tv Consider This Al Jazeera November 16, 2013 9:00am-10:01am EST
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the shooter was charged. consider this, with similarities to the trayvon martin case, was racism involved? also, toronto viewers will be seeing even more of rob ford. the scandal riddled mayor is getting a tv show. and the mobile game candy crush is pulling in millions of dollars a week, but is it and others like it are getting you looked like a drug? self defense and heavy racial dynamics, theodore wafer is facing life in prison for shooting 19-year-old ranisha mcbride to death. after rallies and vigils for mcbride, wafer was finally dieted in court.
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>> his name, theodore wafer. until now authorities had refused to identify him. he appeared in court for the arraignment of the shooting of 19-year-old ranisha mcbride. second degree murder, manslaughter and possession of a firearm. conviction could carry a life sentence. he said very little as he stood before a judge during his arraignment. >> we obviously do not feel that the evidence in this case feels that the defendant acted in lawful self defense. >> the charges come nearly two weeks after wafer shot mcbride in her face. she left scene on foot and wound up in this neighboring suburb. her family believes the recent high school graduate went to wafer's door seeking help. the airport maintenance worker told police he thought someone was trying to break into his home. and his 12 gauge shotgun
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accidentally went off. by all reports she was unarmed and there were no signs of forced entry to the home. >> toxicology reports reveal mcbride's level were twice the legal limit and there was marijuana in her blood. it insighted rallies calling for justice. >> in in this case, the charging decision has nothing to do with the race of the parties. >> shortly after wafer turned himself in mcbride's family spoke out. >> we just want to thank the prosecuting office for thorough job that they've done to bring the charges that they brung against mr. wafer. i don't even know why i'm saying mr. wafer. this monster that killed my daughter. >> you took a life, and you took a beautiful life that was starting to blossom into a beautiful woman. and for
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that, i hope you stay in jail for the rest of your life. >> wafer's lawyer maintains he agented in self defense. bc onilery, al jazeera, new york. just to note we also contacted the attorneys for theodore wafer but they did not get back to us. thank you very much for joining us tonight. ranisha mcbride's family must be relieved that mr. wafer was charged today. >> very, very pleased. these were the proper charges to be brought. we've waited two weeks as you've just stated but the prosecutor with the help of the michigan state police and the dearborn heights police department and her own investigators revealed that this was an unjustifiable homicide, that this was second degree murder. >> this is what we know about
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minimum about wafer so far. he has worked at the detroit airport for ten years, reportedly takes care of his mother and hasn't been in trouble with the law since two driving incidents 20 years ago. this is what you said about him after the shooting. >> i think this was human, human profiling. he did not value life. >> what did you mean about that exactly? >> what i meant by that was, he didn't value life. there have been questions raised as to whether or not this was racial profiling. this was human profiling. he just didn't value the life. he was in his home. the door was locked. the screen door was locked. shotgun. instead of calling 911, and summoning the police, he decided to go to the door. unlock his door. pull out his shotgun. take off the safety. and blow her head off. when the prosecutor and the police did their investigation, it revealed that the screen door
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was still locked. and there were absolutely no signs of anybody breaking into that house. his life was not in jeopardy. >> i want to get to that in a moment. prosecutor made it clear at a that race wasn't a factor, of course that's being raised outside the courtroom. you are talking about human life rather than focusing on race. you admit that early on, wafer might not have been able to are determine what race, he might have shot anyone, no matter what the race was. >> i believe that to be true. apparently she was box intoxicated. she had been in an accident. she was dazed, confused. one witness told me it appeared
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she had a concussion. she had injuries from the accident, intoxicated. knocks on the door for help and she gets her head blown ooff. this man, in order to avail yourself of stand your ground law he would have to be able to prove that he had an honest and reasonable belief that there was imminent danger to his life, imminent, that it was going to occur immediately. he was in his locked house and he had a cell phone. after he shot her head off, he then called the police. they arrived two minutes, two minutes after he had made that phone call. one could conclude, from that call, when he made the call asking for help, that they would have arrived in two minutes. >> let's listen to that phone call. >> i just shot somebody on my front porch with a shotgun. banging on my door.
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>> he sounds remarkably calm. >> yeah, and you don't shoot somebody because they're banging on your door. >> but it was -- >> you just don't do that. >> it was after 4:00 in the morning. wouldn't -- to be devil's advocate wouldn't almost anybody react 49thed when they heard some knocking at that hour of the morning? >> -- frightened when they layered some knock at that door? >> absolutely, absolutely, what do you do when somebody is knocking on the door? you call 911, you call for the police, you call for help. you don't go find your shotgun. you don't go open a locked door. you don't take the safety off of your shotgun and then you don't shoot the person through the locked screen door. you just don't do that. >> wafer told police first reportedly that the shooting was an accident but his lawyers said
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he believed his home was being broken into during the night. his attorney cheryl carpenter said, i am confident that when the evidence comes out it will show he was in fear of his life. what about this di dichotomy, a story about an accident and self-defense? >> they are totally, it is not an accident when you take your safety off your gun. it is not an accident when you take your safety off and point your gun. that is not an accident. second point: he is over six feet fall. she is 5'4, 19 years of age and when about you look at her face she has got a baby face. what was he complaining about? she was knocking on his door, banging on his door. he didn't say he was in fear of his life that she was going ohurt him. >> jerald we appreciate you joining us tonight.
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we want to discuss this more. lisa wayne is a defense attorney and joins us from denver col. and michael smith who has are written extensively about racial issues. lisa you have had a lot of high profile cases. what do you think about the likelihood of this case, mr. wafer sleeping, and she was knocking or bapging -- banging, different reports on that. his lawyers say ranisha's condition will be a factor, the fact that she was bo intoxicated. >> that is a fact of the case. if she was twice the legal limit of intoxicat intoxication, we're talking about a quick moment between two people that don't know each other and the response based
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upon that moment in time. so it's a fair question to raise. it's fair for a juror a judge to know -- jury, or a judge, to know how is she acting, how is he acting, did he respond in an honest and reasonable fashion. >> as a defense attorney how would you defend him if these reports are true that he first told police it was an accident? >> he may have responded with a gun in his hand and accidentally reacted to how she was with him and the gun went off. it's lard to know. -- it's hard to know. he may have had the gunpointed to the person he didn't know what is at his door at 4:00 in the morning. there may have been aggressive behavior, but she is under the influence of alcohol, in a car accident, we don't really know what her mental state was.
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she may have been acting very different than the person we know has been depicted by her parents and the people that love her. he is responding to that at a very quick moment to someone he doesn't know, he is armed which he is allowed to be under the law and the gun goes off. we just don't know in that moment of time what happened. >> and michael this case echos the trayvon martin case, we are seeing the activists and demonstrators in michigan using pretty much the same words that we heard in florida that this is another case that shows that our society undervalues the lives of young black men and women. >> i marine let's say that in this situation, he did not shoot her on purpose. it was indeed an accident. i don't personally buy into that theory. but let's say it absolutely was an accident, he was actually fearful for his life in that moment. we still did not value her life
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enough to -- for a dearborn county to look into this as a murder. to arrest him. i marine, you have enough evidence, you know that -- i mean you have enough evidence you know that you have enough action to get an arrest. you know? >> to be devil's advocate you said it could be -- it may not have been an issue of race. but if it had been a white person there in the middle of the night do you think they >> absolutely. >> do you agree lisa? >> i think there's been a problem here in terms of transparency and delay. people's feelings about this is if in fact the shoes had been changed, if this had been a black person who had been confronted by a young white teenager and been killed, would have probably been charged or looked into very differently. i understand that because people
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feel marginalized when there is disparate treatment in the system. unfortunately it should not be on the back of the defendant. you don't want to wrongly accuse somebody, but that's the system and unfortunately defendants have to live with that. you know it probably should have been more transparent and it probably should have been more equal in the terms of the way this was investigated. this works for the defendant as well as the victim. >> talking about law enforcement michael you have compared this to the case of jonathan farrell, a football player for florida a&m, who got shot by police as he got into a car. farrell probably knew in that moment he couldn't expect anybody to help him. he was probably very aware that knock on a stranger's door might back fire. >> no. we have made progress in this country but when we look at
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trayvon martin, when we look at jonathan martin, when we look at ranisha mcbride, as black youth as inherently criminal and dangerous something we need to protect ourselves from, when we have the history we're looking at whether we see somebody shoot a 19-year-old girl in the face yes, we're going to react and understand, that we're going to believe that he would not have done this if it were not for fact that ranisha mcbride were a young black woman. >> final question for you, the so-called stand your ground laws, have again a factor in trayvon martin and also in this case. the prosecutor says she doesn't think it applies in this case. there's no duty to retreat in your own home. someone who claims
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a lawful defense plus have imminent great bodily harm for himself. of himself or another person. is her reasoning correct? how, if he had a locked door between him and ca nearby ah how could he have felt that he was threatened to that extent ? >> i mean one of the things that is very importantly here, is self defense, one that's been used for hundreds of years. that's really wund of the things that's very important. it's a subjective thing. it's what's in the mind of the person at the time of the interaction. one of the things that we question ourselves when we talk about perception, something i agree with your other panelist,
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i don't agree with what he's saying but how self defense has evolved in this country and how that law has benefited. i'm not sure i'm agreeing with what he's saying but the problem is that we have long deep roots that this subjective feeling that if i feel i'm in fear of imminent bodily injury to myself, to my family and my house i'm allowed to use a gun. so there are deeper issues here that may go beyond race. but obviously the perception of how we feel threatened has a lot to do with race. and so there are a lot of deep questions and issues here but you don't want to just blanket it and say that we circulate wrongfully accuse people because we have these feelings about race and what should be just in this country. >> we're going to stay on top of those issues and questions about race and about this case and i thank you both, michael and lisa for joining us tonight. coming up we'll go to the philippines.
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is time running out on relief efforts for most vulnerable? also, obamacare's retooling? will politics and economics stand in the way. plus our social media producer hermella aregawi is track the social media. what's up? >> what do you think? join the conversation on twitter @aj consider this. and on facebook and google plus pages.
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>> the situation in the philippines is still chaotic in many places a week after supertyphoon haiyan stormed through the region. the death toll has climbed over 3200 with more than 12,000 injured. as many as 18,000 are helping in the relief effort with a big boost from a u.s. naval task force, including 20 u.s.
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military helicopters bringing food and water in and bringing people out for health care. joie chen the host of al jazeera's america tonight. joie thanks for joining us. the philippine government has been defending the pace of the relief effort, saying in a situation like this nothing is fast enough. from what you've seen is the relief effort adequate? has it been picking up? >> it is clearly a very difficult situation antonio. think about it. there are more than 7,000 islands in the philippines and a lot of these places are quite small quite remote and very hard to communicate with. juice short time ago, i met a woman and her daughter who had just come from an eastern province and she said for days our biggest hope was just to communicate with the outside world. we were okay, we wanted our family to know that we were
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okay, but we couldn't even tell that much, we couldn't get that message out to people because it out. it is equally difficult for information to come out even to the aid agencies through the nongovernmental operations or the governmental operations, for that matter. who are trying to help these folks. we are seeing a steady flow of aircraft at the cebu airport. through the last couple of days we have seen dozens of aircraft representing cargo aircraft, all kinds of nationalities. i see india i see sweden, i see the australians, as well, medical and food relief other kinds of aid, tents, tar pa palins,. >> so much of the focus was on tacloban, that big city that got devastated.
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but i understand you have been to other places more remote in northern cebu province. there are areas that couldn't even complk? >> right, you know, it is difficult, we were up in that area in the northern parts of cebu province. this is kind of a farming area, a fishing area, very coastal and it is quite remote. and the devastation was extraordinary. i mean it's just leveled. there's just nothing left in a lot of these communities. people sitting out under bamboo shreds trying to find shelter from the sun, because it's quite hot now that the rain has moved off, it is still quite hot still. yes, they are relieved to say they had gotten quite a bit of aid. the israelis, the swedish, actually a swedish medical team had moved up 52 the northern part of cebu. so there were different international groups coming in
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and it seems to be some effort that says each country takes quadrant. it is a difficult logistical problem. >> what about these thousands of people that have been lining out of these airports to get out. how is that process going? >> yeah, it is difficult. so when aid agencies and the relief aircraft move into an area say eastern samar they are able to bring in planes. we haven't been to all of these locations but we understand that some of the bigger ones is people queued up lined up to get on board some of these aircraft coming out. i was talk some time ago to an air force officer who said i've got a list of some of these people who want to go back into these areas to see if they can find friends and families and help out.
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a steady flow of people wanting to go back in. the lady we talked to a short time ago with her daughter, they know the imr chance of having supplies and food, she said even if i had the money right now, and i don't have very much, there just isn't fluff to buy. i have a six-year-old girl. i decided the best thing for her was to go and wait in line. she was fortunately able to get out with the philippines air force. she's going omeet up with other family in manila. it is a heart wrenching choice, i have to leave behind other older relatives but i have my girl. >> the george washington and its helicopters and sailors are making a big difference. don't forget to join al jazeera, sun night, at 9:00, for a special
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report, philippines in crisis, chord by joie chen. the house voted 261 to 167 and passed a bill that allows insurance companies to renew those policies that had gotten cancellation notices. it also louse them to sell similar policies that don't meet affordable care act standards. shortly before the vote michigan congressman fretted from upton, the bill's -- fred upton explained why it was important. >> if millions of americans want the choice to keep the insurance they currently have, why not? it is only an attempt to help the people harmed by this law. but if we can provide some relief to people from this disaster, why not? >> to some democrats the upton bill was the latest attempt to repeal the obamacare. or another effort to underpipeline the president. i'm joined
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by norman orn stein the author of it's even worse than it looks. good to have you with us norm. appreciate your time. you use heard congressman upton talk. why not? >> the whole idea of the affordable care act was to expand the risk pool bringing a lot more people, tens of millions of americans who have no insurance, in under an insurance web and protection. but to do that, you've got to get everybody, the sick, the healthy, together, into that pool. most americans are already there. i am. with the coverage provided by my employer. and if fact is, i've got very gows generous, extremely good coverage. but the part that i pay, means i pay for my colleagues, one of whom just had a baby for example.
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so i pay for maternity coverage that hasn't been to any use to me or my spouse for many, many years. that's what insurance does. what happens with the upton bill is, you're going otake a lot of people out of that new pool, in the individual marketplace, with this expanded group, and the ones that will come out are the healthier ones who can get a very good deal from insurers who cherry pick them and that's going to leave the weaker and the sicker inside and it's actually going to harm a whole lot more people than it helps. because the rates on many, many more millions of americans will go up as the others come out. so it's a dangerous step to take. and the way that upton has defined it, not just to say people who want to keep their insurance can, but will take a lot of others and let them opt out, as well, is very much directly designed to try and kill the affordable care act. that's why the club for growth and the heritage foundation,
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heritage action for example heartly endorsed his bill. believe me, if they're going to endorse it it's not because they want if affordable care act to work. >> kraut krautlamber wrote, you do it by subterfuge, hidden taxes, penalties, mandates and coverage requirements that yield a surplus of overpayments. is he really being unfair? because there are all sorts of taxes that are hidden here including taxes on real estate sales. and we are also seeing how the president promised he wouldn't increase taxes on people who made less than $200,000. but the fact is people who got these policy cancellations are going to be paying more. them? >> there are charges for those who are win rs and losers under this plan.
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the reason why all this is happening is because obama promised that the affordable care act would pay for itself. the medicare part d prescription drug program that occurred under the bush administration didn't have any pay-fors and it's costing hundreds of billions of dollars in an attempt to be fiscally sound. this is a larger point that charles made and again in a column today i find quite apollutioning. the idea that it's an outrage that people who don't need maternity coverage are going ohave to pay for it, when it's the reality of insurance that you pay for all kinds of things that you yourself don't need to be part of that larger risk pool so that others may pay for things you need and now it's just applying those to a smaller individual market. and at the same time krauthammer lauded the are plan today, march
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towards huge liberalism and in socialism. that the ryan plan is great, that the ryan plan is health care for seniors. >> doesn't that mean that an individual should be able to buy what he or she needs and not have to buy things that they don't whether they're just individuals and not part of a group? >> what you're trying do is take away from an individual marketplace that has been a young l and one where lots of -- jungle and one where lots of people got coverage they thought was adequate and then found out only when they needed it, that it wasn't. others were told that well, now that you need an operation we found a preexisting condition. you didn't tell us you had serious acne as a child. you no longer have a policy. those elements are not afree marketplace at work. and now there's an attempt to rationalize that and provide a base and standards of coverage.
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all of us end up paying more, groups. if you are in a relatively small group, and an employer would say 100 or 150 people two or three or four of your employees get serious illnesses, the rates go up for everybody. that's the nature of insurance. and if you want to leave it to a jungle of an vid marketplace or let companies cherry pick the healthy and let the rest of us a much larger group pay a whole lot more, to pay for seriously sick instead of all of us in the same boat, rogue together, then can you have that. that's what we have had for 45 or 50 million people who haven't had any insurance, another 50 million who have had insurance and don't realize it's inadequate when they need it, it's not that good. >> we have this jungle, this very politicized debate in
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washington and now the mess with the website that's taken all the attention, all the oxygen out of the room, has that again really taken away focus about the real issue about figuring out how to provide health care to a lot of people who don't have it and who need it? >> that's exactly right. what i find demeaning, if you take a look at the affordable care act, it's not socialized pln, there's still no public option, it's private exchanges of health insurers trying to create a marketplace with transparent information where you can, that will reduce cost because of competition, and provide services. in another world, you would find republicans and conservatives embracing that. because if you can prove that the marketplace and competition work in
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the health system, you have got in other places. even going back to the medicare part d prescription drug program, democrats were furious with what bush did but when they took the majority they said it's the law of the land, let's try to make it work as best we can and maybe even reform it to make it work better. it is an unfortunate thing for a whole lot of people who are going to be out there floundering because of the disastrous plan? you have a lot of people who would prefer to sabotage this instead of make it better. >> norm ornsteen, appreciate your time, thank you. >> thank you. >> it's time now to see what's trending on al jazeera's website. being hermella.
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>> two senior censors in the country that exr cater to the lgbt community. sage, services for elders, lgbt americans to grow old services for counseling, and same sex couples and support groups who help a member whose family is not accepting of their sexuality. despite advances for the lgbt community, they still face unique challenges. some are, quote, feeling like they have to go back into the closet in order to feel safe and considerable receiving senior related social services. we asked you to save your -- share your thoughts. i am happy about this it is mondaysly a matter of time.
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happening sooner than later. antonio back to you. >> thank you hermella. rob ford, straight ahead, are mayor of be toronto, gets a television show. and why are stars lining up to be celebrity pitch men and how effective are the ads? >> despite treacherous conditions, rescue efforts in the philippines continue... >> bodies are on the roads and nobody is picking them up... >> joie chen report live a special edition of america tonight... sunday 9pm et / 6pm pt on al jazeera america
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>> how safe is this building? >> earthquake inovations, >> where would you wanna be if a big quake hits? >> techknow sunday 7:30 eastern on al jazeera america is. >> toronto's seemingly daily embarrassment with their mayor is moving to prime time. rob ford and his brother doug are going to have a tv show. ford nation, will appear on toronto's tv station on monday. ford admitted he bought and smoked crack. video of a drunken stupor went viral, and ford admitted on camera that he reald, quote, f f-ed up. unbelievable. >> good both of you to join us tonight.
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i want to start with you. we've got paris hilton, her show was criticized for awarding stupidity. the kardashians are criticized of being the kardashians. is this more silly behavior awarded by a television show? >> yes, the short answer. but i think there's a distinction to be made between paris hill ton and the kardashians and rob ford who is a public official who serves the public and paris hilton and the kardashian don't have that distinction. and as a politician he is somebody who is also having a lot of clearly personal issues and health issues and giving him a reality tv show and a platform for that really mitigates the severity of having serious health issues in ways that we
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didn't see with hilton or the kardashians. >> we have seen politician he get tv show but usually when they're out of office. sarah palin being an example. rob, someone has a public melt down and then two seconds later there's a production company with a contract and a pen ready to have them sign some deal for some show. >> well that's true. and if we call that a reward, i suppose can you get rewarded for that. if all rob ford wanted for the rest of his life is to have achieved fame, he has gotten it. i don't think there's a single other mayor of toronto that i can remember in all of canada's history that we, down here in the united states, could name. i would guess that about 250 million of the 300 million plus people in the united states now know who rob ford is. and if they don't, they hear it on the jimmy kimmel show and john stewart, night after night
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after night. if the reward is to become spectacularly famous, congratulations to rob ford, he has achieved nap however, it is one thing when charlie sheen goes on a self destructive three month bender and there is another thing when somebody who is not only the mayor of a major city but at one point i believe had higher expirations to office. >> networks are businesses and this guy has become this huge famous person all over the world for this crazy and you know unbelievable behavior so from a television network standpoint isn't this a no-brainer? >> it certainly seems to be case. but one thing worth noting is sun network pegged it as a reality tv show, that sounds very sexy but it is just a situation of his
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ongoing -- exr continuation of his radio show with his brother. it's not exactly sure what he is going to be doing different. >> they may shoot something out of the studio. a continuation of a radio talk show, a television version of rush limbaugh, that could work right? >> it could, howard stern has been doing this forever. this may be a reality show like the osborns or the various kardashians. it is going to start open monday, it was announced today, do? i don't know what they're going to do in the street, my guess is he and his brother are going to be sitting behind microphones.
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the perfect promotional week for a reality tv show. everybody is interested in this guy who is kind of out barnumed barnum. i think it is a joke that's not going to last very long. a couple of people are having a good time while it lasts. >> hermella. >> we asked what about reality tv? viewer said sorry i thought he was already there. he has already had a run, what more could he possibly say? >> he could say a lot, rile right? >> people could have made that comment last week, they could have played the comment the week before. clearly, we see has a lot more to say. i think that's what everyone's banking on unfortunately. >> you mentioned the os
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osborns. ozzie osborn has become a lovable character. is there any chance this could be some sort of image rebirth? >> ozzie osborn had a reputation of biting off the heads of rodents. the osborns made him into a family man who loved his wife and loved his kids. to me, the more you put rob ford in front of a live microphone and a live camera, every time he's in front of a live camera, the more he outdoes himself. if he's a crazy clown in the history of canadian politics he's already done this and whatever he does from here is gravy. >> you thought it was a hoax. >> i thought so, you can't make
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a reality show over the weekend. then i are heard it was a continuation of his temporarily suspended radio show. that seemed are better. but this seemed too good to be true. >> really appreciate you joining us, thank you . jean claude van damme, one of >> every morning from 5 to 9am al jazeera america brings you more us and global news than any other american news channel. find out what happened and what to expect. >> start every morning, every day, 5am to 9 eastern with al jazeera america.
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chrysler. and justin bieber lend a lot with his super bowl ad. you might go with an animal. dogs were rated 21% more effective than celebrities in super bowl ads. why the internet game is making more than movies. what is it about this internet >> start with one issue education... gun control... the gap between rich and poor... job creation... climate change... tax policy... the economy... iran... healthcare... ad guests on all sides of the debate. >> this is a right we should all have... >> it's just the way it is... >> there's something seriously wrong... >> there's been acrimony... >> the conservative ideal... >> it's an urgent need... and a host willing to ask the tough questions >> how do you explain it to yourself? and you'll get... the inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5 eastern only on al jazeera america
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