tv News Al Jazeera December 3, 2013 3:00am-3:31am EST
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>> bringing down the barricades - thai police allow protesters into government buildings, but still stay in control. >> you're watching al jazeera america live from doha. also on the program - warnings of a coupe in ukraine as protests continue and the opposition calls for a vote of no confidence. >> how an unprecedented trade deal could see some of the poorest people go hungry - a special report from india.
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>> a project in afghanistan providing a life-line for the disabled. >> police in thailand have been ordered to stand down and allow protesters into government buildings. it's the 10th day of protesters. they want to force the government to resign. prime minister yingluck shinawatra held a cabinet meeting on tuesday. she's now on her way to meet the king. the police say they are still in control of the situation, despite standing down. >> the demonstrations, and in order to reduce the tensions between protesters and police, barriers have been opened to compounds. we are in the process of negotiating with the police.
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police still maintain police and order. forces from the military safeguard the area and are ready to reinforce police operations. >> what are the protesters spds demands. the main movement wants a people's government set up. they feel the current prime minister is corrupt and does the bidding of her brother and former prime minister thaksin shinawatra. her party won on election two years ago and holds a majority in parliament. we have teems in bangkok travelling all sides of the story. let's go over to wayne hay at government house for an update on the situation there. wayne, what is the latest. >> yes, well we are outside government house, the officer of
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the prime minister yingluck shinawatra. let me run through what has happened here over the last few hours. this barricaded area or what is left of it is the scope of pretty severe fighting. in the early hours of this morning, of tuesday morning, the police backed away and the protesters were allowed to come through into the area. if we swing around here and show the area. this is outside government house. outside the office of the prime minister. you can still there are protesters hanging around. they were allowed in in their thousands and they moved down this road, the front entrance to government house. the gate, the main entrance, or the main gate to government house was cut and the protesters were allowed in there, complete with a mobile stage and speakers. they went in, sat on the grass. they were told they would not damage the property or go inside the buildings, the compound, but they did. we'll sit for on hour and take
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plenty of photos. then we will leave it for the military to guard. most have left the area, they have gone back to one of the main protest sites in bangkok, a few kilometres away at democracy monument. it was an amazing scene to see the protesters allowed into the compound and into the ground of government house. >> what do you think that suggests about the tactic that the government is now taking? >> well, we still don't know exactly what is going on behind the scenes. clearly there was a deal done. the head of the national security council confirmed to al jazeera, that this was some sort of truce to pave the way for peace for the next few days, particularly leading up to the king's birthday. it was indicated after that that all bets would be off. for the next two days we'll see
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the two sides. hearing reports that the prime minister, yingluck shinawatra, she wants the protesters gone. she's proposing a people's forum so they can consider different proposals, including the proposal put forward bit the anti-government protesters, led by suthep thaugsuban. it's early days and it appears we are far from a long-term settlement between the two groups. >> thank you wayne hay. now to scott heidler at the government complex, the headquarters of the protest leader, and he spoke in the last hour or so. what did he have to say? >> just behind me is where he spoke, suthep thaugsuban. it's a government complex, a sprauling area north of the sea
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where wayne hay is. they started occupying earlier in the week. there's a large stage with a large lawn and that's where a lot of the speeches, and this one was not there, but in the building behind. the main building. >> that was for security reasons. there's an arrest warrant out for suthep thaugsuban. helicopters dropped leaflets detailing the arrest warrant this morning, so they are concerned about it. you can see the people sitting behind me. in that speech, again within the last hour, he said that this is a victory of thoughts. it's not an overwhelming victory. we were able to achieve what we saw with wayne hay. they were able to get into the metropolitan police headquarters. they were things they said they wanted to do. in the last evening speech he said he wanted to do that. he said the job is not done
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until the country is rid of the thaksin regime, referring to j yingluck shinawatra's older brother. the fight will not be over until any thaksin involvement is gone. >> we know what he wants. he's basically been saying it the whole way through. how is he going to achieve it. >> that's a very good question. he says he's not going anywhere. they are bunkered in here. he says the fight needs to continue. they'll do what they've been doing over the last nine, 10 days. as wayne said, there'll be a truce over the next couple of days. are they going to regroup and go out and use the same mechanisms? will they negotiate different ways with the government. it's left to be determined. as we said, there's several speeches throughout the week
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that we have heard. a lot of the messages were the same, defiant, unyielding, no negotiations. that is what we are hearing. very resolute. it can be viewed for them as a victory. they said they'd get in the complexes, they were let in. he said he'll fight until the fight is over. if he wins this, he'll not go back into politics. >> thank you for that, scott heidler. >> ukraine's prime minister warned that protests there could turn into a coup. demonstrations are continuing in kiev. crowds are blockading the main government buildings. the administration is no longer able to carry out day-to-day functions such as paying salaries. opposition leaders are hoping to pass a no confidence vote in parliament. >> rory challands joins us live. is this close to a coup?
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>> if you ask the prime minister, yes, it is. clearly he's trying to portray the hundreds of thousands who have been streaming into the independence square. he's trying to portray them as essentially ilchildrening mate as possible -- illegitimate as possible. he's training to paint them and those blockading the government buildings, like the cabinet office, as people who are trying to steal power from a democratically elected government. today we are likely to see, i think, the focus of the crisis move from the street into a stuffier confines of parliament. we are going to have a voice of confidence in the government. now, this was something that the opposition has been trying to get for some time now. and it looks like it has succeeded. would it succeed in getting rid of the government that is, of course, too soon to tell.
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the parliament started about 15-20 minutes ago. the opposition don't have a majority so they are ostensibly in a weak position. having said that... >> sorry, rory - excuse me jumping in, we are looking at live pictures from parliament. it seems that business is underway. we have no idea at this stage when we'll hear what the ruling is likely to be. in the meantime viktor yanukovych said that he's off to china. how is that going down? >> i think the people here have concerns with their own movement. they see viktor yanukovych. a criminal, they see him as someone who has taken ukraine and the potential that ukraine has and squandered it. so i think they see that this is his trip to china is essentially in character. that he's walking away from the country at a time where the
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country is essentially going through a serious crisis. the opposition people down here, the people who have been coming out to independence square say it is proof that the man leading the country is not the man who should be leading the country. >> rory, we'll leave you and that parliamentary session in kiev. >> lebanon's government have put the army in charm of tripoli. 11 have been killed as rifle communities target each other. it's triggered by religious convictions connected to the war in syria. the army will stay in the city for six months. >> rebel fighters have been entered a down north-east of damascus. a town famous for its christian churches, and one of the last places people speak ara make, the language of jesus. rebels took over in september, but were forced out by the army. >> a 24 hour curfew was --
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islamist fighters attacked on airport and air force base. dozens of people may be dead, including 20 of the gunmen. three aircraft, two helicopters and several craft were hit in the predawn attack. >> the details are a little sketchy, but according to the eyewitness, hundreds of boko haram stormed the airport and military airbase, setting off explosions. some were in trucks and according to the witnesses there were armoured personnel carriers used. the boko haram fighters were screaming god is great as they carri carried out their assault. some helicopters were damaged during the fighting, but they say that more than 20 boko haram fighters were killed, many wounded, and two air force
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personal were injured in the fighting that went on very, very early in the morning, monday, at around 2am to 7am. now, the reason this is only coming to light now is because communications in the region have been completely cut off since the nig earian military started their offensive. they say they cut mobile communications to stop boko haram members communicating and planning attacks. clearly the attack on the air base and airport shows that boko haram has serious capacity to attack. >> still to come on al jazeera america. find out what a major sticking point is for ministers at an annual trade conference plus, i'm rob reynolds in dhaka with the second in a series of reports on the tannery industry, and the tef stating impact on the environment and the people who live here
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>> the top stories on al jazeera. thai place are allowing protesters to enter government buildings after clashing with them for days. the protesters wants to topple the government of yingluck shinawatra. >> a 24 hour curfew has been imposed in a nigerian city after fighters attacked the air force and base. dozens may be dead including 20 gunmen. >> ukraine's parliament is due to vote on a no confidence motion against the government in the coming hours.
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the country's prime minister warning that protests turned into a coup, demonstrations intensifying in kiev and crowds blockading the main buildings. >> the demonstrations in thailand are led by a former deputy prime minister. until three weeks ago suthep thaugsuban was a member of parliament. now he's wanted on charges of treason. we have more. >> he's a wanted man for his role in the anti-government protest. as suthep thaugsuban greets his supporters, the addualation is apparent. >> he's my inspiration, he brings all of us together. >> his aim is to get rid of off theed prime minister thaksin shinawatra. >> the people in parliament now, they didn't get there through clean elections, they brought
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their votes. thaksin and pro-thaksin parties won elections since 2001. suthep thaugsuban's vision alarmed academics who see it as academic. >> it's unacceptable for those that study what is called democracy in thailand. because the proposal is limited to people that depends on victim. >> for more than a week. anti-government protesters marched across the capital, occupied government buildings and clashed with police. the same tactics were used in 2010. the street protests ended only after the army moved in.
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suthep thaugsuban, who was deputy prime minister had authorised the use of force. more than 90 were killed. he's due to be charged with murder for his role in the crackdown. while he says he's leading a fight against corruption, his record has not been clean. he's been implicated in a land scandal that eventually forced the government. >> as a veteran politician of 35 years, suthep thaugsuban has been on the winning and losing side of politics. now he's waging one final battle. no matter who winds, thailand's political divide is set to continue. >> let's talk about this with pane, a professor of political science at a university.
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he joins me from bangkok. what do you think he's up to. >> what do i think about? >> what do you think suthep thaugsuban is up to? he was addressing the thai people in the last hour. he's not going to go into politics. the movement is not over. he wants to see the end of the thaksin. what is his end game? >> i think the people on the street want a better election system, and they want the government to hear their demand more clearly. i think in the last half hour, they are beginning to consider to apply people's assembly within the constitution, and to accommodate the demands. that is - even this is true, it's a good move from the government.
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the people from all political groups in thailand are concerned with the elections not reflecting all their concerns. they are 45 million eligible workers in thailand out of 65 million. 75% of those came out working last time. 35 million people, in fact. 15 million for the government party. and another 12 million voting for the democrat party. the two parties are competing very, very intensely to keep the demand. >> at the end of the day she was voted in. she got a large majority. >> yes. >> the people did have their say when they voted her in. the question is how to apiece both sides. if she's the woman who can do that? >> indeed. in fact, that is a critical question, how to apiece all sides. the majority representing 33% of the eligible voters. the majority representing less
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than this, but not much more less. they are only three million apart from the two big parties. the question, the challenge is how, in these hours, the prime minister can listen to all voices. the majority of the voices, and act come up with a new memberinganism for - to aecom -- memberinganism to accommodate this demand. >> we haven't discussed the king and his supporters. what role does the king have in this, and the fact that his birthday is coming up thursday. >> the king's concerns are people in thailand. when matters are brought upon him. he would try to find solution, but the cost - this time we have political parties, leaders of interest groups. they can do the same thing, listening to the people's demand and come up with a solution. i think the king is not well,
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and he's now approaching very old age. people are recognising that, and want him to be very healthy, so they have to decide the matters upon themselves. >> all right. pane, thank you for talking to us. >> the u.s. vice president expressed concerns over china's expansion of its air defense zone in the east china sea. he made the comments in japan, a first stop of a 3-nation tour of asia. he's due to meet shinzo abe later. biden will visit china on wednesday. tokyo and beijing are locked in a territorial dispute over a chain of islands in the aest china sea. >> a curfew has been lifted in a city. officials declared the crisis over. the standoff in september
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between the army and rebels from the moora national liberation front left 200 dead. >> hong kong confirmed its first case of human bird flu, a design the virus could be spreading. an indonesian woman is in critical condition in hospital after being infected with hsn9. she's a domestic worker. travelling frequently to mainland china. four people have been in close contact with her are showing signs of flu-like symptoms. >> talks in indonesia are seen as a final attempt to save a deal on global commerce and the reputation of the world trade organization. ministers arrived in bali from the start of the wto conference. if successful the agreement they are working on would be the first global trade deal since the organization was created in
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1995. we report from new delhi on a major sticking point - food subsidies >> feeding four people on $70 a month is not easy, leaving the family with $10 of essentials. food subsidies is a life line. she applied for a food ration card. they may not exist if the world trade organization has its way. if we get 20 kilogram of grain, it's $10. if we have the card we get it for $2.50. >> the wto is trying to negotiate a world-wide trade deal. that means many countries cutting food subsidies. how much subsidies is a debate rich companies are having with developing ones. four years ago when food subsidies were threatened
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farmers from india came to new delhi. the indian government stood firm. the pressure is on india and 30 other nations in asia and africa to come into line and cut the help given to the farming industry and poor consumers. the indian government adopted a law guaranteeing two-thirds of poor people 5 kilograms of rice a month. the program could cost the government $20 billion, it's far above the current limits set. developed countries want those limits. >> we have millions that go bed hungry and don't have one square meal a day. until that happens, i can't see the issue of subsidies going, and the world trade organization
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should not pressurise national government. >> the indian government doesn't want to see a return to the days of independence when it asked the international community for food. since then indians worked hard to prove they can feed their home. the indian government now says it won't be dictated to by the international community on how to feed the most vulnerable in the society. >> swedish automaker saab produced a new car 2.5 years after shutting down production due to financial trouble. it hopes it will be the first in a series of new models, including electrically powered vehicles. the dutch owners filed for bankruptcy in 2011 and was saved by a hong kong-based firm in 2012. >> around a billion people in the world live with their disability. many face challenges in participating in many areas of society, including a workforce.
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in afghanistan there is a life-line to the disabled. jane ferguson went to take a look. >> few people understand the value of a prosthetic leg as much as this man. when he was three he played with something shiny. it was a bomb. when it exploded, took both his legs at the hip. he works at the international committee of the red cross center in kabul, making prosthetic limbs for other afghans. >> translation: i'm disabled and i make prosthetic legs for other disabled people. i'm proud of it. for that person receiving the leg, his life is easier. i'm happy with my work. >> mohammed is part of an almost full disabled workforce. >> this could be seen as depress, but, in fact, it's a positive place. in part because most of the staff are physically disabled,
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proving to the patients that they can go on and live functional lives. >> the center provides physiotherapy for thousands of disabled afghans. some lost limbs during years of war. others are the victims of accidents and genetic disease. >> in a country wherable-bodied people struggle staff know disabled people offers more. >> in afghanistan now, finding a job, finding money for the house, everything, if you are a disabled person you have less chances than a person without disability. it makes everything much more complicated. >> the government doesn't offer much help. this is a main public hospital. it has 17 permanent beds for people who are paralyzed. in a cramped dirty space, offering a roof over their heads, but little treatment. >> back at the red cross clinic, the facility may not house every
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