tv News Al Jazeera December 12, 2013 5:00am-6:01am EST
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stadium, the focus of celebrations marking half a century of independence. >> and not waiting for aid. fishermen in the philippines use wreckage from typhoon haiyan to build a new life. a top story - bangladesh's supreme court rejected an opposition leader's appeal against a death sentence. abdul quader mollah was due to be executed tuesday. he was given a reprieve hours before he was put to death. this is how the prosecutor made the announcement. >> the defense counsel for the accused abdul quader mollah has filed for the review position under article 105, and that has been dismissed by the honourable
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appellate court of bangladesh supreme court. now the execution can be proceeded. >> let's find out who he is. abdul quader mollah is the assistant secretary general. the government accuses him of being behind a series of killings in 1971. in 2010 the president set up trials for the war criminals. abdul quader mollah could be the first person executed as a result of that process. abdul quader mollah and his followers dismissed the trial saying it is politically motivated. abdul quader mollah's party is an ally of the nationalist party, led by his bitter rival. tell us, what has been the
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reaction that this development tanvir chowdhury? >> the streets are tense because of the last three weeks of violence and clashes - more to do with the free election violence. this situation is more a catalyst. we know that since february onwards the war time-trial has been a trigger mechanism from violence, particularly from theith theith theithe islamic party. they are celebrating together. he will be hanged. having said that, there's a lot of controversy. people will tell you there's a lot of controversy, witnesses disappearing. that puts a question into people's minds as to whether due process took place and whether
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people got the justice. people don't have a problem if some are found guilty and hang. the fact remains whether due process took place. on top of that we are in a serious political crisis in the country between the main opposition and the ruling party. there's no negotiation, there's a lot of diplomatic moves. john kerry, secretary of state called the prime minister. banky moon called the prime minister. they said they'd stand by the constitution. they'll two for the election, which the opposition don't want. they want the prime minister to step down and have an interim government in place for the election. everything is marked. violence is going on across the country. >> as you say, violence is going on in the country. we are hearing reports that there has been clashes in chitta gong as you mentioned, outside of dhaka.
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as the country moves forward, as an execution date been set as yet? >> with the, the attorney-general made a statement after the review position was rejected by the supreme court. all the formalities are done. there's nothing to stop executing him in the midnight - usually around it 12 or one local time. so looks like if there is no other burial. a good chance that he might be put to that tonight. it's a dramatic development considering what happened the day before. >> thank you very much for updating us on the situation. tanvir chowdhury reporting from dakar. >> prejudice and african union troops are stepping up patrols in central african republic capital bangui. hundreds have been killed, as christians and muslims attack
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each other. there's fears it could descend to a full-scale civil war. we have this report from bangui. >> there are so many wounded people, there's no more room in the hospital. the tends are now wards. benjamin moved his wife and 10 children to the airport. he was shot as he tried to leave. >> translation: i'd been there for three days. we had not eaten, and the kids neither. i went to the market to try to get food. that's when seleka came to the market and started shooting. >> for now seleka fighters seem to be off the streets. in muslim areas of town it is mainly african union soldiers keeping watch. there's anger as more bodies are brought to the mosque. people here accuse the french of
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killing at least three people. >> translation: it's not up to us muslims to bring paes, it's the duty of the christian brothers. everyone is suffering. >> french soldiers are here to stop the killing. france risks being drawn into a complex, dangerous war. >> after the deaths of two french soldiers, the forces here are cautious. the challenge for the french is to convince people who are christian and muslim communities, that they are on their sides. >> this is a former french colony. since independence there has been some french soldiers in the country and accusations of political manipulation. there's mistrust about france's intentions here. >> translation: there are muslim and christian neighbourhoods.
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the muslim population is less happy than christians, in the sense that seleka used to protect the muslims. >> protection means everything to people here. they want to walk their own streets without the here of being shot. with no credible army or police force international peacekeepers must fill the gap. that will not be an easy task. >> you are watching the al jazeera newshour. still ahead. just a week after getting marredied in australia these gay couples will have their unions annul. >> left out in the cold. >> and three teams in the group of death battle for qualifications to the knockout stage.
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champion's league. jo will tell you who made it through a little later. kenyans are celebrating 50 years of independence. thousands are gathered in the stadium in nairobi, kenya is a stable country with a thriving economy. corruption, crime and the threat of forces could threaten that stability. >> let's go now to katherine soy who joins us from the kib earia slum, one of the largest slums in kenya. what has been the celebration there like? >> people have been - some people have been watching the proceedings from various places from social homes.
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a majority of people do not have the luxury to breathe and reflect. it's business as usual. many people are saying if they take this day, they still need to put food on the table, so it's not a luxury they can take. the issues here affect these people personally. there's a lot of talk about poverty, a lot of poverty across the country. the cap between the rich and poor is widening: i might add that things will get better. >> as the people in the slums try to market the celebration, the 50th anniversary comes at a time when there's a national strike. is there a resolution or sign of
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a resolution to that strike? >> no, there's no resolution. the union officials of the public health service are saying that they'll keep - they have defied a court order stopping the strike until the demands are met, and that is that they do not want the government to decentralize the services to the government and payroll. the county governments do not have money or the capacity to manage an important sector. i've gone going around public hospitals in nairobi and the situation is dire. we went to two hospitals. one is the largest maternity hospital. the gates were closed. they were planning people back. i went into the wards. there was virtually nobody else.
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it's a hospital that pays particularly for hiv and tv patients. they were turning people away. people are really worried about the consequences if this issue is not resolved as quickly as possible. >> doesn't seem to be much to celebrate on the 50th anniversary of independence. >> that report from nairobi. let's go to peter greste who joins us from the stadium. good to have you on the show. give us an idea of what the mood is like at the stadium. well, i think as you can hear, it's a party here. it's not quite as you forric as you may have expected. katherine probably put a figure on issues that are underlying
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the celebrations. this is a party. a celebration of half a century of independence. people who recognised that the country came a long way. they is a stable democracy even though there are problems about employment and so on. i think everyone is very aware of the issues. we've had a very wet start to the day. it's cleared up. it has put up a dampener on emotions. this is a celebration, recognition of the progress and the distance than any kind of looking alt the part of the crisis that this problem has to face. we are expecting the president to speak within the next few hours or so and address the crowds there. he is, of course, to remind the
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audience. the son of the country's founding father. is he the man to bring kenya, the vision, to kenya. >> i think there's mves on that kind of fortunate historic loop, if you like. with his father raising the flag. repeating that act late yesterday. it's a recognition of that. a lot of people are saying that uhuru kenyatta is no jomo, not a leader that his father was. he's been thrust into the position because he's a member of political dynasty. he's also, of course, the man wanted in his own trial.
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he's wanted for crimes against humanity, the violence of 2007/2008. that has also cast an hall over the nation. there's difficult history. if uhuru kenyatta can put it aside, if he can overcome the charges and face the court and be acquitted, he can bring together a country that is widely divided between the communities, the political parties, he could be the man for the moment. the challenges are truly enormous. >> thank you for that peter greste, reporting for us from a noisy and happy stadium in nairobi. you can learn more about kenya's independence on the website dedicated to the country's
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struggle for freedom at >> south africans are paying respects to nelson mandela for a second day. the former president's body has been returned to the union building in pretoria. people can see him one last time. he'll be buried on sunday. mike hannah has more from pretoria. >> the crowds have been gathering since early in the morning. you can see the queues behind me, snaking around inside the grounds, moving to the buses. there are tens of thousands of people here. it's not just inside here. look at this. the cue is stretching outside the gate, moving for well over a kilometre down the road. people waiting patiently to get on the buses to see nelson mandela's body. in 1994 there were scenes like this when south africans went to the polls, went along and cast a
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vote, putting nelson mandela and his government in power. here we have people waiting in the line. this is like 1994, isn't it. people voting for nelson mandela. now they'll go and see him. >> definitely as south african we feel very blessed to feel part of this group celebrating the death of nelson mandela. he has been a great man to the country and to the world. we believe for us to be part of the procession, it's something that will come in handy. >> we are looking as well. here you are, almost behind bars like nelson mandela was. >> the one thing he gave us was freedom to choose and come here and give us a future. the least we could do is come and pay our respects. >> some of the tens of thousands of people waiting here
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patientsly waiting to get on to the buses. last time in this country there were queues like this was in the elections 19 years ago. it is fitting, perhaps, that the queues form once again to pay the final respects to the man who gave all here the vote. >> the high court in australia revoked a law allowing gay couples to marry in the capital territory. the legislation came into effect over the weekend. some activists say the ruling could be viewed as a legal step forward. >> legally married last week, now told it's not valid. australia's high court struck down the landmark flaw that allowed the country's first gay weddings to take place. >> this is personally devastating. in less than a week we have been married and unmarried.
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at least on a legal level. >> to cherish into love. >> more than two dozen gay couples tubing their vows since saturday when the legislation name in effect. the decision provide for the possibility of gay marriage in the future. >> there was some confusion before today as to whether the national parliament had the power to make laws for same-sex marriage. that's been clarified. the high court said yes, the national parliament can. so, in fact, it's a matter now of waiting for the moment where the national parliament is controlled by a party that has the political will to implement same-sex marriage, and then i think we will see it in australia. same-sex marriage is legal in 15 countries in the states and mexico. the methamphetamine let the
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pack. 10 others slowly followed suit. it was this year that gay rights saw a boost. four countries, brazil, france, uruguay and new zealand legalized same-sex marriage and someone from the u.s. states. that debate is growing louder. activists say they'll take the vote to parliament, pressing for marriage equality on a national level. >> we saw ivan there in that report. let's speak to him from the australian capital canberra. thank you ivan for making it on the show. as you say this, is devastating for you and your partner. just before we go into the league ate, why is it important for you and your partner to be married. why not have common law
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partnerships? >> i grew up in a very successful marriage. my folks were exemplary examples of a married couple surrounded by aunts and uncles, grandparents and couples. i valued the significance of that relationship. when i came through my teeps and i became aware of my sexualitiy, it didn't mean i had a disconnect from that tradition. when i got into my 20s i started to look for a life-long partner. despite being gay i wanted to celebrate the moment and commitment like my parents had. >> there's hope in the future that it's a legal issue. how hopeful are you that this will pass through parliament. >> i'm hopeful on two levels. obviously we had legal clarity which is fantastic. it's an historic moment.
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a bitter pill for us to take. up until this afternoon we were married, but we have legal clarification as to where the path is. what is wonderful is this opportunity provided us a galvanising of australian peep, the amount of support we received in the last week, whether it be individuals, businesses, organizations coming together as a community, supportive of the new reform and excited about what it meant for australia. i can see from the enthusiasm it will be a matter of time for us to join our neighbour and allies. >> the question though, why has it taken so long. australia is known globally as a liberal and toll rants society. the biggest gay mardi gras is held annually in sydney.
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why has it taken so long for the issue of gay marriage to be addressed now. >> i think it's a leadership issue we had. i think there was a political misjudgment where other nations are moving forward. i don't think australia felt the pulse properly. there has been a lack of political will. we have seen that change recently in the labour party. the former leading party. we have strong support within the liberal party, which is a conservative ruling party, but we don't have it within leadership of the party. we have hope that in new zealand and u.k. they receive a marriage equality. they are working hard to make that a success story in australia. >> we wish you and your partner
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the best. ivan hinton speaking to us. vladimir putin says he did not pressure ukraine into signing a trade deal. he has finished delivering his state of the union address. he outlined the position. >> translation: with all the event in kiev i hope the political powers in the country. in the interests of the ukrainian people will agree all the problems. you couldn't express to join in a different agreement. we do not pressure them. >> anna is a russian analyst and is at kings college london. before we get into the issue of ukraine, i want to talk about what vladimir putin said about the u.s. he didn't specifically mentioned
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washington but there was criticism of the u.s. putin says moscow is not trying to be a superpower or influence its powers given its own regional influence or the pour it has. putin did not mention u.s. or you and i will say that his point was wider than the u.s. it was a general director for the west. vef losing the youth given the recent crisis of the u.k. we doan want to tell others how to live. they should live are according to their values, and enforcing our values on them. we want to be in a leadership role. we have played a successful role
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and a useful role in rain. that is something on the internation international agenda. putin had another thinly veiled reference to the u.s. when he talked about the strategic defense initiative. the message was if you would like to have a - we are ready for that. that would put a burden on everybody. >> he said he wanted a political collusion to the situation facing his ally viktor yanukovych in the ukraine. is there a likelihood that he'll step in? >> i don't think so because that's not something which vladimir putin wants to be seen as doing.
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russia has various incentives and conditions which can be offered to the you cab. i think rush re would be careful to avoid buying seen as interfering. vladimir putin mentioned ukraine and his address, really only in deference. that was no strategic orientation. what he wanted to say clearly that we have our club, based on our values. this is the best thing for identity and we want a lardship role in it this distinguishes us making a situation. >> russian analyst taking to us from london. >> let's check on the weather with everton. how is the snow weather looking across eastern parts of europe?
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>> there's plenty of snow. over the next couple of days we won't see as much coming out of the sky. temperatures will remain low. big area of high pressure across central parts of europe. we'll drag a cold northerly to the black sea and turkey where we see snow. winds coming in from the west. 2 degrees celsius. plenty of mild weather if you have double figures there. with the high, easing to the east. it will squeeze the showers out of the way. drier weather pushing in. >> we have snow. it will sit there. we saw pictures of the conditions in the refugee camps or the refugees down around the becker valley. we can see how much snow has been around.
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further south it's the rain. tel aviv. rain and strong winds. the wet and windy weather will stay in place. friday looking wet. 1 celsius for jerusalem. try weather pushing through on saturday. >> more to come on the al jazeera including... . >> i'm dominic kane on a cotton plan nation in the nile delta. they used to call this white cold but it's facing a through. >> jo with all the details from the f.i.f.a. world cup coming up in sport.
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hello, you are watching the al jazeera newshour. a reminder of the top stories. fremping and african union troops are setting up patrols in bangui. hundreds have been killed as christian and muslim militias attack each other. kennians of gathering in nairobi. >> an opposition leaders appeal rejected. abdul quader mollah was due to be executed tuesday, but what was given a reprieve. there were celebrations in the courtroom in dhaka after the
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appeal was rejected. the decision triggered protests in the other parts of the country. this is the scene where running battles are occurring. >> david joins us from the dakar newspaper. firstly, is it this sentence a punish the for the alleged crimes committed during the 1971 war or is there a means of getting rid of an influential opponent. >> well, clearly the defense argue it's a political trial taking place and he's being punished for the fact that he's a leader of the opposition. i don't think it's correct or fair. one has to acknowledge that in 1971 there were crimes committed by the jima and they have
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something to answer. the lack of due process is apparent. all the international criminal rights organizations have been part of it. the original case was the death of a girl, a soul witness. her family was massacred. she said abdul quader mollah was present at the scene. she gave two statements. in one statement she never claimed that abdul quader mollah was present. and in another statement she said she was not present. >> now, david, kadur is an
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influential man. many people have turned out on the streets. can the government risk executing abdul quader mollah, and throw the country into chaos? >> well, the big question is what will be the impact in muller is executed. we have been in a state of low-level intervention. we had roads blocked. railway tracks being removed, trains coming off the tracks. but the country has almost been at a holt outside dhaka. there has been, for a number of weeks a situation where there has been widescale violence. clearly we put into the picture the execution of abdul quader mollah. i don't think anyone is being alarmist when one says that, where they say it could take the
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situation to a serious level. no one knows what the situation will be or how it will be able to protect citizens for attacks that may take place. it's clear that the execution of one man will result in the they haves of others. many beam who may belief that abdul quader mollah deserves punishments that that at the moment one should not be concerned about execute moll. one needs to deal with the conflict. at a time when the turmoil comes to an end, that may be the best time to think about the sentence it wants to impose on women. thank you very much for being with us. that's david, an investigative
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journalist for the "new age dack area paper." >> the united states and britain suspended aid to northern syria. they are worried it will fall. assistance will continue. radios and body armour will be stopped. >> snow storms hit the refugee examples. thousands are huddled in tents, with no heating. >> it's the third winter some syrian refugees spend in makeshift shelters and the harshest. storm alexa hit lebanon, raging near the border with syria. this is why the majority settled in makeshift tented communities. here they built flimsy accommodation because they can't afford to pay rent. >> look how bad it is here.
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the childrenar suffering. there are those who are cold and those who are dying fro the cold. >> the storm is expected to last through the backhand. the misery of the syrians is felt by 280 tented communities. those who have not registered with the agency have yet to receive much-needed aid. >> we arrived yesterday. we need to register as refugees. the office is so far away from here. we called. no one answered. maybe it's because of the weather conditions. >> the u.n. refugee agency has been working with the lebanese army to provide blankets and sheeting. delivering aid to a large community is a challenge. a better solution is needed. >> what we did worked with the government of lebanon and
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ministry of social affairs, identifying pieces of land. where we could build up to standard tests hosting refugees that would be more weather proof. >> the lebanese government refused to set up official refugee camps. lebanese people feel it would cause them to stay like m palestine refugees stayed. a syrian community is seen as a threat to the balance in lebanon. >> the chief of egypt's army has been recorded whilst talking about dreams he's had to rule the country. abdul fatah al-sisi led the overthrow of former president mohamed morsi. he maintained that he was not interested in ruling the country. >> translation: i had a dream where i was told i would be given what no one else was
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given. i was told that mohamed morsi knew he would be the egyptian president and i replied, "i also know i will become president of egypt". >> former thai prime minister and opposition leader appeared in court of the he and his deputy are accused of ordering multiple deaths when ordering a military crackdown on protesters in 2010. they are leading opposition protests against yingluck shinawatra. they removed barbed wire. the opposition leader called on security to support his movements. the thai armed forces said they will not meet him. >> civilians released at the hearing shows how violent...
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>> we'll try to get that report from harry fawcett later. new footage has been released of an asian boeing 747. three died and more than 180 were injured. a hearing into the crash revealed that the pilot was nervous about landing the plane manually. >> stark where are reports. >> surveillance video released made others realise they were coming in too low and slow. it hit the run which, hit a seawall and snapped off the tail. we have an issue in aviation that needs to be dealt with with respect to automation and performance when it comes to
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interaction. in the asiana crash, the captain disconnected the autopilot and it disabled the automatic speed control. the crew failed to notice that the speed was dropping. the plaps are becoming so automated. they are removing human judgment from flight. pilots really are becoming somewhat complacent. >> it's been a challenge with other airlines. an flight crashed in buffalo, both on confusion about automation and the pilot's failure to handle controls. >> just last month the faa issued a report finding that pilots are reliant on the
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automated systems. they are losing their skills to take over and fly the planes in an emergency. >> the report said pilots should be given the chance to practice basic flying skills in the plane and training. >> working on manual flying skills is a good thing. we should continue to make opportunities to refresh the muscle memory. >> also cit cal, automation design. there were concerns about it not kicking on in certain settings. the pilot told investigators he thought the system to maintain airspeed was working. boeing defended its design and pointed out it's the pilot in control. as we apply automation as a tool not replace the pilot. >> it will be months before the
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ntsb will finish its investigation. there'll likely be a host of recommendations. >> security forces have been sent to some cities in argentina after several nights of looting. gangs have been ransacking shops and attacking people since police went on strike. 10 have been killed. police officers abandoned their posts to demand more ta. stereo a court in south korea ruled that apples iphone and ipad has not and could be delivered by other firms. samsung last year accusing of it illegally using it's applications. >> coast the villages were destroyed when typhoon haiyan struck last month.
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some have found unique ways to adapt. >> helicopter that once brought aid fade into the distance. like other fishing communities washed away, people have to cope on their own. they have lost family members, homes and livelihoods and are left with a task of rebuilding. a short distance away aid is still being stockpiled. these people are not forgotten. they admit that the problem is how to get aid to reach those who need it the most. >> while the philippine government continued to map out a plan on how to spend the multi million international aid that pores in, villages can't
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afford to sit and wait. they found a solution to solve the problem themselves. >> romio has been self-reliant. he lost his boat and couldn't wait for someone to help him. >> i couldn't sit around and wait. nobody knew when aid had come. i figured it out on my own. >> from the debris he found a way to feed his family. >> like that the idea came to me. i had my fishing net left. i needed something to sail out to see. >> a makeshift boat made from a refridge rater. it may be basic, but three days afterward the ty footpath he was fishing. >> an ingenious idea. they built their own. >> they know it's a temporary
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fix, until they have materials to build proper ones. the village may have lost everything, but they are not hungry. >> it's a resilience. to get on the feet, they know they only have themselves to rely on. >> it was once called egypt's white gold and has been cultivated there for thousands of years. international competition and lack of investment led to a steep decline. some factories are being forced to close. >> sar een has been at work since sunrise. picking the cotton all day earns her less than $5. as she explains, this is all she knows. >> translation: i have been doing this since i was a child. we spell all di under the sun picking cotton.
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>> it was the cash crop in the nile delta and elsewhere. now the area of land devoted to it is less than a quarter of what it was 20 years ago. >> the product in this field represents around $1,000 in value. the farmer will only get half of that. cultivating the cotton requires good irrigation, fertilisers and pesticides to keep the soil healthy. in a good year they can be recouped. not this year. as we explain, the harvest is poor. >> it's bad this year. the thieves were not strong. they do not have enough fertilisers. after all the costs, they only break even. vils of cotton gather around egypt.
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here, too, declining demand had its effect. tens of thousands of textile workers lost their jobs as factories shut down. >> in one 3-month period cotton exports fell by 40%. retail stores like this in cairo attract few customers. this man stocks egyptian cotton. command for the product is down. >> all the prices go up, and it affects the selling. if i compare between this year and the year before, the year before is better. >> the best egyptian cotton is prize the around the world for its quality. with cheep imports, plummeting demand and ongoing economic instability some fear egyptian cotton may become a thing of the
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time for sport with jo. >> the final 16 teams have booked their places in the knockout stage of the champion's league. english club arsenal scraped through, despite losing to nappoly. they needed a 3-0 victory. napoli hit the lead. their lead doubled in injury time. final score 2-0. europa league possible for rafa bell benitez's men. >> translation: i don't know if this is my bitter victory. it's a bit sad. i'm proud of my team. i think the feeling with the players and the fans was perfect. i think i should stay positive for that, especially for the future. >> dortmund joins them thanks to a win over marr say.
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marr say lefled the score. dortmund's 2-1 victory confirmed top spot. >> ac milan are through from group h. playing most of the game with ajax and kept the dutch opposition at bay. it was too easy for barcelona. they dismantled celtic in a 6-1 thrashing. chelsea won group e. senate, looking to finish second were humbled in vienna. >> argentine job lelu is won their first international trophy. the score 1-1. lambos made a better start.
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scoring in the 25th minute. blanco finished off the scoring 2-0. they have the chance to add silver ware on the weekend. >> moroccan team roger casablanca opened the world cup, up against auckland city. they won 2-1. the winner tapped home in the second mont. they'll play monter ray in a quarterfinal match. >> quinten de-cox was the fifth batsman to hit three centuries in three one dayers. they were in brilliance form against the proteas. scoring 101. de villiers smashed is tonne,
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making 101. rain washed out india's winnings, and the match was called off. >> mean more is hosting its first major sporting event. it's a huge source of pride for the people there. >> after 44 years, the south-east aeroplane games are back in myanmar. the host is putting on a 4-hour extravaganza, designed to impress its visitors. 11 nations with 5,000 athletes came together to compete in more than 30 events. myanmar hosted at the games in 1960. they were not given other opportunities. since 2010 a civilian government
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has been in charge. they started the game, it's not without controversy. myanmar was accused of the event. to the people here, such criticisms matter little. the gales are a huge source of pride. it's a symbol of the changes that happened in our country. >> translation: i'm proud of our country and people. we can host this event. >> many of the event will be held and a purpose-built stadium complex in the cap tam. a local newspaper reported that the government spent $340 million on this offence. >> they have aime bishes sites to host the asian games. for the government it's a chance to prove that they are committed to democratic and political
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reforms. >> the host country doing well so far. 18 geedals, 36 in total. they are ahead of the title. third place thailand on 20. >> the freezing environment of the antarctic is less than sensible a location to run a marathon. a few dozen runners did that. as part of his documentary andy found his way at the starting line of the southern-most marathon. >> after months ever training and imagining what the race would be like reality is well and truly biting.
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>> the training effect of the underfoot snow and ice is immediate. the strength is being pulled out of mif body with every stride. one stepis firm. the next step you could full down a cef as. goggles down, you can't see where you are going, goggles up your eyes free. i'm wondering whether a training run in the desert was ideal preparation. >> and you can find out if andy finished the antarctic ice marathon. and we'll run it in al jazeera's copt series. see it later this thursday. that's all the sport for now. >> that looks like an amazing story. i want to know why he can. stay with us, we have more news
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>> the house could vote on a bipartisan deal as early as today. the speaker of the house, boep is facing opposition to the plan. lights out in thailand. anti-government protesters cut off power to the prime minister's compound. now they are threatening to force their way in if the police don't leave. when i went into a house and saw the number i thought, "we have to do something." >> local entrepreneurs finding a unique opportunity in abandoned homes in detroit. >> i don't have the ability. >> the real face
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