tv News Al Jazeera November 24, 2013 5:00am-6:01am EST
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>> a cutting edge community that studies how we use and and abue power. they say this is the neighborhood of the future. ♪ >> after days of talks and a final 18 hour marathon in geneva world powers have made a deal with iran over their nuclear program. i ran has agreed to curb their nuclear activities. in a moment we'll cross live in teheran where so some people are criticizing their end of the deal. mike han i hanna is in israel ad israel is claiming this is a mistake. first we have how the events up folded. >> at 3:00 in the morning again
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into havgenevatime they struck l in talks that were described as intensive and complicated. it met with an immediate response from the u.s. president. today that has opened up a new path to a world that is more secure. to a feuder tha feud future thay that iran is peaceful. today's announcement is just a first step it achieves a great teal. deal. for the first time in a decade we have halted the nuclear program. >> iran's foreign minister described new horwood ry horwoo. >> i believe it's important that all of us see the opportunity to end an unnecessary crisis and
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open new horizons based on respect for the rights of iranian people and removal of any doubts about the exclusively peaceful nature of iran's nuclear program. >> as part of the agreement iran has agreed to stop all enrichment above 5% and aran agrees to halt progress on the enrichment capacity. and there will be no advancement at the iraq reactor in return iran will get limited sanctions relief. both sides stress this deal is a first step focused on building trust. president obama has 345eu made t clear that if iran doesn't
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comply the sanction sanction wie ratcheted up. elements in israel an elsewhere in the middle east perhaps even in the u.s. congrees congress mo undermine what has been achieved here. as they do the deal so won hard now will be followed by deeper compromises and concessions in the months ahead. the path is not going to be easy for is it done yet. but the isolation for iran could be near an end. >> what have world powers offered in return for iran's cooperation. they have agreed to provide limited antl and temporary sancs on the auto sector and gold and
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precious metals. those sanctions have cost iran $1.5 billion. they have agreed to hold off on sanctions for a period of six months and allow ira iranian students to get limited assistance from the government. sales of the eye rai iranian oie heavily restricted but teheran could start seeing oil rov revee if they stick to their commitment. what are people in iran saying about this deal. what is the dealin feel on the d from the people that have been affected by the sanctions in place. some of which will now be lifted. do they think they have a good deal in again into hav geneva? >> probably not really. iranians don't think they got a good deal in geneva. when you look at the economic impact of the sanctions for the people of iran. the inflation is very high and it's not all abou because of
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sanctions but it's a mismanagement of the prior government. but sanctions play a role. if you look at the oil based petro chemical based revenue. iranthe national gas company is facing collapse. it needs $6 million to operate next year. and that tells you the economic sanctions as well. what perhaps iranians were looking for something more concrete and something that would benefit them much more. but for now it's the first step. i don't think that ira iranianse seeing this as something that is going to help the them so much. >> if this is not a good deal what made the iranian president soaaccept it. why did they agree to this deal.
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>> i suppose it depends on who you talk to. one of the best voices says before these talks began it was morale peace. if you are looking at it from an iranian point of view, backed into the corner not just regarding sanctions all options are on the table. and regarding military strikes and talking and making the deall was the best option in the long term to avoid a carolina it i c. identifiran's president, the sue leader was praising this important deal. if the supreme leader's point of view backs these talks and the agreement. >> thank you very much for bringing us reaction from teheran. >> israel has been critical of the nuclear deal before it started.
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mike han n hanna is live in jer. there is a great deal of anger in israel. certainly by members of the nett netanyahu government. he described it as dangerous. he said israel was not bound in any way by the contents of the deal and i made it clear that israel is going to continue to oppose the deal with iran in every possible way. earlier his foreign minister was asked by israel radio if israel was contemplating a military strike. he didn't answer directly but he said and i quote "israel must do things differently". at stake now is the relationship between israel and it's traditional ally the united states. >> what is israel angry about,
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mike, in this deal? >> well we heard from someone from the prime minister's olfsoe early in the morning and he was specific. the deal allows iran to enrich u raiuranium. the nuclear plant is still left and not completely destroyed as iran insists it is. no form of the deal other than the complete obliteration of nuclear program was going to satisfy the netanyahu government. the ability to enrich at 5% is something that the israelis are not even caring to discuss. the fact that enrichment will continue no matter how limited is seen by israel as a major threat. so once again weeks of diplomacybldiplomacyby u.s. secn
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kerry says he was guaranteeing their security rather than threaten it. the issue that will rise in the next day and weeks is the difference between israel and the u.s. on this particular matter. >> mike, thank you very much. mike hanna live for us in injury jeruselem. the deal ushers in a new era for iran and a new chapter for u.s. war an policy. it's likely to it's some criticism in washington. >> the deal was announced here late in the united states on a saturday evening. now the site begins with members of congreese tha congress that r additional sanctions. the president won that battle he brought members of the senate to the white house and convinced them not to push for additional sanctions. the question is will they try to do that now. the deal says there will be no
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additional sanctions for six months. congregatiocongress can try to e president on that. we heard from john kerry that the president would veto any application to do that. two thirds need to vote to off ride the veto. it's a lobby that is pushing the president not to take this step. we'll see if they decide to pick this fight after this historic deal was reached early in the morning. >> karzai needs more time before signing an agreement with the united states. the leaders recommend that he sign the pact without delay. if signed it will allow the u.s. troops to stay in afghanistan beyond 2014. live to jane ferguson who is in kabul. this was supposed to be the
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culminating day for of afghan security plans. but a lot of drama. it was the culminating day. overwhelming they came to the podium and said they supported the security pact and they were enthusiastic about it. a few of the committees that had been divided up suggested having one more u.s.-afghan base in the country. overwhelming support for the security pact. but the president himself car ki says he needed more time. he took to the podium and he said he wanted the americans to guarantee to show that they can bring security and peace here. the current push by afghanistan requesting the u.s. to put more pressure on pakistan. pakistan has been accused over the years of not doing enough to
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curb taliban activity in their country. he said he needed more time. he would not sign it yet even though th the jurga are urging m to do so. >> he wouldn't say by the end of the year or by the elections in april or after then. what he has said he wants to negotiate. in the coming months or perhaps weeks we are likely to see continued negotiation with washington, d.c. and kabul. all in the while he will be coming under incredible pressure not only from the americans but inside afghanistan. the head of the jurga again pushed him in front of thousands of representatives to sign this as soon as possible.
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he responded again speaking to the members saying, "i need more time". afghanistan always wanted war and always lost at politics. let me win at politics for once the jurga have given their approval an technically it will go on to parliament and until it's signed by the president it won't be negotiatable. >> jane thank you for the update. jane ferguson live in the capitol. >> we meet the families displaced by violence. >> and plus how an everyday household item can save tens of thousands of lives in india. >> and in sports the story of a substitute that returns to his former team in germany only to break fans hearts. robin will have the details
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later. ♪ >> it's been more than two weeks since typhoon haiyan swept through the philippines. they are providing food, shelter and medical care. they are still working in very difficult conditions. >> there is barely a building left standing in this town a quarter mile from the sea. inside of town hall it's hot, dark and dirty. part pours from above as the sick and injured stream in because this they'l shelf of she is the best they could did fo da hospital. the vice mayor is also a pediatrician. he has been working around-the-clock since the storm. >> no matter how tiring it is, i
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just do not consider any fatigue. at the moment i have to provide service for my people. >> people are coming from miles around with fevers, diarrhea and infected wounds. this man whose home was destroyed told me it took him ten days to get here but getting medical attention was more important than rebuilding his house. they are still finding bodies and these trenches and mounds of dirt are where they are burying hundreds in mass graves. just until yesterday now they are going to stop that. this is where they are putting up the new hospital because city hall where they set up the temporary hospital is far too damaged. >> you have seen it there is water falling everywhere and no electricity and we have had the roof collapse. louise johnson is the feed coordinator. >> we have emergency cases that we can refer to tacloban and we'll be having a pediatric ward
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for kids and a maternity six and there is no care for pregnant women an child birth. >> using tents that inflate in minutes nsf can get a funging hospital up and running in less than a day in the courtyard of the bethenny hospital is it miles up the coast nsf will run an er and technical sens testify. >> we have been working all night. nsf say they will stay here until they rebuild bethenny. >> voting is underway in mali for the first parliamentary election since last years'
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military coup. it's part of a discussion to undermine democracy. joining me now here in the studio is our correspondent, he has covered mali extensively. these are the second elections held nationwide in mali since the intervention in the north. how significant is this particular vote? does it signal a return to stablity formally? formafor maliu it's a veryimport started a few months ago. in december they elected a president and it was a smooth process. mali has gone through two years of instability and infighting. and the success of the elections in august is followed by this election and many hope that it
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will be a smooth transition. mali needs this stage because they need to fix the house. so they can move on with the negotiatnegotiations otherwise y won't be able to fix the situation. the situation in the north is far from being stable. you still have separatists who hold pockets in the north. and what is the government doing to address the issue in the north? >> i think the election and fixing the house is the first step. without a united front and without a united government they can't do anything. the second step is more cooperation with the french and the u.n. troops in the north and the most important of all ever this is the negotiations with the leaders that is going to start tomorrow in the capital.
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that is key to stablity in the north. beknow that there disgruntlement and unhappiness has been going on for decades. and without the solution it's not enough in which everyone is included. there will be no hope for the stable piece in mali that should be the next step after the elections i guess mohammad thank you for shedding a light on the current situation in mali. >> the hon di hon did honduranso the polls forest fir four yearsy were ovewere overthrown. they face b an uphill congratule congratulate -- battle. >> we have more. >> on the right juan hernandez the ruling party and on the left castro the libra party.
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>> the two have been locked in a battle. she promises to rewrite the constitution. such a proposal attributed to her husband's proposal. she wants to take the officers off the street and put a new community force in it's place. >> the government is not seriously combatting the security crisis si first of alle have to solve the problem with the justice system. >> she is promising a soldier in every corner. the military police is part of her creation. >> where do you want the barracks or on the streets. >> where? i want them on the streets is too. >> twenty people are dying everyday in honduras but security is hardly the problem. two out of three live in
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poverty. and a deep financial crisis has made survival harder. unhappiness has pro provoked the most open race in years. the traditional liberal party is close behind the leaders and it has ente energized a weary electorate. many works are approved but the politicians have to split the money. >> with people confirmed with the transparency both the military and the national police are secured out across the country to secure the vote. >> army and police chiefs and the head of the electorial tribunal have reashared voters. >> twelve thousand members are working throughout the country to secure the vote. >> with a country with little faith and institutions if the opposite side crisis foul the
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divisions could get even deeper. >> time now for the word weather with richard. >> and we are seeing steself s e conditions. very self over conditions. the cruise ships will be going through pretty bad weather. i'm sure there are tourists having bad time. the bad conditions are still found around the mediterranean row gone. no region. they had 188 mil millimetres of rainfall in 24 hours. we have seen rainfall tinning not goat quite to that extent but nevertheless 60 mill neaters of rain in grease. we have had similar sort of
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falls occurring over monday at the meteorologist row. and i think we'll find more isolated down tours over the next this to 48 hours. particularly in parts of the grease and into turkey. ?rferpt another featuranother fr coming down over europe. in the next this to 48 hours we are going to see heavy rainfall for the falcons into the south. we could well see 20 by 40 meters of know without it flowing. that flow is not warm across the rest of the europe either. tears across the uk four and five degrees. and that cold weather is extending down through much of perhaps and down fworts toward .
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>> where do you come to escape the weather. yohere in doha 26° the maximum. >> doctors in india say a test using an everyday household product could save tens of thousands of lives. it wassing foit was screening fy on set of cervical cancer. more than of the patients that are diagnosed every year more than half die. a quick and easy examination could save more than $735,000 a year. >> one out of every four women of cervical cancer is indian. it's this shocking figure that push the the medical community to 5 to 10 away.
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they followed 150,000 women in mumbai for 12 years. they found think were battling accessibility and cost and sigma. culturally. women in interyeah have n in ino predevelopretivepreventivpreven. cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths but the mormortality rates can be part f the screening. the deaths have been cut to near 80%. the researc research discoveredn everyday product was as helpful.
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>> with a pap smear you have to take the smear and take it to a lab and then it's read by the pathologist and then the results come back to the person. >> the main benefit of vinegar is it's fast and cheap and a 10th of a price of a pap smear. and as important it can be carried out by someone familiar to the women such as a trained healthcare worker. it took her five years to goat of the hagoat -- get tested agan the cancer spread. >> god cannot cure you of this disease. >> doctors believe the vin garrr test will make it easier to reach all communities in india.
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but it's up to the women now for prevention. a revolutionary neighborhood. we visit the laboratory that hopes to change the way we think about energy. plus: this will polish government is offering a landmark. why they should separate from the rest of the unite united ki. we have traveled from the south coast of england to here. the country's most northerly town to find out. >> we'll introduce you to the rest of the day ease sports coming up later in the news hour, stay with us
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be tight. >> more now on the top story. and i iran nuclear program. we are joined from the lebanese capital. it's good to have you back on al jazeera. what is the deal do you think it represents a significant great changing moment for this region? >> it could be a very historic deal that could have huge impact diplomatically a and economicaly and every other way. it remains to be seen how it's implemented and how people react to it. my suspicion is that it will be fully implemented. the they all want this deal because it was a win-win situation. it will be a game changer. it will potentially change
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iran's position in the region and all of the relationships it has. it has relationships good or bad with every one in the region. everybody is in one way or another linked directly to iran and it's interests and it's policies. >> right. >> this could be very significant. the other factor is the united states in particular is making policies on big issues in the middle east now that go directly against what the israeli and what the israeli lobby in patienwashington is telling the. to do. this is significant. the u.s. is making policy on the american national interest and the whole region rather than what the right wing extremist federal government in israel and the lobbyist in washington want to happen. these are dynamic significant developments and they will have big impact.
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coming back to the regional implications saudi arabia have been nervous about the u.s.en u. engaging with iran. for them it's iran's nuclear policy and iran meddling. how do you think they'll approach this between the united states and iran. >> i think the gulf coast countries are meddling as much as iran are. >> everyone in the region is involved in huge proxy bars in lebanon and somolia and iraq and syria. and the saudis and other gulf countries are involved in this process. i think it's in the best interest of the gulf and the gcc countries and the sacountrycoun.
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i think they'll be forced to get involved. this will have to wait. because the first sign we'll see if anything comes out of this beyond the iran nuclear sector. >> that is my next question in fact. do you think this is going to change the balance of power in the region? could they be an impact on the conflict in syria? could we see iran change their foreign and regional policy? >> i think there wil will be adjustments made for sure. you have the situation after the bombing of the embassy in beirut last week where the iranians and americans have been attacked by the same group of people the terrorist militants. the u.s. and iran are now in the same boat. they have a common interest to
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work together with others and everybody else in the region to confront this fast growing network militant terrorists. and there is now tens of thousands of these guys. we are not talking about a few hundred people. iraq and syria and north lebanon are generating tens of thousands of these fighters and they are attacking everyone in the region. they are against everybody. there is a common interest to fight them. and the way to do this initially is in syria. that is the fastest area of the mobilezation training and experience and export. my guess is you will see movement to tone down the fighting in syria. i think you will see a change in syria which necessarily means that probably hi hezbolla will e to make adjustments as well \. >> what they are it's too early to predict.
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but it's almost seven that the t certain that the u.s. iran agreemenagreement. the u.s. and the leaders of the resistance are on good working terms and they are both benefiting there will be a big change on what they do and how they o operate. rami from the american university in beirut. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. >> opposition forter supportersn ukraine are gathering for a mass ralphly iralphly inralprally. for -- rally. nick spicer is in kiev joining us live. looking at these pic pictures is clear he has a lot of support in
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ukraine. >> tens of thousands of people coming out to demonstrate against the government's decision on thursday to abandon talks on signing an soaks socian agreement with the european union. the supporters say it will revolutionize the politics in this country and clean up a corrupt political system and clean up a economy. i'm standing now in europe square where the demonstration that began today the statue tedchenko. and we are hear from the opposition leaders and now the brother of the heavy weight boxing champion and a member of the parliament here who said earlier this week that the government lied about it's intentions to join europe and
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always planned to line up with the kremlin. >> where does this leave it is there a future at all. >> i had a little bit of a hard time hearing that question. there is something that i need to add. there are not just pro europeans democrat odemonstrating today te people demonstrating against it. they say no to european slavery. it's a deal that has torn the people apart when it achieved independence from the soviet union. people that are pro europe see this as finally getting rid of thousands of years of vaslage. and the people are often russian speaking and coming from the east of the country and many are old every anolder and don't sees of joining the european union and behind this are imagine mags that are in control and spending
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their money financing movements. >> the big question is will this be another people power movement we saw ukraine go through an orange evolution. >> nick, thank you very much. nick spicer live in kiev. the ukrainian capital. >> let's head to myanmar where aid groups have fled their homes. they have been fighting federal government troops for the last two-and-a-half years. as we report many people are scared that the violence will intensify. >> they 4re69d thei left their h nothing. home is a camp for villagers like her. she sane is an ethnic group. it's fighting the government for more autonomy. this time the shooting got a bit
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too close. we were getting worried about getting caught in the crossfire. we had gunfire from the right, the left and behind us. >> she ended up here. housing is being expanded to take in new arrivals like here. >> the u.n. estimates that 5000 peopl85,000 people have been displaced since the fighting freabroke out two-and-a-half yes ago. of the the shooting started in . when they refused to be incorporated into the border guard force. the cachin say it's causing them to doubt the government's
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sincere tea. sincerity. >> the government wants to persue it's military interest in gold. the peace talks are just a negotiation strategy. that is our observation after 15 rounds of talks. there is a gap in what is happening on the battled find fd and the policy room. it's an important peace o peacee of achieving peace in myanmar. we cannot blame anyone. the cease-fire occurs all the time. >> especially because the cease-fire agreements are probably not cemented. and the troop demarcations are not properly defined. >> those peace talks are world away for this family. she is clear what she wants from
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them. >> i want the war to end. it's created so much misery for us. i just want to be able to go home. >> she and tens of thousands of others like her share the same view. >> we are joined live with floor ex. floor floor -- florance. is the fighting still going on. we spoke to a spokesman recently and he said the fighting was still going on that was 18 to 20 hours ago. we cannot independently verify that information. he stayed there was no civilians caught up in this latest round of fighting. and in last weekend in clashes alone over the weekend. and one aid group estimates at t least 5000 people have had to leave they've home. to talk more about the
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humanitarian situation in cachin. is david. david, howster jus how serious e humanitarian situation in the state. >> it is serious and has been serious all of this year. there are 80 to 100,000 people displaced. and it indicates that the fighting is ongoing and the aid situation is dire and there is nothing regular aid delivery to the 80 to 100,000 people up there. >> right. i understand that human rights watchers documented some cases of amus abuse that was perpetray both sides. >> we did document abuses in the conflict last year. we have not done an update yet but we plan on looking into the recent fighting and displacement
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there. unfortunately the reports we have are very brutal template of the government to forces. you force labor and torture and ill treatment and some cases drijt targetindirect targeting e civilians. >> these latest clashes will affect the nation waived cease-fire talks that are going on. there is it an umbrella group of ethnic organizations that has blamed the military condition ct policy. can you tell us more about the other stumbling blocks in mayan far. myanmar. peace talks have gone a lot more forward than people thought possible. it's still at an elite level. the government is speaking ahead and reaching in many cases quite
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positive agreements. and that has not trickled down on the ground and the recent fighting indicates that. the burmese military have not come to the table and they are the 340e6 most important player. until that happens i think a nationwide cease-fire is really a large public relations stunt. it's not going to achief peace on the ground and that is when you know that peac peace is occurring. >> that was david ma thetheson. >> thank you very much. >> now there has been a thrilling end to the first ashes test. robin will be here with the details in a few minutes. >> plus the philippines is inspired by a sporting three u h
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anderson as england suffered a batting collapse. it was going to be a tall order for the batsman. they could only handle 179 and handing australia a win the next test starts in adelaide on december 1st. currently 154 for three and that south africa is hosting pakistan at the moment. the visitors won the toss and they are batting first and they will stay and claim the early wickets and pakistan is now on 74-for-3 in the 24th over. >> the lead at the top of the germany's com comprehensive vic. he scored on the return. and thomas miller's goals made it 3-nil.
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and it's been over sings since february 2010. >> the gap looked wide as they scored a com a combined total o6 goals. and six of them came in in the same place. garr segarcia was sending them r way. david scored a couple and there was time for o avon to come off the bench. they put five goals past them and leading 1 unti 1-nil after e break. they all scored and they will city third and re untirenaldo he substituted because of a hamstring injury. barcelona beat grenada.
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and the run up and it is 2-nil lead at half time. they have a six point lead now. now.and having played one game more. the performance eu6 of the day. hscored. the final details 4-3. i will turn to the top of the english league southhampton arsenal were placed at the summit by liverpool 3-3. and ow olivia double secured a victory and a four point lead in the table. the world cup of golf of
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australia. it was the home team of day and adam scott that won the team event. fourth round 66 this is the eagle to set him on his way. they grabbed an eagle on the 6th 450e8. hole. they lost six relatives in tie 23507typhoon haiyan. and second for the individual title. the first win in three years. and another international sports star has been bringing hope to the survivors of typhoon hehaiyan. he dedicated his title to the victims of the typhoon. without a win in two years he didn't go into his world welterweight title fighting for
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his career. but also for the people of his homeland who are still reeling from typhoon haiyan who devastated the til philippines earlier this month. despite what was happening nothing was going to stop local for cheering on the nation's favorite son. thousands gathered to watch the fight at the city's astrodome stadium. when it started the pack man didn't disappoint. he totally doo dominated appearg to show it was an effortless victory. when they announced it was tied by decision this is what happened. >> you forget something that happened here. you don't feel having this, you
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just feel happy. >> his win has given strength and confidence to the people and helps us to forget the terrible things that happened here. everything doesn't seem so bad now. >> he was a congressman in the philippines and faces a difficult time when he gets home to help with the recovery. for now his win has brought happiness to his country men. >> to the nba where the portland trailblazers have notched up their tenth consecutive win. the fracas broke out in the fourth quarter. six technical fouls and three ejections. mo williams hit the showers early. 2k5eu78odamion green with a hit. and they secured 113-101 win.
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eldridge starting with 21 repounds. >> the boston bruins continue to lead the nhl eastern conference atlantic division. they beat the hurricanes 3-2 on saturday. the maple leafs were in action and they took on the the washington capitals. with a lead 1-0 into the third. before alex ovechkin grabbed the equalizer. and they have a shoot-out and the maple leafs. and they secured a 2-1 whip. >> hhe issebastian is on the po. he continued with his season-long domination. the world champion winning out. he could tie michael shumacher's record for wins in a single season. >> ive went straight onto the
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intestify media anintermediate o get a second lap in right away. i was surprised by the 345r begin an--345r--origin. >> that is your sports. >> thank you very much, robin. >> what if thi there was a neighborhood that only used owe solar energy? for one community it's not a uncommon site. it's one of the most efficient grids in the world. we traveled there to find out more. >> this doesn't look like a revolutionary neighborhood. the pecan street project aims to drastically change the way we live. there are times that residents are acutely aware of. half of the energy cost has been
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covered by the solar panels. >> the commitment to the environment goes beyond the financial. >> i tell people it's not about saving money it's about saving the planet. we like the fact that we are less of a burt eno burden. they are more than just cheap utility bills. it's the picture that ey emergeo much information it has the potential to change the way we use energy. >> they call it big data. and it profiles how residents use and a abuse energy. without willing participants it's little more than an academic exercise. >> i joke and sta say if you are going to have a revolution you may want to invite the people if we are going to change the way that energy is used and viewed in this country we are going to
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have to make it enjoyable for people. pecan street has managed to find plenty of volunteers and the community is still expanding. for some it's changed and can't come soon enough. >> sometimes you are accused of being the tree hugger. well it's nice to have a tree to hug. so go ahead and join us. >> yes, that's right. >> but it's kind of frustrating that we have to 3wu6 the system to do the right thing. for now pecan street is an experiment on a large scale for how things could look in the years to come. those behind the pr project bele they're building the future. >> do stay with us on al jazeera. more news coming up shortly. we'll take you live to jeruselem where the israeli prime minister is to react shortly on the deal that between iran and the
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sebastien vettel chief justice . >> for the first time in nearly a decade we have halted the progress of the iranian nuclear program. finally a deal. iran agrees to scale back its nuclear program as it tries to repair relations with the west. another deal is accepted. afghan elders agree to let u.s. troops stay in the country beyond 2014. >> the pope reveals bones buried for a century - possibly belonging to the very first pope. >> a storm blasts the west killing eight people, threatening thanksgiving travel.
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