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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 4, 2013 5:00am-6:01am EST

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... check check > hello, welcome to the newshour, live from doha. >> the top stories: a temporary truce in thailand. anti-government protesters back off, but only to celebrate the kings birthday. a top hezbollah commander who fought in syria is shot dead outside his home. >> also this hour - the u.s. vice president flies to china hours after accusing it of upsetting its neighbours.
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>> plus... >> he's alive >> ..surviving a sunken ship. the cook that was trapped for three days underwater. >> after 10 days of anti-government protests in thailand the rallies appear to be dying down. it's only temporary as the nation prepares to celebrate the king's birthday. demonstrators say the fight will go on afterwards. earlier they marched to the royal thai headquarters and handed over a letter demanding the investigation into the death of four protesters on saturday. they are joining in the clean-up operations after weeks of rallying around government buildings. we'll hear from the king's summer palace. first we'll cross to scott heidler in bangkok.
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the streets of bangkok are much more quieter. >> yes, and the streets are cleaner particularly around the democracy monument. from 9am workers from the city came in and scrubed the streets. this was one of the first rallying of the protesters. it was the amnesty bill movement before. they'd been there for weeks, almost a month. this morning, for the king's birthday they came out and scrubbed the street. there was a protest march to the royal thai headquarters, in the dense shopping area. it closed down part of the main avenues in bangkok for an hour, hour and a half they could get through. we've seen in pattern. they were allowed in. they broke through, just a padlock. wandered around and left and went back out on their trucks.
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what we see here at democracy monument - people will clean out because they are preparing for the kings birthday celebrations tomorrow. >> and the question of of course is what happens after the king's birthday. is there a sense that the crisis will be resolved peacefully, that one of the two sides might stand up. >> right now we were looking at a stalemate. politically there has been no most, both sides have their main demands and there has been no negotiations. the only thing, political process wise, any advancement is primarily because of the king's birthday. we are not sure if there are going to be seizures of government properties. starting friday morning will that happen, or will there be a different tactic. it may not start up friday morning. yes, they have said the fight is
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not over. >> before we cross over to florence, to what extent have the tensions and street processes overshadowed the move when the king celebrates his birthday? >> well, there has been a connection between the two. historically back in 2006 there was a political movement like this going on, confrontation like this going on. it was around the king's birthday. this country pauses for his birthday. that happened before, it's happening again. as far as what will happen moving forward. maybe cut or provide an avenue so there can be progress made. it will definitely go on, as normal as possible. >> scott heidler reporting live
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from bangkok. we hope to speak to florence louie to talk about the celebrations for the king's birthday. >> vice president joe biden has arrived in china by a visit overshadowed by territorial dispute. it's hours after he blamed beijing for increases tensions over a group of islands. he said he would raise the issue with china's leaders. >> coming with much friendlier visits between u.s. and china, the leg of this tour will be business like. relationships were already strained in ongoing disputes over remote islands in the seas, separating them. china's announcement of an air defense zone raised tensions to new levels. >> this is very delicate position. it has to strike a careful
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balance between reassuring and trying to restrain, you know, out of china, but trying to cooperate with china. >> biden is perhaps the best person in the current u.s. administration for doing business are china's xi jinping. even before she became president both sides nurtured the relationship between the two men. analysts question how much it will counselled, given the sensitivities of the disputes. >> xi jinping would like to take a tougher stand on foreign policy issues to shore up his popularity, and the senkakku islands or the diaoyu island islands dispute is very sensitive in chine ha. leaders cannot afterward to be weak in dealing with japan or the united states. >> biden's visit is seen as
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tangible evidence of the u.s. pivot. it's a strategy recovering from the recent debacle at the apec meeting of regional leaders, a meeting that the u.s. president withdrew from at the last minute because of his domestic budget crisis, leaving an assertive china to fill the void. >> after president obama pulled oust his visit, it was up to biden to play catch up. ease tensions and a reminder that america is still a pacific power. >> one of the hezbollah senior leaders was killed in beirut. he was shot outside his home. the armed group says he survived several attempts on his life and
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a 2006 war with israel. let's join andrew simmonds, live from beirut. >> tell us about who lakis was and the circumstances of his death. >> well, the attack took place outside his home, as you said there, he was driving back from work around midnight and parking his car when a number of shots were fired. he was wounded in the head and neck, we understand. but the news of his death was not announced by hezbollah for another eight hours. not a lot is known about this man, but he was a key figure within this powerful political and military organization in lebanon. he, apparently, according to israeli media are claiming he had a lot of dealings with the liaison with iran. we are told by the media office of hezbollah, that that was not necessarily the case, but there
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was no information on that subject. >> what is - sorry to interrupt you. what is the significance and the implications in the current political context in lebanon, in the war in syria, of course? >> well, he spent hours talking live on lebanese tv hours before this killing. it's regarded as a coincidence. israel denied involvement in the killing. israel foreign ministerry accused hezbollah of effectively using an autoreflex in blaming israel without a form of evidence whatsoever. it also has to be said that a tweet has gone out from an organization calling itself sunnis of baobrak brigade. this is where he was from. this is a twitter claim.
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nothing is known. group or whether or not it was possibly, indeed, involved in this killing. in terms of significance it is a big blow to hezbollah. a spokesperson told us that there will be repercussions and they say just as there would be repercussions for hezbollah members killed in this way. it was definitely an organised killing. it was surgical. it was planned, it seems, in a car park outside its home in beirut. as to how it will play out it remains to be seen, with many concerns about how security is going in the capital and tripoli, the second city where a major security operation is taking place. >> andrew simmonds reporting live from beirut. >> the united nations says up to 220,000 people - 250,000 people,
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i should say, inside syria are under siege and unable to get aid. chief valerie amos says 9.3 million need assistance, up from last june. the syrian government allowed nine aid convoys to enter the country, instead of the usual three. inside syria there has been more fighting. it's now been taken over by reble fighters, and is one of the oldest christian towns and is one of the few laces in the world where ara mace is still spoken. >> the u.s. suspended ground shipments of cargo from pakistan to afghanistan. thousands of demonstrators have been blocking the supply route taken by the u.s. and n.a.t.o., protesting against the drone atakes in the tribal regions
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which killed dozens of civilians. >> the security deal with the united states is in jeopardy if hamid karzai doesn't sign. that's the message. an n.a.t.o. summit is being attended in brussels. paul brennan is there for us. why can't n.a.t.o. wait for a signature until after the april elections as hamid karzai wants? >> basically because n.a.t.o. says it would be too late to do that. they need a degree of certainty. they are pressing on hamid karzai to sign the agreement because he has agreed to it in principal with talks with secretary of state john kerry. there are budgetary cycles, planning cycles. you can't switch on and off military trainers. they need a degree of certainty for this to happen. if we don't get the signature on that the zero option will have to be on the table and that is
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an option where the troops will have to be pulled out. it's an option at this point, nout one they are afraid of threatening, if hamid karzai does not sign the agreement. john kerry described it as needing the best transition possible. and in order to do that they need months of transitioning. it's not good enough to leave it until april. >> in ukraine, the government demonstrations in kiev have been addressed at the summit in brussels, how surprising was the level of condemnation by n.a.t.o., and the secretary of state john kerry? >> it was surprising. first of all, because, of course, in many ways the horse has voted. the parliamentary vote in the kiev parliament has taken place. the viel niers summit in which they were to apply for closer
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ties has been and gone. the n.a.t.o. condemnation of the situation on the ground and the description by john kerry of what he described as an inappropriate bidding war - he was referring there to the involvement in the - and the pressure that russia brought to bear to turn their backs. it was surprising because, you know, the deal has been done, or the lack of deal has been done. n.a.t.o. and america want it put on formal record their dissatisfaction, cit simmat the way events have developed in ukraine, and the criticism of the way the police attacked demonstrators. they want it on the record for pros terty as much as anything else. >> paul brennan in brussels. more on ukraine in a moment. protesters have been on the
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street for more than a week. a large part of the country says the president is doing the right thing. plus, why french scientists think yasser arafat was not poisoned despite polonium in their bones. the president of fifa d admits some stadiums may not make the january deadline. to ukraine, where the prime minister warned protesters they'll be punished if they make the war. despite comments, thousands are gathering in kiev as mass protests enter a third week. they want president viktor yanukovych sign a trade deal with the e.u. he favours closer ties with russia. >> rory challands is in ukraine. what is the mood on the street
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from kiev following that. >> well, ever since that i don't yesterday which the government wop, things stand in a bit of a stalemate. you have viktor yanukovych, who is out of the country, and a government looking reasonably secure for the moment, and you have the protesters on the street, still in the - still in kiev, looking like they'll be here for the long hall. the place where i'm standing - it has a degree of permanans. wood burning stoves have been brought in to keep people warm. there's a big stage where speakers are talking from the stage and music is pumping out. they have brought in portaloos dealing with sanitation. i think people are happy to be here showing their opposition to
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the government for quite some time. there are two routes out of this. there's the government choosing it will take a forceful stance. doesn't appear to be doing that at the moment, or are there protesters getting what they demanded, which is the resignation of viktor yanukovych. >> we see a lot of people on the streets opposing the president. is that the case throughout the entire country? >> it's not. i mean with ukraine there's talk of an east-west divide. the west tends to speak ukrainian and look towards the west, europe. the eased, broadly speaks russian and looks towards russia, that's a simplistic way of putting it. it holds a certain amount of truth. you'll find people coming from the east who are happy to be
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here, pretesting for e.u. integ ration, but the east is the heartland of viktor yanukovych, and the party of regions. as my colleague david chater discovered, he's been travelling around the east and finding out what they think. >> set in the heartland of you crepe, the -- of ukraine, this statue of a steelworkers stands at the beginning of this town. this is a major power base. jobs here will be at threat if free trade from the e.u. comes. construction workers say life has the right mixtures of policies since their local boy made it to the top. >> translation: people here have a normal relationship with the president. they love him. >> the school in the town which viktor yanukovych attends has
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been rebuilt. the 65-year-old president showed us the state of the art interactive replacement for the old blackboard. he gave us a tour of the museum, set up at the school for famous people. he was born into the family of a metalworker and a nurse. "i came from a poor family. my main dream in ice was to break out of this poverty. this is the position and classroom where the young viktor yanukovych used to be a teenage student. i have a history student with me here. >> translation: i'm in favour of reforms. each step should be throughout about thoroughly. our president is following the main course. >> the event in kiev couldn't seem further away. everyone is worried.
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they fear the investment and jobs will disappear if the protesters get their way. >> well, back in kiev there were a couple of things are expecting to happen in the next few hours much when is a press conference held by the families and the lawyers of nine people who were detained in the clashes between protestors and police on december the 1st. they've been held since then. some of them badly beaten. then on to detention. they've been given two months in detention before a trial starts. we are expecting a march to take place from one of the squares - not the square i'm standing. a protest march will take place, another group, and that will
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happen this afternoon. >> that's rory challands live from kiev. >> french scientists investigating the death of yasser arafat found he was not poisoned. there was polonium in the bones, but said it could have occurred naturally. it contradicts the swedish scientists. >> once again high levels of polonium were found in yasser arafat's body. 10 times the normal amounts. they were similar to the swiss. unlike the swiss, the findings in the french dossier do not support the theory that the palestine leader was poisoned. al jazeera obtained access to the conclusions, saying the measurements of polonium are:
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yasser arafat's widow is mist y mistifified >> translation: i'm not convinced that he was not poisoned. >> her lawyer questions the french conclusion. >> i'm disappointed that the french followed a narrow approach while the swiss approach was more comprehensive, thorough and very credible. we are the only ones in the world who have gone everywhere to assess it. >> as al jazeera reported in july 2012, swiss scientists found polonium in the stains. they came from the clothes he wore in 2004. that led yasser arafat's widow to file a criminal complaint in france. one month later three french magistrates began an
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investigation. al jazeera followed and filmed the judges. three teams took away 20 samples each after the exhumation of yasser arafat's remains. scientists have been testing the palestine leaders polonium along with the russian group. in november al jazeera revealed the swiss scientist found eight times the leftthis his remains. the russian results from inconclusive. in france the law prohibits the publication of the french report. it makes it difficult to work out. there's indications that there's a separate track that judges are pursuing. they are looking into the issue of who may have killed arafat. judges are seeking the question. that suggests this investigation is not over.
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>> joining us now is the palestine liberation organization chief negotiators. thank you for taking the time to speak to us. the french have ruled out the fact that yasser arafat was poisoned, and said he died of national causes. the swiss say levels found were 18 to 36 times higher much which of the two approaches do you find more credible - the french or the swiss? >> well, number one, we have not received anything officially, the french authorities. i was in touch with the president, and the head of our security investigation committee minutes ago. and it was confirmed to me that the french has not officially contact us and notified us of
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any results. they don't spoke to us about it, so it's difficult to speculate on media reports. if the french had reached a conclusion today saying he was not poisoned. why didn't he say this nine years ago. they said that, and i quote we did not find any of them - the diseases that may have caused the death of yasser arafat. it did not exclude that possibility. the point is we have a swiss and russian report saying the following, that yasser arafat did not die of old age or natural cause, did not die of any diseases. i think it is appropriate - the appropriate thing to do now is to have the french... >> you don't find the french
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report credible. >> i cant seen it yet. the three teems ex-assumed the body. the russians came to us and submitted their findings. and now i hear about the french conclusions from al jazeera in english. that's not good. i hope the french government and authorities would move to submit the report to the p&o and the head of the investigation committee. i have a strong reason to believe after reading the conclusions there was conclusive evidence that yasser arafat was poisoned, and what we need to do is it through the security council get them to investigate this matter once and for all.
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>> do you really think the u.n. security council will go ahead and fund an investigation, as you say, into the death of yasser arafat like they did in the case of kariri in lebanon, when in the past the council has never really sided with palestine. >> it's a different story. the security council - there was a lot of politics, but this is the case. we spoke to secretary kerry and said we may seek the security council to form an international tribunal, because once and for all we need the results. this is a natural issue. the father of the national movement. the head of the plo and this circumstance - we must form an international tribunal. why would anyone reject the international tribunal.
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>> let me ask you this point. the leader of the probe into yasser arafat's death said they are planning to name the people they believe were responsible for the death of yasser arafat, the suspects they say. i know you may not be able to tell us who the suspects are, but can you tell us what nationality they are. >> i really don't have any ideas about this. i know that mr tarowi, mr barber, the heads of health and legal committees have been working hard on this. soon enough they will but all the results to the people. >> they have pointed the finger at israel. do they have evidence that israel may have been behind this? >> israel puts him in siege for two years, prevented the
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movement, medical treatment and many things. yes, i think - then the israeli prime minister sharon spoke about getting rid of and many israelis, in my experience made public statements that they need to get rid of arafat. those who are not saying that he did not die of oi poison or anything, what is wrong, why are they scared to form a group to conduct an investigation similar to that of harari. let's have it, through the scoup , and see that this committee has the full mandate to find out once and for all what killed yasser arafat. >> thank you so much for speaking to us, the chief negotiator during his day lie.
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thank you. let's get the world weather now with everton fox. we are seeing heavy rain into malaysia. big downpours and flooding around the peninsula. you can see the area of cloud. it's persistent for the last few days. that wet weather is set to stay in place over the next few days. 244mm of rainfall in 24 hours. that's a month worth in one day. over the last few days, we have had many millimetres. what does it look like. >> 5,000 have been evacuated from their homes. there has been mass destruction to every day life. we have showers to come over the next few days, they drive their way in across a similar area as we go through thursday and on into friday. >> further south, a rash of showers pushing down across much of south-east asia, and, indeed,
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we see a few show courts around the northern parts of australia. the rain stretching to the south-east, we are pushing showers away from adelaide. looking good for the cricket through thursday. cool but blustery, adelaide, for thursday. perfect by friday. >> still ahead on the al jazeera newshour. the u.s. launches their first fleet of draens -- drones - find out what they'll be used for. >> i will show you how this bike helmet could be a thing. past. and why englands cricketers are seeking redemption. details coming up in sport. do stay with us.
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welcome back, you are watching the newshour an al jazeera. demonstrators in thailand handed a letter to the police, demanding an investigation for the deaths of four protesters, they've been on the streets for 10 days, demanding the government step out. the lebanese group hezbollah announced the death of a senior demander, shot dead outside his home on tuesday night. a group said he survived several attempts on his life. you crane's prime minister warned he would be -- >> protests entered their third
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week. >> a protest in at the end of the day land wound down ahead of the it king's birthday. as the world's longest reining monarch, he's resided over coup, and unrest. he brought two political rivals together in 1992 in a televised audience. richard urlich is joining us live from bangkok. the king has no formal political role. do you think he can play a role in solving the current crisis. >> people are hoping that he will. it's a constitutional monarchy. in the past he acted and spoke in ways that the entire nation
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follows, and it's a stabilizing force for many, a unifying force. he traditionally gives a speech on his birthday. tomorrow is his 86th birthday. he's down in a beach resort, recovering from ill health, along with the queen. they are expected to come out tomorrow. he will address the nation on a televised broadcast giving a speech. people will be hanging on every word to see if he gives any indication as to how the protest should be handled, if at all. >> does he have anything to say on the situation? >> anything he says will be interpreted and listened to closely. if he doesn't speak directly about it. we have the statement in 2006, which she was very clear. in 2006 we had a similar
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problem. protests against prime minister thaksin shinawatra, the older brother of the current prime minister yingluck shinawatra. at that time it was before a military coup. there was a similar and ditoxin demonstrations in the streets. is there a role for the king to appoint a new prime minister. and at that time he said to judges - new judges were taking positions in court, and he said this is the constitutional monarchy, it's not a role for a copying to do this. if there is a dispute, if there's a problem with politicians, corruption, whatever the charges, the courts can handle this. you are judges, you should do this honestly and take care of the situation. we have the clear guidance from 2006. >> what has the relation been
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like between the shinawatra family, and the royal family? what's the relationship been like? >> yingluck shinawatra made very good relations with the royal family since coming to power in the 2011 election that they won by a landslide. she's made friends publicly. she's been seen with the privy council, which is the copying's personal cabinet or his personal advisory board. so she's also attended royal ceremonies in her capacity as prime minister. she'll be there in the capacity of prime minister for the birthday celebrations. things were going along very smoothly until we had these protests, self-appointed protest leaders. they want to completely demolish the democracy.
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suthep thaugsuban wants to set up a poll it bureau style people's council getting rid of bad politician, including thaksin's family and anyone who supports them, and they'll appoint a people's government that will rule the country. it's not popular because you have a democracy. and the strong point of the prime minister is you go to different embassies, and you explain that you are a democracy. all have come out against a violent inser ection. >> thank you for shedding some light on the situation m >> iran will hold more talks with the p5+1 group of nations in vienna over the program. the expert talks will oversea
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the implementation of the deal. under the agreement iran will induce nuclear enrichments in return for relief. the iran foreign minister criticised the israeli prime minister for trying to disrupt the deal. >> translation: benyamin netanyahu has been tricking the world for years by pretending he's been threatened, is desperate today. he doesn't know what to do. he has to fabricate lies to disrupt solidarity. it will remain in place. >> india is refusing to buy food sub-s subsidi subsidies. hundreds of protesters held demonstrators outside the conference in bali, angry that a deal could lead to the elimination of food subsidies. >> food security is non-negotiable.
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public needs to stop holding grains. dated w.t.o. rules, need to be corrected. the due restraint provision in this current form cannot be accepted. it must remain in force until we reach a solution and provide adequate protection from all kinds of challenge. >> drones are usually associated with war. for the first time united nations is using them for peacekeeping. democratic republic of congo will monitor the movement of armed groups. >> it is a first. taking to the skies. the u.n. has fleets of white painted suvs, trucks, helicopters and planes. but now the very first united nations unmanned aerial aircraft known as a drone. unlike those of militaries, including the u.s. it's equipped only with a camera, not armed
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with missiles. after years of bloodshed the idea is to monitor a fragile peace deal in this part of eastern congo, a large area, much of it remote jungle terrain. >> this is something we never had, but is in use in many armies in the world. we had to get it, you know, to allow our people to do a better job. >> the current president of the u.n. security council, the french ambassador, says drone technology is commonplace, not much more sophisticated than a toy model aircraft. he believes the u.n. will end up using many more of them. >> translation: there are other missions saying already, we will need drones that will improve protection of soldiers to see if threats are out there and ensure protection of civilians. >> for now, the u.n. says the
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drones in the congo are a one-off but their effectiveness is being monitored. >> the u.s. city of detroit has been given the go ahead to file for bankruptcy. it's a below to trade unions who challenged the decision because it paves the way for spending cuts. pensions could be cut and city assets sold to pay off $18 billion debt. >> every year 3,000 people in sweden end up in hospital following cycling accidents. it hasn't encouraged people to wear hements, but a new invention could change lies. >> about 85,000 people ride bike daily, but only a third wear he'll mments. >> why should you wear a helmet.
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i crashed with a helmet. it cracked in two pieces. rather the helmet than my head. >> when we were kids we never wore a helmet. >> two industrial design students created a helmet. it was mixed with high tech and fashion. >> they wanted something more discrete. something that would go better with personal style and not interfere with hairstyles. a lot of vanity issues, and people were asking for something invisible. >> unlike a traditional helmet. it is wrapped around your neck, you zip it up and activate it. now i'm fully protected and ready to ride. the collar has sensors which analyse movement 200 times a second to determine when a cyclist is in a crush. when it happens an air bag
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deploys, wrapping around the head and neck. 300 people sustain head injuries in accidents. any initiative to protect riders is welcome. >> we have 20 to 30 killed every year. it's worrying. we are working to increase the helmet. >> once it is deployed, it can be reused. at $540 a piece, some see it as an expensive investment. innovators like therese hope it will become an essential part of the cyclist uniform and turn the idea of bike safety on its head. >> still ahead - tackling the ivory trade. a breakthrough in the attempt to stop elephant poaching. in sports, joe has the details
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on los angeles lakers kobe bryant as he edges closer to a comeback after injury. stay with us.
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welcome back. africa and asian countries reached a deal in botswana to crackdown n illegal ivory trade. we have this report.
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>> they walk the planet for a millennia. now the future of these animals is being decided in botswana, in a rare moment of consensus all 30 countries present greed to concrete efforts to protect the elephant population. >> this is a meeting involving the value chain of the elephant situation, the range counties, transition and consumer countries was unique in important. >> 20% of africa's elephants could be killed in the next 10 years if poaches continue at the current rate. 22,000 were killed illegally across africa. the year before 25,000 were poached for their ivory. half a million remained down from 1.3 million in 1980.
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ivory products are status symbols, with china accounting for the majority of the products. for the first time countries across two continents agreed to do something about it. >> it's time to asia to join forces to protect this species. >> to do that 30 countries, including china agreed to classify wildlife trafficking as a crime and hand down harsher punishments. this makes is easier for countries to cooperate on arrests and acquisitions. countries must strengthen laws, save guarding people who rely on wildlife tourism. there prosecutors to be agreement that something must be done. translating the good intentions
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into practice will be a true test. >> here is jo with sport. >> f.i.f.a. president, ahead of the draw, says some stadiums may not be ready in time for the original deadline of january. friday's draw will determine which deals will play each other. almost as important, where they'll play. two venues are thought to be the most behind schedule. they are expected to be completed by february, but the stadium in sao paulo is the scope of a fatal accident. it's set to be ready on time. there are small delays in construction of stadia. so install with one exception. there is one fact that has happened just one week ago,
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which is a very sad one because in an accident in the sao paulo, we had to deplore the loss of two people. they lost their lives, and i'm unhappy and we are feeling with the families. concerning that much that has been made there, it will be renovated and the stadia ready. >> the quarterfinals of the german cup to dortmund. several first-team players were refed. but they had enough quality. shooeba and yonus hopman gave a 2-0 win. >> crystal palace won.
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it's the moroccan's second league goal, the win leaving paris off the foot of the table. >> australia will renew hostilities in a second test in adelaide. the australians go into the games on a high after they thrashed the tourists. in england, almost certainly if they wish to retain the ashes. seeking redeterminion in the city of churches. england returned to a different adelaide oval from the one where they recorded a victory. the oval is a stadium and england is a different side to the settled aspect. back then the team picked itself. this time around the withdrawal of jonathan trott because of illness means a reshuffling of the england batting order with bell in line to take over the
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number three batting slot. >> from experience last time you let the cricket do the talking. last time we had the hostile environment. towards the end of the series we played good cricket. i thought everyone was respectful. we didn't do ourselves justice. coming back from 1-0 down is not easy. way back in 1954. england inspired to a 3-1 series win. andrew flintoff helped the home side win. having lost the first step. stuart broad bowled to victory. and alastair cook led the team to that 2-1 from behind win. australia's win in tests, one of the largest in terms of runs.
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the aussies are not expecting the tourists to fall quite so easily this time around. you see two good bowling attacks. we win is test match. if there two attacks, it's these two. there's enough in the wicket early. i think reverse swing will play a part, and i think spin will play a big part. >> the wicket may hold the ski. nathan lion should know it better than most, being the old curator. the visitors may enjoy the pitch more than brisbane. >> new zealand's cricketers wracked up a 609 on day two of the test. ross taylor smashed a maiden double century. the windies made is shaky start to their reply losing two early
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wickets. closing 67 for two. >> he's one the nlb world series. now jacob jirks ellsbury agreed to a deal. he'll take a physical on wednesday before the deal is finalised. >> the miami heat's 10-game winning streak has come to on end, through great display by the pistons. kyle sindler grabbed 18 to give detroit 107 from 97 win. >> los angeles star kobe bryant moves closer to his first start in six months after taking part in practice on tuesday. the former mvp tore his
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achilles. without him the lakers suffered a poor start to the season. they are 11th in the western conference. kobe bryant is hoping to make a comeback against the sacramento kings. >> he has to go through the practice on thursday. we go through practice thursday, we'll see if he's able. today it looks good. >> to the nhl and the top of the metropolitan division. pittsburg penn gins beat the islanders. they jumped to a 2-0 lead. kyle scored his first goal in eight games. they battled back. sydney crosby tying the came at 2-2. the pens captain was not finished. with the game in overtime crosby created a turn over in netted the winner 3-2 pittsburg.
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that's all the sport for now. >> more later. of course. thank you very much indeed. a man was trapped for three days under the atlantic ocean. the tug boat he was sailing on capsized off the coast of the nigeria. we have this remarkable story. >> this was a mission to recover bodies from a boat that sank off the nigerian coast. a diver finds this. >> he's alive. >> keep him there, calm. >> harrison survived for three days, in a pocket of air in the corner of the boat. drinking water and a few fizzy drinks. 11 of the crew died when the boat capsized and sank.
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>> a diver pulls harrison from the boat. harrison is now safe, and with the story of the remarkable story to tell. . an incredible story. more news on al jazeera very
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the commuter train crash investigation is now focused on the engineer. there's new information that he may have been asleep at the switch before the train went off the rails. a federal judge green liabilities detroit's bankruptcy plan, the ruling allowing the city to cut retiree pensions. >> joe biden's trying to find a diplomatic solution over disputes between china and japan. >> he's alive. >> what started as a recovery mission becomes a stunning


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