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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 26, 2013 10:00am-11:01am EST

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>> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ er >> hello welcome to another news hour in al jazeera in doha. our top stories. tieland's prime minister reduces to quit as thousands of protesters storm government offices. france put more than double the number of soldiers it has on the ground in africa following threats of a civil war. i'm here with news in europe. ahead of a historic referendum
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next year. and -- i'm mike hannah in romalia where palestinians are saying they are bearing the brunt of the anger over iraq's nuclear deal. ♪ at least six government buildings have been stormed or surrounded in thailand has thousands of people demand that the prime minister step down. her brother is in this exile after being convicted of corruption. the standoff has been growing now for three days. demonstrators have occupied her office at government house as well as the finance ministry cam
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-- campground, and despite this, the government says it won't use force. >> reporter: a new day begins with hundreds of protesters still inside government coming pounds. the ministry of finance transformed into an anti government movement de facto headquarters and marketplace. by late morning with an arrow pointing the way, they set their sites on closing down more ministries. further their promise that they would spark the collapse of the government. they say it no longer represents them. >> look at the people around us here. a lot of people have been silenced for so long, and i think this action means a lot to us. it's -- it's time for us to show -- to show that we're not happy. >> reporter: the prime minister
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faces a two-day no confidence debate. but there is no chance she will be voted out. >> translator: i inzigs that there is only one cabinet with me as prime minister. there are some accusations that i independence and intelligence. i have to ask you, have i not been independent during the last two years as i headed the government while we went through a series of sighries. >> reporter: she says police and security forces will not use force to stop the protesters. the anti-government movement is organized and has a massive following. what they have been able to do here in bangkok is something that hasn't been seen in years, but what happens next? they have asked the government to resign, but they haven't made it clear what they would do if that actually happens. this man resigned from his
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parliamentary seat to lead the protesters, but has yet to define the political goals. that might be because even if the pm is unseated the opposition party does not have enough votes to win. live now to bangkok to wayne haye. wayne the protesters are peaceful and non-violent. i suppose there is always a danger that and when the government decides to reassert its authority, things could deteriorate. >> yes, that is certainly something that we have seen in the past with these anti-government protests. go back to 2010 when the so-called red shirts camped out on the streets for so long. their protests lasting almost three months and the similar situation then, the government
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at the time was very softly in the early days, and said similar things that they didn't want to use force. they weren't going to go in and remove the protesters, but after sitting on the streets for so long they were left with very little option but to do something about it. certainly there is a feeling at the moment that the police are standing by and allowing some of these things to and allow some of these protesters to go into the government facilities. and it's a question of how long it will go on and whether the government will finally say enough is enough. >> one thing the government has done, wayne is issue an arrest war rent for an oppetition party lawmaker who has been leading the protests? >> reporter: yes, a former deputy prime minister. in fact i mentioned the 2010 violence in bangkok.
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well he was deputy prime minister at that time. the key player within the democratic party. and he was believed to be one of the master minds into the decision to bring that protest to the end at that time. and the leader of the opposition now are both charged with murder because of some of the deaths that resulted from that action a few years ago. so he is now charged with murder. he is out on bail. so presumably he is breaking the conditions of his bail simply by being the heard of this protest movement and taking over some of these government facilities. so he is a former member of parliament for the democratic party and as scott mentioned he resigned from that position take up this position. >> all right. wayne many thanks.
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iran's foreign minister says his country is ready to join peace talks on syria. diplomats in geneva have announced a conference will be held on january 22nd, but iran has not been invited as of yet. it backs hezbollah fighters helping assad. >> it is in our view an important contribution to a resolution of the problem. we have said all along if iran is invited, we will participate with us any me conditions. >> meanwhile the senior military commander of the free syrian army says his people won't necessarily take part. al jazeera reports. >> reporter: syrian rebels and their growing pressure to make a decision about whether to attend the geneva peace conference. of the syrian coalition the main
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opposition group is pushing back and has set a number of conditions for sending its representatives to those negotiations. one of them is ceasefire across the country to be followed by corridors to areas besieged by government soldiers. they also want the release of prisoners. but that's not all they want. they want a change in government too. >> we will not go to geneva if our conditions are not fulfilled and the first and many important positions that assad bust leave the power, and he does not have -- will not have any role in the future of the country. >> reporter: while the political maneuvering continues so does the shooting. [ gunfire ] >> reporter: fighters are seen here in southern region launching an attack against
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government forces. on the outskirts of damascus, government jets found rebel positions. and over in this area, a major army campaign is underway to retake positions now under rebel control. it has been more than two and a half years of fighting and tens of thousands of people have been killed. now the international community faces the delicate task of convincing the rebels and the government that this is the only chance. in syria another least 15 people have been killed in an attack in the capitol of damascus. a suicide bammer drove a car to a packed area in the city. six killed were soldiers. the area is home to many members of the elite fourth division of the army. gunmen in yemen have killed
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a military expert and wounded his colleague. they were shot at by two men on a motorcycle. in a separate incident two gunmen killed an army major in another drive by attack in the west of the city. so far six people have died in this violence. under political [ inaudible ] the members of the civil society are sitting with the president they are gravely concerned about the level of violence going on in bangladesh. the chief election commissioner in a press briefing has told the media that he is willing to reschedule the date of the election if the members of the opposition and the ruling party
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is willing to compromise and have an inclusive election. one of the commissioners went on to say that he is willing to deploy the military if the level of escalation continues. on another front, a -- prominent political leader has said he will go as far as to arrest the members of the opposition if they are found guilty of instigating violence. france plans to double its number of soldiers in the african republic. the country has been in turmoil since the president was overthrown and rebels took control in march. gerald important reports. >> reporter: they have come to these camps in search for protection. more than 460,000 people in central african republic are thought to be homeless or
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refugees trying to escape from former rebel forces who now control the country. >> translator: the celica came to loot my house. they killed my husband and my child. >> translator: everybody is calling for france to rapidly intervene. if we say like that the selca will kill all of us. >> reporter: around 400 french soldiers are already stationed in the republic. now the government says it will raise that the 1,000 as soon as it obtains the backs of the un next week. >> translator: the central african republic is in a very serious condition. the state is on the verge of collapses. there is violence, massacres and
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the humanitarian chaos that copses with the collapse of security. >> reporter: violence has gripped the nation since march. the commander of the fighters is now the first muslim leader of this predominantly christian land. many armed against linked to selica are accused of atrocit s atrocities. the united nations is warning that if nothing is done to stop the central african republic in freefall there could soon be genocide. i want to take you live to egypt's capitol of cairo where hundreds of people are protesting in the first major protest since the interior ministry in egypt introduced a new law which bans protests without prior police approval.
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what is happening hoda? >> reporter: well, that protest has already been disbursed by now, but still there are security forces in the area who have detained many of the people who were at that protest, among them some of the most high profile activists in this country, have been the most active since 2011. this is a second protest today. earlier in the day there was also another protest, maybe a couple hundred people who were remembering a protester who died last year. and who were also protesting the new protest law, and basically what has happened is that the government has applied the law that it has ratified just two days ago. the interim president signed that law, and that law was warning that you cannot have any
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protests without submitting a three-day notice. none of these protesters had submitted that request. and also that law really stepped up the escalation that the government would take to face those non-allowed protests, and that is exactly what happened on the ground today. there were first some warnings by the security forces from what we understand, and then they used water cannons followed by tear gas and at that stage most of the protesters disbursed, but according to the law the government security forces could go further if the protesters did not leaf the area, then it could escalate further, following a warning. >> hoda abdel hamid thanks indeed. next we'll tell you how
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several in honduras has called foul in the presidential election. and turning the pages of history, we'll tell you how a rare symbol of a nation's debitty is up for auction in the united states. the european teams continue their push for the last 16th place in the champions league. we have that and the rest of sport a little later in the program. ♪ the government says it is pressing ahead with plans to shut down the world's largest refugee camp. pressure to close the camp has been increasing since the west gate attack in nairobi in september. some people in the government say that camp people -- or people from the camp, rather, were involved in planning the siege that killed more than 60
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people. the camp was established 20 years ago. many of its nearly half a million residences arrived as a consequence of somalia's civil war. repa repa repate -- repatriations began in january, but many residents fear they will be forced to return to somalia. peter has been following the story for us. >> the government has been under some pressure to respond to what a lot of people here have seen as a significant security threat, and that is the presence of so many somalia ref f fee -- refugees. a lot of people felt or believed that militants used the refugee camps as a way of infiltrating the country. so the government is putting its pressure on the somalias return
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to somalia and close down the camp. the interior secretary was in the area and spoke to some of the refugee leaders and officials there, and talking about the returns and their intent to close down the camp all together. here is what he told the crowd on saturday. >> there's no turning back. the process must move forward. the process will be done as humanely as possible, but will reach a point of no return. as a country we are glad we have hosted our brothers for more than two decades now. we are saying we are not tired of them, we are saying their country is stable enough for them to go and rebuild their country. >> a lot of the leaders and the un are k looking at the details of what he said. you notice the interior secretary gave no deadline for the closure. so they are interpreting this of
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more of a statement of principle rather than a statement of intent. everyone expects the refugee camp will close eventually, but without a time line it is relatively meaningless. and there is an agreement that says that the refugees can return voluntarily, but we are seeing the government ramping up this ret -- rhetorical pressure. 37 people have been killed in predawn raids. the killings are the latest in an area effected by a decade long sectarian conflict. the scottish government has outlined its proposal for independence calling it a mission statement for the country's future. let's get more on that from barbara in london. yes, the so-called white paper sets out the scottish
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national policies, should scotland gain independence. a yes vote would mean that scotland would become independent in march 2016. right now the country is a self governing within the uk, but has limited local powers. it can raise taxes but has no military or foreign policy of its own. >> reporter: the shape of a new nation in one 670-page document. the blueprint to what an independent scotland would be like, and serves to the most comprehensive guide in the quest for independence. decisions such as keeping any british monarchy and the pound sterling have surprised some.
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>> england is our biggest trading partner. we cost the uk government 500 million pounds. >> reporter: the scottish government says it's a vision for a more fair and prosperous country. but critics says it's all very well to provide an scenario of an economically thriving scotland. politicians campaigning for scott land to stay in the uk say it is the best state of affairs. under this system, says supporters, scott land has a protection of the uk's larger economy. >> we do more trade with the rest of the uk than the rest of the world. why do we want to put that at risk? instead i think we could
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strength those ties and links. >> reporter: how it would fair internationally is also a major issue? the referendum takes place next september. today is just the start of a long and possibly bitter campaign between the two sides. ukraine's president plans to attend a summit this week to discuss the country's future. he has also announced he is going to hold talks with russia next month. this comes as thousands of protesters gather for a fourth day in the capitol demanding the government sign a european trade deal. the government backed out of an agreement because of economic reasons and pressure from russia.
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we have a professor of political science joining us now. thank you for joining us. whatever the president is trying to say he hasn't convinced the thousands of people there that they should sign this agreement. >> reporter: why people are protesting, why they are in the streets? in well, i would say there are some four fewer types of oppositions which may be of the [ inaudible ] in essence. one, many people here they -- to put it mildly -- dislike the government and the current president, so they use any possibility to protest any pretext.
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some following the opposition advises already four more than year, they use any chance to protest to go the streets. >> but, sir, if i could just -- forgive me for interrupting. excuse me, i know there is a long delay. but there are thousands of people out on the streets. it's day three of the protest. it's obviously not just the opposition. it's obviously people who feel they want to be closer to the eu than russia. >> reporter: also there are young people for whom to live through a revolutionary period is a great culture, it's a great learning, and they hope that what happened nine years ago may be repeated again, and especially some -- as i say some generals, they try to continue the old wars, which they fought before, and i would like to say
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that for some people, not the majority here, any chance to put the position against russia is also something important. they use this possibility to show that they aly with europe, maybe in some five or ten years they will be saying this towards china. so the conflict situation -- >> it is absolutely. but do you think it is possible for ukraine to have trade deals with both? not necessarily to sever links with either russia or the eu? >> yes, if -- if we had a more deliberate democracy here, a way of discussing and balancing the positions, but unfortunately it's not our culture here. lack of this balancing is a very
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big problem, and i would say that very big problem is the government administrative culture. in fact why they had to act in this way only a week ago, just two weeks before signing the agreement. as the prime minister said, oh, we read again the agreement on cooperation with europe and found that it will be too costly for ukraine. why? he is saying this now? there was long time before when they could have read and discussed. there was no serious discussion here. not about the numbers. not number economic results, but what's -- what the government saw. >> ukraine's president is going to attend a summit with the eu, so i'm sure that will probably have a clearer idea of what he is thinking at that point. for the moment, thank you so much for joining us, sir.
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there have also been protests in the portuguese capitol. thousands have marched towards the parliament. politicians are about to vote on a budget for next year, and they are expected to approve a series of new austerity measures. from europe a little later in the news hour, now back to adrian in doha. still to come on the program, a time to talk. a date is set for syrian peace negotiations, but rebel groups are more split than ever. and in sport, the laker keep hold of their star man. robin will be here with the details in around 20ing minutes.
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power of the people until we restore
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(vo) al jazeera america we understand that every news
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story begins and ends with people. >> the efforts are focused on rescuing stranded residents. (vo) we pursue that story beyond the headline, past the spokesperson, to the streets. >> thousands of riot police deployed across the capitol. (vo) we put all of our global resources behind every story. >> it is a scene of utter devastation. (vo) and follow it no matter where it leads, all the way to you. al jazeera america. take a new look at news. >> start with one issue ad guests on all sides of the debate. and a host willing to ask the tough questions and you'll get... the inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5pm et / 2pm pt only on al jazeera america ♪ hello, again, welcome to the nows hour on al jazeera. protesters in thailand are back
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on the streets defying an emergency law. thousands have gathered in the capitol of bangkok, they say they won't lee unless the government steps down. france has announced it is sending a thousand troops to the central african republic. the top military commander of the free syrian army has said it fighters won't take part in peace talks unless certain demands are met. for more on those peace talks joining us is a senior analyst on syria. thanks for being with us. you have to admit, don't you, that the pros pets for this conference in january don't look good. what do you think the chances of it even getting underway on
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january 2nd? what needs to happen to ensure that conditions are right for it to go ahead. >> well as you allude to setting a date is one thing, but until now i think it's fair to say the diplomatic maneuvering has been largely divorced from the situation on the ground, and that's contributed to a very low level of credibility for the process as a whole. so i think in order for -- for talks to be held in the first place and will fruitful if they are held, some steps need to be taken to strengthen the credibility of the process. first and foremost through addressing the humanitarian tragedy unfolding on the ground and worsening by the week, and so long as the tactics employed by both sides seek to -- to
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attain military gain through inflicting suffering on civilian populations, it's difficult for the syrian population or parties on both sides to take the process seriously. i would refer directly to the besiege tactics. granting full humane tarn access -- >> okay, so say you can get conditions on the ground to improve, you then have to deal with the fact that neither side appears to be coming anywhere near -- although those things you mentioned are part of the conditions to fulfilling the conditions laid out in the geneva 1 communicate. >> that's exactly right. and here whereas the opposition has struggled to decide whether it will attend talks in the
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first place, on the regime side you have an express willingness to attend but no acceptance of the varied premise of the talks themselves, which calls for the establishment of an interim -- transitional governing body accepted by both sides. >> so where -- so where does geneva 2 begin? does it -- does it take it as red that geneva 1 is the starting point? or will they have to throw out geneva 1 and go back to the beginning? >> no geneva 1 needs to be the basis geneva 2 to make any progress. and that calls for the regime to accept the issues.
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there is not a lot of reason to believe the russias are willing or able to do so, the iranians have made clear that they do not currently accept the concept of a transitional government with full executive authority, agreed to by both parties. so i do think geneva one is the place to start. it is not enough to simply hold the meeting. >> all right. many thanks indeed for being with us. there is a hotly contested presidential election in honduras. the main opposition candidate is still refusing to back down. let's go live now to the capitol. adam, why is this election result so contentious?
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>> well, for a few reasons. one is there was so many people running for president. eight in total, and two now -- the top two in this preliminary vote. and they often do internal polling, and they all thought that they had things summed up. and now they disagree with the results. and people just don't have faith in public institutions. they are full of corrupt bureaucrats sometimes. and there is a meeting right now with european union observers, and they are updating the press here in honduras. what their assessment was of the vote, and what they are saying is it seems to be a transparent vote, but it followed what they called an oh pack campaign, and they criticized some media organizations for not being independent. and despite the fact that it was
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a transparent vote, they invited other parties to present their evidence as soon as possible to the tribunal and to themselves. so it's clear they are saying it looks transparent from our point of view, but show us what evidence you have. at least one observer told her team that despite this report it says it was a transparent vote, and there were, quote, questions about the integrity. >> adam rainy, live there in honduras's capitol. vehicle check points are at a return to belfast after a bomb exploded on sunday. let's rejoin barbara sarah in london for that the number of police patrols will also increase. this comes as u.s. diplomats are
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visiting northern ireland to discuss the issue of parades. restrictions on parades and march has in the past lead to rioting, and the protestant community claims its traditions have been undermined by the process. >> reporter: the probritish protestant .sin belfast have taken an idea from the occupy movement and set up protests. >> i think my future is being sold out. i think my son's future has been sold out. >> reporter: it's that bad? >> it's worse. it's worse. the discontent among the working class areas. my fear is that the children will feel a need to take up arms. >> reporter: it has been the
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catholic nationalist community of northern ireland who have complained about mistreatment for years, and this is a sign of a change in times. for the unionists probeneficiary majority in northern ireland, their right to carry the union flag is the most potent expression of their identity. much of the unionist community feels undermined by the peace process and not just politically. these streets are as bad of an illustration of economic neglect as you can find anywhere in the uk. they would argue the riots and protests aren't simply posturing, but reflect a
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deep-seeded fear. >> and all of this mix has caused people a great deal of stress and that's why they came to the conclusion that they can take it no more. they have to stand up and speak for themselves because politicians have ignored their issues. they have ignored the injustices. >> reporter: the republican response is they should protest about jobs instead of celebrating military victories over the catholics hundreds of years ago. >> the peace process is looked upon around the world as a model of what can be achieved, whether it's through the [ inaudible ] community or grass roots community, that work is happening. do i want to see more of it? of course i do will my party support it? yes, we will. >> reporter: here they say they view the police as being in league with the ira in blocking
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their roots. this all tells a story of a peace process increasingly being called into question. pope francis has outlined his vision for the future of the catholic church in his first major published work since becoming pope in march. he said he is quote, open to suggestions on how his role should change. pope francis has not said he will change the church's teachings on things like abortion and women priests. china's premier is in bucharest. he is meeting leaders of 15 countries. and those are the main stories making the news here in europe. now back to adrian in doha.
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yet another blow to the process, that's how the palestinians are reacting to egypt's eye announcement to build some 800 new homes. mike hannah reports. >> reporter: the palestinian village increasingly encircleen. and jamal despairs about the village's future. >> translator: we think they expand modern mod homes every year. they are new. >> reporter: demolition orders have been served on a number of houses at the edge of the village next to the mosque, and now a familiar process that follows, and this is one of the areas earmarked in the settlement plans that were put
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on hold during a recent visit to the region by the u.s. secretary of state. >> translator: it hurts the settlements and creates an unnecessary problem with the international community. >> reporter: now that is an iran deal has been signed there may no longer be any need for constraint. this is a recent extension. and this is what it looked like four years ago at a time when u.s. pressure resulted in a temporary freeze on the building of settlements. settlement development can be turned on off like a tap. >> at the same time it is a message to the rest of the world, if you don't do what i tell you with iran, then i can
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destroy the stability of the whole region. >> translator: everyone who wants to have a life, he needs to leave. because in the end just want to live. there is no hope here. maybe in 15 years it will be non-existent. >> reporter: and for this palestinian boulder, an exercise in futility, each brick he lays threatened by removal. mike hannah, al jazeera, in the occupied west bank. just ahead on the news hour, robin will be here with all of the sport. the top two sides in the nhl's eastern conference go head to head find out who came out on top in just a few minutes.
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♪ let's take you to sydney where the latest and tallest example of a modern garden is attracting a lot of another tension, especially with people with green fingers and deep pockets. >> reporter: you could call it an urban jungle, crawling up the side of buildings in sydney are vines, ferns, and flowers. structures clad with vertical gardens. one central park has the tallest panel anywhere. it runs up 14 floors.
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the outside of the building is the latest project of the french architect. >> this is a very, very special project. this is the high passion of a garden around the world. quite challenging, yeah? >> reporter: due to fully open at the end of the year, the design is part of a growing trend for greening the outside of buildings. partly it is for aesthetics. >> you will see mosses and turns and bugs in in, inside, so it is developing its own ecosystem. it is also an example of less visible examples. using low emission, and turns wastewater to water the gardens.
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>> it's a label. they are the branding, the identity, the visual display of what this project is trying to achieve. >> reporter: which is? this >> which is a unique development with a brood and innovative sustainability agenda. >> reporter: the living art, in other words, acts as a bill board. they wanted to make it's chronic so builders would approve the project and buy would pay a preum to live in it. there are similar projects being developed in, greening veneers one building at a time. >> wow. time now for sport here is robin adams. >> reporter: thank you so much.
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on tuesday european football teams take another step towards the last 16 of the champions league. barcelona [ inaudible ] munich, madrid and manchester city, but it's a very different story for last year's finalist. [ inaudible ]. >> reporter: it is particularly close with english premier league winners arson winger isn't underestimating his opponents. >> it's always the case when one team has no points, you know? but we know what is at steak and we want to qualify and we know that tomorrow is a very big game in the stage of the qualifiers, and we have an opportunity to do it at home. >> reporter: the other two teams
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with napoli who are on the same points as the gunners, and last season's finalists [ inaudible ]. the germans haven't been held to the 3-0 loss over the weekend. they know they need a win to have any chance of staying in the competition. a loss would see them drop into the europe league. >> translator: if we do not win the next two games, then it will be difficult. our opponents know that, and that will certainly influence the game. >> reporter: english side chelsea only need a draw against basil to secure their place. >> i think if somebody tomorrow has to feel the pressure, it is not us, it is basil.
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because they are in the -- in a limited situation to qualify for the next -- for the next round. so i think, yes, they are under pressure, and no, we are not under pressure. >> reporter: a busy match day five could see some big competition. kenny brown is at arsenal headquarters at the 'emmer rates stadium in london, and she has the latest. >> reporter: arsenal knows they have to win to qualify for the knockout stages. they have suffered their worst f-ever run in the european champions league in the history of their club. they have reported at least one point in this group stage, and
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andre picked up [ inaudible ] arsenal boosted by the return of [ inaudible ] from suspensions. theo walcott will undergo a late fitness test after recovering from an abdominal surgery. and [ inaudible ] was arrested this week and cautioned for criminal damage, but he says he will be able to play here tonight. [ inaudible ] have closed the gap between themselves and the champions league places. mollga had the only goal in the first half. not a bad effort and after the break, leveled through big jose, and with just 5 minutes left on the clock, grabbing the winner for the 2-1 victory. world champion water skier has died following an accident during a race in in serial.
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she was air lifted to the hospital with spinal injuries skiers reach speeds of over 150 meters an hour. >> she was so talented that last year she was out with most of the season with a broken ankle. had two rounds of surgery came back this year, and was crowned the world champion. [ inaudible ] filed a lawsuit claiming that the nhl didn't do enough to prevent injuries. players can sustain about a thousand hits to the head during a single season. the claimants aledged that the nhl deliberate hid the risk of
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brain injuries. this came after the nfl lawsuit. while on the ice it was a thrilling end to the game between the top two sides. the bruins and penguins. the bruins set for a 3-2 win in regulation time, but sidney crosby scored with 50 seconds left in the game to tie it. and then 54 seconds into overtime ending the penguin's seven-game winning streak. he may be 55 years old, but kobe bryant is still a man in demand. theying a reached an agreement to his contract for two more
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year. he has won five nba championships since joining them in 1996. the spurs defeated the new orleans pelicans in texas. 112-93. that is your sport adrian. robin many thanks indeed. the first book printed in the united states has been put up for auction. itturess cap -- captures the country's first wave of defiance against england. >> reporter: access to this corner of the boston public library is limited. this is the department of rare books and manuscripts. among theel oldest, this book.
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the first book written and printed in the u.s. back in 1640. it is a translation of the book psalms. the original words are sometimes hard to read, but well-known psalm 23 is still recognizable. >> in the valley of death shall i walk, none ill i'll fear. >> reporter: there are only 11 flown copies in existence. this one is owned by the old south church in boston. its first congregation gathered in 1969. >> it has been said about old south church in boston that there is no other church so integral to this nation's quest for freedom and justice than this church >> reporter: that's why they
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have a second copy of the book. the congregation eventually voted 271-34 in favor of selling. >> it's a part of our past, but we have let go of difficult things in the past, and you don't get to be 344 years old without making adjustments in history. >> reporter: so how much is the book worth? all will be revealed on tuesday at sutherby's in new york. the auction house says there has been intention interest in the item. the estimated price? 15 to $30 million. >> it will be when it sells the most expensive printed book in history. >> reporter: mr. redden is certain it will say in american hands. all right. the day's top stories straight
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ahead on al jazeera, but that will do it for the news hour. in doha, i'm adrian fillgan thanks for watching.
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the stream is uniquely interactive television. in fact, we depend on you, your ideas, your concerns. >> all these folks are making a whole lot of money. >> you are one of the voices of this show. >> i think you've offended everyone with that kathy. >> hold on, there's some room to offend people, i'm here. >> we have a right to know what's in our food and monsanto do not have the right to hide it from us. >> so join the conversation and make it your own. >> watch the stream. >> and join the conversation online @ajamstream.
11:00 am
welcome to al jazeera america. i'm del walters. these are the stories we are following for you. a major winter storm blacking up travel plans for millions. parents are reluctant to speak with their teens and sex. plus teen pregnancy in america. the rates are down but only for a certain sector of the population. ♪ just in time for the holidays a major winterrm


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