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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 3, 2013 1:00pm-2:01pm EST

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hello and welcome to is news hour. says he wasn't poisoned, he died of a hemorrhage in his brain. lebanon's army sets up check points across the northern part of triply. a city on its knees, the city is eligible for bankruptcy. london with all the news
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from europe, including ukraine's prime minister with those talks the demonstrations continue. and from the ballet to being behind bars, the dancer jailed for an acid attack. french scientists have found more than ten times the level in his chest bone, but say he wasn't poisoned. al jazeera has been briefed on their study into samples taken from arafat's exhumed body, and they conclude he died from a hemorrhage in his brain. clayton swisher has the latest from pace. >> here in paris, nearly a year after yasir arafat's body was resumed, they have made available to mrs. arafat and the legal team, the results of their own report into the skeleton remains. ard cooing to the report, people who have seen it,
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the french are saying that arafat had brain hemorrhage and digestive infection that caused his death, they say that they are not able to affirm that chromium called his death. that of course, is at odds with what swiss scientists said where they reported finding 18 to 36 times the normal background levels in his cycle toll remains. a legal battle is now shaping up. the sources close to mrs. arafat, tell us they are looking at the french experts and what were their credentials. the swiz have said that french were not present at the exhume makes one year ago, and were not able to crucially measure things like the similar around his grave, do measure background levels. and that of course, is important to compare to the levels that they measured in his skeleton. so what could happen is a challenge brought by mrs. arafat's legal team of the french expert whose were involved and as subpoenaing of the swiss expert whose were
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involved and is court will then have to pick between the two analysis, the swiz and the french, and determine whose are more scientifically credible. >> at least four people have been killed by a suicide attack in the syrian capitol damascus. and elsewhere fighters loyal to al quaida, are battling for control of a strategic christian town. opposition sources say the attack targeted a government building. it's the latest in a spring of attacks by the opposition across the country. activists say the historic town has been captures and other conservative brigades. that isn't the first time the opposition has taken control of the town. the al quaida fighters are expanding their reach. they are filming, this base for more intelligence.
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days later, it's astacked. a few hours later, they control the base. and kill the few -- made here by the rebels to show their determination of defeating a well equipped army. the reasonables are trying to make military gains ahead of crucial peace talks in geneva next month. here, another rebel brigade attacks an army check point in the strategic road, linking hamed to damascus. government troops barricaded in this building return fire. ricks use roberts to destroy the building but despite the greatest gain, government troops still control major city, that weapons supplies are still intact, and the jets can still bomb any
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al jazeera. way rested 21 people. 11 people were killed in more thank 100 wounded. it's latele spill over in neighbors syria, where militia groups supporting sides. after three days of slashes some level of calm. they haven't been making any major changes. and the people are trying to figure out what lebanon's caretaker government is going to do. to order the army to supervisor all security in the city for the next six months. wayma lisher fighter alongside soldiers. this is in a mainly anti-district.
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these people on all sides of the political divides find it hard to visualize the army tagging a completely neutral stance. >> knowing that some of the structures in tripoli, and everybody else have been protecting fighters. more interest, specifically that there's no plan or target. >> but the caretaker government insists what they are getting their way to the new security system. and achieve add cease fire, everybody though ministers are reluctant at this stage to spell it out. and here in triply, the feeling is that the absent of any detate, could be because. dropped the conflict here. in the middle of all this, are the civilians.
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some of them feel they must as well be in syria. >> one hope is that a new police force, may make a difference here. no one is shore what is going to happen next. that conflict goes back many years but it has intensified since the war began in 2011. the tension hasn't lifted if anything it has increased. many of the people believe they won't see an end, as long as the conflict in syria goes on. al jazeera, tripoli. >> the director of the institute at the american university of beirut, he says the lebanese army has seen sectarian, which means most people back its mission in triply. >> the majority of lebanese support this. >> and sometimes it has remains relatively nonsectarian. even though the senior leadership, is very
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diligently divided and shared by the different professional groups as is the diplomatic core. but the army is nonsectarian, and people wanted to play its roll. which is to protect lebanon. >> even the weather practically people will take the political ideological position based on -- ordinarily i think people support it, they want the government, they want the arm forced to do their job, and i think we will see the support expressed. >> all right, careers taking you live to paris. she is the widow of yasir arafat.
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she is giving a press conference, we believe, on the latest report that we were telling you about at the beginning of the program. just a few moments ago on a terrific report that has now come out, and luking into the death of yasir arafat and that report says that he wasn't the poisoned by chromium. he was he died rather of a leverage in his brain. they may be responded to the report from the french. let's listen in. yea have my two colleagues. and -- one of the sisters
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who is a doctor in italy. ladies and gentlemen, they will say a few words in english later, but generally, i have the attitude here at the request of the procedure rather as follows. as you know, a legal instruction is taking place. by three magistrates. you know that this legal instruction is following a complaint which we have reacted to. you know that we have been in the context of this legal request, that the judges have a collection of experts to proceed with the exhume makes of the body of
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president arafat. and these took place exactly a year ago, in november last year. >> you know that the experts who are three colleges -- three that we know, are swiss expertise. a french one. investigation, have made known their findings a new days ago. a month ago for the swiss experts and this morning for the french experts. they have made known the findings in the context of the secretsy of the instruction, and it is the reason why i'm asking you to be very vigilant
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about what i'm about to say to you now. the judges notify yasir arafat and her daughter, the findings of the expertise. i've received this morning the findings notified to sware arafat. one of my colleagues who went to see these conclusions. i note that until this morning, 1:00, nothing that is -- that is to say that the not legal officials were able to fully keep this secretsy and it is a very rare event. it must be lucked, and i
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welcome the legal authorities. who were able to deem themselves to be competent. and to proceed with the exhume makes. without any leaks to the press. i don't think there's no other example of a case with a heavy media presence today on receiving these notifications what is my duty as a lawyer. it is, of course, to give the findings of the expert to my client.
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i am sworn to secrecy. she is not sworn to secrecy. and to read the body of the experts report. and i have the duty to restrict it to a communication for madame arafat. if i did not do so, i would be in breech. she is my client. i have to tell her what is in the case. and because of criminal law, she is not held to secrecy, and that she can is able to express herself before the prez. and that she cannot only not give you a copy of the document, that i gave to her as original this morning, this is forbidden under the law, but she has the right to communicate to you if she so wishes, what she has
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received as information this morning. and it is in this very strict legal context that we have decided to hold this, so she can express herself, and that once she has expressed herself, everyone can leave her alone. that's it. so to focus the information on the context, which is suddenly an obviously of world importance, this is normal that suha arafat express herself, and she is doing so through the communications that she about to give you. >> good evening, as you know, i have lost my husband. on the 11th of october, 2004, following what was given to me as as a
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cerebral hemorrhage as a result of intestinal complications. blue no sign of fever had been assessed at the time. and numerous rumors have. it is after these conditions that 2011, an al jazeera presented among us, led me to ask me many questions which drew my attention on the assumption of a loan i am poisons. the effects were unknown in 2004. since they were revealed to the public as a result of the case. if you remember. thus i accepted to give the special effects of my
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husband, which i have kept, since they have been given to me by the hospital. in such a way that they were assessed by the laboratory. everybody knows the first findings that willed me to consult lawyers. informs me that it seems to him possible that to file a claim. in civil action. because of an assassination. that is to say, that i do not accuse anyone in particular. which needed to lead to a legal inquiry, at the tribunal, and the appointment of a college of experts. it is -- they proceeded as follows. in the month of
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november 2012. the laboratory, and the college of experts french experts found their reports. regarding the part of the swiss experts my lawyer gave me today the notification of the findings of the three reports from experts that have been carries out within the context of the legal inquiry. and made me aware of the entirety of the documents that i was able to consult with the support of private experts.
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the report leaves no doubts on the effects that belonged to the body of president arafat, the report from the experts retting to the substance radio active substance, does not eliminate the polonium assessment. and the natural death -- the report from the experts medical legal and pathological expertise confirms the consultations of the percy hospital regarding the process. but eliminates the possible of a polonium poisons in 2010. you can imagine to what extent i'm upset by these contradictions, regarding the best european experts on the matter.
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what should one think? truly, what should one think? we are going to stop the music, because where does this music come from? if you are just tuning in, you are listening to a press conference. she is the widow of the former palestinian, the late president yasir arafat. as well as her lawyer who is sitting to her right. they are reacts to the results of the french report into the death saying he wasn't poisoned. let's just listen in again. >> i note that in the
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stagnum a sample was taken by the french experts contains an activity, five times higher than that that was assessed by the swiss. there is a doubt was is poison body the swiss assessment or the opposite. and more specifically, radio active gas, which would explain the presence of polonium in the body. in fact, the french experts considered that this abnormally high
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could be explains by the presence of rad done, and that restricted themselves to this initial assumption. on the other hand, the swiss experts who themselves -- did an assessment of ray done gas eliminated the possible of the influence, and sought another explanation, that is to say a chemical polonium. to sum up, i trust science. when all the experts that they agree. my lawyer will request that the swiss expertise be handed over to the feoffment expertise, thank you. french experts. if you have any questions
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my lawyers -- it's very complicated. why is there so much difference. because it is so complicated. would you like us to express ourselves in english to sum it up or -- >> all right, so that was the press conference being held. she is the widow of the palestinian president yasir arafat, as well as her lawyer responding to a terrific report into the death of arafat which says that he wasn't poisons he died of a hemorrhage in his brine. basically saying that she is upset by the contradiction between the two reports and she will be asking the swiss experts, and the swiss expertise to be handed over to the french so that's just the gist of what yasir arafat was saying.
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let's cross to our european news center, and lauren taylor for that. >> says he is ready to negotiate, but he wants an end to the blockade of government buildings. the crowds are back in the main square. they keep up the pressure, they want a deal to be agreed bringing the country closer to europe. of course barn by phillips is in independent square for us. the protestors seem to be settling in there. >> very much lauren. they have put up structures all over the square. a hot of tents, portable toilets, heat tag silties you name it. is the mood again tonight, despite that
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defeat is pretty upbeat. perhaps you can hear the car horns, and motor bike horns, as people drive round and round the perimeter of of the square. nonetheless, as i said that was an important, a significant defeat in the parliament earlier today. this was the day when the crowds marched from independent square, to ukraine's parliament. this is what stopped them. as the protestors thought the police had abandoned the streets they were forced to think again. >> inch side, things were getting heated. opposition members demanded that the government resign.
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when it came to the vote, two opposition didn't have the numbers. the government survived the motion of no competence. >> amidost this drama the president left the country on a schedule tripped to china. foregoing, he said he was in favor of peaceful protests but that everyone should stay calm. >> although not many judges by the turn out. on stage a retired army officer said now to coups and thanks the police for keeping order. >> but the biggest crowds are here in independence square. where many protestors returns in the evening after the parliament voted.
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it would take a huge effort to force their way into the square now. >> they are now entrenched into their positions. neither seems ready to back down. this could be a long struggle. do they speak to the rest of the country? >> that's the crucial question, and the answer really tells us how much legitimacy these kind of protests have. undoubtly, they speak for a large part of society here. you saw in my report the
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contrates between the crowds and independent square, the crowds that came out on sunday. and pretty small crowd. pretty pathetic, it has to be said in comparison. undoubtly too, in the western part of the country, strikes protests marchs over the past few cases. have been very well attended. many people have come from the west to dia to join these protests. he would say that ultimately his legitimacy comes from a democratic election, and if he is to be ousted. if the government so to be removed it has to be
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done through the existing process. obviously, the crowds that occupy the center of the capitol feel very differently, and that is why this is such a dramatic and unpredictable situation now. >> thank you very much indeed. barn biphillips with the latest there. >> that's all for me for now, let's go back to doha. >> lauren, still to come on the al jazeera news hour. >> i'm rob reynolds with the second in a series of reports on this industry, and the impact on the environment and the people that live here. details coming up later in sports. ♪
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in media for america. >> this entire region is utterly devastated. >> people our here are struggling. >> the fire jumped the highway we took earlier. >> your average viewer want's to actually understand how the health care law is going to help them or hurt them. >> they know they can get extremist bickering somewhere else. >> people say that we're revolutionary. our revolution is just going back to doing the best in journalism. >> this is the place to go watch high quality journalism, period. power of the people until we restore our freedotñ
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>> from our headquarters in new york, here are the headlines this hour. >> al jazeera america is the only news channel that brings you live news at the top of every hour. >> a deal in the senate may be at hand and just in the nick of time. >> thousands of new yorkers are marching in solidarity. >> we're following multiple developments on syria at this hour. >> every hour from reporters stationed around the world and across the country.
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>> only on al jazeera america. >> every sunday night al jazeera america brings you controversial... >> both parties are owned by the corporations. >> ..entertaining >> it's fun to play with ideas. >> ...thought provoking >> get your damn education. >> ...surprising >> oh, absolutely! >> ...exclusive one-on-one interviews with the most interesting people of our time. >> you're listening because you want to see what's going to happen. >> i want to know what works what do you know works? >> conversations you won't find anywhere else. >> talk to al jazeera. >> only on al jazeera america. >> oh my! hour, hello again, here is a reminder of the top stories. more than ten times the normal level of yasir arafat's chest bone, but say he was not poisons.
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last month supported the theory that he was poisoninged. the army has arrested wednesday one people in the northern city of triply. two government has odderred the military to take control of the city after weeks of violence. >> ukraine's government has surveyed after two weeks of only six protests. the city is more than $18 billion in debt, and detroit has been operating of the supervision of an emergency finance measure. he says the news is encouraging but there is much more work ahead. >> while we already very
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pleased we remain very concerned about the need to adjust the debt to inprove the level of services for its citizens and to also prepare for the city to exit this receivership in a fashion that restored democracy. to the city. we have a lot of work ahead of us, and what i would ask both our creditors none of whom filed an object to our eligibility, but equally important our labor partners. to come forward with us and to take this opportunity even in the process of litigation and appeals to try to get at the sorely needed reform that this city has got to achieve so we can move forward into a new day. >> let's bring in al jazeera's. she is joining us live from detroit, speaking just a short time ago, talking about all the opportunities and the work ahead, how did his
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comments go down in detroit. what exactly is his plan going forward? >> when it comes to reaction, when it comes to two retirees they are the ones that stand to lose the most. so they are the most concern. the unions have long argued that retiree pensions were protected be i the state constitution, but the judge came out saying that's no longer the case. so you have expert pers that are concerned about their pensions. now there's almost a guarantee that they will see cuts. when it comes to what happens next, he has until march to submit a restructuring plan to the judge they are on the fast track with this bankruptcy, and that's a plan that the emergency manager says he plan planso have to the judge? a couple of weeks. >> it's exactly this argument that some bankruptcy was the best
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option for detroit at this point. it was the best bet that these pensioners don't certainly don't seem to agree with. >> yeah, they really don't. because they feel like this was something that was promised to them. especially after putting in so many years of hard work. what i think is interesting is that the judge kale out today saying that right now the city of detroit doesn't even have enough money to provide for essential services and that they should have filed for bankruptcy a long time ago. so yes it sounds like these pensioners they are in a tough decision but the emergency manager said that cuts need to be made. >> all right. thank you, that's al jazeera's joining us from detroit. well, a dancer from the ballet is in jail for six years for managing an acid attack on the artistic director.
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>> yes, he was found guilty of the attack that nearly behinded him. it was a trial that revealed the depths of the poisonous rivalries that lay at the heart of the most prestigious institution. the ballet. it was a trial that transfixed the country. dancer and a former soloist in the ballet found guilty of master minds an attack on his bitter rival, the artistic director. who he claimed refused to give he and his girlfriend any decent roles in just coming productions. he was sentenced to six years. feeling who is 43 was nearly blinded in the attack, he was left writhing inning a know has had 20 operations to try to save his sight. he was not in court, he
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is in germany undergoing treatment. the man that admitted throwing acid in the face of the director, was found guilty and sentenced to ten years in prison. is the third man on trial, the driver was given four years all men have said to have turned themselves in after the attack and have been in pretrial detention. they told the court he had ordered that he be roughed up, but had always said he never sanctioned an acid attack. the trial began in october, and has produced an end less flow of sensational disclosures about some of the most treasures stars. the three will serve out their sentences in a strict regime. fans will be hoping that from now on russia's must loved culture, i con will be known from its successful performances on stage. and not from the scandals and vicious gossip coming from the wings.
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am al jazeera, in moscow. >> the mission in afghanistan is in jeopardy. if he doesn't sign a security deal with the united states, that's the message from nato chief. during talks in belgium, to discuss the issue. he says if it doesn't go ahead, all troops will have to pull out before the end of next year, and aid money would also be at risk. last month, afghan tribal leaders voted in support of the deal. he says he may delay signing until after elections. a lot is at stake. >> it is a fact that we need some time to plan properly. that deployment, after 2014. and in the case that there's no legal frame work from the first of 2015, we need some time to plan to withdraw. personnel and equipment, i think that message has
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been delivered. to the afghan authorities. >> europe's human rights court where an opponent held a secret joel on its soil. but are strongly denied. >> told the u.k.'s home defense and committee, he was staggered by the information from the former nsa contractor, he denied the paper had damaged security, and insisted that there wasn't an editor on the planet who would have handled that information. >> i think it is important context. in the washington post, controversial identical decisions so this is not
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a rogue newspaper. it is serious newspaper whose have had long experiences with national security. >> after making comments apparently comparing yo yachts to nazis. the veteran star has been talking about racism and holding back the united states. and reported him to the authorities. he is now himself being investigated for inciting racial hatred. a huge pile up on a motor way in western belgium. one person was killed in the crash, and another 54 were injuries. we have known for a long time that men and women were just blaine different, but now scientists from the u.s. and u.k. say they know why, because our brains are wired differently. these neurowires are a road map, changing how we process information and then react to it.
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women's brains have more connection between the hem steers which are better for entice and analysis, things like multitasking and memory. men's brains are mainly wired front to back, within one hemisphere, which is why men can be good at focusing on a single task. joins us from pennsylvania, how does the wiring effect the way we behave. >> well, the wiring of the brave is the way it controls its own behavior. the blaine is composed of brain cells that which would have fiber coming a longer fiber coming out. and whenever the brain cell or the neuroron
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fires. >> with the meth mod we use, were were able to essentially count how many fibers connect different parts of the brain, and the way -- the way we did it was to follow basically effecting the brain. because that is what the blaine uses to insulate the fibers that conduct the electrical signals with which different brain parts communicate with each other. if you count how many fibers -- >> when you did the study, can you tell -- is it possible to tell whether this is something that develops with people's experience. or was it something that is to to do with the original wiring in the brain? is it possible that what people len is male and female, that some of that
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is geared because of people's expectations of what boys and girls should do. is that the way it happens? or are the connections there in a way that you describe already? in this case we are dealing with the anatomy. >> the structure of the brain, so it is not very likely that that is created by experiences. it is probably the sub state on which experiences are being processed. you can see already in the children eight to eight to 12. and boys show more connectivity within the
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hemisphere. but this effect becomes really big after pew best sent. and then it stays the way we see it in adults. details coming up in sports.
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>> what happened to this bee? >> scientists aren't sure what but beekeepers are reporting dramatic declines of 65% this year. >> the losses are astronomical >> that could have a devistating impact on agriculture. but a collection of resarchers are working hard to build a better bee. >> i'm just gonna roll my fingers forward... >> using artificial insemination to make strains of bee populations from across the globe, >> i'm trying to enhance what mother nature does >> the hope is to find a strain that's resistant to whatever is killing america's bees. >> nobody in the world was able to freeze honey bee semen. >> for mor imformation on this and other techknow stories, visit our website at don't miss techknow sundays 7:30et / 4:30pt on al jazeera america
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it happens while he was making a live television address. and the energy minister says there was a fault at a substation. the power was cut to around 60 of the country. >> we have information, i have been saying this, there would be new attacks. i put the country and the world on alert. to protect the people. >> here it is. sabotage against the power grid, live and directed. our noble people do not deserve this from a facialis right wing. it is a familiar dilemma. the choice between economic growth, and
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protecting the environment. in the second report on the lucrative leather industry rob reynolds reports on the environmental impact in daco. >> blood red and letted. gushes from one of the many canneries in the district. >> they produce huge amounts of waste, full of cancer causing chemicals. the water drains untreated straight into the streams and open sewers of this densely populated neighborhood. home to 160,000 people. steels and alleys are piles high with cast off leather trims, bone, and rotting animal parts. >> if you want to know how held looks like, you don't really wait to go there. if you come to the cannery, and have a look at the cannery that should tell you perhaps how it looks like.
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>> about 22,000 cubic meters of environmentally has does waste secretsy mitted every single day. it flows into the river, the main waterway. scientists say it is a dead zone, fish and other aquatic life simply can't exist there any longer. the conditions here are so bad that a new report just put out by an influential group of european and american environmental watchdog organizes one of the five most polluted places on the planet. >> one of the most valuable export commodities. found no attempt by authorities to crack down. it called it an enforcement free zone. >> i haven't heard of a single case where the department of environment has been regular in visiting the cannery
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area. >> the got doesn't understand. if they did, we wouldn't be living in this filth. >> he blames toxic waste for his caught're death from cancer. they don't need reports to tell them they are lives on poisons land. >> time for sports update. >> thank you very much. australian cricket captain faces the right to be fit for the second
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test again england. he sprained an ankle during fielding practice, but later batted in the next four. so his preparation is always was always going to be very good. he is very confident that it was just giving a break today. and they will be training for that tomorrow. we are a group of guys that especially when our back is against the wall,
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we come out fighting. we have done it time and time again in test series. especially when we are put into pressure, that's when we really show our mental fortitude. returning to the fourth india team for next season. the 26-year-old seen here he had a relatively successful season, finishes tenning in the drivers championship. in a multiyear deal, to help the team built on their 6th place finish in the last year's constructors champion. sunday on the league but most of the talks surrounding the club involves the owner and his attempts to have the
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name changed. which then prompted him to call on those close to his plans to die as soon as they wanted. this was in reference to the supporter group. well, the manager has now said those comments were misinterpreted. >> i am not making excuses, but a misinterpret ration could be there. i don't think he wanted supporters to go away and die and all this nonsenses. i think he wants the situation to die and, i think the quicker it does the better for me. on something which for me is immaterial at the moment. talking about name changes they will stay on for the world cup in brazil next summer. following a disastrous qualifying campaign which sought three other coaches get the boot. the mexicans to a last minute place speaking new zealand 9-3 over 2 legs
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in a playoff. winning at 106-102. at the other end of the table, the bottom team, the utah jazz picked up their second straight win and third in four games. they beat the rockets 109-103, hayward top score for utah was 29 points. 21 points from both tray burke, and alex. the world championships came to a close in sates petersburg last month. iter's popularity is growing. relatively unknowned to the mix marshal arts world. it is no so different,
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which are popular in mixed marshal arts. it is less of a style and more of an attitude. thanks to the help of stephen assessment gal and vladimir putin. >> slide the punch. >> and just last week, the president was on hand to open the world's championships in saint petersburg. >> >> i'd like to congratulate those participating and welcome all of those who love for the 37th world championships here. it is very nice to hold sports in our country. today is the seventy-fifth anniversary. >> it was first used by soviet military forces beginning in the 1920's. it was meant to be a melding of different
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martial arts to create the most official one. >> russian type of thinking. >> back to the sambo world champion, 500 athletes from 75 countries were represented. the host country russia claims 27 metals including 15 golds to lead the way. four other former soviet countries the ukraine, bell ruise, and bulgaria, finished in the top 5 in metals. but the growth of the sport is occurring outside it esroots. local schools are started to become more prominent in communities across the world, with stores popping up in london and
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elsewhere. >> now, across the world we are ending the season of giving and one junior team in canada has turned that into an art form. the fans as you can see unleashed a torrent of teddies on to the ice. bent 6,000 of them to be precised. the game and all the toys are then donated to local charities. >> a lot more on our website, check out also details there on how to get in touch with our team using twitter and facebook. that is your sports have more later. >> all right, see you then, thank you very much. that's it for the al jazeera news hour, but we're back in just a moment we will be handing you've to london, in fact, and she will have more news for you, that's coming your way.
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blatch the curve. there are no published reports this morning including from wabc, those reports indicate that the engineer, william rockefeller has said he may have zoned out at the controls. he may have dosed off and then snapped awake too late to stop the train in time the ntsb will continue to interview the engineer and also look back at
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welcome to al jazeera america. here are the stories we are following for you. >> we are very pleases we remain very concerned about the need to add jut the city's debt. >> detroit gets the go ahead to file for bankruptcy. the white house prepares to hard sell the affordable care act, again, and the family of allen gross fights to bring him home for cuba. detroit has officially become the largest city in u.s. history toer


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