tv News Al Jazeera November 14, 2013 10:00am-11:01am EST
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>> hello, good to have you with us. welcome to the news hour. these are the world's top news stories. >> no police, nothing. there was a breakdown of law and order. it shouldn't have been so. >> growing security fears after typhoon haiyan as armed men roam the streets of the philippines. >> northeast somalia is also struggling after a cyclone. 300 people have died and a state of emergency declared.
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>> a suicide bomber strikes in iraq as tens of thousands of muslims mark ashoura. >> hello, we are in london with the latest in europe, including a allowdown in the euro's recovery as the economy gross a slim .15%. >> farewell to a contradict legend. he is playing his final match. >> aid is finally reaching parts of the philippines devastated by typhoon haiyan. a u.s. aircraft carrier arrived. the uss george washington will assist operations and help helicopters to move supplies. more pictures are emerging from the disaster zone.
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this is 20 kilometers of coastline ripped to shreds. tacloban is one of the worth hit areas. survivors are flocking to the city's airport hoping to travel on elsewhere. this man came from cebu looking for family members. >> deadar alive, i need to see them. i'm left with nothing. it's difficult, so difficult, especially since i wasn't here, i couldn't help them. >> security has detear 80ed affecting residents amounted aid workers. the army is out in force trying to control reports of gunman and fear amongst the population. >> people knock on doors at night and some are robbers, so it's very worrying. we're mostly women and elderly in the house. we're very scared. >> we have the latest.
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>> all this 63-year-old wants that to do is sleep. he hasn't been able to do that. his home was destroyed. he lost 40 members of his family that day. he may have survived the storm, but still lives in fear for his life. >> how many of us are left? and now this, something else might take our lives. people coming into our houses and if you fight back, they'll kill you. what about allies? so few of us left as it is. are they going to finish us off? >> his neighbors share his concern. they say it's bad enough haiyan turned their lives jump side down wow the additional confusion now over security. >> one of the structures damaged by haiyan is the local prison behind me. many of the inmates are believed to have escaped and survived the storm. now the people here fear that
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some of those escapees are behind a recent wave of crimes that are now aggravating the situation. >> a state of national emergency has been declared. there are check points in tacloban and a curfew from 6:00 in the evening until 6:00 in the morning to stabilize peace and order, but many people here say that nothing has been explained to them aband rumors are rampant that this is the return of dictatorial marshall rule. >> who are they? are they military, rebels or thieves? what's going on? we've received no news. there's no radio so what's the real situation? >> he hasn't let the uncertainty stop him. he's back to work as a driver even though he says what money he might earn now is worthless here. >> what happens to us is up to god. i will not leave. this is our home. no matter what tragedy befalls us next, if it takes the lives of those of us left, then that's
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ok. >> it still rains here on most days. he and his family cram into the only dry space in their makeshift shelter. stills, he says, they stand like this all through the night. even the gentle sound of rain now is cause for fear. aljazeera, tacloban. >> on some islands, village have been wiped on you by the storm and aid is still not reaching the survivors. aljazeera has managed to reach one of these areas. >> i'm here on the island, and that's quite a large island north of cebu surrounded by smaller islands. all day today, we've gone from one small island to the other after we heard reports that some of these very little islands were totally wiped out. we heard of one where 1800 people were living, that they would not be there anymore. luckily, we found them all alive, standing on the beach among the rubble of their
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houses, but still alive. they told us we were the first boat to arrive after the disaster has happened. there's a lot of destruction, although many people survived in this part of the philippines, there's a lot of destruction. the houses are totally damaged and all the focus of this aid operation is not on this area. there's hardly any attention, so they are actually begging the international community and government of the philippines to send aid to this area, as well, send tents, send sleeping bags, send blankets and food, water, medication, anything they can miss. >> we have this update from another badly affected area. >> it is grid lock here. the aid is grid locked here. there is plenty of aid here, none of it, though is getting to the people who need it, cause i can immense frustration. the u.n. office for coordinating
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humanitarian aid's chief has actually pleaded with the mayor of tacloban to try and break this grid lock. the thing is, that there's no fuel for trucks to distribute the aid. there's nowhere for the aid to be -- no way for it to be distributed, so it's not going anywhere. at the same time, aid workers, international aid workers are flooding the area. the mayor's asked his citizens earlier today just to flee the city, because the city cannot cope with this number of people. this is a moment of intense frustration and it is extremely interesting to see how it's going to be broken with this kind of clash of interest and agendas between the local kind of politics, the local communities, people who are starving and international aid effort. >> the humanitarian aid chief said relief efforts have let some communities down. >> we need to get assistance to
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them now. they are already saying that it has taken too long to arrive. ensuring faster delivery is the priority of the united nations and our partner organizations. i do feel that we have let people down, because we have not been able to get in more quickly, but at the same time, i can see and i was able to see yesterday that our operations are scaling up significantly. >> workers in the devastated city of tacloban buried victims of the typhoon in a hillside mass burial thursday. members of the red cross continue to scour the coast in search of bodies. dozens of bodies in bags were lined up outside tacloban city hall waiting for burial. thirty bodies in leaking black bags were lowered into graves
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without any prayers being said. >> there's more on our website about the crisis in the philippines. you'll find a gallery of some of the most striking images coming out to us at >> the semi autonomous region of puntan declared a state of emergency after a cyclone hit the somali coast. 300 people have died and hundreds more missing. the united nations estimates 30,000 people are in need of food, water, shelter and medical supplies. the region's now appealing for international aid, but many victims are difficult to reach because of damage to roads and bridges. we are live from the region. give us a picture of the casualties and at of damage. many, many people have just had their livelihood suddenly wiped out. >> indeed, and it might be a very long time before we know
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the extent of the damage, as well as the actual casualty numbers in the flood that has been caused by the cyclone. village continue to be cut off by the flood and they are some of the worst particularly in the worst hit areas. this is a country that has not had proper infrastructure development for the past three decades because of the civil war. where i am standing now, a huge portion of the road that links the north to the capitol has been swept away. this is a major artery, because it links the port where most of the supplies for the people who live in this region comes through. >> we have been seeing aid
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coming through the port. aid officials who are here, the few here say they will have to rely on people who are on foot, volunteers who they have trained in the last one or two days to give out the help that is needed. >> so the local government there has asked for outside help. is it, itself set up to deal in anyway with the disaster on this scale? >> i'm afraid not. the capacity is not there, neither are the resources. it's trying its best, calling all its friends, the local administration is calling on its friends to give help. however, i in the past days, sie
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the floods have begun, there have been no aircraft coming in. airports have been closed. the airport which is 60 kilometers from where i am now in the port city, a few hundred kilometers away from here, no help has been coming from outside. right now, the government was trying in the last day or two to try and fill some of the areas swept away by the flood on this road, but it doesn't have enough machinery. the only machines here are stuck in the mud and cannot be removed. >> thanks very much indeed for that. >> in iraq, there have been several bomb explosion little targeting shia muslims marking ashoura. thirty people have been killed
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near baghdad. security is it true in the holy city packed with worshipers commemorating the death of imam hussein, the grandson of the prophet muhammed. we are there. bring us up to date with the latest on those attacks. >> that's right. there have been several over the last 24 hours, a understand what we've heard, there have been 54 people killed and 115 injured. now, they haven't, the attackers haven't managed to get to the big cities, which have seen and unprecedented security operation. they've targeted smaller towns in the province south of baghdad, using car bombs and suicide attacks to get to these shia processions that are going on. take a look around me. ashoura's been going on for 24 hours. there is a huge cleanup, you can see the trucks going past me
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here. there's been a massive supreme court operation, the biggest mounted in 10 years. 30,000 troops are out on the streets. into the city, it's basically a ring of steel with several checkpoints you have to go through. also, there have been helicopter patrols regularly throughout the day. it's been very, very crucial for the iraqi government to make sure ashoura passes without incident. the smaller towns outside of the big cities have been hit. >> i can only imagine the kind of security they've got laid on that at the moment. this is a time of real growing tension in iraq between shia and sunni particularly since the sunni feel particularly excluded in iraq. >> well, that's right, there are a number of grievances that the sunni community here have be, one of them is that they were under sadaam hussein treated
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well. they feel that they have lost a number of rights, but it's not just that. there's also the spill i don't have from syria, as well. we have al-qaeda and its affiliates in the islamic states in iraq who have sworn that they will bring war to iraq. that's increasingly what we've seen happening. it's been the bloodiest year since the height of the sectarian violence in 2008. it's a very delicate situation here in iraq. the prime minister was in the u.s. very recently, saying iraq faces an open civil war if things aren't improved soon. >> thanks for that. >> shia mourners in lebanon are also marking ashoura. the leader of hezbollah said he will keep his forces in syria
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fighting alongside bashar al assad supporters. >> this is a duty and should not be seen as a challenge is what the hezbollah leader said. clearly was a message of defiance, a show of support to the shia armed group. a fee hundred thousand shia converged in suburbs where many of hezbollah supporters live and where mortar attacks and car bombings in recent months have killed civilians. >> we're not scared of people or terrorists. we don't fear much of them. >> we won't bow is what they chant, the slogan for this year's ashoura. hezbollah's under pressure to withdraw fighters from syria where they have supported the regime. it's rivals here and abroad accuse the group of dragging lebanon into a sectarian war, but it's backers disagree.
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>> if we didn't go to fight them there, they would have come here to fight us. they want to kill us. >> by day, she means the maimly soon any opposition in syria. >> security in and around beirut's southern suburbs is tight. no cars are allowed to enter this district where some half a million people live. similar measures have been taken in other shia populated areas across the country. the secretary general of hezbollah has himself said this is real. people heeded his call and turned out in large numbers. >> he joined the crowd. rarely making appearances, but the hezbollah leader wanted to give a message. >> we have said on several occasions that the presence of our soldiers on syrian soil is to defend lebanon, palestine and syria, which supports the resistance. our presence there will remain as long as the reasons why we
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are there remain. >> it's a decision that has lost hezbollah popular legitimacy in much of the arab world, seen by some as a shia paramilitary force. it does maintain support among lebanon shiites. >> coming up here on the news hour, meet the woman who could possibly be the most powerful bank are in the world. we've got to story coming up. >> yet another concession, new revelations on the controversial lifestyle of the toronto mayor. >> the season finally starts in dubai in golf. we'll tell you who is on the leader board, ahead in sports. >> new economic figures have been released in europe.
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for more, let's go to our european center in london. >> the latest growth domestic policy goes all out and europe's largest economy is showing signs of slowing down. germanyed g.d.p. grew by just 30.3%, down from the previous quarter. >> identity's gdp shrank by 0.1%. in france, it fell a fraction by 0.1%. >> france's g.d.p. figures are bad news. dealing a low ratings and a tax ve volt, we have more. how surprising were those figures? >> well, the figures were certainly disappointing, but not surprising, bearing in mind the economic forecast we've heard
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recently, and also repeated criticism of france, both inside france and outside about its slow pace of reform. in fact, a recent report suggested that france is actually lagging behind some of the southern european countries, those countries troubled with the euro crisis, like portugal and greece, for example. france is being caused of still having far too high labor costs, which are making french product simply not competitive on the international market and france is also accused of having still too high a level of public spending. these on going trends, if you like, are part of the explanation from the fact that the economy has contracted slightly. >> the president not having a great time at the moment. what are these figures likely to mean for him, do you think? >> well, they certainly aren't helping the president, who as you have suggested is really floundering in the opinion
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polls. his personal approval ratings at the moment stand 15%, that's the lowest ever for are a french president in office, really, since this habit of carrying out polls began. that unpopularity stems from the economic situation, the job cries in france, the lack of jobs particularly for young people and the economy isn't picking up. yet, some of those measures that are being urged upon france from outside, particularly from brussels, for example, cutting public spending, those measures, those propose measures face very strong resistant from the workforce and from the union movement here in france. any kind of new taxes, any kind of cuts in benefits or retirement pension or the changing the pensionable age are all fiercely resisted, so he may be unpopular, but also facing
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strong resistance from measures which could help france start to get out of this economic crisis. >> thank you. >> it's been three years since ireland needed a massive bailout. a lifeline has been keeping the economy going since then. that is ending next month. the government's optimism in a recovery isn't shared by many irish people still struggling to pay their bills. we report from dublin. >> for the first 12 years of her life, eve had been given government funded support to deal with her disability, physical theory, speech training, all thanks helped her. she paid her taxes, that's what you expect in return. but a letter in the post, now all gone. now mom and dad have to find the money, even though they have no
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idea now. >> it's thousands a year. it comes down to a case of what can we afford and do we prioritize eve's needs or do we prioritize our bill payments and that's an awful place to be in as a parent. >> just a decade ago, ireland had such ambitions, but now people routinely say they feel flattened, defeated by the experience of the banking crashing and bailout that followed. the government would say the worst is over, three years on from the bailout insist ireland is the first of the so-called peripherals to poor countries in the euro zone to prove it that the fiscal discipline to stand on its own again. >> the market gives the best assessment of whether or not we are believed as a country. two and a half years ago, the cost of borrowing in 15 and a half%, now 3.5%, lower than italy, spain, portugal and
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greece. >> for months now, the men from the international monetary fund have been living in this luxury hotel, crossing the street to see what they can cut from the budget. has it worked? this country is in reality poorer rather than richer when the crisis began. >> in 2008, is when the financial crisis began in the united states. ireland was running debts of around $67 billion. over the course of the next five years and particularly because irish banks too started to collapse, that debt quadrupled and stands at $270 billion or a full 123% of ireland's gross domestic products. because the banks have been recapitalized, the irish government says it can now leave the emergency bailout scheme run by the international monetary funds and the european union. >> so the financial recovery here, such as it is begs the
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question of what kind of euro zone ireland has been so keen to sport. the central bank has been reapartmentallized with, plenty of international buyers happy to service the debts. apparently the money no longer exists to help a disabled 12-year-old girl. aljazeera, ireland. >> from the economy in europe to the u.s., where a hearing is being held on elimination for the heads of the central bank. let's go back. >> the united states banking committee will hold a hearing or is holding a hearing on janet yellen's nomination as head of the federal reserve bank. she's speaking right now. she could become the most powerful woman in the history of the u.s. government. if confirmed, she will replace ben bernanke, whose four year term ends january 31. >> we are joined live from capitol hill in washington.
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i think it's pretty sure bet that she's going to face pretty tough questions, given the state of the u.s. economy rye now. >> well, the democrats are a majority on this committee, the senate banking committee. we do expect some republicans to ask her some tough questions. some of always been suspicious about the federal reserve and some want to abolish it. we can expect some tough questions, particularly on the policy that the federal reserve has been employing for the last few years. the buying of $85 billion worth of bonds each month. the theory is that then floods banks with liquidity, then they're more eeler to lend to people and increase demand and create jobs. republicans are suspicious of that, worrying more about inflation than jobs. some don't think the federal
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reserve should worry about jobs at all. from democrats on the committee, they might be more interested in asking about regulation of banks, another role of the federal reserve. overall, she is expected to be confirmed. the main question is she's going to continue this policy, is it actually working? unemployment remains very high. there is a great amount of evidence the banks aren't using this money to lend, they are pocketing the money and making huge profits. that's why the markets went crazy when janet yellen's prepared statement was released, talking about continuity. she doesn't have the boldness some think to really deal with the unemployment emergency in the united states. >> tell us more about the woman. she obviously has a profile in the sufficient. she's probably clearly less well known outside the sufficient. she is ben bernankes deputy. how is she perceived in the u.s.? >> i don't think she i see
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received at all, really. sort of an incognito perception, i suppose. she is sort of invisible. she's been more of an academic expert in economics. she's held senior positions in the u.s., most currently the vice chair of the fed. that's one thing they will look at, responding to congressional inquiry. we used to have alan greenspan give yogi like pronouncement that is people would try to analyze. then we have ben bernanke. janet yellen said she will have more transparency in the decision making, in the projections, where the federal reserve will go, so there's not too much turmoil. people are looking to see how she community indicates with congress, because frankly, people don't know her very well at all. >> thanks very much indeed for that.
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>> there's a lot more to come here on the news hour, including how survivors are typhoon haiyan need precious commodities and the wait for much needed aid. >> a primitive existence, the families taking desperate measures to survive the war. >> to sport, the san antonio spurs continue their nba streak. that's after the break.
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>> every morning from 5 to 9am al jazeera america brings you more us and global news than any other american news channel. find out what happened and what to expect. >> start every morning, every day, 5am to 9 eastern with al jazeera america. >> from our headquarters in new york, here are the headlines this hour. >> al jazeera america is the only news channel that brings you live news at the top of every hour. >> a deal in the senate may be at hand and just in the nick of time. >> thousands of new yorkers are
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marching in solidarity. >> we're following multiple developments on syria at this hour. >> every hour from reporters stationed around the world and across the country. >> only on al jazeera america. >>. these are the main stories. aid is finally reaching communities in the philippines devastated by typhoon haiyan. the u.s. aircraft carrier arrived off the coast. it will assist search and rescue operations and help move supplies. >> a state of emergency i am somalia after a cyclone. 30,000 people have left their homes for higher ground. >> several bomb explosions in iraq targeted shia muslims
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marking ashoura. 36 people have been killed near baghdad. >> to the disaster in the philippines caused by typhoon high was not. many survivors are starting to fall ill. >> there's nothing we can do in reality. please have pity on us. my grandchild is suffering from diarrhea. what do we do? >> diarrhea is a major concern for health workers. caused by dirty drinking water can quickly lead to severe dehydration and possibly death. lack of sanitation can spread parasites and disease. many people are searching through the wreckage with their bare hands, leading to tetanus
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concerns. >> director of emergency response management to the world holt organization joins me live. rick, good to of you with us. the major health issues that are going to be causing health workers serious concerns in parts of the philippines right now are going to be linked to the lack of clean drinking water. >> yes. i mean, that's correct. that's one of the big issues that we're concerned about. there are a number of health problems that we face right now, as you rightly say, the major environmental disruption, if you like, in the afflicted area puts the population at risk of several diseases, so we're very concerned about the poor quality of the drinking water, the poor sanitation. we're concerned about lack of shelter and overcrowding and cramped living conditions, as you rightly said. so diarrhea, respiratory
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infections, this is a part of the country that has the lowest vaccination rate for measles. these are all areas of concern. we have to move very, very swiftly to assure people have access to clean water, taxes appropriate sanitation, that we get good messages out to the communities about steps they can take to limit their risk of contracting these diseases. one of the other important interventions planned by the government with support of partners like w.h.o. is an upcoming measles vaccination campaign. that's a particular concern for children under the age of five. >> clearly right now, one of the main issues is no clean drinking water. health experts are also saying that medical supplies are running out. people are injured and need treatment. people aren't getting antibiotics. just how bad is that situation? >> ice very, very serious.
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the early assessments indicate that there's been widespread damage and destruction to health facilities. right now, in the city we only have one functioning hospital, and that's been seriously damaged, but continuing to work. as you rightly say, a loss of supplies and equipment. that's a large part of the relief effort right now. we have international medical teams going in to assist the ministry of health. we've had a couple teams arrive. they are setting up field hospitals and we have similar teams going to other affected areas over the effect few days. they will focus on the issues that you mentioned. there's been a lot of injuries, and if they go untreated, the risks are infection, tetanus, and potential disability. they will be addressing issues of treating individuals with infections. the other big concern we have is
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even in these circumstances, women continue to have babies. we estimate that upwards of 12,000 women are expected to give birth in the affected area of the next month. they need good access to obstetric care and even in normal circumstances, about 15% of them would have a complication from that delivery, so clearly need access to health services, and we are working with international teams and the government to scale up those services. >> normal health concerns continue alongside the extraordinary health concerns that they've been landed with, because of this disaster. one of the other things that the mayor of tacloban was saying is that when he had the truck, he has to decide whether he's going to use that truck to move bodies or use the truck to deliver food. one presumes that having bodies lying around in the street is also going to add immensely to the health issues. >> well, the dead bodies
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themselves, you know, frankly don't represent a health threat right now. they have died primarily from trauma and therefore are not a threat for spreading disease. culturally and psychologically, it's very, very important to handle those bodies respectfully and efficiently, to limit the social and psychological trauma on the families and just to show respect. as a source of disease, it's a common myth that dead bodies represent a potential risk to the rest of the population, but that's not the case. >> good to speak with you, doctor, thank you for joining us on the program. >> as it is people of tacloban city wait for aid, many have goods they have salvaged from the debris and try to salvage them for food. >> with homes destroyed, food
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and drinking water scarce, aid deliveries insufficient or delayed, many people in tacloban city are now forced to do this. they barter what goods they've salvaged in exchange for food or money and sell produce they found among the debris of shops and in other people's destroyed homes. one man said he's selling baby milk for under $700 a box. that's half the price people paid in the stores before the typhoon hit. >> we acquired these and now are selling them to buy rice. >> another man swapped three-kilos of rice for one kilo of beef. >> there's nothing to serve as meals. i have some rice, but nothing to eat with, so we barter. >> a woman hadn't received any help and was desperate for rice for her family. >> if we find someone to barter rice with us, we will give them this bacon and sausages. >> close by, the dead are lines up in body bags.
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more than six days since super typhoon haiyan ripped this city apart, survivors who have chosen to stay are in urgent need of food and water. the united nations says more than half a million people have fled from what remains of their homes across central philippines. many areas still haven't received emergency aid. >> the storm ripped the vegetation off the trees that line this road. families sit under what makeshift cover they can. they have little choice but to wait for the emergency help that their government says is on its way. >> in syria, fighting's intensified around the capital damascus, forces support i can the president retaking ground from the rebels. these pictures show government tanks attempting to seize the southern suburb. fighters can be heard overhead. activists are also reporting
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government jets attacking the rebel-held town about 60 kilometers north of the capitol. >> countries across the middle east of vaccinating millions of children against polio after an outbreak in syria. health officials want to vaccinate children under five years old in several countries. the campaign costing an estimated $30 million began after fears that syrian refugees fleeing the war could spread the virus. >> 5 million syrians have been forced to leave their homes because of the civil war. for some, they are returning to the most primitive shelter. >> they're alive, but not much more. a hole in the ground is home for the syrians displaced by the war. >> what kind of life is this? can this really be called living, to live in a cave. >> the family took re refuge a r
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ago, their house fluted by a military jet. there are many caves in the country side in northwestern jair. at first, they were upped at temporary bomb shelters but now have become permanent residents for some of the 5 million people displaced within syria. >> we've been taking shelter in this cave for a year. i'm responsible for seven people and i'm just a widow. you can see what it's like. >> fighting insects and illnesses in the humid conditions are some of the challenges. above all is the challenge of finding enough food to eat, and holed up in the darkness, these little ones read books from a school they can no longer attend. with the war pushing them underground, some refugees are left living in what seems like the prehistoric past. >> more news from europe now,
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back to london. >> the precious water supplies are becoming increasingly common in many parts of the world. scientists and analysts gathered for a conference to discuss the problem. the world supplies of h2o are strained by population growth and climate change. the water is also being pushed to the limit by economic developments and pollution. it is a worldwide problem for both wealthy countries and poor ones, as well. delegates are putting focus on africa. we are joined live flow from the conference, thanks for being with us on the program, as a planet, are we actually short of fresh water or is it a matter of distributing it fairly, which doesn't seem to happen? >> that's a really good question. i don't think we're short i have the, but it is an issue where
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countries need to learn to work together over the shared resources. >> how easy is you the, though, to get countries, particularly in africa, to get them to cooperate where as we know, it's such a precious commodity, such a precious supply and so scarce in certain areas of africa. how can you get those nations to work together on this? >> it is a long other term process. the world bank has been working on the technical side of this for many years. they are starting a new program called cooperation an international waters in africa. it really is looking at getting countries together to work on the technical aspects, to share information, to learn from each other, to learn what the benefits of cooperation are, so that when they do development, they can do development that benefits everyone instead of just one small part.
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>> this is a conference being held in the netherlands. how confident are you that some solutions will come out rather than just a bunch of people discussing the problem, a talking shop, if you like? presumably what africa needs now is real solutions. >> i think i'm actually very confident. i'm glad to see this conference making the the news, because it is looking at solutions on how to cooperate, what the technical issues are, what the constraints to cooperation are, how to bring countries from the risk to the opportunity side of things, and to learn about shared benefits. i think, again, as a long term solution, we're not going to have solutions out of this conference that are going to solve problems tomorrow, but
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ideas from this conference with the countries will help to solve problems in the future. >> john bryant, joining us live from the hague. thanks for your time. >> the german safety standards company is facing more than $70 million in compensation payouts after found liable for a global health scare over breast implants. more than 16,000 women worldwide had to have the implants removed after it was discovered they contained substandard silicone. now a french court has ruled to the company neglected duties when inspecting the factory where they were made. >> a court hearing for one of the members of the russian protest band pussy riot has been sent to a prison camp. she was appealing for a reduced sentence. a new date had been set now that she's been moved. a fellow band member is calling for a boy colt of next years
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winter olympics in russia. >> the highly anticipated report on how britain went to war in iraq will be delayed. the u.k. newspaper reports that the u.s. state department could be the reason why. fears that the so-called inquiry may never see the full light of day in its full form. joining us now is international relations account speakers who has been following the inquiry closely. thanks for coming in. we're talking here, aren't we, arguments about documents wimp had communications between former prime minister tony blare and president bush, is that right? >> yes, that's right. there's two types of documents. that there are records of cabinet level meetings within the u.k., about 200 of those and then there are direct communications from mr. blare to mr. bush and finally about 130 records of one to one mings
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between either mr. blare or mr. brown and president bush. >> ok. and is it likely that the u.s. is actually blocking these documents? i know that the u.k. government has said no, the u.s. doesn't have a veto on what is published in this inquiry, but is the likelihood they are trying to block these documents from being published? >> these are british documents and ultimately the decision rests with the british government. the issue here is the risk of damaging the special relationship between the u.s. and u.k. the u.s. government likes to keep its secrets secret. one of the norms of international relations is that private communications between leaders stay private. it wouldn't be a surprise if the u.s. you was sensitive about these documents being released. i haven't seen any specific evidence of direct communications between the u.s. and u.k. on this issue. >> this has been going on four
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years now, how significant is the impact? >> it's hugely significant. the eninquirey represents our best chance to learn the lessons from the iraq war and to move on. i think it's really time we were able to do that now. >> all right, really good to talk to you. >> thank you very much. >> we have the latest news from europe. >> coming up, we've got all the sport on news hour. there's mania in mumbai, witness a tar player plays his final match. stay with us.
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journalism, and we fill that void... >> there is a huge opportunity for al jazeera america to change the way people look at news. >> we just don't parachute in on a story...quickly talk to a couple of experts and leave... >> one producer may spend 3 or 4 months, digging into a single story... >> at al jazeera, there are resources to alow us as journalists to go in depth and produce the kind of films... the people that you don't see anywhere else on television. >> we intend to reach out to the people who aren't being heard. >>we wanna see the people who are actually effected by the news of the day... >> it's digging deeper it's asking that second, that third question, finding that person no one spoken to yet... >> you can't tell the stories of the people if you don't get their voices out there, and al jazeera america is doing just that.
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>> welcome back. now the mayor of toronto has made yet another concession about his controversial lifestyle, rob ford admitting he bought illegal drugs while in office as well as smoking crack cocaine. despite calls for him to quit the job, council members have no legal power to force him out between elections. >> let's go to sport now. >> it was an emotional first day in the 200th and final international test match. thousands of fans cheered as he came out to bat against the west indies. >> in 20 long years, he broke record after record. when he walked on to the pitch, he looked focus, calm. he was not a man about to rest on that his laurels, and he
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certainly didn't disappoint the crowd. he is playing to a home crowd here. he's from mumbai originally, and the crowd were here to see him specifically. they wanted to see him for centuries, like he is famous for doing. we had a chance to speak to some of his devoted fans in the city about the impact he's had on their life. >> strapping up for another day on the contradict pitch, he tries to strike the ball like his idol, and dreams of one day playing for the national team. >> he is important to me. he's the reason i started playing cricket. i'll keep playing and learning from him. >> at home, his mother says he's obsessed with the contradict star. they may never have met, but she
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says the player has changed her son's life. >> he practices batting and balling by him. he practices by himself. he doesn't let anyone else watch t.v. when matches on. >> he burst on to the contradict scene at just 16 years of age. he's mesmerized fans for decades. he's the first player to score 100 international centuries, and the only cricketer to complete 40,000 runs. here, he's loved as a living legend. >> he's basically been part of the indian life for the last 25 years, and as a direct result of that, he's affected people at a very deep level. i think that's the reason why his absence from what he does is going to mean so much to people. they're going to feel a void. >> after struggling with his form for the past few years, he announced that he will play his
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final match in his home city of mumbai this week. >> there's no doubt that he is one of the most loved and respected figures in india today. he scored 38 runs not out at the end of the first day of the test match and the crowd is of course waiting for him to continue batting tomorrow. india has scored 157 runs at the end of the first day with two out. the west indies earlier today were all out, scoring 182 runs. the test match continues. fans couldn't be more delighted to have another day where they can watch him bat for the last time. >> earlier i spoke to the asian editor at the economist intelligence unit, saying he is one of the biggest reasons india has become a successful cricketing nation. >> what's happened is that he's been at the forefront of indian
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cricket. india was a team notorious at traveling very badly when they played test matches away. they were a difficult team to play at home, but roll over away. he's always been the focal point of that team. >> he's not only got incredible number of runs in test cricket, but cricket, as well. you put the two together, he's thousands of runs ahead. it's possibly the english can't could catch him in terms of test match runs, about 5,000 behind, but he's way behind in the one day thing. when you put the two together, you realize that he really is a one of. >> a one shot lead after the first round of the world championships in dubai. he is trying to finish the year top of money list but interrupted by the red arrows. sixty best players of the year on tour competing for a prize
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pot of nearly $12 million. he has completed his round on six under par. 17 son leads the money list two shots behind. defending champion mcilroy is on one under par. >> the french football plans for the last weekend of november has been called off. the french football union's being pushed back to a new day, the french protesting the high tax on players' salary. >> uruguay on the brink of a world cup. scores a pick of the goals with a free kick in salvage time. >> mexico delivered a five star
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performance against new zealand in their world cup playoff match. mexico now on their fourth coach in two months. scored either side of the break to help his team claim a win. mexico travels to new zealand. practice takes place next wednesday. san antonio spurs beat the washington wizards. tony parker led the way with 16 points. five of his teammates scored in the double digits. san antonio went on to seal an easy 92-79 win. >> that's all the sport for now. >> thanks very much indeed for that. we'll see you a little later on. that's it from the news hour team for now. thanks for watching.
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it. >> welcome to aljazeera america. i'm it delle walters, and the stories we're following for you. a grim it scene in the 4 philippines as hundreds are buried in mass graves. and why lawmakers say they want to hold up for fed share. and this it massive sink hole swallowing up an entire louisiana neighborhood. is of. >> we're going to have the latest on the typhoon in just a
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