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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 11, 2013 10:00am-11:01am EST

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on the website. >> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ >> low and welcome to the news hour. i'm here from doha and london. more violence erupts in the central african republic. winter comes to syrian refugees in lebanon, bringing misery to thousands in the camps. i'm barb in london with the latest from europe, including cheers from protesters in ukraine as police pulled back
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after failing to clear them from independent square. and a german court dismisses a claim that civilians were killed in an afghan raid. ♪ hello. angry mobs have set mosques on fire in central african republic. the violence appears to be getting worse, and that is despite the presence of the french troops on the ground. >> reporter: we're in a church in an area known as sasima. if i step out of the way, my
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cameraman can show you what is going on behind us. at unicef they have been handing out high gin kits to people. the most people in need are women and children. they need assistance, water, and food, and they need it as soon as possible. you will find people taking shelter all over this town. we understand there are at least 30,000 people currently at the airport under the protection of the french and african forces. we have been around the city and seen a few french patrols, mainly african union patrols. the situation does seem to have calmed down a little bit today, but there is still dead and injured people being brought to hospitals in the city. >> on tuesday, the french president visited troops. he said quote we know the mission is dangerous, but it is necessary to avoid further
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carnage. jacky it seems the situation is deteriorating despite the preference of french troops. what have they been able to achieve so far? >> well, in paying tribute to those two soldiers who were killed, he said they had given their lives in order to save even more lives. but stressed that obviously it was a difficult mission. it was a dangerous mission, but he said it was vital to protect civilians and to prevent further massacres. he also said the french will last the course. he believed the french were on artet for a six-month mission, although i think there are many in france who are questioning
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this idea about getting out in six months may be a bit optimistic. >> what are people in france saying about the mission as a whole? how is public opinion been regarding it? >> public opinion has been very divided. it's quite different to the atmosphere at the beginning of the year when french troops were deployed in malia. this time people are more anxious about exactly what they are getting drawn into. originally there was fairly brood cross-party support in the parliament, the main opposition, right-wing party was also in agreement, however, during the debate on the issue of deployment on tuesday, members of the right-wing party started asking tough questions, notably how much was it going to cost in financial terms at a time that
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france is struggling with economic problems here at home. and also the question that has been raised on the far left of the political spectrum as well, and that is why is france the only european country that is committing troops on the ground. there have been promises of financial help from other countries, but it's only france that is actually putting their soldiers in the line of fire. >> just to let you know that we are hearing the german chancellor is saying that her go will support the mission by providing a plane with medical evacuation equipment. but jackie thank you very much for the time being. jackie reporting to us from paris. south africans are paying their last respects for nelson mandela.
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mike hannah is joining us now live with more, mike, on the day's events. >> well, indeed yes, it was a somber day, hundreds of thousands of people filing past nelson mandela. there were the dignitaries at the beginning. his widow, ex-wife, presidents past and present, and then it was the people who filed in single file past the casket. one by one they would go past. the air as i said somber, a dominant view expressed by one youth, he said, well, madiba has done his bit, now it's time for us to do ours. that that -- that is a dominant feeling that has been expressed.
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the national african congress needs to do its bit for the people of south africa too, and that is none other than winnie mandela. she is a very strong political figure in her own right, a very controversial one at times, not only because of her contentious divorce from nelson mandela but also because of the criminal charges that have been brought against her and the conviction. but he has rehabilitated herself. and she now has a voice of conscious within the african national congress. she has spoken up from within the ranks about the problems it still has, about the problems it has not yet addressed. and she says the critical issue that must be addressed is that
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of poverty. winnie mandela remains a potent political force, a member of the anc's national executive committee and member of parliament, her voice is deeply influential. she insists the struggle in which she battled a lifetime is not over. the establishment of a prosperous democracy is still to be achieved. >> we have made tremendous gains. it is true. we have gained political freedom. tragically, i think we are still very, very far from what we fought for even though we have these political gains. if you are south african, you know that the situation, the political situation, in the country today is -- is far from what we fought for.
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>> what can be done? what areas do you think need to be addressed? >> we inherited the ills of apartheid, unfortunately, and it is still going to take us time. we were [ inaudible ] terribly by apartheid, and the wrongs of apartheid then are still going to take us another generation to rectify, but then we shouldn't be complacent. the frustrations you see out there when people are demonstrating every day, the receptions that are take place all over the country, the people are saying they have waited for too long. [ laughter ] >> and while the struggle may not be over, winnie mandela is enjoying the fruits of what has been achieved. a garden that has been planted
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by her hand, and her great-grandchildren that are growing up in this freedom. the years of struggle, she says, were all worth it. >> absolutely. absolutely. i would relive this struggle a hundred times more if at the end of it, i would achieve precisely what we achieved as the liberation of south africa, the liberation of my people. that's all it was with. and to this day, i will sleep in my last sleep a really contented person, because i [ inaudible ]. >> just a short drive away from these graceful buildings behind me are what used to be done as the blacktownships. residents there, many would say their life has not changed very
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much since the white rulers were in this building behind me here. yet one fundamental thing has changed and that is something connected to nelson mandela, and all of those who fought with him. it was something that nelson mandela was not able to vote until he was in his mid-70s, something he was not able to exercise. now there are those who have been born after nelson mandela was released who do not think about it. that is something -- the most powerful element they have, it is called democracy. it is called a vote, and there is an election next year in which an entire country will be able to take part, something that was unthinkable two decades ago. >> mike thank you. hospitals in kenya are being paralyzed by striking health workers for a second straight day. two people have died and patients are stranded. workers are protesting against
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plans to decentralize the healthcare system. >> this strike is all about devolving public services, the nurses, doctors and technicians in public hospitals really are saying that they do not want their services, they do not want their payrolls to be devolved to the local government. the constitution has it that all health services and other services as well need to be devolved to their local governments so the services can be much closer to the people, but these health workers are saying that the county governments don't have money. the payrolls are devolved, the country governments will not be able to manage this. the national government should keep managing them because that's where the money is, and this sector is very important, really, to be devolved to
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counties that are just evolving and didn't have the money and capacity to manage this sector. much more to come on the al jazeera news hour. including a setback for equality in india. the high court upholds a ban on gay sex. >> i have had a great career at general motors. and we'll meet the woman in the biggest seat of an american car company. and juventus is left out in the cold. more details to come with jo. ♪ protesters are back in force in the ukrainian capitol despite overnight efforts to remove them. >> it looked as if the riot police were going to close down the protest camp that has grown up over the last three weeks in independent square, but with eu
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and u.s. mediators in kiev trying to resolve the crisis, the police have pulled back, and the protesters are jubilant. >> reporter: rebuilding the defenses with renewed vigor. the opposition movement is still in kiev's independence square, and still occupying key public buildings. they defended city hall, and police were forced to retreat. the early hours of wednesday saw a mighty struggle between protesters elite militias who took hours to break down the barricades that have turned independent square into a fort fortress. both sides showed remarkable restraint. >> reporter: we saw for the first time how police
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[ inaudible ] with us yesterday, they also realize what is happening in our country. >> reporter: now the protesters are rebuilding their encampment, sending out a clear message to the authorities that they have failed to retake this square. high-level delegations are still in kiev. the u.s. secretary of state met and showed solidarity on the square. the overnight raid looks like a snap to western diplomacy. ukrainians who want closer ties with the west are once again filling the center of kiev. he is unable to restore his authority without more aggressive tactics, and the return of his riot police is expected. next time they may be less restrained. we can speak to robin live. he joins us from the ukrainian
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capitol, kiev. we heard the mood of defiance in the square. but what about the rest of the country? what is the mood like across it? >> we understand that it is certainly in a number of western cities in ukraine, supporters of this opposition movement are planning on coming to kiev. those are unconfirmed reports, but buses of them may be on their way if not tonight, in the coming days, because opposition politicians are calling for renewed numbers of people to congregate here in the center of the capitol, and looking behind me just now, i can see again that there are numbers on the square back up. the most i have seen since the mass rallies last sunday when several hundred thousand people made it back into the capitol. it really is remarkable scenes with the work going on around
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me. i'm calling it [ inaudible ] because last night the defenses were buckled by the police. it took some time to do it. tonight those same defenses are back up, but they are using packed ice. they poured water on the snow to create a concrete like surface. and we have welders in action. people are behaving like worker bees to get this square back in control of the movement. the security situation is a little tense because there have been a number of bomb threats being reported. we know that kiev's two main airports, one of its train stations had bomb threats, and that adds to the climate of suspense here. >> so the protesters were seen still out in force. what about any progress in the efforts to end the crisis by
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peaceful means? >> the prime minister gave a talk this morning with ministers, and indicated that ukraine might be conceivably willing to join up to this association agreement. it's effectively a trade agreement with the european union, that would bring ukraine more into line and make it capable of closer trade dealings with the eu. but that require the ukraine undergoing major restructural reforms. but if they were willing to do that, it would only be if the european union were willing to step up 20 billion euros to help with his debt. the east of the country very much relies on trade and ties with russia, but those industries are on the decline. and in answer to your earlier
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question about how the rest of the country is doing. in eastern ukraine there is a lot more scepticism to this movement. but the youth want to see changes. we have us and eu diplomats, i understand, are still in kiev holding talks with the president. katherine ashton, the eu's chiefer foreign policy envoy saying she'll do everything she can to try to help ukraine move forward. a lot of people are really saying this country is at a turning point, the point of no return, that it could head further into a more police repressive state or towards europe. >> thank you, robin. the protests in this ukraine have spilled over into the georgian parliament.
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a member of the ruling party reacted angrily and kicked another man, and members on both sides quickly became caught up in a full scale brawl right on the floor. we'll be back with more news from europe a little later in this the news hour, and now back to doha. many families as well as children living in flimsy shelters in lebanon are not eligible for help, and that's because they are not officially registered with the united nations. joining us is the united nations refugee media rep senttive for the country. these refugees, what type of help, if any, can they get, are they getting to brave -- you know, to go through the winter? >> well, this -- this is a
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subject we have been trying to address. this is a challenge we have been trying to address for months now. refugees as soon as they arrived to lebanon have no place to go to, sometimes are have no family connections or friends. and this is why we're trying to direct them to oversees, and it's the storm today, we're working with the lebanese armed forces to fill gaps in that regard, statistically targeting refugees who have not yet registered and whom we are not able to reach out to. >> and how prepared are these agencies in helping these refugees and how prepared has the lebanese army been so far? >> we play a coordinating role here in lebanon, so we do hold coordination meetings so as to identify the agencies that are able to work in different areas
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their human resources and funding levels, and this is something we work on on a regular weekly base. so there are agencies willing to provide support in lebanon, and we have identified them a while back, working with them now for over three years to address the syrian refugee needs. the lebanese armed forces have newly started to work with us, especially regarding this upcoming winter season. and giving weather proofing items to help them seal off their shelters and protect them from the element. >> and what do they actually need the most at this particular point with the snow and ice in lebanon? >> well, the needs are immense here in lebanon. refugees not only need warmth
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from this very, very cold time. they also need food. they need protection on different levels. we're doing our best working the hardest we ever have to address those needs. i think now today with this storm, the most pressing needs are related to protection from the limits, and what we're doing is providing fuel coupons to registered refugees, providing mattresses, blankets, warm clothing, and providing sealing off and weather proofing kits i already mentioned. i think these are the most pressing needs. there is not capacity in lebanon to accommodate over 800,000 refugees, and especially -- i mean a hundred thousand are living in tents in lebanon. they are not equipped or prepared to receive this kind of weather. and refugees have to be prepared and endure negative temperatures
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during this storm and possibly for the months to come, and this is something we have been preparing for since jan -- since the previous year. >> okay. thank you , dana. in china people are being treated in hospital of they drank pesticides to protest it using it near their homes. and in the south of china, 16 people are now known to have died in a fire at a wholesale market. the victims were trapped inside four shops. it's the end of the road for [ inaudible ] cars in australia, the subsidiary of the u.s. giant gm has announced production lines will stop in 2013.
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around 3,000 workers are expected to lose their jobs. some said it will be a bleak christmas because of it. tony abbott said it's a sad, bad day for australian manufacturing and pledged to help the workers. gm has appointed a woman for the first time as its chief executive. she is now in the driving seats as christianson reports. >> reporter: the 51-year-old will take over as ceo from outgoing chief. he says the perception of gm as a boys club is dated. >> roughly 25% of our plants are run by women. the number of senior jobs? our organization are run by women. >> reporter: she started as an intern and risen up to her
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current position as vice president of global product development. in earlier interviews she has spoken fondly of the company where her father also worked. >> i have given an opportunity to do a lot of things that gave me the opportunity to develop my leadership skills, and also my technical knowledge of the vehicle. >> reporter: but the number of women heading up major industrial corporations has remained steady and relatively small in recent years. only 16.9% of board seats were held by women in 2013. and only 14.6% of executive officer positions. that number hasn't changed in in four years. >> i think the most ring cent data suggests that women are doing fairly well when it comes to lower-level positions. half of management positions overall are currently held by
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women in the united states. so i really think the current area where things should be perhaps emphasized a bit more is really in those high-level positions. >> reporter: financial analysts are more concerned about her market-friendly credentials. >> mary brings a long-automotive perspective. she has worn hats in human resources but mostly in product develop and purchasing. so she can bring a lot to the table from a lot of different positions. >> reporter: berra will assume the position next january. in just a moment we're in kenya. >> translator: i don't even have enough work. i can't work. i have no farm. >> veteran freedom fighters are continuing to fight for assistance. plus are you popular on
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facebook? well the pope certainly is. the social networking site reveals this year's top trends. and myanmar holds his first major games in decades. jo will have more in sport coming up. original, in-depth reporting al jazeera america is known for. >> to find out more about al jazeera america go to >> an al jazeera america exclusive... former president jimmy carter reflects on the life and legacy of nelson mandela. >> that spirit of nelson mandela is embedded deeply in the heart and soul of the south africans... >> they worked side by side for freedom, now president carter talks about mandela's global impact. a revealing interview you won't see anywhere else. >> i've never heard him say, that he was grateful to the united states... >> talk to al jazeera with jimmy carter
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(vo) al jazeera america we understand that every news story begins and ends with people. >> the efforts are focused on rescuing stranded residents. (vo) we pursue that story beyond the headline, past the spokesperson, to the streets. >> thousands of riot police deployed across the capitol. (vo) we put all of our global resources behind every story. >> it is a scene of utter devastation. (vo) and follow it no matter where it leads, all the way to you. al jazeera america. take a new look at news.
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♪ you are at the al jazeera news hour. angry mobs have set mosques on fire in the central african republic. winter has arrived for syrian refugees in lebanon. many families are not eligible for help because they are not registered with the united nations. hospitals in kenya are being paralyzed by striking health workers for a second day. two people have died and patients are stranded. kenya is about to celebrate 50 years of independence on thursday, but thousands who fought for freedom from the
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british are still languishing in poverty and n neglect. katherine reports. >> reporter: a group of aging kenyan fighters come where they once used to fight. years of poverty and neglect have all but broken their spirit. the british government tortured thousands of them during what came known as the uprising in the 1950s. they want compensation and a comfortable old age. >> translator: i don't even have enough food. i can't work. i have no farm. my children have no education. >> reporter: he led women who fed the gorilla fighters, she was detained for two years. her husband was a legendary moum
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oufighter. it is here where the freedom fighters spent fighting. british troops shot this man in the forest. he was tried, hanged, and buried in an unmarked grave. he has been immortalized in a statue, but his wife is still trying to find his remains so she can bury him with dignity and then be buried next to him. >> translator: how would you feel if you were you? not knowing? i would like to fine him and bury him like a king. like my king. >> reporter: at last this 85-year-old believes he has won a key battle. he received $4,000 u.s. dollars and an apology from the british government for torturing him. he is one of 5,000 fighters who won their class action suit
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earlier this year. but they are still fighting for land promised to them by kenya's past president on independence. >> translator: the british left the land. i need mine back. i'm not asking for the cattle i lost in that period. i just want a little piece of land for my children. >> reporter: it was not until 2010 that the kenyan government lifted the ban imposed by the british, honoring them has been promised but still not passed. they are still fighting for fruits of the independence they sacrificed so much for. india's supreme court has upheld a law which criminalizes gay sex. there were scenes of dismay outside of the court in new delhi. but only india's parliament can change the law. caroline miller explains. >> reporter: shocked and upset
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that gay sex is once again a jailable offense in india. many people gathered outside the supreme court to hear the verdict. activists for the gay rights community called it a dark day. >> quite sad and upset. we believe in the constitution of the country. everyone should have equal rights. it's a bad day actually, and our -- our fight will continue and we will continue to fight. >> reporter: supporters of equal rights for heterosexuals and homosexuals also marched. they see this as a step backwards. criminalizing gay sex was against basic rights. but a coalition of religious groups appealed to the supreme court. they say it is against nature, and now two judges have ruled in their favor. >> the supreme court is the final arby for as i said to you
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on the validity of the law and the validity of the supreme court must be respected by government. >> reporter: india was one of the first asian countries to legalize gay sex. open homosexuality is not the norm. but there have been a number of gay pride marches in cities. lawyers for the gay community are at a loss for anything they can do next. >> it appears to be a setback, but i can tell you the fight is not over. >> reporter: the supreme court judges argued it was not place of courts but for politicians to change such laws. until then gay sex is once again criminalized. many of india's estimated 2.5 million gay people may be forced to lead hidden lives once again let's cross back to barbara in london now for some more news
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from europe. >> thank you. let's start in germany where a court has dismissed a compensation claim by relatives of a group of african civilians killed in an air strike. 91 people were killed after a german officer ordered u.s. jets toment bomb two hijacked fuel tankers the court ruled he had not broken any rules in doing so. >> reporter: it was the single-worst killing of civilians since coalition forces entered afghanistan in 2001. the taliban hijack these tankers. . when they got stuck, locals came in to gather the fuel. this was the moment so many lost
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their lives. footage shows people moving around the tankers before the strike. at the time the germans said they were unaware civilians were present. most are now believed to have been civilians. the next day their relatives struggled to find bodies mangled by such huge bombs. al jazeera followed them on their grim search. >> translator: we came here to look for the bodies. one we found. the other we wouldn't. he was about 50 years old. he was my father. boys were telling us there were two deed bodies. we came back here and found his hat and clothes in tatters. >> reporter: four years later their families still struggle with the loss. this woman's only son was killed in the bombing. >> my son went to get some fuel. we didn't know that would happen to him. if we would have known, we would
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never have sent them. now all i have is my grandchildren, and i have to take care of them. sometimes i can feed them, sometimes they go hungry. >> reporter: this area still has a strong taliban presence. the war since then has changed little here. including the biting poverty which drove villagers out to scavenge fuel in the first place. a collection of stolen mask will turn home. an anonymous bidder paid more than a half of million dollars for these masks. the tribes said they were stolen early last century. but a us charitable foundation was behind the bid, and the buyer will give the masks back to the tribes. the italian prime minister has cleared the first step in
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confirming his parliamentary majority by winning a vote of confidence in the lower house of the italian parliament. they -- the prime minister now faces another confidence vote in the parliament. the first ever g-8 summit on dementia is being held. the number of sufferers is expected to triple by 2050. world health organization director says the disease is no longer just a problem for developed nations. >> dementia is a global public health priority. it applies to high income countries, middle and low-income countries. as we are speaking, about 58% of people, you know, with dementia live in middle and low-income countries, so it's very clear,
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and this figure will rise to about 70% in 2050. so it is important that the world countries come together to find global solutions and through intensified coordination. it's estimated treatment costs more than $600 billion worldwide. here in the uk the cost of treatment is a major problem at a time of spending cuts in national health services. >> it just takes over your life. it -- it is a 24-hour, 7-days a week, 365 days a year condition that you have to deal with as a carer. you cannot turn your back. [ sobbing ] >> reporter: it's visiting time at this special home for people with dementia.
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melvin is here to see his wife. they have been married 57 years. >> you live day by day. it destroyed your normal part of life and it takes over. apart from [ inaudible ] there are not a lot of things in the world that i love, but i love her to bits. i'll do anything for her. >> dementia requires long-term health and social care. ivan's paying privately for her support. the illness costs the uk's national health service an estimated $38 billion a year. that's more than cancer, strokes and heart disease combined. but as austerity measures take hold not enough help is reaching those most in need. dementia can strike at any age, but now that life spans with growing around the world, it is also putting a strain on
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developing countries that don't have an equally advanced medical system. >> the increasing number of people globally are going to be a problem for everybody around the world, so we need to share the research so we can enable people to live well with dementia now, but develop treatments for the future. >> reporter: the ukgovernment is promising hundreds of millions of dollars to tackle the problem. it is hoped that the combined efforts of the world's wealthiest nations will ease the suffering of millions. those are the news from europe, now back to doha. barbara ahead in sports, wrestling with religion and modern values. pakistan's women make their debut at the world cup. details with jo coming up. ♪ tñ
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it's a tradition dating back more than 40 years, when time magazine names its person of the year. past winners have included everyone from world leaders to cultural icons, and this year's nominees were no different. the two-time winner barack obama made the short list as did the syrian president. time says the honor goes to whoever made the most impact for better or worst in the last months. you have miley cyrus, and edward
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snowden. and the new iran president. but despite all of their accomplishments, this year's honor went to pope francis. it's not just time who was impressed by pope francis. this year the pontiff won more fans on facebook than any other celebri celebrity or even any other topic. >> reporter: facebook, a modern day diary for more than 1 billion people on the planet, to share news, during good times and bad. ♪ >> reporter: births and babies are a common feature on the site, and in 2013, one in particular. the arrival of the uk's future monarch was the third-most talked about topic on facebook. but posts on the royal baby were still a far cry from that of the
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biggest conversation driver, pope francis. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: the new leader of the roman catholic church is described as a pope of firsts. the first pope from the americas. the southern hemisphere and the jesuit order, we can very well add another to that list as the first to make waves on social media. the top ten list reveals a compelling snapshot of trends this year. after the pope, election was second most popular, covering the ballots in pakistan kenya and malaysia to name a few. nati national disasters were a hot topic. and the bombing at the boston marathon, the tour de france as well as the passing of one of humanity's giants, nelson mandela. with memorial events unfolding in south africa, millions of
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people continued to go online to pay tribute. >> no way! >> reporter: from humor to hope and heart ache, facebook has picked up on the emotions of the world, become an ever-growing record of life today. all right. now it's time for sports. here is jo. >> thank you very much. it may have come 17 hours late, but they have booked their place in the last 16 of the uefa champion's league. the teams picked up where they left off 32ing minutes in, with more snow falling in istanbul. wesley snyder denied the goal in the 85th minute. he scored. that put them into the knockout stage. well, there's three-way race
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to progress from group f. napoli hosts arsenal in italy. from that al jazeera sports carey brown reports. >> reporter: welcome to the stadium that has one of the most intimidati intimidating area in football. they may make the atmosphere uncomfortable tonight, but arsenal is in the more comfortable position. napoli have to get a win here and then hope results go their way in the next match. marseay need to do well, they haven't gotten a point yet in this group stage. so it's out of napoli's hands even if they get a win here
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tonight. [ inaudible ] take on acmilan in in group h. milan sits second behind already qualified barcelona [ inaudible ] were able to find a 2-0 win in november to keep group h exciting. chelsea are looking to top group e. vienna are looking to finish second in group g. 18-time grand slam tennis champion martina said she is disappointed with the ioc with the way they have responded to russia's gay propaganda law. >> i think we can say that sports and politics are inextricably combined.
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they go hand in hand. and that's where my disappointment with the ioc when they said sports and politics don't mix. which is completely contrary to everything that has been happened. so that is where my disappointment is for the ioc really putting their head in the sand and not wanting to make waves. myanmar is hosting its first major sporting event for many years. it was a no-expense spared ceremony held in a brand new stadium with experts from the beijing olympics helps to put on the show. 11 countries are taking part in the 11-day event. athletes will compete over 32 sports. some more familiar to an international audience like swimming athletics and football,
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owe more traditional to the region. the games are unique in that there are no official limits to the number of sports contested, and the range is decided by the host, so in the past sports like [ inaudible ] swimming and paragliding have also made an appearance. this year they have introduced a burmese sport, it's a combination of sport and dance. and they are pinning their hopes on their [ inaudible ] teams. florence louie reports. >> reporter: this is the team warming up for a practice session. speed, agility, and a bit of ruthlessness is what you need to play this game well. players can use any part of their body except their hands and arms. the objective is a bit like volleyball, to keep the ball
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aloft before smashing it across the net. >> translator: i like the fact that you have to keep the ball in the air, it's exciting, especially in that split second when the ball is just above the net. >> reporter: the national team last won gold in the asian games two years ago. it means kick and basket or ball. the two nations have traditionally dominated the sport, malaysia and thailand came up with the name as a compromise. >> reporter: it is a popular sport played in villages across the country. any small patch of ground can be turned into a net. players play barefoot. >> translator: i'm excited about the games because one of the events is [ inaudible ]. and we have a saying here,
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myanmar will dominate. >> reporter: the emphasis is on grace and skill. the last time myanmar hosted the games was in 1969. it missed out on other opportunities when the military ran the country. the return of the games after 44 years is a huge source of pride for the athletes, and they are hoping a bit of home advantage will help them win a few more medals. pakistan has sent its first women's team to india for the world cup in tough competition involving tag-team wrestling. in a country where religion is sometimes at odds with modern values, team members say they found a lot of support.
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>> reporter: here in india's state it is not uncommon to see female athletes getting ready for a game. but it is for this team from pakistan. it's the first time the country has sent a women's team to this international tournament. players say that is because before, it was believed to be too tough for women. >> translator: before it was only thought of as a man's sport. now ideas are changing that women can do the same things as men. and there is a lot of support to prove women can play the same sports as men. [ cheers ] >> reporter: not only play, but also gain the respect of some indian fans. >> translator: they are playing well. seeing them play makes me think i should send my daughter for training. >> reporter: that kind of inspiration is spreading. the team's coach says the players, however well they do,
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have already achieved their biggest goal of representing their country, and raising an interest in the sport for other pakistani women. >> translator: those who want to go into sports, their increase is to play for the country. and they are going to have their chance. it's become a famous sport. >> reporter: while the team comes from lahoer, they are playing a match on india's side. >> translator: the land is playing. it's good for the two countries. it will help unite your countries. >> reporter: whatever the outcome, members of the pakistani team hope to improve their game enough to play in future matches. the hope is their efforts will help make pakistani women's sports a regular international event.
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new zealand's cricketers are in a rough test. the hosts went 307-6. the first of the tests ended in a draw. [ inaudible ] became the first defenseman to hit centuries in three titles. south africa made 301-8 in their 50 overs. india will have to wait to make their rely as the match has been delayed by rain. there is more on our website, check out, and there's also details on how to get in touch with our team using twitter and facebook. >> jo, thanks very much. do stay with us right here on al jazeera for our viewers over in the united states it's back to your regular programming on al jazeera america. for the rest of the viewers,
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i'll be back in just a with more news. ♪ to happen to american journalism in decades. >> we believe in digging deep. >> its unbiased, fact-based, in-depth journalism. >> you give them the facts, dispense with the fluff and get straight to the point. >> i'm on the ground every day finding stories that matter to you. >> in new orleans... >> seattle bureau... >> washington... >> detroit... >> chicago... >> nashville... >> los angeles... >> san francisco... >> al jazeera america, take a new look at news. most of the students are black or latino, some with an undocumented parent. none were born with a silver spoon in their house. 98% qualify for free or reduced price launches.
10:59 am
>> the majority of them face a challenge. it may not be their skin colour. it may be socioeconomic status. it may be being homeless. >> the children are quick to connect nelson mandela. >> i heard that he was, r martin luther king in another state. ms klieforth says her students are bringing their personal experiences to the classroom. >> the kids tell stories. i walked into a store and felt like people treated me differently. it. >> it's cool. what he did - he didn't came, if
11:00 am
welcome to al jazeera america. i'm del walters. these are the stories we are following for you. once thought to be impossible, republicans, and democrats getting something done on capitol hill. a vote on the budget agreement could come tomorrow. thousands of people lining up to pay their last respects to nelson mandela as his body lies in state. and new york moving closer to legalizing marijuana as one country down south has already done just that. ♪ the do nothing congress has finally gotten something


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