort
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underway is nick lawson he is the direct tore o director of fs with doctors without borders. good to talk to you. you are staging where? >> we are staging in sebu right now. >> it's a massive humanitarian crisis. the numbers of people that are affected we are seeing the reports that are coming out of the ground indicate there is going to be a an an enormous hun humanitarian need how do you get to tacloban. >> there are several things that are happening at the same time we are shipping in as many staff as we think is reasonable. we have 23 on the ground and we will build that to 100 at the
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end of the week and we'll see what the needs are in the future. as far as people are preparing material we have nine plane loads of equipment that is flying in and we will try to get to tacloban from there. the big wheel lengt challenge io tactacloban. the airport has been damaged. it's functional but the difficulty is with the airport but the weather. we were planning to go to tacloban because the rain and wind is too strong. >> we spoke a little bit before you came on set with me. there is this thing called an inflatablinflatable hospital ri? >> yes. >> what is the benefit of that and do you think it can be used in this situation? >> as you were saying from the images that has come out the destruction is widespread and we know the medical structures have been dessteroi destroyed in thi.
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it's equipped with two operating theatres and 120 bed and we cann deploy and inflate it and have it functional in three or four days time in a situation where you have a lot of people that are willing to give help. often it's difficult when there is no space for them to start work. >> and you need a sterile environment. >> exactly. >> give us a time line here. we are five days into this at this point. and what kinds of diseases start to crop up? >> what we have mentioned and envisage is at this point of in time is orthopaedic trauma and lacerations. and because of the hygiene that will exist after this destruction a lot of that is in danger of becoming infected. that is a major concern we have. as well there will be a great deal of mental trauma and
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watching people who have died. and we are concerned about tetanus. >> yes. >> we are not sure of the coverage in the vaccination program there and so, the hygiene conditions lend us towards that. and then the water and sanitation conditions which can bring dire ill diseases. it's not the disaster causes it but it causes a breakdown in the sanitation conditions. >> give me the benefit of your experience. you were on the ground in 2005 in pakistan? >> yeah, i was the emergency coordinator there. >> what does your experience tell you about what your teams are about to embark upon? how difficult the challenge is going to be. >> it's going to be a lot of hard work. people are going to be working around the clock to provide thararsthestore soar quiteseservices necessary.
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it's going to be challenging. and the need is there and the it's work that we have skilled at and we have done before. we hope to make a valuable assistance. >> nick lawson, appreciate it. thank you. the white house has confirmed that the enrollment figures for the affordable care act will be released later this week. fewer than 50,000 americans signed up for the insurance plans fle through the website. that is less than 10% of the target those numbers were leaked former bill clinton said in an interview said president obama honour those that are asking to keep the plans. has the white house responded to clinton's statement. >> this is the second moist most famous democrat in the country bill clinton and he is under cutting the message from the white house and president obama
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on the website roll out. the associated press is compiling figures they say three and a half million americans have lost their existing insurance coverage their policies as a ru result of the affordable caraffordable being . car -- air being a affordable care act. they don't meet the standards that people need to stay healthy. they also say that half of the people that arevillvulnerable wl get plenty of help to buy new insurance plans. this is after the president promised leading up to the vote in the three and a half years since if you like your plan you can keep your plan. president apologized for that and apologized for the 34eus misunderstanding that splunk spg from those comments.
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>> and here is president bill clinton answering the fray. i personally believe even if it takes a change in the law that the president should honour the commitment that the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they have got. here is the problem, tony. it's not going to happen. jay ca carney the white house spokesman said we are going to look at ways to make these policies more affordable. they are not going to let people go back to their old inferior plans. the insurance companies have pricing procee predicated on a f people getting insurance including young healthy people. there is legislation in congress to allow people to do that. the white house is opposing that comment. >> can we talk about the numbers. the numbers you cited from the associated presiden press and tl
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street jun journal. the white house says they are not going to move back the deadline. 50,000 people by the estimate en of the wall street journal have been able to sign up and that is short of the half million that was the target to do so. it's been a huge political problem and huge policy problem. it under cuts what the president tried to do. it has given republicans new am ammunition amoun and it's brouge new approval rating. president has apologized and they are working around the clock trying to fix it. it's a problem from the standpoint of those trying to get insurance and a enormous political problem for the whitee house. >> how can you imagine they could mess it up so badly.
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mike viqueira from the white house. it's a deal that creates the biggest airline. whthe justice department signed off on a merger between american airlines and u.s. airways. john has been following the story for months. it's taken a while to get here. >> it has. it's not often i am so happy i have a u.s. airways particular i'm so happy you have made my day. i have an american airlines ticket aime i'm so happy. we have a on-off, love-hate relationship with our arab airl. we remember the good old days when you flew by por pan am. we hate them because they herd us around. the on off and on off relationship between u.s. airways and american appears to be back on. this time for good if the
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justice department's approval ticketsticks with the judges. >> legalitiewheels up for the mr following weeks of closed doors negotiations. the department of justice and six states attorney general and try to stop the merge your sayings it would lead to higher prices they filed a lawsuit in august saying the amr couc corporation should be forced to scrap it on the grounds if they went ahead more than 80% of commercial aviation would be in the hands of four companies. now the u.s.-mes-american deal s back on. being there i there is a pro pay. landing slots and gates at dozens of airports including regan and la guardia must be given up to win anti-trust approval. competing low cost ai carriers l
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be given more access in boston, chicago, los angeles and miami under the terms 6 of terms the . the agreement will shift the landscape by guaranteeing a bigger foot hold for low cost carriers the settlement ensures that passengers will see more competition on non-stop and connecting routes. >> the best thing for consumers is competition. some of the smaller airlines have figured out away to make a profit and so if this merger drops some routes it will be a opportunity for the smaller air carriers to move in. u.s. and american say it's the only way they can compete in the global aviation industry. the final settlement must be signed off for a judge. competitions for the not so
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small airlines like jet blue and southwest. what everyone wants to know what about the ticket prices. yes. >> if you take out a layer of competition there is a possibility they will. i want to talk about disagreement. what does it mean for you and for me? and a couple of their top business stories of the day. we have the financial reporter mariah what do you think of this? we have a new largest airlines on the block. the u.s. airways. the merger at the moment moving forward. what do you think. >> i think it will do a couple of things. it will eliminate overlapping routes that u.s. and american both shared. >> it's a good thing. >> it's not necessarily a good thing. it's going to mean that the ticket prices for those routes are going to go up. it's going to make a more
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efficient airline in some ways where planes that were under sold will be at capacity. that will drive ticket prices down. >> is this a net gain in your estimatestimation or net logs lr consumers. >> i think it's a net gain. >> you think it's a net gain. >> you will have more competition that is going to be better for the smaller airlines it's going to allow consumers to have more choice and likely drive the ticket prices down across the board. >> what happens with, i know there is going to be -- there will be a lot of gates open for example at a couple of these airports. i'm thinking of regan national that is a high priced corridor. is that going to open up the possibility or opportunity for smaller competitive airlines to move in? >> it's going to allow the smaller airlines that exist already in this country to have
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greater access to consumers. you are looking at more choice for consumers which is usually a good thing for this situation. >> let me squeeze one thing in here. holiday shopping. we have wal-mart announcing that it's going to open on thanksgiving at 6:00 p.m. to roll into black friday. black thursday now black friday they are melding together. yes. >> iand they are joining a bunch of other retailers doing this. >> nine other retailers. >> don't retailers know we have our meals with our families an watch football and we rest up for black friday? >> they know there are six fewer shopping days in the holiday season this year. ethey are trying to squeeze the most out of the holiday shopping season by doing this. last year they opened the 8:00 on thanksgiving at walmart and this year they are two hours earlier there are a million plus workers that are going to work on thanksgiving at 6:00 west
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edmonton mall and the:00 p.m. a. >> the workers are excited? >> that is what the company said. >> i feel a little pinocchio going on there. mariah good to see you. thank you. i'm meteorologist dave warren. we are looking at the weather in the philippines. there was a potential for another storm to develop this was the track of hiyan. the satellite picture shows where the rain has been in the last 24 hours. not a lot of rain but enough where it could hamper the relief efforts here. the storm moved by the south of tacloban where the storm impacted the country. a lot of this rain is beginning to clear out. it's not a pattern and we are not looking at more rain like in. in this. that is good news.
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a lot happened in the northeast. we had some snow and you woke up to that and it cleared. and now more snow has developed. these are lake effect snow showers and the cold is moving in. i will look at the national forecast coming up. on al jazeera america a new stat for a sky scraper i. take a look at that. out producing saudi arabia and russia. how the u.s. will become the global leader in oil production.
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on wall street the streak is over. stocks are following follow two straight days of record closes for the dow. the blou chip i blue chip is lo4 points. the fed policy makers to see a pull back as early as next month. the government shutdown took a toll on american small business. >> the business owners worried the gridlock in washington would impact sales and cause a backlog in warehouses. they also cut hiring back and
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capital spending plans. listen to this. america will be the biggest oil producers on the planet. the international energy agency says the u.s. will surpass saudi arabia and russia to take over the top spot in 2015. the group credits the boom in shale oil production. future pro hall of famers are in search for a new team. >> it's a name you wouldn't think would be looking for a job. the hewit houston texans cut ted today. >> the texans suffered through a injury marred season reid will be able to clear any team he
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chooses of. david bowen facing marijuana possession. they pulled him over for driving 38 in a 40 miles-per-hour zone. the chiefs put their undefeated record on the line sunday night against the broncos. trevor bane has revealed he suffers from ms. multiple sclerosis he became the youngest winner at the age of 20. he will drive in the nationwide cup this weekend in miami and plans to run a full nationwide schedule next weekend. a preview of the huge night of the college basketball come g up later. the filipinos using twitter to save lives.
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and popular energy source how it's usage is hurting the environment and a host willing to ask the tough questions and you'll get... the inside story theses are strait forward conversations, no agenda, just hard hitting debate on the issues that matter to you ray suarez hosts inside story only on al jazeera america
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welcome back to al jazeera america here is a look at your top stories. 50,000 people have signed up for health insurance through state run website. since they went live last month. that is according to a consulting firm that tracks insurance data. and two new reports say the number for the federal government website is about the same. the totals are a small fraction of the obama administration department. they signed off on a merger between u.s. airline airways ann airlines. it will be the largest air carrier in the world. aid is pouring into the philippines from throughout the
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world. the typhoon killed between 2000 and 2500 people. millions are without the basics we are talking about food water and shelter. a massive relief off outer s underway. workers are having a difficult time getting aid to where it's needed. many places dispair has set in. >> a cry for help for the children. they landed in the northern part of the island. most managed to survive but like this family many are left with nothing. >> we ran to the mountains and we are still staying in a little hut used to dry sugar cane. >> with the focus on tacloban this part o area has yet to recy aid. many here have managed to survive they badly need water and food.
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mary albertmary-ann and her huse burying her husband. >> they have been drinking condensed milk for five days. even if we get a little help we would be so grateful. all of us here would share it. the few organizations and volunteers have reached the northern i sabu. what really need to be addressed is the problem with the and the sanitation. with the constant rain they have no homes to go back to. >> three hours to the south the military is air lifting food and water to the tacloban, the worst hit area. the fair force bas air force bae of the relief operation. there was problems with the distribution of supplies to tacloban. >> there has been quite a sale
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challenge. the weather is not cooperating at this moment. and we have limited aircraft due tto the nature of the country. we need to transport it by air lift or through ships that is one of the concern of the central command right now. the children in the north of the island are not giving up hope that someone will bring food soon. until this happens they continue tbegto beg even at night. well social media is playing a big role in sending help to the hard oest hit areas and new technology we should tell you is being used as well. >> tony u.n. aid workers are on thon theground are seeing imagee these. amount thesisand these images ag
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tweeted. >> there is a filter that filters out the images. they are filtering 250 to 500,000 tweets. and they have been whittled down to 5000 tweets that are developt for workers on the ground. >> what volunteers around the world are doing and they are going through the tweets one by one and they are geotagging them so they are putting maps like this one for these u.n. aid workers to see. and this map is of the philippines and this is where the eye of the storm hit and you can see these have a concentrated images here of the destruction. and i spoke to the woman that is in charge of the volunteer group all over the world for this. and she said this technology is very important for the following reason. take a listen. for the past three or four days
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there has been no information coming out from the rural areas the first responders have not been able to get to the rural areas yet. in the philippines they actually have mobilhave more mobile phonn lights. messages are coming out from these areas we are managing to capture them and highlight what the situations are like in the outlying areas. >> the u.n. aid workers can go exactly to the hard-hit areas using these tweets. and the response i time is 30 seconds to five minutes. and anyone can sign up to volunteer by going to and they can fill out this application and tweet away. >> and we're getting some news from the state department. two americans we are learning have died confirmed dead in the philippines as a result in the
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aftermath of typhoon hiyan. and two americans are dead in the philippines. 30 tensionalla potentially y problem. an outbreak of polio and a campaign to imne imnew immunize. >> it's the first time they are being vac made vaccinated again. two months ago their father brought his family to lebanon to escape the hardship and the violence. there is no health services in syria. we are worried about the polio vivirus and here we are able to give the children what they need. this is one of the doze dozens f
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centres to give free vac vaccinations it's coordinating with the lebanon government to ensure that all children living in lebanon are immunized. 234 thiin this clinic 200 childe immunized a day. half of these children have not been vaccinated since they arrived. the united nations says there is a risk of a po polio out break n the region. the officals say the task is difficult in lebanon. here syrian refugees live among the pop significance. population. >> they are spread across the country. >> there are no official camps in lebanon. reaching all of them will be a challenge. >> we hope that everyone will receive a mess being a. --the message.
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sometimes thoug they live underd and they live where they can set up a shelter. >> no cases of polio have been reported in lebanon but health authorities are not taking any chances. their children go to lebanese schools where the polio vaccination are being administered. >> the mobile medical units are going door-to-door. the virus spreads quickly particularly in unsanitary areas. many lebanese are worried because thousands of syrians cross into lebanon everyday. >> we are afraid and hope that the government tightens control at the borders to prevent the virus from reaching here. polio has broken out in syria so far it's paralyzed ten children. now hundreds of thousands of children across the region are at risk. ethanol has been touted as a
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clean alternative to possible fuels. but the rush to produce more bio fuels has caused damage. as farmers rushed to find new places to plant corn they wiped out conservation land and pollute the water supplies. they called the ap report a hatch oahatchet job and it's rih errors. >> the boston marathon bomber's lawyer was in court. today. >> his lawyers depicted here from a previous hearing say their restrictions are impeding their ability to amount a defense. he may inspire others to carry out violence if he is treated
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more leniently in prison. a ruling is expected any time. his murder trial is exhibited to begin next year. ic oaoklahoma effort to rest abortions will not be on the docket of the supreme court. the law will force women seeking abortions to undergo be a ultra sound exam and have the image of the fetus placed in front of them. last year they ruled it was unconstitution yeaal and a rulig that assistant. ey iran has gone on a stand to allow u.n. inspectors to inspe inspect their nuclear reactor. they will have to agree with iran officals on the details of
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the inspection. the west believes they are trying to build t build nuclears and iran denies the charges. hundreds of pieces of art work stolen by the nazis and found last year in a munich department. they put ou some of the images on-line to try to return them to their rightful owners. all of them were stolen from jewish owners during the holocaust. they have placed the price of the works at $1.3 billions. i'm thinking of the iran story and the echos of the all of the analysts that were on the program since the overture was made the deal is not going to be done. i'm hearing that flash back as we hear of new conditions being
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put on searches of nuclear facilities. >> they can't adr agree in prive iand so they go public and say e aring willing tweare willing to. six thousand garbage workers are eschwalked off the job a we. >> it's creating a pretty smelly mess. >> it was a city that prided it for being clean and well maintained. right now madrid is a rather fee depressing place. upsetting for locals and touri tourists. we arrived an hour or so axe. we came from barcelona and the first impression is the garbage on the street. >> the appearance of the city is lament able.
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able. >> you woul could think it was a third world cup. everyone is praying for everyone to reach afternoo an agreement. the private companies would not speak to us on camera. but off camera they said they are prepared to be flexible but the unions have to meet them halfway. >> but the unions are pretty fired up. frightened of losing their jobs and seeing modest salaries reduced. >> we are very, very lucky to have work. we want to keep our jobs. but we don't want jobs that are paid so badly that we can't feed our children. that is what the companies want us to accept. we want to keep our dignity. rubbish collection is at a standstill. this is one symptom of the economic crisis. the spanish government has opted
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for privatizezatio privatizatio. what about the human cost? thamadrid is in a mess and it wt be easy to clear up. >> next on al jazeera america living in the sad diswe'l shadoe what it's like growing up roma in america. >> every night share undiscovered stories.
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the greek police said was be abducted from this roma couple. many live in extreme poverty and a million have cool to the united states. roxann good to sigh you here.
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what are they saying about their lives in new york. many say they left fleeing of in america they are better off. some fight the image of roma being une uni had hbeing uneduc. many like to keep hidden. >> the stereo types are every where. of the the american reality tv show american gypsy paints them as job gypsies. >> this 29-year-old moved to new york when he was 17. >> they don't know the heel real thing about roma people and what they are doing and where they come from he an.
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>> he and his friends are from roma. they left europe to leave discrimination behind. >> in america we are treated the same. >> we are all equal. >> here they have a better shot at success. >> this 24-year-old will be the first in his family to finish college. he graduated from julliard. they hesitate to tell americans thereouthey are roma. we tell them we are turkish. a lot of people think we are italians from roma. >> the neighbourhood they moveed from is the bronx's little italy. >> around here they seem almost invisibility. invisible. there are no shops or businesses clearly marked as roma and this
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is an italian dining spot. shy says many roma fear standing out. >> i went into this place to eat and this guy is telling this shop owner why do you let these gypsies in to eat. some say that it could dilute their culture. >> being in the world andibility and interating will not pack you lose your gypsiness. roma pray side by side with other american muslims. ishe isma. there is integrating too. he believes that roma can keep their culture strong while
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helping the world understand who they are. roma culture is interesting. >> for him it's being american. an american in touch with his roots. and tobacc tony the roma come fy different countries and practice different customs in this country. some have decided to teach their kid at home and get married in their teens and others do not. it's official new york's one world trade centre is the tallest building in the country a panel of architects said the building's needle the spire can be counted when measuring the sky scraper 1175 feet. it beat out chicago's willis tower. of ththe freedom to you tower in
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the trump hotel at just under 1400 feet. it's the nation's third tallest sky scraper. michael eaves is here with sports. can we talk about college basketball please. >> it's about time. with the n.f.l. and college football at the apex of their seasoningseasons the start of te basketball gets overlooked. tonight we may witness a final four preview. in chicago for th four of the te teams will be. kentucky takes on michigan state and duke takes on can t kansas. some are calling it doubleheader. it will feature the top in the
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country. i spoke to college basketball analyst tom brennan and i asked him if tonight's doubleheader was the best early season showcase of college talent in recent memory. >> well it's no doubt in my mind it's as good a doubleheader you could possibly get. if you put louisville in this somewhere that would be better. the idea is that there will be so many dominate freshman in this game it will be interesting to see how they play against each other and the quality teams that each possess it will be interesting and i don't think we will get a lot out of it. a lot of times the hype is way better than the game . i hope that is not the case tonight. let's start with kentucky verses michigan state. the head coach says it's not fair for his young group of freshmen to take on michigan state because iszo has a veteran
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laden team with the spartance. >> initially that sounds ridiculous. if you take it a little further it does make sense. the thing about it i, michael, e young kid are ta talented but it takes sometime to get together as a team. michigan state all of the guys they have are seasoned. they are really good dawson and payne and harris. and they have been down the road and my sense is they will be further along than kentucky. talent and team are two different things. >> when you look at kansas and duke two names jump on of page. parker for duke and wigins for
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kansas. both of those teams have returning players. >> do think have the boast blend of veterans with a star entering that roster. itch i think that is correct, michael. >> certainly duke. with the guys they have coming back and they have hood from mississippi state and parker the freshman you spoke of. they are really deep and they have to been there and they have one of the greatest coaches ever and how neat is it for him to coach kobe afternoon will he ano bring that all back to duke. that is really interesting and now they don't have a big seven footer to block the path of people going to the basket, but i like duke's team. they shot 70% against davidson and four guys score over 20 points and they are really
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loaded. kansas getting wi wiggins who is the best "freshman" in the country that yet to be determined but he is the highest rated. that brought them from being just okay to a top five team. there is a lot of pressure on be ononandrew wiggins. and we'll see how he deals with that tonight. tom is it good for the game or is it as bad as some people are trying to make it out to be. at least these kids come to school for that one year. >> yeah, that's right. i don't know what the answer is michael. in baseball if you don't leave after hig high school you have o stay for three. i don't know if anybody could pull that off. kid want to play as soon as they think they are ready. >> the future of the nba on the floor tonight in chicago. >> they are that good. >> they are that good.
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>> dave warren is up next with a check on the national forecast. we're back in moment. healthcare... it goes on and on... ad guests on all sides of the debate. and a host willing to ask the tough questions and you'll get... the inside story theses are strait forward conversations, no agenda, just hard hitting debate on the issues that matter to you ray suarez hosts inside story only on al jazeera america
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>> audiences are intelligent and they know that their
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i'm dave warren. here is the national forecast. cold. the temperatures have dropped and the cold air is continuing to push south. you can see it on the radar and here is the front moving south. it's moving into south carolina and northern georgia. and the temperatures show that. 53 in atlanta. this is as far south as it will make it here. and it continuation t continuesh the southern plain as well it's a cold front and it's moving south and the cold air moving over the great lakes you are seeing lake-effect snow showers.
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the snow showers can make it down to the cities along i-95. the front moves south and it's all rain now and the snow and colder air a little farther north. here is the outlook. the front will move south and the lake-effect snow showers and then it will move out and clear and told temperatures. 34° in new york and 44 in the afternoon and it starts to dry out on the weekend and it will warwarm up to the up every in 5y monday. w we are seeing hard freeze warnings in oklahoma anna that extends east. and a look at the headlines coming up.
5:00 pm
>> this is al jazeera america, live from new york city. i'm tony harris with the day's top stories. the state department has confirmed that two americans are among the thousands who have been killed by too fan haiyan. relief works continue to work to help those who are i in the hardest hit areas. it's been confirmed that the storm has killed 2,000 people. two new reports suggest the number for the federal government website is just


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