tv News Al Jazeera November 26, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am EST
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. hello everybody. welcome to al jazeera america. i'm david shuster in new york. here are the stories we are following this hour. >> travel alert - a holiday week of ice, snow, rain and travel headaches. where the storm is heading, where flights are cancelled and what it can do to your thanksgiving. >> fly by - rising tensions between to airbombers flying through the air space >> call to access - pope francis slammed capitalism, urging the church to embrace change.
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>> and - the player - the true hollywood story of the producer of "pretty woman" and "fight club" - owns up to being a spy. this holiday week many of us have a lot to be thankful for with one exception - the weather. for most of the nation it is bad, and it's getting worth. tens of millions are in the grip of the storm and it's taking a toll on travellers on the roads and in the airports. this is from "plane finder." it shows all the flights in the air. with more time passing more are being grounded. juan carlos molina has the story. >> the conditions treacherous,
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the impact unavoidable. scenes like this across highways in america. from michigan this close call. from a dashboard camera as a truck loses control, barely missing a car. in nearby flint the weather is blamed for multi-car pile-ups. it's dangerous for drivers and emergency crews responding to accidents like this. this is moving across the mid atlanta, taking aim at the north-east. now posing a threat for in my viewing -- threat for thanksgiving , where a majority of travellers are taking to the road, instead of the air. >> i'm here in harold square in the middle of new york where macy's thanksgiving day parade is two days away. the rain is coming down hard. if you look around everything is
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set up but getting a drenched. the rain have causing a problem now. the rain will be gone on the day of the parade, but the wind may be a problem for the over 40 floats if the winds - if there's a sustained wind of 23 miles per hour, or gusts of 34 miles per hour. they could not have the floats in the parade. the city officials and macy's officials say that'll be a day of decisions an thanksgiving morning. >> juan carlos molina in front of macy's, where there's the iconic balloons. kevin corriveau is here now. what are the chances that the wind will be above 20 miles per hour tomorrow and in new york? >> i hate to be a bearer of bad news, but it looks like the
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winds will be a problem. the whether will be gone, but we are on the backside of the system, we'll be dealing with the rain. heavy rain clouds, see how it's pushed in. look at it from the roof. you can see how low the clouds are. this is what it's like across the eastern sea board. we are dealing with delays this evening and tomorrow. come back to the board. this is the temperature, 42 degrees. it's expected to go up for the rest of the night, go down before sunrise, and these are the warnings, winter warnings across the great lakes. and ice popping up in massachusetts into pennsylvania. a big problem on the highways. 36 tomorrow, but a lot of problems. one more thing before i let you go - we are looking at tornado - same storm to the south, here along the coastal regions -
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georgia, carolina, big problem there. >> the united states supreme court agreed today to hear a landmark case involving birth control and the requirement existing in the affordable care act. the justices will decide if corporations with religious owners can deny contraception coverage in health insurance plans for employees. the case involves the popular store hobby lobby, which says providing coverage infringes on their religious region. the supreme court will decide. the mike viqueira has the latest from the white house. >> it could be a landmark case. the government asked the supreme court to do this back in spring. they are confident of victory. president obama has travelled on the west coast. he's due back at the white house on tuesday night. there was a statement after the
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supreme court made its announcement by the white house that read in part: >> the administration points out that it has ensured that religious institutions are not provided to provide contra-septemberive coverage under the affordable care act, but there's a key question - could the exemption extend to private for-profit companies? many on both sides of the issue are looking at this as a huge decision. advocates of women's reproductive rights say if the supreme court decided with hobby lobby, and other organization, and there are dozens of lawsuits from various businesses, it could mean that the affordable
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care act could be picked apart and any business could object on any grounds to covering any provision in the act. >> the united states supreme court is expected to hear the case in march. >> a boat carrying migrants from haiti overturned. as many as 30 are feared dead. it happened in the bahamas, 200 miles off the coast of the florida. the u.s. coast guard released this image showing about 100 hatians clinging to the hull of the boat. there has been an increase in the number of hatians trying to cross the waters, separating the dominican republic from puerto rico. afghan president hamid karzai is refusing to sign a security agreement allowing u.s. troops to remain in the country for years to come. it was approved by a large gathering of afghan tribal elders in kabul. hamid karzai is telling the leaders before he signs the agreement there must be
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additional commitments from the united states, including no more military raids on homes of citizens, and the release of prisoners held in afghan prisons. hamid karzai needs to make a decision soon, says susan rice. >> if the agreement is not signed promptly, what i said to the president is we would have no choice, we'd be compelled by necessity, not by preference, to have to begin to plan for the prospect that we will not keep our troops here, because they'll not be invited because the dsa will not have been signed. the nature of our partnership and investments made will be more difficult to sustain. >> the united states and international allies are supposed to wrap up combat operations in afghanistan after 2014. they are considering keeping a force there to train afghan forces carry out counterterrorism operations. >> the united states flew two military planes over disputed
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islands in the east china sea, a move causing tensions in a fight over who controls air space in the region. both china and japan claim the islands as their own. rosalind jordan has more. >> on monday night the u.s. military says two b 52 bombers like this flew over the senkakku islands for training purposes. u.s. officials denied it was a response to beijing's decision to try to control the airspace over the islands, islands japan and china long claimed as their own. >> this action appears to be an attempt to unilaterally change the status quo in the china sea. we have made this case to - made this case to china. >> on-saturday beijing declared the air space part of its air
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defense identification zone or adiz. requiring foreign aircraft to identify themselves or face possible military action. on tuesday a chine ooes warship was in the china sea on patrol. >> it's the the right of every country to defend its air space and make sure its territory, sovereignty are safe guarded. >> the u.s. says none of its aircraft, commercial or military will comply, saying the airspace is international and no country can restrict access. officials reject suggestions that conducting the training flight, that they are getting involved. a former obama administration says washington wants to send a message to beijing, it's being
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watched. >> in many ways there's a broader strategic game at play. we have rising power, china, acting like a classic rising power, challenge the status quo despite chinese rhetoric that they want a now form of relation. this is as old a form of great power relations as you can get, this challenge. it could be dangerous. >> so far this dispute involved ambassadors being summoned to foreign minister resist. the challenge for the u.s. is to regain its decision as a neutral party in an area where its open national security interests come into play. >> next up - personal plea. secretary of state john kerry's message to congress as he comes back to washington to support the iran nuclear deal. >> spy came - helping to develop
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the obama administration is now ratcheting up efforts to keep congress from scuttling a nuclear agreement with iran. secretary of state john kerry spoke to lawmakers by video asking them not to pass new sanctions with iran. the deal in geneva called for an easing of sanctions for six months. in exchange iran pledged to curb part of its nuclear program. two senators, is democrat and republican are working on a bill to reinstate the sanctions. we spoke to stephen kinzer, an award winning journalist for the "new york times," and here is what he said about the u.s. relationship with iran. >> i can honestly say i have covered more than 50 countries in most of the world and never come across a population as pro-american as the iranian
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population. i think it's because people, not just in iran, but many parts of the world admire the united states. they envy us, would like the stability and prosperity we have. this is a great sign for the united states, that despite our sin, there's goodwill towards the united states in the world. what it tells us is we should show this side of our face to the world, not the angry snarling face talking about punishments and sanctions and red lines and options on the table. >> it's a conundrum. there's the strongest ally in the reason, israel, worried about the exoessential effect of iran having a nuclear weapon, and united states agreeing that iran shouldn't have the weapons, so what do we do for the cooperation and disclosing the nuclear programs. >> the way to make sure it doesn't go out of control is
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have verification mechanisms in place. it could be good for everyone. there is not a loser. if you look at security in the reason, particularly from the american point of view, there's no single step the united states could take anywhere in the world that would as a result in as dramatics and increase in our own security than resolving our conflict with iran. >> what do you make of thoughts between our president and their president, the found call - what do you make of where things are headed? >> i find it remarkable that we had two incidents in a row. president obama picked up a phone talking to the president of iran. we tend to resist negotiation with enemies and look for military options and support them when the president suggests them. it makes me wonder - did the
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whole cold par paradigm that started in the 1950s just end? i'm not sure. maybe we are on a pendulum swing and the americans got a couple of good punches in the face, and iraq and afghanistan. maybe we are groggy, and as soon as we get the smelling assaults and we'll be back punching and intervening. perhaps due to what is happening in the united states, maybe americans are starting to rethink the idea of american exceptionalism, the idea we know better about what is good for the world than the world itself knows. what do you see happening in the united states that is causing americans to rethink that? >> a lot is to do with the economic situation in the u.s. it's hard to throw up in front of a person who doesn't have a job and tell them, "you should focus on bombing syria." it's too surreal. a combination of the economic problems and the interventions, their setbacks, in the middle
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east and wider regions led americans to question the basic principles with which we have related to the outside world. >> stephen kinzer is the author of recently published book "the brothers: john foster dulles, allen dulles, and their secret world war." you can read more of his work on the web page >> a day after the united nations announced what could be an historic peace conference in syria, members of the syrian opposition say they may not go. the syrian coalition, a large group of rebel fighters say new conditions must be met, including the release of prisoners and release of humanitarian aid. talks are scheduled to be held in geneva. syria's government is yet to say whether it will attend as well. >> al jazeera's contributor rasha from syria covers this from the front line.
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john siegenthaler spoke to her in new york. he asked rasha about the fallout in neighbouring lebanon. we are using her first name and hiding her identity for safety. >> first of all, 1 million syrian refugees in lebanon. it's a tiny country. imagine one million newcomers to israel. it's similar in size. there's a lot of middle class syrians who moved to lebanon, and it's interesting because even they, you know, were spending a lot of money in the country, and some of them are investing and so on. they are experiencing a major backlash. i mean, i have seen it personally when i have driven around beirut with a car that has a syrian licence plate. i was harassed in the street just for having the licence plate. so i can only imagine what
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happens to someone who is otherwise disenfranchised. then with the bombing, of course, a lot of fingers are pointing toward the rebels that they targeted. the iranian embassy. some say what took them so long, we expected this to happen a year ago. iran is a major player in the war in syria. along with hezbollah, of course. a lot of people think it will only get worse in lebanon. >> it makes you wonder how long this will continue this way. >> completely unsustainable, but i don't think all sides have gotten to the point of utter exhaustion yet, which is essential before all sides sit down and talk and are ready to put down their weapons, they are not there yet. >> do you think there's a possibility that assad will be
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removed from power? >> i think it's very, very difficult. even if he - if he is - he won't be removed from power, but let's just say someone comes to the agreement that he steps aside, that would only happen if someone from within his circle comes forward. basically another assad - just a different face. >> will these be free and fair elections? >> no, no, of course. they were never elections, just referendums, it will be the same thing, of one name on the ticket with a yes or no. >> now to business, and today there was yet another record on wall street. stocks have been surge. will the profits bring good news
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on main street. we ask ali velshi, the host of the "real money." >> not necessarily, we are in a bifub kated economy. we had people in the stock or house market which meant they had money before or after the recession. stock market is up 30%. the housing market up again, 13% gap gains. you have a group of people that are comfortable, have money and spend. then there are other people who are more worried about their employment future in a long time. that makes them wonder about spending. retailers are confused as to what people will do in the holiday seen. if retailers are confused they'll bet people will stay home, which means good news for consumers - they'll get promotions early, discounts are deeper and we see examples of that with some sales starting,
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many kicking off early. you'll see deeper discounts earlier. >> never mind what the retailers are betting. how would you describe it? >> ibifurcated. the bulk of america was not bifurcated, it was in the middle. some people who are poor, some who were rich pt the aspiration was for a middle class. we are losing that and you are seeing an economy driven by two sides, a fearful side of people that don't feel like they are getting ahead and earning or saving enough money, and a group of people who are doing better than before. it's hard to get a sense of how the economy is doing. for some people this is one of the strongest economies they have been in, and for others the recession never endeded. >> it's hard to get a sense of what is going on in washington. some days they are making
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progress. >> how crucial is it for congress to come up with something this time avoiding a shutdown. >> this is important. one would think people are not closely tied. the reality is - we have seen it in consumer confident surveys. people are shaken. when the government doesn't do the basic thing, appropriate money and create a budget, people worry about the future. who is minding the shop. if we get into a quag mire and head towards another debt ceiling problem and government shutdown, i think it will have a negative impact on consumer psyche. it affects people on the downside, than the upside. when government is working properly, most don't care or feel it. if it works poorly, people worry >> in moscow there was something new and dramatic.
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check out the louis vuitton suitcase. it's part of an exhibition to celebrate the company's anversely. 30 feet high, 100 feet long - the display is bigger than lenin's tomb. it's under fire from russia's communist party, with the law-maker saying the guyingantic ruggage violates advertising laws in a place the united nations labelled a world heritage site. >> michael eaves joins us in support. >> nsl suspended quarterback walter thurmond has been suspended for violating a substance abuse policy. he started three games, including last week anains the minnesota vikings. he is eligible to come back the weak before the seahawks season
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finale. >> northern illinois quarterback and heisman trophy trievy contender jordan lynch strengthened his chances by breaking his own record. scoring four touchdowns, three on the ground as 14th northern illinois took down western michigan 33-14, improving his record to 12 and 0. despite a pay down, boxing champion manny pacquiao says he is having issues keeping his promise to help typhoon victims because his bank accounts have been frozen by philippine revenue authorities. manny pacquiao is the country's wealthiest member of the congress and said he's borrowed to purchase relief supplies and will continue do so. in 20 minutes an update on the case facing florida state's jamesin winston. >> next up - the wicked weather.
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welcome back to al jazeera america, on this tuesday, november 26th, 2013. i'm david shuster in new york. here is a look at some of our top stories. another part of the obamacare is heading to the united states supreme court. the issue is birth control - where for-profit businesses can deny it on religious reasons. >> the vatican is calling for sweeping reforms - a more mercy. church with less centralized power. two b 52s enter the china
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sea violating the chinese air defense zone. . we want to update you on the weather - the dangerous storm racing up the east coast of the united states. thousands of flights have been cancelled and the worst is yet to come. you can see people are not moving quickly in some of these crowded airports. kevin corriveau has the latest. >> we are looking at the storm and it's covering the whole eastern sea board. a lot of rain in this and snow at the top in the northern part. look at new york. i want to take you back to harold square, on 34th street and sixth avenue. it is raining. what we'll see is this is the same situation tomorrow. a lot of people will be heading to the airports. they'll take the taxis, it will take you longer because of this weather. come back and look at what is
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happening. we'll see the snow - a major problem to the north. we are dealing with tornado watches, the same weather system. the reason being the temperatures ahead are warm. the temperatures behind the front are cold. that's why there has been severe watches out. we'll watch this area carefully over the next several hours. in terms of snow, up here towards northern new york and northern new hampshire. the newest model has come out. there'll be places with a foot of snow. down to the south it will be a rain event. it will be heavy on the highways, i-95 and western pennsylvania, a major problem. highway 81 and highway 80 - back to you. there is a new vision for the future of the catholic church coming from pope francis. the pope issued a major publication saying he wants
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power moved away from the vatican. caroline malone has the story. little for than a year passed since he became the head of the catholic church. pope francis released a major work. in the 84 page manifesto he calls for action in a church bruised, hurting and dirty in the streets, rather than one clinging to obscurity. he cautioned people against greed and inequality created by capitalism. >> the various forms of social disparity, the fetishisms of money and a faceless economy, the exasperation of consumption and consumerism. >> he called for the rich to share their wealth. while previous popes were criticised for their lavish lives, francis leads by examples, wearing simple robes
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and living in a guest house. some accused him and his advisors of hypocrisy. >> translation: capitalism and all its riches - they would not live how they live. he's one of the most powerful men in the christian religion, but also within the economy in the same church. >> pope francis is focused on human rights before visiting lampedusa, where many arrive on boats seeking refugee status. he calls on all catholics to help. >> where is the person you are killing every day and his secret little factory and networks of profit tuition and children used for professional begging and those working in secret because they are irregular. all of us have a shared responsibility in these situations. >> pope francis is hinting at reforms, suggesting bishops
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should have more authority, but doesn't call for change in two areas - women having a more important role in the church, but not be priests, and abortion is not up for debate. >> chris stefanick is the president of real life catholic church, a nonprofit group working with catholic young people. thanks for joining us. the pope in his first major writing is calling for the decentralisation of the catholic church. explain what it means and why it is significant? >> catholicism, like every faith, is facing an it struggle that could write-off all religion as being irrelevant and out of touch with the needs of real people in their daily lives. i don't think we are seeing a changing in church teaching or in the nature of the papacy. what we are seeing is a refocussing on the heart of christianity, the heart of where this is about, the notion that god is love.
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and we'll model our lives on love, service and humility that jesus showed on the cross. he is applying that to himself and the roleful papacy. >> this issue put the focus on compassion, and he did so flying back from brazil, where he talked about showing compassion for gay and lesbian couples. that has appeal for young people. >> it does. he shows the capacity and love without changing the teaching. this is something crucial and essential to get. what he's doing is not a break with pred assessors. mother teresa didn't think the gay and lesbian lifestyle was okays, but started the first gay hospice. i think pope francis has that spirit saying we can disagree with a lot of things we find in
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a secular world, but we have to show the love of god to the world. it's the first priority as a church. >> wear showing pictures of the pope's visit to brazil, where he stopped his pope mobile and shook hands and people followed and chased him over a beach. in addition to this trip there were a lot of headlines where the pope, in a state visit rode around in a ford focus as opposed to a limousine. how was it received, particularly among young people in the catholic church. >> all you have to do is look at what happened to world youth day. there was 3 million at world youth day in brazil. an event that the church puts on for young people. i don't think you'll find a secular car drawing a crowd that large in brazil. it's good to note that that is typically the experience. pope, benedict the 16th drawing
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a large crowd, john paul too. there's a renewed excitement about christianity around pope francis. again, because of his focus on not just talking about the heart of christianity, but the way he lives it out in an overt way, in keeping with his name. >> chris stefanick, president of real life catholic church. thank you for being on the program. >> it's been an honour. >> in the midst of the barack obama minister efforts to pass immigration reforms supporters note 300,000 undocumented mexican immigrants are deported from the united states every year. some are u.s. citizens children, born in america, forced to leave when their parents are deported. jennifer london has their story from across the border in tig -- tijuana. >> along a rutted road. you'll find a secondary school in eastern tijuana mexico.
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for 13-year-old emily, who used to live in burbank california, her new school is as strange as the country she calls home. >> i like it way more over there. it's prettier, i have friends. i had my whole life over there >> so did 13-year-old stephanie, who used to live in southern california. >> i didn't talk to nobody. i didn't no much about it. >> both girls are u.s. citizens, forced to leave their homeland when their parents were deported back to mexico. there were 5,000 u.s.-born kids living throughout the mexican state of baja, california. we mette ana and ysidro who were born in mexico, but lived in the u.s. since babies. moving back is not easy. >> you see the difference. the trash, the walls with graffiti. >> schools in mexico struggle
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with lack of funding and space. they are not equipped to handle the needs of thousands of binational students. >> they are subjected to teasing because they don't speak spanish and the teachers don't have the patience. >> it's why a pilot program funded by the international community foundation in san diego county is so critical. three days a week students like stephanie and yysidro come here and learn spanish, computer skills and receive counselling. they are students of different needs and don't feel part of mexico or the u.s. >> the key is keeping them in school, away from drugs, keeming them away from other problems of dell ink wednesdayy. >> the kids say for them the key is realising they are not alone. >> the program helped me. i met other people who are like
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me and went over there and had to come here. >> i'm learning new stuff. i'm getting used to being here. >> the program which started in september will end in january, unless the international community foundation can raise $50,000. without it these all-american teens trying to find their way in mexico could once again be lost. in washington state there has been a victory for organised labour. a $15 minimum wage has been approved for some workers. it's part of a movement to raise pay for low-end jobs. alan joins us. it sounds like this decision has a little more way to go. >> exactly. the votes have been counted, the tallies shortified bit the state but it's not over.
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those that support of the $15 minimum wage say we have won. those opposed say let's take another look. they'll call for and pay for a hand recount of 6,001 ballots kast. the yeas have it by 77 votes. >> it's a fantastic victory. voters in this community said they are tired of waiting for ceos and congress to do the right thing and said a fair day's work ought to get a fair day's pay. >> the citizens fought proposition one. they felt it was the wrong approach to the problem. they think it'll eliminate jobs, making it harder for teenagers to get the jobs. most of the people that receive the benefit don't leave in see tack. >> we did interesting maths.
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take a look at the cost per vote figures. prop 1 support is almost entirely funded by organised labor party. we don't expect the recount to take long - there's 6,001 ballots kast. we should have results by the middle of next week or the end of next week >> who gets a raise and when would they get it, if this stands? >> it would take effect on 1 january, involving 6300 workers at sea tack airport or in businesses related to the airport. this does not apply to minimum wage workers in sea tack where the vote was held and opponents sued, saying the city doesn't have the jurisdiction or the authority to tell employers at
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the airport what to pay their workers or how to handle the hours or acquire sick pay or paid vacation time, all of which is a part of this initiative. >> coming up - one of hollywood's biggest secrets has been spilled. it involves this man. he produced "pretty woman" and "fight club." the secret is what he was doing when the cameras were not rolling. 20 years after jim abbott threw a no hitter he's inspiring athletes in hockey - yes, hockey. def conversation shoouf
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incredible secret. >> oh. >> arnon milchan, who produced "pretty woman," and several other blockbuster projects - two of the movies with brad fit, "fight club" and "mr and mrs smith", he's a major player in hollywood, but was also a spy, working for israel. he's telling a story saying he worked on clan dest in operations for the government in the midst of his hollywood career, he said he purchased technology needed to operate nuclear weapons. no other journalist knows arnon milchan's double life better than ann louise bardach, she revealed his life as a spy 13 years ago in the "the los angeles times." she joins us from santa barba. how was he a big figure for the hollywood studios and spying for
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israel? >> well, he does them both very well. he does them with a great deal of charm, a kind of boyish almost gamine-like charm and a great deal of determination. when the charm does not work out he knows how to get his way. arnon milchan began his career in the 1950s. he gravitated to a restaurant in tel aviv where interesting people were, and found his politic political n. >> che. these were all men who would become figures in israel. that became his groove. to this day i would argue that chimon pervez is probably his best friend. he built a solid career.
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part of that business was about the acquirement of arms. >> was he a major arms dealer or was it something he did out of alooejens or friendship for israel? >> well, one precedes the other. arnon milchan's self distribution is, "i am a patriot, i love israel and anything i can do to support israel i will do." that's his perspective and context. through the '70s, '80s, and "90s, he helped israel and made himself fabulously rich. he had a couple of close calls. there were charges brought in 1985 to a partner of his in a company he had called milco.
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another close brush with certain kinds of triggers delivered to israel that didn't have the proper end-user certificate required. but mir abbing use lousily -- miraculously with arnon milchan, it doesn't stick. >> he didn't really seek publicity, quite the contrary, yet there he was with hollywood celebrities. did they have suspicions. i think it was out there - you reported 13 years ago that he was working for the israeli government. did any of the celebrities care? >> it depends. most people in hollywood are sympathetic to israel. not without exception, and not without some various degrees of criticism, but that is not an uncomfortable relationship for many people who work in
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hollywood. same as many people who work in new york. so it did not automatically put him at ads, and -- at odds, and it may have endeared him. what was interesting when i worked on the starry for "vanity fair", and had ran in the los angeles magazine instead - but what was interesting was everybody that i met would whisper as soon as i met them, "you know - you know that arnon is a big arms dealer." everybody - it seemed to, you know, make - made him more - gave him a cache >> absolutely. >> it was no big secret. now he's saying he was an agent for israel. that's no surprise. you would not work at the level
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of arms deliver ris unless you were closely moss ard. >> in hollywood the cache goes a great distance. journalist ann louise bardach, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> my pleasure. >> michael eaves is here with sports. an update for a candidate on the heisman trophy. >> this information a lot are hoping for. if the state of florida files charges against jamesin winston for sexual assault. that decision will not be made until after the seminoles play in the acc championship game on 2 december. >> georgia cappleman, assistant state attorney said the state attorney's office needs two weeks or long are it process the evidence.
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december 9th - that's when the ballots are due. some hope a decision to pursue charges would be made before the votes are cast for college football's most prestigious award. >> a year after signing a contract with the los angeles lakers, kobe bryant says he's weeks away interest day bug. the lakers must play on without him. they carry a 7 and 7 record against the wizards. john walsh scored 13 of game-high 13 points. it was walsh's 13th straight game. he had minus six as a winning streak was snapped. >> jim abbott spent 10 years as a pitcher in major league baseball. he considers inspiring others to be his greatest achievement in
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life. >> when jim abbott pitched a no hitter against the cleve and indians did more than he thought. he was born without a right hand. he did more for people with a disability. >> i don't know that i can put into words what baseball means to me. it provides a wonderful message to people. it doesn't matter how you do it, it matters if you can do it >> 20 years later joe reasonabliereasonablogers, a senior hockey player. he was born without the use of his right hand. when rogers met his idol, there was a connection. >> when i was 16 i was invited to an awards bank wet. he received a life-time achievement reward. it was crazy to see him in front of my eyes.
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went up and shook his hand and talked with him for a while. seemed i was the only person in the room even though i was surrounded by lots of people. >> it presented certain challenges, but maybe there's good that can come from it. more often than not it's stories of meeting young people like joe and others around the country. you know, who said, "wow, if you can playbase ball, i can bee the icehockey goalie. >> that is what joe rogers did. he played hockey. not once did his parents tell him he couldn't play. they pushed him to play a sport that was in his family's blood. >> my dad played, my uncles coached. my great uncle had a river in the backyard so his kids and grandkids could play. i was under two years old when i put on my skates. i could hardly walk and was on the ice learning to skate.
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>> while his idol had to overcome the challenges of fielding, rogers had to get creative and find ways to hold a hockey stick and secure gloves. he accustomized his own after becoming a goalie. >> how does this glove differ? >> on the inside here i have a couple of extra straps placed in and extra padding underneath to thicken it up so my hand has more pressure, i slide my hand in, put on the strap. this one here. and then the rest is the same as any other glove. i have a lot of surprised faces when i go through the handshake, they never realised who they were playing against. >> for joe rogers seeing someone like him as a kid playing professional baseball showed him if you dream big, anything is possible.
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now he's paying it forward to young hockey players. >> do you feel you are the jim abbott of hockey? >> i like to take the situation i'm with and i can help someone along the way. jim was great to me, i want to pass that along to anyone. >> it's been seven years since the first meeting. now it's jim abbott who is impressed by what joe rogers accomplished. >> when i heard he was an ice hockey goalie, obviously that is something you'd thing would take two hands and dex terty. i was amazed by it. he has a kind heart and a giving person, and it's been nice to see everything that he's done. >> whether rogers makes it to the pros like abbott does not matter. he proved it is not the destination, but the journey. his is one that continues long
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tomorrow we look at this - this will be fuller than it is right now. come back to the wall. i want to show what you expect to see. i want to ignore the storm for a moment. if you fly from dallas to los angeles, you still may have delays. the reason being if the flight is coming from the east coast it has to go to dallas. just because the great weather out here, there may be problems with the westbound flights. just be aware of that. these are the main airports we expect to have problems with in terms of the east coast of the these are having problems. washington, these will be dealing with wind and rain, pittsburg with snow. it means the icing which means we'll have to wait a little longer. if you are travelling by road, it's the northern one, rain and snow problems there. let's look at your weather. david has your headlines right now.
12:00 am
welcome to al jazeera, i'm david shuster in new york. here are the top stories. >> a major winter storm is bearing down don the eastern united states. the snow, rain and winds are expected to delay thanksgiving travel for millions of americans. the snow system slamming the west and is blamed for the deaths of at least 12 people. >> the united states supreme court will here a landmark case involving the affordable care act and birth control. the owners of hobby lobby don't want to offer insurance for contra-septemberives because of their believes, but birth control is offered under obamacare. the high c
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