tv News Al Jazeera November 25, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am EST
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>> good evening, everyone. welcome to al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler in new york. what we know tonight - the official report on sandy hook with images from the school and adam lanza's bedroom - what it reveals about the gunman and the massacre. >> hepless - the children in syria caught in the crossfire of a brutal civil war, a development in the bid to end the violence. caution ahead - flight cancelled, a storm front on the way. extreme whether - what it could spell for your thanksgiving dinner. >> urban jungle.
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going green soars to new heights. we take you inside this towering vertical garden. >> we begin with the report on sandy hook released by the conneticut state attorney. it's 48 pages long, startling in what it reveals and what it does not. officials do not know why adam lanza killed 20 children and six educators at sandy hook. it offers new details on the timeline of the shooting adam lanza's collection collection of guns, home life and relationship with his parent and outside world is covered. >> john terrett joins us with new photos from the school and adam lanza's bedroom. >> the report was released 3 o'clock eastern on the conneticut division of justice
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and there was no fan fare or news conference. the conclusion is that there was no motive. the lead investigator has been impossible to come up with a motive as to why adam lanza did this. the report says that adam lanza acted alone, told no one but intended to carry out the killings and kill himself. the police was on the scene 4 minutes after the 911 call and the whole thing was finished in the 11 minute time period. >> this is the house where adam lanza lived with his mother nancy, a woman that took care of his needs and providing weapons he used to kill her and 26 others. an investigative report showing the relationship with his family was strained except when it came to guns. this is an open gunlocker, it was a pastime.
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the 48-paged report shows the boy led an isolated life. he played games. his bedroom violents covered with liners. for threes months adam lanza insisted all conversation with his mother be by email even though they lived under the same roof. >> adam lanza had as perkinger's and mental illness. he was particular about the food heate and clothes he wore. his mother cooked his favourite food and left for new hampshire, before adam lanza went onnize murderous rampage. she was back at 10:00 pm on december 13th. next morning adam lanza killed her and shot his way into sandy hook elementary school, for
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reasons that may not be understood. . >> i want to show you a picture that appeared in the report. it's a still shot. we didn't think there would be new photographs. in the end i think the criminal justice division in conneticut released a handful. this is the most interesting, because that on the rite of the picture is the hard drive that adam lanza dammed before going on the shooting spree and which police are unable to get information out of. on the other is the dance pad for the dance, dance revolution game. he was an expert and had the energy. others couldn't keep going, but he good. in his bedroom there were violent videos, and things to do with comedy and the dance, dance game which is popular. >> talk about the psychology. >> more than anything he was obsessed with mass killing,
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that's the thing that is clear as a result of the report released. in particular column bin in 1999. beyond that he had a stash of magazine and newspaper articles. some of them dated back to the late 1800, and all of those articles dealt with killing children. the report says that the first evidence of adam adam lanza having been obsessed and interested in that level of violence was in the fifth agreed. >> john terrett, thank you very much. >> dr michael stone was a forensic psychiatrist and he joins us to talk about his new report. what is your reaction to what you read in the report so far. >> i think there was a motive. i think, really, from what i heard, that - not from the report, but elsewhere. the mother was at her wit's end finally. and was thinking seriously of having him institutionalized,
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which meant he was no longer going to be taken care of by his mum in their home, et cetera. at that point, he snapped and mind you, she was the first victim. he killed her with five shots from an ak-47 and went into the school. he meant to kill her, and the children that he identified as people - little children that she preferred to him at that point. >> let me explain what you are talking about. at the conclusion of the report is a quote saying: >> you are disagree with that. >> yes. >> give us your feeling about that. you thing there are specific circumstances overall.
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>> the killer finally swings into action, there's something that triggers this behaviour. she was speculating that - we all read about - the possibility of having him taken from conneticut to maybe a place in seattle where she would move with him, to a different school. maybe he would be better off there and she'd think about a move about the way things are unfolding in their current live, insufficient, or that was not adequate. >> what do you make of the bedroom which had the windows covered with black, the fact that she apparently doesn't go in and out of his bedroom, wasn't allowed, and the focus on material describing the death, the murder of children? >> i think the blackening of the - obscurity of the windows
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meant that he did not want to be seen or have contact, a severe kind of autistic continue. not every as perkinger is as sick as adam lanza. it meant that he was ill at ease with ordinary socialisation, and i think thatperger is as sick as adam lanza. it meant that he was ill at ease with ordinary socialisation, and i think that he was getting to the point he couldn't interact with his mothers. there was emails back and forth - something we learnt today also. >> what can we learn? >> one is that it's very uncommon for people with autism to be violent. the unfortunate thing when someone like the virginia tech mass murderer, the country is electrified saying, "my neighbour's kid has asperger's,
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will that be a stepping stone to violence." the answer is usually no. there's a small number of such persons. we shouldn't put them in the same basket. >> great to have you on the program. thank you. >> my pleasure. to the extreme weather gripping much of the nation. it's creating havoc with travel. the forecast says things will get worse. metrologist kevin has more. flooding, rain and snow. it's not over. the same storm that started on the west coast bringing flooding rains to arizona, and snow to the rockies brought 7-10 inches to parts of northern texas. more than 43 million travellers are expected to fly, many on wednesday. it's a day triple a says is expected to be the busiest day of the holiday week. >> i'm trying to go home. >> you can't get home. >> i spent all night at the
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airport, on this cold floor. >> for those accustomed to snow, the system is moving in earlier than expected. >> my flight was delayed. we are connecting to kansas city and getting back to texas. i wish i could click my heels and be home. it's going to get worse. >> with so many travelling the weather is expected to make getting around a nightmare. >> the flight was leaving at 10. we gave ourselves a couple of hours, three hours to get here. we drove for four hours in the traffic. >> ice is a major problem. making roads pressurerous. crews in north carolina will work through the night prepping for the storm. spraying salt and keeping them clear for tuesday morning. >> we'll look at texas specifically because what is happening there is most of the
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rain is leaving, but there's a lot of snow on the ground in parts of the panhandle. we mentioned that we had 7-10 inches of snow falling in the region. what happened was we had a lot of melting, but not enough that it melted everything. now the temperatures are below freezing the melted water is refreezing making it slippery across the area. this will go on for the next night or so, big problem there, no more is falling. the other big problem is what is happening across the great lakes. it's the snow and it's pushing into the great lakes and ohio. we expect to see on wednesday is rain up and down the eastern sea board. as you go inland there's a wintry mix and snow in northern
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hampshire. the major airports will be the rain. we expect to see major delays. >> president obama is under fire for the historic iran nuclear deal. republicans and democrats are blasting the agreement. the president is hopeful diplomacy will pay off. >> i believe in what president kennedy says. see says never negotiate out of fear and let us never fear to negotiate. this diplomacy backed by unprecedented sanctions that we brought on iran brought us the progress we achieved this weekend. >> the president is optimistic, his critics are not. >> more from mike viqueira. president obama's secretary of state john kerry and a host of officials described it as a first step towards an unemployment goal, ensuring that iran will never develop a
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nuclear weapon, there's sanctions in place, lasting six months. there are many in congress and elsewhere saying the deal is not enough. they don't trust iran. many are pushing for more, sanctions. they say iran will play a game. parallels will be drawn - coming to the table, getting what they want and going back to the previous behaviour. ben rhodes is the deputy national security advisor and he spoke with al jazeera's "inside story" and said new sanctions thu be but in place. >> we said the sanctions in place brought us to where we are, bringing us to the table. now is not the time to pursue new sanctions, it could derail the negotiations. >> many key members of the senate were brought in to the white house by president obama
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when it was clear a deal was going to be on the table with iran. bob corker, he was one of them. here was his reaction. >> you'll see an capitol hill a bipartisan effort to make sure that this is not the final agreement, because people know the d administration is strong on announcements, long on announcements but short on follow through. there's a lot of concern. >> president obama is on a west coast fund raiding trip and took time out to laud the agreement. he was criticised for the approach, dating back to his inaugural address. harry reid gave an interview to national public radio, hinting that the sanctions pushed for are not going to become immediately - they won't be on the senate floor, timing them to the six month threshold that the
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administration wants to give iran, demonstrating its sincerity in putting aside nuclear ambitions. >> heather, a speech writer joins us. i asked her about congress's ability to derail the nuclear agreement. >> the thing they threatened to do, passing sanction,s they won't be able to do it. they won't get votes or get it past harry reid. they can engage in rhetoric that make some in tehran saying that the u.s. won't live up to their end of the deal. they could make it possible for the administration to move forward. they have to give the deal a chance to work. >> world leaders weighed in. another voice against the plan, israel. they called it unacceptable.
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>> now to afghanistan where there's resistance from its president to signing a security pact with the u.s. president hamid karzai said he will not support the deal until more conditions are met. he met with national security advisor susan rice. tribal leaders support the measure which would keep some u.s. troops in afghanistan through 2024. next - under attack. the children in syria, and the bombing caught on camera. >> a rape case - charges against several others.
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sit at a negotiating table. questions remain over iran's participation - seen as a key player backing the government. more than 100,000 have been killed since 2011. >> according to a report out of london. thousands of those victims are children killed by bombs and shelling in their own neighbourhoods. violence for some is a way of life. stefanie dekker reports. >> it's 1 o'clock on wednesday afternoon in a district of damascus. a local activist is asking a group of children what it's like to live here. >> when we were at school piles of dead bodies were brought in every day. we used to see them prepared for burial. >> as they tell their story this happened.
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a shell hit the area. it's a snapshot of what it's like on the ground. while political bickering has the luxury of time, many living here do not. the united nations says almost half of syrians are dependent on foreign aid to survive. that's 9.3 million people. 6.5 million of those are eternally displaced while over 2 million fled syria, many of them live in refugee camps. 100,000 have been killed and a report by the oxford research group says 11,000 of those are children. today these children survived. al jazeera managed to track them down in the syrian capital. >> we were riding our bikes when we saw the activists. he said, "we want to film you." when they were filming the shell landed. we didn't get hurt. my mother cry the
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>> translation: my mother cried. >> many asked the question if political question paved the way for a safe visit by chemical weapon inspectors, why not the same for medical aid that the people of syria desperately need? >> we surgeon to syrian contributor rasha, who covered the war extensively. she's brought us stories from some of the most inaccessible and violent parts of the country. i sat with her in new york and talked about witnessing the humanitarian crisis. we use her first name and are hiding her identity. >> government-controlled damascus in the heart of capital - life has been increasingly more difficult over the months, but recently it's become even - you know, more difficult >> dangerous. >> more dangerous. >> why? >> there are a lot of mortar
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shells falling throughout the city near public parks and school hours, near - you know, near traffic jams, at check points. >> you see and hear them. >> you hear them. sometimes if you are unfortunate enough you see them. very often you walk one way and come back half an hour later and see a pool of blood on the sidewalk with things shattered and people around and sirens, and you ask what happened. there was a mortar shell that fell here. >> what is it like in the rebel held areas. >> it's a completely different story. first of all, there's a state of anarchy as much as the locals try to self-govern and put together a society. there is no clear authority. it's ruled by the gun, different brigades, fighting with each other. the most difficult thing about life in rebellious areas is the
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government siege. food and medicine are not allowed to go in. this includes insul jip for diabetics and antibiotics for inspections and small children. >> the war can be tough on the children. how are they surviving? >> it's amazing how resilient children are. in the rebellious areas i visited around damascus most schools have been shelled. children have not gone to a school building. >> people are resilient and survive. but i would suppose if you'd been covering this for a long time you begin to see people break down and decay and the system break down and decay. what do you hear from those people. >> it's amazing. the system breaks - it is breaking down and decaying.
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when it comes to people, i mean i've been to the rebel areas in damascus and homs. people have a strong sense of community. there's several reasons for that. a lot of them cannot venture out into government controlled areas. they are wanted by name. if not id shows them as originating from a rebellious area. they know they'll run into a lot of trouble at a government check point. they know they are better off staying where they are. once they come to this realisation they pick up arms and a lot of them think of their life as, you know, either a dead man or i need to keep fighting. >> the communities under siege outside of damascus, that suffered the chemical weapons attack. some of the teenagers i met lost everyone - mother, father, all
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five siblings, and it just kind of left me speechless. how do you continue and function. you are 16 years old. this kid was blanked by his cousin and his second cousins and now moved in with an aunt and uncle there's a strong sense of community, and they tell you some have been able to go into government-controlled damascus, for example, to escape the siege, to have hot water, electricity, some food and medicine for the baby. a lot of them lasted two or three weeks in the government controlled damascus before they decided to go back to the rebellious area and live under siege under these difficult circumstances. why, i ask them. they tell you, "i would rather live here in these terrible
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conditions, but i'm free. i feel like i'm free, i am not afraid of the checkpoint down the street. i'm not worried i'll disappear or bedetained by the government forces. this is where i'm fro." they tell you, "i would rather die here." >> how big is the humanitarian crisis? >> we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. so many families - like the woman is the head of the household. there's so many widows, shattered families. it's really very difficult to imagine how this can be overcome. >> we'll hear more from rasha tomorrow night. she'll talk about the mood on the ground and international reaction to the still war.
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>> well, another concussion-related lawsuit hits the sports world. michael eaves is here with the details. >> not football. 10 nhl players filed a lawsuit claiming the league concealed the risk of brain injuries faced by players, exposing them to unnecessary dangers. it seeks damages and medical monitoring. the suit comes three months after the national football league agreed to pay $765,000. >> in the nba kobe bryant sign add 2-year extension with the lakers, worth $48 million. keeping him in blue and gold for a 20th season and he'll be the highest-paid pair. he's earning $30 million. he's yet to play a game after tearing his achilles in april.
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>> today johnny peralta signs a 4-year, $50 million contract with the st louis cardinals. he batted 333 with one home run, four doubles and 6 rbi in 10 play-off games m more sports new in 20 minutes. >> next - questions of a cover up. new charges from the steubenville rape case. plus... >> that's exactly... >> president obama takes on a heck ler.
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>> welcome back to al jazeera america on this monday, november 25th. i'm john siegenthaler in new york, and here is a look at the top stories. . new details from sandy hook. the official report on the new tune shooting was released, saying adam lanza was obsesed with violence and video games, planned the attack and left no
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motive. the report was photographs from the school and adam lanza's bedroom. >> pushing back - president obama says critics of iran's deal to nuclear deal are playing politics, not looking out for u.s. security. >> conversation def >> disturbing images from sirrias as bombs go off -- syria as bombs go off while children are interviewed. >> it's the least nice time of the year for travel - arctic air heading towards the east coast. >> another story, the steubenville rape case. two high school football players convicted of sexually assaulting a teenage girl.
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new charges against others, including the school superintendent. bisi onile-ere romps. >> two coaches, a school principal are facing charms in a criminal rape case that put the community in a bad light. it's the result of a grand jury investigation as to whether the adults knew of a rape allegation involving two football players and the victim - a 16-year-old girl. >> the message from this grand jury, from citizens of this county is this - this community is rectifying the problem. this community is taking charge. this community is fixing things. this community is holding people accountable. >> mike mcvey, coaches gorm rsh, coaches seth fluharty and
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matthew bellardinte face a number of charges, including obstruction of justice and contributing to underage alcohol onassumption. >> it is rape. >> earlier this year 17-year-old ma'lik richmond and trent mays were found guilty of raping is a drunken 16-year-old girl. the case drew national attention after a photo and video appearing to document the assault surfaced online. the case divided the community. there were accusations of a police cover up and accusations others may have been involved. >> we must treat rape and sexual assault as a crime of violence that it is. and when it is investigated, or when any other crime is investigated, everyone has an obligation to help find the truth. >> the ohio attorney-general mike dewine says the grand jury
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spent weeks investigating and heard more than 100 witnesses. the adults charged could end up behind bars from a month to seven years. >> there's another part of this story. the hacker group "anonymous" obtained and published tweets and photos of the football players joking about the gent. derek is the man behind the leeks and joins us from louisiana kentucky. >> what did you think of what mike dewine just said? >> i think he's spot on with everybody taking charge. they wanted justice before, a lot were too scared to get it. "anonymous" stepped in helping them in order to get that power and charge. >> you live in winchester kentucky, chect. >> i moved out of winchester. >> it's a long way from
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steubenville. how did you get involved in this? >> i heard of the tweets sent to me and i had seen that reino had said to the new york times reporter, "you will get yours" when asked why he didn't bench the players. >> you decided to do what is this. >> i decided to investigate and take the tweets and stuff i have seen online and packaged is up to investigate more and go to the the media and raise awareness about the situation so the right authorities got involved. >> the fbi came to your house. >> yes, april 17th for hacking. >> what did they do? >> the swat team showed up, 12 members, a van of investigative agents. fbi - they ransacked my house and asked if i had propaganda.
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they detained me, they didn't give me a warning. they asked a bunch of questions about steubenville. >> why did they do that. >> one of the things they told me was to be quite else i'd face charges. >> when i asked for badge numbers i got the sentence, "google us", it took me a while to locate the case agent and the property. >> "anonymous" is a hacker group. how did you get the information and the tweets that made a difference in the case. >> "anonymous" is a hacker group. with this situation they hung themselves and put all the tweets, stuff, videos online. once it's on the internet it's there forever. there's archivers. i packaged it up along with other members and presented it to the public like it should be. >> how do you perceive your role
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in all this. i know you are a part of "anonymous." and you feel strongly about this case, but going forward, do you see yourself doing this again? >> i would definitely do it again. you know what they did to the girl was awful. it wasn't just me raising awareness. it was me as a whole. the real credit goes to them in getting everyone involved. justice for jane dow. that's what we are here for. >> must be scary having the fbi visit you. are you cop concerned - are there legal concerns? >> yes, i'm being investigated from the computer fraud and abuse act from the 1980s, it perfeigned to military. i could face 25 years, when the
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rape it's got one and two years respectively. >> when do you here about that? >> they have a statute of limitations of five years. >> nice to have you on the program deric lostutter. >> in california civil rights act visits accuse four white students of a hate crime. we have this report from san hose an state university. >> the national association for the advancement of coloured people demanded tougher charges. >> they were motivated by acial hate and planned in concert with intentional premeditated offenses rising to the level of a felony hate crime. >> despite the election of our first african-american president they are the most frequent victims of hate primes. >> the president appeared
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alongside. >> somewhere decision making failed. as part of that i failed the stupid and all of our students. >> the white students respectedly had a confederate plastic bag and nicknamed the black freshman three fifths, a slavery era clause that counselled black americans as three fifths of a person. at one point they had a bicycle you lock around a victim's neck. >> i'm almost embarrassed to visit my school. it's what we are known for. the 18-year-old boy could have been my little brother. >> the kids - i think they were doing it as a joke. so not okay. >> san jose boasts a divers campus with asians, and his
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panics. african american students making up 3% of the student body. on monday students took to the stage to voice their concerns. >> diversity means more than having poker faces in a position of power. or poker faces on the school website. or token black faces telling you everything is okay, when it is not. >> amidst of the uproar the parents of the unidentified student requested privacy and issued this statement: >> in the heart of campus stand the statues of tommy smith and john carlos, alumni and olympians in mexico city in
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1968. up in the air a symbol of black power and unity, and bare feet for a reminder of black poverty in the u.s., a message sadly necessary and relevant today. >> today president obama got an earful from a heck ler in san francisco while he was talking about immigration reform. he said the measure approved in the senate would make the boarders safer and offer a pathway to earned citizenship. that's when protesters demanding a stop to deportation. >> most importantly we'll live up to... . >> our families are spirited. >> that's what we are talking about, why we are here. >> use your executive order to
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stop all 11.5 document immigrants... please, you have a power to stop... >> that's where i'm going, that's why we are here. okay. all right. . what i'd like to do. don't worry about it, guys. okay. let me finish. >> [ chants ] . >> how about - you guys don't need to go, no, no, no, you can stay there. let me... (clapping). >> hold on a second. hold on. i respect the passion of these young people. because they feel deeply about the concerns for their families. >> the president told the protestor the yelling is the
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easy way out. he said instead he's trying to stop the deportation by convincing congress to change the law. >> back to our extreme weather. the latest from kevin who has more on the storm's path. >> before going to the storm i haven't mentioned the west coast. the good news wednesday through thursday things will be nice. there's not going to be travel problems, a bit of rain in sannsa sannsa sannsa sannar -- in san francisco, that will be in. the north-east will be the maimer issue. >> wednesday looks like this. that will be across parts of georgia. up to washington, new york, boston, and then you see how the snow transition, where the low pressure center will rise. it made a big difference.
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yesterday it was close to the coast. that meant the snow would be close to the coast. the snow will be to the north. doesn't mean travel will not be as bad on wednesday, but it will be the rain that people are dealing with. you don't have to do the icing situation across major airports. snow will be a problem thursday. it will be light, ending in the morning across much of the eastern sea board. things will get better. it will transition from snow, rain to windy conditions. we'll keep you informed. when i come back i'll give you a 5-day forecast. >> next a classic movie prop. the maltese falcon goes for a fortune. we'll tell you how much. >> a lies of the eiffel tower is off the parked.
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>> an iconic part of paris was sold. it's part of the staircase from the eiffel tower. the price $233,000. in all 20 pieces from the stai case are auctioned off. hollywood is getting into the act. this is the maltese falcon from the classic film of the same name, selling for nearly $4 million. has humphrey bogart says in the movie - it's the stuff of dreams. >> the maltese falcon, it's the prop of all props. a film about the item ex, it is the item. it's iconic. to have that, and some office chair from the film too is a rare opportunity for collectors. >> michael keaton's batman suit
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and a neg lija worn by vivien leigh in "gone with the wind" are up for sale also. >> michael eaves is back with sport and an update from derrick rose. >> it's not good for him, the bulls or the fans. 10 games from a comeback from a devastating knee injury derrick rose will have to start again next season. he underwent a procedure to repair torn cartilage in the right nee. recovery will take 6 months. his season is over. it's the second time in two years he suffered a season ending injury, last year in may suffering a tear keeping him out that season. >> i approached kenny anderson about the approach the bulls should take to the roster.
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>> they may have to shift a gear. the team is set up for derrick rose. the pieces are put for doz to lead the bulls. with his injuries, they may have to blow it up, looking for the future. what derrick rose has on his size, it's age, it's young. being a guard, the way he plays, his explosiveness - it may be difficult. >> the pacers enter a game and keep the streak alive. george hill scores a season high 26. george hill scored a record run. they sealed the 98-84 victory improving a record. it's the best start in history. the timberwolves shot 33%ful
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held it a season low in point. >> now to the nfl. san francisco's quarterback robert griffin and colin kaepernick lead the team to the play-off as starters. this year it's had been a struggle. they face off against each other. colin kaepernick gets his team on the board, connecting from 19 yards out. giving the in my opinioners a 7-0 lead. third quarter san francisco nursing a 10-6 lead. colin kaepernick out. it's bowledin in the end zone. 49ers leave 17-6. this time from the one yard line. vernon davis - embarrassing the redskins. 27-6. the race for the play-offs is as crowded today as two weeks ago.
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the game between the broncos and the plaintiffs did little to sort things out of the it won in overtime 34-31. the win moving the patriots to 8 and 3. they are behind denver and the kansas city chiefs. sitting on 72. i ask nfl contributor how important is it for peyton manning and the broncos to win for the second time in three weeks. >> they are playing to win the division and i do believe the patriots will have the number one seed. kansas city are playing for the number two, a first-round buy, home field advantage. based on how funky the game was, to do you think they want to go to new england in jan to take on tom brady and the patriots. i don't think so. it's crucial they sweep the
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kansas city chiefs on sunday. the cowboys win over the giants 6-4. the cowboys have already beaten the eagles. that's begging the question is the nfc title the cowboys to lose. >> i think the eels have a better team. keep in mind you have michael vick coming out saying as great as mick bowls is playing he is the quarterback. the eagles are the better team, playing each other. dallas and philadelphia. the game will be win it and you are in it. >> now to college football. this week it could be the most anticipated and consequential iron bomb. the last time they were ranked this high was when both teams were undefeated.
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records seldom matter in this rivalry dating back to 1893. album were 4-10-1. this bowl will decide the ffc championship but have a direct effect on the b.c. s title game. >> obviously the iron bowl is a great rivalry game, one recognised all over the country in college football. our team worked hard to create an opportunity for themselves this year. the focus needs to be on playing your best football which goes back to preparing the best playing the best having the best discipline. trying to do your job the best you can against a very, very, very good team. >> this game is one of the best teams in all of sports. al jazeera will be there. >> you'll be there. >> i'll go down. >> we are looking forward to it. kevin has more on the weather after this.
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>> we want to take you down under to sydney australia where a new building is going up, building with a garden, 140 feet high. >> you could call it an urban jungle couling up the side of a city center building in sydney are vine, ferns and flowers. this is a new example of the latest thing in architecture, structures clad with vertical gardens, a central park has the tallest of a panel anywherement at 42 metres it runs up 14 floors. the outside of the building is the latest project of a french botanist patrick blanc. >> it's a special project. it's the highest patch of garden in the world. it is a challenge. >> due to open at the end of the year the design is part of a strenned for greening the
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outside of buildings. >> it's for aesthetics for passers buy who seen greenery. >> you see moss, ferns and bugs. it's teaching its own eco system. >> the plant cladding is a system of the building's deeper, less visible credentials. >> water recycling turning waste water and sewerage into water for flushing lieus on site. that same water trickles through the vertical gardens. >> it's a veg, a label. they are the branding, the identity, the visual display of what this present is trying to achieve, >> which is >> a unique development with a broad and innovative sustainability agenda. >> lying art acts as a billboard. developers want to make it
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iconic so authorities approve a building of this kind. vertical gardens seem so have done the trick. 1250 of 14-00 apartments are sold at a price of three-quarters of a million. >> similar products are developed. greening veneers one building at a time. >> if you wanted to get a head start on the weather. unfortunately it may be too late. specially here on tuesday. we have a lot of snow. this is part of the storm system. there's a lot of watches in the morning. we don't think new york is along the coastal region, but we could be seeing 2-4 inches tomorrow,
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and more snow towards wednesday. look at the advisories and watches. winter storm warn watches and that's a big problem. the wind we are looking at. from new york this is what we expect to see. that is hotter. that's a busy day. on thursday. thanksgiving we expect the temperatures to drop. the frontal system goes through. it will be nicer and windier. 35 is 25. here across the south. it is a big problem. all the rain is coming into play. hearts field will look bad in terms of air traffic. most of the rain will be a big issue. you can see heavy rain. it ends with a mix of rain and snow. none will stick to the ground. it's warm. thursday, cooler and miser. here in dallas, there's snow,
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it's a big problem, rain moving to the east. temperatures low. the snow on the ground it's going to melt during the day, refreeze it will be a couple of days like that. pressure on the smaller roads. thursday warming up to 54 degrees. chicago we have a combipation of snow and sunshine. not a problem at the airport. overnight lows at 19. beautiful conditions for the rest of the weekend. black friday from many areas is going to be cold. if you are waiting in line you want to bundle up. one last location. this is one of the nicest places that has been like this. you are going to continue to be cluedy. temperatures below average, but a beautiful week in store for you, that's a look at your weather, have a look at your
12:00 am
evening. welcome to al jazeera america, i'm john siegenthaler in new york. here are the top stories >> investigatesors say there's still no known motive in the sandy hook mass anger. an official report saying that the shooter acted alone. he had a strain relationship with his mother and was obsessed with guns and video games. hamid karzai will not sign a security pact with the u.s. until new conditions are met. kaz met with the national security advisor who urged him to sign the deal allowing u.s. troops to remain in afghanistan aitil 2024.
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