tv News Al Jazeera November 21, 2013 5:00am-6:01am EST
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. > >> hello there. you are watching the newshour live to doha. these are your top stories: >> translation: there is no trust between me and the united states. they trust me, i don't trust them. >> dealing despite the lack of trust. president hamid karzai asks tribal elders to back a deal keeping american troops on afghan soil. >> i'm jane ferguson where that
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agreement is discussed behind me by the loya jirga. >> a drone strike on a religious school in pakistan. >> and trailing the lizard king - we go undercover to find the most infamous wildlife trafficker. >> the question now is is that sort of thing still going on here? >> welcome to the show. afghanistan's elders are meeting to discuss their future dealings with the united states, it's president said that there's a lack of trust between the two counties. hamid karzai has been addressing a gathering of the country's leaders, the loya jirga. more than 2,000 elders gathered in kabul to decide on the role
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of american troops after next year's withdrawal. hamid karzai told them he received a letter from barack obama assuring him u.s. troops would raid afghan homes in exceptional circumstances. >> translation: our loya jirga has only got one purpose - that is to discuss and deeply investigate the security agreement with the u.s. you are here representing the afghan nation, my dear elders, scholars, clergy and everyone else. you are representing a nation that has suffered for the last 40 years. you are gathered here to look at a vital issue for the afghan nation and discuss and consult about that issue. i was under pressure not to organise a loya jirga. but when it comes to issues of national significance it is important to hold the loya jirga. >> let's look closer at the u.s.-afghan deal that could see up to 15,000 foreign troops stay
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in the country. the draft bilateral agreement, or bsa gives washington essentially what it wanted - immunity from prosecution for u.s. forces and gives them the right of self-defence; permission to carry out house raids after 2014, but only at the afghan military's invitation. jane ferguson is live in kabul. hamid karzai made a long speech, though. did he talk about other details to do with the deal? >> mainly what he talked about in the beginning, like you said. it was a long speech. he talked about the history of the conflict, going back to the 9/11 attacks in new york, and talked - everybody sitting in the halls through the events and the ups and downs of hamid karzai, and the afghan government's relationship with washington d.c. as you pointed out, he also went into great detail about the rang
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lings that he's had over the last two to three days with the u.s. administration. he literally explained what had been happening. on tuesday night he spoke with u.s. secretary of state john kerry saying that american troops could never enter an afghan house under no circumstances to which hamid karzai said it was a deal breaker, they couldn't sign a deal that -- kerry said it was a deal breaker, that they couldn't sign a deal if an american life was in threat. in response, what hamid karzai told the delegation was that he asked for a letter signed by u.s. president barack obama and he received it. he read some excerpts from the letter explaining that u.s. troops would do their best to honour local customs and laws here, and that they would wait until they were invited under any exceptional circumstances to enter an afghan home. he largely addressed the issue.
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towards the end of his speech he mentioned something that left everyone confused. if and went the bsa, the bilateral security agreement was approved by the jirga and it has to be approved by the parliament, that it would be signed after the elections. what he means by that is the presidential elections which are not until april. it seemed as though he was inferring that the agreement could get the thumbs up from parties in kabul, but wouldn't be signed by him until after the elections. repeated phone calls to the presidential palace from al jazeera have not been able to clarify this. some are confused whether this will be signed regardless of what the loya jirga say. >> that's jane ferguson there in kabul for us. >> elsewhere in afghanistan three people, including a child were killed in an explosion in
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kandahar. the blast happened at a restaurant. 20 were injured. it was not clear whether it was a timed device or suicide bombing. no one claimed responsibility for the attack. in neighbouring pakistan a u.s. drone attack killed at least six and targeted a religious school believed to be owned by the anti-haqqani group. >> an explosion in southern pakistan killed four. a remote controlled bomb was strapped to a bicycle, exploding at a checkpoint. eight have been wounded. there has been a separate attack at a border crossing between pakistan and afghanistan. three were killed when a suicide bomber blew himself up inside a customs building. >> results are expected from
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mozambique's local elections, mayors are being chosen and assembly members. voting went peacefully despite conthey weres that supporters of ramanno would distribute the ballot. >> refugees in kenya have been told it's time to go home. both signed an agreement with the united nations to repatriate them. under the deal, the refugee camp, one of the largest in the world will be grost within three years. our correspondent peter greste is at the camp. what do you think people will say about the deal? >> well, the problem for the refugees is that they've been told this is a voluntary deal. they have been told they don't have to go back unless they want to. they are feeling under a great deal of pressure to return to somalia. the fact that this agreement
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happens implies that there's pressure on them to return. most feel the country is not safe enough to go home. we've been talking to some refugees and officials. here is what we found. nobody is going to convince this woman that it's safe to go back to somalia. she and her two children are three of the newest arrivals. they came to this refugee camp in august. that was after al-shabab first killed her husband when he refused to stub out his cigarette and threatened to force her into another marriage. according to the government of kenya and somalia and the u.n.'s refugee agency, somalia is on the path to peace and immunity. they signed a tripartite agreement sending half a million home over the next three years. the u.n. insists no one is forcing them out.
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>> we'll make sure that the refugees make their own decision prior to leaving camps, so it's purely voluntary. we are here to ensure that refugees take that position. >> twice a month the world food program uses biometric checks to decide who should get a hand out of rations. it's a massive logistical exercise that costs $8 million a month. kenya, too, says it has paid a heavy price and the time is right for refugees to go. the rations are calculated to make sure each person gets enough nutrition to survive. earlier this month the agency announced it would cut food by a quarter because of a budget shortfall. >> the reduction in rations has nothing to do with the tripartite agreement. it's a coincidence.
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the refugees don't see it that way. it sends a message that the kenyans and the donors have had enough of them. >> this man understands how his community feels. he knows of nobody who thinks somalia is savvy. >> translation: i want to thank the unhcr and the kenyan government for hosting us. as a refugee leader, i don't think many want to go back. few are sure if any will go. >> if you want to get a sense of how things are in somalia, consider this, the place that refugees run to is better than the home they have left behind. >> as i mentioned in that story, the refugees are concerned about the reduction in food rations. i'm joined by hans vicola, the head of the wfp office. why have the rations been reduced drastically now?
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>> first of all over the past years, thanks to excellent contributions and support by the international donor community we have been able to provide full rations. nobody in the office can recall ever in the past years have we had to reduce the food basket. up to now we have been living and taking advantage of good contributions and the prices in 2011. so we had a good buffer in terms of stocks and financial support, but now we come to supplies going down, and the food pipeline experiencing a break. we had to apply a 25% reduction. >> does that indicate that donors are getting fatigued with the crisis in somalia. >> the donors have to deal with different crisises and merge sis
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that have not been the case. there's the drought in south africa, operations - ongoing operations in the somalia refugees is being impacted by this. i would not talk about donor fatigue. the donors are looking on developments in particular regard to the beneficiary getting control, getting a good picture on the overal beneficiary situations. >> there has been a lot of talk about the impact of reduction, and who will be affected by it the most. some complain that it's women and children, the more vulnerable. do you see it as a legitimate concern? >> first of all, it's a temporary measure. we have been applying the reduction for two months.
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it's four consecutive cycle, and it's a 25% reduction. we have left all the complimentary food assistance program, in particular directly targetting the women and children the same. there's no change in that one. we have different feeding programs. school programs, which still support those target groups in full. >> i just want to ask you this again. i know we have spoken about it before. this comes at the same time as we see the tripartite agreement in which kenya, somalia and the unhcr have said it's time to go home. the two are not connected. >> the two are not connected. it is by coincidence. i need to stress over the past month, we will be able to provide the full ration, and have been using emergency funds
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to fill the pipeline gaps. expecting that the donors would come and recover on this advance funds being used to cover the food basket. but now, at this stage, we could not abide it any more. by coincidence and unfortunately it was at the same time when they did the biometrics exercise, and we had to reach out and the tripartite agreement was signed - it's a coincidence, and unfortunate coincidence. >> thank you very much. the refugees, of course - they are watching closely to see how the rations evolve - whether they get the rations recovered over the next few months, but how the tripartite agreement is put into effect. >> that's peter greste in the refugee camp. >> now, there has been another series of blasts in iraq - at least 25 people have been killed
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in the north-east. a car bomb went off outside a packed cafe. another bomb went off in iraq's capital, killing at least five people. 17 others were hurt. similar attacks have killed hundreds of iraqis each month since the start of the year. >> now iran and six world powers are meeting for a second day in geneva to discuss iran's nuclear program. the iranian deputy foreign minister says it's trying to rebuild confidence. a lot of meetings, any progress? >> yes, we have getting to a key part in this. the preliminary meetings are over. the serious discussion is under way. we know there is a text on the table. we know there's a meeting going on now between the european union's foreign policy chief
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catherine ashton, and the iranian foreign minister going through the text. we don't know how the meeting is going. trying to get information here - they are not giving a running commentary to us journalists. earlier on al jazeera caught up with the iranian deputy foreign minister. he would only tell us that talks so far had been productive and useful. he did give a detailed interview to iranian state media. this is what he had to say? >> we would have a difficult job to make - to breach these differences. what we need is a good win and willingness and determination to resolve the differences and to breach the differences. i believe a solution is out of
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reach. what we need is good faith. the international community is represented by what is known by the p5+1, the five permanent members of the security council and germany. the one that is probably seen as the toughest on iran's nuclear program is france, and in the last couple of hours the french foreign minister has been speaking too. >> translation: our position has to do with security in the region. if there was proliferation, if more and more countries have nuclear weapons, that is dangerous. we - and not only france, all the counties, the international community, so there is a right to nuclear power, but not atomic weapons. the iranians have not been able to accept the position of the six world powers. i hope they do. >> minister laurent fabius and the other foreign ministers are
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not here in geneva. the p5+1 represented by senior officials. we are told that all the ministers are watching this extremely closely, and if they feel they are needed, it's possible, as we saw 10 days ago, they may come to geneva. >> james bays following the important talks in geneva. thank you. more to come for you on this newshour. including why people in one chinese province are at high risk of having a baby with a birth defect. >> a new island has been created by a volcanic eruption. we'll tell you where. >> and stuart brode ignores the jeers and puts england in command against australia in the first ashes test. >> funerals have been held in cairo for 11 egyptian soldiers
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killed in a suicide bombing in the sinai, dying on the border near gaza on the wednesday after a convoy of army buses. military chief abdul fatah al-sisi attended the service. >> translation: these martyrs, this treasurerous attack increases our wish to fight against them. >> a university - looking at live pictures from cairo - a student was killed wednesday when security forces moved in to clear the protest. those demonstrating are supporters of the ousted president mohamed morsi. >> a year ago a wildlife trafficker known as the lizard
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king was released from a malaysian gaol. he's once again selling off endangered species. al jazeera's "101 east" team went through africa and asia. >> home to some of the world's rare and iconic creatures. inform ants say madagascar has been a valuable source country for the lizard king. in tana we infiltrate his network. posing as interested buy e we meet mario, an exporter of seafood and reptiles. mario is the first to mention the man we are after. anson wong is the lis ard king's
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real name. caught twice for trafficking the most endangered species, serving 8 years in u.s. and malaysian james. he was released last year. inform ants who work with him say it hasn't taken long for him to resume charge of the smuggling network. >> you are sure anton is smuggling despite spending time in gaol in the u.s. >> yes, i am sure, because a leopard doesn't change his spots. >> from our time spent in the black market underworld in the wildlife trade in africa and south-east asia people confirm that the trader is at it. >> still doing it now? >> yes. >> but we needed to prove it ourselves. for that we head to the lizard king's property in the home town of penang. >> in 2010 when law enforcement officers busted into this place
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they found two bengal tigers and a crocodile. the question now is is that still going on here? >> trying to avoid guards we mistake past old cages and come upon new ones. there are big animals inside. experts tell us they are believed to be cats from north africa. our year-long chase involved a paper trail. we found shell companies and export permits - none of which are possible without the consent of authorities. despite years of allegations of wrongdoing, malaysia's minister said he doubts there's corruption. >> if there's corruption i must go after it, you know. if anybody is corrupt, if anybody accepts bribes, i must look into it. >> with all that we have learnt, it was time for us to confront the lizard king.
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>> wong was not in a mood to answer our questions. >> sir, are you involved in the trade of threatened and endangered species. >> workers of his emerged trying to stop us from filming. but not once did wong deny that he, the world's most infamous wildlife trafficker, was back in the trade. >> great story and to see the prem yair of "101 east - return of the lizard king" you'lled need to watch: >> let's get more on this. john seller is a consultant on antismuggling, fraud and organised crime and joins us from aberdeen, scotland. great to have you on the newshour. i want to pick up on the issue of corruption. the report suggests involvement
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of government officials in wildlife crime. is that a surprise to you? >> no, not at all. although i wouldn't want to discuss that specifically. i don't know the details of what is taking place in malaysia. unfortunaty, in most parts of the world where you find serious levels of wildlife crime, you find levels of corruption. >> how widespread is the problem? what are the troubled areas? >> well, how long have you got. it's really difficult to spin the glue and not put your finger on a spot where there's not an illegal crime taking place in relation to wildlife. unfortunaty, for some species, such as a tiger, rhino, elephant. this is driving species to the edge of extinction. >> how do you stop it, the sort of crime. is there a political will to stop it? >> i think that's growing. i think in recent years we see more people talking about the
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issue at senior level. unfortunately, we have - we are facing a number of problems. i think the first of those is that all too often the wrong people are investigating this. particularly in developing countries where historically this has been the role of forest or wildlife departments, who don't have the expertise or technology to engage in combatting organised and sophisticated crime. secondly, to be frank, i think customs and police are simply not doing enough on their part to respond to this. for example, we regularly read in the media of significant interceptions of contraband - ivory or rhino horn smuggled around the world. yet those interceptions and seizures are not followed up. there's not enough communication
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at international or regional levels. they are not conducting investigations as they ought to do. until they do, we won't make significant progress. >> thank you for joining us, john seller. >> a new island sprouted from the sea to join sev jan's southern chain. foodage shows the small island emerged under a plume of ash, created by an undersee eruption sending smoke 600 metres into the air. the island is technically part of tok i don't even though it's 1,000km away. >> flooding caused by a rainfall in the gulf killed 23 people. the deaths were maintain in saudi arabia and iraq. more rain is expected in the northern provinces of oman in the coming hours.
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this much rain that is not been seen in the region for 30 years. let's get more on that and go to everton. >> i think we'll see the worst of the weather making its way east over the next couple of days. brighter skies coming in behind us. baghdad saw 89mm of rain in 24 hours. here is the latest band of cloud and rain. making its way further east. 98mm of rain in 48 hours. it is gradually making its way further eastwards. it stays wet towards the kaz pian sea. we'll see it pushing to the eastern side. sunshine already in place for baghdad. we have a little wet weather making its way towards central parts of turkey and, indeed, into syria. it will fizzle out. brighter skies across here, and by saturday generally fine and
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dry. we have been affected by the heavy rain. i am sure you noticed it with the thunder storms rum blipping away. 18mm of rain in 24 hours. many of the roads around qatar have been flooded as a result of that. the wetter weather will make its way across the uae pushing into a good part of eastern areas of oman. it'll go by saturday. >> now, still to come after the break - why men age faster than women when they are out of a job. we'll tell you what the canadian government has done to present young people becoming victims. >> in sport - a boxing brawl four days out from the bout.
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>> hello there, this is al jazeera. these are the stories making headlines: afghan president hamid karzai says there's mutual mistrust in the relationship with the u.s. he was addressing more than 2,000 elders who gathered to decide on the role of american troops after next year's withdrawal. in neighbouring pakistan a drone attack killed at least six, targetting a religious school believed to be owned by the anti-american haqqani group. refugees in kenya have been told to leave a somali camp over the next three years. kenya and the somali government signed an agreement to
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repatriate them. >> top climate talks are coming to a close in warsaw. countries are at a loss to decide who will take responsibility over climate cleaning. the 2-week talks are trying to lay the foundations for a global accord to be decided in 2015. >> an area feeling the effects of global warming is one of china's provinces. it is the most polluted place, and the rate of children born with congenital defects is six times higher than the average. it's largely blamed on air quality. >> the smell of burning coal is so pervasive that the smoke from lunch does not bother the children from happy house. all 29 are now members of the
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pham family. as far as many are concerned these children don't exist. >> translation: all these kids more or less have problems physically or mentally. that's why they were abandoned. i couldn't walk away and let them die. i need help. >> everyone calls her mother. by doing odd jobs and with the help of donations she's taken care of abandoned children for 30 years. they live in this province, south of beijing, one of the large coal-producing areas. pollution leads to a high chance of babies being born with neural or defect problems. >> 18% of babies born with defects are from here. despite the government's plans
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to cut down on coal, it's where 40% of the revenue of the province comes from. with a global economic slowdown affecting things here, the local government offered incentives to prop up the ailing coal industry. the government has done little to help those who suffer from its effects. there's a proud place in this home for an every child raised. she believes the same of having a defective child, compounded by health care may have led to the children being abandoned. >> translation: for some children, with early treatment they can live better. some parents don't know about this, so the tragedy happens. >> the central government is moving to shut down coal-fired gas, but the state of pollution is affecting the physical and
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mental elements of the nest generation. many feel that the environment should be treated as a national emergency. >> joining us live from warsaw is a special advisor on sustainable development to the unglobal compact. great to have you on the show. has any concrete decisions cole out of the talks in warsaw. i know the aim is to enforce a legally binding treaty. >> there's two main topics to be discussed. we hope - one is - how are we going to shape the future agreement. the agreement to be agreed in 2015 oor implemented. in the meantime from 2013 to
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2020, how do we enhance commitments, especially if we have a big discussion on china. as you know, in copenhagen and cancun, they agreed to have 100 billion a year. how will we fulfil that commitment. it's an important commitment. there's a divide between the developing world and other countries. the developing world is keen, we understand that. >> for the first time this year, businesses are invited to come up with solutions to climate change. are businesses part of the solution or the problem? >> you know business can be - victim can be responsible and be solution altogether, the climate change. business is getting more and more involved. this is something very important. for the first time business is
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part of the negotiation of the confidence itself. yes, of course, business is more and more involved. people understand that we need a new business model. lots of showcases have been given. we have nice examples from a lot of companies, including the olympic games, how can we reduce remissions. weld like to diffuse the show cases and have an agreement and business would like to have an agreement on the price of carbon. as long as you can send the co2 without any tag on it, it will be difficult to change. yes, business is part of the solution, and more and more ceos want to come and say that in this negotiation. >> okay. that's brice malond in warsaw. >> now to a story we have been covering in afghanistan. we have been following the loya
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jirga meeting on a pact between the u.s. and afghanistan. we had a development on the story. we'll go straight there. jane, bring us up to date. al jazeera has had confirmation from the presidential palace, president hamid karzai spokesman said that he does, indeed stand by what he said in the speech earlier to the loya jirga, in the loya jirga behind me. he said that even in this bilateral agreement - the security pact with americans is given the approval of the jirga, and after that is given the approval by the parliament. it will not be signed until after the presidential election which are scheduled to be held in april next year. that caused a bit of confusion for a few hours after the speech, where people weren't getting clarity and whether he said or meant it, it's likely to come as a surprise to the americans that this security
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agreement could be signed as long as four or five months after they hoped it would be. so he is asking or told al jazeera that in the bilateral agreement it states that the americans must bring peace to afghanistan. he wants to elongate that up until the elections. he wants to see american forces bring peace here, it's likely to be a worded message, telling the americans to be tougher on pakistan in terms of the accusations there, of pakistan giving the taliban safe haifens and funding and training from across the border. it's a part of the larger political games at play. hamid karzai knew the bilateral agreement would bet last major event as president of afghanistan. as soon as it's signed he can take a step back from enormous
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decisions as the elections come up in april. as long as he hasn't signed the agreement. he remains relevant. it remains up in the air and it doesn't remain legal until he puts pen to paper or the next president does so. >> interesting. a little more clarity. that's jane ferguson in kabul. >> about 200 indonesians have been protesting outside the australian embassy in jakarta. they are upset over reports that canberra had spied on its officials, including the president. relations between the two countries are at their lowest in more than 10 years. indonesia's president said he'll frees military cooperation with australia. >> two seats have been declared in poland's elections. the conservative party won both.
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there may be trouble. there has been a demand for vote counts to stop because of irregularities. >> men unemployed for two years show faster signs of ageing. the findings were based on samples taken from 5,620 men and women born in finland in 1956. they found men who have been unemployed for longer than two years with twice as likely to have shorter. they are responsible for protecting the genetic code from degrading. women are less like i to be affected by unemployment. jessica bruxton is a researcher at the imperial college and joins us from london. explain the science behind this. how does unemployment accelerate ageing and how do you measure aging? >> sure, as you said, we looked
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at t. >> lam. >> r -- telam. >> ers and we can measure how quickly the telamirs shorten. they are a sign of ageing and a risk - increase risks of age-realitied conditions like dib yities, type 2 -- diabetes, type 2 and heart disease. it may be to do with the stress of unemployment, psychological stress of applying and being knocked back. the age of the people in the study, particularly, 31. >> that makes sense. there's stress associated with unemployment. how can you be sure that the ageing is down to unemployment even the stress is down unemployment rather than many other factors in someone's life? >> okay. we took account of all the other
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factors that might have been responsible for the results. we - first of all we looked at people well enough to work. anybody ill or on family leave or unable to work for other reasons was not included in the study. we took account of risky behaviours that might have increased the chances of being unemployed and having adverse health effects such as smoking and reduced levels of physical activity. we are sure that the result is a genuine result of stress produced. >> what would you like to be done with the findings of a study like this? >> we think it's another xarm of the long-term negative health effect of unemployment. unemployment over a long period is linked to an increased risk of earlier death. and - but particularly we think
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this is to do with the financial support that unemployed people receive. and it will be interesting to look in other countries with better or worse financial support for unemployed people to see if the findings are different. there are various things such as increased levels of physical activity associated with reducing ageing at the cellular level and perhaps this is something that could be made - people could be made more aware of and governments more aware of in supporting people who are unemployed for long periods of time. >> fascinating. the sports coming up. and remembering john f. kennedy. u.s. leaders pay tribute to the former president ahead of the 50th anniversary of his assassination. >> and a shot of the day at royal melbourne. was it enough to keep ireland in contention for the world cup of
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>> welcome back. migrant groups are concerned about the rising numbers of hatians deported from the dominican republic. a recent court ruling change said citizenship rules. if someone is born in the dominican republic they are not seen as a legal citizens. most of those to be stripped will be hatians.
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24,000 people are affected says the government. >> translation: hatians that have home, plots of land, animals are in a position of not knowing whether they should leave or bury themselves alive. it's an attack like a war, a cold war that the government has with us. >> canada's government introduced new laws to stop cyber bullying, following the suicide of young people. daniel lak explains. >> canadians were capt vated and appalled last year when a plaintiff video by amanda todd was seen. posted an youtube, and went viral after she killed herself in october 2012. a victim of bullying by extortionists who persuaded her to take obscene pictures of herself and blackmailed her. retaya parsons was 17 when raped
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at a party and pictures posted online. she killed herz and todd loyk, who was bullied by classmates. >> they think they can be anonymous without repercussions. the anonymity contributes to it. but it's 24/7. so you can bully someone any time of day or night and they can't get away from you. >> cyber bullying is mostly sexual, aimed at immature teens, hardly equipped to deal with it. there are calls for change and canada's government decided to act. >> in ottawa ministers announced a bill banning the sharing of certain images on line. >> canadians demanded action, we have answered. we need to be sure laws address
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bullying, and that young victims of cyber bullying move us to action. >> we are "anonymous"... >> hacking group "anonymous" took on cyber bullying as a cause, intervening in the amanda todd and ria parsons case, threatening to expose the bullies. >> government support groups and parents say the goal is clear, making sure some day there are no more amanda said to. >> time for sport. >> five wickets from stuart brode gives england the advantage on the first day of the ashes test in australia, brisbane. brode was booed after refusing to walk when caught earlier in a match. he silenced critics with figures of 5/65. australia reduced to 2/258.
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australia batted they were 132/6. the aussies improved thanks to a partnership between brad haddin and mitchell johnson. sachin tendulkar-post era has begun. the windies chose to bat. they have bravo on 59. sachin tendulkar retired saturday in his 200th cap. >> uruguay sealed their place after a goalless draw against jordan. uruguay held a lead but couldn't find a way through them. ment the south american champions were the last of the 32 teams to book a place in the final in brazil. >> translation: yes, the truth is i'm relieved. the last part of the qualifiers was complicated and tough.
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there was a decisive match. it handled the pressure with professionalism and with report for opponents. we qualified for the world cup, and for us it's a joy. >> croatian footballer denied leading fans in a pro-nazi chant after qualifying for the world cup. he said he took nothing wrong when he took to the microphone. his rally cry was said to have been used by a croatian regime that ruled the state in 2002. fifa are waiting for the official match report. >> soo palo were beaten in a semifinal. sayo paulo's goalkeeper tide a record for most appearance, his 1,115 goal would be one to
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remember. a third goal came 19 minutes, and the second leg taking place next week. >> lebron james scored 21 leading the miami heat to a win against the orlando magic. in minnesota the la cliffers beat the timberwolves. in a fourth quarter the clippers had a 102-98 victory. >> the washington capitals beaten. the penn gins lost four of their last six games. into the night, leading the capitals by one point. pittsburg got the better of them, scoring four. crosby - his 11th goal in the year - fishing 4-0. >> defending champs, the united states and denmark lead after
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the first round of the world cup golf in melbourne. dane thomas helped themselves and the country to the top of the leading board. >> mcdowel is playing for ireland. he sunk an eagle on the 9th hole and was one over par. >> 16 year-old lidia ko is preparing to make a debut in the lpc seesent. the teenager from new zealand made an impact, rising to number five in the world rankings. ko will tee off alongside michelle and jessica corder in the event in korda. >> not only me, but the support team in new zealand. they've been working hard. i don't want to let them down.
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i'm trying my best to be more grown up and a good professional. >> sunday the fighting has begun d between the camps of manny pacquiao, and brandon rios. the coaches became involved over a shared training gym in macau. he claimed brandon rios's camp went over type of. the bout is dedicated to his native philippines. >> i'm doing my best to win the fight specifically for what happened to my countryman, the philippines, the typhoon. this fight - to all the people and families affected by the typhoon, this fight is for you. >> there's more sport on the website. follow the latest check out
5:54 am that's it from me for now. back with more later. >> president obama paid tribute to the recipients of the presidential medal of freedom. it's the highest civilian honour that can be awarded to americans. former president bill clinton and talk show host oprah winfrey are among the 16 recipients this year. the medal was established by former president john f. kennedy. he was assassinated 50 years ago this week. >> it's a truth that resonated with president kenned di when he said, "i cam certain that after the dust of centuries has passed over our city, we will be remembered not for our victories or defeats in battle or in politics, but for our contribution to the human spirit." and that unbending belief that the power to make grade a nation is found in its
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people and in their freedom. that was his philosophy. that is his legacy. >> let's look closely at john f. kennedy, the man and his legacy. we have a story from washington. >> his youth and charisma suggested a break with the past. his rhetoric embraced a future. at his inauguration his image diverged with reality. old world bribery seen as a factor of his ascension to the presidency. >> the ken dis were willing to bend the rules. >> the story speculates on how the foreign policy would have develop. whether the u.s.'s involvement would have end the in vietnam or made peace with the soviets. kep di ramped up production.
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nuclear weapons and missiles to launch russia's stockpile. he launched an invasion of cuba. that and other actions ramped u.s.'s arms. it was kennedy that authorised the use of napalm. >> some historyions insist he would not have escalated the law if he won. >> we didn't have a rats-answers. the people there hate us. you can say a lot of policies were typical, cold war, hawkish policies. you can say that he was abandoning that kind of thing in the end. we will never know.
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>> at home it was only in the final months that he embraced the civil rights movements. after a battle with the steel industry, kennedy was concerned about alienating corporate america. >> rather than an equitable outcome, what we saw was increasing economic inequality. not as bad as we have seen. >> despite the gap between the perception of hope and change at home and abroad americans have not stopped voting in the future. nor have they felt a sense of disappointment. >> that's is for this newshour. stay with us here on al jazeera. a full bulletin of news is straight ahead. she'll be live in baghdad talking about the latest bomb attack to hit that country.
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sealing the deal the u.s. and afghanistan reach a tentative agreement that will keep thousand of american troops there after 2014. now hamid karzai must sell the idea to tribal leaders. >> trey raydull takes a leave of absence after pleading guilty to drug possession. >> and rising from the ashes, a volcanic eruption in japan creates an island in the pacific ring of fire.
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