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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 28, 2013 5:00am-6:01am EST

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>> yingluck shinawatra has overcome an action in parliament. >> a coup in mali - is arrested and charged with kidnapping. we describe the path back to democracy. >> welcome to the show. human rights groups criticised the sentences given to 14 young egyptian women for protesting against the government. the women were sentenced to more than 11 years in prison on wednesday. seven others were arrested and held in a juvenile detention facility because they are under the age of 16. the government announced it will stop anyone defying new protest laws, saying it protect the rights of society. the girls were convicted on charges relating to holding a
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protest in alexandria on october the 31st, calling for claude moraes -- mohamed morsi reinstatement. they are charged with destruction of public and private property amongst others. i was told about the reaction to the gaol sentences. >> there is has been an uproar. i have to say uproar is across the board. many egyptians looked at the girls, dressed in white, sitting in the criminal cage and looking so young. the background to the girls is they belong to the 7am movement. they are students from high school and university, and typically would stand early in the morning in the street to protest against the ousting the former president mohamed morsi. sometimes they'd carry balloons with the four-finger symbol of the anti-coup alliance printed
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on the balloons. they were forming a human chaining in alexandria. many people decried how harsh the sentence is, 11 years and one month. some of the girls are 15. when they come out of gaol, if the sentence is not changed, they will be 26. they were sentenced four obstructing traffic, for possessing illegal tools that could harm other citizens, for thuggery and for other minor crimes that certainly don't deserve a harsh sentence, and have many people here wondering where the country is heading and how far this will go >> right. and, of course, we understand lawyers will file an appeal. we don't know where that will go. this, of course, is part of a larger crackdown on any form of descent. do you think people in egypt are starting to notice that and get angry with the way the
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military-backed government is ruling the country right now? >> absolutely. i think over the past few days they ventured to prove that. 24 of the protesters in front of the upper house on parliament still remain detained pending investigation, and then there's two arrest warrants towards some of the most prominent activists in the country, credited to be behind the impetus leading to the overthrough of hosni mubarak. people are worried. the security crackdown is strong. the government - interim government is in a difficult position at the moment. they have to show to the wider egyptian product, who don't like the upheaval, the protest, that it is strong, it is holding the reins of the country. on the other side you have people on the street saying they'll protest despite the new law, that they'll continue to
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make their voice heard and remind the interim government that it is their protest that brought this government to power. >> now, in thailand the government seems to be winning what has turned out to be a prolonged struggle with protesters. the prime minister yingluck shinawatra has easily won a vote of confidence. more on that in a moment. thousands of protesters are on the streets. some are occupying government ministries. the situation has not spiralled out of control as it did in 2010. the government deployed police. crucially the army is not involved in a big way, or not yet at least. looking closely at the vote in parliament. thaksin shinawatra won comfortably out of the 492 seats. the prime minister's party won 297 votes. more than she actually needed. only 134 opposition mps voted against her. the rest of them, in fact,
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abstained. yingluck shinawatra can rely on 50% of the seats in the lower house of parliament, leaving the combined passion with 40%. we go live to bangkok, to the government complex where the main group camped out overnight. is the protest losing steam after this vote in parliament. >> it doesn't seem that way. the vote was very much what they expected. i think it's not unusual that they don't feel disheartened. where we are standing, the protest seems to be getting larger. the crowd seems to build when it's later in the evening because people join the protest after work. we have seen people camping out inside the building complex itself. we have been told that 70% of staff have taken leave because
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they knew the protesters would be here on thursday. now, the police seem to - and we have also been told - we found out that antigovernment protesters cut off electricity to the police headquarters trying to provoke action from the government. the government is taking a very soft stand on this. there's an arrest warrant out for the main leader, suthep thaugsuban. he's here in the building. there's no attempt to arrest him. he's been leading the marches, and was the one that led protesters to the main office of special investigation a day ago. more developments on what happened today, here is wayne hayes reporting. >> security has been week throughout the series of protests. as expected at the ministry of defense the military and police were well prepared. day by day the protesters had
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made their presence felt at government ministries. when they arrived at defense headquarters they told those inside that they were armed with trademark whistles and flowers. the goal is to force the government out and introduce political reform. >> translation: we will not let the corrupt system hurt our country. if you ask how long we can keep doing this, we will continue until the people get their victory. >> this was a symbolic visit, an attempt to show solidarity with the military. at parliament the target of the protesters' anger survived a vote of no confidence. the result was never in doubt. prime minister yingluck shinawatra's party and its coalition partners had a comfortable majority in the house. there was speculation that the prime minister would dissolve parliament after the vote and call an election, knowing she and her party would bin again. she has -- win again.
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she as ruled that out. the prime minister made pleas for talks. >> translation: no matter what we do, we still do not know the solution to what the protesters want or the approaches might be. if we have a chance to discuss, call off the protests for the country's peace, and for the thai people's happiness. i'm begging you, the protesters, because this does not make the situation any better. >> the protest leaders refused to meet government representatives. the prime minister's best option appears to be wait and hope the rallies lose momentum. >> china's new air defense zone which covers a great deal of the east china sea is inflaming rangeonal interpretation. joint enterprisan and south korea flew planes unannounced in the area. neither country accepts china's claim to the airspace a position
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shared with the united states. as the political tensions rises, there has been increased military activity in the region, the japanese navy took part in joint military exercises in the united states. china has been visibly flexing its muscles. an aircraft carrier has been sent to the south china sea. all the analysts, and as we were discussing with you yesterday, say that none of these countries want to escalate the situation. surely this activity in the area raises the tension? >> well, you are absolutely right. there is an enormous amount of activity here, and tensions are raised. that's purely because everyone is postualating to some degree, and unsure of what the reactions from china will be. the u.s. and china will test china it see how far you can push it militarily and
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politically. that's what it will end up being, a game of brinkmanship, one that is dangerous because one wrong word could set off a course of event that none of the countries wished would happen, today south korea had an does note to put its concerns directly to china, a strategy meeting in soul, and they wanted china to modify the air space. china said that's not going to happen. china said, "we are going to increase our region." japan said it would increase their defense. each country will have an air defense zone that encroaches on the others. for south korea, the main concern is a lump of rock under sea, which contains resources that south korea lays claim to. that's at the apex of their concerns with china. >> craig, might china reconsider
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the air defense zone at all, given the pressure from the u.s., japan and korea or do i think they were expecting this reaction? >> well, they've said that this zone is there forever. that's their quote. and they reiterated today to south korea that they have no intention of modifying it. they are - and this point should be known - they are the last country to extend the area defense zone into the east china sea. south korea did it. japan did it and vietnam has its own air defense zone. china is saying, "all we are doing is of national interest in our defense concerns, and what each of the other countries has done." how far it goes to protect the air defense zone is concerning the united states. japan tested that, as did the united states with its b 52 fly over on tuesday. japan sent its military aircraft
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through the zone and said fail china failed to react to that course of action. they are testing china. it remains to be seen how far china is willing to be pushed. >> craig leeson in hong kong. thank you, craig. >> you crane's president is to meet with european leaders in lithuania at the summit with neighbours. some hope that viktor yanukovych will do a u-turn and sign a pact with the e.u. tens of thousands of pro e.u. supporters have staged rallies in kiev since the ukraine government shelled planses for the deal. it involves belarus, ukraine, georgia, armenia and alice springsa beigean. last week they dropped plans to sign a cooperation agreement with the e.u. e.u. leaders accused russia of putting pressure on ukraine to
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reject the deal. russia had threatened unspecified measures. tens of thousands have been protesting in kiev, calling for the government to reverse the decision and sign the e.u. deal. >> are the protests happening or are they losing momentum? >> yes, i'm standing in front of independent square. there's a demonstration going on behind me at the moment. it's in the middle of the day here. numbers are swelling as the night falls. there is no sign of any lack of momentum in these demonstrations. they are continuing, and they will continue long after the summit has ended. most of the demonstrators here do expect the ukrainian president will not sign the free trade agreement with the
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european union, he will not do a u-turn. i gas gau-- was gauging the opin and the mood in the square. you may think this is a russian dance. it was developed in ukraine. these protesters have no intention of dancing back to the kremlin's tune. it's also a very useful way of getting the blood moving again after a subzero night camp out on independence square. this woman is taking part in the demoptions because she believes an important decision on europe should not be made by a handful of politicians in kiev, but by all the people. >> translation: i'm a huge optimist and a romantic. i'm 95% sure our president viktor yanukovych will not sign the agreement. there's still hope though. i'll stay here for that
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remaining 5%. >> the day started with the national anthem. ukraine hasn't died yet, nor glory nor freedom, they sang. tarrize is a veteran protestor, 73 and a great grandfather. he took part in the orange revolution, and credits that spirit with surviving three cardiac arrests. it has not dimmed his appetite, nor determination to see his country move towards europe. >> i think the youth of our country will achieve inspiration with the rest of europe. we don't expect help from our president. he's a gunning man. >> strong-armed tactics used by the kremlin to keep ukraine out of the european union threatened a new low. the focus will move to the summit in lithuania, where the
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president of ukraine has some explaining to do. demonstrations will continue when he returns. organizers are predicting a big turnout. >> what about the other countries at the summit. how many are in the same position - stuck between the e.u. and moscow? >> well, there are only two countries left to sign the e.u. trade deal - mald obviousa and georgia. maldova is the poorest country in europe. most workers sent remittances home from working in russia. the migrant workers are in a vulnerable position and so is maldova. their wine exports to russia are halted. strong-arm tactics are being applied to maldova. they are not in a situation to resist it. apparently they are going go ahead and sign. we could see a backlash, an economic backlash against
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maldova, which is a country split in two, which has a russian edge to the country. so they are in a highly vulnerable position to the tactics exerted by the kremlin. as for georgia, we see the growing, the exit. it's not clear what the new regime, government, or president will do in the situation. at the moment they are on for signing the agreement with europe. they are keen to open relations towards europe and back away from the influence of russia which is occupying two sections of georgia at the moment. they are vulnerable and the european union leaders were making it clear to president putin. they do not accept strong-arm tactics, and they want them to back away from bullying their neighbours. >> thank you for that.
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that's david chaser in kiev. >> coming up for you in the newshour. we'll tell you how this cube could significantly lower the cost of sending a mission to space. >> i'll report from zambia where dozens have been accused of treason for pushing for the independence of the western province. >> bayern munich rewrites european history books. robin has that and more sport later in the program. >> first, there are warnings of humanitarian crisis in gaza because of sewerage water flooding in the streets. the territory's largest waste watered treatment facility stopped working due to power cuts. residents are forced to pass by or through the overflowing sewerage. the only power plant in gaza
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shut its generators earlier this month, causing black outs that last as long as 12 hours a day. robert is the u.n. special coordinator for the middle east peace protest. he joins us live from gaza city. if you can tell us what the situation is like in gaza right now with the sewerage and how it's affecting the 1.7 million there, still living under siege. >> yes. i'm actually now here in the area in gaza, where this happened about a week ago. i can at least bring a bit of good news. the situation is back under control. this very important pumping station has been receiving, in the meantime, fuel. this has been made possible by a donation from turkey, giving us and the u.n. money to create a
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safety net as a first stop gap measure to ensure that this, first of all, will not happen again. this, of course, should not happen at all, this overflowing of a sewerage station. but that we have been yoifg hundreds of critical surfaces. think about hospitals, other health care solutions. think about sewerage. all the critical sewage, which must continue to function in this dire energy crisis which gaza is facing. due to the turkish donation, i can tell you that the fuel is being purchased and distributed by the u.n. to the critical services. that does not resolve the issue. it's a safety net which we hope takes care of the critical surfaces for a couple of months.
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>> why did this happen? >> more needs to be done. >> why did this happen at all. it happens because of the fact that the power station, as you know has been shutting down. for a time the fuel was coming through egypt, through the illegal tunnels. it was subsidised egyptian nul that has been stopped. that means we have then to find an alternative solution. i am in contact with all the parties involved. i - yesterday i was in contact with the prime minister in qatar, and i urged all parties, the palestine authorities here and others who can help to resolve the issue as a matter of urgency. the power plant - the only power plant gaza is having has been shut down. we need to find a resolution
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urgently. that's why i'm here. >> the u.n. special coordinator joining us from gaza. thank you. >> it's time for the weather with everton. how is the weather looking across africa. >> we have the seasonal showers where they should be. pockets of heavy rain can lead to localized flooding. 91mm of rain within 24 hours. you can see the shower cloud across africa and mozambique, pushing across northern zambia into angoal. the showers are going further north. the showers grouping up across coastal fringes of madagascar. the wet weather pulsing across the continent, pushing towards the western side of the region. we have seen heavy rain here recently, big downpoors right
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the way through the democratic republic of congo in only 24 hours. plenty of showers pushing to the gulf of guinea. it is staying fine and dry. little more cloud to the north-west. we have thicker cloud. showers. possibility over the next few days. we could see heavy showers to the east parts of libya, causing flooding. >> thanks for that. the man who led the military coup in maui has been arrested and charged with kidnapping. general amadou haya sanoga is accused of torturing and executing soldiers who questioned his rights to power. the arrest comes as mali faces a second round of parliamentary elections. >> general amadou haya sanoga was arrested at his home in mali's capital.
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he's been charged with complicity and kidnapping. he failed to appear in court for the deaths of six soldiers. amadou haya sanoga is a feared man among mali's newly elected leadership. he was a captain when he led the coup. he pronounced himself the head of state. international pressure forced him to hand control to a civilian legislation, but many believed he called the shots. the new president is under pressure to rein in the military leaders. the support is vital if he is to gain control of the country. after last year's coup, fighters linked to al qaeda launched a rebellion in the north. a military intervention led by the prejudice in january scattered the fighters in the
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desert. they continued to launch sporadic attacks. human rights groups accused mali's ministry. a summons was issued for general amadou haya sanoga. a source sold reuters that authorities questioned him about financial crimes related to government money transfers. amadou haya sanoga was promoted from captain to general following the presidential election in august. human rights watch called his promotion a shameful act. there are fears his arrest could cause a backlash by the army. it is also a sign the president is not afraid to stand up to a military man who wields a lot of power in mali. >> let's get more on this. i'm joined in the studio by the africa analyst at a doha-based think tank. it's great to have you with us.
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tell us about general amadou haya sanoga. >> general amadou haya sanoga just been nominated in august. he used to be captain amadou haya sanoga. he led the coup in march 2012. he removed the former president and was leader. he was a powerful man during the last year. but criticism has come. what is claiming a fight. he was ruling the country, he couldn't fight in the north. since the french intervention, the power of the soldiers around general amadou haya sanoga have been diminished. what we see today is maybe a return to a normal state in mali. >> even in the north? >> in the north the situation is
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fluid. the situation is more stabilized than a few months back, but there is a lot of issues to be solved. until the army secures of the north >> what is happening in mali in terms of the political prorks the polls held last sunday? is this a march towards democracy that is unstoppable. >> unstoppable is a big assumption. what we see is the fact that the president feels strong enough to lead the arrest of the former leader, moving forward until the summer. the ruler of mali over the last year, the fact that he has been arrested is a show that president qatar is strong enough and has support within the population to say, "let's go over the crisis that happened
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and let's try to go back on the normal cycle" with the current election. it will happen in december. i think the message that the malian population wants to hear, let's go back to stability and run the country normally. >> let's leave it on that optimistic note. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> still ahead for you on the newshour. an accident at a stadium in brad ill raisings concerns about construction standards ahead of the world cup. in sport, one record down, another beckoning for the masters champion. robin here with the details.
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>> it's good to have you with us. these are the top stories. . human rights groups cit sized the assistances given to 14 young egyptian women for protesting against the government. the women were sentenced to more than 11 years in prison on wednesday. thailand prime minister yingluck shinawatra is asking protesters to end their demonstration. the appeal coming hours after surviving a no confidence vote in parliament. >> two people have been killed in brazil during the construction of a stadium that will host the opening of the football world cup next year. they died when a crane collapsed on to a roof, destroying part of the grandstand. >> workers in brazil are under pressure to get the world cup
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stadium finished on deadline. this is the latest in a number accidents and the most serious. from the air it's easier to understand what's happening. a crane involved in lifting part of the roof has collapsed, crashing in to the roof of the stand. >> translation: we were leaving for lunch. i heard a loud noise. i saw the arm of the crane folding. my coworkers working closer to the incident said the ground shook. >> translation: that machine moved slowly, it made a harsh movement which made the piece oscillate. it hit the corner of the stadium pushing the arm of the crane down. >> this stadium in sao paulo was due to be completed by december 31st. organizers were admitting they were struggling to have all 12 venues ready to go. world cup organizers said the safety of workers was a top priority:
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>> there has been protests across brazil at the money poured into hosting the world cup. millions have taken to the streets to express anger. there have been growing concerns about working continues - not just in brazil but at the site of the 2022 world cup in qatar. voters in brazil say the stadium will be closed for three days to respect the dead. investigators may close the site for 30 days. the accident is a setback for the organizers and fifa. at the moment no one is talking about moving the opening game away from here. >> the election commission in honduras has declared the ruling
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party candidate as the winner of the presidential election. juan orlando hernandez has around 36% of the votes with most of the ballots now tallied. his closest competitor, xiomara castro has 29%. xiomara castro denied the result, accusing the electoral authority of fraud. >> 54 will appear in a zambian court accused of treason. they say the government failed to offer a document, a treaty with a community that had a strong influence over zambia. the king signed an agreement joining the rest of the region in an independent zambia. we have this report. there are many who say the treaty's promise of autonomy was never honoured. >> this is the western province.
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it was the center of borotzland a monarchy and british protectorate that joined rowed eeshia to form modern zambia. many want it to split. dozens of separatists were arrested and accused of treason. they say an election promise was broken, a treaty recognising the copying of the people, allowing for autonomy. a leading separatist told me they will not rule out using force. the best means is that of political education and diploma diplomacy. if it fails, it's a natural course of events. >> they honour their king in ancient ceremonies like this. they want to chart their own course politically and are demanding a fair share of the country's mineral wealth.
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some are worried that the constitution will undermine the special place in history. >> they see that the best option is for us to continue living in harmony with brothers and sisters. that failed in the last nine years. >> many say the government neglected them. it couldn't comment because of the court case, but there are signs it was listening. motorists asked what improvements could be made. the government is working on giving the government more powers. it says it will not make a special case of any one province, and will not tolerate unrest. >> this woman is afraid to speak freely. here disabled son and husband are accused of treason. she says they have done nothing wrong >> translation: the situation is devastating.
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what kind of leadership has no mercy. we are terrified the police will come back and rest us. some will setting for investment from government, others want a separate state. it may be a sensitive issue, but it is not going away. >> former italian prime minister silvio berlusconi says he will remain in politics despite his expulsion from parliament. he told supporters it was a day of mourning for democracy after the senators voted to force him out because of a conviction for tax fraud. the high court uphealed silvio berlusconi's conviction and one year prison term. in october he tried to bridge down the government by ordering ministers to back out. he failed. some of his closest colleagues made it clear they'd side with
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enrico letta, rather than him. >> the decision was moment us. >> senator silvio berlusconi's election is declared void. >> the supporters call it a coup. the majority say this is democracy. the laws of the land being enforced. even if the senate voted, silvio berlusconi supporters came out to cheer their man. >> translation: the judiciary, dishonest politicians are on one side. we are with silvio berlusconi. we'll always be with him. >> he's been the master of media manipulation. don't be fooled by the smile. power is ebbing away from him. >> translation: we are here in what is a bitter day, a day of mourning for italian democracy. we must stay on the field and
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not despair if the leader of the center right is not the senator any more. there are leaders of other parties who are not parliamentarians. >> silvio berlusconi will still have a loud voice here in italy. he's a weather man and controls newspapers and television stations. but it's clear that his hold over italian politics is not what it was. >> silvio berlusconi's chosen successor on the center right, angelino alfano, has broken away and supports the government. that means silvio berlusconi has lost much of his power. >> the government will survive, angelino alfano and his group said they'll still support the government. the other thing is most likely even they he's been impeached. they'll have the support of voters, they will be present and can be used at the next
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election. >> yet silvio berlusconi's legal difficulties are growing all the title. they include a notorious conviction of paying for sex with an underaged girl. many here talk about the end of an era. silvio berlusconi is not the kind of man to give up and fade away quietly. from this day he'll be shouting from the sidelines. >> it's taken more than two months, but germany has a new government. angela merkel will return as chancellor after negotiating a partnership between the biggest political parties. a new minimum wage and lower retirement age are part of the deal. a vote on the grand coalition is expected to pass next month >> translation: we completed a coalition agreement in the early hours of the morning, with a motto germany's future. the characteristic and the
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spirit of the contract mean that we'll have a grand coalition mastering the big tasks for germany. >> now a rare complete skeleton of one of the largest dinosaurs to have walked the earth sold for $650,000 at auction. the remains of the 17 metre long dip low doc us, nicknamed misty was discovered during a dig in the united states. the buyer from an unnamed institution promised to put misty on public display. >> such a thing, reasonably complete state is rare. there's a lot of work has gone into preparing it, digging out of the ground and consolidating the bones and assembling into the form you see there. there's hundreds, thousands of hours of work gone into that. guatemala's plant was one of the most threatened.
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decades of pollution spoilt the waters with an algae bloom affecting the waters. four years on, al jazeera's david mercer returned to see what has changed. ever since he can remember pass quell hernandez has been fishing the waters. he could support his family using a hook, a line and some bait. that was back when fish were plentiful, before changes to the ecology saw his catch getting smaller and smaller. >> this is the size of the fish we catch these days. it's hard to sell one that is small. normally people buy fish that weigh half a pound. they don't want one that doesn't have meat on it. fishermen are on the front line of a crisis threatening a beautiful lake. raw sewerage and agriculture run
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off empties into the lake. finally in 2009 the lake struck back. a type of algae bacteria transformed the pristine waters into a foul-smelling soup. tourism plummeted and the government swept in, promising tens of millions of dollars to stop the pollution. but four years later scientists say the contamination has gotten worse. levels of signo bacteria is increasing and scientists mere it could mutate and become toxic. bad news for people lying around the lake. >> all the poultry ents come out into the -- all the poultry ents come out into the lake. 100% of the water is pumped out of the lake. they clorinnate it.
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there's a potential for problems. with more than $100 ear marked for water and sanitation projects, money is not the issue. >> the scientists told us the problems. the technology is here. what is missing. the awareness of the population and decision to put the resources here to work in order to make the transformation. >> authorities plan to have seven fully functioning waste treatment plants in place. a step in the right direction and one that is hoped to save the lake. >> coming up for you in sport dashar a thunderous end to san antonia's streak. all the action from the n.b.a. in a moment.
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>> welcome backment time for the sport. >> thank you so much. title holders bayern munich are in the history books claiming a 10th straight win. they beat moscow. robin got the giants off the mark. beating barcelona previous record of nine consecutive victories. >> translation: we want to finish first in the group. this result was very important to achieving the goal. under these conditions, we play
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an incredible role. it wasn't easy. >> in group a manchester united completed a 5-0 demolition of bayern. the visitors won the lap in the first half, and own goal from liver cuesen extended the lead before the visitors sealed a place in the last 16. >> to come to germany and win 5-0, it's a great record, leverkusen. that puts it in perspective as well. >> in group b they make light of dismissal of sergio ramos. the 9-time champions in the lead 10 minutes good behaviour half time. real madrid n fire, sealing a victory and a place in the last 16. >> ib rammin ov itch put hits team 1-up.
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despite being reduced to 10 men, they held on for a win against olimpy abbingos. >> it was a good game. we played good. second we played different, but with one less. we showed good spir ipt. good character. we consider own goal. we stored 2-1. it made things more easier. >> two penalties and a goal so juventus won 3-1. a win in the final game against a turkish side can guarantee qualification for the italians. a total of 36 scored on wednesday. real socio dad suffering a defeet. they ended a run in europe. the last-minute earned them
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victory in manchester city, through to the last 16 were 4-2 winners at the etihad stadium. six men have been arrested in the u.k. on suspicion of match-fixing in non-league games. the arrests were made by the new national cam -- crime agency. the suspects are held in midlands. three were players, and another player agent. none of the english matches have been targeted. fixes focused on gold-scored markets. the investigation centered on an asian-based illegal betting syndicate. they follow an undercover investigation by a british newspaper, catching some of the suspects on camera.
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>> analysis from our correspondent in london, lee. how concerned will british football authorities be about this? >> the football association has been kept in touch by the new national crime agency. the thing to make clear first of all is this is not english premier league matches. that's the first concern, a huge global brand. that's the first thing people think about. you look at the football league, tiers 2, 3 and 4. they say they were not contacted by police. it looks clear it's not a football league matter. we talking about non-league english clubs. people may be surprised we are talking about non-league clubs. this is what's. the match fixes in singapore,
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targetting a low level of matches where they can manipulate more, there's more opportunity, the players are not paid much. this is a chance for corruption. this is what's happened in the instance. it's not the first instance in english football. there was a non-league football incident player arrested in australia. the tenta kles are everywhere. england affected. >> the fixes seem to target non-league matches, smaller matches and the players are not well paid. what would be - is it a widespread problem in england? >> it's a widespread problem everywhere, talk to chris eaton, in charge of security with fifa. he has a big role in trying to police this. he'll tell you it's everywhere, it's endemic internationally. over 40 nations in europe have
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live match-fixing investigations going on. it shows you the scale of the problem. people are act use mobile phones to bet, betting on small incidents in football - a yellow card in the first few minutes. hundreds of billions are thought to be generated globally by this type of thing. that's why it's a massive problem for police forces around the world. england is another place, another tenth abbingle. it's showing the authorities in england that they have to be on guard and the investigation continues. >> i am sure you'll keep a close eye on it for us. thank you for the insight. >> adam scott could become the second man to claim what is known as the triple crown of australian golf. in the past three weeks he won the australian pga, the australian masters and the world cup of gulf in melbourne. he's eyeing the australian open
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ground, shooting a course record on thursday. he bieried and finished with a 10-under round with a 3-shot lead at the royal sydney course. >> in the n.b.a. the new york nicks have been handed their seventh straight loss. they were beaten 93-90. the oklahoma city thunder ended the san antonio spurs winning streak on wednesday. it was a showdown of the top two western conference teams, and the thunder came through in flying colours. russell and kevin combining for the win. >> the bostons entoured a miserable night on the ice. the detroit red wings gave druins a thumping. a remarkable score line. 6-1. three of the goals coming in
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under four minutes in the second period. that's the first time that boston have given up more than four goals in a single day. >> ryan braun speaks for the first time since his 65 game ban for doping as suspended as part of a drug scandal involving a miami clinic. the 5-time all star is determined to win back the trust of baseball fans. >> i have been through a lot. as i expressed if my statement, i felt it was specific. you know, i got into a lot of details. i'm not going into further details. i'm deeply remorseful for what happened. i wish i had the ability to go back, change things and do things differently. i can't do that. all i can do is move on, try to do everything in my power to earn back people's trust, respect and support. i don't anticipate getting back everybody's support. i intend to do everything in my power to do that. i won't stop trying
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>> that is the sport for now. more later. >> thank you robin. it's true, of course, of every business that as technology is smaller and cheaper the old guard is overthrown by a new way of doing things. it's taking place in the satellite industry. jacob ward reports. >> [ countdown ] >> putting an object into orbit is expensive. launching a satellite on the space shuttle costs hundreds of million. last week more than two dozen satellites went to space for $100,000 a piece. this cube is the reason why. it's known as a cubesat, a 4-inch satellite photographing the earth, analysing the atmosphere. it's revolutionizing the cost and accessibility to space.
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the reason it's exciting is it's cheaper to get to space. you can put small electronics in it. >> david gerson is a senior at stamford. a group he found said, the student space initiative is taking advantage. >> that'sa let's cubesats hitch a ride in the extra spaces in their rockets. the primary pay load on top pays for the cost of the launch. the cubesats are like hitchhikers kicking in gas money. last week a racket launched in virgin quarried 22 cubesats, the first luge of a diy space movement. >> andrew kalman runs a cubesat business called pumpkin,
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creating do-it-yourself kits for building cubesats. it needs a brain, some batteries, it needs the abilities to harness the sun's hours. it converts photoelectric power to sun's energy. and needs a radio for community. >> cubesat is no longer the job of one-off military analysers. they are building companies, fuel by venture capital. it's possible that satellite imaging isn't valuable with a company. as music files replaced cds and pcs replaced mainframes. the 4-inch cube may be the beginning of a 4-inch cube in space. >> another full bulletin of news is ahead. david foster will be in the seat
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with more from egypt. stay with us.
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another high profile setback for the affordable care act. online enrolment for small businesses delayed for a year. >> you have to work, but that's the day that you're supposed to be with your family. >> to work or not to work. that is the question. the thanksgiving debate as some stores open up before black friday. >> a thanksgiving day parade tradition is up in the air. why high winds my ground macey's balloons. >> and the problem with a popular potato snack.


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