tv News Al Jazeera November 23, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm EST
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clsz . you're watching al jazeera america, live from new york city. i'm jonathan betz with a look at today's top stories. >> talks over iran's nuclear program are going over into the night. secretay of state john kerry plans to leave tomorrow. >> chemical weapons - how they'll be destroyed. >> and the elections in honduras - the hope that it could end that country's violence. >> secretay of state john kerry will be on the move again,
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heading to london tomorrow. he arrived in geneva to join negotiations over iran's nuclear program. the goal is to keep tehran from developing war heads, something the british foreign secretary said is a big threat. phil ittner joins us live. any indication that they are near a deal? >> well, they say they are near a deal, but we are playing currently a waiting game. it's quite a waiting game. we know that they broke for dinner. they have apparently returned. they - we are hearing from a number of different diplomatic sources in the delegations here that they intend to go as late as they need to tonight. they will not go into sunday day. we are hearing from the russian delegation that they believe a decision, one way or the other, is coming soon, but they are determined to take this as far
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as they can go so they can get a decision. keep in mind that the last time we were here, two weeks ago, it went late into the night. people are determined to try to make the best go of it they can. but as the hours tick away there is growing suspicion that there's a major impasse >> explain to us why there is an imparks pass -- impasse. two weeks ago everyone seemed to think we'd come to a deal and maybe some of that optimism is fading. >> they say that they are very close, that there are so many things that they have made decisions about, but there are, apparently, a couple of points where people have dug in their heels. on the western side of thinks, on the p5+1, the members of the un-security council plus
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germany, it appears as though they are concerned about a nuclear plant in iran, which produces plutonium as a by-product. it's a dangerous product. stockpiles of enriched uranium as well. and on the other side iran insists that anything they sign verifies that they have a right to a nuclear program. it's one of those or a combination of those where either one party or another party is not willing to budge. so we go late into the night. >> with secretay of state john kerry flying to geneva, and now he will be leaving geneva tomorrow, what does that say about the negotiations? >> there's a lot that can be looked at with that statement by
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the state department that he will go london. it could be that they are trying to put a finite period on the current round of talks, perhaps trying to draw out a sense of urgency. it could simply be that they are at a point where they realise that one way or the other this has got end this round, and, you know, secretary of state has an awful lot on his agenda, and other obligations. but, you know, as we go later and later into the night, there's great concerns about this. doesn't mean it won't happen, but it means it's a tough negotiation. >> it is a big subject, without question the the negotiations continue into the night. phil ittner live in geneva. thank you. >> i was to bring in kelsey davenport, a nonproliferation analyst with a think tank arms control association. i liked your perspective on this. what do you think is the big
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sticking point? >> it's too soon to tell whether we'll reach an agreement in the next two days. the right to enrich uranium is likely something that is holding up progress on the deal. iran wants an agreement to say it has the right to enrich uranium and the united states, and its negotiating partners do not believe that the nuclear nonproliferation treaty gives states a right to enrich uranium. that is likely something that it holding up the deal. >> i thought there would be a compromise, they'd agree to disagree and iran can enrich in small doses. >> that could be what we see. foreign minister mohammad javad zarif indicated that some language to that effect may be worked out. the supreme leader said iran's right to enrich uranium needs to
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be protected. it remains to be seen how they work out the language to please both sides. >> looking at the big picture - how likely is it that the talks about proceed. do you think iran and western powers will dig in their heels and nothing will come of this. >> it's important that both sides say they are making progress on a deal. when you consider where we were nine months from now, when the parties were meeting in kazakhstan in april. they stopped talking because progress couldn't be made. to hear that they are down to negotiating specific words within an agreement leaves me optimistic that we will reach a deal - maybe not today, but within a future round of talks it is likely. >> as we go through the round of talks, this is the second round of talks in the past two weeks. do you feel, though, no deal does kind of hurt the process
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here, that it stalls and that we lose momentum? >> well, i think if we continued to keep going without making progress on a first-phase agreement it could be problematic. there are hard line groups within iran and the united states that are not pleased with what we are hearing about the terms of a deal. and if too much time elapse, they could spoil the positive progress that has been made. >> if they do reach a deal, how significant would it be, especially since what we are talking about, to be truthful is a deal to make a deal. this would freeze iran's nuclear program while we talked again and tried to figure out a long-term solution. >> even though the deal with just last six months, it would be a significant win - if what
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we are hearing about the deal is negotiated. if it pauses iran's nuclear program and addressing serious proliferation concerns so iran would not make progress within the next six months, giving the international community time to negotiate a final resolution. without the deal iran could meet significant milestones that would allow it to quickly develop a nuclear weapon within the next six months. >> it's getting close. we'll see if they reach a deal. kelsey davenport with the arms control association, thank you for your time. >> to syria where inspectors are making progress dismantling the chemical weapons system. the next step is to destroy the arsen arsenal. >> the plan to destroy syria's chemical weapons is on schedule. damascus declared its stockpile
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in september and the chemical watchdog confirmed that the facilities are inoperable. the lingering question is how the arsenal will be destroyed. in an interview with al jazeera the head of the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons, or o.p.c.w., said the most dangerous substance, 500 tonnes are likely to be destroyed at sea. >> there are some processes manufactured by the united states which can be transported easily and installed easily either on a ship or on land. i think the americans will facilitate this. >> it looks like it will be american-led. >> for the category 1, they will take the lead. >> for the remaining 800 tonnes of toxins they reach out to the private companies. >> with regard to less toxic
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substance, which are comparable, in fact, to the chemicals which will be available for commercial industrial purposes, and can be destroyed in commercial disposal facilities, and for the second category we made an appeal yesterday. we asked commercial companies that might be interested in taking over the destruction of those. >> the commercial disposal costs between 47 to 55 million. companies have less than a week to express interest. the recent move is an indication of the ocw's push to remove the chemical weapons arsenal from syria by the end of the near. >> the north korean government confirmed it is holding an american man but will not name him. it's assumed the country is holding merrill newman. his family said he was pulled off a plane as he was leaving
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north korea. his wife is asking for more information. in a statement she said: >> afghanistan's loya jirga, a tribal council, continues to debate whether to keep american soldiers there. the members are expected to vote tomorrow. which way it will go is far from certain. jane ferguson reports from kabul. >> scandal and argument surrounds the decision makers in afghanistan. a gathering of representatives is expected to decide on sunday if it will approve a security agreement in the u.s. president hamid karzai is sticking to the condition. he won't sign the agreement until after presidential elections next year. >> translation: hamid karzai doesn't have the right to say these words. this is a big mistake.
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whether we want from them and hamid karzai wants from them, it has been accepted. he wants to delay the agreement. this is not for the benefit of afghanistan. this is to the dertryment of afghanistan. >> in the busy market of the capital people are worried about their future if the agreement is not signed. >> translation: if pakistanis are enemy, if iranies are enemy and we make america our enemy, how do we make a living. we need support to make a living and develop a stable future >> some believe hamid karzai is worried about his legacy. he doesn't want to be remembered as a president intimidated by foreigners. they point out the country should come first. >> translation: even if hamid karzai sacrifices, he should do an historic thing for the country, where afghanistan, its borders and army are stronger. he should sign it. we are ready to sacrifice.
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he should sacrifices himself and think about the interests of our country. >> there has been protests in some areas. university students in jalalabad burnt an effigy of president obama and sent a message to their president >> translation: we don't want the presence of american forces or their allies in our holily lands. we want the invaders to withdraw sooners, without conditions. we recognise whoever signs this agreement as a national traitor. >> the coming days will bring more news of diplomatic argument and debate to they say people. they must wait to hear what decisions are being made. decisions that could change the future of their country. >> the philippines is still in crisis, more than two weeks after typhoon haiyan ravaged the
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central islands. aid groups are working around the clock in difficult conditions. al jazeera's paul beban has more from the town of tanauan. >> there's barely a building left standing in this town. about a quarter mile from the sea. inside town hall it is hot, dark and dirty. water pours from above as the sick and injured stream in. this shell of a structure is the best they could do here for a hospital. one bright spot here is tanauan's mayor ron flores is a paediatrician. he's been working around the clock since the storm. >> no matter how tiring it is. i don't consider fatigue. at the moment i have to provide service for my people. >> people are coming from miles around with fevers, diarrhoea and infected wounds.
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this man, whose home was destroyed, told me it took him 10 days to get here, but getting medical attention was more important than rebuilding his house. >> they are finding bodies in tanauan, and they are burying bodies in a mass grave. this is where medecins sans frontieres is putting up a new hospital. city hall, where there's a temporary hospital, is too damaged. >> there's waterfalling everywhere. no electricity. >> louise johnston is the field coordinate scror -- coordinator. >> we have an emergency room, we'll refer some on. there's a paediatric area for pregnant women and child birth. >> using tents that inflate, medecins sans frontieres can get
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a fully functioning hospital up in less than a day. >> in the courtyard of bethany hospital in down-tune tacloban, 12 miles up the coast from tanauan, they'll run an er and surgical center. >> we have been running all night. there are many that can't wait. >> medecins sans frontieres will stay here until tacloban rebuilds hospitals like bethany. given the scale of destruction, they probably won't leave soon. >> a third section of a supermarket collapsed today in lativia. there it goes. more than 50 people died in the original collapse yesterday. there were no new injuries. the
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country's president called the disaster murder. >> a cleanees -- chinese country had a pipeline that exploded. the pipes have been closed off. the local and environment agency said oil has flowed out, contaminating the sea. there's no word on what caused the leak. >> the cold canadian air is pushing to the north-east out of canada. an arctic air mass with an area of low pressure pushing through. we track into this afternoon, into tomorrow. the cold air will sweep across the great lakes and portions of the ohio. by tomorrow, it pushes further on into the east across new england, pennsylvania, here in new york city.
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definitely going to feel the cold. this is what it feels like now across the north-east. 41 in boston, 35 in albany. by the end of the night look at temperatures. we'll climb to a low of 29 degrees. chily to say the least. by tomorrow we'll climb to a high of 33. i hope you have your jackets ready. >> across the great lakes we look at the snow, pushing in to western portions of new york. if you are on the freeway, take it easy on the roads. meanwhile we have a monster of a storm across the south-west. i'll tell you about that later in the show. >> thank you. a radical proposal in front of switzerland parliament tomorrow. it requires executive salaries be capped at a lower level than current strategies. imogen brennan reports on the move. >> where banks and big business thrive there are, of course, big salaries too. in switzerland they have it all.
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public outrage to match over the excesses of executive pay. on the weekend the socialist party's 1-12 campaign will be put to a referendum. at issue whether bosses should be prevented earning more in a month than worst paid workers earn in a year. >> some people are earning much money, and other people don't earn enough. so we want to change this. we want a fair society and economy. >> it's an idea familiar since the global financial crisis struck. in one of the world's attractive places to do business, anger took hold this year when one outgoing senior executive was paid $80 million. the national backlash forced the company concerned to cancel the pay out. damage was done to the traditional swiss relationship
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of trust between business and the public. those campaigning for a no vote see the 1-12 idea as a threat to switzerland famous free economy. >> translation: the other problem is a certain number of major international corporations would leave switzerland, because they would not comply with the law. they wouldn't recruit senior executives from the top echelons of the workforce. >> if executive pay falls, so, too, will tax revenue, affecting pensions and public spending. the overall economic impact would hurt the worse-off most. >> it's bad if accepted, but it is good to discuss it. it allows people to express concerns, and allows the elat of the business community to understand what the people are concerned about and to make sure that you don't break this relationship that we have in
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switzerland which is important, called social cohesion. >> there are votes to come on a minimum wage and a tax rise for wealthy foreigners. significant questions in a country that prizes its reputation as one of the world's most business friendly. >> very interesting idea there. when we come back on al jazeera america - helping the homeless what little they have - a backpack to make life a little more tolerable. later - a violent country is set to choose a new leader. we look at the presidential elections in honduras.
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city's homeless find shelter anywhere they can. there's fear their few possessions could be stolen. bryan solorzano is among more than 2,000 homeless chicagoans getting free back packs to hold everything from clothing to personal documents. >> it's waterproof and there's compartments. >> citipak says the backpacks is the brain child of chicago businessman ron kaplan. using money from a family foundation, he partnered with high sierra to provide the packs. he gave them away at chicago churches and expanded the program to boulder. >> living in chicago, seeing people on the streets with plastic bags and inadequate means to carry their stuff safely, i had - i said, "wait a minute, shouldn't there be a back pack or a device."
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>> the packs are designed for the homeless. they are extra large. there is a porcho that is detachable and a strap to be worn around the wrist so nobody can steal it while the person is sleeping. the designers used input from the homeless to design city packs. this version for the homeless in maui will be made in a lighter colour and comes with a rain porchos. >> the hawaiians have a larger build so expanding the neck was crucial. >> by the end of the year citipak hopes to have 5,000 packs on the backs of those in chicago and boulder. it expands to boston and austin, texas next year. it's been a month since bryan solorzano got his citipak. he said he no longer has to hide
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his belongings when he goes to soup kitchens or the library. it's a bit of security at a time when he has little. >> >> we have the sport headlines. bad news for the bulls. >> chicago fans are, "please, not again." derrick rose had to sit out last year with a knee injury and injured his knee last night on a noncontact play. it gave out. the former mvp had to leave in the third and did not return. derrick rose is coming back from a torn acl in the left knee and the 25-year-old superstar left the arena on cups. the grisly's mark gasol sprayed
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the ncl in his left knee. he does not need surgery. he'll be out indefinitely. >> on grid iron, keenan reynolds was getting his grove on like you would not believe. the navy quarterback set an ncaa record by rushing for seven touchdowns, including the game winner in triple overtime. the midship men win 58-52 in triple. more highlights, including a victorily michigan, and morgan radford - harvard beat yale. >> we'll have to see the highlights of that. >> we'll try to get it for you. >> still ahead - hondurasans ready to head to the polls. the presidential election is tight. we'll take you to the world's largest refugee camp where people are going to extraordinary lengths to teach themedz. themselves.
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america. here is a look at the top stories today. . it's a waiting game in geneva. there's no deal as leaders continue to debate the minutia. secretay of state john kerry plans to leave tomorrow for london. 10 people are missing in yesterday's supermarket collapse in latvia. 50 are dead. another section caved in today as rescuers searched for victims. no one was hurt. the north korean government confirms it's holding an american man. it's assumed they are holding merrill newman who fought in the korean war. merrill newman's family said he was taken from the plane after visiting on a tourist visa. >> it's election day for the people of honduras. they'll go to the polls to choose a congress and ruler.
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they pit juan orlando hernandez against zel r the wife of a leader forced from office in a coup. it's a race too lows to call after a long campaign, dominated by the issue of law and order. crime is souring in honduras -- soring in honduras. it has the highest homicide rate, 91 killings for every 100,000 people. adam reynie joins us live from the capital city with a look at what is at stake tomorrow. >> well, really, what is at stake is who will lead the country, what is at stake for the people is how safe and secure they'll be, and is their lot going to get better. will they have a chance. all the main candidates say they are the ones to consider. the election is taking place in a climate in which democratic institutions that many of our viewers take for granted, taking advantage, or a given in the
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u.s. we have a runtry where many institution, the supreme court, everything is under threat. >> like many in honduras, darmin sadloo is waiting for justice. he has come to the attorney-general's office hoping for an update on his father's murder. there's more confusion on who is handling the case than answers. emmo, a political activist was killed two years ago, in broad daylight. he supported the leftist party. more of its members have been attacked and killed than other parties combined. >> translation: this case has not been investigated, it's supposedly under a special agency. they have not called us. >> honduras' ex attorney-general admitted that his office could only investigate 20% of whom
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sides. this in a country with the most murders per cap ita. flores, a former judge, says such impunity is a problem. a broken justice system. >> rule of law is an illusion. we don't have an objective attorney-general or an independent judiciary. we don't have a human rights commissioner. >> it's not only the justice system at risk, but the judges themselves. the congress dismissed four supreme court judges after ruling a law unconstitutional. >> some are targeted. more than 60 lawyers and judges have been killed here since 2010. there's little faith in those tasked with protecting the population. 1400 police officers this year have been suspended over corruption and ties to organised
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crime. >> the problems go back a long time. we are trying to get on the right path and avoid cases of injustice, and make sure people that are frustrated and scared have a better tomorrow. >> but for today, the government has deployed a new military police officers to patrol the most dangerous city, a stef human rights activists say can only make matters worse. >> an organization above the law, heavily armed, acting against the population and its citizens. a warning for those demanding answers and justice from their country. >> well, as you can see a lot of issues at play here in the democratic institutions. they are not giving people faith that the country is working the way it should be. what we have seen here in the capital is concern about the fairness and freeness of the
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vote on sunday. we had a representative from the leftist party, the party of the xiomara castro del zelaya, the forker first lady, a front runner. they were accusing people of coming to the office and forcing down international visitors to come out and show immigration papers to make sure they were legally here. >> it's a big election, we'll stay on top of that. >> we'll talk more about this. let's go live. jennifer mccoy is there. director of the americas program at the carter center. i want to follow up on what adam is talking about, concerns of a close election, monitors coming in to watch. we are hearing talks that the front runner candidates are neck and neck. if there's no clear winner what do you think that means for the country? >> well, there's a lot of interest in these elections,
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obviously, because they represent, in some way, important changes in the country. this is a country that has 400 years, two major parties in office, running the country, and now there are new parties in part representing the president who was removed in 2009, and in some other new parties, and so there's a lot of uncertainty about what that will mean. if the elections are close, then i am sure that the parties will be looking very closely scrutinising the results, and that the role of the observers, the international observers, and a lot of national observers as well, will be important as well. but we hope that both sides - once the results are sorted out. that all the parties can get together to talk about how to move forward with the severe, serious challenges that honduras faces, that you have talked about in the coverage with the high crime, the poverty, the
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inequality and first call crisis. >> how much hope is there that the new president can solve the huge issues that the country is facing, especially the unbelievably high murder rate there? >> it's difficult because it's not dependent solely on honduras. a lot of this has to do with the drug trade, some of it grew as a result of mexico's focus on fighting their own drug cartels, so a lot of drug trade is coming through honduras. so it's going to require not only efforts by hon durans, but regional efforts and new approaches to resolve that. within honduras the crucial thing will be whether the parties can get together afterwards to talk about very important agreements to be able to address this. there are some disagreements over, for example, the best way to provide security that you mentioned. whether it should be the
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military or other community policing efforts, but the people just want security. so it's really up to the parties and the new governments to be inclusive and seek these accords to move forward. >> we'll see what happens tomorrow. we'll have continuous coverage on that tomorrow, when the election tallies come in. jennifer mccoy with the america's program at the carter center. thank you for your time. the world's largest refugee camp may not have electricity, but it has a university. peter greste reports on the first test students are taking. >> it's a big day for dr josephine gitome, the first of a refugee students are to sit exams. this is a test not just of how much each has learnt, but whether the idea of a university really works. there are four courses covering
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subjects that don't need special laboratories. until their campus is built, the lectures and exams take place on the weekend in a local high school. >> they are enthusiastic because they know when they have a diploma it becomes a door through which they can walk through into - out of the camps. >> and dadaab is not a place most want to stay in. refugees have been coming to the camp for the past 22 years. for most of them football is a pastime, not a career option. unemployment and boredom are huge problems. the government refuses to let anyone leave without a special permit. at last the students emerge. out of half a million refugees who live here 90 got
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scholarships for the 2-year courses. in a way the universities and students present a challenge to authority, they bring an air of performance to a place that the government insisted should only be a temporary shelter. >> abdirahman hassan is not going anywhere until he gets his diploma. he sees his course in nutrition and health as a way of helping his young family, but his country, eventually. but there is no academic culture here. there's no institutions to support learning. not even electricity. >> i'll finding it a bit difficult. especially we don't have access to the libraries. we go to the university campuses, the library here only has textbooks. >> abdirahman hassan and his
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classmates cling to the course. he's been here since he was four. the diploma may be a ticket out. >> a company in thailand launched an aggressive skin whitening campaign that has been called racist. scott heidler has more on the controversy. >> >> well, obviously we don't have that story, we'll try to get it later. we'll take a break. coming up a college football saturday - a wrap-up of the games. a magazines photos of buffed bodies prompts some to bare all to make a point.
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. welcome back, two teachers looking for a way to help millions came up with a unique scheme - travel the world in a tuk tuk. they want to show people in the remote areas how to educate children. >> take two teachers, three wheels and a goal to help 61 million children and you have one record-breaking adventure. >> i'm rich. >> i'm nick. >> meet richard sears, nick gough and a travel companion tommy tempo, a motorized rickshaw known as a tuk tuk. >> we thought the vehicles were great and talked about a long
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expedition in one of these vehicles, in a tuk tuk. then we became teachers, got interested in education and development in the role of education that it can play within development. >> they made it their mission to visit rural areas worldwide where education is lacking. usual social media they have raised awareness of how people can help and donate to education charities directly. the journey began in britain. after driving through europe they travelled the african continent, and reached asia, spending half a year there before heading to the americas. they are in peru, crossing 37 countries, and clocking in some 37,500 kilometres. in doing so they are believed to have broken the record for the longest trip in a tuk tuk. it hasn't come out a share of
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mechanical troubles. >> the journey is depressing. we have to get it fixed every one or two days. we got to the stage where it kept on breaking >> that meant they this to walk for some of the distance. they say it was worth in the name of education - the motto - every child matters everywhere. >> ross is back with sports. chicago bull fans are nervous. >> they are having nightmares and flashing backs to 2012 where derrick rose injured his left acl. he injured his other knee. his right knee gave out against
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portland. he had to be carried to the locker room. he missed last even with a torn acl in the left knee. everyone is awaiting results on an mri scheduled in los angeles. >> number 17 arizona state against u.c.l.a. at the rose ball. a victory by the sun devils gives them the title. >> number 13 michigan state against north-western, connor cook to bennie fowler, into high gear. we have the highlights and fancy editing. the 87 yard hook, 14-3 lead. cook was cooking, he throws another touchdown to jose price. get your tickets to the gun show. michigan state flex their muscle, hammering the wildcats. in the process the 10 in one spark heading to the
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championship game where they'll face g ohio. if you're happy and you know it clap your hands. bob stoops, number 20 for oklahoma running wild. popping to the outside by brennan clay. you can kiss him goodbye. clay takes it 64 yards to the happy place. sonars up. clay does it again. the senior from description ranch in san diego racked two touchdown. oklahoma hit. remember how the new york giants lost their first six games and everyone hate on them saying there's no way they'll make the play offs. way. they have won four straight sense. john henry smith says boy up. >> from the chatter in the locker room the cowboys and giants are buying into the hype around their meeting in nersry.
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>> we want it badly. >> the giants' team is a good team. they'll be ready to go. we hear all the stuff they are saying. it was be a great test. we'll be ready to go. >> this time will determine the outcome. it's a huge game. >> i think this is a game that we can't walk away with a loss. >> we know the challenge and have respect for the team and what they have done. >> these are fun games. another home game. should be another great crowd. an important game. you get excited. >> despite their five and five recordment cowboys coach jason garrett is on the hot seat because the cowboys are have youinging -- cowboys are
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struggling. they are giving up 175 yards. >> we don't have a better record but we are in a position where we want to be and have a team that i believe has the ability to ben one of the better playing teams at the end. >> this week stats go out the window. you look at the guys. whiton, romo, the running game. they are coming full head of steam here. >> the giants won four in a row starting 0-6, no team has started that low and made the playoffs. >> we pulled off a miracle. i don't think you have seen the football team too much. >> we want the super bowl. it was do or die. late november. we made a push for the playoffs, we needed the jets game. >> the cowboys won their week one meeting 36-31. the giants brandon jacobs knows what needs to change for the
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outcome to change. >> we have to play start. >> the giants have cut turnovers to one per game in their winning street. their ability will be tested. two weeks will be haed to rest a quad. >> he has to be out there. we have to protect elie. >> two additional injuries, cowboys expect shaun lee to miss a second-straight game with a ham stripping injury. the giants jason paul will play on sunday, despite missing wednesday practice, making the teams relatively healthy going into a pivotal nfce match-up. >> giants favoured by 2.5
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points. the other big game is peyton mapping and tom brady. >> i thought you'd talk about the harvard game. >> harvard gym. we had to mention it for morgan. >> students at atlanta college are taking issue with a body issues touting buff athletes. the students are posing nude. jonathan martin says they triggered an interesting conversation about body image. >> showcasing the nude, chiselled physiques of some. america's top oath let's, espn the magazine's popular body issue carries the taking line - bodies we want. the edition sparked a conversation between darren martin and jarrod, editors of a newspaper in moorhouse college in atlanta of. >> here are ideal, perfect physiques. we wanted to do something that catered specifically to our camp u to the bodies we have.
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>> you have different types of bodies and different people struggling with internal issues affecting the bodies. we wanted to have the conversation. >> historically the black college is taking a bold and socially conscious spin on espn's issue. the maroon tigers issue featuring students from moore hells, spelman and clark university revealing personality stories as well. >> one person talks about them reclaiming a body after a sexual assault. another being an ath leet and suffering anorexia. >> this man shared his substance abuse. >> the issues was from 18 until 30. i thought that it would be something i would have to confront some of the stuff from my past. >> i was considered the chunky kid with my skin.
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having the nervous habit of pigging my skin. >> moorhouse's faculty was nerve house an students posing nude but got on board after realising the impact that it had. >> it's important to be comfortable with who you are, and making a change if you decide. you shouldn't make the changes because of forces you feel from the outside. >> i want to do this to pick up the edition and know that it is absolutely okay to talk about their bodies, it's okay to talk about struggles, flaws, trium fantastic, victories over their own bodies. >> with 80,000 online vurks the maroon tigers prove jockive issue is its popular. >> i believe it's the most popular, good for the students. we want to go back to the story we tried to bring you earlier, a company in thailand launching a
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skin whitening campaign that many call rastist. >> like many young thai women uangsumar does not like the way she looks. >> i think i'm darg. >> she want her skin to be lighter. >> i want fair skin. i think all thai girls want fairer skin. people with fair skin have more advantages. >> thailand's skincare industry is worth more than half a billion. one of the biggest lines is whitening products. >> citra makes whitening creams and locations. it's one of the biggest and in october it held a contest, calling for photos of female university students holding a citra product. it appeared to offer scholarships to student with fair skin. after calls of racism the company pulled the
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advertisement. through billboards, tv, women are told they need to be whiter to be pretty. the bias goes deeper than skin colour. >> if you look at social structure, women of lower strata seem to be of darker skin. >> the assumption is that the fairer you are, the higher your class. >> they think that perception is rooted in a narrow education of history focused on the monarchy. >> we never learnt about the history of commoners. the report for common people is non-existent. that's why when it comes back to this respect for a different ethnicity, a different - people of different colour, we treat it as humor. >> in cases like this contest accusations of racial insensitivities are not
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understood. >> when i saw the add i didn't think anything of it. they are selling to a thai audience. as the borders of the global market disappears. some feel companies and ad firms need to learn a lesson. messages are received beyond the target market and take on a different colour. >> space was not the final frontier for the olympic torch. ahead of the socchi olympic games organizers find unique places to take the torch. today it went underwater. a scuba diver carrying it into a russian lake the the flame stayed lit thanks to a water resistant flare. >> and the streets of mexico city were filled with music and celebration. gotta love the sound. hundreds of musicians entertained the crowds. yesterday's activities honoured
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this is al jazeera america live from new york city. i'm jonathan betz with a look at the top stories. secretary of state john kerry is in geneva working to hammer out an agreement on iran's nuclear program. progress is reportedly being made. a resolution is not eminent. kerry will head to london tomorrow. thousands of pakistanis rallied to an end to u.s. drone strikes, blocking one of two main roads for supplies into afghanistan. >> north korean confirms that it has detained an american. no name has been given the the family of 85-year-old merrill an
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