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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 24, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm EST

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. sh. this is al jazeera america live from new york. i'm jonathan betz with the top stories. u.s. defends the iran nuclear agreement. president obama tries to calm israel after his prime minister calls the deal an historic mistake. tribal leaders in afghanistan overwhelmingly approve keeping american soldiers there longer. the afghan president refuses to give his okay. >> a deadly storm is moving from utah to arkansas - pushing freezing whether to the east coast. a matter of faith - the vatican displays what it claims are the bones of the first pope.
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president obama is on the defensive, trying to justify the plan to stop iran's nuclear program. the president called an angry israeli prime minister, benyamin netanyahu, to assure him the u.s. is committed no israel. >> this agreement has made the world a much more dangerous place. i know many share the concern of israel - especially in the region, and there's a reason for this. for years the international community has demanded that iran cease all uranium enrichment. for the first time the international community has consented that iran continue its enrichment of uranium. >> the deal calls for iran to
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destroy uranium that could be enriched. it was welcome news to iran. hundreds of supporters greeted the foreign airport. >> some including speaking john boehner are quick to raise doubts. >> libby casey joins us from washington d.c. >> it's a mixed reaction on capitol hill. republicans have been the biggest critics of the plan, there are democrats raising concerns as well. the real questions center around what happens over the next six months. secretary of state john kerry says the 6-month agreement buys time to hammer out a comprehensive deal, one aiming to roll back iran's nuclear program, not just halt it.
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>> now the hard part begirnings the evidence to get the comprehensive agreement, which will require enormous steps in terms of verification, transparency and accountability. we know this, we are determined to work together and we'll start today. and continue the efforts out of geneva, and press forward. >> secretary of state john kerry a veteran of the u.s. senate anticipated push-back from washington law makers who didn't have a seat at the table and are weighing their own legislation. >> it is not a full dismantling of their program. when you have friends and allies, strongly opposed to it. >> house speaker says the intim deal is being met with skepticism. both the white house and congress want a deal barring
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iran from creating a weapon. the lingering question is whether the partners work equally hard to preserve a regime democrats emfa size that the -- emphasis that the threat of america's... >> iran should not have a nuclear arms capability, that's the option. >>. the two senators are chuck shooumer of new york, bob
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menened ez of nersy, big players when it comes to foreign affairs. israel is a primary concern. >> libby casey live on capitol hill. >> israeli prime minister benyamin netanyahu said his country will not be bound by that agreement. >> there was no celebrations in israel's corridors of power. a grim-faced prime minister addressing the cabinet, condemning the deal in the strongest of terms. >> translation: what was reached in geneva is not an historic agreement, it's an historic mistake. the world became a much more dangerous place, the most dangerous regime in the world made a significant step in obtaining the most dangerous weapons in the world. >> the opposite was argued in geneva, when the deal was reached. negotiators insisting it offered the promise of peace, not
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threat. >> it will make our partners in the region safer. it will make our ally israel safer. >> it is important that all of us see the opportunity to end an unnecessary crisis and open new horizons. based on respect for the rights of iranian people and removal of any about the peaceful nature of rain's nuclear program. >> all parties insist the deal is a first step in a process intended to build trust. it's a phase lasting six month, after which the question of sanctions will be reviewed. the mood in israel - that is six months too long.
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>> leeg crowds cheered the news. hundreds greeted negotiators. we have more on the action in traip. is it a good or bad deal. most agree any deal is worth it. it is what iranians want, a result, a way to end decades of hostility and sanctions. >> it's shameful the u.s. claims to be concerned about u.s. rights. they hurt us for 34 years. >> under the deal the p5+1 powers agreed to suspend limited sanctions on iran's auto industry, allow the purchase of iranian oil up to 100 million barrels, helping iran in the hum humanitarian field.
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>> in total the deal provides 7 billion in sanctions release. that's not much compared to what iran lost. at least $80 billion in oil revenues since the start of last year. >> if, in the coming months, the united states tries to cheat iran or tries to twist the deal in a way which makes it hurtful for the iranians, that could hurt the deal definitely. >> if plooezing iranians is a change. hard lining will be tougher. most don't think iran should be negotiated. convincing them otherwise is a task president hassan rouhani
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will have to tface. >> supreme leader voice is the important. he applauded the negotiating team. it may be his voice that's the only thing that can silence hard liners, and give the deal a chance of succeeding. >> joins us from boston is a former advisor to iran's nuclear negotiating team or the author of several books, on iran-u.s. negotiations. thank you for being here. it's interesting that you had an inside look since being part of the team. you live in the united states now. do you think iran is seriously, that it does not want to pursue a nuclear bomb? >> i really think so. it is now nine years since the
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signing of the last agreement i recall in november 2004. i was in tehran helping the negotiation team headed by the then mr hassan rouhani - he was not the president. the agreement then implicitly acknowledged iran's right to enrich uranium, and we see a replication of that effort in the agreement that was signed yesterday, that on two occasions refers to iran's right to peaceful nuclear energy, and specifically right to enrich uranium. so, you know, if a country subjects to most stringent verification requirements, this agreement calls for daily inspection of iran's nuclear facilities - a severe cap on the level and dimensions and enrichment, putting a lot of
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centrifuges on standby meaning they'll spin out infusing gas into them. that is as good a barometer of nonproliferation as you can get. this agreement should be viewed and evaluated primarily from the standpoint of nonproliferation. does it meet the criteria of nonproliferation, it does. iran has agreed to take a lot of confidence building measures that increases the international communities confidence in the peaceful nature of iran's program. >> do you think in the long term, we have a lot more negotiations ahead of us. in the long term iran will do more to show the world that it, indeed, does not want a nuclear weapon. >> yes, if you look at the details of this comprehensive and technical agreement, there
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are a lot of steps that iran is required to take in tanned om with the reciprocal steps by the other side in lifting sanctions. this agreement is a good one that has got off to a rocky start in light of secretary of state john kerry's denial that it recognises iran's right to enrich uranium, contradicted bit the minister mohammad javad zarif. so these kinds of issues can throw monkey wrench in the process, and we have seen a lot of unhealthy skepticisms by various corners in the u.s. congress, there is really officials, et cetera. >> let me interrupt you - has not the monkey wrench that has been thrown in been on iran's part? >> well, you know, as someone who has been involved in these negotiations on the sideline and observing the process, you know,
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in 2005 iran agreed to extent the suspensions for another two years. immediately that was sabotaged by the u.s. government. there's a lot of efforts unrelated to strictly nuclear issues. it can be viewed through the narrow view of nuclear and proliferation concerns. we have to look at both sides. >> the argument against it is iran makes the argument saying, "no, we don't want a nuclear weapon, and we'll do everything we can to prove it to the world." they have resisted it for so long. >> let me correct you, you have the supreme leader's fatwa.
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a stockpiling of weapons in the united nations. >> in 2006, case in point. iran signed an agreement with the atomic energy agency to review nuclear file and all the outstanding questions. the concluding paragraph calls for the proliferation - the moment the work was over in february 2008 the u.s. and israelis intelligence to the iaa which iran says is mostly fabrication. >> former advisor to iran's nuclear team - thank you for your time today. >>. we'll return to afghanistan where tribal leaders voted to keep american soldiers in the country past 2013.
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that's when nato forces are set to leave. hamid karzai says he needs more time before signing the agreement. >> jane ferguson explains why. >> this was meant to be a date of agreement. many left feeling more confused than ever. the loya jirga was overwhelmingly in favour with the security pact with the us, and wanted it signed immediately. >> that was in reference to hamid karzai's announcement that he won't sign the deal until after elections, on sunday he stuck to his position that he needed more time to get a better deal from washington. that didn't satisfy the head of the jirga, and the drama on stage played out live on tv. >> translation: i want to repeat again - americans cannot go into our houses after the bilateral documents, they cannot kill anyone in their house.
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the afghan people will be safe. it will not be a case of americans in their bases then we have a war in our country. i don't accept that. this decision will be historical. >> translation: whatever the president is saying is right. americans do not have any right to enter african houses, they have given that to us in writing. they promise a superpower cannot break their promise. if they do, we are ready to protest of the >> translation: sir, no protests. terminating the bilateral, they have to promise that they are not killing afghans in their houses. they have do that. >> translation: okay. all right. then sign this first. if they break the promise, then we know what to do. >> translation: no. first they have to prove it. you sign it, if you don't sign we'll be upset and leave, sign it so we settle this issue.
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>> hamid karzai's opposition says delay tactics come from a wish to control the elections. >> it's not about articles in the bilateral agreement or military operations or jurisdiction. his demand is personal. he mentioned part of it. indeed, in the inauguration speech. he linked the signing of the bilateral agreement with the elections. >> abdullah believes hamid karzai wants the u.s. to support a candidate of his choosing. whatever his motives for such decisions. hamid karzai's political moves put him in the lead in this security pact for some time yet. and here at home much of the u.s. is bracing for rough travel during the holidays, a large
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storm is pushing through the south-west, expecting to bring snow and sleet to the east coast and the south later this week. ice is snarling. highways and airports. the storm killed eight people. rebecca is here with more. it could get nasty with a loft of people travelling for the holidays and thanksgiving. exactly, that's the problem we have as a storm grows across the south and even -- goes across the south and even up the coast. we are seeing snow fall, even in parts of pennsylvania, maintain the western parts. wind gusts - new york 36 miles per hour are. it feels like temperature is in the teens and arctic air is blasting out. from storm damage reports - there's a lot of trees down in the north-east. seeing that here. in fact, just north of manhattan
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island. the wind gusts were powerful as the arctic air slammed in, dropped the temperatures. something unique happened. we have a certain cloud that developed over the atlantic. we know it's winter when we see this cloud. watch as we zoom in closely. it's when cold air goes over the very warm water, and warm thermals travel up, creating a kooum u lus cloud -- cumulus cloud. icy weather. tex a to oklahoma and virginia. >> lots to talk about. >> >> it's election day. how a new president in honduras could make an impact on the violence. >> in thailand a growing movement to overthrough the government.
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>> start with one issue ad guests on all sides of the debate. and a host willing to ask the tough questions and you'll get... the inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5pm et / 2pm pt only on al jazeera america
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>> thousands of protestors have taken to the streets in thailand to speak out against the government. around 100,000 anti government demonstrates filled the streets on sunday, it was the largest demonstration since the political unrest in 2010 that killed dozens. recent protests were sparked by government-backed amnesty bill that if passed could allow the former prime minister to return from compile. on the other side of the city was a counter protest, about 40,000 government supporters filled a stadium. many were bussed in from removal provinces. >> polls closed just a short time ago in honduras presidential election. it's been a close race. the winner will take charge of one of latin america's weakest economies and highest crime rates. the wife of the president leads by a thin margin.
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her main opponent is from the national party. joining us now is alex main, a senior associate for the economic and policy research in washington, d.c. thanks for being with us today. >>, jonathan. >> why is this election so important to honduras? just how fragile is that countedries democracy? >> here's the thing. these are the first elections in honduras since 2009, when there were elections held just a a few months after the june 2 20 coupe etat. many consider these elections to be illegitimate, the elections were boycotted, there was very
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low turnout. following those elections, there was a continuation of the break down in europe. you saw a big soaring of violence. you saw the judiciary that was really that has been completely unable to process the huge amount of crime in the country and corruption. and reports of very corruption security forces themselves involved in a lot of human rights abuses. these elections are the first that are taking place since those 2009 elections. presidential legislatei and municipal elections, and they are very important in that this time, you do have inclues you have elections. the wife of the president has a huge following and may win.
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>> when you talk about those major issues that that country is seeing, the crime and murder rate, really, how much of an impact can a new president make on those issues? >> well, it's going to be very difficult for whoever wins, no doubt. it's essential that these elections produce a government that is considered legitimate by the honduran people, by the international community, unlike the elections of 2009, because that's really where you can begin rebuilding the democracy and institutions of the country, and particularly, the failed judiciary. >> you wrote an article this morning op ed entitled a chance to get it right this time. what is really the role of the united states in all of this? >> well, the united states back in 2009 was really the only country before those flawed elections that said well, we are going to recognize these elections, whether or not democracy is restored. they essentially gave a blank
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check to the koup regime not to restore the elections. after that, the results have been extremely problematic for the country. my organization has done a complete economic analysis of the outcome for the country of those elections, and really, the country has been even more mired in poverty, inquality has risen. it's been disastrous on many fronts, the human rights front. the u.s. after supporting those elections, then supported the weak regime that came out of those elections and supported it in particular through a lot of military and police support. the country has got have been more and more militarized with military now in the streets everywhere doing the policing. again, despite the fact that these institutions are very corrupt, and that there's really no control over the human rights
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abuses that are perpetrated by these institutions. >> it's a country that's god a long rad ahead of it for sure. alex maine, thank you for your time today. >> all righty, ross is here with the sports headlines. we've got a big upset in college basketball. >> oh, big one, jonathan. we are going straight to the louisville cardinals, your defending ncaa cardinals 21 games, number 24, north carolina who lost to belmont last week pulled off their own upset today against the number three team in the country. 32 points and tar heels would hand the cardinals their first loss of the season. 93-84 was your final. it was a family fair in st. louis. the rams chris long facing his brother kyle long who plays for
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the bears. those are howie long's kids. in the first half, chris went after his younger brother. boys will be boys. rams go on to win it. we'll be right back.
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>> backto aljazeera america. we have today's top stories. much of the united states is bracing for rough travel during the holidays as a large storm pushes through. it's expected to bring snow and sleet to the east coast and south later this week. the storm killed eight in western states overnight. >> tribal leaders in afghanistan voted to keep american soldiers in that country past 2014 when nato forces are set to leave. the afghan president refuse to say sign the deal until after the presidential elections in april. >> in tehran, the ambassador of
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peace is the name being called the leader. some say iran cannot be trusted. prime minister of israel called it a historic mistake. president barack obama called the prime minister to assure him the united states is firmly israel's corner. we take a look at what's next. >> the hand shakes and hugs that marked this first agreement now an image in the history books, and so the spin begins as each side claims victory. >> it has been written clearly in the text of this agreement that iran will continue it's enrichment and therefore i announce to the people of iran that enrichment will continue in the same way as before. >> the agreement does say iran will continue to enrich uranium as it has been but only up to 5% in exchange for an estimated $7 billion in sanction relief.
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the agreement spends out the end goal of future talks that iran will be able to enjoy it's future rights to energy. u secretary of state john kerry stressed that doesn't mean what it sounds like. >> any country has a right to a peaceful nuclear program. that there is a refined right. but a peaceful nuclear program does not mean you have the right to enrich. his words intended to calm the fierce of israel. the israeli prime minister wants iran stripped of all nuclear capability. >> israel is no the bound by this agreement. we cannot and will not allow a regime that calls for the destruction of israel to obtain the means to achieve this goal. we will not allow iran to have a nuclear weapons capability. >> his allies in the u.s. congress expressing the same outrage, even promising they may
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pass decision sanctions on iran even if the president has agreed not to. >> i think you're going to see again a bipartisan effort to try to make sure this is not the final agreement because people know this administration is strong on announcements, very long on announcements, but very short on follow through. >> allies and members of the congress feeling shut out of the first negotiations, vowing that won't happen again. they want their demands met, even if they don't actually have a eat at this table. patty coal has in, aljazeera, washington. >> in syria, there are reports of heavy fighting between rebels and government forces. it's happening near damascus, where the government has been trying to crush the resistance by attacking rebel strongholds. activists say more than 160 fighters have died as rebels try to open up the road with the outside road to allow more food, water and medicine. >> in egypt, the military backed government is cracking down on
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protests, putting into allow saying the police have the right to use force on family don straighters. activist condemn that law, saying it was a below to political freedom. >> in cot land, people have been asking what their country would look like free from the united kingdom. on tuesday, the so called white paper makes the case for independence. we have more. >> the british empire was built, the governments announced that ship building is to be stopped. the government also said ship building jobs in scotland might transfer to portsmouth. suddenly, portsmouth's workman find themselves in a political
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guam. >> what the government is doing is saying to people in scotland look, we can put some money your way, but if you vote for independence, we're going to take it all out. in other words, i don't think it's a bribe, i think it's blackmail. >> up until now, there's not been much complaining among the english that they have no say in the united kingdom. there's plenty that say scotland does nicely off the backs of english workers. the jobs lost here has brought to the front the discussion pap surprisingly large number of english people are supportive of scottish independence on the argument that the english economy would be better off without them. >> travel through england and you'll struggle to find many english people who think the country would be damaged by
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scottishness. thithis is a border down in the north of england. it has changed hands 14 times between the english and scots. the people here routinely cross the border, work on one side and live on the other. the unanswered questions about an independent scotland have left a lot of people feeling nervous. >> i think people say it pervades and the employment, and there are as i mentioned, businesses operating both sides of the border, so there is a dependence on each other in this area, for sure. >> worries that it might be left well off. >> i think people do worry about that, yeah, absolutely. >> up to this point, the overwhelming opinion in england towards scotland is indifference. they won't be the only places in
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england whose future will be shaped bay vote in which they have no say. aljazeera. >> swiss voters rejected to cap salaries of top executives, fearing a pay limit would hurt the economy. the initiative kept pay at 12 times the level of the lowest paid employee. initiatives in switzerland need a majority of both voters and regions. in the u.s., the wage gap between workers and c.e.o.s is staggering, making 700% more than 30 years ago. randall pinkston explained why this happened and how it changed so fast. >> there's on old saying in america that a rising tide lifts all boats. the u.s. economy has expanded, corporations flown and everyone working for these companies are reaping the. we fits. right? not exactly. while the leaders, the c.e.o.'s
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salaries up more than 725% from 1978 to 2011, the average american workers compensation barely moved, inching up only 5% during the same period. an expert said widening pay disparities hurt employee morale. >> they get angry seeing those at the top making a disproportionate amount of the wealth, taking a disproportionate am of the company's profitability home in their own pockets and not distributing it to all of those who have helped the company achieve its goals. >> in switzerland, a referendum would limit pay to 12 times the lowest worker. if somebody tried that in america, they would have to close an ocean of economic difference. here's an example of c.e.o.'s salary last year. john kerry pennys executive officer raked in $50 million. a stunning 1,795 times more than
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the 20 for us $688 average wage of workers. wal-mart's ce.o. received $20,150,000 while the average worker earned $22,000. that's a ratio of 1,034 to one. mcdonald's c.e.o. received a compensation package of $13.8 million, the average employee, 22,000 a career, a ratio of 677-1. at general electric, the c.e.o. made 491 times more than his average worker. at xerox, a lower ratio, 255-1. >> some corporations justify c.e.o. compensation as a reward for boosting the value of stock. >> they began an effort to tie their compensation through stock options and other means to the corporation's financial performance, but this also unfortunately has created a real short term mindset where
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american managers have come to manage four of the short term as oh posed to the long term help. >> the gap wasn't always so vast. for much of the last century, the ratio was fairly consistent. in the early 1980's, workers began falling farther and farther behind. >> in 1950 on average, corporate c.e.o.'s earned 20 times more than workers. in 1980, the ratio was 42-1. twenty years later, corporate leaders were taking home 20 times more and today c.e.o.'s earn on average 204 times more than workers. there's no sign the ratio will improve, but it may become more transparent. when the federal government orders corporations to show what they earn. >> new york city's stop and
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frisk policy is making headlines. one man has faced the policy twice and now is taking action. >> for days after stopped by police in his brooklyn neighborhood, this man felt powerless. >> they basically jumped out of the car, four large officers, and were yelling and they were like get on the wall, and it just to me was very bizarre experience, because i hadn't done anything. they said if i didn't have i.d. or didn't produce it, that i would be going to jail. they basically said to me the next time a cop tells you to do something, you better do it, and i just remember those words ringing in my years. >> he said police let him go after he showed hem his i.d., but the experience changed him. >> i felt very frustrated, i was angry. i just really, you know, didn't know what to do. i had all this pent-up frustration. it was like, you know, sitting inside and i felt the best way to do you something would be to get involved in my community.
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>> he started teaching workshops to young people. >> you have to take control by asking am i being stopped, aim being arrested. >> the officers are allowed to question and search the officer believes has committed a crime or is about to. the nypd said it has prevehemented crime. >> more than half a million people were stopped and frisked in 2012. according to the new york civil liberties union, only one in 10 was ever arrested or summoned to court, the rest released without charges. >> a quick survey of this public school classroom showed the experience is nothing new. >> who in this room has ever been stopped by police officers? >> that happened to me in my freshman year. we used to get out early, and they, i was stopped and they
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searched my book bag. i was kind of nervous. i was like why are they doing this. >> his workshop focus honest teaching teens to stand up with their rights without making the situation worse. >> by stating clearly, look, officer, you know, i understand you're asking questions, i have i.d., but i don't consent to you searching, i don't consent to you questioning me, what you're doing is letting you know there's a limit to however this is going to go. >> when he has asserted his rights like that, police have let him go. just how long the stop and frisk policy will last is unclear. this summer, a federal judge roomed the policy unconstitutional, but an appeals panel suspended the ruling. few now, the policy remains enforce an new york city streets. >> there's still a lot more ahead on aljazeera america, including papal must. pope benedict unveils the bones of what eclipse is one of his
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predecessors. from the worlds top documetary directors. tonight, >> there's probably about a hundred people living in the extreme tiny houses... >> is going small part of a big movement? >> part of the reason for moving into a tiny house is to get rid of all this "stuff"... >> what you gain by having less... >> let's think about giving up mcmasions... >> a tiny american dream, al jazeera america presents... tiny: a story about living small premiers tonight 9 eastern.
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>> every weeknight on al jazeera america change the way you look at news at 9 pm with an encore at midnight, go deeper on the nations top stories with america tonight >> a fresh take on the stories that connect to you... >> investigative journalism that's engaging, powerful, thought provoking... >> there's nothing but hopelessness... >> it's either kill or be killed... >> america tonight, right after live news at 8 and 11 eastern. >> welcome to al jazeera america i'm john seigenthaler, and here's a look at the headlines... >> al jazeera america,
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there's more to it. >> for the first time, the remains of what is believed to be the first pope are on display at the vatican. we have more from rome. >> crowds in the vatican for sunday mass, that is not unusual. this is the bones of the first-ever pope, blessed here by the man who took the rolan more than 2,000 years later. this urn contains the remains of st. peter, said to have been crucified in the year 64a.d.
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found in a tomb with peter's name on the wall 72 years ago, they've been wrapped in purple and gold cloth, a sign of somebody very important. there is no d.n.a. evidence and the feet were missing, which is why there is some skepticism. >> we can be nearly sure that the tomb is under the basilica, but we can say nothing about the bones, because the data are missing. >> if the science can't confirm it, then it's all a matter of faith for me. >> what matters is the fact that we as christians give the relevant importance to these bones. >> all the evidence as they are st. peters, but if you don't want to believe, you won't. >> with that, the remains were taken back inside, their first sight of daylight in decades over in minutes. the church got its audience, the bones got their bless i can, the crowd got their chance to see,
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albeit from afar. >> for catholics, this is about one issue, faith. there may be no conclusive proof that those are the bones of st. peter, but they believe science and religion may differ on so many issues, but here today, science will not be getting a look-in. aljazeera, the vatican. >> all right, a lot to talk about from this busy sunday in the nfl, you have brothers fighting. >> lots of drama. >> kicking off things with the hottest league and the panthers. i love a good streak. they've won six straight games. do i hear seven? south beach and the miami dolphins looking to put all their off field distractions behind him. the 53-yard rainbow connection, miami would take a 16-6 lead
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into the break, but in the second half, cam newton. strike pose and say cheese, cam. panthers down 16-13. then with under a minute to go, cam on third and go hits a wide open, greg goes to the back of the end zone as the panthers wane thriller. there were eight lead changes between the chiefs and chargers. k.c. took a lead there, but in the fourth, san diego's super chargers, rivers to green. green sees a lot of green in front of him. he cashes in for the 60-yard score. here comes k.c. alex smith to dwayne, k.c. retakes the lead. 28 seconds left, kansas city fans like cry me a river. i can't sing, but i can't say this, philip rivers hooks up.
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the chargers would go on to win 41-38. k.c. has now dropped two straight games. next up, a rematch. stafford for the 10-yard score. stafford guns it to pedigrew. in the fourth, deep to underwood. buccaneers after loosing eight to start the season have now won three straight with today's victory. st. louis rams running wild against the chicago bears. austin, the rookie changes direction. he he's got guilty up to his
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step. sick five yards to the happy place. rams took an early lead. later, keep on eye on the spot shadow. chris long going after his brother, kyle long and is busy getting into a fight. those are howie longed kids, by the way, hall of famer. chris breaks up the fight and says what are you thinking? are you trying to get yourself ejected. the conversation should be very inning thanksgiving day. the rams win 42-21. >> can you believe that we were 74 days away to the winter olympics in sochi, russia tonight we are hitting the slopes. buckle up. >> snowboarding has become one of the most popular winter sports around the globe. the united states snowboard team is considered the greatest on earth. in the halfpipe is gretchen
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bleiler. >> i've had the best case scenarios and worst case. i have the younger girls pushing me and hopeful lipe also an example to them. we are all each other's biggest competitors, because there's only four spots for the women. i would say there are about seven plus girls who should be on that team and should be representing the u.s. in the olympics. >> bleiler hit the pinnacle of a storied career by winning the silver medal. in june, 2012, she overrotated, kneeing herself in the face, making the journey back to this spot an almost impossible one. >> i shattered my eye sock, broke my nose and gave myself a
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concussion. it's an amazing journey. the obstacles and triumphs, it's amazing. you learn a lot. >> she has persevered and has a great chance to get back on the podium in sochi, russia. >> i always worked hard and if something doesn't work, i work harder. this is not the case. i've had to take a step back and accept where i was, and not compare myself to where i was the year before. it was kind of a different version of myself and i had to just kind of start over again. >> after winning four goals and the silver medal at the winter x games during her career and winter medal, bleiler is considered the face of olympic snowboarding. >> there's so many women who have really made this sport and that's another cool part of it. everyone has their strength and everyone has sort of brought snowboarding into a different light to the public and to the, you know, audiences you wouldn't
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have normally watched the olympics before, so there's so many different characters and i think that's what's appealing about snowboarding. >> we wish gretchen bleiler the very best. it's amazing something i would love to do, snowboard like that. >> i would love to do it, too, but i can't, so it's nice to watch, i guess. >> buying locally grown food and supporting community restaurants is becoming very popular in america. some would like to see more embrace the idea. >> in an ideal world, i would see small communities that really are supporting each other, that where the food is grown nearby, where there's, you know, it's -- we're distraintizing rather than trying to centralize. right now, you know, it's shocking, the six or seven big corporation sort of own the food system. the small farmers are being
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supported by the people nearby. i mean, this is the way that we have eaten since the beginning of civilizeddation. this is nothing new, that we have been eating in season, buying food locally, enjoying it with family and friends, you know. it's celebrating life, and we have really -- we're losing our meaning to life by allowing other people to take over the way that we live every day, and eat, and think about the world around us. >> talk to aljazeera's coming up at the top of the hour. a quick weather update, next.
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>> and now, a techknow minute...
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>> as we head into a very busy week ahead, time to see family. it's also time to watch weather. with all the travel, we have ice, snow and wind to talk about from one storm. one storm that's already wreaked havoc in northern california and moved across the southwest, dumping loads of snow in new mexico, utah, colorado. the mount thats are primed with powder, the low lands getting iced over in texas and oklahoma. that ice and sleet and snow will be tracking off to the east. you can see where it is now, cold rain for parts of east texas. that's going to move into louisiana and alabama. we're getting a mixed snow and rain in some spots around arkansas and oklahoma. temperatures right now, you can see 46 for houston. it's just a cool rain for you. we day you with temperatures well above the freezing mark in miami. up north, 20s to the low 30's. it is cold and you said and field even more bitter cold as
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you get in the winds. feels like 12 in cleveland, pittsburgh, you feel like one degree. that's a look at our radar and clouds a little closer. we have the snow that's been tracking up and falling apart, not a large accumulations today, but we'll probably see a new round of snow coming in as it pushes a little farther east and north. so far, we've had reports of two and a half inches of snow, in colorado to north texas, four and a half inches of snow. the sleet is bringing ice accumulation of anywhere from a half inch to an inch in texas. roads are just so slippery and icy out there, it's treacherous travel. we're going to see the most likely area for ice accumulating as we get through monday, primarily through texas and into the very edge of oklahoma, but then really hit i can arkansas. we're going to go more in detail, because this particular round of ice will continue its track to the middle of the week to the northeast.
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>> here are the top stories right now. a deal to end iran's nuclear program is getting look warm response from some u.s. lawmakers, including john boehner. the concern is that iran cannot be trusted to follow the new guidelines. the israeli prime minister called the proposal a historic mistake. president obama spoke with him today about those concerns. obama wants the u.s. and style you to begin consultations about the next steps in nuclear negotiations. >> in afghanistan, 2500 tribal leaders there have voted to keep american soldiers in the country beyond 2004. the president hamid karzai refuse to say sign the agreement un


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