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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 14, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EST

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president obama owns up again with a big new concession. saving the survivors the life and death issue. it threatens even more lives. first the denials and then the confessions, now get ready for the biggest surprise yet.
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♪ we begin with president obama's healthcare plan, and his new pledge to fix it. he says he is responsible for the flawed roll out, and in an about face, he says americans can now keep their plans for up to a year, but it still doesn't solve the problem with the website and the mounting pressure from his own party. >> john, it really was a remarkable appearance by president obama. he was contrite, he was apologetic, he took the blame, and proposed a fix that are plaguing his new healthcare law. >> that's on me. we fumbled the roll out on this healthcare law. >> the president denied
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he was aware of launch tests that warned of disaster. >> i was not informed exactly that the website would not be working. i don't think i'm stupid enough to say this is going to be like shopping on amazon or travel losty, a week before the website opens if i thought that it wasn't going to work. >> with millions seeing their existing policy canceled the president proposed a fix. >> insurers can ebbing tend current plans that would otherwise be canceled into 2014, and americans whose plans have been canceled can choose to reenroll? the same kind of plan. >> but there is no guarantee insurerring will offer the old plans. in a statement, the industry's top lobbyiest slam the proposal. it wasn't good enough for republicans either. they took turns on the house floor telling fails
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of canceled coverage. >> nearly 25,000 nevadaians lose insurance. >> of greater concerns democrats threatened to defy mr. obama. face as tough re-election in deep red louisiana. >> the president's announcement this morning was a great first step, and we will probably need legislation. to make it stick. >> late thursday, mr. obama spent top aids to try to calm nervous democrats as eroding support threatens the agenda. >> it is legitimate for them to expect he to written back some credibility on this healthcare law in particular. and on a whole range of these issues in general. >> even as he shouldered the blame, he inch cysts in the end, his health care reform will work. >> on a big gain, which the game is not over.
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>> and john, tomorrow in the house of representatives the first vote on a republican plan that would not only allow congress supers to buy their old plans have access to those old plans but it would allow insurance policies to sell them to new customers and the fix would go beyond just the one year 2014 that the president has proposed. >> it has been a long road for president obama. promises were made, but the challenges were enormous. >> we will have universe salt lake healthcare in america. >> if you like your plan, and your doctor, you won't have to do a thing. >> if you have health insurance, you like your doctor, your plan, you can keep your doctor. >> now is when we must bring the best ideas. of both parties together. >> and show the american people that we can zillion do what we were with sent here to do. now is the time to
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deliver on healthcare. >> if you like your current insurance, you will keep your current insurance. >> i completely get how upsetting this can be for a lot of americans. particularly after assurances that they heard from me that if they had a plan that they liked they could keep it. ultimately, i'm the head of this team. we did fumble the ball and what i'm going to do is make sure we get it fixed. >> the insurance agency has to be willing to play along, and extend coverage to people they have already dropped. insurance companies are already raising some concerns. >> keep in mind, we are talking only two to 3% of the population, but that's still millions of the people. this disstabilizing the marketplace here, and we
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may see a premium hike as a result of it. >> so do companies have to reone people that they have already dropped. >> this is sort of the gray area, what wasn't discussed during that press conference. the decision is essentially been pushed only by state commissioner whose review rates. that's usually a lengthy process. so to get that done, may be a tall order. it isn't also clear whether these commissioners are onboard, if the old price will be grandfathered in, or whether the new price gets included. so relatively a lot of questions here. >> will we be able to see this reflective right away or not. >> that's the interesting thing about this. one of the signature parts of the affordable care act, is ending insurance discrimination. but the ban based on preexisting seasons hasn't kicked in. so that means those that proposed able to get health insurance without obama-care, may actually
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be the healthier ones. so now if they don't have to join the exchange that means more sick people could be joining. so that really raises the risk for insurers when you look tat all the old and sick people that maybe couldn't get in before, and that could jack up prices as insurers basically renegotiate and look at new risks. >> we will be asking, thanks very much. in the philippines it is exactly one week since the catastrophic typhoon, the death toll is staggering. the rest skew and relief efforts overwhelming, and for the survivors the aid is still trickling in. paul has made it so sebu city and he joins us live. paul. >> john, i am here right outside the city itself. this is the hub on the military side of the airport. you request see some
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philippine is australian ships behind me. they have been looking loops back and forth, taking aid back out, bringing evacuees back, we saw a few hung go by here. you mentioned also the death toll, john, there's been a little confusion this morning the number we are being told to go with now, from the philippine government is 4,460. that's the official count right now. but we are hearing also from the mayor skying that there's 4,000 dead in his town alone. so these numbers still very fluid, obviously as more and more people are found, and people trickle in who have been missing these numbers are always changing. the big news here, right now, is that the u.s.s. george washington american air contractor carrier strike group is just off the coast, starting to fly in a lot of supplies. 21 helicopters on that ship alone, more than 80 aircraft. a huge relief capacity there. right off the coast of the province.
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paul i know you have talked to some evacuees what have they told you? >> that's right. we spoke to some just as they got off the plane, all they had were the things they were carrying. the clothes on their back, maybe a few small possessions. we spoke to a family that they felt very porchal that they had relatives in man nip la. and two young children, they survived the storms spending, most of their time in the mormon church where the roof was blown off, but the walls provided enough support they said they lost their home, everybody they know has lost their home. people really struggling. feeling grateful that they survived but wondering what has taken so long for aid to arrive. john. >> all right, paul, thank you. and for more on the disaster and the relief efforts we turn to craiglessson, he is on a boat on his way to baton island, the first to deliver aid to this isolated place, just
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north. >> we have spent the night. it is a relief supply ship that is heading up to the typhoon ravages islands off the northern tip. this ship is packed with food, and water, and even building materials as you can see here. so that the people on these islands can stop the process of rebuilding their lives. it's being set up there by a local government. and it's been organized by a rapid response unit. a local civilian volunteer group, and all of these goods have been donated either by the government our by private individuals. and one of them has already been up there and told thaws the island has been 95% destroyed. people are living up there without any shelter is very little food and water. and the medical condition up there is quite dire. one of the main problems is diarrhea and
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pneumonia, particularly among the children that have no clean water and no shelter. >> craiglessson on the boat in the philippines, in a few minutes ago i spoke with the brigadier general, he is the commander relief operations in the philippines and i asked him for a update on the relief efforts. >> so the office of disaster relief, informed me, that we have generators that are in bound. on the aircraft today that will allow the city to re-establish it's power, now i am not saying that's on a strict time line, lit take some effort to get that in place. but to you that will translate into the philippine government taking civil authority back, and trying to provide services from their end, rather than being provided by the community. that is a positive development. the other development is we have outlying cities that have reported in,
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they are in bad shape. in many cases the reports are a couple of days old, we just received a report that the second largest city, looks like they may have their own city water restored today. so we pushed folks down there to check those sources to make sure that nothing is contaminated. to me that's huge news. the other development is last night, we opened the airfield, 24 hour operation, and that's huge. last night we had ground convoys arrive. and the security forces and do the break down and distribute them out into the neighborhood in a more remote location. so we are seeing this huge surge of effort all kind of together, right about now, what we have been doing since day one, you are seeing it very very robust effort today. >> as well, there's a big
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navy presence that just arrived. tell us about how that is helping too? >> they bring a number of shifts. hundreds of thousands of pure water. they have containers that they can pump the water into, that we can distribute that into the outlying region. they have search and rescue, they can to to places that we perhapses can not get to, and make contact with these stricken populations. they have transport aircraft, they can fly in, they have already flown into the air force base. and so the george washington is a huge capability. kind of an arrival of the cavalry so to speak. >> thank you for the good news. thank you for the information and bringing us up to date, we
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appreciate it. >> my pleasure. >> good evening everybody. we are looking at a tropical depression now, they didn't really gain enough strength as it made its way over the south china sea, but for a tropical depression, this is going to jump anywhere between five and eight inches of rain. so you he so some rain over the next day. that's not the only thing. as it is pushing over here towards india. sew with will be watching this very carefully, the rain is beginning -- sri lanka will also be effected by this storm. and also over towards somalia, we were looking at this particular storm, as a cyclone making land fall. now, it's very rare that somalia see as storm --
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actually since the mid 1960's. only five storms have made land fall in this region. over 100 people died because of this, they received a year's worth of rain just in two days across h region. of course, here in the states we are looking at an atlantic hurricane season. >> kevin, talk later, thank you. president obama choice to lead the federal reserve says there's more work to do. janet yellen told senators today she committed to promoting a strong recovery. she says she will do whatever the necessary to get the one back on track. >> this is a virtually unprecedented situation. and we know that those long spells of unemployment are particularly painful for households imposed from
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great hardship, and costs on those without work. on the pages, of those who suffer these long unemployment spells. on their families. so i consider it imperative that we do what we can to promote a very strong recovery. fixed mortgage rates also increased. the market is responding to the plan to maintain the feds economic stimulus. next, barbara burke's mission, my interview with the former first daughter on her life and passion after the white house.
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>> on al jazeera america change the way you look at news next, go deeper on the nations top stories with america tonight >> a fresh take on the stories that connect to you... >> investigative journalism that's engaging, powerful, thought provoking... >> there's nothing but hopelessness... >> it's either kill or be killed... >> america tonight, right after live news at 8 and 11 eastern. >> welcome to al jazeera america i'm john seigenthaler, and here's a look at the headlines... >> al jazeera america, there's more to it.
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global initiative that is changing one life at a time. in a moment pi interview, but first this report from michelle kerry. >> these athletes are taking their passion for sport about h,v awareness to prevention. >> by grass root project, it's founder from grass rooteds soccer. which started in africa over ten years ago. the program is proven to be a huge success. using sports as a tool to educate and mobilize communities to stop the spread of h,v. now that same idea is being implemented here in the u.s. >> the hiv rate in d c is the high nest the u.s., and it's just a very little known fact, but it's a really great way that the curriculum has been brought from a global setting but we are also addressing using it to address the health need in the u.s.
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>> former first daughter is co-founder and ceo. all with the goal of addressing health and equity in the u.s. and in africa. >> i think it is important that we are teaching them about the choices they can make, and they can overcome the peer pressure. >> i think the program is very helpable because it helps a lot of us understand. the program delivered two months of activities and discussions. >> but being able to recognize that the problem is here and is broing and we are taking those steps to prevent it, and hope the people that do have it is amazing. >> i think more than one sexual partner can put you at greater risk of getting hive. >> when we are working with middle school youth, we are getting to them
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before they are engaging in risky activities. >> these college graduates are grateful to know they can help provide information that will help them make great decisions later in life. >> barbara bush visited al jazeera today, and i asked her show he got involved. >> i got involved in global health when i was in college, i was really interested in social justice issues and equity issues and when i was 21, in 2003, the president's emergency plan for aids relief, and at that time it was the biggest policy initiative to provide anti-retroviral drugs for people living with hive. so i ended up going on a trip to east africa, with my father. we went to five countries and i witnessed the launch and at the time it was a huge crisis, hive was. and i remember landing
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and seeing hundreds of people waiting in the streets that looked like now -- they looked like skeletons at the time, and it is hard to remember these graphic images, and i saw this huge inequity, and people were waiting for drugs that we had in the wrights, and that we had in more wealthy countries and they didn't have them purely because of where they were born. so i think i saw the need. to solve this huge challenge like hive. hiv. so i decided to go back to college and study as much as i could, and a few years later i met other people my age, and we were all pretty obsessed with solving health challenges and realized that we weren't the only ones. that thousands of young people want so solve the issues that exist.
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we are providing an opportunity to serve. we change them on system change and policy change, and we connect them so this is the beginning of their career. requested followed that didn't have medical backgrounds they wanted to think through how can they serve more people, in a way that they can understand, and act on the health issues that they have. we have follows that are architects. they have been working with help, and what they have done is rethought health clinics. tuberculosis is a huge problem in rwanda. if somebody walks in and has t.b. everyone is exposed. and our architecture has figured out how to change how air flows through hospitals and more lives are saved or changes. >> and later tonight, more of my interview, and
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the roll bill clinton has played in her global health mission. that's at 11:00 eastern, 8:00 pacific time. >> the buying and selling of elephant tusks is a $10 billion business. they have begun destroying a huge stock pile of illegal ivory. >> went to work in the rocky mountain wide life refuge outside denver colorado. >> six tons of confiscated illegal ivory was turned to dust, to send a message to the world that selling tusks from slaughter elephants will not be tolerated. we can't do it -- we are the second largest market of ivory in the world that is legal. and unless we get control of our own markets how can we in good faith ask
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china to do the same. by doing this we are taking the first step. >> much of the ivory illegally traded in the word, heads for china and other countries the fish and wild life service has been collecting confiscated ivory and soaring it at this warehouse outside of denver for 20 years. >> ayery is trading at such a high value on the black market, that there is sufficient incentive for traders to move even small piece pieces and what that means on the ground, is not just hunters removing an occasional single elephant, it is poachers taking down a whole heard. >> wild life experts say much of the illegal poaching is carries out by terrorists organizations that traffic in ivory instead of drugs. >> it is a high profit low risk crime, where individuals can make hundreds of thousands of dollars millions of dollars onle feint ivory or rhino horn, in a very sport period of time, and in a lot of countries they won't face jail
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time. >> we have a choice. we will either be witness or solution to an unfolding ebbing lodge cam disaster. >> wild life advocates i say international enforcement needs to be stepped up or elephants will go exist. >> one elephant is dying every 15 minutes. that's 30,000 elephant as year. just by simple math, in less than ten years elephants are gone. the time is yesterday. some of the remains will be saved to build a memorial. other culturally and historically will be saved for schools and museums. now ritchie is upset.
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>> yes, he wants to get back on the football field sooner rather than later. miami offensive tackle has file add grievance against the dolphins who suspended him indefinitely for conduct detrimental to the team when it was alleged hi had been bullying his teammate for more than a year. the suses pension by the team can last a maximum of four games but he wants to meet incognito want as hearing immediately to end that. is your american league most valuable player. who hit 317, drove in 87 runs as he claimed 28 of the thirty-first place votes. doctors are forced car joe franchetti to retire,
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because the injured he suffered in a crash, make it too dangerous for him to race. the 40-year-old fractured his spleen, boat his right ankle and suffered a concussion in the october 6th indy car race. those are sports headlines we have more sports news coming up later. >> coming up, getting away with rape, how suspects get away with going free, because no one looked at the evidence. >> find out what misdeed he is owning up to this time.
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welcome to al jazeera america, and here are the top stories. responding to the disaster the u.s. george washington reached the philippines. part of the global relief effort. one week since the catastrophe, the death toll tonight. and still waiting for aid. making job creation a top priority.
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the fed chief nominee also -- if confirmed he would be the first woman to leave the federal reserve. house democrats are expected to offer a new bill on friday which would include the changes. the only way to fix the healthcare law is to get rid of it. ray swarez the host of inside story is uncovering the healthcare story, and i asked him about the evolving response to the roll out. >> you know, there was hope on the part of the people who the team involved in rolling out the website and the exchanges. that the obvious problems with its of rabbit would be cleared up so that this day wouldn't have had to arrive.
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when the problems became so large, they couldn't avoided having to take this hit. so it was a march from he is mad at others to this one is on us. what happens if the problems continue is the enrollment stays low? >> well, it is a program that becomes in serious danger of unraveling. if we get too far into 2014, without fixing some of these problems because all of these various parts rely on each other for the program to work. snow longer bloom people, no longer refuse to cover certain conditions. the only reason they could afford to do that is because the affordable care act promised them millions of new customers paying into the overall pool of money to be drawn to pay for coverage.
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once those people are not coming in, once new customers are not coming in, the math doesn't add up for insurance companies, and the interplay between the subsidies that are being given to people who are low income, but need to be insured, and the pay outs that are being made, those relationships will be out of whack as well. if you take one away, then you get serious wobble. >> ray, thank you very much. >> good to talk to you, john. >> you can catch him on inside. one of the most notorious crime bosses will spend the rest of his life in prison. he has been convicted of 11 killingings and a slew f other charges.
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>> he plans to appeal the verdict. justice delayed, in the u.s. hundreds of thousands of people are raped every year. dna tests called rape kits are often the only evidence that can stand up in court. in detroit, prosecutors are revisited thousands of unsolved cases after the discovery of untested rape kits. but with money running out that effort could be in jeopardy. over 11,000 untested rape kits, some dating back over two decades, for years the kits which hospitals used to collect forensic evidence from rape victims collected dust inside this old detroit police storage facility. i was surprised. >> she made the discovery during a tour of the warehouse.
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>> so there was nothing else to do but pursue it and make at least at some point that we get justice for what happened to them. five, ten, 15, 25 years ago. >> but these cases comes at a cost, without county funding they depend on donations and grants. money is running out. and resources are thin. >> the fact i have to have fund raisers is what we have to do. >> is that normal. >> no, it's not normal, it is rad. but that's what we have to do. through dna analysis they have identified 300 suspected rapists and 59 serial offenders. as a result, over a dozen rapists have been prosecuted including this man. >> to a maximum term of
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30 years. >> antonio grant, a sylvia rapist, for raping a woman in 2004. the rape kit crisis isn't exclusive to detroit. in 1984, carol bart of dallas texas was raped. her rape kit went untested for nearly two decades. now she speaks openly about the issue and the need for more funding. >> i want them to know there are people like me that will come out and speak about the rape kit, until we get all the money we need, to have them all processed. >> worthy says an additional 15 million-dollars is needed to test the kits and investigate and prosecute the cases. with countless rape victims still out there, the prosecutor hopes funding issues won't jeopardize justice. al jazeera, detroit. >> it was another day of
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apologies and outrage from torontos controversy mayor. rob ford used rude and crude laing wang to dismiss allegations that he has made an inappropriate sexual advance on a female staffer. the latest from allen fisher. >> face thing media for the second time in a few hours he had to apologize for his first appearance, then, asked about allegations of a sexual advance on a female staff, he denied it using inappropriate, language, and now he knew that was wrong. >> and i used unforgivable language, and again i apologize. these allegations are 100% lies. >> the embattled mayor is also admitted he is receiving help for his drug use. >> i am taking accountability, and received advice from people with expertise. >> i do not wish to
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comment on the particulars of the support. >> police have confirmed they were investigating a drug case, when they found footage of him smoking crack cocaine. he added another reason for them to want him out. >> have you purchased illegal drugs in the last two years? >> yes, i have. >> ford has repeatedly apologized for his behavior, but has refused to step down, or take time off to deal with his issues.
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in an election landslide in 2010, his popularity has not been dropping but plummets. demonstrations calling for him to go, are getting bigger and bigger. but a man who admitted drink problems and problemming with his behavior, has no problem saying he is going to continue, even as the city waits to see if there's more to come. allen fisher, al jazeera. >> let's go to washington, d.c. now, and adam may is in for joey chen, to tell us what is going on on america tonight. >> hi there, john. a pervasive operation, interrupted officials in toronto, investigate one of the largest child pornography busts ever seen, we will have an inside look at that investigation, also, another installment in our on going series crime and punishment. called project rose. it acts like a get out of
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free jail card for prostitutions. but the collaboration is drawing criticism, is it offering a second chance or leading to more arrests. advocates say it is a ticket out for those that want us. >> we have people here that belief it is the best chance for them. but it is difficult when behavior is illegal to decipher who is doing it because they want to, and who is because they have to. >> so it is gray, it is not black and white. >> except that it is illegal. >> first store and more coming up right here on america tonight. john. >> all right, thank you very much. we will look for it. >> and the boeing company says in 20 years the worlds airline will lead nearly half a million pilots just to keep up with growing demand. will effect everyone who flies. flying through the clouds in the controls of an airplane has been his dream since he took his
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first flight as a child. >> it is all the conversations that make an airplane fly. from the wings, to the controls, to the way the pilot handles situations, i think i call that art when it comes. >> the 22-year-old already has his private pilots license, he is studying to get his commercial license here in south florida. it is considered the flight training capitol of the u.s., if no the world. it is highly covelled globally. >> of course i do have a concern of finding a job. >> but aviation analysts are concerned about finding enough pilots, they say there is a looming shortage at regional airline. when you consider half the flights will hit the airline, this will hit everyone that flies. flight reductions are inevitable. in a recent magazine article, roger cowan wrote there is no short term fix, you couldn't nurture, train, and hire
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enough to fly the planes for decades if ever. >> a starting pilot can make 18 to $20,000 a year, as soon as they can move on to a higher paying major airline, they do. also, new federal requirements have increased the number of flight hours to become a commercial pilot. and finally, with the global demand, for an airline are alluring americans overseas with highest salaries. boeing known for building airliners also trained pilots. it is one of the companies eager to recruit. >> there is a sense of urgency, yes, that's why bowing is very very involved with this whole process, and looking for opportunities to help with the increased demand pap now requirements implemented this year almost double the cost of training to become a commercial pilot to more than $100,000. as much as he would love to fly, he is planning to
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return to columbia, which required less training time in the air. discipline, and professionalism, can make them come true. >> the regional airline say they would love to make the dreams of aspiring pilots come true. the challenge is attracting enough. >> what it is doing for this paralyzed woman is remarkable. and in sports the smallest player in college football is still finding ways to make a big impact for his team.
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>> al jazeera america brings you live coverage: typhoon haiyan. >> relief efforts are well underway here in cebu. >> we have a problem with no homes to go back to. >> clean water, food, medicine, all vitally required. >> the australian medical team arrived. >> this is a government warehouse that is preparing relief for the families most effected. >> al jazeera america is there with continuing live coverage. >> the water rose to half-way up to the second story. >> to find out how you can help, go to
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in our weekly tech suit. report. >> these kids are about to give amanda box tail a life changes gift. it is a gift that will help her do something she hasn't been able to do here since she was paralyzed in a horrific skiing accident 21 years ago. >> now i want to invite the kids to just have at it and rip into it. >>
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that price down to aboutt the cost of a high edge motorcycle. and the way they are hoping to do this is through further fda approval. it is currently going through a lot of trials and if it is more commercially available they think the price will droop. >> what is it like for her, both physically and emotionally? >> she has taken thousands of step steps in this thing. but still, when i have gone for a walk with her, she just lit up. people who are paraplegic
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are in a lot of pain most of the time. she says on a scale of one to ten, she is in an 11 during the day. and she said this is one of the few thing things tht could really relieve the pain. and also to look somebody in the eye, this eye to eye feeling, looking at them, psychologically, she said it felt like she was flying every time. >> or to hug them face to face. what did the military use them for? >> so, this was originally developed for the military. it was a different version, called the hulk, that was designed to make soldiers able to carry really heavy things. but then the scientists said we could apply this to the medical field. can these be used for quadraplegics in. >> currently, not right now. the way this thing is controlled is through upper body movement, so they will shift their
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shoulders in different ways and they use their arms for stabilizing. so not yet. i do think they would like to get there some day, it just may not be within the next couple of years. >> and she is smiling in that suit, this also looks kind of tough for her, is it? >> yeah. it is. they get trained in how to use this, but they are all so motivated to get to this point to be able to walk with it. so i mean for them, as tough as it is, it is totally worth it. >> yeah, it gives them great hope. terrific to see you, thank you for bringing us this story, and for more, you can catch techno every sunday here on al jazeera america.
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mike leaves is back with sports you know i didn't really expect this from ritchie incognito at this point. >> the way this is playing out, i don't think you can expect anything. embratleed miami dolphins wants to play football again, and he is willing to challenge his indeft nit suspension to make that happen. the nfl players association confirms that he has filed a noninjury grievance, who suspended him for conduct detrimental to the team two weeks ago, after allegations emerged that he has been bullying his teammate for more than a year. league rules mandate that his suspension can only last four games but by filing the grievance he is seeking an immediate hearing to end his suspicion. less than one half of 1% of young men get the chance to play college
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football. for one player, his odds were even smaller than that. >> he has to be the least intimidated college football player you have ever seen. jason carter stands 4'9", and weighs 135 pounds. but his presence here on the rice owls is no joke. >> it is like a full time jock, because i just spend more time here than i do sleeping. >> as a member of the scout team, he runs the upcoming opponents offense in practice, to help the defense prepare for the game. his work ethic his athletic ability has teammates looking up to him. >> he can lift up to three times his own body weight. and so just by that he -- even though he is smaller than the rest of us, he has a higher sense of respect from a lot of us. >> late last month, late in the game, rice has a huge lead. and after watching him hustle for three years on the team, the coach decided it was finally time to call a play for
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number 25. >> he came in for me, so when i see him coming in i just -- my eyes just stopped and i was like oh, okay. go on in. >> one of the more memorable one yard runs of the season. >> just a little fella. >> just something you had never seen before, like whoa, somebody is smaller than everybody else can be on the field. i was surprised almost at the end of the fourth quarter he told me that yeah, you are going in to fun a player, i was like all right, coach, i will be on stand by. >> he has been a vital role, and he earned the right to play in a football game. and it was great to be able to get him in there to let him live part of his dream. >> the coach said when he first saw carter he had no plans to put him on the team, but high praise from his high school
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coaches convinced bailiff to give him a shot. his size isn't a big deal around here any more, for carter, it never was. >> it is not a surprise i'm going against guys that are much bigger than i am, because i have been doing it for as long as i can remember, and it's never been a challenge, because it is either put your best foot forward or go home. >> you put your soul and energy into it, though nothing can stop you. >> he has no idea that the one yard run will be the only play of his career, the inspiring sophomore engineer will be satisfied knowing he did something only a small percentage of people have done, no matter their size. al jazeera, houston. >> now so baseball, and for detroit tigers miguel cabrera, it is hard to top last year's triple crown season. but some would argue he
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had an even better offensive season this year, and for his efforts he was named the most valuable player for a second straight year, as voted by the baseball writers of america. on base percentage and slugging percentage were all higher than last year, and he led the a.l. in all three, for a second consecutive season. he is the first since 93 and 94. the national league mvp goes to the center fielder who had 317, drove ran 84 run and stole 27 bases as he claimed 28 of thirty-first place votes. because the injuries he suffered make it too dangerous for him to race. he broke his right ankle and suffered a concussion in the october 6th indy car race. he had two surgeries on that ankle and sad to see him at 30 years old, he is not able to race again. >> when you see that, he
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is so lucky. >> he is lucky those are the only injured he sustained. absolutely. >> kevin has the weather after this. >> next time on consider this. >> audiences are intelligent and they know that their
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of course more snow out here. ski areas expected to actually open up around the 20ing to the twenty-fifth, in this area, so it is going to be good in that region. and your hazard or winter storm warnings are in effect. if you are traveling in this area. make sure your are carrying your chains. things are getting a little bit better by the time you get to sunday, and you expect to see temperatures reaching to about the low 50's, this is also including parts of british columbia, seeing some very windy and snowy conditions as well.
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here are the top stories. the president is promising changes to the affordable care act. he says people should be allowed to keep their old private insurance for an extra year, but insurance officials warn the proposal could learn to higher premiums and disrupt the market. controversy opinion boston mob boss, says the plan sentenced today to two life sentences in prison, plus five years. he was convicted of murdering 11 people and a strong of other charges including extortion and money lawners.


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