tv America Tonight Al Jazeera November 23, 2013 9:00pm-10:01pm EST
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conversation . this is al jazeera america. i'm jonathan betz live in new york with a look at the top stories. >> breaking news out of geneva, a nuclear deal has been reached between iran and six world leaders. you are looking at live pictures the it could not accept an agreement. they could not accept an agreement because of a right to enrich uranium. we are learning that a deal has been reached. there has been a demand on allies to reject an agreement with iran. after hours and days of negotiations we are hearing late tonight that a deal has been reached. it will be an historic agreement
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between western powers and iran. we'll watch the story and bring you the developments as soon as it unfolds. >> in syria, a blow to the bashar al-assad regime as rebels seize a large oil field. the loss of the field means almost all of bashar al-assad's access to local crude reserves have been cut off. government forces rely on imported oil. it's unclear if infrastructure was damaged. >> i'm jonathan betz, i'll be back 11:00 pm eastern with the historic deal. first, "america tonight" is next and you can find us on >>
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>> good evening, i'm joie chen, you're watching "america tonight", the weekend edition. we begin with an investigation. the american cancer society hosted a smoke out, urging smokers to quit. despite well-documented risks, cancer, heart disease, one in five americans smoke. to quit the habit hundreds of thousands of americans turned to a pill called chantix. some had success, others died. adam may obtained documents showing hundreds of chantix users committed suicide. >> james mayhol pleads guilty to a burglary, receiving a 1-year
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sentence in the state penn tenary. the truck driver broke into a warehouse, after being sacked from his job, armed with a rifle and fed police. >> in an interview from gaol, m ashes yhol tells "america tonight", he was delusional suffering side effects of chantix, a drug signed to help people quit smoking. >> i just snapped. i kicked in a door, went into an empty building. got on a forklift with a wepan. it's a haze. to this day i have no idea what i was doing in the building. >> hundreds of miles away in a suburban chicago neighbourhood. >> it was like all of a sudden boom, something went wrong. >> tina hurst and her perfect
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life as a wife, mother, business woman came unhinged after she started taking chantix. >> i walked around the house screaming, yelling, crying. i was threatening suicide at that time. i threatened to jump out of a moving car. then the police came, and the paramedics, and they had to tie me up, put restraints on me. >> hurst wound up in this hospital. five days in a locked psychiatric ward. the experience prompted hurst to start a blog about chantix. where according to comments posted on her site it could have been worse. >> this one was posted august 21st. i lost my - i lost my best friend and father to my children. he was taking chantix. he came angry, he hung himself in front of me.
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i could not save him. >> according to u.s. foodand drug administration documents obtained by "america tonight" under the freedom of information act. 544 suicides have been reported to the fda as adverse event associated with chapt. >>. fda documents show 1869 attempted suicides associated with chantix. we should point out the adverse effect reports don't prove chantix makes people suicidal. it's designed to help people quit by blocking the nicotine receptor in the brain. one in five smokers who take chantix quits under ideal conditions during clinical trials. it's better than counselling or nicotine replacement therapy and twice as effective as a placebo.
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some users reported anger, depression, hall use nations and side effects. dr michael segal, a professor at boston university's school of public health studied tobacco and smoking for 25 years. we know chantix has effects on the neurotransmitters of the brain, affecting serra tonin. it is known to be involved in mental illnesses and depression. it's not surprising that a drug like chantix could have effect on personality and could lead to depression and suicidally. >> a probe bit the food and drug admission in 2006, chantix users reported troubling side effect. some of the cases detailed in this report are bizarre, others chilling. a 24-year-old woman woke up a
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sleeping boyfriend and beat him because he looked too peaceful. a 42-year-old man walked up to a stranger in a bowling alley and punched him. another man choked his wife and hung himself. >> thomas moore a senior researcher with the institute for self medicine practices studied these and other acts linked to chantix. he was a consultant to lawyers sueses pfizer over the side effects. >> the cases had three striking characteristics - the violence was unpredictable and senseless. the victim was anybody who was nearby - fiancee, mother, police officer. thirdly the people had no previous history of violence and were unlikely prospects. >> moore looked at all violent adverse oesents -- acts
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reported to the fda. >> how did chantix rate? >> it was by far the worse. it had 18 more reports than expected. there were series psychiatric side effects. side effects that looked like it made it unsafe for pilots - there were seizures, black outs, blindness, blurry vision. >> in may 2008 the institute for safe medication practices published a report saying the organization had immediate safety concerns about chantix, among persons operating aircraft, trains, buses and other vehicles. >> that report caused it to be banned among pilots and air traffic controllers. the federal agency that governs truck e, and safety
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administration said it may adversely affect a driver's ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. and the department of transportation sent a memo to the federal rail road administration warning of the potential threat to public safety caused by the anti-smoking drug chantix. moore things those restrictions do not go far enough. >> people who carry weapons for a living - police officers, milt are you and other, should not take a drug which can cause uncontrollable wage. >> the food and drug administration in a statement to america tonight says an analysis of controlled clinical trials found no violence among patients than in placebo treated patients. even so, in 2009, the fda, sitting a small newero event
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gave it a black bo box warning label alerting users and doctors that chantix has been associated with reports of changes in behaviour - hostility, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts and actions. dr michael segal at boston university says it's unrealistic for doctor to be on the look out for attempted suicide. >> if death is a side effect that you warn about, that's the case with chantix, because the black box warning says, "look out for suicide." the patient may commit suicide. if that's the side effect, the warning is ineffective. if a patient commits death and the physician monitors and finds out the patient died, you can't do anything, it's too late. >> tyna says she has no count that chantix was to blame.
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>> besides taking the drug any other changes in your life. no medication, changes in the diet. >> no. >> hard-is the home? >> no. >> job problems? >> not at all. >> how convinced are you that the drug caused the break down? >> without a doubt. i went off the deep end. it changed my mind, my brain, the chemical in my brain and caused this, absolutely. i'm absolutely positive that it was the chantix. pfizer, the drug company that manufacturures chantix recently paid close to $300 million to settle most of the 2700 lawsuits filed against the company over chantix suicides and other side effects. at the same time the company stepped up advertising of the
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drug. the federal judge overseeing the chantic lawsuits said the fda black box warning is sufficient warning of risks, making future litigation unlikely. dr segal says the fda should pull chantix from the market. >> if they think the risk of suicide is high enough and warrants a black box warning about suicide. i think they have no choice but to take the drug off the market. a warning for suicide is not an effective deter ent. pfizer declined to sit with us. in a statement they said, "chant ix is a treatment option." pfizer said doctors wrote more than 9 million prescriptions. worldwide sales top $4 billion. >> they need to take chantix off
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the market. >> tina hurst says her life is back to normal. she turned down a settlement offer from pfizer so she could speak out against chantix. i'm fortunate that i'm okay, and i'm living a great life. and that's behind me. it could have turned out differently. i could have been like many of the other people that have taken chantix and killed themselves, or hurt somebody else. james may hall wishes everything turned out differently. >> i had two speed tickets in my life. i'm an average joe, a bull collar workers, paid my taxes, and in one week, changed my personality, lost my job. just about ruined everything. >> now facing nine more months behind bars. hard time he blames on chantix.
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snoop the fda has no plans to pull chantix from the market. fda asked for a report on the violence and report back by 2017. >> after the break on the hard court with a hidden danger. >> whether it's basketball or any sport. there's a leading cause of death among high school athletes. it could be preventible. why a sports physical may not diagnose the problem, but a medical test could.
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sudden cardiac arrest. as "america tonight" reporter reports this can be stopped with a view tems. >> every day at red bank high school albert martin worked on his jump shot. >> if he was here today he would be at the park playing basketball. this is a picture of him... >> tracy dixon said you couldn't miss her son. he was 6 foot 5 with a size 17 shoe. he was born 10 pound. he was a big boy. he was the biggest of his class. everywhere he goes heed be with his friends. the biggest one. biggie, that's the name that stuck with him. >> although he was large growing up, during his senior year he dropped 90 pounds, which
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improved his moves on the court. >> in order for me to be quick and fast maybe i lose weight. he cut down on the junk food, the sodas. >> it was albert's first game of the season. he made a lay-up when his mother arrived. >> walked to the bleachers to sit down. they were losing. but i hoped they'd come back. >> the score never changed. there would be no comeback. >> i turned around and saw someone on the floor like they are having a seizure. i thought, "is that my son on the infloor?", i said, "biggy, mummy's here." >> he turned on his stomach. he said, "no, don't get up" >> i was at my desk. i heard the ad go off. when i heard that go off, i came
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running in here, and everything was already - had happened. albert was already down. >> principal rushed to albert's side. he had a weak pulse. i did what anybody would do. i started to help. you don't think in that situation. you just act. >> by that time the paramedics came, scooped them up and put them in the ambulance. and we met them at the hospital. i saw the machine. that was it. to see him laying there.
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no more hugs, smiles, nothing. >> albert martin suffered from hypotrophic cardic myopathy. his heart stopped pumping. sudden cardiac arrest. the leading cause of death among high school athletes. >> the important thing to know is sudden cardiac arrest among athletes is more common than thought. >> dr dresner is the team doctor. >> we are doing a heart screen. >> and the lead author of research finding many deaths can be prevented. >> head and neck injury, heat-related illness or stroke are important issues. heart issues represent three-quarterers of the death on the plane field. >> 89% of athletes survived. >> stand by. preparing to shock. >> a shock from an automatic
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external defibrillator. >> shock delivered. >> the aed couldn't save albert, but doctors say another medical test may have prevented his death. dr dresner represents an ekg because it goes beyond a sports physical. he said it could be the real key to detecting heart defects like alberts before it's too late. >> looks great. most of the athletes who die n o the field from a heart condition have no warning symptoms. if we have an evaluation based predominantly on asking if they have heart-related stomymptoms, we'll catch them. >> tracy never thought to take him for an ekg. she holds on to his memory and a
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redwood tree planted in his honour, selected because it will reach 200 feet, tall like albert. the boy she knew as biggy. >> she saw me before he closed his eyes. yes. he knew i was there. >> when "america tonight' returns natural disasters. the fight for life in the philippines. while the people in the west figure out there next steps.
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welcome back. we travel half a world away to the typhoon-ravaged philippines where the death toll surpass said 5,000. the search continues. i just returned and i found the start of an unlikely pilgrimage. after the storm hit thousands fled, buts many are headed back. moving through the crowd like a rock star. >> i should get you on. no guarantees. >> chief warrant officer health phillips is in charge of a list everyone wants to get on to. travel to tacloban or moc and other places on board international military aid flights. >> it will be hard. if i had your name...
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>> pleading for seats they know what they'll find, destinations the cities that typhoon haiyan levelled. some of the would-be passengers are going to bring food and help. most left their homes for refuge in cebu. now they want to go back. >> it's a sign of how tough things are in this island of desperation. yes, the evacuees who gathered have choices. all of them are bad. over and over the same story is told. irwin baros, brother and parents took a flight from here, seeking medicine, a tarp and a chance to call family outside of eastern samar. >> what did you tell them? >> that we were okay, but our
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ancestral house was damaged. most important to tell them that we are okay. that's why we called. >> they must have been relieved. >> yes, of course, they were relieved. >> the scene at home is getting out of hand. >> some people are getting crazy. >> what does that mean? >> they are scared of losing food starving to death. they are telling themselves - they survived the storm, they don't know if they can survive the hunger. >> less than 24 hours later, with no tarps available, and only a pack of crispy kremes to cheer up his girlfriend they are headed back. >> why do you want to go back now? >> our grandfather is there. what can we do there.
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we can find work here, so many people are around. there are so many unemployed. it's like if we are there, at least we can get relief or something like that, and we can rebuild our house slowly like that. >> but it's your really. yes, it's our home. >> t. >> tito is a community leader. he picked up medicine and called family. he says he needs to go back. >> my family is there. i'm a political leader. i want to continue to serve my people. i don't want to leave my con stit units in this time of crisis. >> and this woman taking her sick mother and children to manila. >> i have no water and house, and my food and medicine. >> no food, house, water.
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>> no medicine. my mother - so i go to manila. >> you have a brother there. >> yes, yes. >> she'll head to tacloban to protect her home as soon as she can get there. >> many people break into the house. they eat everything, and the water. >> houses are broken into and people want your water. >> yes. i love my tacloban country. >> it is so beautiful. >> yes. >> it's a painful memory, especially in the confines of the evac u e shelter, is weigh station where survivors have a chance to regroup, rest and reconnect, even as they face the worst possibility that some loved ones may be lost forever. it's clear they face a long journey back to restoring their
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lives. they travel with a filipino expression at their lips. "we don't know how this will turn out, but let's give it a shot." >> now to the aftermath of another natural disaster, this one closer to home. we are at the grounds in washington illinois assessing the damage of a stripping of tornados that touched down. official say 1500 homes are destroyed or damaged. six died. for the survivors a long road to recovery is beginning. >> for 43 years julie and jerry watched their children and grandchildren make memories in the front yard in washington, illinois. the same spot where jerry stood as a funnel cloud rolled to his house. a neighbour captured it.
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>> our father who art... . >> as the tornado barged into the community. jerry snapped a photo. >> i don't know if that was the starting. >> you were outside, you snapped the picture. >> on the porch. i just snapped it over in that area there. i could hear blowing and hollaring. i stood for a few minutes, maybe not even over a minute. it kept moving towards us. i thought it was going to go more north. that's when i said, "we have to get out of here. i don't know how to explain it. it came to fast. it was gone fast. >> these two are in their 70s, married 50 years, never being in the direct line of a terrifying twister. >> i was doing stuff at the table and he said, "let's get to
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the basement" so we went down. >> what did you hear from the basement. >> banging and knocking and just hitting and, you know. i figured it was that one tree or this tree falling on our house. but it was everything. >> the two hungered in their basement and listened to the storm ravage their roof. it lasted a few minutes, long enough to wreck a life-time of memories. >> it's awful. 57 years of stuff in there. that's how long we've been married. it is all gone. >> when you came back up, what did you expect to see after what you heard? >> i didn't know. i didn't know. i mean, i just - i knew it would be bad. i didn't think it would be this bad. i've never seen anything like
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this. >> it's on the kitchen table. >> it's on top of the refrigerator sitting there. then i saw the living room and the patto door has gone and the deck is there, the railing is gone. kitchen chairs are out in the yard, and it's everywhere. >> pure devastation. a shamble. >> we'll work on it. >> i think we'll rebuild. >> all these years. you work and work and save, you have a good home. and something comes along and in a few minutes it's gone. you can't understand it. you thing you're safe in your own home - you're not anywhere. >> i lived here 54 years and never seen anything like this. >> the police chief spent his life in washington illinois. the storm came quickly with barely any time to prepare. >> we had 15 minutes notice from
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when the weather alert came over that we were under a tornado warning. dispatch asked if they should set off the sirens. and i said absolutely. 15 minutes from there, it hit. >> did you imagine what would be the results of the warning. >> no. most of the time we have been lucky the warnings missed us. >> i was dead sleep. they woke me up. when i moved out of the way a tree went though my window. >> nate pitched in at julie and jerries. he lives down the street. nate says he's a lucky oneful. >> it's all right, just the roof came off and the back deck and stuff were tore off. think positive about good things. don't let stuff overtake you and bring you down. everyone is family. it's a good neighbourhood. i hate to see it like this.
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one day you come home everything is fine. the next day it's just wrecked. >> thank you lord for bringing everyone to us safely in a tragedy. bringing people together which is the one good thing that comes on. >> until they rebuild their home they are setting in with their daughter who lives a mile up the road. >> mum, you are eating. >> a meal with friend and family helps to take their mind off the horrible events. >> people at this table are proof that when you are surrounded by those you love, no matter where you are, you are always at home. >> when "america tonight" continues - cam lot and civil rights. what leg as si did kennedy leave behind.
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>> it's been 50 years since the assassination of john f. kennedy. he's remembered for his sudden death on the day in dallas texas and his fleeting presidency. we wanted to look at one of the momentous things he did. five months before that day kennedy gave a stirring civil rights address from the oval office, sewing the seeds for one of his biggest legacies, the ground breaking civil rights act. >> america tonight spoke to many about how kennedy made the speech and a cause he was somewhat reluctant to embrace. >> i can understand that martyrdom elvates anyone. and the nature of his death as a sacrifice to all of us lifted
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him up. but at the same time i couldn't understand why so many people elevated him as highly as he did. he was a good figure, but not a great figure and was disappointing in many ways. >> a lot think he's the second freight eplans ipator, speaking of him in the same breath as abraham lincoln. he doesn't deserve the mantel. >> kennedy was not a righteous person. he knew what was right and wrong on civil rights. he was a praccical pragmatic politicians. it was good to look back and say, "why didn't kennedy contact more quickly?" i think president kennedy's prague mettism was probably the right
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way to approach this difficult issue. >> i accept the nomination of the democratic party. >> kennedy talked about the need for civil rights for, at that time, nooeg rose, as they were called, it was not something that he mentioned typically out on the campaign trail. >> he didn't want to go too strongly for civil rights. he didn't want to alienate the set and didn't want to defend segregati segregation, he couldn't afford to alienate the northern liberals. >> ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. >> cheer cheer. >> it's almost impossible today to go back more than 50 years and think about a south that is racist virtually to its political core.
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the president comes in to office aware that every - every influential congressional committee particularly in the house dominated by a southern segregationist member of congress, racist. it's a very tough time to come into office. >> his response on civil rights was basically to go back on all the promises he made during the campaign, he said when he ran for office that he could eliminate housing. people in the movement sent him pens. apparently there were no pens in the white house for him to do that. >> wouldn't it have been great if he said, "i'm going to send a strong civil rights bill to the congress", he didn't do that. we worried about the rest of the domestic agenda, which he
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thought would be bottled up if he upset the southern segregationists off the bat. >> i think president kennedy came to office hoping he would be able to navigate the waters, move the south without a violent explosion. the first big challenge that president kennedy faced were the so-called freedom rides. occurred in the spring. >> that was the only way to get the attention of the kennedy brothers. in many ways they were right. it's when the awful scenes of violence against the freedom riders took place that the kennedy brothers tried to do something to intervene. >> bobby kennedy the
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attorney-general sent someone to help once the buses got to the south. >> half-a-dozen men turned me around. they said, "get back, i'm from the federal government." one hit me over the head with a pipe. i had never been knocked unconscious. the president and the attorney-general, their best hope was that the freedom rides would end. there was no way to protect them. >> bobby himself did not want a large kennedy presence in the venue because the right wing would accuse them of interference in the south, and the left wing would accuse them of not doing enough to help the cause of civil rights of the the kennedys saw the freedom rides as a no-win situation politically. >> the town of oxford - riots
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following... >> i think the process is it is kennedy style. it should have been a moment where kennedy got tough and said, "the game is up." >> ross burnett was going to stand firm against the federal courts and then president kennedy, forced to step in as the chief enforcer. >> i didn't put them in the university. on the other hand under the constitution i have to carry out the orders. >> this was an opportunity for him to be clear cut, to say there was a federal order in place, and we were determined it should be enforced. they kept negotiating deals where james would be admitted and at the last minute ross barnett would renege on the deal. >> on the campus of the university of mississippi vij landies gathered to the tune of several thousand, threatening
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violence. >> kennedy has to introduce federal troops. by which stage a number of people had been killed. you have a saying out of control. my contention is because he seemed to be endlessly flexible and willing to constantly negotiate the sort offers believed that the kept di administration was not determined to get james merd ith on to campus. >> i don't want to do it in a way that will cause difficulties to you or anyone else... >> finally barnett backed down and james merd ith was admitted to the university of mississippi as the first african american. >> often they faced fire hose, police dogs and cattle prodders. >> the summer of 1963 was reaching a boiling point in the south. >> young protesters attacked by police dogs in alabama and young
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people targeted with the high-pressure water hoses. they were useful scenes. >> i know from j.f.k.'s reaction to the hoses in birmingham and the children washed down the street that he was horrified. he thought this was not the way things ought to be. that pushed him a little bit. >> this was morally repugnant to president kennedy. he couldn't be the bystander, he had to do something. >> the time had come for the president to say, "enough is enough, we must have a law. black people have endured enough, and the president worked on that speech until it was time to go on television and make the announcement. >> good evening my fellow... >> president kennedy was calm, cool, but there was a certain
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emotional quality to what he was saying, because it seemed to personal. and what he was saying was the following: integration, giving blacks four equal rights with rights is now a moral issue. >> we are confronted primarily with a moral issue. it is as old as the script tours. the heart of the question is whether all americans are to be afforded equal rights and equal opportunities. whether we are going to treat our fellow americans as we wanted to be treated. >> i remember saying i never thought i would hear the ft of the united states say these things in this kind of way. i was hope. this was a strong speech ever made by a president on civil rights up until that moment, which was wonderful. >> i was at home with my wife
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listening >> because his skin is dark, cannot eat lunch in a restaurant open to the public. if he cannot send his children to the best public school. if he cannot vote for public officials. if in short he cannot enjoy the full and free life all of us want, who among us would be content to have the colour of his skin challenge and stand in his place and be content with the councils of patients and delay. >> that's a very pointed statement. it's an incremental practicing mattist to make. >> it was a turning point for him personally and politically and a turning point for the
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country and civil rights movement. >> moment in history. looking ahead on america tonight - a louisiana governor with a complicated legal history. >> the first 15 grand juries he was popular, he kept us entertaining. the money flowed. louisiana was rolling in dough. we were spending like drunken sailors. >> prosecutors have a common philosophy - the bigger the game the better the prize. for a long time it was the big prize. >> >> "america tonight" with edwin edwards - thought about a comeback, marriage and fatherhood. all that next week on "america tonight." still to come - a small space to call home. real estate spelling out what is
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. is less more. some folks are trying to convince us the april is yes. a real estate movement emerged with people moving into houses as small as 100 square feet. think about it 100 square feet. we went out to see if the tiny house trend is the big new american dream. >> tell me about this house rite here. what do you call this place. >> this community is a showcase community of tiny houses.
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it's boier studios. >> there's four houses. they are different. tell me about this one. what you guys call the mcmansion. it's the mcmansion of the lot. >> how big is this house. >> 210 square feet. >> it feels roomy on the inside ux. >> it's a wider design. >> this must be the office space. >> yes. >> and a keyboard in there. >> where does he sleep. >> this bed pulls out under the platform. >> this is a full-size bed. interesting. >> you can cram a lot of things into a small space. >> are you seeing a lot of things in the house are natural and environmentally friendly. >> wood and late ex mattress.
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building a tiny house you have to make sure you don't have environment toxins pause it's a small building envelope. >> the water is reclaimed off the roof, you said. >> yes, rainwater. >> you came up with a name. >> yes. >> it's called date day. >> the perra house - after your last name. >> when did you start building? >> august, 2012. >> what is the merely on the outside. >> cedar >> i want to hear about what you are doing. what are you doing? >> it was a creative project. i moved around, i wanted something that was my own, but that i could move to another location. >> can you imagine living in this? >> it will be my own little space. >> a get away. >> yes >> what will be in this area.
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>> this will be a safa l-shaped area with a removable tainable. >> this is my loft space. a bed and storage. >> some sort of a ladder. >> yes. >> and this is the kitchen. >> and the gallie style kitchen - this side and this side. >> you have a big fridge. >> it's an apartment style fridge. i like to cook and wanted freeze are space. >> and there's a bath room and closest space. have you to find a way to use every space. >> how many square feet is this. >> 140 square feet. >> overall do you think people should consider living in a space like this? >> i don't know if they should, but a lot are. in d.c. it makes sense, there's a lot of young people, and this is i don't remember form of affordable living. >> this is on wheels, you can pick it up and take it with you.
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do you think you'll take it with you? >> absolutely. it will be moved. i am not sure where. >> adam may visiting a home. they are not just mobile but affordable. the average cost is $23,000, and three-quarters own their own home. adam may's tour is in the similar neighbour hood of a documentary "the story about giving small", that was a preview of one couple's way of life. >> for a lot of people it's an idea they reject and they think it's crazy. then the more they think about it the more they are like, "well" - they see the benefits. >> i don't understand how you do this, you live there together. your house is the same size as my closet. that's amazing. i'd never do it. >> when we started this that was
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the beginning of the meltdown. >> debt was on a lot of people's mind. it was forcing issues. i think they had been bubbling. they still are. issues of home size, the growth of homes, mcmanning, the commercialize -- mcmansions, the commercialisation of every aspect of the home. >> right now we are sitting in the living room slash dining room slash entertaining room. >> slash office. >> we have multipurpose work space here. this table can collapse. >> my parents built the house i grew up in. it took five or six years.
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they built a 12 by 12 foot shed that was the house while building the house. later it was the chicken coop. their tiny house had no electricity, running water, no bath room. they were up in the mountains living in this little hughes and built the big house. and kind of them doing that seemed like a romantic memory. i wanted to do it too. a challenge in terms of designing and living in a typy space is dealing with clutter. space is limited. stuff is limited. storage is limited. >> we have these puppies to hide. we hide the ugg lis. >> we wanted to be selective of
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what we have out and away. i think we are encouraged as a culture to consume more, to have more, to feel better about ourselves when we have more and feel good when you go out and buy things. we are not encouraged to think of the whole cycle of what that means. this house allows us to interrupt that cycle. >> al jazeera america presents - tiny, a story about living small, sunday night at 9 eastern. that's it for this edition of "america tonight", it you'd like to comment on any stories, log on to the website - meet the team, get sneak peek of stories we are working on and what you'd like to see. thanks, see you later on "america
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xwhrz or of o >> this is al jazeera america i'm johnathan bets livz live inw york with tonight's top stories. a nuclear deal has been reached between iran and six world parts. it faces days of intense talks in geneva. president obama is expected to make a statement within the hour. there are several news could be foconferences planned for this evening. we'll bring you the latis latess soon as it develops. >> all of the access to crude rearreserves have been cut
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