tv News Al Jazeera November 16, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am EST
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hello. welcome to al jazeera america. i'm jonathan betz in new york. >> keeping the faith. faced with massive devastation from typhoon haiyan, philippines make time to head to sunday mass. >> a suicide bombing aimed at talks over whether to keep american soldiers in afghanistan. >> fears a christmas character popular in netherlands is promoting racism.
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>> tonight hope is beginning to reach the far corners of the philippines, coming too late for many, and more than 1,000 people are missing from typhoon haiyan. our craig leeson is live at the airport in cebu. craig, in you can, describe to us the relief effort. to you feel help is getting to the people who need it? . >> well, certainly in the most immediate areas, the epicentre of where the typhoon struck in leyte, tacloban, we are seeing a flood of international relief come in here at the cebu air force base. that's been taken straight to tacloban, where it's being distributed. what we are getting now is a bulge effect. more is coming in, it hits these areas and bulges out into the more remote areas, which then goes into a trickle. we have seen the u.s. navy fly into gihan, taking evacuees from
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other islands bringing them into a base and bringing in food to that area. up until this point it has not received it. that copped the brunt of the storm on the east coast, the first place that the tidal surge came in. at a local level it's remarkable. as we drove from bantayan island from the northern tip of cebu to here, a 4-hour trip, on the way we saw people on the sides of the road with hands out begging for aid saying, "we need food, water, help." two days ago no one was helping them. on this trip yesterday locals filled bus, trucks, every vehicle they could find with food, rice, condensed milk and handing it out to these people on the side of the road. we see that aid get to the people now. i think there's a god send. most of them need it badly. >> it is a god send.
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what is next for survivors here? there's a lot of concern about the dead. are they making progress collecting the dead bodies. is there a fear of diseases still? >> well, there are a lot of dead bodies laying on the sides of the roads in body bags. they are not doing too well. they are causing problems because they have been in the sun for many days. there has been mass burials. they are starting to collect and it's starting in a concerted effort about two days ago. it's an enormous task here that it's something that is going to take some time to organise properly and dispose of the bodies. medically the hospitals are being sent up, doctors have been coming in from australia, france, from the u.s., and they are setting up medical supply centres as well to get much-needed medical attention to survivors that have been lining
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up to days for everything from cuts attended to to giving birth. unfortunately there have been those that have suffered in the beginning. some six babies decide shortly after birth in tacloban, because they weren't able to provide the medical care that they needed. they are hoping that that - the survivor rate will increase as the medical aid comes to them. they need ventilators to keep the babies alive and suppress some of the diseases and things like pneumonia that is plaguing children because it rains here often, and what that does is you get a very high temperature during the day, and that drops at night, and these children ball damp, they are drinking water that has water borne diseases and are becoming sick. >> about the newborn babies, did you get the impression that doctors, nurses and medicine are arriving or are they waiting for
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that help still? >> well, here at the air force base we have seen many teams of doctors and nurses waiting for available flights to come in. that's part of the problem, finding transportation to get them to the most-needed areas, particularly into some of the remote areas like bantayan island where we were. the problem on some of those islands are not so bad because they didn't get the tidal surge that leyte did. they got the winds that devastated 95% of the islands. nonetheless they are experiencing problems. because they are so far away some of the problems will become critical on the ground in the epicentre. it's a problem, i'm hearing reports. they are doing operations by candle lights. we saw a doctor a day or so ago fly back into cebu to buy sutures and medical equipment
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because he was stitching up people with a pair of appliers found in a tool kit from a house destroyed in the storm. there are doctors and nurses trying to get to the areas. transportation is the key. that's why we are seeing c130s landing at the airport. the priority is to get the doctors out there. >> the other big question is the homeless people - heart breaking images of people sleeping upped debris - is there progress on the shelters? are building supplies coming into the airport there? >> well, you are right about that. the homeless are a terrible problem. there are many of them. we have seen them shuffle through past the live spot here on an hourly basis. they are not just coming in from leyte or other places where
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there is no help. they decided their lives are in danger so they are trying to get out as best they can. there are queues at the airport that are up and running. in some of the places where medical assistance and food aid isn't quite as critical, they are starting to rebuild because they need the shelter, they need to be out of the rain and need warmth. in the islands off the northern tip of cebu we are seeing - and we were on a cargo ship packed with food aid and timber and galvanised iron to take up to these places so they can rebuild. in some of the places where they weren't hit as hard by this tidal wall of water, they are starting to rebuild their lives. it is difficult to imagine how heartbreaking and that must be to these people because when you see the devastation they have to start from scratch. it's almost impossible to understand what they are going through, and how they are going
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to be able to do that. it must be very depressing for these people. >> it is hard to fathom the scale and loss without question. >> craig leeson live in cebu in the philippines. >> much more on that storm later in the show. including victims turning to their faith. we go live to one of the many cathedrals holding sunday moss. >> whether american troops should stay in afghanistan may have motivated the latest suicide bombing in kabul. six were killed. jane ferguson reports that the plast -- blast occurred ahead of debate on whether the forces should stay in pakistan. >> a carloaded with explosives crashed into a military vehicle. civilians were among those killed and injured.
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>> translation: i have a kebab store here. suddenly there was a big bang and everything went dark. i didn't understand what was happening. they took me to the hospital. when i came back to see my shop there were a lot of people injured. there was a lot of smoke and dust. you can see from my clothes. >> the blast destroyed many cars. and hit a street lined with market stalls. >> at around 3 o'clock there was a big explosion. there were huge flames and smoke. i know some of the shopkeepers there. there are butchers, vegetable sellers and a mechanic. they were hurt. >> the police say it was a scuffed carr bombing here, targetting afghan military presence, present here, trying to protect where the loya jirga holl is beyond the row of trees. it is meant to host 2,500 representatives from around afghanistan later next week who will come here to discuss the
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future of u.s. troops in the country. there has been a heavy security presence here for weeks. thousands of security forces have been deployed onto kabul's streets trying to stop in from happening at next week's meeting. loya jirga holl gathered leaders, an afghan way of making a decision. in this case about whether u.s. forces should stay after their deadline for withdrawal next year. >> those responsible for the bombing prefer to use their voice in a direct violent way. >> libyan soldiers stormed militia, sparking fighting that killed four, as thousands gathered in tripoli no mourn 43 protestors killed by militia yesterday. the prime minister ali zeidan demanded the fighters leave the capital, which they refused to
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do. sebastian walker has more from tripoli. >> this is how a militia group in tripoli responded to a protest demanding its fighters get out of the city. the demonstrators were attacked as they marched towards the hours of the misrata brigade. one of libya's many militia groups. >> these are the conditions of war, not a peaceful protest. this is the result - blood. >> fighting broke out among different armed groups. and by the end of the confrontation more than 30 people had been kill. >> i saw scenes of chaos at the hospital - both in front of the hospital with lots of militia and armed men trying to divert traffic, and the same thing was reflected inside the hospital, where i also saw lots and lots of armed men running around
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totally overwhelmed. >> a week ago the government called on people to take to the streets to pressure the militia groups to disband. >> translation: the departure of militias from tripoli is a command not up for discussion, it's a necessary and urgent command. >> even the city council said there should be a campaign of the civil disobedience. they didn't expect a violent response. security forces stayed out of it. but some people blame them for not doing enough. >> they started shooting. look, this is the blood of libbians, i say to the national congress, you traitors, and to the government you trait scores. where is the army, where is the police? >> the militia groups rose to power after overpowering former leader muammar gaddafi. since then, attempts to enter
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rate them back into society failed. the fighters don't want to lay down their arms. the streets of the capital are quiet. overnight there were heavy exchanges of gun fire. with funerals of more than 30 killed likely to take place today the streets are tense. as the militias are powerful the central government grose weaker. with it libya appears increasingly lawless. >> and in washington yet another embarrassment for the president's health care plan. "the washington post" reports the lead contractor employs top executives from a troubled tech company. american management systems mishandled 20 it projects, including a botched attempt to automate retirement benefits from millions of government workers. >> calls for administrative
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reforms are unanswered. there are minor changes in the works. immigration officials have been ordered to stop deporting undocumented relives of u.s. military personal. the new directive means less stress for active duty and retirement service members. a hacker with the group "anonymous" will spend a decade behind barks jeremy hammond pled guilty to stealing data. he hacked into files on 8,60,000 clients. he argued it was a civil disobedience, among his supporters wikileaks's julian assange. >> the government is hitting whistleblowers with a sledgehammer because they are upset by it, because of secrecy if openness. >> jeremy hammond described his goal as financial mayhem and wrote, "i'm hoping for
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bankruptcy chaos", the judge said those conversations proved jeremy hammond meant to cause harm. >> as online security experts try to stay ahead of cyber hackers, a target is getting special tension. america's power grid. john hendren introduces us to the scientists working to protect it. >> for power companies this is the new frontier - cyber warfare. cyber security experts say power stations are increasingly a target. north american power stations face 10,000 attempted attacks each month. >> they are more sophisticated now, and in 10 years or so earlier you didn't have so much attention on the power infrastructure. now there's more attention on the infrastructure. >> the power grid is a target because it touches so much of our lives. >> without the power grid we don't have emergency communicationing, routine communication, hospitals, heating, cooling, lighting -
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it's a desperately large impact. >> last year the world's most valuable company, the $10 trillion saudi arabia company was attacked with a virus called shamoon. we lost around 3,000 pc, and 2,000 servers. to protect against militias, power companies employ special lifts like those here to carry out practice exercises. in washington d.c. 1800 power officials, regulators, and homeland security experts gathered in secret. a complex hybrid attack. >> you'd have a small power company transformer station that they'd physically attack. blow up with a bomb, drive a truck into it, cut power lines. at the same time that is happening you'd attack the technology, the command and control systems, monitoring
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systems to blind the companies as to what is going on. >> cyber attacks can be crippling and expensive. a series of attacks cost south korea $800 million. >> power stations like this dot the landscape like u.s. and canada. cyber security experts say an attack could darken north america and knock this into submission. >> that happened in 2003, 55,000 million were affected by a blackout. a repeat could bring on power failures and cyber security and widespread panic. >> earlier tonight tim maurer outlined for us the likelihood of that kind of attack. >> an attack is highly unlikely in terms of a blackout that we saw in the clip. it's important to distinguish between what is technically
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possible and what is actually likely. to look at the actors interested to carry out an attack like that. >> how much - how many resources would it take. who do you think is likely to carry out an attack like this? >> that is a great question. essentially you can think of three groups of actors that could have an interest in doing this. this is first states, second criminal groups, and third terrorists. as far as we know today terrorists don't have the capability to carry out cyber activity like that. criminal groups don't are much of an incentive because the blackout in terms of gaining economic benefits is not really the best in terms of what you can do online. that leaves us with states. and states are the ones that we have seen being most aggressive in terms of trying to develop cyber capabilities. >> it goes both ways, hasn't the united states used cyber attacks
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to deal with iran. >> the united states government and the israeli government were the two governments that developed stuxnet and that is a cyber worm, a computer worm developed and tarted a nuclear facility in iran. the new york times article points out that stuxnet within the government circles was not known as stuxne it, but operational olympic games. it signals that it was not app attack that took place on a day, but was like an operation, a campaign that took place for months, years, and was playing with the sentry fuges at the nuclear facility. >> if you find yourself outside you may want to look up. in an hour you'll have a chance to see not one, but several shooting stars. they are meteors. this weekend is the time to see them. the leonid meteor happens every november, getting the name from
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the leo constellation in the east. the leonids are comet dust lighting up the sky as they travel at 158,000 miles per hour. you'll have a chance to see it in the south-west or north-east part of the country. the best time is 5am eastern on sunday. the next night the meteors will have competition, and that's the full moon that will steal the spotlight to some extent. >> there's more ahead. including a high-stakes court case for google. it is unfolding like a drama and for authors, it's not a happy ending. it's a christmas tradition, is it racist. people in netherlands protesting a holiday called black pete.
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an extreme difference in temperature from the north-west to the south-east is bringing a threat of severe weather as we get into overnight tonight and tomorrow afternoon. 47 in seattle. look further south. 75 degrees in houston. now, being in november we do expect cooler temperatures, temperatures will warm up significantly. even chicago sitting at 60 degrees. chicago - you are one of the places we are watching for severe weather as we get into
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sunday afternoon. we this snow - that was the story in the mountains, as we looked at the north-west. north-east washington, and northern idaho had snow. winter storm warnings effect for idaho, montana and all the way down into colorado rockies. great for ski season. now we are starting to see a shift in our focus, which is going to potentially damage winds. these will develop in the central midwest. and this is because of the clash of two different temperature airmasses. more details about where to expect the powerful thunder storms tomorrow, coming up. >> the netherlands - a halliday tradition is igniting claims of racism. it's about a lopping-standing tradition in which resident dress in black face. phil lavelle has the story. >> they go through the festive period in a big way in the netherlands - santa's, angels,
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christmas trees, but racism. meet black peat the says of sinterklass, a dutch holiday preceding christmas. more of a hindrance some say. children across the country paint their faces black to look like him and have down so since the 1820s. campaigners say that's where he belongs. at the heart of this is a question - is black peat harmless fund. dutch tradition that should be left alone. or is he - as the campaigners tell you a symbol of racism, slavery, something that should not be around in the 2013. what started out as a discussion is a debate, and a fierce one. the man leading the campaign says as a result he has received death threats. >> if you have kids running home after school, scrubbing skin off their bodies, we have a problem.
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if we have grandparents elderly who won't leave the house, we have a problem. if we have... >> is that happening? >> it's happening at the moment. >> black peat may live in the story books, his face is fought out in the digital world. this is the tale of two facebook campaign, one to have black peat changed from this to this, 13,000 strong, compared to 2 million saying pete and politics should be kept separate. can you understand why some say it is racist? >> no, i cannot understand. it's a free country. so many people from outside, 30, 40 years. we have no problems. in the last few years there are more problems. i think people that live here - i think there's not a problem. >> on sunday thousands will take
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to the streets for the annual parade. there'll be costume changes to apiece protesters, they may not be enough. black pete may be black. he survived 200 years, but the question is how many more does he have left. >> well, here in the states of southern california school may make changes to its mascot. sports teams at coachella valley high school call themselves the arabs, and the mascot is a bearded man in a mask. at a meeting, he may now be given a fays lift but changing the nickname is off the table. >> all righty, mark morgan is here with the sports. a frantic finish down south. >> this was craze yip. we'll get to it. there's a lot of hope involved in a hail mary.
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if it works luck as well. auburn and georgia - what a finish. fourth and 18. 37-37, tigers need a miracle. watch this nick marshall fades back, tipped by two georgia defenders, into the hands of ricardo louis. 73 yards for an unlikely touch done, tigers 43-38. elsewhere percy harvin ready to go. he hasn't played this season after undergoing hip surgery,he's lifted as probable. percy harvin was an off-season acquisition. the seahawks signed him to a five year $67 million. seattle 9-1. and the la lakers welcome back kobe bryant, back after tearing an achilles, he declined to
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comment saying he felt it was time to test himself with a workout. that's it for headlines this hour. later - we'll fell you in on the action involving the top five teams in the b.c. s standings. >> chile prepares to choose a president. more on the two different women running for that job. that is next on al jazeera america.
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. welcome back to al jazeera america, i'm jonathan betz with the headlines. the taliban is behind a suicide bombing killing six in kabul. it happened where thousands of tribal leaders discuss whether u.s. troops should stay in afghanistan. >> survivors of typhoon haiyan held mass in a cathedral in palo. help is arriving. more than 1,000 are missing. >> tomorrow the people of chile vote for their next president. the country is an important ally
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to the united states. two women are in the running. al jazeera is in the capital city with reports on both sides. we have more on newcomer evelyn matthei. but we begin request former president michelle bachelet. lucie newman has the report. >> she's a single mother, an atheist and socialist. south america's most conservative county. former president michelle bachelet is so popular that she gave up her job as the head of the unwomen's organization to run for office again. 69-year-old norma guerra is a housewife. who, like many women in this working class neighbourhood, is passionate about michelle bachelet. >> translation: to one recognise the us or cared about housewive's until michelle came along and changed our lives with pensions and other social
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programs. >> michelle bachelet is soft spoken and personable, some say like a mother to chile. some critics accuse her of talking social. >> and defending a pr business economic system favoururing a smul elite. this time she promises to level the playing field. gradual changes that most favour. >> they don't want to kill the goose that lay the golden egg. they want the eggs to be better distributed. that's what they are voting for. they expect michelle bachelet to better distribute the benefits of economic growth. >> michelle bachelet's personal life has been marked by tragedy. first her stepfather was imprisoned and died during the 1973 military group. >> this is villa grimaldi. behind its gates was a secret interrogation and torture
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center, where michelle bachelet and her mother were detained until being sent to exile. this is the 40th anniversary of that coup and led to a lot of soul-searching. michelle bachelet said it's difficult to heal chile's wounds and her own. >> the thing i learnt is how could we never again live in a country who can be described by some offers as a country of enemies. >> her past made her determined and cautious. some say too cautious to really fight in a second term for political or economic reforms she wouldn't make in the first. >> now we want to go to the candidate evelyn matthei, a conservative, hoping to continue the work of the current president sebastian pinera.
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daniel schweimler has more. >> evelyn matthei oozes confidence. here at her closing campaign rally she vowed to continue the work of the outgoing right wing president sebastian pinera. more jobs promised the former employment minster, equality, health centres and police. >> translation: we are close to becoming a developed country, we have grown, wages are going up. we created jobs. we have a huge debt. inequality is a responsibility we all share. >> evelyn matthei has been distancing herself and singing along with mr sebastian pinera. she joined the campaign late as a compromised choice and has enemies among her own ranks. some say she's tainted by chile's past. she has a task, an impossible task perhaps, ahead of her. >> opinion polls had or trailing with between 14 and 20% of the vote since selected in july, as
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the third choice candidate for the rite when their first choice, pablo longueira pulled out suffering from depression. these supporters don't believe the polls. >> translation: i believe she'll continue the work of sebastian pinera. there's a lot to be done. >> i believe in her. i believe in what she says. she has an iron fist. it's what the country needs. >> they seemed prepared to overlook or accept evelyn matthei's links. her father was a leader member of the general's leadership. evelyn matthei has been a staunch augusto pinochet supporter. evelyn matthei has also been involved in a number of well pub lis sissed controversies with members of her own party. >> translation: see has an
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aggressive style and characteristics that certain fined disagreeable. she has many ideas of her own and is an intel gent woman. >> her closing campaign rally was held in a small city 400km south of sandy argo. out of the spotlight, attracting a few hundred people. it didn't look like a victory celebration. >> back to our top stories, the latest on the recovery from typhoon haiyan, prayers are being shared at palo, at leyte province. veronica pedrosa attended the mass and joins us now. i i understand you have family in that community. how is everyone coping?
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>> they are coping as well as they can. what is difficult is to see the extent of the devastation. i travelled a 120km journey to get here from the western side to leyte, to the east of leyte. the kind of devastation that we are seeing is replicated right across the island. there are 10 million people affected by the typhoon, one in every 10 philippino, this is a populist county, there are 92 million people. yes, i have family. my father's family is from here. i am one of millions affected by what happened. i think you can see the church behind me, and what happened a bit earlier was that the archbishop and the cardinal did a co-celebration with the people from the community. it was a sober event and one in which they tried to inspire people to keep going, to be
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determined, to motivate them to get through the terrible time. the church itself may have lost its roof. the rain may be coming through the roof, but they are worshipping anyway. i want to show you, jonathan, what the destruction is that we are talking about. if i get the cameraman to pan over, you can see how every single roof in this neighbourhood has been - flew off the building that office moored to. all the people in this area - we are talking more than 1,000,ar homeless. at the hill above, i don't know if you can see it. it looks as if all the plants have been killed because of the nature's wrath, as it were. the danger there will be the possibility of landslides. rains continue, we are in the monsoon season. >> that's a good point. they are not out of woods. tell me more about the mass. you mentioned the roof was
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missing from the church. did they hold services inside the sanctuary of the building or outside. i'm curious to know what it looked like. >> they held the mass not in the main body of the church where the roof flew off. it was only renovated a year ago, in a church that was more than 400 years old, but in a side part where the roof remains intact, and a lot of people stayed outside, trying to listen through the loud speaker to what was going on. it's normal thing here in the philippines, which is a majority catholic country to go to mass on a sunday, turning to the church as a key institution that they can trust to help them to help their communities. there's a lot of criticism of government corruption for decades now in the philippines. so what we are seeing is the
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church stepping in and providing a lot of relief goods, and that's not just the catholic church but protestant churches. >> talk about the relief efforts. are they getting as much attention as nearby tacloban? palo is a smaller town than tacloban. tacloban was a provincial capital. you had big buildings - for example, the state capital building, the capitolia they call it. it's a huge concrete building. that is not the case. the church is probably the most sturdy building as well as the municipal hall, the city hall - and they are both ruined. this area got just as much of a buffeting from the winds and the storm surge 15 metres high. as i mentioned, my family comes from here, and they - many of
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them, my extended family didn't survive in the 15 metre storm surge that no one understand was coming. when they said storm surge, they thought maybe the water would flood. they didn't realise how high it would come and with how much force. >> i'm sorry, i want to be clear. you say part of your extended family did not make it from the storm? >> they did not make it. they did not make it. that is not uncommon, i'm afraid to say. everyone here has lost someone. every single family has been affected. you're talking about more than 90% of buildings destroyed. people not prepared. some people who didn't want to move because they didn't want to leave their earthly possessions behind and what happened to them is they were injured or killed for their efforts. but entire communities were
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swept away. in the church, the first mass grave was dug, there's about 30 people in a mass grave. many funerals are going on, of course, it's a sunday. >> it is a sunday, a day for church without question. veronica pedrosa, sorry to hear about your family, our thoughts are are you and we appreciate your incredible reporting. veronica pedrosa live in palo, thanks. we'll have more after the break.
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ideas to measure their climate change. delegates hope to reach a long-term deal to slow global warming. >> japan is backing off targets to cut emissions by 25% by 2020. it's blames the fukushima nuclear disaster. japan generated over a quarter of its power from nuclear energy, after the 2011 quake its reactors were shut down. activists at the climate talks are condemning the decision. >> in spain - street sweepers ended a strike. emergency workers began to clear the streets as talks continued. >> interested in picking up a classic. maybe charles dickens's "tale of two cities." or herman melville "motorbiky dick", or alexander's "three musketeers", these works have been scanned and are available
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online for free through google books. it's working with groups to give classics and long forgotten works new life. millions of titles are included and that has google fighting accusations of copyright infringements. the author's guilt and the association of american publishers sued google. a judge ruled google's project is league app under fair youth. i spoke to a researcher and asked him what the lawsuit means for the web. >> this is a landmark ruling, an amazing - after eight years in litigation it's an absolute complete support for google. it's a repudiation of the people who brought the lawsuit, and a real win, a victory for google.
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i am sure that some of the executives at apple and microsoft were looking for google to lose much the judge came out swipinging for google -- interinging for -- swipinging for google here. >> if you go to google books. a lot of people will be surprised how large the search database is. there's millions of titles and a huge chunk of books on the web. you can read chapters. >> 20 million books signed. you can search the text and you can read portions of the text. if you like it you can buy it. even the american library's association really came out in support of the judge's decision saying if this was good for books and lib ris, good for research. the judge's decision, and - to get behind google on this. he went through the four different parts of fair use. in three of them found that google was not in any violation, and in one found a weak
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violation. i would say the most interesting part of the judge's ruling was his notion that the service google is providing through goog the books is an important educational service, an important part of making the books broadly available for learning and education. you say good for google and goocks. is it not bad for authors seeing so many are angry. >> there's no doubt the creative class that authors and scholars will be hurt. the judge noted that most of the books are nonfiction and subsequently less likely to be damaged by the availability and search availability. there's argument and research suggesting that making the books available online and searchable increases one's ability to find
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and buy them. back with mark and sport. >> the first affecting the bsc standard. since wayne kipered was fired, the trojons looking for a fifth win with stamford in town. a ms the pat. second quarter, a lot of emotion. tyler gaffney looking for a spot. no one wraps. great secondest, and he goes 35 yards for the touch town. stamford up 7-6. down 17-10 at the half.
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third quarter. gaffney. tied at 17. fourth quarter 25 seconds left. still tied. lining up for the upset. pressure, what upset. he drills it down the middle ufc upsetting sfam ford. what a win for ed-ogeron and the troej jans. an sact team won the loft 17 titles, which is amazing when you think about how the teams beat each other up. georgia and auburn a case in point. georgia in chrome. nick marshall quarterback, five yards for the touchdown, virtually untouched for six. georgia mounts a combark, down 47, 31, erin murray, did he get in. he did. the game was over if he didn't. he's in with a touchdown. the
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pat gives the dogs a 38-37 lead. the tigers need a miracle. the ball is tipped by two georgia defenders. the ball falls into the hands of riccardo louis, 73 yards. tigers up by 5. three seconds left. georgia knocking on the door. it's not meant to be. that is that. an incredible win. the tigers 43-38. number one alabama taking on michigan state. aj mccarron looking for a man. it's brian vog ler. it doesn't go out of boundsful dives into the end sewn. 10-7 stid. third quarter alabama is struggling. norwood, nice grap. touchdown alabama. the stid survive a stellarest by the bulldogs. 20-7. ford estate is second in the b.c. s standard.
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the semin owls cannot forward a lose if they hope to play in the b.c. s title. a state attorney in florida may have a decision in whether to bring criminal charge against seminoles quarterback jamesin winston in his possible involvement in an alleged sexual assault. all of this the backdrop in tacloban. jamesin winston and florida stayed with an easy game. 14-0. the seminoles pile it on. later in the first, it's 21-0. jamesin winston to reshard green. several td passes. six ones on that one. winston 19-21. the seminoles 59-3. unbeaten baler.
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fifth in the b.c. s hosting. antoine goodly. 31 yards, putting the bears up 31-20. second quarter. petty finding levi. here is the play. there is levi norwood and 58 yards later it's 35-27. baler on top. did i mention shoot-out. the scoring continues. petty letting his feet do the talking, going six yards making it 42-27. baler winning 63-34. the bears moving up in the b.c. s. >> jvon tyree, a former rutgers football player says bullying caused him to leave. she said scarlet knights defense if player dave cohen threatened to head-butt him.
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it lead to him buying aust ra sized by team-mates. the school says cowan apologised and it was dealt with at the time. rutgers lost 52-17 to sip sin ate, flood was asked if this was a distraction. >> i think it would be naive to say there was not a certain degree of distraction that happened to us over the last day or so. we have to do a better job of handling that. no one feels sorry for you for that. things will happen in the situation that we have been dealing with is one where we have to do a better job. >> turning to the nba, the indiana pacers burst from the gait winning nine games to stand as the last unbeaten team. indiana visited the bulls. this one expected to be a close defensive struggle was not the there is derrick rose back after missing a game with a hamstring.
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he was 6 and 11 beyond the ark. and lieu arn, look at him tip in his mess. first for dank. 23 for the game. rose dialling long distance, hitting three straight. seven double figgers, handling the -- figures, handing the pacers their first loss. that's sport. >> three straight threes. >> that's fine, i'm guessing nine points in a row. >> i was wondering what the odds of that are. finally tonight here in new york the empire state building is lit in colours, glowing red, blue, yellow and white, the colours of the phial peen's flags, raising awareness of ongoing help after typhoon haiyan. many need food, water and medicine. it's a beautiful night out there, and rebecca will have more after the forecast.
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the north, in the north-west. we have been getting awfully warm in parts of south. and the east. but now the two air masses coming together are creating severe weather. it will start cooking. especially in places around minnesota, indiana, illinois. including major cities for a risk of thunder storms. we have had a chance of that, slight chance. in places around missouri. heavy showers moving through here, and reports of hail. we'll continue with the potential of that line of strong storms moving through northern missury. as we get into the day tomorrow, we'll have enough moisture and heat from the south that thunder storms will pick up and we'll develop a slight risk of thunder storms for this entire area you see in orange. that's a big area. you can practically say most of
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the eastern u.s. is watching for rain and heavy downpours and dangerous lights things. as we look at the probability and the 40% chance, out of 10 we'll have four good chances of getting a severe thunderstorm here. potentially that could develop a tornado, we'll watch this, especially between noon and three. wind gusts picked up, up to 35 miles per hour. this will easily make it hard to drive down the road and will bring in power outages too. any of those fall leaves - they'll catch the wind and bring down a tree branch and the tree. it is possible. the storms will pack a punch because of warm air slamming into the cold air. the outlook will be focussing on the mid west. we'll develop winds coming off the great lakes. a gusty afternoon.
12:00 am
. you're watching al jazeera america live from new york. i'm jonathan betz with the headlines. >> another embarrassment for the president's healthcare plan, according to "the washington post" the lead contract yore employs top -- contractor employs top executives from a tech company that mishandled other projects. >> former secretly timothy geithner has a new job on wall street. he'll work with a private equity firm warburg pincus. he left the treasury at the start of the year after dealing with the fallout on the financial crisis. >> the death toll for typhoon haiyan climbed above 3600 as the country
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