tv News Al Jazeera December 3, 2013 10:00am-11:01am EST
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>> the show may be over on the website, facebook or >> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ hello, welcome to the news hour, i'm adrian finnegan, and these are our top stories from doha. a french report into the deathia sir arafat says he died of old age. lebanons army sets up check points in an attempt to end
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weeks of violence. ukraine's government survives a no confidence vote. and the dancer, jailed for an acid attack. ♪ within the last new .minutes a team of french forensic scientists have released the conclusions of their investigation into the death yasir arafat. they say he died of old age. for more on this, we'll be joining our correspondent from paris in the next few minutes. but first we turn to thailand. the government has struggled to find the best way to respond to
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protests. first it adopted a soft approach. then they got tough using tear gas and rubber bullets. on day ten they went back to plan a, allowing demonstrators on to government property. al jazeera, wayne haye reports from bangkok. >> reporter: riot police and anti-government protesters prepared to one against exchange tear gas and bullets. instead they worked together to pull away barriers that had kept them apart. a truce has been called to easing tension ahead of the king's birthday. after trying to force their way into the office of the prime
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minister, the protesters were allowed to pass through the battle line. combatants turned comrades again, at least for now. those trying to push for political change were then able to enter the grounds unopposed. this is another significant development in thailand's landscape. they have cut the locks to the grounds of the government house and now anti-government protesters are about to storm in. they were told not to enter the building itself, instead they enjoyed a brief stay on the man cured lawn. after an hour they left. and locked the gate behind them. >> translator: this government has no right to run the country. that's why the thai people came here to show their power. it's a symbol that we own the
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country. >> reporter: but the goal hasn't been reached. the prime minister is still in charge. she talked to the head of the army. a general has been involved in talking between the opposing sides in recent days. it seems the protesters won't back down for long, though. the anti-government leader again took to the stage and claimed a partial victory. at the end of a confusing day, cleaners moved into the area around the prime minister's office. but the protesters are still on the street and the government are still in power. wayne haye, al jazeera, bangkok. scott hideler has filed this update. >> the protester were here by the thousands, but for the first time police pulled back barricades and allowed
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protesters to go into the area. they allowed them to come into the compounds, something that the anti-government protest leader said he wanted so desperately to get into. he wanted to occupy those areas. they were allowed to go into the compounds but not the buildings themselves. the prime minister later said she wants the country to move forward, that she wants a solution that is peaceful and welcomed all sides to come and sit down at the table. she also through things forward to thursday which is the king's birthday. and the anti-government leader came on air twice today saying essentially the came thing. they were able to get in very high profile areas in the city, but he said the fight is not
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over. and in some respect it will kick back in again after the king's birthday on thursday. reports from north korea suggests that the leader has sacked an important power broker. gerald tan reports that it has government officials in south korea wondering how this could effect the future leadership. i'm sorry, we seem to have loss that report, we'll get back to it as soon as we can -- time now to cross to london for the news from europe. let's join lauren taylor. thank you very much. starting with events in ukraine where the opposition has tried but failed to force a vote of no confidence. but the prime minister has apologized by some of the violence by riot police.
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demonstrators keep up the pressure on the government. our correspondent is in independence square. rory over to you. >> reporter: in the end, lauren, it wasn't even very close, the opposition are a minority in the european parliament. they needed to push through a boundary of 225 votes to get the no confidence motion to stick. they could only master about 186 or so. so the people have been coming back to independence square, and protesting around the parliament for most of the day. their defiance because the government has survived, and they want it gone. here is my story of the day. >> reporter: ukraine's parliament is no stranger to angry scenes, and on the day the
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government survived, things got heated once again. lines of riot police were on hand to hold back protesters who want the administration gone. though at times it seems calmer outside than in. >> translator: the government should resign because it is not fulfilling its duties. they only make promises but don't do anything in fact. >> reporter: central kiev is awash with protesters. but the fate of the prime minister's government is not the primary concern of thousands of the protesters in the square. what they care most about is removing the president from power, and they say they are not going to leave the streets until they have done that. the president, though, is currently out of the country, he has gone to china on a scheduled diplomatic visit. some protesters fear there will
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be a police crackdown while he is abroad. but for the moment there is a stalemate with neither side showing signs of giving up. >> and do the protesters speak for the whole country? >> not necessarily, because ukraine is a huge country, and it is also a very divided country between east and west. in the west people tend to speak ukrainian and look more towards europe whereas in the east it's a russian identity, people tend to speak russian as their first language. so the discontent at what the president did with regards to essentially tearing up the proposed agreements with the european union, that was most opposed in the west where people
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feel more european. so this is largely a country that is split down the middle, east, west, and what is going on in kiev in the center of the city doesn't necessarily speak for all y ukrainians. >> okay. thank you very much. later in the program we'll be looking at proposes to reduce sickness and cut early deaths around the world. ♪ ♪ the u.s. security council is meeting to discuss the dire situation in syria. let's go live now to the united nations headquarters in new york, james bays is there. james what is your reading of
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this? they have met so many times to discuss the situation, still the suffering goes on. what are the chances for a break through? >> as you say it's getting worse and worse. we're now more than 2.5 years into the syrian conflict. it's two months since they issued a statement demanding that both the syrian government and the rebels give more humanitarian access. i think today they'll be trying to find out whether anything happened. we do have one positive aspect of this. last week a group of about 20 countries met in geneva to talk about the idea of humanitari humanitarianian access. that includes countries like saudi arabia and iran. but the un's humanitarian coordinator said 250,000 people
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in syria were completely beyond the reach of the humanitarian aid supply. will we see action? i think it's unlikely. the next stage would be a un z rez -- resolution condemning the regime and the rebels. and russia will be opposed to that. >> james many things. james bayes live at the un in new york. lebanon's army says it has arrested 21 people in tripoli. it has the latest spillover from the war in neighboring syria, with militia groups supporting rival sides. andrew simmons report ts.
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>> reporter: the army hasn't been making any major change in its movements, and the people of this city are trying to figure out what lebanon's caretaker government is going to do. this was the scene shortly before a decision was made on monday to order the army to securitize all areas in the city for the next six months. this is in a mainly sunni, anti-assad district. it's in response to in coming fire. many people on all sides find it hard to visualize the army taking a completely neutral stance. >> knowing that some of the intelligence structure is in tripoli, and everybody knows that, have been protecting fighters who are killing
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killingal -- alawites in tripoli. >> reporter: but they insist efforts are underway to achieve a ceasefire. and here in tripoli the feeling is the absence of any detail of a plan could well be because of horse trading going on in the complex politics of what amounts to a proxy conflict here. some civilians feel they might just as well be in syria. one hope is that a new police force may make a difference here. no one is sure what is going to happen next. this conflict goes back many years but has intensified since the war began in 2011. the tension if anything, has
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increased. many people believe they won't see an end to the killing as long as the conflict in syria goes on. let's get a view on this from the director of the islam [ inaudible ] for public policy and international affairs. thanks for being with us once again. the army has been into tripoli before. the city of course as we heard are no stranger to sectarian violence. what is different this time? >> what is different this time is the reoccurring fighting has recurred so many times -- i think the last count was 18 in the last year or something like that, and the intensity of the fighting has increased. more and more people are being killed and injured, and the linkages with the killing in in syria are becoming more and more frightening. so the spreading of this conflict that had been going on
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there in the -- in tripoli since the days of the syrian domination of lebanon, or what anti-syrian people would call the syrian occupation of lebanon. this has been going on for 20, 30 years. and it is getting very frightening, and it's very sectarian, so the army and the political leadership decided they really had to take a move. >> so the army set up check points thus far. what does taking control of tripoli actually mean? will they use force? >> well, they have already. they have shot back a few times when people shot at them, so they will definitely defending themselves. they have arrested people. they arrest people based on judicial orders from courts, and they have arrested ten people including commanders of fighters on both sides. these people will be sent to trial and there is a death penalty for the charges brought
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against them. the aim of the move is both military and political. practical and symbolic. at the symbolic level it's to assert the determination and ability of the lebanese government to protect the lebanese people wherever they may be. the army has been doing this for the last four or five years much more forcefully than they used to do in the past. they block roads or closes the airport road. the army goes in in quickly and stops it. the political meaning is you need to give time to the political leadership to find a long-term political solution. >> okay. all right. >> but it's a very decisive and serious move. >> so how is this move be viewed in the court of public opinion and what about hezbollah. what do they think of it? >> as far as i can tell, they
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haven't said anything yet. there is supposed to be an interviewed with [ inaudible ] that was taped a few days ago, so it's not clear yet. the majority of lebanese will support this move. i think people want the army, which is one of the few institutions that has remained non-sectarian, even though the leadership is very divided and shared by the different groups, but the army seems to be non- -- non-sectarian, and people wanted to -- to play its role, which is to protect lebanon against any threat internal or external, so there will be large public opinion support of this. but there are groups who are sceptical, but there are views like this on anything in lebanon. if you talk about practically, l take a political idealogical
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position. but people broodly support it. they want the armed forces to do their job, and i think we'll see the support expressed. >> ronnie many thanks indeed. still to come here on this news hour, why anti-government protesters in in thailand refuse to back down. we'll hear from the man heading the movement. we are a group of guys especially when our backs are against the wall, we come out fighting. and tough-talking england prepare for the contest against australia. details coming up later in the sport. ♪ a french report says that yasir arafat was likely not
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poisoned but died of old age. the french scientists did diskov pa loan um in his bones, but reached the conclusion that it didn't kill him. we're joined from paris. so what are we to make of this clayton? >> reporter: well, i haven't actually read the report. it's illegal and a crime in france, and there would be obstruction of justice. but i have had the opportunity to be briefed on it, and the analysis the french have say they cannot affirm that arafat died of poe loan um poisoning. they instead say he died of a brain hemorrhage. so the french are basically
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reiterating what they said in 2004. he had a brain hemorrhage and intestinal infection. >> all right. so where does this lead the investigation into arafat's death? what happens next? >> reporter: well i can tell you right now among the ent entur -- entourage leading the report, they are studying the report right now and he is, i would imagine focusing on the similarities and the differences. of course the swiss found 18 to 36 times the normal background levels of pulonium. so it's a distinction that is becoming clear here. so we're waiting for more
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information to come out. but early indications seem to suggest the french are saying, pulonium did not kill arafat. >> all right. we'll have much more on this in the coming hours. clayton swisher in paris. many thanks indeed. the final draft of egypt's constitution has been presented to the interim president. he now has 30 days to announce the date to approve of reject the draft. it would allow for a presidential election to be held before parliamentary polls. they have called on egyptians to support the referendum. >> translator: we urge all grippians to take part on the referendum. we all should keep in mind it is [ inaudible ] to bring an end to this edition, and get egypt out of this dangerous situation.
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a funeral has been held for the man known as egypt's best stat -- satirecall poet. he inspired generations of youth aspiring for change. frighters from the islamist group [ inaudible ] say they are responsible for the attack on an air force base in nigeria. it is feared that dozens of people have been killed. >> reporter: this is the aftermath of the attack on an air base and international airport. witnesses say hundreds of heavily-armed fighters in trucks and an armored person carrier stormed tfacility.
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the fighting went on for several hours. the attacking screamed god is great during the assault. more than 20 fighters were killed and several helicopters and aircraft were incapacitated during the righting. and two air force personnel were injured. this attack is a serious blow to the military's efforts to put an end to bachahah ram. there has been a major reduction in the number of attacks, but this latest assault shows that they still have the ability to cause mar jor violence. on monday night, the president held an emergency security meeting to discuss how the attack happened. a few days ago he extended the
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state of emergency in in regions effected by the group in the next six months. a 24-hour curfew is in place. all flights have been canceled. the airport has been closed and all roads to the city have been sealed off. boca haram has caused havoc in nigeria. it's name means western education is forbidden. it sames to throw -- overthrow the government and to -- establish an islamic estate. one of their worst attacks came two years ago when a series of bombs targeted churches on christmas day. hakeem josef is in scotland and says that the attack shows
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that the nigerian security forces are ineffective. >> there are the police, there is the security services. we have more than four security agencies in in nigeria. it is then extremely strange that a couple of -- hundreds of people could launch an early-morning attack in such a situation. it shows that the activities of the government is not being lead by intelligence, which is very key in situations of insecurity as [ inaudible ] by the boca haram crisis. what has been happening is when there is an attack by boca haram the government launches a counterattack usually on the
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civilian population. amnesty international highlighted this. nigeria's body for security in the -- during the military era, until -- even more so continuing during a civil democratic regime ostensibly has only gone up over the years. and the infrastructure has continued to be depleted where most of it is not even [ inaudible ] outright kleptomania in the system. journalists in kenya have marched in protest against a new law which they say has imposed restrictions on the media. >> reporter: there are a series of provisions that they say amount to gags of the press.
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there's government oversight of the media, and according to the journalists this all amounts to a shift in political culture. >> they are trying to clamp down on freedom of expression, and therefore an attack on democrats. >> reporter: there are other laws that are being considered. according to the activists and the journalists, this is all part of a wider change in in political culture that takes this country back to the authoritarian control. tens of thousands of people detroit await anxiously on a ruling on whether the city will
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go into bankruptcy. (vo) al jazeera america we understand that every news story begins and ends with people. >> the efforts are focused on rescuing stranded residents. (vo) we pursue that story beyond the headline, past the spokesperson, to the streets. >> thousands of riot police deployed across the capitol. (vo) we put all of our global resources behind every story. >> it is a scene of utter devastation. (vo) and follow it no matter where it leads, all the way to you. al jazeera america. take a new look at news.
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>> this isn't a new channel, this is a watershed moment in media for america. >> this entire region is utterly devastated. >> people our here are struggling. >> the fire jumped the highway we took earlier. >> your average viewer want's to actually understand how the health care law is going to help them or hurt them. >> they know they can get extremist bickering somewhere else. >> people say that we're revolutionary. our revolution is just going back to doing the best in journalism. >> this is the place to go watch high quality journalism, period.
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hello again, welcome to the news hour from al jazeera, adrian here from doha. a french team investigating the death of yasir arafat says that the died of old age. police in thailand have been ordered not to use force against protesters. instead they have been allowed to enter go properties. authorities are trying to bring order to the capitol after ten days of opposition protests. lebanon's army says it has arrested the -- 21 people in tripoli. more now on the protests in thailand, until three weeks ago [ inaudible ] was a member of parliament, but now he is the
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man leading the revolt. >> reporter: he is a wanted man for his role in the anti-government protests, but he greets his supporters theed a jew lags is apparent. he says his aim to get rid of the influence of the ousted prime minister. to do that he wants to replace the government with an unelected body. >> the people we have in parliament now. they didn't get there through free election. >> reporter: his vision has alarmed some. >> i think it is very unacceptable for those who study
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democracy in thailand. because this proposal is limited to people that depends or agree with him. >> reporter: for more than a week now, anti-government protesters have marched across the capitol, occupied government buildings and clashed with police. the same tactics were used in 2010, except then it was supporters that were angered by what they saw as proparties from returning to power. the street protests ends only after the army moved in. then deputy prime minister had authorized the use of force. more than 90 people were killed and he is due to be formally charged with murder on december 12th for his role in the crackdown. and while he says he is leading a fight against corruption, his record hasn't been entirely
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clean. he has been implemented in a land scandal. but none of this bothers his supporters. as a veteran politician of 35 years he jokes about being on both the winning and losing side of politics. no matter who wins, thailand's political divide is set to contin continue earlier we said that kim jung un has sacked an important power leader. >> reporter: north korea's leader kim jong un as seen here at the funeral of his father, the man behind him is his uncle and also believed to one of his closest advisors.
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but he hasn't appeared in state media for four weeks, and it's fuelling speculation. >> translator: the emergency briefing by senior official at the national intelligence service indicates that he has lost his post. >> reporter: another politician cooperates the report saying also that two of jung's senior aids were publicly executed last month. >> translator: they were under the charges of corruption, north korea is enforcing rules of absolute loyalty for kim jong un. >> reporter: he was also an important broker who helped ensure his succession. >> if this is a case of what is going on, it will be him
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bringing in his own people, people loyal to himself and part of his click, if you like. ♪ >> reporter: north korea hasn't confirmed reports of jung's dismissal, but any movement at the top could mark a significant shift, and neighboring south korea is watching closely. a star dancer with the ballet has been jailed for six years for planning an acid attack on the company's artistic director. >> yes, he was found guilty of the attack which nearly blinded the man peter sharp reports. >> reporter: it was a trial that revealed the deaths of the poisonous rivalries that lay at the heart of an institution. it was a trial that transfixed
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the country. dancer and former soloist in the ballet found guilty of masterminding the attack. he refused to give him and his girlfriend any decent rolls in upcoming production. he was nearly blinded in the attack and was left writhing in in agony. he is in germany undergoing treatment. the man who admitted throwings as a -- acid in the directors face was found guilty and sentenced to ten years in trial. and the third man, the driver was given four years. all men were said to have turned themselves in after the attack and have been in precourt
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detention. he said he ordered that he be roughed up but never sanctioned ans ans a -- an acid attack. the three will serve out their sentencing in a strict penile colony. it is hoped that from now russia's much-loved cultural icon will be known for its successful performances on stage and not from the vicious gossip coming from stage. if president hamid karzai doesn't sign a peace treaty with the united states, all troops would have to pull out before the end of next year. karzai says he might delay
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signing until after elections. europe's human's rights court is hearing whether poland posted a secret cia jail on his soil. it says the united states held and interrogated al-qaeda suspects. the allegations come from two guantanamo bay inmates, but are strongly denied by poland. the ed -- editor of the guardian is appearing before a hearing so answer questions about though whistleblower edward snowden. he said there wasn't an editor who would have handed back the information. for the first time in history we have both the money and knowledge to reduce illness and early deaths around the
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world. that's according to a new report which says better spending could close the health gap between the rich and poor. investing in health is worth it, because better spending can cut early death rates, and economies are boosted by a healthier, longer-living population. the report recommends doubling spending on research and develop on diseases that effect the poor from 3 to $6 billion a year. and governments should dramatically increase the tax on tobacco. >> i think the first step is agree on the goal, making the commitment, having that commitment be widely shared,
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generating the political commitment above all within countries to commitment the necessary resources to the necessary health interventions. >> nevertheless do you think in the current economic environment, when you talk about $60 billion being injected into health care systems a year to reach these goals, a lot of people are going to be thinking how are cash-strapped countries going to find that money? >> what we show is that the total gain in gdp, the extra gdp, not the gdp they have now, the extra gdp they have per year represents a figure of close to $10 trillion per year. and what we're talking about is the allocation of not half of it, not a tenth of it.
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but well under 1% of it. two this global conversion agenda that saves 10 million lives. to ask you about the risk of overburn denning health systems, of course it would be an incredible achievement, but i'm just wondering about the knock-on effect of that, that it could put pressure on health systems in years to come if these countries are having to deal with aging populations? are these the kind of challenges they need to think about now? >> the remarkable saying is that making people healthier, takes burdens off of health care systems. because when you prevent somebody from getting a disease, it's much cheaper than pureeing them of that disease. it takes burdens off of health care systems because a society in in which parents can assume
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their children will live to adulthood will be a society in which parents will have fewer children and that puts less pressure on health care systems, and less pressure on the environment. so doing it right actually takes the pressure off healthcare systems, rather than puts the pressure on health care systems. >> now back adrian. many thanks. just ahead joe will be here with all of the day's sports. including the resurgence of the utah jazz as they bounce back from their poor start to the season. ♪
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all right jo will be here with the sport in a moment, but first a u.s. court is preparing to rule on whether the city of detroit is eligible for protection from its creditors. the city failed for bankruptcy in july saying it was $18 billion in debt. it has been operating under the supervision of a state-appointed emergency manager. let's take you live to detroit. bisi onile-ere joins us live from there. it looks like the ruling is underway as we speak, bisi, what are we expecting today? the >> the hearing got underway about 40 minutes ago. woe are waiting for the judge's decision to come down any minute now. i have been talking to legal analysts about this case for sometime, and many believe the judge will declare the city
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bankrupt. the emergency manager is expected to have a restructuring plan for the judge by the end of this month. now a number of scenarios could play out in this whole situation. for one retiree pennings could be reduced. that's a big fear here in this city to the thousands of people who depend on these checks every month, and also the city could look at its assets such as masterpieces to help get back on financial footing. throughout the past couple of months with this case there has been the argument from retirees who say that their pensions are protected by the state constitution. that's something that the emergency manager says he is able to trump due to state law, so a very interesting turn of represents here so far. i have been told right now the judge is inside, and has about a
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180-page list documenting his decision which yet to be made. if you take a look behind me, you can see protesters, they are opposed to this bankruptcy. they have been chanting no justice, no peace, and no bankruptcy, and they have been doing this through the coarse of this whole experience since the emergency manager first made this bankruptcy filing, so again as i mentioned we're still waiting to hear from the judge. we're expecting that a decision will be made very soon. >> you mentioned thousands of retirees that's one group. how many people all together are effected by this bankruptcy? >> >> well, just to give you an example, there are about -- a little over 20,000 retirees, but add that with over a thousand creditors, financial institutions as well, and then the impact if this bankruptcy goes through, it is really widespread. there are a little over 77,000
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residents in detroit. city services are greatly impacted by the financial situation here. so really it impacts this entire city. >> all right. bisi thanks indeed. bisi onile-ere live there in detroit. time now for sport. >> thank you. michael cox faces a race to be fit for the second [ inaudible ] race. strained an ankle, but despite winning the first race the industrialians still need clark on thursday. >> it's more precautionary today. he batted absolutely in the first test as well. his preparation is always going to be very good anyway. mark was very confident he was just given a break today and he will be training flat out tomorrow, and ready for
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thursday. england's cricketers plan to get back on track. >> the heavy defate we took two weeks ago [ inaudible ], but we are a -- a group of guys that -- especially when our backs are against the wall, we come out fighting. we have done it time and time again in series, especially when we're put under pressure and in this a corner. >> when new zealand [ inaudible ] new zealand teaching 367 at 3. and to the nba where the top two teams of the east and west faced off on monday. the pacers won 106-102.
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and the utah jazz picked up their second straight. they beat the houston rockets 109-103. 21 points from both trey burke and alex burke. mexico's football team is concerned that the coach will stay on for the world cup in brazil next year. he took over in mid-october following a disastrous qualifying campaign we saw three other coaches get the boot. herrera guided the mexicans to a last minute race at the playoffs. the sumbo world champions came to a close in st. petersburg last year. the marshall art's popularity is
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growing thanks to russian president vladimir putin. >> reporter: russia sambo is relatively unknown to the rest of the world. it's less of a style and more of an attitude, and it is finally getting it time in the spotlight thanks to steven segal and vladimir putin. the pair attended the opening of a multi-million dollars facility that opened in march. and last week the president was on hand to open the championships in st. petersburg. >> translator: i would like to welcome all of those who love sambo, it's very nice to hold sports in in our country. today is the 75th anniversary of
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sambow. >> reporter: sambo was first used by soviet military forces as a way to disable attackers without weapons. it was meant to be a melding of different martial arts. >> it was mostly a military type of anti-hand combat. and different type of wrestling and punches and kicks [ inaudible ] like more russian type of thinking. >> reporter: back to the sambo world championships in st. petersburg, 500 athletes from 75 countries were represented. the host country claimed 17 medals. four other former soviet countries finished in the top five. but the growth of the sport is
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growing outside of eastern europe. local sambo clubs are popping up in new york, dublin, and elsewhere. across the world we're entering the season of giving and one junior hockey team in canada has turned that into an art. the calgary hitmen held their annual game. the mans unleashed aer to rent of teddies on the ice. 26,000 of them to be precise. at one point it looked like it was snowing stuffed animals. each year fans bring stuffed toes to throw at the game and the toys are donated to charities. >> a bit soggy when they take them off the ice, i suppose. >> yes. the bear hunting season has
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just ended in this the u.s. state of maine but the fight over how to hunt them is just heating up. animal rights activists are pushing for big changes. casey coffman traveled to the city of jackman. just a warning you may find some of the pictures in casey's report are disturbing. >> reporter: hunting bears in maine starts with cupcakes, doughnuts and blueberry pie. guide tim berry checks his cameras to see who takes the bait. there was a bear here. >> reporter: four sites later they finally spot a good-sized bear hunting bears using bait, traps and dogs is part of the tradition here. but some say that is too easy and the bears don't have a chance. animal rights activists want these methods banned.
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they need to collect nearly 60,000 signatures to get their referendum on the ballot next year. they have distributed his graphic videos to support their cause. >> good job, alvarez. >> reporter: this is in many ways about respect. and i feel these ways are very disrespectful. >> we're going to take this dog in there, she'll goes to smell the bear, and see if she can get a jump. >> reporter: once the dog is released ken can follow in in his truck using ups. if bear hunting like this is banned he will lose his job. there are more than 30,000 bears in maine and some biologists say that hunting keeps their population in check. others way it is the hunters driving up the numbers because
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they are feeding the bears. after eight hours barry things his lead dog has caught up with a bear and chased it up a tree. >> sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. sometimes you get it, sometimes you don't. >> reporter: but some hunters do manage to gun down their prey. he says he will use every bit of his bear, in that his wife makes a delicious bear roast. >> the people that claim to be environmentalist reallier -- really aren't, because they don't live in the environment. >> reporter: the hunter's lifestyle and livelihood could soon become a thing of the past. >> all right. stay with us here on al jazeera. another full bulletin of news straight ahead. that will do it for the news
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welcome to al jazeera america. i'm stephanie sy, here are the stories we're following for you. a key ruling on detroit's bankruptcy filing is handed down. new efforts to bring home an american detained in in cuba. plus the white house prepares a new defense of the affordable care act. the president is set to speak a few hours from now. ♪ we have breaking news to report to you out of detroit. the judge in the
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