tv Consider This Al Jazeera November 19, 2013 1:00am-2:01am EST
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>> check welcome to al jazeera america. i'm here in new york. here are the top stories of this hour. >> this is the deadliest series of tornados illinois has had in the month of november. >> the governor of illinois talking about the dozens of tornados blamed for killing eight people last sunday. there were more than 70 twisters across the state. in the philippines the death toll stands at more than 4,000. it's been 11 days since the catastrophe - only now are some able to leave. 50 u.s. navy ships and aer plains are taking part in global relief efforts. >> law makers in canada
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strippeded more power from rob ford. it had bizarre moments, he knocked over a council woman, and he mocked another law-maker. rob ford is refusing to step down. he says heel go to court to get back his authority. >> a deadly plane crash in russia video has been released. it captures the boeing 737 crashing and exploding. all 50 on board were kalilled. those are the headlines "consider this" is up next.
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>> every morning from 5 to 9am al jazeera america brings you more us and global news than any other american news channel. find out what happened and what to expect. >> start every morning, every day, 5am to 9 eastern with al jazeera america. determining using some sort of subjective interpretation of their policy as to whether or not your particular report was actually abusive, because if it doesn't contain language that specifically threatens you directly or is targeted towards
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you specifically, they may not consider it abuse. they may consider it offensive. and in that case they just recommend that you block that person. >> i don't want to minimise this, because i mean, there's some really horrible things that are on line, and it's not - it's not just twitter, what has happened through social media and the anonymity of the net is that you see websites, hate-filled websites targetting all sorts of groups, popping up. there has been a huge number of those that exist as well. >> start with one issue education... gun control... the gap between rich and poor... job creation... climate change... tax policy... the economy... iran... healthcare... ad guests on all sides of the debate. >> this is a right we should all have... >> it's just the way it is... >> there's something seriously wrong... >> there's been acrimony...
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>> the conservative ideal... >> it's an urgent need... and a host willing to ask the tough questions >> how do you explain it to yourself? and you'll get... the inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5 eastern only on al jazeera america >> 9/11 in new york. 7/7 in london - simple dates linked to horrible attacks. in india the date is november 26th. on that night in 200810 heavy armed pakistani men staged an assault on key sites in the indian city of mumbai launching three days of terror that terrified a nation and the world. a book raises questions that were not fully answered - who directed the attack and why? what was the role of a double agent? whyway the indian response slow? cathy scott clark and adrian levy worked for "the times" and "the guardian,"
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and they are the authors of a new book. "68 hours inside the taj hotel." it was an iconic attack. one thing that made the attack horrible is they went after eight different sites and attacked people at all these different places. is that one of the unusual things about the attack? >> that's one of the most unusual. we call that a swarm attack, the idea that a small team could give a larger footprint to an attack. making it appear an army invaded the city. the idea that men could have charges attached to taxis. the fear is an army attacking the city. the guys are remotely controlled by a control room in karachi using a skype-like telephony system. the control room has a bank of
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tvs and they have google earth to play with. cnn, bbc, probably al jazeera and local tv channels. they are using that to guide the men on the ground. >> 10 men did as much as they did, it was incredible. despite having controllers in pakistan watching the news reports, guiding the guys from a distance with new technology, it's amazing they could do that. is it a failure on the part of the indian government? >> it's a failure. it was attacking on a busy night in mumbai, in multiple locations giving the impression that there were more there than there were. total surprise and unpre-preparedness. >> i don't think they developed the intelligence. they were given warnings by of
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the c.i.a., western intelligence agencies other are than the c.i.a. >> given the warnings, some said there may have been intentional disregard of the warnings. is that anything... >> i put it down to systematic failure, not conspiracy. there has been a tendency in india to allow certain events to unfold to demonstrate the enemy outside. what you have here is something more depressing, a drum beat getting louder, pointing to specific targets and the methodology - sea landing, 10 guys, a suicide squad. part of the reason is that the americans themselves never scared a crucial piece ever information, which is what the origin of the intelligence was. >> that being an american double agent.
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>> ne. >> an american citizen working for the c.i.a. and infiltrating lash ka group responsible for the attacks. >> he's been sentenced to 35 years in the state. what went wrong with him. he was a privileged guy. his dad was a well-known broadcaster. woman. >> ahybrid. when you look through his life, one extraordinary factor that you come to is david headley served david headley. his mother was an adventure es, his dad a renowned broadcaster stations in lahore. at every stage he betrayed the friends nearest to him in his life. he developed a career as a drug
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dealer and sold out the areas he worked for, as part of the exchange. nearer the time al qaeda raised its head, he offered something new saying, "what about if i get you inside the islamist movement, i'm an american passbook holder i can be plausible" >> but he flipped, working both sides. in this case he worked the pakistani side, helping 10 men who weren't sophisticated , poor kids overwhelmed by the opulence. hotel. >> the function that david headley performed, which they couldn't have done, he could look western. he could go into the taj, wander around, pay the bill, buy drinks in the bar, no one blinked an eyelid. they thought he was a rugular guest. the guys who attacked on
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that. >> he got more intelligence that he had better information where everything was at the taj hotel than the indian government. >> they had no blueprints or architectural plans. no one could navigate around the hotel. it was only the staff. >> they were all stuck in there. >> that was what saved most of the lives. for what david headley did, he didn't go behind the scenes. when the attack was launched after hours on the ground, the staff realised the only way to save people was to get them into the kitchens, cellars and the store rooms. that way they saved many lives. the police were not in there. it was down to the hotel staff to save people. >> you were right about the heroic staff. heart breaking stories in the middle of all this. the hotel with hundreds of
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people stuck inside. >> more than 1,000. >> for days. horrifying. it brings it to life. >> as much as you try to understand the backdrop, where the guys came from, the suicide squad, trying to understand the politics of this outfit, lash car etoiba. >> the pakistani group. >> there's a drama, ordinary people who in some cases poorly paid, working for the taj hotel working in extraordinary fashions. whether they were pop washes or restaurant up. if not for them, it would have been a cull of thousands. >> was there a favourite story that stand out for you? >> one from a u.s. marine captain having dinner at the top
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floor. he had gone back to mumbai to be reunited with his family, the attack unfolded below him. he ripped up pieces of identification, put the stars and stripes credit card in his sock. and led an evacuation down 20 floors, down the fire escaped saveded 150 people and walked away and didn't tell anyone who he was. >> a couple of things i want to talk about. one is what has happened to the leaders of this movement? >> this is a great political start. we have tea with the spiritual figure head of the outfit behind this with a $10 million reward. >> and he's living in luxury. >> his outfit was a tool of pakistan foreign pull si. in the 1990s they made
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indians believe in the subdivided state of kashmir. the calm in al-qaeda step up, a recruiting sergeant and afterwards, although for a while they went quiet, now it's a hot boarder again. >> the main political leader is in prison, but not the prison you and i would be thinking about. >> there was 10 leaders from the group arrested in the months after. if none have been convicted five years on. >> one of the other main guys is living there. conjugal visits, living with cell phones in prison. >> it's unbelievable. i appreciate you guys talking about the book. >> nice to be here. >> straight ahead the astronomical cost of child birth. we
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tell you why the cost twincuples when you go from single children to twins. the stream is uniquely interactive television. in fact, we depend on you, your ideas, your concerns. >> all these folks are making a whole lot of money. >> you are one of the voices of this show. >> i think you've offended everyone with that kathy. >> hold on, there's some room to offend people, i'm here. >> we have a right to know what's in our food and monsanto do not have the right to hide it from us. >> so join the conversation and make it your own. >> watch the stream. >> and join the conversation online @ajamstream.
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>> every weeknight on al jazeera america change the way you look at news at 9 pm with an encore at midnight, go deeper on the nations top stories with america tonight >> a fresh take on the stories that connect to you... >> investigative journalism that's engaging, powerful, thought provoking... >> there's nothing but hopelessness... >> it's either kill or be killed... >> america tonight, right after
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live news at 8 and 11 eastern. >> welcome to al jazeera america i'm john seigenthaler, and here's a look at the headlines... >> al jazeera america, there's more to it. >> today's data dive delivers numbers on what it cost to have a baby or babies. a study in the american journal of obstetrics and ginaocology looks at what it costs from pregnancy to deliver. the total for one was $21,000. if you have twins, the second child doesn't just double the cost, but twin tuples it, soaring to $105,000.
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if you have tripments, you might want to file for bankruptcy. averaging $400,000. c.b.c. reports 3.5% of delivers are multiple births. rates of triplets in the u.s. went up about 400% through the off. the higher rates do to invitro fertilisation increasing the cost of child birth and the longer stays in hospital for mothers and babies. on top of that is the cost of c sections and health risks associated with multiple births. mothers suffer hypertension, diabetes, ameania. costs for quad rupments, sex tupments are off the charts. then there's the okay toe mum,
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>> the space race is on. nasa launched a mission to mars two weeks after india launched one of its own. what will the mission tell us about our celestial neighbour and life on earth. and is the hit movie "gravity" more fact than fiction. how is the space pollution threatening the future of human space flight. i'm joined from philadelphia by derrick pitts, chief aft ron mer at the frank lynn institute science museum. >> the launch of "maven" coming
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less than two weeks after india launched a mars orbiter. why were the two missions launched close together? >> the basic reason why they are so close is because that is a prime opportunity to get the launch scheduled at a time they'll be able to get the spacecraft to mars, with the least use of fuel possible. the orbital position of mars and the earth are set so right now so that as the spacecraft are launched they'll intercept mars at a shortest distance using the at least amount of fuel. otherwise we'll have to wait a year and a half to get back to a good position. >> what is the purpose. what is it expected to tell us about mars? >> "maven" is an acronym for mars atmospheric and volatiles evolution probe. the satellite will study the atmosphere, look at the surface
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in hopes that a combination of the information about the atmosphere and the surface itself will help us better understand what happened to the atmosphere, what happened to all the water on mars. you know, we have agreed - everybody has gathered enough information that we are absolutely certain that mars was at one time covered with a vast amount of water, but the question we have to answer is what happened to the water, how did the disappearance of the water change the martian environment. that is a critical question to understanding the possibilities - what they may have been and may still be for finding life there. >> what will that tell you about the earth - that mars looked similar to earth - is there anything we can learn that will affect us? >> of course. the more we learn about the adjacent planets to earth, the more we can better understand the dynamics. if you think of it this way,
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venus is a planet too close to the sun. things are way too hot. it represents a good example of what's in a greenhouse environment. on the other side of the coin mars is so far away and smaller that it couldn't hold on to its atmosphere so it evaporated into space. what happened to the water, does this tell us how we can better treat our atmosphere better because our spacecraft is the one we'll be stuck on. >> india sent an orbiter, us senting this. will the two orbiters work together? >> well, there are resources that can be shared between space bearing nations and certainly we can aid in navigation and aid in communications back and forth between mars and earth. nasa has a fantastic deep space
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network of communications providing the connections we use to get information and photos back. and, of course, the indian space program could make use of that. you could say we have enough bandwidth. it's nice for us to play nicely with our neighbours. not only can we share the resources, but we can share data. in that way get better data. >> on the topic of launches, a rocket will launch from virginia. nasa is sending something up. what is it? >> it's a company called orbital science, an independent commercial operation providing launch services for nasa, like what space ex has been doing. they are testing capabilities to improve and make improvements on how the launch systems are working.
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they are launching small satellites - one is the product of a thomas jefferson high school in which students worked on it with orbital scientists scientists. it will be visible tomorrow in the mid-atlantic region, somewhere in the launch window from 7:30 to 9:15. >> millions will see it. space - let's talk about the movie "gravity." space debris causes damage to a spacecraft in orbit. how realistic is it. how crowded is it getting up there with space debris we have been leaving behind with satellites and spacecraft? >> we have to dispel the notion that satellites are bumping up against each other shoulder to shoulder. it is called space for a reason. there's room, but if we continue to put satellites into orbit at
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the rate we have been putting them into orbit we'll run into a problem. as it turns out the satellites that are dead - they are happening around up in parking orbits and other configurations. we need to declutter the space environment. when they collide into each other. they create more piece, and in turn they impact other satellites, causing debris that could be of risk to travellers in the future. >> can we do it? >> that's a great question. it's a wonderful business opportunity for someone to jump on the possibility of being able to clean up space. >> do you worry it would be bad enough that is would threaten space travel? >> there are a lot of satellites up there.
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if they are starting to break up in a radical way and highly numerous way, then it could really become a risk. it will heighten the risk. there's no question about that. if we don't get a grip on it. the risk could be high enough that we'd have to reconsider how far to outfit. >> a recent hust "ing tonne post poll" -- a recent handcuffing tonne post poll: >> what are your thoughts of america's future as the leader in space? >> as we continue to defund the american space program in the way we have. it will send a signal around the world.
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that is - will be that the u.s. is no longer dominant in space exploration or travel. that sends a message that we would rather not send, that the united states is second or third or in much less capability technologically speaking. i think it opens the doors to considerations about the u.s. that we don't want, that we are losing our position on the world stage. not a good message to spend. >> so many fascinating things going on with respect to space. >> derrick pitts, great to have you with us. >> the show may be over. the consider conditions on the website this and facebook and google+. you can find us on twitter. .
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>> picking up the peaces in the midwest where dozens of tornados caused widespread devastation. the loss of life may have been minimised thanks to early warnings. food and other supplies are poring into the typhoon-ravaged philippines. 12 days after the storm some areas have not received help. >> obamacare seems to be picking up steam. enrolment is surging as tens of thousands sign up for insurance. >> more antics from the mayor of toronto. rob ford goes on a rampage after the city strips him of his powers.
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