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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 22, 2013 5:00am-6:01am EST

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♪ this is al jazeera. ♪ hello and welcome to the news hour, i'm in doha and these are top stories russia frees the u.s. captain and three other crew members of a green peace ship. rescue workers in latvia pull bodies after the collapse of a super market and at least 32 people have died. >> i'm tim friend, london police say detectives are investigating the case of three women held as
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slaves for 30 years. ♪ russia has freed on bail the captain and two crew members of the green peace ship arrested in an arctic protest two months ago and 15 members of the group have been released this week and bail hearings for the detained are ongoing and although there is concern now for one activist who was ordered to stay in prison until february. and green peace activist anthony spoke to al jazeera after he left prison. >> we will look at the problem and the problem is that climate change is very serious, the weather is getting much worse and if we don't act soon then it's going to get far worse and now is the time to do something about climate change and green peace have taken the initiative to try and save the arctic so we
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can only hope we are successful. >> reporter: green peace ship entered arctic waters in september. some activists on the vessel attempted to scale an off shore drilling platform owned by russia gas and the group was detained after the protest, activists were initially charged with piracy and changed to hooliganism and they face up to seven years in prison and peter sharp is in st. petersburg for us, controversial from the start this case but how surprising was the decision to free on bail more activists including of course the captain? >> well, i think this was part of the process and been happening all week where we have seen and have gone into court in batches in st. petersburg and basically making an application for bail. all but one of the applications have succeeded and then they
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were taken back to prison for a short period of time while paperwork was done to enable them to be released and bail was posted so we saw the captain and anthony and two others released from crazy prison in st. petersburg just a few hours ago. now i have to point out they are free, they are out of prison, they are on bail but they are not at the moment going to be allowed to leave russia and have no entry visits on their passport because they were arrested at sea and no travel documents so it's going to be sometime really before they can see themselves going home and then they will be on call then to return once they find out when the trial date is set. >> reporter: so what happens next in this case, are there going to be more bail hearings? >> well, we are in the process of three. the last three are being held today. one has already been granted and we are expecting more people to
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be released on bail later in the day and possibly tomorrow. the real concern now is the case of colin russell. he is a 59-year-old radio operator aboard the vessel. he was the first one to appear in court and his bail application was refused point blank and his detention orders extended for another three months and there was speculation that he may have been involved in the actual physical attempt to climb the rig during this operation but he is a radio operator and there is no reason why according to green peace why he should still be held and his lawyer is making a very strong appeal to get him bail along with the others. >> and like we said at the beginning this has been very controversial from the start. is there still pressure on the russian government surrounding this case because of course they did change the charge to a lessor one of hooliganism. >> that is right, right from the
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start president putin said it's not a case of piracy and was reduced a week after that of hooliganism and it carries a 7 year sentence. we will have to see, the decision lies in the russian legal system but they have moved by russian standards quickly and most of them will be out free, out of prison now in the next 24 hours and then it will be really up to the russian courts to see if they proceed with the cases against the 30. but again i must stress that there is a very firm appeal going into try and free the radio operator. >> all right, we will be watching that closely and peter sharp in st. petersburg. thank you. 32 people were killed when a super market roof collapsed in
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latvia. >> this is left of a busy super market in the cab toll riga and they have been working into the morning to find anyone who may be still trapped under the rubble. >> translator: i have a wife there. there is no information about her. whether she is alive or dead, wherever i call there is no information. >> reporter: it was crashing, most people started crying and screaming as it was sure those left inside after the first collapse would not be alive after the second fall. >> reporter: it happened during the busy evening shopping hours on thursday, it was the roof of the super market that first came crashing down and the impact was so strong it brought most of the high walls of the building. >> it is a huge building and the space when you have to work is pretty limited. we know foreign governments
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offered some heft but latino authorities are saying thank you but no thank you because we have all the treatment and all the man power but the rubble is so big we have to do it very slowly and carefully not to injure anyone else if there is someone alive still under the rubble. >> reporter: it's not clear what caused the collapse but there are reports that the roof garden was being corrected on the building which only opened two years ago and police launched a criminal investigation, al jazeera. >> reporter: our reporter who you just heard in that report is on the line from riga, are the rescuers looking for people or is the effort over because this happened what 15 hours ago now? >> hi there. yes, rescue operation is still ongoing and it's probably going to be going on for 24 more
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hours. people are coming and looking for their relatives, asking for any information but as was reported the rescue workers are trying to be very, very careful not to injure anyone else. >> reporter: of course is there any more information on what caused the collapse? >> well, the criminal investigation has been open up and police just came out with a report saying they are looking to three different ways, but all are connected with the construction of the building. any violations might be there, nobody really knows, the construction company has said that it will come out with a statement in about an hour. the mayor of riga has ordered to look at the other building that this company has built during the past few years to look carefully at what states are the
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buildings now. basically i have to say that this is the largest tragedy that latvia has and the next two days will be mourning with three minutes moment of silence tomorrow at noon and basically all the country is in shock right now. >> reporter: indeed, and we will leave it there, thank you for bringing us up to date with the latest on the tragic accident there in latvia. three women have been freed in britain after apparently being held captive for 30 years. two people who were arrested in connection with the case have been released on bail. tim friend joins us live from london for new scott land yard there, tim the police are saying this is the worst case they have ever seen of its kind and clearly taking it seriously do we have details on the two people arrested and how strong the case is against those two?
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>> well, the police are slowly but surely piecing together their case because of course the information they are getting is from the women themselves in the main and they are traumatized. and so they are having to tread very carefully indeed. as to more information about those two people who were initially arrested and subsequently released on bail, they are a man and a woman and not british nationals. one report suggests they might have been married and that is not confirmed, they are age 67. it's unlikely, we are told, that they were related to the captives. now, they were three women, 69-year-old malaysia and 57 and 30-year-old british woman and given they were held captive for
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30 years it's highly likely the british woman spent her entire life in one form of captivity or another and some reports are suggesting she was born into survitude and the police are investigating and the two people who have been arrested are on bail until the new year. >> reporter: do we know how the women were actually freed? >> how they were freed is intriguing because a charity liased with the police throughout this case, one of the women who was held captive saw a television program in which the charity featured talking about people who were held captive, who were in servitude and about human trafficking and subsequently the woman made contact with the charity who then made contact with the
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police and events went on from there and took place over several weeks. first of all two women were able to leave the house and were greeted by police as they left the house. they managed to escape and subsequently the third woman was released. so the charity played a crucial role in all this in that they were the initial point of contact for the woman, one of the women initially. >> reporter: what a remarkable story and tim friend there in london, thanks for that. at least 22 people have been killed in an explosion at an oil pipeline in eastern china. state media is reporting it was caused by leaked oil that caught fire in the port of qindow and thought the ruptured pipeline owned by the refiner sinopek was being repaired when it exploded and the incident is being
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investigated. they handed over control of the bases to the army and fighters withdrew from the capitol trillion p e and -- tripoli since they toppled the regime and 40 people were killed last five when they opened fire at protesters and the government said there is no room for melitia. >> translator: all groups should hand over military compounds and utilities to the army, police or government. >> reporter: lots more ahead and jordan said the classrooms are busting at the seems as refugees continue to pour in the country and later in the show. >> i'm tom ackerman in the state of kentucky where a historical fall in coal mining, job is the progress of lowering the carbon
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emissions. >> reporter: they dominate on day two of the first test. ♪ now to a scandal that is gripping india involving one of the country's best known investigative journalists and he is famous for exposing corruption and human rights issues and made a lot of high-powered enemies and he is accused of sexual assaulting a female colleague and they are cueing up to condemn him. the alleged victim has not made an official complaint against him to the police but the police are making preliminary inquiries and requested cc-tv footage in the hotel where it was alleged to have taken place. the woman complains to the
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manager editor. now this only came to light because of an e-mail containing his comments, that was leaked to the public. there is one extract where he says the last few days have been most testing and i squarely take the blame for this, a bad lapse of judgment led to an unfortunate incident that rails against all we believe in and fight for. the managing editor has now been speaking to the media and this is some of what she has to say. >> he had a different version of the account contrary to what you have been saying in the media, i absolutely overruled his version and asked for a unilaterally unconditional apology from him extended to the journalist, within a day, she complained on a monday and the apology was extended to her by tuesday. >> and they are taking a
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six-month break from work but this story is not going away, he is a member of the national commission for women. >> translator: he said arm committee would be set up but i think this is too late and should have been done earlier when the complainant demanded it and it was disappointing and the women commission directed the police to take up the measure because there is a concern from the accused. >> reporter: let's go straight to new deli and roman is there for us and this case keeps growing and still no charges filed against him, is that right? >> yes, this incident happened earlier in the week and no
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charges definitely but for our viewers the investigation is deemed from the police in goa to start with the first incident report and they are legally bound to investigate such an incident when they hear of it and therefore they have asked the hotel whether this incident is alleged to have taken place on cc-tv footage and asked the victim to come forward and make statements. neither of those individuals have done that yet and so therefore you have this media frenzy about what exactly has been said and what was the content of the e-mail, the complaint that went from the alleged victim to her management team. and there are lots of organizations all complaining about what should have been done by the deputy editor and nobody really knows what the content of the e-mail is and that is what the police investigation will uncover and to let you know how big the story is becoming, i mean it shares the front
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patients along with state elections that are happening here at the moment across india with under general dirty politics that leads to a general election in 2014 but this case is big on the front page of the hindu times and sex assault probe and they recall also testing the annual event, the think fest that allows celebrities and business men to come and talk about the industry and hopes of the future and coincides with the film festival, a lot of talk of goa and half of the page is given to this case and the probe has all the material with the e-mails, the hindu is one of the largest papers across the country is the probe rape charge and of course one of the tabloids gives it front page vantage point along with stories as well.
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what you have to remember is that delta is a very respected magazine that does expose lots of under handed things going on if it's bribery, or must malpractice and this goes back on them and will develop over the coming hours and next few days. >> reporter: all right, we have the latest on the developing story in india. thank you. now a group of american senators is threatening to push for even tighter sanctions against iran, statements came as negotiations between iran and the p 5 plus 1 group of powers entered the third day, the economy have suffered because of stricter international sanctions and no breakthrough in trying to persuade them to freeze nuclear enrichment and lifting some of the sanctions and we are live in geneva where talks are taking place and do you think u.s.
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senators tightening sanctions will pressure the iranians essentially? >> yes, but i don't really know which way it would have an effect on the delegations here around the table. will it push them to try and come to a deal or will it make a deal less likely? what we do know of what is going on here at the moment is talks continue and detailed negotiation on a possible text taking place away from us in a five-star hotel and locked in the hotel and not coming out and not coming to speak to us and we know there was a meeting in the last couple of hours that took place between the iranian foreign minister mohamed and the eve foreign policy chief on behalf of the european powers here kathryn ashton and they had a meeting and went on for over a half an hour and at that meeting we have one bit of information that came from kathryn ashton's
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spokesman and gave us one word and said useful so that is what we have to go on at this stage, are they going to reach a deal here or is this going to be stalled again? i'm sure it's very much in the balance. yes, they are close to a deal but that last bit is a difficult bit. >> reporter: and thank you. now in syria rebels are facing stiff resistance in a northern city of rshg aka and activists say two dozen fighterss were killed in the battle for the military base and it's considered to be rebel held but military kept control over strategic basis. the consequences of the war this syria continues to effect neighboring jordan and it has 100,000 syrian students in the state-run schools and can barely cope and we report some of the schools are having to run double shifts. >> these are syrian children who live in refugee camps in
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northern jordan and dropped off at the nearby public school where they attend classes in the afternoon. jordan is so overwhelmed by an additional 100,000 syrian students it's been forced to run two shifts and 80 schools across the country and the morning shift is for jordan and the evening for syrians. >> translator: we manage having to attend the afternoon session means we finish later and less team to play but we are doing okay. >> reporter: this is another afternoon school, all the students here are syrians living in the local community. for north the chance to continue her education while in exile makes all the difference for her future. >> translator: education will help us when we go back and face the regime and if we don't go back we are not ignorant. >> reporter: jordan is poor and struggling to deal with budget and reduced government spending and that is why international
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aid agencies are covering education experiences of syrians because the government can't afford to and teachers get paid over time and freelancers are still getting hired but there is no funding to cover the costs of running two shifts. >> translator: we hired an additional thousand teachers and administration assistance of freelancers but the salaries and books the libraries are depreciating faster and this is all unplanned. >> reporter: the school day for both sides is shorter and each shift is only 4 1/2 hours long and lessons are shorter and so are the breaks, some say educating syrians is coming at the expense of jordan students. officials say double shift schooling is ineffective because the school has to teach the curriculum to two groups in one day. that leaves little or no time for arts classes and sports activities that make the whole
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process of learning and going to school more enjoyable. ineffective or not there is no other option, education is a child's right and many say jordan has to somehow withstand these difficult times, al jazeera. >> reporter: india is bracing itself for severe cyclone expected to make landfall in the south earn coast in the new few hours and it is packing winds up to 120 kilometers and storm surge 1.5 meters are expected. let's get more on the weather and evenerton is there with the latest on the cyclone hitting eastern india. >> that is right, it's now in the process, the eye of the storm is now in the process of pushing its way in the coastal position and you see the position of the storm and it is continuing to make its way to
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westward and bringing in heavy rain and also pretty strong winds and it's in the process of wake ending and the winds are down to 60 kilometers and gusting to 80 and we are not concerned about the wind and there will be a storm surge and something we need to keep an eye on but the wind not so much of the problem but it's the rain. these are rainfall totals over the last 24 hours, 124 is coming down here in only a day. over the next day and a half we could see similar amounts of rainfall so that will inevitably lead to widespread flooding across the eastern side of india and heavy downpours coming into a good part of bangladesh and this is sunday and will turn dry but eventually cast your eye to central parts of the burb and may develop into a tropical cyclone in the middle middle
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part of next week and could bring flooding. >> no good news there and thanks for that. thousands of families are still stranded in evacuation centers in philippines and tacloban two weeks after being hit by a typhoon and some are building with what little they have left in the ruined neighborhoods and harry reports. >> in the low-lying city of tacloban some areas were hit hearter than most and houses of wood next to the sea splintered on washed away and some have started rebuilding. even on this low marshy ground and following the houses to the foundations to start again. people here say they would move if the government provided it but there is no sign of that just yet. >> translator: i like it here. i want to stay because there is work here and the markets are
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nearby. >> reporter: some of the largest, sturdy concrete structures survived, others were simply washed away. >> i never thought, never in my dream that in seconds no more, gone. >> reporter: the climate change projected with more typhoons in the future the philippine government is in a nationwide effort to move people away from the area most at risk and with noah where to go people are trying to rebuild old houses and make do as best they can but the government thinks the longer they do the harder it will be to get them to live somewhere safer and thousands are still in e vk weighs centers and the government is promising to build bunk houses for them and more permanent decisions that are in danger are considered. >> they need to build the bunk houses first and we are working with them and identified tracks of land to do that but in the
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meantime it's going to be difficult to convince these people not to go back because they are staying in these temporary shelters. >> reporter: the tacloban streets are coming back to life and trading and talking about the future of this town. tacloban's people are adapting to life after the super typhoon and the question is if they will be safer if or when the next big storm hits, harry faucet tacloban central philippines. >> reporter: protests as the first results of mozambeake and talk about security and in sports it's an angry fair in americana and we will have all the details later on in sports.
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♪ hello again, this is al jazeera and these are the stories making headlines, russia released the ship and crew members arrested in an arctic protest two months ago and 30 people detained in september have now been released. at least 32 people are dead after a super market collapsed in latvia and they are searching for people stuck underneath rubble in the capitol riga and among the dead are three firefighters. in the uk three women have been
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freed after apparently spending the last 30 years as slaves. a man and a woman arrested in connection to the case have been released on bail until january. and one woman spent her entire life in slavery. mozambique is protesting against a stolen vote and so far results from wednesday election point to overwhelming victory for the ruling party and harry is there for us, there she is, what is the latest? >> well, people from the opposition party, the mdm are in the building behind me is the commission and they are convinced or claim they stuffed the ballot boxes in the building there and that is why the party won and the police warned them not to and they wouldn't listen and the police fired tear gas and it was cat anonymous chase
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and every one disappeared and they got 57% and mdm got 43% and feel there was some vote rigging or fraud and an angry and coming back on the streets again. >> expecting protests but will it lead to anything do you think? >> i don't think so. i think the ruling party has a grip on pretty much most of the country. we could see running back here and there and particularly there area in the province. the main opposition party boycotted in this region and they filled in the gap and it's easy because people don't like the ruling parties and behind me it shows it's a poor area and not much development and people frustrated other than the ruling party and they are known to victimize people and opposition
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parties say they are known to be arrested and yesterday they were arrested. and they will try but police are out in full force to attack the protest. >> reporter: thank you. a former indonesia spy chief dismissed phone tapping by australia saying they are normal and that indonesia is overreacting and there have been reports that they had been listening to the calls of the president. the issue has soured relations and caused anger and people in indonesia have been protesting and want australia to apologize. >> translator: this is not enough just to apologize in parliament because they are tapping the mobile phones of important people such as the president and ministers. >> translator: spying is a usual thing and the government should find out where the leak
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is and hold them responsible. >> reporter: venezuela used his newly-granted powers to rule by decree to make two laws, he capped retailers profits and reorganization distribution of foreign currency. >> translator: i'm talking about the decree with the i'm the importance of the law and for the protection of the venezuela people. >> reporter: shop owners in venezuela fear they will have their profits cut with the new decree powers and stores have been seized and hundreds of business owners arrested and we have more from the capitol caracus. >> this is the neighborhood in caracus, the stronghold of the president and here you will find overwhelming support for his so called enabling act and it's expected he will force private
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business owners to reduce profits by 30% and meaning dishwashers and cds will be greatly reduced in price and we have spoke to a small family run business and how he feels about the new measures. >> translator: he came to venezuela 50 years ago from syria and running the family business for 30 years and has already voluntarily lowered his prices partly in fear of being closed down by the government and worries about the months ahead. >> translator: on a daily basis i have meetings with owners and we don't know what our future will be under these measures and hope it will have a happy ending and hope when we run out of merchandise we can replace it as the government has promised. >> reporter: but in a country where basic goods are hard to come by and inflation is spiralling out of control they are welcoming the president's plans. >> we can buy appliances and an
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frig and before the government's measures they were very expensive and we the poor people could not afford it but thanks to chavez we can. >> translator: we work hard to buy what we need and with the previous prices we could not afford anything. >> reporter: but economists say state control of private businesses will only scare away the investors venezuela need. >> they add value in the country and planning to leave venezuela if they keep strangling businesses and if the multi national companies don't find a window to make business and buy dollars for the profit doesn't make sense to be in venezuela. >> reporter: it's thought the president's plans will go in effect in january and until then all he can do is wait and hope he can keep his business afloat, al jazeera venezuela.
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>> reporter: politicians in pakistan are blaming the government for failing to stop drone strikes in the country and demonstrations are planned on friday and at least five people were killed in a u.s. drone attack on a religious school on thursday and he says his constituents are fed up. >> this is the most unjusting drone policy by the way. it's against all humanitarian laws. it's against any natural justice. you cannot be judge, jury and executioner and somebody miles away decides that president obama is presented a kill list and said these are the ones we will eliminate. what is this war achieving? all it is doing is radicalizing
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the country. >> reporter: they will discuss a crucial security deal with the united states and both sides are not agreeing when to implement it and thursday karzai said he wanted it to be signed after elections next april but the u.s. wants it completed by the end of this year and the deal sets out the rules over the jurisdiction operating of troops in the country and jane is here and today is the day they get down to business so what has been happening? >> well, right now behind me just further down this hill in the main compound hall where those 2.5,000 are going over the document divided in committees and it's smaller from a practical perspective and can really debate those issues and each point in the draft itself in smaller issues and come up
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with their recommendations, approval or disapproval and they have to keep in mind an incredibly tight procedure and in 2010 the last one of this size and attacked and no one was killed but an incredible breach of security and this time they know there are many people who would like to see this disrupted or cancelled and are keeping journalists back quite a bit. the sessions when they go in the small committees are in fact closed and in between the sessions people come out and talk and discuss what is being said in various committees and how people are responding to this. and al jazeera has spoken to some of the delegates both yesterday after their first day of looking at the draft and today and a lot of them are still talking about karzai surprise announcement in his speech yesterday saying he will sign this agreement if they agree to it after the elections next year which has caused an
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row between washington d.c. and kabul in terms of who and when is this going to be signed by so a lot of the representatives here saying why have we been gathered together if this is part of a political ploy and will the president take serious what we say. >> reporter: i asked you whether president karzai explained at all why this deal wouldn't be signed until next year. >> he gave one brief explanation, in his speech and then reiterated it through spokespeople who were frantically connected by journalists immediately afterwards yesterday and he wants to ensure security up to tell shuns, -- the elections and they want to bring security to afghanistan. a lot of people have been reading many different things into it and wants to make sure there is no international interference in the elections and in the 2009 presidential
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elections he vocally said that and that is what he is saying himself. >> reporter: jane ferguson in kabul and thanks for bringing us up to date with what is happening there. and we are giving you live pictures now coming to us from upper egypt. that is an anti-coup prozest and you see they are holding up the four finger sign and the sign of the anti-coup movement. what they are doing there is holding protests as they have done most fridays since the former president mohamed morsi was deposed back in july and keeping up this momentum of protest across the country as much as they can but the quality of the picture is pretty bad because it's very difficult for journal lists to actually go out and have any sort of good
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equipment to use to film these protests. they are not going shown on the state media channels are not allowed to operate in the country and we will try to get you more of the protests by the anti-coup calling for the president to be returned to power. now the use of antidepressants in wealthy country has soared and data found in countries 1 in 10 adults is prescribed the drugs and happening across the world but most prevalent in ice land, australia and in canada but what is worrying experts is there is a big rise in those taking antidepressants and suggest the numbers of those actually afflicted are not going
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up and nash is from the uk charity mind and she says there needs to be additional research why more prescriptions are being written. >> more people are seeking help and coming forward and asking for help so that may explain some of the reason. but for the other parts of the reasons it's simply we just don't know and the problem is not enough research has gone into this to find out the cause of this rapid increase but a year on increase and it's rapid and global and that needs to be looked at seriously. what we can draw some kind of conclusions from is looking at the cultures that are around in those countries and look at in the uk where we go to medication first, we do not like to talk about our problems, if you look at the american culture for example, much more open to therapy and having therapy and talking about that and being open about that. so there is culture aspects at play but we need more research to understand what the story is behind these statistics.
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>> reporter: more to come including taking center stage, the african film maker is trying to make it big and the obstacles standing in their way. and in sport the boston bruins in bean town and action from the nhl coming up. ♪
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♪ welcome back, 30 bodies have been found in a mass grave in western mexico. they were discovered in 16 pits near lake trapala and many
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bodies were bound and gang and cartels and new generation and the knights are locked in a turf war for control of the area. next month's presidential election runoff will be a big challenge. former student leader camilla won a congress seat as a member of the communist party on sunday, her decision to run for office has been controversial with members of the student movement and she led millions in street protests in 2011, asserting the right to free education. electronic giant samsung will pay to apple and they say it copied features in the older smartphones and tablets and it's in addition to the $650 million it owes and a third trial next year will consider the newest
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devices have also copied apple technology. nigeria has come a long way since founded 20 years ago and it produces 250 films every year and sounds like a lot but film makers are still struggling and we report from nigeria. >> celebrating africa's talents and creativity after the africa international film festival, the top players in movie making and hundreds of home movies are produced and that ranks with the business third in the world behind india's bolywood and hollywood and it's a challenge but major players say there is much to celebrate. >> doing quality films and will have cinemas and didn't have that and screen the cinemas. the future just looks bright for
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nolywood and african cinema. >> reporter: they don't make much money but driven by a passion for film and hope one day they will get a big break. this is the biggest studio, at least 200 movies produced each north studios like this for the african market and they work hard to get their products to the market, the movie pilots are lying in wait. another low-budget movie in the making funded entirely by the film maker who talks about the piece of land and by the time it sells the copy pirates will sell too. >> we are struggling, technically struggling, we are struggling, so what i believe is we will come together and walk and there is an effort and we put our hands together. >> reporter: most movies are
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made with equipment and crews require good training and better facilities means better films which in terms immediate a wider acce acceptance and if not they will go stagnant or decline. >> this is sport. >> australia dominated the second day of the first test against england and bresban and 295 and australia ripped into the attack and lost six wickets and mitchell johnson took two and england all out for 136. michael carbury was the only english person with 40 runs and they will return on saturday on 65 and the second inning and lead of 224 runs.
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the batsman chris gail will miss the tour of india after tearing his hamstring and the 34-year-old suffered the injury running for a single in thursday's one-day defeat and the captain is likely to be sidelined for up to a month. it was ill tempered out of paraguay and atlantis in the semi final and the defender carlos was caught on camera hitting michael behind the referee's back and they scored twice in the second half. santiago got the first and palo converted a penalty. and sent off for a tick on his opponent. and golmez pulled the goal back for the home side and they had a player sent off 2-1 and the second leg is in argentina next thursday.
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croatian prosecutors said it was $4400 and this is after they qualified for the world cup on tuesday and the rally cry is said to have been used by the regime that ruled the state during world war ii and denies any wrongdoing and they are considering whether to take disciplinary action. and the nba the denver nuggets snapped the winning streak and inseminate and jordan hamilton had back to back 3 pointers in the fourth quarter and denver pulled away from chicago and nuggets 97-87 and the fifth loss to denver. the st. louis blues beat the eastern conference the bruins on thursday and this is the hockey leg end bobby orr dropped the puck and on the 1970 boston team that beat st. louis in the stanley cup finals and the game
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tied at the end of regulation and went to a shoot out and derek scored to give the blues 3-2 win and boston goalie clearly not happy with his performance. over in dallas the goalie made a season high 41 saves as new york beat the stars and the goal from chris criner and seconds apart and rangers had 3-2 victory. formula one are preparing to exit respective teams at this week's finale in brazil and he had nine race victories and joining the endurance racing program and he will part ways with ferrari after having been with the team since 2006. >> it is a very long time.
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championship but ferrari before formula one and it's a long time and really just need to say thank you to all of them, everybody who works together in ferrari. >> feels like a normal rate at the moment and looking forward to sunday in many ways in terms of obviously pushing for a good result but, yeah, i'm ready for -- ready to start and looking forward to the extended winter that i will have obviously, yeah, the new challenge is around the corner. >> reporter: one shot lead in gulf in melvin and he is eight under and kevin is second but in the team event the u.s. had a three-shot lead over den mark. and 16-year-old lydia made her debut at the lpga event in florida and one under par and
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71, the new zeelander is 7 shots off the lead and she is an amateur and ranked 5th in the world. and that is all your sport for now and back to you. >> reporter: thanks so much, united states which has long been the world's largest carbon e mitter is shrinking the greenhouse foot print and it has fell nearly a quarter but the decline is taking a toll on one of the country's oldest coal mining, areas and we have more from kentucky. >> in the narrow valleys of eastern kentucky king coal long ruled supreme but the industry wears a hollow crown as minds in the appalachian mountains shut down every month and coal mines are down 40% in the past two years and more losses projected as production keeps declining.
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third-generation miner joie has been looking for work for more than a year. >> anything we can basically do and you don't cut it for me, i can't hardly live on it. >> and the next three years, if things don't change in our area, this place will be a ghost town. >> reporter: eastern kentucky coal is the most expensive to mine in the u.s. and the deposits are best suited to generate electricity. but 30% of america's existing coal burning plants have closed or slated for retirement in resent years and friend accelerated by the u.s. natural gas and burns off half carbon dioxide as coal and the international energy agency says half of the cuts are like this power plant switching from coal to natural gas and last year it
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fell 3.8% and continued to decline over the past five years but people blame it on the federal government driven by president obama's declared intention to sharply limit construction of new coal-fired plants and small mine operator says heavy handed enforcement is making the area's coal less competitive. >> they are wanting to find a way to squeeze coal and that is a dirty word and teaching that to kids in school. >> the president's own advisors said there is a war on coal and we intend to fight the war and these people need to be stood up to. >> congressman at a ribbon cutting. >> reporter: they must deal squarely with a future no longer dependent on coal. >> not focusing on what does it look like to build a broad based
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economy built from the capacity of the people and the place that we have and that is the fundamental challenge. >> reporter: a challenge that will mean years of tough transition for the people of coal country, tom ackerman, al jazeera, kentucky. >> over the last 24 hours we have been running an exclusive story about the so called lizard king, a wildlife tracker and al jazeera investigation reveals he is still in business a year after being released from a jail in malaysia and enforcement director of the wildlife department said they are again investigating wong and wife over new claims. they rescued 122 penguins bound for china and they found this in blue bags in an suv vehicle in southwest thailand and the animal is worth $160 each. stay with us on al jazeera, darren jordan will be here in a couple minutes with more news.
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bye for now. ♪ determining using some sort of subjective interpretation of their policy as to whether or not your particular report was actually abusive, because if it doesn't contain language that specifically threatens you directly or is targeted towards you specifically, they may not consider it abuse. they may consider it offensive. and in that case they just recommend that you block that person. >> i don't want to minimise this, because i mean, there's
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some really horrible things that are on line, and it's not - it's not just twitter, what has happened through social media and the anonymity of the net is that you see websites, hate-filled websites targetting all sorts of groups, popping up. there has been a huge number of those that exist as well.
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♪ a major shift of power in the senate as democrats drop a so called nuclear option, the landmark vote prevents republicans from filibustering to block presidential nomination. a chilling discovery in britain, a modern day slavery, three women held against their will in a home for more than 30 years. and intense search for survivors after a supermarket roof comes crashing down and dozens are dead and more are feared trapped in the rubble. >> president kennedy has been assassinated and it's official the president is dead. >> reporter: and half a century later the nation pauses to remember one of its darkest hours, the death


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