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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 7, 2013 5:00am-6:01am EST

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... from the developing country. it would have been a great disaster or india and other nations pushing for the wta to exempt them from subsidising grain for the poor. that news filtering out of bali. this is what the national papers are saying.
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economic times - india extracts pounds of flesh but saves w.t.o.'s body and soul. tributes paid to nelson mandela. the issue of subsidies affects 600 million who rely on discounted grain and other agricultural product to survive. the government itself wants to make sure. i made that clear before going to bali that they would not move. they have to enshrine in law that people under the poverty level would be guaranteed a certain amount of grain per month. it's part of the coalition policy and the jewel in the crown of what they achieved in this particular parliament. failing to exempt india and others would have been disaster for any government. we are heading to a general election. parliament will be dissolved and
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a general election amount. the upa government will go to the masses and say, "this is what we have done for you." they are hoping that the masses will react to that knowing that the subsidy issue will be left indefinitely until a permanent solution can be found, one that india agreed to. >> a philippine congressman joins me from oz low. this is the first deal the world trade organization has completed in 18 years. was it worth the wait? >> i think for developing countries it's not a bad deal. the problem is in terms of the deal - the big problem is agriculture has been a massive
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subsidy that the developed countries have been given the farming sector, over $300 million a year. it puts the burden on the developing country's government to reduce their minimal subsidies. in spite the fact of the schedule it puts the burden on us. as far as trade, i think everybody recognises that the main beneficiaries will be the developed countries and the big corporations - small and medium enterprises. that will get a lot out of the deal. i think over the years it hasn't been a bad deal for developing countries. i think the developing countries
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are going to regret having agreed to this deal, but it continues a kind of attitude. >> the w.t.o. say for the first time in our history the w.t.o. has truly delivered. 159 countries did sign. i wonder about the european union tradecommissioner who says the deal met the w.t.o. has been saved. the bureaucrats are worried about an 18 years of free trips around the world rather than making a deal for the poor. >> this is the problem. it's been said it's a deal for the poor when it is not a deal for the poor. it continues by developed
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countries, agriculture is separate from a discipline and the burden is from us >> why did they sign the deal then? >> i think it's because of develop country pressures, particularly the united states - they have a great deal of influence, and you have to realise that it's developing countries that do not agree. so i think negotiations exceed to a great degree, heavy pressure on the part of the united states, on developing countries. i think you have to realise that it was a contentious negotiation. until the last minute a number of the developing countries,
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venezuela, bolivia were holding out because they realised the impact would not be something that would be good for developing country farmers. unfortunately india in the last minute caved in, and because of the pressure, caved in. i think they'll pay for this. >> all right. thank you for joining us. >> 300 have been killed after violence between central african republic militias. troops are arriving as part of an international effort to end the chaos, including african soldiers. the killings have driven thousands to look for safety at the airport where troops were sting guard
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>> translation: we are doing a humanitarian job without problem. i went on a tour to help the injured and bring the dead bodies to the hospital. i'm calling on the international community to help the central republic to find calm and piece. we have reached our limit in helping the country. there are children who have lost their whole families. >> amongst the killing, in the central african republic, it has led the calls for the u.n. to send in peacekeepers. a muslim leader set himself as leader. they have been accused of committing atrocities against christians. there are reports that christians set up their own groups, but are accused of attacking civilians.
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desperate civilians were camped at the airport in bangui. >> soldiers are protecting the runway here. the french have a strong u.n. mandate to protect civilians in this country. the airport is completely entry. there are no civilian planes, only military. there's a humanitarian crisis developing. thousands of people have come to the airport because they have nowhere else to go. seleka and anti-balaka are targetting people in their homes. this is the only place they feel safe. >> translation: everyone you see here is a christian. we have no protection. the muslims have sell eka to look after them. we are all central africans, but there is no one to look after
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us. >> translation: there's nothing to drink or eat. we don't have money to buy anything. >> there are some international charities that are helping these people but food is limited in the city. there's half a million people around the country who have lost their home. the french have sent a fighter plane to fly over the city. the big question is when will these people be able to go home, do they want to go home. more than 100 people have been killed here. the situation outside is also very unstable. >> the crisis in the central african republic is on the agenda at a meeting of leaders. jacky rowland is there.
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francis hollande says africans must guarantee their security in africa. he is already involved in a second military deployment this year. is there a contradiction there or has he just been enveloped in events. >> what he is doing is describing how the future might look when africa would have its own rapid reaction force. it's an objective and to create an african force that can respond to events in africa. francis hollande said it's the responsibility of africa to support its problems. it size france has the capacity to train 20,000 african soldiers, and there's equipment. francis hollande is looking to this goal in the future and it's clear at the moment on the ground, in the republic in mali, there is a need for french military forces to be there to
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back up the ad hoc african forces brought together in order to tackle the crisis. >> briefly, because we must talk, tell us what they are trying to achieve. >> it's france reshaping the partnership between them and africa. rather than a former colonial power and its former policy. a bold policy by francis hollande. many leaders are skeptical with reason. we've heard from french leaders back through the world war ii reshaping the relationship. i don't think the african leaders have seen a lot of change, and it would be how francis hollande moves forward. >> jacky rowland in paris. thank you. >> north korea released a former american soldier arrested while
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he was on holiday. 85-year-old merrill newman was visiting as a tourist when he was detained. pyongyang accused him of being a war criminal that killed civilians. he's on his way home to america. >> i'm glad to be on my way home. i appreciate what the drnk have done to help me on my way >> reporter: how do you feel? >> i feel good >> reporter: what would you like to do? >> come home to my wife. >> lots more to come including the many faces of politics storms across europe leave eight dead. thousands without power. we'll have the detail. in sport - who was bouncing for
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joy - not the england manager. that's for sure. all the details coming up. >> south africans and people over the world are celebrating the life of former president nelson mandela. mourners have brought flowers, and are dancing and singing. he died on thursday, aged 95. 25 years ago the president f.w. de klerk decided to end nelson mandela's captivity. they had several meetings before he did so. he spoke to us on the line from cape town. >> he needed to be released. apart from political motivation which played a part in my decision, i felt he was entitled to be released. we took the choice of turning our back on aparthe, on
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abandoning the concept and of embracing a new vision of one united south africa with an equal vote for all, with all forms of discrimination to go. so the whole approach was that we could not negotiate unless we deal also with the question of political prisoners. i'm glad i was not the only one. there was many. one of first things i did very early even before nelson mandela was released, was release all nt a.n.c. leaders, which were also an robin island, including governor mbecki. we were political opponens.
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we were opposing each other with regard to the potential vote when an election came up. secondly, mostly around the issue of ongoing political violent. tensions grew between us at times to high levels. at all times, notwithstanding the intentions, we found it possible to rise above them when approached by my negotiators to find solutions and prevent negotiations from stalling. nelson mandela - he was a very special man. i think nothing is being overplayed. i think he is held in high - the highest esteem. not only by the overwhelming
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majority of south africans, but worldwide. i think he's a towering figure of the past century. therefore, i think we should pay him the tribe ute and the honour which he'd like - lay the foundation his integrity, his emphasis on the need for reconciliation - all that make him the icon that he has become. >> a tribute from f.w. de klerk, a deputy president when nelson mandela became president. preparations to say farewell have been made by the government and the family. in the last months before his
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death. sunday, december the 8th has been declared a day of prayer and reflection to celebrate his life. two days later on tuesday the 10th there'll be the official memorial service to be held at the soweto soccer ground. on wednesday, through to friday, his body will lie in state in pretoria, where diplomats around the world can pay their release. next sunday the state funeral will be held in quno, nelson mandela's home town. it is significant to say the least. tania, tell us where you are and why you are there? >> we are here because it's an important location. we are kuds the home that nelson mandela used to live in, it's become a focal point to live in.
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they have put up a board, people are putting messages of condolences and support to the family. rip madeba, his clan name. and you'll always be in our heart tata. the house is now a museum. as you can imagine, it's been getting busier as the days go by. people come down to feel connected to the man, to learn more about the man. off to the left you can see a family down here. a lot of people bringing their children down because they want to educate about the man and the vital role that he played in this country's history. tis is the house where nelson mandela first lived with his first wife evelyn and their children. he stayed with his former wife winnie mandela and their two daughters. she stayed in the house for much of the 27 years that he was in
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prison, isolated, separated from each other. this is where the police came all the time, intimidating her, raiding the house and harassed her. she was the subject of banning orders and sent to live in a remote area in an effort to try to separate her from the party, from the a.n.c. her and the family devastated by the loss of their beloved family member, close family member for them, but somebody millions of south africans and around the world feel they know personally as well. >> tania paige in south africa. thank you. lots more on the website. it's words a visit - watch a documentary featuring stories of people who knew nelson mandela.
5:24 am >> most of the attackers who stormed the yemeni embassy were . al qaeda and the arabian penn innsual acclaimed responsibility. 56 were killed. >> 21 egyptian women and girls sentences to prison for protesting have launched appeals. supporters of the muslim brotherhood have been demonstrating in kooez giza. this trial, or the case that starts now, put me right on this is for the 14 girls over the age of 18, is that right.
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>> we have two appeals going simultaneously. we have 14 young women age the between 17 and 18, and seven who are minors. two of which are 15. two separate court cases because the young girls in the juvenile court, but the appeals are to do with the same incident. all of those young women and girls have been sentenced to 11 years in gaol. heavy sentences meted out after they were arrested at the end of october for taking part in protests in alexandria. some women said they were never there, passing the time. they stood trial, a short trial. defense lawyers were not allowed to call witnesses. the judge handed down the sentences. people in egypt were not
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sympathetic to the muslim brotherhood were shocked by the severity of the sentences, prompting the interim president to say that the women would be pardoned, but not until the judicial process has been gone through. these are appeal court hearings. because of the high status of the court, if the women and girls are successful today, they could be freed today. >> thank you for that update, live from cairo. >> at least eight are dead after hurricane force winds and forces battled northern europe. forecasters warn it could be the worst storm, 225 k/hr. hundreds of homes have been flooded. thousands of homes are without electricity. rising seas forced evacuations along the eastern english coast. i don't know if richard has a
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house on the east coast of england, i hope he doesn't, but he'll give us a bit more on that. >> i used to live in that part of the world, well inland. the situation is now getting better. it's beginning to quieten down. we look at the pictures from hemsby on the coast of norfolk in england. it's a meteorological office. it's the worst storm surge down the eastern side of england since 1953. a storm surge in place as much as five metres. we see the isobars packed together as the low pressure pulls away. strongest winds. close to the coast here of denmark and germany. winds of 148 kph and 158 in germany. big storm surges here too. north of germany.
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it's the second largest in 200 years. there was a surge of 4 metres in one area at low tide. hamburg 3.7 metres. it's breezy on the charts. all the time the tides are decreasing as we move away from the period of peak spring tides. mild airlocking through. looking quieter and things getting back to normal. >> thank you. more to come on the newshour, including how chinas investment in russia's shipping industry would bring the two partners 6,000km closer toot. >> hundreds of syrians walk on foot. >> mitchell johnson blows away england as australia takes a step towards regaining the ashes - oh no.
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>> you're watching the newshour. >> the w.t.o. agreed a deal on global commerce making it easier for poorer countries too trade. it could add up to $18 trillion to the global economy. >> in egypt - 21 women and girls imprisoned for protesting in october, including seven girls under 18. the red cross says 300 people
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have been killed in 48 hours after violence between militias and the central african republic. thousands of people are looking at refuge at the airport where french soldiers are on guard. >> some people are talking about a religious or sectarian war against christians and muslims. is that how the situation is developing? >> it's a political crisis, and unfortunately some people are using the intentions between the communities peacefully together. about 15 to 20% mousse limbs who are active in the any and now the author represented in
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politics and some don't like that. this is what is going on. there farmers who are mostly christians who attack muslims in that country because the seleka rebels in power. >> there have been warnings, as you know, about the possibility of what is being already described as a genocide. let's hope that doesn't happen. could it happen. >> i think the word might be - geppo side is -- genocide is something more like what happened in rwanda, taking on one community. the situation is so confused at the moment. i think we cannot talk about genocide.
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it's a crisis. there are 300 people there. we don't want it to become a war. >> nobody wants it to become a civil war or a genocide. it's not me warning about that, it's the united nations warning of a genocide. therefore it's extremely necessary for french troops to go in there to separate the two. >> definitely. back to africa, because francis hollande - they are the only colonial power. it's convenient for it to intervene, and in that case it's necessary. it's a moral issue. >> it's a geopolitical issue. it would be easy to say the central african republic was a failed state. it's never been a successful
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state so you can't say it's a failed state. it's a big mess that the african union should look at closely. >> very. for months the population civilians have been crying for help. decision, in which case the decision of the french to spear head things. >> thank you for joining us. >> politicians belonging to thailand's ruling political party are back on the scene after serving bans for electoral defrauds. wayne hay has more from bangkok. >> after five years this man is
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walking back into politics. the former prime minister among 37 members of the defunct people's power party banned from politics for electoral fraud. back for thailand's ruling party. >> translation: to be back as a member of the party made me feel like we have our rights back. i haven't got a cabinet position. >> this is the brother-in-law of former prime minister thaksin shinawatra, ousted in a coup seven years ago, and convicted of abusing his power. there has been fighting between police and protesters, claiming the government led may thaksin's sister wants to whitewash his crimes. some close allies believe the attempt to push through a bill which could have cleared him was a bad move.
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i can do so. >> they'll pass by at the house. >> that hasn't been enough to stop the protesters. at the third that headwater about who is behind the party and it is complete with the library in the name of thaksin shinno watt. it's a section devoted to the billionaire. despite the opposition, his party and his family are not giving up on getting him home. >> we fight so many obstacles. the door has not been closed. there is still a way. i cannot mention the details at the moment. >> thaksin's party won the last five elections. the return of the last five
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members boost the ranges and rile the opponents. >> thai immigration workers hand over myanmar refugees to human trafficking rings. an inquiry has been called for. rohingya muslims are taken from detention centres and handed to criminals who are waiting offshore. the u.n. general assembly elected jordan to the council to replace saudi arabia. jordan was chosen after saudi arabia rejected the seat in october. it was a protest against the council's failure to end the syrian and israeli conflicts. conciliatory moves towards iran, chuck hagel made the comment
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during a dialogue, saying the u.s. would discuss steps to bolster security in the renaling jog. hagel says that the u.s. must continue diplomatic engagement in the middle east, maintain planes, ships, tanks and 35,000 troops. >> for decades iran has exported instability and violence across the region and beyond as it developed its nuclear program. iran has been a profoundly destabilising influence in a nuclear armed iran would pose an unaccee threat to regional and global facility. we brought time for meaning negotiation, not for perception. all of us are clear eyed about the challenges that remain to achieving a comprehensive nuclear solution with iran. >> chuck hagel at the bali
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conference. he warned the conflict in syria threatened to tear the country party unless a solution was made. he called for the departure of president bashar al-assad. >> the conflict continues on a current trajectory syria could disintegrate and create ungoverned space in the middle east and refugees. syria's neighbours would be in the front line and pose a threat to security in other parts of the world, including europe. syrian refugees are able to cross into dara because of fighting. the refugees found a new route. we have this report on the frontier between jordan and syria. >> trickling down on foot from no man's land into jordanian
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terty. >> hundreds of refugees escaped fighting. they walked several kilometres in the rain to get this far. this woman arrived with a developmentally challenged son. hunger and sort of vasion brought her here. >> translation: there's no food or drink. people bit on -- bid on a loaf. >> refugees arrive with nothing more than their identification documents and the clothes on their back. for most they experience the longest dangerous journey to safety. three months ago these were sent away from the border because they did not have documents.
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now they do >> translation: i am sure the camp is better than living under air strikes and bombardment. >> syrians used to cross into jordan but heavy fighting in recent months prevented thousands crossing through. the safer but longest alternative route is crossing into jordan near the border with iraq. this is why the number of daily arrivals significantly dropped thousands and hundreds in recent months. jordan has been accused of the insists borders are open. >> why did the numbers drop? >> it's due to the security situation in syria, not on the situation at the jordanian border. >> the un refugee agency agree. >> there's a lot more check points and fighting going on. this is a deslate location.
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people find it's an easier place to come through. >> it will take up to four days for the rev gees to be screened registered and taken to a camp. this is a first for security and human dignity in exile. >> ukraine's relationship with its neighbours brought thousands of protesters on to the streets. itot just russia fighting for closer ties. china pledged to invest $3 million into domestic ports. >> this has been m home of russia's fleet. the ukrainian president gave the kremlin an extension to the lease on the base until the year 2042, soon after his election. they got little in return. beijing's money looks set to
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transform the prospects of the city. the chinese investment will provide a life line for the battered ukrainian economy and a political life line for the battered ukrainian president. $3 billion is being provided for a chinese entrepreneur to refurbish the port and set up an ec zone. twice that amount will be used to build a keep water court with its own airport, natural gas and refinery. >> the trade between china and europe has to travel around europe to reach the port of hamburg. when it is constructed ships can go via the black sea. the significance between china and europe in trade will be 6,000km shorter. >> this ukrainian company is sandwiched between its country's warships and russias. it has been exporting steel and
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grain, providing jobs. like the rest of the country they battle the wind of recession in the world market and at home. the commercial director is optimistic about the future despite the political turmoil in key ef. >> as the grain and steel production will grow in the future, investment in the port was necessary to match the trend in the sector. >> president viktor yanukovych brought home an important prize that could stop the erosion and support in the heartland of his party and sent a message to the european union and russia, that they are not the only players in this town. >> we'll have the sport including... ..formula 1 world champion
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sebastien vettel gets an award in paris. details next.
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>> as the world celebrates the life of antiapartheid campaigner, we spoke to someone who justified which he should stay in prison, but then served in his political party. >> successive white governments
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kept white governments in gaol and then served under him. as u.n. ambassador and foreign minister it was his task to defend the imprisonment of nelson mandela. he long lobbied for his release, he maintains. >> i submitted a memorandum to the cabinet. it was prepared by my department. to the effect that nelson mandela ought to be released. we are looking at a crime every day he stays in prison. it's international acclaim and status growing to an extent that we will not be able to handle it any longer. unfortunately at the time, it was done. >> eight years later nelson mandela became a free man.
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here you have a man who spent 27 years in prison. and the day he was released he displayed the energy of a person. he has been a president before. amazing what happens in the minds of people. and for that matter, into the world. >> central to the success of the negotiation process that led to a peaceful transfer of power, was nelson mandela's insistence that there need be no losers, just good winners. >> we were not capitulating. you do not cap ittual late and surrender when you do the right
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thing. you libberate it. that's what you do. it was not a capitulation. >> and a man who said he was liberated quotes from a statement nelson mandela made during his trial all those years >> i have challenged the idea of a democratic and free society. that all persons live together in harmony and equal opportunity. and complete it by saying it is an ideal which i hope to live for. and achieve. but if needs be it is an ideal for which i am prepared to die.
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not white dom nigsar black domination, it was the balance that enabled him to see it was in the interests of this country that the black leads the black and the whites lead the black. that is nelson mandela. that is his legacy. that is his legacy. >> now, it's time for a look at the world of sport. >> thank you very much. there has been relief for some, concern for other nations following the draw of the f.i.f.a. world cup in brazil. 32 teams drawing into eight groups. brazil will face croatia in the opening game of the tournament. mexico and cameroon make up the other two teams. that is the top score at the 1998 world cup of croatia. it will be a lot tougher this
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time around. >> all games are complicated. we play in brazil at home. we cannot lose - we can only lose three points. we are strong in the competition and we are proud to be in sao paulo playing. >> it is a repeat of the 2010 final. they take on netherlands, chillie and australia. columbia, greece, ivory coast and japan make up group c. group b looks like one of the toughest. >> uruguay joined by costa reika and england. >> it's not an easy group. there's not many easy groups. you don't stand in front of a tv camera and say your group is easy.
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with italy coming into the group we have two number one with uruguay and italy. with costa rica, they are very good. >> we'll head to group e making up switzerland, ecuador, france, winners in 1998 and honduras. lionel messi and argentina are the favourites. nigeria and iran are the other teams. >> how many times you have these in your life. bosnia, the team that is a surprise in europe, and nigeria, the champions. 's for us to put in place a declaration and be ready. >> i think this is one of the toughest groups, group g.
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it's 3-time champion germany opening up a campaign against cristiano ronaldo. also ghana and the united states - a reunion between u.s. coach and his former germany assistant. >> translation: i think that this is somethng that is special for us both. we worked together. he knows german football better than i know the usa. was a national trainer for two years in germany. he knows the german men totalitiy like his own. i think the deal is pushed by the media. we have to approach it as professional. we had group 8, one of the fancied outsiders for the world cup. algeria, russia complete the group. >> there's an interactive guide on the website.
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detail. group, match schedules head to al jazeera. the tournaments begin on june the 13's. >> many of the players that star at the world cup will be in action. manchester united play in the early kick-off against newcastle the champions coming off a 1-0 loss, a result leaving them is it points off the lead in ninth place. the media has been here before, they know what is expected and they'll do the right things. elsewhere on saturday liverpool will host manchester united. manchester city are away. chelsea take on stoke and sunderland tackle tottenham. >> a brilliant bowling display from mitchell johnson steering australia into a commanding position after day three of the second ashes test. the fast bowler took seven for
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40, bowled out for 172 in adelaide. twice on a hat-trick, playing five wickets in just five overs. australia chose not to enforce the follow on, finishing 132 for three at the close of play, giving them an overall lead of 530 runs. opener darren unbeaten on 83. tiger woods is playing a 2-shot lead at the world golf challenge, the world number one equalling his own record. he shot so birdies in a 10-under round of 62. a 2-time runner-up at the event in second. >> obvious i had a lot of good shots. i made a lot more press than i did yesterday. i missed a couple of kick-ins.
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today was good. >> tiger woods partner lindsey vonn was in action on friday. the reining olympic downhill champion competing for the first time in 10 months following major knee surgery, placing 41st at the world cup events. a german took the first spot. >> i'm happy to be back. i didn't ski as confident as i normally do, you know. it was a couple of nerves in there. it's been a while since i raced, but i have today under my belt and going into tomorrow. i know i can be a lot faster, but it's great to be back racing. >> the boston seltics maintained top spots. >> chris humphrey who was traded by the nets was given a chance off the bench and responded by providing 17 points and 17 rebounds. the nuggets lost two straits.
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>> sebastien vettel and his red bull team have been honoured at the fai award in paris. there was a blues brothers theme to the evening. fourth consecutive driver. the red bull team picking up the constructor's trophy for the fourth. that's all in sport for now. more later. >> a guitar owned by the american singer/song writer bob dillon sold for a million dollars in new york. it was the first to be played when he swapped his acoustic guitar for an electric one. a new jersey family was the owner 48 years after it was left on a plane. more music to come - news too -
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on al jazeera.
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>> i'm glad to be on my way home. i appreciate the help that the dprk government help they've given to me >> an 85-year-old american held captive in north korea comes back to the united states. flowers for the fallen father of south africa - celebrating the life of nelson mandela. >> a mix of snow, sleet and rain crippling parts of the country, causing pile-up and cancelling hundreds of flights. hopefully they'll make changes that affect the industry. >> and a


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