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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 16, 2013 1:00pm-2:01pm EST

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>> from al jazeera headquarters in london. coming up in the next 60 minutes one bag of food to last a family of five for three days, aid is being headed out in the fill teens but somphilippines you aby the government is playing favorites. and the taliban has claimed responsibility of 8 dead in kabul. >> in the stories that we're covering in europe. i will italy's berlusconi
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becomes emotional after royaling the faithful arrest a political spliafter a politicalsplit. and now norway is trying to bury it's carbon problems. first to the philippines where the aid distribution situation appears to be improving, but the united nations says while the relief effort is increasing the main challenge is still access to remote areas. now the philippine air force has begun air dropping food packs to some of those areas. people have been swarming the aircraft so pilots have gun landing on the outskirts of villages before taking off again. in tacloban one of the worst-hit areas, aid is being distributed but it's not getting to everyone. thousands of people are still trying to leave with, many say
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they're missing out not because aid hasn't reached them but because local officials have playing favorites. >> reporter: work has been non-stop for days at this national government warehouse. victims pack relief goods in exchange for food. these bags are meant to last a family of five for three days. national officials say they now have serviced nearly half of the families affected by typhoon haiyan, about 15,000 people. these bags of rice are being transported by the military from a warehouse to a local government unit. these are the individual village it's affected by typhoon haiyan. the officials are then the ones tasked as distributing it to the residents. but there is no guarantee even under a state of national calamity with a central government's resources focused here that the aid reaches its ultimate destination. these survivors say they have yet to receive any help.
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and allege that food distribution has been colored by local politics. >> the village chairman, the one who lost is from our area, 62 b. others were given numbers to receive aid. those from that area and the other area, but not us. >> reporter: national government representatives make the rounds of typhoon-effected areas. they expect to get damage assessments from each village and an accounting of the aid already received. >> i personally go to the areas to check, i do it personally. i do the distribution personally, and sometimes i also counter check. >> reporter: but there is always a way to get around the system and they're aware of the systems the national government has little more than trust to rely on. >> we would have to assume that they know where, who needs it most, and who needs it more quickly, and how to get it to them. that's an assumption that has worked in every single situation like this.
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the philippines face 20 storms a year, and this is the way we've always worked in terms of coordinating with the local government. >> reporter: it might be time, then to, change the system. especially in situations like this. where many of the local officials are victims, too. al jazeera. >> let's take a closer look at just where with aid is being distributed. we have been traveling around neighboring lete province to assess the situation there. and she filed thiseport. >> reporter: it's about 120 kilometers to get from the western to the east easternty leyte island. the roads are busy with traffic of those looking loved one. sugar plain fields, banana
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plantations. village after village, nearly every building has been wrecked, roofs are merely twisted debris. neighborhoods along the shoreline have suffered the worst. thousands of people lived in houses built from little more than palm leaves on bam patio stilts over the water. a traditional style in the philippines. the incredible force of the wind knocked the houses closes to the see down, on the other side of the island, the side that saw the meter-high storm surge that flooded coastal villages hundreds of meters of land. the scale of this disaster is unprecedented. on 120 kilometer to get from the western to the eastern side of the leyte island all we could see is kill merit after kill
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merit of utter devastation. the death toll of 3,000 here but the whole area was a crowded informal settlement. those who stayed said they didn't want to abandon all that they own. in the end they lost all and were injured or killed for their effort. further down the road the devastation isn't quite as bad because of the hill that blocked the wind. they have water but no electricity nor telephone signal. young people are just sitting, waiting for something to happen, watching to see when help will come. >> personally i'm not satisfied with what the go government has done. we heard that aid has come in but they have not synchronized of it beg distributed out. >> reporter: many are sitting in limbo waiting for the nightmare to pass.
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al jazeera, the philippines. >> you can get more on the aftermath on typhoon haiyan on our website. including this interactive map showing the worst effected years. we have that and more on the libyan government has declared a state of emergency in tripcally after plo protests the led to the militia firing on the people. i state of emergency is now in place until monday. the taliban said it was behind an attack where six people were killed and another
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22 injured. jane ferguson reports from kabul. >> reporter: it was an attack on the footsteps of where the country will debate the future of u.s. forces here. a suicide-bomber rammed a car packed with explosives into an afghan military vehicle just after the afternoon rush hour in kabul was beginning. civilians were killed and injured. >> i have a saw here. suddenly there was a big bang and everything went dark. i didn't understand what was happening. it took me to the hospital. when i came back to see my shop there were a lot of people injured. there was a lot of smoke and dust as you can see from my clothes. >> reporter: the blast destroyed many cars and hit a street lined with market stalls. >> around 3:00 there was a big explosion. there were huge flames and smoke. i know some of the shop keepers there.
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they were butchers, vegetables, and a mechanic. they were all hurt. >> reporter: the police say it was a suicide car bombing here targeting afghan military presence which was present here trying to protect where th just beyond that row of trees behind me that you can see here. it is meant to host over 2.5000 representatives who are here to discuss the future of u.s. troops in the country. there has been a heavy security presence here for weeks. thousands have been deployed on kabul streets to stop this from happening before next week's meeting. this is an afghan traditional way of making a major decision, in this case about weather u.s..
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forces should remain after next year. jane ferguson, al jazeera, kabul, afghanistan. >> sri lanka's president has warned against international president on his government. prime minister david cameron has threatened to filed an i complaint with the u.n. if the government does not allege human rights abuses by march. we have more from columbo. >> reporter: the tension between david cameron and the sri lanka petepresident was clear. >> a frank meeting, of course not everything i said was accepted. but i sense that they do want to
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make progress on these issues, and it will help, frankly, by having international pressure in order to make sure that that happens. >> but senior government scry lan can ministers rejected the demand. >> we believe there is no need for international inquiry within the short span of time we have done our website in the reconciliation process. >> david cameron traveled to sri lanka on friday. the first foreig foreign leadero so in 60 years. they were surrounded by protest hers holding pictures of loved one who they say was either killed by sri lankan armed forces or have disappeared. 40,000 people were killed in the final stages of the civil war, mostly tamils. they concluded both sides had
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committed atrocities. the government said the criticisms were unfair. >> sri lanka had hoped hosting the common wealth heads would be answer opportunity to showcase it's revival at the end of its 26-year civil war but tensions with the prime minister and boycotts by several other leaders have largely overshadowed the event and have put the government on the defensive over its alleged human rights abuses. al jazeera, colombo. >> winning presidential election
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in oh monthly december, and yamine lost 51.4% majority. lots more to come on the news hour including people and power. a new report of cyberwarfare that is threatening daily lives in the united states. plus the countdown begins for the elections in chile. we'll meet one of more controversial candidates. >> i'm standing outside of the stadium in mumbai wher cricketig legend k sharks chin test tendulkar has won his match. >> the is streets of some neighborhoods are covered in sewage. >> reporter: it is not floodwaters which this man struggles to walk through. the human waste and sewage.
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it is almost impossible to avoid the felt in the neighborhood of the city the sewers have overflowed. >> the suffering has increased and we're unable to put up with it any more. even our children if they want to go to schools or the shops are forced to carry them. we've become sick and have trouble breathing and have new skin diseases emerging because of this situation. >> the treatment plant is flooded up to two meters high. >> the territory relies on underground tunnels linked to
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egypt to smuggle in cheap fuel. since the army has come in since july it has destroyed these tunnels. as a result, gaza's only power plant has been shut down and giving them only 12 thundershowers of electricity a day. and israel's power has doubled the price. and palestinians in gaza are used to harsh living conditions, they've been forced to trudge italy sewage is a new kind of suffering. >> the president of iraq's kurdish region has called on kurds to support peace talks with turkey. the they called the visit historic and thank for the
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meeting. we're joining live from you istanbul. just give us sense of how significant this visit is. >> reporter: it's hard to see, it's hard to appreciate quite how much the relationship has changed in the last six years. when i was in kurdish, northern iraq, in 2007, the relations between turkey and northern iraq were abysmal. turkey was shelling the place and they were seeking for military invasion. back in 2009 we did a story on al jazeera on how it was impossible for members of the turkish government to even use the word kurdistan in public discourse. now we have an official state visit with all the appropriate honors. the turkish prime ministerrer de waprime minister, andthere is
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in joint business reprisal between the two countries. >> that may be, but we know barzani is the leader of iraqi kurds. how much influence would he ha have? >> the peace process has been hiccupping along, it's been stalled for months now and many kurds in turkey are not happy. they want to see more movement, and more solid changes in turkish law from the government. they're worried that this visit is for publicity purposes. it's here to play to a turkish audience, and also a susceptible kurdish audience to make it looking like that the prime minister is doing for kurds than
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he really is. on the other hand, they say there is no losers if peace breaks out in turkey between t e indigenous kurds and turkey. the kurds in syria supported some say by president bashar, are looking like they might want to strike out on their own. that is a de stabilizing factor that is worrying barzoni and the turkish government. a relationship between those two leaders may discourage them from taking unilateral action. the peace dividend is something everyone here has their eye on at the moment. >> we will see. anita mcnaught reporting from istanbul. several people have been arrested in istanbul calling for
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justice for a 14-year-old boy who was seriously injured during a protest. police fired water canons, and a boy was hit by a canister. and he's still in hospital. they're calling for the government to find those responsible. they are concerns for the safety of a run up of wave of attacks tha. threatening to disrupt the entire process. the process pulled out a cease-fire that has been in place since 1992. we follow events in mozambique and bring you these updates. >> the police have come further in the community trying to dispurse the crowd and moving further in. you can see people, right in the
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second biggest city, what has happened as far as we know one party was trying--there goes another one. the police trying to disperse people. one party was trying to hold a rally. another party tried to have somethings will going on in this particular area. the supporters clashed. so the police have been here trying to disperse the crowd, and it's really difficult to keep my eyes open because of all the tear gas in the air. i have tears running down my eyes but this is what people have to deal with at the moment. elections are next week, and to see things like this, things that you see right now. >> former italian prime minister silvio berlusconi has shown signs of strain after a split from his party. >> reporter: yes, silviobe o
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berlusconi's right hand manned, alfano has deserted him. stung by the party's schism, berlusconi reached out to the rebels on saturday. he asked that defectors to form an alliance with them against their shared enemy, the center left. and the 77-year-old pledged to fight on despite facing expulsion from parliament after a tax evasion conviction. >> dominated by emotion, i'm excited to be with you. with passion and enthusiasm to construct a country that finds themselves like no one in a state who is confronted by an enemy. >> charges of crimes against humanity. the legal team was hired by the muslim brotherhood's political army, the freedom and justice
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department. they insist their evidence is inpartial and could be taken to the international criminal court. >> reporter: having appointed a panel of some of the world's top legal minds supporters have deposed president mohamed morsi listened intently as allegations were read out. >> murder, unlawful imprisonme imprisonment, torture, persecution against an identifiable group and forced disappearance of persons. >> reporter: the team was formed by the freedom and justice party, the legal arm of the muslim brotherhood. after investigating the violence in the months after morsi was deposed, they insist he was thrown out of office illegally, and insist that their evidence is not impartial. >> if we were to receive evidence of crime against the
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group. we would not destroy the evidence. >> reporter: the group said it was denied access to detain muslim brotherhood members and rely on witness accounts, photographs and video. >> the fact that the commission of the offenses is not an issue. the big issue is who is responsible for those offenses on the street. >> reporter: and they have an answer for that, too. compiling a list of people who they say either carried out the violence or who were responsible. the group of lawyers collecting evidence hearsay they approached an international network of human rights legal experts. they want that network to build cases against this list of so-called suspects but the group of lawyers here in london do not want to make their list public. the lawyers say they have enough evidence to take their case to the international criminal court or lay charge to countries that recognize international jurisdiction. but the allegations brought by this legal team are being criticized one academic al jazeera spoke to said that the group will have lit chance
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of success in court because of accusations he says are politically motivated. >> we'll have more in europe a little later. now it's back to doha. >> thank you. cybercriticals have found a new way to cause destruction and their method of warfare could disrupt every day life in the united states. >> for power companies this is the new frontier. cyberwarfare. cybersecurity experts say power stations are increasingly the target. north american power stations face 10,000 attempts each month. >> they're certainly more sophisticated now and the tension ten years or so earlier you didn't have so much attention on the power structure. now there is more attention. >> reporter: the grid is a target because it touches so much of our lives. >> without the power grid we don't have emergency
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communications. we don't have routine communications. we don't have hospitals heating and cooling, lighting. it's such a desperately large impact. >> reporter: last year the world's most valuable company, the 10 trillion-dollar saudi arabian oil company was attacked with a virus. >> it did not effect our operation but we lost 3,000 bcs and 2,000 servers. >> reporter: to protect against militia outages, they're hiring specialists like the home land security institute and carrying out practice percent exercises. in washington, d.c. 18,000 gathered in secret to carry out a practice against the dreaded scenario. a complex hybrid attack. >> you may have a small power company that they would physically attack, plow up with a bomb, drive a truck, cut power lines or knock a couple of
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towers down. at the same time that's happening you would be attacking the technology that the command control systems the monitoring systems to blind the companies as to what's going on. >> cyberattacks can be crippling and expensive. a series of attacks allegedly by north korea cost sout south kora $800 million. >> reporter: power stations like this dot the land between canada, u.s. and mexico. and one attack could knock all this out of commission. that's what happened in 2003 when a small power outage spread out the canadian province and eight u.s. states effecting 55 million people. a repeat could bring on a series of cascading power failures and cybersecurity experts say widespread public panic. al jazeera, indiana. >> still to come on its news hour, israel's plan to build another wall in the west bank. we'll tell i couldn't.
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>> reporter: here in dubai for the world tour championship. i'll tell you if the ice man henrik stenson kept his cool. what killed arafat? today at 3pm et/12pm pt and tomorrow the rivieting conclusion... >> one other thing points to this being an assassination... >> killing arafat tomorrow at 3pm et/12pm pt on al jazeera america power of the people until we restore our freedoms a
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consider this: the news of the
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day plus so much more. >> we begin with the government shutdown. >> answers to the questions no one else will ask. >> it seems like they can't agree to anything in washington no matter what. >> antonio mora, award winning and hard hitting. >> we've heard you talk about the history of suicide in your family. >> there's no status quo, just the bottom line. >> but, what about buying shares in a professional athlete? >> al jazeera america brings you live coverage: typhoon haiyan. >> relief efforts are well underway here in cebu. >> we have a problem with no homes to go back to. >> clean water, food, medicine, all vitally required. >> the australian medical team arrived. >> this is a government warehouse that is preparing relief for the families most effected. >> al jazeera america is there with continuing live coverage. >> the water rose to half-way up to the second story. >> to find out how you can help, go to
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>> welcome back. you're watching the al jazeera news hour. aid is beginning to reach people in remote areas of the philippines eight days after typhoon haiyan. crews have been air dropping food to survivors. 11 million people have been effected by the disaster. build calling on kurds to support peace talks with turkey. meeting with president erdogan in the kurdish city. the car bomb has killed six people in afghanistan. it happened in kabul where afghan elders are due to gather next week. the taliban has claimed responsibility for the blast. returning to the philippines and governments around the world are joining the aid effort.
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the united nations has raise the $72 million, the u.k. has pledged to send $58 million to help the relief effort, and the united states has so far pledged $20 million on top of a massive deployment of u.s. military personnel. >> on tuesday we would launch solidarity day. to collect aid and funds to help the two communities. >> thousands of people on the island were living in temporary shelters when the typhoon hit. now this is the second major disaster to hit the area in a month. the. >> town has been left ransacked bay natural disaster. this was 919th century catholic church, the largest on the island, and architectural treasure pulverized in seconds.
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homes from damaged or destroyed. this was not the work of typhoon haiyan. this happened a month ago, a strong earthquake that killed 200 people. the events are putting a strain on government resources, and the best they can do is to make sure that building is done with an eye on the future. >> if buildings are made standardized, this should be able to resist earthquake and other types of, forms of calamities like typhoon. >> reporter: nearby nearly 50 families still live in makeshift tents rebuilding stronger and therefore more expensive houses for the ones they lost seem beyond reach. >> we're going to build a small house, not a big house. the big house is more of a risk if another earthquake happens.
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>> reporter: at each end of town collapsed bridges have severed routes in and out. this damage was caused by seismic forces with a consensus building among climate scientists that the philippines face the future of worsening weather-related disasters because of its position on a warm pacific ocean powering giant storms. >> reporter: it is not just homes at risk. but bridges, roads, natural infrastructure. and people will increasingly have to rely on resourcefulness like this. >> reporter: and there is plenty to go around. the market building was badly damaged so it's vendors have simply moved to the street happy to be doing business again and adapting to a changed world. al jazeera, the philippines. >> thousands of chilean troops have we deployed across the
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country ahead of its presidential elections. voters will be choosing between a total of nine candidates. so far former president michelle bachelet appears to be leading the pack. daniel is in the port cit city vallecity valparaiso. does it look like a clear win? >> reporter: it certainly does. the political analysts are all talking about it as a clear win. the big question remains if she'll do it in the first round with 50% plus one of the votes or whether we'll have to go to a second round against the second place candidate on decembe december 15th. at the moment that second place candidate appears to be evelyn matthei representing the right wing, and she does seem to have a tough fight on her hands.
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evelyn mattahei vowed to continue the work you had leaving president. more equality, more health centers, more police. >> we're closed to becoming a developed country. we've grown. wage versus gone up. we've created jobs but we have a huge debt. the inequality is a responsibility we all share. >> reporter: evelyn mattahei has been distancing herself. she joined the campaign late as a compromise choice and has enemies even among her own ranks. some say she's tainted by chile's past. she may have an impossible task ahead of her. opinion polls have her trailing between 14% to 20% of the votes since she was selected in july, the third choice candidate for the right, thei when their first
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choice called out suffering from depression. many don't believe the polls. >> i believe she'll continue with the work and there is still a lot to be done. >> i believe if her. i believe in what she says. she has an iron fist which is what this country needs. >> reporter: they seem appropriate to overlook her links to the military government. her father, fernando, was a leading member of the leadersh leadership: she has been a staunch supporter welcoming him home after facing human rights charges. she has also faced charges against members of her own party. >> she has a style that many find disagreeable. she's independent of her own
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party. she's a very intelligent woman was was a bad choice when chile was marking the 40th anniversary of the coup. >> reporter: the closing campaign rally was held in a small city 400 kilometers south of santiago. out of the spotlight and attracting just a few other people it didn't look like a victory celebration. some certainty, some great doubts. the biggest doubt probably being 5 million new names on the electoral register out of a total of 13 million. for the first time in chilean politics, voting is not obligatory, and whether this vote will go to a second round, is unknown. for now we are watching, waiting
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and we should have clear results early on sunday evening. >> thank you for that. daniel in the port city of valparaiso. now back with more news from europe. >> reporter: climate activities have singled out e.u. japan and brazil, a thousand of them braved cold winds to march in the capitol of warsaw where conferences are taking place. they're trying to lay the groundwork to tackle climate change at this point it doesn't look like. everybody has to step up their game, especially the e.u. australia, japan, and brazil, who have behaved in a very bad manner this week. >> reporter: well, norway is trying to bury it's carbon problems, literally. western europe's biggest gas producer is investing millions
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of dollars in its technology to lower it's greenhouse impact including carbon capture. how does that work? first, co2 is separated from other gasses as they're produced at large facilities like power plants and steel meals. it's been compressed and transported to a suitable site for geological storage. finally the co2 is injected into deep underground rock formations beneath the surface. we report now from norway's carbon capture testing facility. >> reporter: it rises out of the ground like a city of steel. this is the largest industrial site in norway. and it's biggest emitter of carbon dioxide which can contribute to global warming. nestled on the site among a warren of pipes and chimneys, this test facility they're
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trying to work out how to best to turn the co2 tide. exhaust gasses from the power station and oil and gas refinery travel along two different pipes. then different techniques are used to strip away the co2. the gas here is released back into the atmosphere. but at a fully working plant it will be stored underground. >> the benefits that we can take large amounts of production and store it in a safe manner, and we can take it out from the climate system. >> carbon capture is costly. but the international energy agency believes they can reduce global carbon emissions by 14%. essentially this testing facility is an industrial-sized laboratory. in reality several thousand fully operational carbon capture
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plants will be needed to tackle the co2 problem. >> some environmental campaigners believe too much weight is being placed on the potential of carbon capture. because it is still allows us to rely on fossil fuels. but sorters say it could be part of the solution. >> what we see is that the demand for energy is increasing so rapidly so it's impossible for the moment to supply all that energy with renewables. we need to bridge into the renewable future. that's why we need carbon capture for the next 30, 40 years. >> reporter: norway's fortunes are largely rooted in its huge oil and gas reserves. the countryside close by are likely to escape the worst effects of any climate change. what happens at this huge site could end up being both part of the problem and the solution. emma hayward, al jazeera.
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>> a dutch traditional which celebrates the lead up to christmas is undergoing scrutiny. the event in which children paint their faces black is inappropriate. >> reporter: they go for the festival period in a big way here in the netherlands. santa, angels, christmas trees, but racism? that's what this is says campaigners. meet black pete. the face of the dutch holiday that proceeds christmas, santa's little helper but more of a hindrance who say he does not belong in the modern age. every year children paint their faces black to look like him. they have done since the 1820s, and race campaigners say that's where he firmly belongs 37 at the heart of this is a simply question, is black pete harmless fun or is he, as
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those campaigners will tell you, a symbol of racism and something that should not be around in 2013. what started out as a discussion has evolved into a debate and a fierce one at that. the man leading this campaign said as a result he has received death threats. >> you have kids running home to scrub their skin and bodies because they've been called dirty black pete. if we have grandparents who won't leave their house because they're terrorized by that figure--that's happening at the moment. >> reporter: black pete is being fought out in the digital tail. world. they want to black pete to change from this to this. 13,000 members strong and those who say pete and politics should be kept separate. >> do you understand why some
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people think its racist. >> no, i can't understand, no. >> it's a free country. we have many people were outside anoutside, and but the last yeas there are more problems. i think people that live here and who are black, i don't think it's a problem. >> reporter: on sunday thousands will take to the streets of amsterdam for the an you'll parade. there will be some costume changes to appease protesters, but they may not be enough. black pete will still be black. he has survived nearly 200 years. the question is how many more do they have left. al jazeera, amsterdam. >> those are the main stories making the news here in europe. let's take you back to doha. >> thank you. israel said it's going to build a separation wall in the jordan valley. this is a move that it says is a necessary security measure.
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the jordan valley is part of the occupied west bank by palestinians say the wall is part of an israeli eviction strategy by controlling water. this is part of our water and peace series. >> reporter: only one family still lives in the village, and this is all that remains of the cattle farming industry that once blossomed in the jordan valley. 84-year-old and his children have stayed while more than 50 families left. squeezed out by the israeli settlements that have been built all around. he now pays more than $1 a liter for water. israelis settlers pay $0.10 for the same amount. >> we used to have access to the jordan river. it was not off limits like it is now. >> reporter: this is what for decades has made the jordan river off limits and israeli military zone that cuts off palestinian access to the water,
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but the israeli government says its essential for the security of the state. in recent years jewish settlement versus been established in the area nearly 40 of them. and an estimated 9,000 settlellers have drilled new wells for exclusive israeli use and ground table water that was once used by palestinians. in all 50 water springs mapped in the valley only one is under direct palestinian control. and the land which cows grazed for decades is now declared a nature reserve and some animals that have strayed there have been shot. the last family in this area has been encircled. >> we used to farm this land. other palestinians used to farm the plot next to ours. the israelis came and closed the wells. people left because of limited water access. with no water there is no life. >> reporter: the pump that once provided the village with water has long been shut down.
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it's walls dwarfed b. now only 60,000 remain a quarter of a million people have been driven off their lands. the weapon used in this forced eviction, the control of water. to those palestinians who left and the few who remain, the separation wall now being built is not the beginning of the process, but an end. mike man i hanna, al jazeera, wt bank. >> we have sport news coming up after the break. find out which africa team has their place in brazil.
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>> audiences are intelligent and they know that their
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>> one of thone of the legendary cricketers of all time has finally put down the bat. a dazzling 24-year career bid a farewell to thousands of cheering and emotional fans. we have reports from mumbai. >> he loves to show off his prized possessions. he has enjoyed collecting items
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from his idol, sachin tendulkar. >> many are coming, dealers and everyone. i will not sell anything. even if i get money. what would i do with that. >> reporter: he has been watching tendulkar play ever since the batsman was a prodigy but connot watch his final match played against the west indies. sachin tendulkar has memorized cricket fans for almost a quarter of a century. his shrewd batting made him the ultimate nemesis of fast ballers. he's the world's leading score center both test and one-day cricket, and the only man to
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score 100 international centuries. >> what a fine performance by sachin tendulkar. >> his legacy would be anything is possible in any form of sport is possible, and not just for perfection, but to last so long, to behave with the kind of dignity he has. i think those are his legacies. >> reporter: it's a legacy his fans will not forget. for three days they've been co coming to mumbai's stadium to celebrate his long career. >> we watched him play for 24 years, from the time i was a child i've seen him bat. and it was a very emotional moment for all of us. and we had, like, we were tearing our lungs out cheering for every ball. >> reporter: after the match the
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emotion was palpable outside of the stadium. sachin tendulkar has left the pitch for the last time. a remarkable 24-year career that may never be matched by another cricketer. millions of indians are heartbroken. he was their friend, their hero, their god. al jazeera, mumbai. >> sachin tendulkar's career finishes in his 200th test. he's the leading run scorer in test cricket history and probably will be for some time to come. in total, tendulkar played 664 international matches launching 100 centuries. his teammates are sad about his retirement as his cricket supporters around the world. >> there was a really emotional speech given by him. we were all really emotional. you know, which was--that shows his quality because he thanked everyone who supported him, who
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stood behind him all throughout his career. that really shows, you know, the great qualities of a great man. >> the more he brought to the cricket, he just cannot be replaced. legends come and legends go, but you know, cricket, the world will surely miss sachin. >> nigeria has become the first african team to qualify for next year's fifa world cup. the african champions defeated 2-0 in the second leg of their qualifier. they gave nigeria a 1-0 lead 20 minutes into the match and a kick wrapped up the victory. well, ivory coast have made it to the last two world cups and they take a 3-1 lead against
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senegal which starts in a few minutes time. the match is being played in morocco because senegal is banned from playing at home after rioting between the teams. henrik stenson will take the run-stroke lead into the final round in dubai and puts the swede in prime position to clench the end of the season title. we have more from dubai. >> reporter: another hot day in the u.a.e. another cool performance from the ice man, henrik stenson. >> to come back from par on 12, and then just got a good run. that's the way it goes. you never know when you're going to be get on a birdie train. i stayed patient and was awarded for it. >> a third round of 67 helped the swede retain his lead at the championship at 17 under.
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he's a shot ahead of last week's turkish airlines winner victor. the frenchman has 11 birdies in dubai. ian poulter is winless this year but remains in contention heading into the final rounds. he's enjoying third. 13 under with hal with alejandr. and justiit looks like onlian pn challenge henrik stenson to top the money list and win $1 million prize money. the two who have had a gamble over this that henrik stenson will finish above poulter. for poulter to win the bet, he has to win the bet and stenson has to win third. we'll see if the gamble pays off
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sunday. >> world champions new zealand have extended their run in th the 2013 to 13 matches. and after they beat england 32-22. the all blacks stormed to 17-3 lead with tries after just 16 minutes. but a try and penalty made it 20-16 to the visiters at halftime. they put blend in the lead after the break for the world champs to come back with another severe try to insure the win nex. next week will see new zealand, the first team to do that since 1995. 31. france avenge the painful memories of defeat to tonga after the world cup by beating them 38-18318.
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and australia leading ireland 22-12. the czech republic has taken a 2-1 leads over serbia. and the best of five at 1-1, but overwhelming the home side, and then winning, and required only one more win from sunday's final two single ties to attain the title. the season high hole from lebron james has steered miami to victory over the mavericks. creating 14 of 18 shots from the field, dwayne wide became the second player in heat history to clench eight steels and eight assists and win 110-104. >> more at the top of the hour.
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stay with us.
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>> welcome to al jazeera america. i'm richelle carey. here are the stories we're following for you. aid at last getting to typhoo typhoon-stricken areas in the philippines. but more needs to be done to help the 2 million people who cannot return to their homes. a suicide-bombing in afghanistan killed six people. and two women's stories of survival educate others on important health issues. >> and the philippines the official dea


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