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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 19, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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>> this is al jazeera america. live from new york city, i'm david shuster, and here's what we are following at this hour. >> kathleen sebelius, the cabinet secretary overseeing the new health care law, is promoting it now in the sunshine state, as the political storms intesify for her and president obama back in washington. >> the administration is about to jump back into talks with iran over it's nuclear program. and at this hour, the president is briefing key senators on the contours of a potential deal. >> and some tornado victims in illinois are returning to their homes for the first time, and they are finding something money can't buy. ♪
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>> there is new evidence today that president obama has now reached the lowest point of his presidency so far. the washington post and abc news just released a new opinion poll showing that approval for mr. obama has dropped to 42 percent. that's the lowest number he's had in office. the president's disapproval rating has jumped up to 55%, the highest number he has had. the fall-off in support for president obama has been fueled by the rollout problems for the new health care law. fifty seven percent of those surveyed now oppose the measure, that's a record high. law, a record low. frightens the white house the most. almost four in ten americans say they are more likely to oppose a politician who backs the legislation. while just over a fifth say they would be more likely to support such a politician. in other words, democrats fear
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their party could be hurt in a big way in next year's mid term elections because of health care. and republicans are now picking up democrats in demanding changes to the new law. last night, vice president joe biden tried to soothe nervous democrats in houston by mentioning divine intervention for the health care website. he said, "the truth is, we're going to fix it, god willing.' ironically, the new york times reported today that sign up numbers for health care dot gov are beginning to rise. according the paper, more than fifty thousand people have selected an insurance plan, up from 27,000 in the entire month of october. joining us from washington is al jazeera's libby casey first, the president's dropping approval numbers? whether the poll numbers are because of the and jay carney dereflected. he wins again repeated the line
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it was a miserable roll out and president obama was not fully briefed on how bad this would go down because that is the thing a lot of people on capitol hill are asking. how long ago go the white house remember congress newit would be this bad he avoided the shake up question that he was able to do yesterday on the briefing as well. on the sunday talk shows this weekend say it might be time to reignite the confidence in the obama administration. here is the thing. the key is soap house and senate members are worried about what this is looking like back in their home district. the white house is juggling not just the president's rating but what does it mean for the legislators having to go home during the holiday break coming up. and give what what does it have
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to do with the budget in the house. think become to a month ago the democrats were given credit for being unified during the shutdown fight and the republicans poll numbers were very low. how fast things have changed republican poll numbers are quite low but the democrats have taken this tumble with the affordable care act with the website roll out. democrats are frustrated because they feel like issues like pillbrasion are on the back burner. the budget committee has to come tcometo decision by december 13d could be congress is not in that much between now and then. there is not that much attention on so many issues. longterm unemployment benefits expire ated end of the year. and we see the farm bill and these issues are being successfully pushed to the side because of healthcare. al jazeera libby casey in washington thanks for the
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update. a new report suggests that the obama station knew about the problems with the roll out of as far back as march. administration officials admit there were red flags about the site. and now in the midst of criticism health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius was in florida today to promote obamacare. julia yarbo reports. from orlando. tell us about sebelius. did she misled congress in her testimony earlier this spring? >> well this afternoon while the secretary was here in orlando she did respond directly to that aspect of that story. she did speak to students at a private meeting. the whole point was to promote to talk about the affordable care act and to talk about how many young people are starting to enroll in that plan here in florida we have three
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and a half uninsured residents that are eligible for assist stance through that plank. those are the talking points at that second wanted to get out to the public. she was asked about that information that the white house officals new as early as march based on an independent analysis of the rollout that if they move forward on an october 1st rollout things may not have gone as smoothly as planned. there could be logistic call problems and technical issues with the website and the call in center and consumers being able to access the plans in place \. >> here is what the secretary had to say when she was asked about the allegations. >> action plans were put in place to address those iro issus and problems. colourly all of them and particularly the timing for end to end testing was not sufficient, we have said that over and over again. a number that they identified in the march report as vulnerabilities clearly have
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worked extremely well, like the hub. we did exactly what should be done in the middle of a build and again a management assessment of progress in place i think is an appropriate and prudent step to take. and if we are talking about any level of damage control throughout this afternoon's session the secretary talked about the number of people that are enrolling and the number of people that are finding navigation on website easy. the number of people who are calling in to make sure that they have healthcare. so again, secretary sebiluis is insisting things are going smoothly and the white house is addressing these problems and she insisted that by the end of november any problems that have been encountered with the affordable care and will be addressed and corrected. julia new very much.
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>> there is now every indication that the united states and iran are edging closer to a possible deal over iran's nuclear program. negotiations will continue tomorrow in tomorrow in geneva. and today, at the white house, key members of the us senate met with president obama to hear the latest. the lawmakers are skeptical iran will actually offer anything acceptable to the us, and some of the us lawmakers believe the best approach is to impose new sanctions on iran. white house officials say the president asked the lawmakers to hold off and give the talks more time. mike viqueira joins me now from washington. mike, give us a read-out on the president's meeting? any indication that the president tipped off to members of congress that there is a deal. >> what the president was saying is give negotiate yateses a chance. many are unhappy and they think that iran is duping the west. and the six powers that are in talks about iran. by sharply curtailing their poa potential to have a nuclear
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weapon. he had these members of congress and the members of the senate and both republican and democrat from the white house for two hours. there was a comprehensive presentation asking them to load back on even tougher sanctions. >> the white house has said time and time again it's sanctions that it has imposed that brought iran to the table to begin with. the top republican emerged from the west wing and here is what he had to say about the meeting. i think you had some folks in the room that were satisfied and some folks in the room that were unsatisfied and i think you had some folks listening to what has been said and trying to figure out the best way for congress to move ahead. i think it goes without saying that congress has played a huge roll in causing us to be where we are today. everyone acknowledges that. people are concerned, and inhappen to be one that is concerned that we are giving up some le>>.
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>> david, members of congress who are not the only once that are frustrated and concerned some of america's closest allies the prime minister of israel very vocal in his critcism of these negotiations over the course of the the last several weeks. the saudis are very vocal in opposing what the united states is doing an pursuing this opening with iran. one key point here is the white house, the president has made it clear if those talks fail, if it is discerned or determined that iran is turning that corner from a civilian nuclear program to weapons-grade nuclear material there will be military action. that is the clear implication to stop what iran tries to do if it coles to that. mike thanks for the update. >> there was signs today that sir whsyria's civil war is spilg over. the embassy is located in a
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headhezbolla strong group. israel backs the group. >> scenes of devastation. two powerful bombs were detonated outside of the iranian embassy in beirut early on tuesday. >> many civilians wh civilians d and the iranian attache was among the injured. firefighters rushed to the scene to put out the flames and ha hep the wounded. i'm syrian and i workout side of the embassy. al qaeda claimed responsibility for the attack. s it'it's a message that says cy we can hit you 234e anywhere yo. you cannot hide. we can hit you in front of the iranian embassy in ba beirut or
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anywhere else. he is a backer of the of the president and the local aallyah. >> he killed scores of civilians in beirut. >> those that carried out that attack it was in retaliation for their participation in the syrian war. >> these explosions will not change the political positions of iran or hezbolla. for them it's syria's fight. >> this message is useless and our deployment is not only strategic but iran's position cannot be changed by such bloody message iran and hezbolla will remain allies and they will continue to safe guard their
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strategic enterprise in the region. lebanese people are divided about the civil war and sue anyi and civil fa factions. many people warn of more attacks in the days and weeks to come aceace -- as syria's war is beig fought in lebanon. >> back in the united states in the
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the ma mayor wanted to keep everyone safe. is there any expectations that they will have the leaders follow the governors lead and request federal disaster assistance. >> that is to be expected. i did ask the police chief about that today and he said right now that it's simply impossible to determine how much it will cost to rebuild. the damage assessment they won't
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bbe able to determine that yet. but will have 245 i that in thet couple of days. >> have you had a opportunity to catch up with the republican congressman in illinois. he opposes disaster relieve following hurricane sandy and he has been quiet about whether he would seek disaster relief for his own constituents. has anyone had an opportunity to catch up with him. we did not. i did hear his interviews with the television station. he did not address that and he talked about how devastating it was here and what congress o could do to help out. but he didn't help out. >> andy reporting for us from illinois. thanks for the update. >> meteorologist dave warren joining us with the newest information from the national weather service. >> they go out and survey the damage and they classified these tornado. tornados. these are the reports that came
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in on sunday they are on in a line going from the sout southwo the northeast. this particular one was in washington, illinois. they have looked at this damage and classified these as ef-4 tornados. >> that is win spee wind speed 6 miles-per-hour and a high canada glory storm. canada -- category storm. and sitornados coming in from sx states. that was the most powerful with the wind speed of 190 miles-per-hour. we are continuing to survey the damage and we are looking at new information on what to expect for that area and the rest of the country coming up. >> the storm damaged and destroyed buildings and leaving thousands homeless. joining us from washington, illinois is jackie nelson. she has been working with survivors there.
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>> what is the red cross ab ablo do for people that have come back to their homes to see that everything has been destroyed? >> the most important thing we can do for them right now is meet their basic human needs. we want to ensure that they have a hot meal and warm place to go and connect with relief agencies and start the process of rebuilding and have a place to sleep at night. >> how does this catastrophe compare to the other events that the red cross has been involved in and you have been involved in. >> i have been involved in a number of distear disasters. and no two are the same. off oneveryone has a unique finr print as you can see behind me this one is absolutely devastating. that is inspiring is the way the community has come together to respond to it. >> the community comrad camarads
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greeting the family members as they come back. is there anything particular thinparticularly challenging about this tornado and the organizations that are trying to help. >> really the fact that it was so widespread, we saw so many communities struck. our relief effort has to be very, very spread. we last night had 25 shelters open across four different states. and we had more than 100 people that stayed overnight which is remarkable considering most people are staying with friend and family. >> and jackie do you know if the people affected by this have been able to reach their loved ones. a know communication has gone down and the biggest problem is they can't reach their relatives to see if they are okay. >> actually one of the things that the red cross does to assist with that we have a safe and well site on red where you can register yourself as okay. communication 5 can be difficult
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in these situations and it's important that people are able to check wit connect with theirs at this time. >> in the mid west this is a stoicism for people that life there. they take things in stride. i have to say that is challenged that everything is going to be okay. it must be in some sense turned upside-down? >> you know, i have actually witnessed in the shelter today a lot of people sharing their stories with the volunteers and one another. and there is a kind of resilience and i can only hope that they'll be able to keep that in the coming beak weeks. jackie nelson thanks for joining us we appreciate it. it's the biggest settlement ever of wrongdoing for a financial institution. jp morgan chase has agreed to pay $13 billion for the bad
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mortgage investments that led to the melt down several years ago. >> the $13 billion agreement amounts to half. jm morgan's profits tha last ye. the they rea require them to pat $9 billion to society e set el l charges. now the settlement ear marks $4 billion to help struggling homeowners at the risk of forecloser and funding efforts to combat blight in neighborhood racked by the housing crisis the deal extracted an admission from jp morgan. and misrepresenting. and another crucial point it does not be a solve the bank or
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the se executives from criminal chargecriminal charges. >> i don't think that resonates with individual
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person. >> i don't want to minimise this, because i mean, there's some really horrible things that are on line, and it's not - it's not just twitter, what has happened through social media and the anonymity of the net is that you see websites, hate-filled websites targetting all sorts of groups, popping up. there has been a huge number of those that exist as well.
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plus in de denmark you may here
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would you like fries with that. they have
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in welcome back to al jazeera america here is a look at the top stories across the mid west and especially in illinois. people are beginning to clean up after tornados swept through the
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region on sunday. the groups are trying to make the return home easier. in the mid east reminder that syria's war is next door. begibeginbegibegintwin bombs we. >> they will hold another round of talks aimed at ending the dead lock over iran's nuclear program. there was no deal after the last round of talks but all side have said there was some progress. joining us from washington, d.c. to talk about the impact the director of the bipartisan foreign policy pr project we are hearing that the israeli as and now working with the sa saudis.
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>> now it's a disagreement of tactics between israel and saudi arabia and france and the united states. all side want to ensure that iran does not sure nuclear weapons of it will limit iran's ability to break out and gain a nuclear weapon. israel has been vocal about it's concerns that there deal with not do enough and has had a number of farter partners with e and saudi arabia and a number of members of the congress we saw congress trying to brief the senate that they were skeptical to trust iran. are there indications to you that this is a signal that the united states may be close to a agreement. if the israelis and the saudis are upset and the president is trying to brief the members of the senate that would indicate that the administration believes that the next round of talks may actually produce something. >> that is right. there is an expec expectation te
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are close to an agreement. since the last round of talks we saw secretary kerry fly into agaiagaingeneva with the hopes f concluding a deal. that didn't happen. but it's hoped to-happen this week. one of the fa factors to considr is france which had disagreements with the united states and whether we have a deal this week k whether these disagreementseagreements have bd over or not. >> the idea the united states it ea will be able to verify that iran is keeping up their end of the bargain. >> it's three things. what are we asking iran to give up. what parts of the nuclear program do we want them to stop doing or slow down. and how doug do we ensure they e holding up that end of the bar
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gain. and what sanctions do we lift. >> is the expectation of any agreement would start with an interim agreement over the next six months there would be a beginning of a process and there would be a phase two down the road after that has been met? that is right. >> one of the big concerns is that we are running out of time to reach a final deal and to avoid that problem and avoid the pressures of time and force negotiations one way or another. we would seek an inter interm dd hammer that out. >> today a pact between the united states and afghanistan took a step closer to being finalized. the government officals from both sides say that they have almost reached an dream an agrer
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u.s. troops that want to enter and search afghan homes. the ow obama administration wont confirm if the president is going to send a letter of apology to the afghan people over negotiations over a bilateral security agreement. according to the afghan officals that would be part of the overall security dream between - agreement between the two countries to determine how forces could stay in
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>> the landing zone is a shattered school yard. a philippina philippine rescue . the first order of business is to evacuate this injured man to manila. they then head straight to the town hall. ripped to shreds by the storm it's been serving as an aid ades at the. the. -- center. and today it's a triage sen cen. >> they have not got tetanus injections and they are the walk walking wounded. the wind and waves pounded luan. >> how did you survive? >> we swim
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people at least. it's almost destroyed. antonio emigrated to the u.s. in 1982 and later built a home here. he raced back when he heard how bad things were. >> if there were no help from international community this will be a ghost town. right now, about 15% are already moved to manila. >> but recovery is more about food and medicine. these are some of the children playing in antoin in in antonio. the games are being guided by social workers.
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the goal is to allow kids to be kids and open up with what they went through. >> back here in the united states for years it was an issue in federal hands and then more and more states got in on the debate. abortion and whether to ban it. well now it's moving to a new arena. city government and specifically aalawhat sort of impact would ts have? >> a lot of impact. it would be the first city in the nation t it has been abortis after 20 weeks. it's based on the claim that fetuses can feel pain at 20
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weeks old. meantime, the. >> women come from every state because these procedures are not legal in other states. other states have seen these babies deserve some protection when they get halfway through pregnancy. they are large beak babies and y are developed and they believe it's it's inhuman. >> it's to ban abortions altogether. and this is a really important point for the rest of the country to understand that this is a new tactic that is being used by people who really want the government to be involved in
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a place that it shouldn't be involved. they came here specifically with the agenda to pass this specific measures as one more tactic banning abortion altogether. >> pro life advocate were frustratedded with state lawmakers taking on this issue in a state wide level. >> will we continue to see pro advocates look at other cities to make this measures pass. >> the united states supreme court has said banning abortion before 12 24 weeks is unconstitutional. what is the likelihood that women's rights groups will go to corcourt and get an injunction s it moves up through the system. a lot of political analysts say
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it could be challenged in the courts and may not be constitutional. >> thank you. >> tonight the state of missouri is scheduled to carry out it's first execution in almost three years. joseph franklin will be put to death for a 1977 murder he confessed to. franklin confessed to two other killings. >> with a shortage of lethal drugs they are turning to compounding pharmacies. not everyone agrees t with the e of the drugs. >> serial killer joseph paul franfranklin is on death row for killing a man outside of a st. louis sin goin synagogue in 197. he went aren' around the country shooting black and jewish people
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trying to start a race war. >> what we see now with states actually experimenting on people with drugs that have never been used in lethal injections there could be all sorts of problems. missouri like most states that allow capital punishment can no longer buy the drugs to carry out the death si sentences theye blocking the sale of the drugs to states that use them for capital punishment. the uk group, reprieve is behind in. >> they wanted to do everything they could to prevent it from happenings. happening. since is the drugs are made outside of the country it has left many death penalty states with excuse excuse executions td no drugs to use. at least six states have turned to compounding pharmacies. but they are regulated by the
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states and not the food and drug administration. >> we have no way of knowing what exactly those drugs are their potency and whether they are clean. i think from a victim's perspective they would say whatever it takes. we are going to drag victims through a debate what kind of drugs should be used. the question of using compounding farmscompoundcompou. last week a death sentence was carried out in ohio. the supply of drugs comes from a compounding pharmacy. the identity of which the state won't reveal. in addition to the 7 people franklin is convicted of
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murdering he says he shot larry flynn they have called the synagogue murder a calculated and cowardly shooting. if they proceed it's the first time the state uses a single lethal drug. >> a methodist pastor is facing punishment for performing a same sex wedding. >> thanks david a united methodist minister convicted under church law of performing his son's same sex marriage could be defrocked of they found him guilty by breaking his vows by officia officiating the ceren massachusetts. the re reverend says he performd the ceremony out of love and did not mean to disobey the church's
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teachings. >> michael bloomberg signed landmark legislation raising the minimum wage to buy tobacco. a majority of people get addicted before the hit the age of 2 i 21 and have trouble quitg even if they wanted to. >> george zimmerman was released from a jail cell. he was arrested yesterday and charged with felony aggravated assault. he was acquitted of murdering trayvon martin. >> mcdonalds is getting into promoting local elections in denmark. the restaurants will be decorated with election materials and a few will hold local polling stations. >> the initiative was cookethe e lowest in 40 years. >> it's a wonderful life has a
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proposed sea quell. proposed -- sequel of the carolyn grimes is to take part in the pr project. at the age of six she played a role she had one of the most famous lines from that movie. "every time a bell rings an angle gets his wings". >> the angels are going to be crying on this one. the people that love this move they don't wan -- movie they tha sequel. >> there are a lot of critics that don't want a sequel. >> we have another story for you toronto mayor rob ford and his brother hit their large screen with their new show. they promised the booze the dope and the honest truth. monday they stripped him of his budget powers after he admitted to smoking cocaine.
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people were embarrassed by what has happened put happen ined in. all i can do is assure you. i am working with a team of professionals and i am working out everyday. ford added "i know in my heart everyone has personal problems. i urinated in a parking-lot. >> what does that hav have to do with anything. he is the mayor. >> his show was full of apologies. >> i'm glad he is apologizing he is losing a little context. i don't know that you and i have done that sort of thing. >> i haven't. >> marking a turning point in history that generated one of the greatest speeches written. >> when we return michael eaves
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will join us with sports. directly or is targeted towards you specifically, they may not consider it abuse. they may consider it offensive. and in that case they just recommend that you block that person. >> i don't want to minimise this, because i mean, there's some really horrible things that are on line, and it's not - it's not just twitter, what has happened through social media and the anonymity of the net is that you see websites, hate-filled websites targetting all sorts of groups, popping up. there has been a huge number of those that exist as well.
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securing the win for the home squad. but what seems to be lost today is the panthers have lost six great games to climb to no. 2 seed in the afc and the cam newton posted better numbers than brady in the game and he accounted for 271 total yards and three touch downs. >> the thing that was really neat about it was again, it you see so much of this maturing as a football player. in terms of what he has to do to get us out of right offense of play and going from pass to run and he has done that well this year a and has continued that growth. >> last night chris paul only
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did something that magic johnson had done. he had recorded his 11th straight double-double to open the season paul finished with 18 points and 11 wa 11 assists. joining me now is mark spears. if i forced you to fill out your mvp ballot today would chris paul be at the top of the list? >> i know chris paul is the guy. i covered the clippers. 19 points and 12 assists and 5 rebounds. >> nothing to sneeze at. i will go at another paul. paul george. the 9-and-1 start that the lakers had this kid has made himself into a superstar and pushed a great roster to a higher level with out danny
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granger. the lakers are 9-and-1. george is and all star and so ae say he is a superstar around the league do insiders believe he is enough to carry a team to a title? well, hey look i not only respect him, i respect their whole roster. i pick the passers to win it all. they have david west and danny granger will be back and lance stevenson is going to another level. and roy hibbard is one of the best defence men in the league. they have this experience. they are only a game away to making it to the times against the heat. they are one win away. this team is better louis scola is great off the bench and can start for a lot of teams. this team is carr scary an and capable of beating anyone any night. of the the mets are a
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dispointing team. a lot of money was spent bringing in pierce and terry and they have jason kidd. there are rumbling that kidd is not the coach that they thought he could be. >> look this is a really really hard job. remember when doc rivers got their job going from player to coach. jason kidd walked into a job with a championship that i thought was too high aspirations. you have to think about it. these are mis his boys. he played with jason terry and they are all-star colleagues of him. you wonder if at the can get the most of the guys that are his buddies. >> you don't want a business where all of your boys are working for you they are going to cut corners. not talking after the game last
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>> i'm meteorology dave warren. the clouds show there is not much happening here. it's clear but much colder. it's cold in the pacific northwest with a few showers but these temperatures will rapidly be changing over the next few days, especially this weekend. warm air is returning from texas and oklahoma, and you can see that temperature climbing up to south dakota. here is the chill in chicago, new york, and new england. the temperatures have dropped a little bit compared to what is in store for us this weekend. we have higher elevations with the winter weather advisory. not a big storm, snow coming down, a few inches of snow in southern montana, wyoming and areas of idaho. now the temperatures today will be really changing over the next few days. not much happening here in the
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northern plains. the temperatures are climbing, and they've warmed up a few degrees from yesterday. that trend will not continue. much warmer in minneapolis. 12 degrees. the outlook for friday, though, there's the warm air and the cold air is setting up in canada, and a storm is developing interest in southern canada. when you get something like this tracking east you can get a cold blast of air on the western side of it, and hedges up against the rocky mountains and pushes east. between saturday and sunday in this area there is a big drop in temperatures and the wind with high pressure and low pressure setting up through the great lakes, down through the midwest and the mid atlantic that wind could gust 30 to 40 mph. 36 and 27 between friday and saturday as the rain clears out and leaves a few snow showers. a bitter cold blast this weekend.
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>> this is al jazeera america live from new york city. i'm david shuster. here is a look at today's top stories. yp morgan chase announced a $13 billion settlement with the government over the you bank's role in housing crisis. talks continue in geneva, and today president obama brief key members of the in the, and some u.s. lawmakers are pushing for tougher sanctions against iran. 23 people were killed in suicide attacks. al-qaeda said it was behind the blast. rescuers are still digging through the devastation in illinois as dozens of neighborhoods are leveled by tornadoes. ei p


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