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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 20, 2013 5:00am-6:01am EST

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. kz > welcome to the newshour. this is our new center at doha. these are the top stories: carnage on the streets of baghdad. the iraqi capital bombed eight times in on hour. iran's supreme leader promises not to talk with nuclear talks but warns there are limits. >> i'm at the bombing in front of the iranian embassy. we'll bring you details of what
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happened. >> ahead - a rocky relationship. indonesia punishes australia over spying allegations. >> welcome to the program. iraq's capital has been hit by eight car bombs in a something hour. most of the explosions targeted shia neighbourhoods in the capital baghdad. >> a series of car bombs - what can you tell us? >> the number of attacks has gone up to 9 in abu graib, another neighbour hood. there was an improvised explosive device killing at least one, bring the death toll up to 30 people killed, and something like 75 people injured. we are hearing that there was an assassination on a government state employee, an employee of
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the electricity company in baghdad in the last 20 or so minutes as well. what the baghdad operations command told us, and these are the people responsible for securing baghdad is in the last hour there was an attempted suicide bomber who tried to detonate his explosives at a checkpoint. he was shot and killed. what is interesting is the baghdad operation command says that this man was a pakistani national. if that is true, that's the first time we heard of someone that far afield coming into iraq to take part in attacks here. we have heard of afghan nationals taking part in attacks here. that hasn't happened since 2011. i have covered security in pakistan. i have said that they have enough jihad, holy war in their own country to send fighters this far afield. we are looking into this allegation that there might be a
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pakistani national. as you say these took place within the space of an hour, targetting busy marketplaces. these car bombs are not made with heavy explosives, but are made with household equipment - make it it hard to detect. car bombs have been brought into busy neighbourhoods. it's difficult to protect against these attacks. the security forces are checking up checkpoints, neighbourhoods and are trying to defend the city. >> imran khan there in baghdad. >> now to syria, more than a dozen soldiers have been killed in northern damascus. an improvised explosive device went off in the military headquarters. >> the violence in syria appears to be linked with the bombings
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in lebanon. a group linked to al qaeda claimed it carried out two suicide bomb attacks near the iranian embassy in beirut and a diplomat was one of 23 killed on tuesday. the attack happened in el janow which is where we find our correspondent. what details have emerged about the bombings? >> al-qaeda claiming responsibility. in fact, the lebanon branch of al qaeda - you can see behind me investigators cysting through the rubble. a bomber approached the main gate on foot. the guards engaged him. he detonated his explosives. the second was in a vehicle. his plan was to distrif the vehicle inside the embassy compound. he was not object do that.
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there was a pic-up truck blocking his way. it fled the vehicle after the first explosion. it was massive. you could see the damage - up to 23 killed, a lot of people in hospital in critical condition. you talk to survivors, people that live in the area. most tell you the worst is yet to come and feel the country is heading to the unknown. this was not the first bombing of its kind. >> translation: i live on the seventh floor of that building. i was at home when the first explosion took place. i ran to the stairs and the second explosion took place. i rushed to the streets to find blood and dead bodies. i never thought an explosion would take place. i thought it was an israeli attack - especially two explosions - one after the other. >> translation: lebanon is heading to hell.
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if this area is targeted, others will be. there's no safe area in lebanon. our family members go to work. we keep our fingers crossed. if we call them and they don't answer we feel something bad has happened to them. lebanon is on the verge of hell. there's nothing of importance here. >> clearly listening to those people there, there's deep concern that we'll see more of that violence in lebanon as a consequence. war in syria. >> exactly. that's what the group who claimed responsibility said. they are warning of attacks if iran and local allies in lebanon, the lebanese shia hezbollah continue to fight alongside the syrian regime. hezbollah has made enemies, not only here in lebanon, but across the region. its fighters helped the government to reverse losses. the syrian government is on the
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offensive. the rebels are on the defensive. we have heard some commanders, really in syria saying - they blame hezbollah, saying iran is occupying syria, it has become a regional international conflict. that war is fought in lebanon. what is dangerous is the fact that suicide bombers were used. in previous attacks it was car bombs. suicide bombers are hard to stop. this is what security officials say. it's hard to stop people who are determined to die. people are worried we'll see more attacks like this one, especially if the fighting continues in syria, and no political solution is found. >> thank you. >> 10 have been killed in a car bomb attack in the sinai peninsula. it has sufrt attacks since mohamed morsi was removed from power in july.
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we are joined from the capital. bring us up to date what you have been hearing about the attacks in the sinai. >> the interior ministry has given us details. it appears suicide bombers are driving a car that rammed into a bus, through the middle from the side. the bus carried army recruits. it was returning, going back to the base. that happened between rafa, at the gassa border with egypt. and the capital of north sinai. the attacks happened earlier and there has been no claim of responsibility. the attacks have been similar to previous attacks by a group based in the sinai, across the border in sinai.
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>> thank you. now, world powers are starting to arrive in geneva looking to reach a deal with iran on its nuclear program. the president is being pressed by some in congress to be tough. the u.s. president is appealing to them and israel to give diplomacy a chance. >> we'll test the proposition that we can resolve this in a diplomatic fashion while maintaining the essential sanctions architecture, and as president of the united states, me maintaining all options to present them from getting nuclear weapons. i think that is a - that is worth conducting. >> meanwhile britain's prime minister has made an historic phone call to the iranian president. the first such call by a u.k. prime minister in 10 years. david cameron spoke to us about
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iran's program and the impressed relations between the two countries. >> iran's supreme leader promised not to interfere with the talks. there were complaints about the french who were thought to have blocked an attempt at a deal saying te suk um gore the -- they succumb before the united states. >> let's go to james bays in geneva. the p 5 plus 1 members arrive in the backdrop of the u.s. congress. what do you expect to happen there today, james? >> well, the first talks, preliminary talks will start very, very shortly. as you say, we have a so-called p5+1, the permanent five members of the security council with germany, relating the international community. this time we don't have the foreign minister. they are not here. it's a lower level, the openings
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part of this meeting. we know there'll be a meeting around the table with p5+1 trying to get their positions straight. last time france appeared to have difficulties with parts of the proposed deal, particularly what happens to the uranium that's been enriched to 20%, and also with that iraq heavily water plant that iran is building. that is a plutonium reactor, and the worry about that is that would give iran another route to a nuclear weapon, potentially using plutonium rather than uranium. >> some lawmakers expressed concerns that the white house is moving too fast. how wary are people there in terms of the taking the pressure off people were tehran too quickly. >> they are wary about that. you'll hear a lot of language
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about this being an interim deal. if ut relax some of the sanctions you'll hear, i'll sure you'll here from everyone that speaks about it that this is a reversible process. sanctions can be reimposed to reassure allies like the gulf countries. >> all right. james bays there in geneva. let's cross to the iranian capital. what has iran's supreme leader said about the nuclear talks. he has the final say in all matters final policy. >> that's right. he does have the final and the ultimate say when it comes to iran's foreign policy agenda. the president has influence, but it is a supreme leader who has the final say, especially on a nuclear deal, we have to give
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approval before the diplomatic team can negotiate any of these details. the supreme leader said he will not interfere in the details of talks. there are red lines. these are red lines not just at the supreme leader, but that the iranian nation supports; that iran will not step back one ioata from its nuclear right. it has spoken about sanctions, as you mentioned there, as james mentioned there as well. and the pressure that they are putting on iran. saying that sanctions are not working. the western powers, the united states know that, because if sanctions were working they wouldn't talk about military options being on the table and all options being on the table. comments are strong, before the geneva talks kick off.
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talking about the french and how they scuppered the deal and how they suk umed to the israeli regime. it's in respect to the nation. that's what the supreme leader of iran had to say today. >> from the iranian capital. james bays in geneva. >> ahead on the newshour, "i've got the pour." venezuela's president bypassing the law. >> jpmorgan pays a record fine for misleading investors. that is coming up. two of europe's best strikers battle for a place in the world cup. all the action later in the program. >> now, some call it a power grab, others an important step
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to save the country. either way venezuela's president can make law without approval from congress. many are worried this will hurt democracy. >> president nicolas maduro is one of the most powerful leaders in latin america. the enabling act passed by parliament allowing hugo chavez's successor to pass laws without consulting congress. he promised to wage a war on corruption and business owners bent on destroying the ailing economy. and in bolivar square supporters were jubilant. >> it's a war between the elite and the poor, forcing us to kneel down. they did what they wanted. now president nicolas maduro conditions to lib rate us.
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>> translation: we are proud of nicolas maduro. he is the man and the best gift that chavez left us. he is doing everything we have been expecting. president nicolas maduro has gaoled 100 shopkeepers for charging too much. he can force them to drop prices. the latest move is a power grab, and the opposition fear he'll use the act to silence critics. >> in the end democracy loses because democracy loses spaces for open discussion. democracy loses spaces for citizen participation. >> this is president madura's boldest move since coming to power in april. it's popular amongst the poor. the 50-year-old former bus driver faces challenging times ahead. >> with sweeping new powers nicolas maduro will have to deal with an economy in free fall.
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invasion is a falling, there's a shortage of goods on the shelf and an unstoppable black market in u.s. dollars. venezuelans will get to decide whether the move is right for the county when voting in municipal elections in three month os time. >> home owners who accused america's biggest bank of a massive mortgage fraud are delighted with a deal. jpmorgan chase agreeing to pay $13 billion to the u.s. government. $4 billion to help home owners struggling from the collapse of the house, market. here is attorney-general eric holder. >> i hope that a message would be received that no matter the size of the institution, no matter how much time has passed that the justice department, in conjunction with its partners will hold you accountable and you'll be expected to pay substantial amounts of money that individuals at risk are
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involved. this is something we take seriously. the attorney-general himself is a person engaged intimately in the investigations. >> now, indonesia's president suspended some bilateral cooperation with australia. susilo bambang yudhoyono is taking allegations that australia tapped his phone seriously. >> translation: once again i demand a formal explanation to indonesia, not to the australian general public, and what steps will be taken by australia relating to this wire tapping case. we have a coordinated military operation and control on the sea to overcome the people smuggling that has been a problem for indonesia and australia. this has temporarily been suspended. >> indonesia's army plans to stop intelligence commence with australia. australia assured indonesia that it will not spy on its neighbours in the future.
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tony abbott says he'll do everything he can. >> my intention, the notwithstanding the difficulties is to do everything i can to help build and strengthen the relationship with indonesia, which is so important for both our countries. >> let's talk to jeffrey hawker a professor of relations had the macquarie university. indonesia's president said ties with australia has been damaged because of the spying allegations. how serious is the row. or is it a storm in a tea cup as tony abbott, the australian prime minister, seems to think it is? >> unfortunately i think it is quite serious. it can be prepared. it's an important relationship to australia. this is the biggest storm we have had. for get the meat exports, you can probably go to ty more west.
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i think it is significantly. it has to be. >> how much is the row likely to damage the strategic partnership. we heard jakarta said it will postpone military cooperation? >> we are neighbours, somehow we have to get along. tab ot, as prime minister, is being -- tony abbott, as prime minister, is being careful with his words. he hasn't admitted it happened. he said it's sorry for the damage the media reports caused. that's differents from saying, "okay, we did it, we got caught and we are sorry." he hasn't said that. he's defending the old convention that the government never i'm not sure, blames a previous government. they stand sold ied in national security. it doesn't fit the circumstances well.
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i don't think it's going down. that's pretty obvious. >> and one other important factor is australia requires indonesia's cooperation in preventing illegal migrants to australia. jakarta could refuse to work with australia on the issue, resulting perhaps in more deaths at see. >> absolutely. the australian government had to state its reputation coming in to office to stop the boats and everyone understand that required cooperation. i almost feel sorry for tony abbott. it happened before, he's not denying it happened now. it blue up at absolutely the wrong time. i do not think that he's actually taken the approach that he needs to take. not yet, anyway. >> jeffrey hawker, thank you for talking to al jazeera. >> apologise for the quality on
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the skype line. the new u.s. ambassador to japan caroline kennedy met with their prime minister. kennedy is the first female ambassador to japan. >> let's get a check of the global weather. thank you. the weather remains unsettled across a good part of western europe. massive cloud. we have been talking about the heavy rain, violent storms pushing across sardinia. the little clutch is running across central italy into the aidery attic. it will be disturbed for the next few days. running in across central france and the u.k. unsettled weather pushing in. cold winds, stretching down into a good part of france. this cold front - that will be heavy snow fall over the next couple of days.
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there's an area of unsettled weather causing flooding again. there's big wet weather coming in across the northern parts of italy. at the moment you can see it has caused problems. set up across venice as a result of highs that has resulted. unsettled weather pushes across the aidery attic. southern parts pushing to greece. disturbed weather. wintry whether into a good part of southern france. north paris. 4-6 degrees celsius. 11 in madrid. nine degrees with snow across the pyrenees. disturbed weather across the western side. >> the warmest of the weather - athens getting up to 18. plenty of wintry weather to cox.
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staying cold. across a good part of north america, a top temperature in calgary. a fair amount of snow and that snow stretching across the northern plains. we have dry and brighter weather further east. >> coal is the most polluting of fossil fuels and currently provides 40% of the world's electricity needs. one country dependent is polanders. it's been hosting talks in warsaw. terent baisley has been done a coal mine in the south and sent this report. >> for 234 years coal has been cut from the mine. the hard physical work and dangerous conditions are a way of life for minors, 1600 worked
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down this mine. nationwide the industry employs 100,000. for me personally coal is my life. i came to mine coal. i have worked all my life as a minor. i have raised and educated my kids. cole is everything to me. >> the burning of coal generates 90% of the injury. the government is hoping to change that, but they have met and it will take time. >> you get a sense of the scale below the surface. there's 450 million tonnes of coal in this mine alone. there are mines many times that size and are likely to power the country for many hundreds of years. >> poland produces 1% of global greenhouse gas emissions. the government played its part in reducing the emissions,
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meeting its targets under the kyoto protocol. >> we have 32% of emissions at the same time. more than 200% of the gdp growth. eminent results. nobody ocean them in europe. >> critics say the reductions from the result of restructuring and reforms, following the collapse of the communist system. activists were critical of poland's veto by the e.u. to reduce carbon emissions by 20 onwards. >> they don't have to use coal. they can move from coal to renewables. it will take time, you need a vision as a government and protect the citizens and workers and have new jobs for people. it can be done and you can meet your energy needs. >> poland is researching new and cleaner ways of cleaning poles. the $60 million test center is
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looking at how to get gas from cole without taking it out of the ground. technology is in its infancy and could take decades to develop. as long as coal an is at the heart of energy needs, these men will be needed to bring to the surface. >> now, there are concerns for the safety of the voters in mozambique as they cast ballots in local elizabeections. they are voting for mayors and ofirstly. >> this is an opposition stronghold. people for either of two parties. the ruling party frelimo - if they don't vote for them, will only have the option of voting for m.d.m.
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there are concerns about the process, the concern is the counting, vote rigging. frelimo want to take back the particular area. this province because it's strategic militarily. this is where the fighters have been attacking convoys, soldiers. if the soldiers are fighting. if they win the area it can be used as a base. it's the second largest city in mozambique. people are saying that they are aware of that, they are not concerned about that. once the boat ends they plan to stay, sleep overnight, if they have to, to try to make sure there's no tampering with the vote. if, for some reason, the results are announced some are warning that they'll take to the streets and there'll be trouble. >> lots more to come on the newshour including on the road to recovery. shops and markets gradually
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reopen in tacloban after typhoon haiyan. >> the government of india tries to boost the economy by setting up a bank for women. >> and mannie arrives in pakhou to end his losing streak. stay with us.
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. welcome back, a reminder of the top stories. . nine separate car bombs in the iraqi capital kills 30 people. most went off in shia neighbourhoods.
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10 egyptian soldiers have been killed in a car bomb attack. the area suffered attacks from security forces. and negotiators from major world powers are gathering in geneva. meanwhile iran's supreme leader said he won't interfere in the talks, but there's lines for the team. >> if those talks get underway in geneva. israel's is in moscow. joining me now to talk about this is a political analyst at the voice of russia radio station. this visit by benyamin netanyahu, as we say comes on the same day the p5+1 powers meet in geneva over iran's nuclear program. how significant is the visit. what do you make of it? >> well, i think that mr benyamin netanyahu will try to convince russia is still an existential threat to israel.
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he won't try to convince russia that they don't need military nor the nuclear industry. that has been israel's position for years. i don't think russia will completely comply with it. i think they know it well. russia has a positive view of iran than jerusalem does. >> russia has significant influence over tehran. what do the russians want to see from this? >> i would not overestimate the amount of russian influence over iran. of course. when security concerns are at stake they will not listen. russia is interested in the deal that has started to form itself with iran agreeing to put its enrichment program under international control in exchange for gradual lifting of sanctions. russia joined the sanctions imposed by the u.n., by the
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united nations and rush adid not supply the f-300 anti-aircraft missiles. they'd like the sanctions to be removed. iran is a good trading partner. >> russia is part of the quartet and part of their role is to refrain from actions that might undermi undermi undermine peace talks, will vladimir putin raise such issues. >> they are soft with russian. everyone expects that from us. russia has a balanced position on the issue. the real outcome of the israeli-palestine talks - the outcome depends on the internal
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politics inside israel. whether israel will be realistic enough to agree to a proposal. from the palestine side americans can have an influence. russia's influence i would not overestimate it. >> what about other minor issues like jews leaving russia. how important is the migration issue. >> little by little we came to a formula when we have a double citizenship. hundreds of thousands of russians citizens live in israel. israel pretends not to notice that hundreds of thousands of its citizens have russian citizenship. lots of people migrate from israel to russia and vice versa. in the last few years there was a lot of migration from israel to russia, something that we had not seen before.
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that's a good sign for russia. the country is recovering from poverty, it's becoming more attractive to jews than israel. >> a final thought, to go back to the nuclear issue. president obama made the appeal to give diplomacy a chance. do you think they've been listening to that in moscow? >> well, russia is, of course, 100% for the deal. we don't want worsening relations between iran and the united states. even though this was a relations leading to hikes in oil prices, but it fills the russian state budget. still, in the long run we are not interested in a war between israel and the united states on one side and iran on the other. there's a huge minority in iran.
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the stance of a former republic. we have close ties to all. we don't want them suffering. >> india launched an all-woman bank. it hopes to encourage women to be financially independent. the prime minister says he hopes the financial institution will help the fight against genderfication. >> this is a self made woman. she studied to be a teacher but opened the shop in mumbai. she did it all without the help of the bank. >> translation: if you give it to a man they move forward. they don't trust us. >> to fight the attitudes the indian government launched a financial institution staffed mostly by women, for women.
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government is already investing around 160 million venture and plans open across the country for female customers. >> the bank will be instrumental in bringing them to the formal channel. it will inspire them. this bank would be focused on empowering women. all the spectrum will be end to end. millions of women across india work and run their own businesses. they find it difficult to save because 26% of them have an account. it's hard for them to get loans because property and other assets are given to men. economists say this has to change. >> it shows that when women are earning and saving, their children are healthier and they live longer. also it could lead to a prosperous because of increased
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literacy and the country benefits because of economic growth. >> women's rights campaigners say it's crucial for women to have financial opportunities, particularly in countries like india, where millions live in poverty. >> many have an enterprise tore small business that they won't run out of their home. having the ability to build capital is essential for them to reach out and behind their marginalised status. the bank is planning to open 33,000 acts in its first year, hoping it will help tens of thousands take control of theirs lives. >> votes are being counselled in nepal after 70% of eligible voters turned up to cast ballots. boxes are collected from remote areas. final results may take days.
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voters are calling for a special assembly to write and pick a new senate. >> it's been two tweaks since the philippines was hit by typhoon haiyan. the people affected are trying to rebuild their lives. this market in tacloban reopened for business. the city was without food and water for days. residents say prices doubt due to a shortage of supply. there are long lines at cash machines in tacloban. hundreds turned up to get their hands on cash from the only two machines that are working the the search for those missing goes on. >> they've been in tacloban for a week, on an increasingly desperate mission. carl and his family are looking for a nephew.
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his parents died in the storm surge, not before he was strapped into a life jacket. he may have been rescued. >> red cross. the city social welfare office. even the army. the police. try going around, but they just keep on passing us around. go to this place. it might be there. when we go there's it's a totally different thing. >> this is where the missing and dead are reported to the tacloban local government. it's where government employees are registering their attendance for work. this woman is trying to discover what happened to her mother's relatives? >> i haven't found anything. i don't know where to search for. >> the staff admit there's no central system in place to match the missing with families seeking them.
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>> maybe some other day. >> the tacloban city government told us anyone looking for a missing relative would be better served trying the department of social welfare development agency. the office september us to the aid distribution point where there's a comprehensive list of the missing and dead that can be cross-referenc cross-referenced. >> we found that no such lists exists. another priority is discovery and disposal of bodies. sex, height are noted before they are taken away. families will have to grieve for loved ones that disappeared. carl wilcox had a lead. someone rang to say they had the boy, only to go on to demand money. a blindally that carl has not given up. >> he picks himself up and keep
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on running. with these mem rirks i hope that we can still find him. so the poster campaign goes on. one family in the midst of a national calamity hoping to find for themselves the answers they need. >> at least two people have been killed and 29 injured after a shopping mall under construction collapse said. investigators want to know why construction continued despite a government ban last month. >> working under cloud of darkness the rescue workers combed the slab trying to reach those under what used to be a shopping mall. the roof of this 3-store yes building in the south-eastern part of south africa collapsed killing one workers, trapping up to 50 others. nearly 30 people were rushed to
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hospital with massive injuries. the cause of the collapse is not yet known. government officials say the work was to stop a month ago. >> translation: what we know is the city council of dur bin is that there were rules and regulations never followed in connection with the building. we were understand impression that construction stopped during the past month. we were shocked when we got the report - the structure collapsed and people were works inside it. >> while questions about how and why the accident happened continued, so does the massive rescue effort. >> we don't expect recovery operations which it has been termed as, will be finished quickly. the scene needs to be managed and peered. >> this is a community in shock
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as many wait hoping to see loved ones rescued. into lots coming up after the break. including getting slower - why kids today can't run as fast as their parents did in the 1970s. and brazil's smallest world cup host city is getting a facelift. more than that. stay with us.
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>> we have the sport in a moment. let me tell you this - children
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today can't run as fast as parents back in the 1970, according to a study out of australia. they analysed 40 years of research and involved millions of children in 28 countries. it may be a surprise when top sprinters are breaking record. you sane bolt ran 0.5 seconds faster than the fastest man 40 years ago. while the world's top are getting fasters, the next generation are slowing down. children run a minute and a half slower over a mile than their parents did. the reason - children are getting slower as they get fatter. that has implications for their health when they grow up. part of the answers may lie in family time. 60 minutes a day for children - same as with their parents. >> more on that later when we speak to a cardiologist. now for the sport.
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>> the final four teams to qualify for fifa world cup has been decided after a dramatic night of action. portugal advanced at the expense of sweden. there was one man to thank. >> the loner in the first leg. with a 50th minute strike in stockholm warning signs were presented by cristiano ronaldo. but sweden's main man answered the challenge, two goals in four minutes, ib rammano vic levelled. a battle of the stars. onion brighter. cristiano ronaldo in the 77th minute and the 79th. a hat-trick on a grand stage, securing portugal's progress. >> translation: this is a beautiful day for me personally and for my country.
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i scored three goals equalling polletta's performance. it makes me happy. >> staring down the prospect of missing their first world cup in two decades france eased nerves early through sako. no european team came back from a 2-0 deficit in the first leg of a play-off. as kareem ben zamar struck, the record looked in jeopardy. >> for instance getting out of gaol as an own-goal in the second half clinched a 3-2 aggregate victory. 0-0 after the first, croatia stole the upper hand against iceland 27 minutes in. one goal up, but also a man
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down. the scorer mario manzukitch was red carded. iceland failed to make the most of the advantage as dario soners secured a 2-0 victory after half time. and a 1-1 draw with romania was enough for greece to booka third world cup appearance, finishing 4-2 on aggregate. >> in the african qualifiers ghana scoreded a spot with a win over egypt. winning 2-1. the play-off held in cairo, despite security concerns. substitute kevin prince pulled one back in the dying minutes. ghana make it to their third world cup in a row. >> algerian fans celebrated as
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their country sealed the last african space. regus was the only goal of match lefing the tie at 3-3 on aggregate. the north africans were through to their fourth. >> mexico are through after a 4-2 win over new zealand in the second leg of their qualifying play off. >> a hat-trick scored by the halfway. another in the 8 ofth minute. with the win, mexico afoyed for the first time since 1990. >> this is the smallest of the world cup host city, with a population of half a million. it promised 30 projects. with seven months until kick off none. critical ones appear ready. al jazeera's correspondent reports.
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>> the first batch of new light railcars have arrived and are paraded through. the light rail has been hyped as a key transportation project ahead of the world cup. organizers promised 22km of track. seven months to the world cup and not one is completed. the problems don't end there. the 250 million stadium still has no seats, no roof, no car park and no pitch. it's at risk of meeting the fifa deliver deadline of december 31st. the head of the city's preparations admits difficult delays but promises the stadium will be dd delivered. we don't have a date to spare, we don't have a minute. we have timetables adjusted. it's always a challenge. we are going to finish the stadium in december. >> the airport terminal is less
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than half done. the official world cup training center is being built - but this is all there is to see. fifa said there's no plan b. residents here sh skeptical if any of the projects meant to benefit them will ever be completed. >> translation: the stadium will be ready, it has to be. for a city as unorganised as this. the other projects will be left undone. >> state auditors determined starting next year the state will have to begin paying back on the principal and interest of nearly $750 million borrowed to pay for the world cup projects. the state will pay for 30 years. during the first six it will pay $160 million annually. it's 80% of the total money
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invested by the state in other public works in 2012. >> for now the work continues, but more problems persist. >> as if the situation here was not crit cal. they have something else to contend with. the weather. we are in the rainy season in this part of brazil. when the clouds open and the rain falls all construction work grinds to a halt. >> on this day the rain never stopped, but the work did. an ominous sign for a city where time is not on its side. >> and the mba the miami heat beat the hawks. lebron james putting up 13. chris bosch led the way for the heat. ray allen, a 3-point leader with 17 of his own. the heat winning
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104 to 88. manny pacquiao is hoping to break a losing streak and prove he's the fighter the decade. the filipino boxer arrived ahead of a showdown against brandon reos. he comes off successive defeats. his trainer indicated that the pakman may hang up his gloves if he hozs the next bout. >> i feel like i'm excited, hungry to fight back and prove i can still fight. it's been a while. >> there was more sport on the website. for all the latest check out, and there's details there on how to get in touch. >> that's it for me. thank you very much. >> now to canada and the
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controversial crack-smoking mayor of toronto. rob ford says he's hurt by the city council's move to strip him of his powers. 11 out of 20 staff from transferred out of his office. despite the scandal some who voted for him are remaining loyal. >> to get a sense of rob ford, you have to leave toronto's glitsy connedo-rid ep downtown and head west to etobicoke. it's different, quiet streets, modest homes, with ford where are grew up of a self-made millionaire and politician. he learnt the thrifty values that drove his run for mayor. >> it's tax, tax, tax, spend, spend, spend. city hall spending is out of control, ladies and gentlemen. >> outside a shopping mall it's easy to find what's dubbed ford nation by the mayor. his base of loyal voters.
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drunkenness, drug use - are no one's business they say. >> everyone is drinking and doing things, they doesn't catch them. they catch him and make so much publicity. >> i support him. i do. >> he says he has stopped drinking, he will go to therapy - give the man another chance. >> so the political entity that is ford nation began in the west and spread around the city in the 2010 elections. it's beyond geography. store -- support can be found. he's fighting against a guy that steals money. he is voting for our rights. mo hakimzaddah came to canada from afghanistan 27 years ago.
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lee drives a cab and is part of a group backing the mayor. he takes us to meet others who feel as he does. >> i like rob ford for making the office accessible for one. in terms of bringing it down to the level of the common man. with rob ford, he has the common touch with the people. >> back at city hall in the downtown core where most voters didn't join sford nation the mayor's pop up labor party is at a low. as supporters point out behind the controversial character whose gaffes are familiar is a stubborn fighter. that's what the mayor says he's doing, fighting back, aiming for election next year. >> that's it from me for now. stay with us here on al jazeera. another full bulletin of news is straight ahead. thanks for watching.
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the u.s. supreme court refuses to block the strict texas abortion law. opponents say it will prevent clinics in the state from performing the procedure. a ban on late term abortions is defeated in new mexico's largest city. voters in albuquerque rejected the measure closely watched as a front in the national abortion battle >> calling it a message of blood and death to iran and hezbollah. an al qaeda group taking responsibility for the suicide bombing in beirut. the blast killing 23 people, including a senior irani doipt. >> and desperately needed aid arrives on an


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