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tv   The Stream  Al Jazeera  November 14, 2013 12:30pm-1:01pm EST

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six months from now they are not serious we can dial those sanctions right back up. my message to could b congress n thabeen let's see if this short term phase one deal can be to our satisfaction that we are absolutely certain that they are not dancing the program we can buy additional month in terms of their break out capacity. let's test howling the how wille tto resolve this diplomatically and peacefully. we havwe will have lost nothingt the end of the day they are not prepared to provide the international community the hard proof necessary to ensure they
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are not producing a nuclear weapon. and if that turns out to be the case e, then not only ask is the sanction infrastructure in place, not only are they still losing money from the fact that they can't sell their oil and get revenue from the oil easily even throughout these talks, but, other options remain. but, what i have said to the members of congress is that if in fact we are serious about trying to resolve this diplomatically, because no matter how good our military is, military options are always messy. are always difficult and always have unintended consequences and in this situation are never complete in terms of making us certain that the they don't theo out and pursuing vigorously
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nuclear weapons in the future. if we are serious about diplomacy there is no need for new sanctions on top of the sanction that's are already very effective and brought them to the table in the first place. now if it turns out they can't deliver and they can't come to the table in this way and get this resolve and the sanctions can be ramped back up and we have that option. roger it's his birthday. happy birthday. >> back to healthcare. can you guarantee to the americanamerican people that the is going to be operational by november 30th. and secondly more broadly this
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is your signature on domestic legs. legislation. you hear on the hill that--is that how this mess came to be? >> i think thi there is going te a lot of there is going to be a lot of evaluation of how we got to this point. and i'm assuring you i have been asking a lot of questions about that. the truth is that this is number one, very complicated. and the website itself is doing a lot of stuff. there are not a lot of website out there that have to help people compare their possible insurance options. verify income to find out what kind of tax credits they may
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get. and communicate with the insurance companies so they can purchase. and make sure that all of it is verified. there are a bunch of pieces to it that made it challenging. and you combine that with the fact that the federal government does a lot of things really well, one things it does not do well is information technology procurement. >> this is kind of a system attiatticproblem we have acrosse board. and it's not surprising then that there are going to be some problems. i think we have to ask ourselves hard questions inside of the white house as opposed to why we didn't see more of these problems coming early on, a so we can set expectations. b, so we can look at different ways for people to end up applying. ultimately you are right this is
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something really important to me and it's really important to millions of americans who have been waiting for a really long time to try to get healthcare because they don't have it. and, you know, i am very frustrated but i'm also somebody who if i fumble the ball, you know, i'm going to wait until i get the next play and then i'm going to try to run as hard as i can and do right by the team. so ultimately i'm the head of this team. we did fumble the ball on it. >> and what i'm going to do is make sure that we get it fixed. in terms of what happensen happn november 3 30th or december 1st. i think it's fair to say that the improvement lo will be markd anand noticeable. the website will work better on
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november 30th or december 1st. that is low bar. it will be working a lot better than it was last week and it will be working better than it was this week. which means the majority of people that go to the website will see a website that is working the way it's supposed to. i think it is not possible for me to guarantee that a hundred% of the people 100% of the time going on this website will have a perfectly seamless smooth experience we are going to have to continue to improve it even after november 30th or december 1st. but the majority of people that use it will be able to see it operate the way it was supposed to. one thing we discovered that i think is worth in an noting, a f focus has been on the website and the technology and that is partly because that is how we
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initially identified it. these are glitches. what we are discovering is that part of the problem has been technology, hardware and software and that is being upgraded. but even if we get the hardware and software working exactly the way it's supposed to, with relatively minor glitches, what we are also discovering is that insurance is complicated to buy. and another mistake that we made, i think, was under estimating the difficulties of people purchasing insurance on-line and shopping for a lot of options and a lot of costs and different benefits and plans and some how expecting that would be very smooth. and then they have to also try to apply for tax credits on the website.
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so, what we are doing even as we are trying to solve the technical problems is also what can we do to make the application a little simpler. what can we do to make it in english opposed to beurr burr rk tease. a are there steps we can skip. and part of what we are realizing is there are going to be a ster certain portion of pee that will need more help and hand holding in the application process. and so i guess part of the continuous improvement i'm looking at is not just a tech 234etechnical issue. can we streamline the application process what can we do to give people more assistance in the application process.
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and how do the call centres and people that are helping folks in person how are they trained so that things can go more smoothly. the bottom line is i want people to know what their options are in a clear way. and you know. buying health insurance is never going to be like buying a song on i-tunes. it's a much more complicated transaction. i think we can continue to make it better. all of which is to say on december 1st, november 30t november 30thth:it will be a lot better. there will still be some problems. some of those will not be because of technological problems i', i'm sure there will still be some glitches that have to be smoothed out. some of them will have to be mow arhow are we making the
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application process usable for folks. just to use an auntil guy an ale came into office how can we make it better for folks applying for financial aid. and we g did whoa what we couldo simplify it and that made a difference. if we can get focus groups and sit down with fue actual users a see how well is this working and how can we improve it. what all didn't you understand? that is part of what we are going to be working on in the weeks ahead. i have to say i meet with a lot of folks and i talk to a lot of
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folks everyday. >> i have lunches with ceo and it venture capitalists and labour leaders and you look at my schedule on any given day we are interacting with a lot of people we have a good track record of working with folks on technology and it from our campaign where both in 2008 and 2012, we did a darn good job on that. and so it's not, you know the idea of it that some how we didn't have access or were interested in people's ideas, i think isn't accurate what is true is that as i said before, youour it system and how how we
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purchase technology is cumbersome and outdated. it's not a situation where on my campaign i could say who are the best folks out there let's get them around the table and figure out what we are doing and we are going to continue to improve it and refine it and work on our goals. if you are doing it at federal government level you are going through 40 pages of specs and this and that and there are all kinds of laws involved. and it makes the federal it program over budget and behind schedule and one of the -- when i do some monday morning quarterbacking on myself, one of the things i do recognize is that since i know that the federal government has not been good at this stuff in the past, two years ago as we were thinking about this, um, you
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know we might have done more to make sure that we are breaking the mold on how we were going to be societyin setting this up tht help us now. we have to move forward. jeff mason? >> thank you, mr. president, of the today what you announced leaves it up to the state insurance commissioners whether or not a policy should be renewed for a year. and how confident they will do that. secondly how will this rollout hurt democrats next year and other priorities such as immigration reform. >> on the first question state insurance commissioners make decisions on what plans can be or cannot be sold. and how they interact with insurers. >> what we are saying is the affordable care being a is not going tact is not goingto be ths with the folks in the individual
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market. and my guess is right away you will see state insurance commissioners recognize it. it will be different in different states. there are states that have all of the protections that the affordable care act does. they match up pretty good. it's not some big jump for folks to move into the market place and others they are low standard. you can sell sub standard plans in those markets. and that is where people might see a bigger jump in their premiums. so i think there will be state by state evaluation on how this is handled. but the key point is that it allows us to be able to say to the folks that received these notices, look, i, the president
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of the united states, and the insurance model the affordable care act is not going to be getting in the way of you shopping in the individual market that you used to have. as i said, there are still going to be some folks that overtime i think are going to find that the market places are better. one way i describe this to, i met with a group of senators when this issue first came up, and it's not a perfect analogy. we made a decision as a society that every car has to have seat-belts or air bags and so you pass a regulation there are additional costs at the start of increasing safety and protections. we make addition that the costs
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are out wad weighed by the benes to keep pee people safe. what we say if you are buying a new car you have to have a seat-belt. the problem with the grabbed grr clause we put in place, it's like we said to folks you have to buy a new car even if you can't afford it right now. and sooner or later folks are going to start trading in their old cars. but we don't need, their life circumstances is such where for now at least, they want to keep the old car even if the new car is better we should be able to give them that option options ot is what we want do do. and by the way that is what we should have been able to do in drafting the rules in the first place these are aut two fumblesa
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big game, but the game is not over. with respect to the politics of it, i will let you guys do a lot of the work on projecting what there means for virus just varis political scenarios. there is no doubt that our failure to rollout the aca smoothly has put a burden on democrats, whether they are running or not. because they stood up and supported this effort through thick and thin. and, you know, i feel deeply responsible for making it harder for them rather than easier for them to continue to promote the
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core values that i think led them to support this thing in the first place which is in this country, as wealthy as we are, everyone should have the security of affordable healthcare. and that is why i feel so strongly about fixing it. my first and foremost obligations to the american people is to make sure that they can get what is there if we can just get the darn website working and smooth this thing out which is plans that are affordable and allow them to take a advantage of tax yesterday ecreditsand give them. i do feel an obligation for everybody out there that supported this effort. you knee know, when we don't doa good job on the rollout we are letting them down and i don't like doing that. my commitment to them is we are going to keep doing better
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everyday until we get it done. and in terms of the impact on me, i think to some extent, i think i addressed it to some extent when i talked to julie. there will be ups an downs during the course of my presidency. and i think i said early on when i was running, i am not a perfect man and i will not be a perfect president. but i will wake up every single day and work for people that are working hard and meeting their responsibilitieseresponsibilitis they are struggling because the way the system works is not giving them a fair shot. and that pledge i haven't broken. that commitment and that promise continues to hold. the promise i wouldn't be perfect, no. 1, but also the promise that as long as i have
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the honou honor of having this e i will work as hard as i can to make things better for folks. and what this specifically means in the healthcare arena we can't go back to the status quo. right now people are properly focused on us not doing a good job on the rollout. and that is legitimate. there are times i thought we were slapped around a little bit unjustly. >> thiunjustlythis one is deser. it's on us. but we can't lose sight of the fact that the status quo before the affordable care act was not working at all. if the healthcare system had been working fine and everybody had high quality health insurance at affordable prices i wouldn't have made it a priority. we wouldn't have been fighting this hard to get it done. which is why when it i see
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sometimes folks up on capitol hill and republicans in particular, who have been suggesting, you know, repeal, repeal, let's get red of this thing. i keep asking what is it that you want to do? are you suggesting that the scat ustatus quo was working. it wasn't. it wasn't working in the individual market and wasn't working for the 41 million people that didn't have health insurance. we thos chose a path that was te least disruptive to finally make sure that healthcare is treated in this country like it is in every other advanced country. that it's not some privilege that just a certain portion of people can have. but it's something that everybody had some confidence about. and we didn't go far left and choose an approach that would be much more disruptive.
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we didn't adopt some more conservative proposals that would have been much more disruptive. we tried to choose away that built off the existing system it's complicated and it's hard and i make no apologies for us taking it on. sooner or later someone had to do it. >> i don't make apologies for the execution of the roll out. do you think the policy will let you do other things like imcongratulations reform. immigration reform. >> if it comes to immigration reform there is no reason for us not to do immigration reform. we have already got strong bipartisan support for immigration reform out of the senate. you have got i met with a number of traditionally very conservative clergy who are deeply committed to
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imcongratulations reform. w re--immigration reform. we have the business community entirely behind immigration reform. you have a bunch of constituencies who are relying on the republicans who are behind us. if people are looking for a an excuse to not do something on immigration reform you can always find antic an excuse. my working assumption is people should want to do the right things. >> when you have an issue that would strengthen borders and make sure that the legal immigration system works the way it's supposed to. that would go after employers who are doing the wrong thing when it comes to hiring undocumented workers and allow workers who are here illegally
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to pay taxes and learn english and get to the back of the line and ou ultimately join the amern community when you have a law that makes sense you shouldn't look for an excuse not to do it. i am going to keep on pushing to ensure a it gets done. am i going to have to do some work to rebuild confidence around these initiatives? yeah. part of my job is that the things that go right you are not going to write about. the things that go wrong, i'm youpto the challenge. we are going to get in done. thank you everybody. you have been listening to the president of the united states a wide ranging news could be fokornfor conference. he came out and said the rollout of the affordable care act has been rough in his words and i
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said we fumbled the ball and we funnefumbled the ball twice ande game is not over. and as far as how far the global reach is he began with the issue of the philippines saying that the united states sends it's could be dole lenses tcondolencs anpresident obama saying right w over 100,000 people were able able to sign un. unup he said that is not acceptable. take a listen. >> was that as high a number as we like, absolutely not. it does mean that people want affordable healthcare. the website has prevented too many americans from completing the eb enrollment process and tt is on us not on them there is no question there is a demand for quality affordable healthcare insurance. >> millions of americans are receiving those notices saying
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they have been dropped. this is what he had to say about that. >> people that have plans that predate the affordable care act can keep those plans if they haven't changed. that was already in the law. that is what called a grandfather clause and that was included in the law today we are going to extend that princ prino people whose plans have changed since the law took effect and people that have bought plans since the law took effect. state insurance commissioners can make laws on what is in their state. but americans whose plans who have been cancelled can choose to reenroll in the same kind of plan. john a caveat in there saying the state insurance commissioners can decide. >> the ball is in the other court. that is obama passing the buck
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oonto the state insurance commissioners they are likely to issue cancellations notices but that is nothing to do with us. the oo o other take away is they clearly unde underestimated howh people liked their exists healthcare plans it's only 5%. mr. obama and his team are glad to see the back of those and move into the pod that they need to join to make the 7 million that think need next year. even iif you get a cancellatione the president is trying to do something about that now. i do think that the issue of that old insurance policy, the old plan they unde under estimad how people liked it. the white house is trying to take the ball. the president saying that those that lost their insurance have
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one miles-per-hou more year to . we'll be right back. >> audiences are intelligent and they know that their
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with us tonight. up next is the golden age of hollywood going golden but elsewhere. why l.a.'s mayor has declared a state of emergency for the entertainment industry there. next.
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this is it al jazeera. ♪ and a warm welcome from my david foster to this al jazeera news hour. for the next 60 minutes. no police, no police, nothing. i don't know. >> there was a breakdown of law and order. each man for himself. >> security fears after typhoon haiyans armed men royal the roae streets of the philippines. 300 have died and a state of emergency has been declared in


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