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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 14, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EST

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hello, welcome to jal jazeea ameri america. i'm jonathan betz in new york. >> the shooter came with a gun and had multiple rounds. >> revenge may have been the motive behind a colorado shooting. [ bells toll ] >> the nation remembers the victims of the sandy hook elementary school shooting one year ago today. >> and tears for the return of a hero. the body of nelson mandela arrives in the village where he grew up. >> facing violence and not enough food - we report from the
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central african republic on the growing humanitarian crisis. >> tonight we have a better idea why a teenager opened fire at his colorado high school. the sheriff said karl pierson meant to kill as many as he could. paul beban has the latest outside centennial. >> another press conference from the sheriff. he said it will be the last. giving a tremendous amount of new detail and insight into what happened in the events leading up to the shooting, and how things will proceed going forward. a few of the highlights. the shooter purchased the shotgun, a pump shotgun legally a week ago at a retail outlet.
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it's legal for 18-year-olds to buy shotguns and he purchased the ammunition, yesterday morning, the day of the shooting. he was wearing a bandolier, with shotgun shells, and a back pack, with three molotov cocktails, one of which he detonated. he came in through a door, close to the library, where he believed the target may be, the librarian, the debate coach. he encountered clair ester davis, a young woman at the wrong place at the wrong time. she was shot at point blank range, the shot to the head. hearing the sheriff's approach he took his own life with a shot to the head.
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a tremendous amount of detail and i want to get to one thing he mentioned. he read a statement from the family of clair davis, a woman in critical condition today. >> our beautiful daughter clair davis has severe head trauma as the result of a gunshot. she needs your continued prayers. we would like to thank our family, friends, the community and the equestrian community for their outpouring of love and support as well as the school for their continued support of the students and teachers. we would also like to express our gratitude to the first responders and the trauma team at littleton adventist hospital for saving our daughter's life, and quickly getting her into surgery. clair is still in critical condition, and your prayers are
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appreciated. >> there, again, sheriff grayson roberts reading a statement from the family, clair esther davis, a young woman who appears to be a victim of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, shot with a gun at the wrong place at the wrong time by karl pierson. the sheriff emphasised that it looked like karl pierson was prepared to do more damage as he tried to settle a score with the teacher. a lot of questions answered, but many more remain. >> across the country today americans remember victims of another school shooting in newtown connecticut. [ bells toll ] >> church bells tolled across the state. it's been a year since a 20-year-old gunman killed 26 people, mostly first graders at sandy hook elementary. newtown ask for privacy.
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no memorials were held there. president obama and first lady lit candles, one for each of the 20 children and six staff members. silence was held. >> one year ago today a town was shattered by violence. six dedicated school workers and 20 beautiful children were taken from our lives forever. as parents, as americans, the news filled us with grief. newtown is a town like so many of our home towns. the victims were educators or kids that could have been any of our own. our hearts from broken for the families that lost a piece of their heart. >> the shooting sparked conversation on gun control. we went to chicago, where officials say the murder rate dropped, crediting a crackdown on illegal guns.
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as diane eastabrook reports, that may be true, but police say gun crime is a problem. >> guns are blamed on murders in the city. guns like these 6500 illegal weapon seized this year. >> less people murdered and shot. >> police superintendent garry mccarthy showed them off as evidence his department is making the city safer. >> we are making progress in reducing crime and violence in schick. >> that's 6500 from what city, what area. it wasn't this side of town. >> mantrise and cary atwater question garry mccarthy's claims that the city is getting safer. two months ago their 19-year-old son was gunned down on the porch of his home. the atwaters say cory junior was not in a gang and may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. now they worry about their two younger children saying guns are
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everywhere in the neighbourhood. >> there are gang members who give the gun to a 13-year-old and say, "go across the street and shoot him, he owes me money", unregistered illegal weapons are the problem, that slip from one gang member to another. he's trying to combat it by putting beat cops in high-crime neighbour hoods and working with community groups. he wants tougher penalties for people carrying illegal weapons. the best policing in the world without laws providing real punishment for the criminals who carry them, we will continue to face an uphill battle. >> still, mantrise atwater wonders whether tougher gun laws makes a difference. >> when you care for life you're not as easy to take it.
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these people do not care about life. >> not far from the atwaters house is a memorial with bricks bearing the name of some of the kids murdered. to the at-waters it's a reminder of violence that cost them and other families so much. >> let's bring in john donohue, a law professor at stamford university, focussing on constitutional issues, including the second amendment. he analysed america's gun laws after sandy hook. so you have studied this issue, analysed the data. the bottom line, do you think gun control laws would havendy there, what i think is more
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needed is access by gun owners to be more responsible. >> why so much talk then about restricting gun access, cracking down on the high-powered rifles. why do you think that is what a lot of, you know, gun control advocates grab on to after a shooting like this? >> yes, there tends to be a disconnect between the tragedies that will stimulate proposals for change and the actions that could have prevented those sorts of tragedies. i think, overall, you do see from sandy hook that there is a benefit to the federal law that tries to keep guns away from those with severe mental illness, but that can system wo
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not have had access to guns. >> so what is the solution here. how do that way than most other industrialized nation, and you
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see this around the country. aaron alexize the shootings in the washington yard shootings is someone for whom the signs of criminalality and severe mental illness were clear and in most other countries, that would have been a person who would not have had access to guns, yet he was able to buy a dangerous shotgun just a day or two before he went on his rampage killing, and, of course, nancy lansa i think deserves a great your insight.
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we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> in a few hours nelson mandela's journey will end near where it began. celebration greeted his body as
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it arrived in the small village where he was born. his body arrived in qunu. that's where nick schifrin is. >> for the last week people have been celebrating nelson mandela's life and sacrifices for his country. today it was about mourning and saying goodbye. drapeded in the flag for which he sacrificed so much, nelson mandela took a time journey home. they remembered nelson mandela as their father, their inspiration, a man who unshackled them from apartheid. >> we take our grandfather back to his final resting place. >> the military sent him off to the body near where he was born. on the road to the funeral site thousands lined the streets as the convoy drove for 20 miles. some waited hours for a glimpse of their hero.
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>> that's my hour, the arrange. >> yonela lingani called nelson mandela her ancestor, meaning he'd forever look over them. >> we are laying him in his final place of rest, where we'd want him to be. >> zondwa was one when nelson mandela was released. >> you feel privileged to be part of his era and time. >> when his body arrived everyone needed to get closer. >> it's the last time having to do this. i'm doing it one last time, and letting go. >> very nice. it went fast. >> some grieved, some seemed grateful. all cherished this last chance.
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>> we are here to celebrate. it's so nice that we are all here together - black, white, green, yellow. we are here to embrace the moment. >> especially manses. they thank nelson mandela for their family. >> i was brought up in a society way was rife with racism. i, myself, was possibly racist at the times in my life. because of what he did in my country i'm completely changed and other people are. >> then, after the body left, a final song. a song in xhosa, the language nelson mandela spoke. it translates to madeba is sleeping here, nelson mandela is now sleeping. sunday sunday's burial will combine the old with new.
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we'll see a leopard print, an ox slaughtered, and a family member telepathically connecting with nelson mandela. >> you can watch the full coverage of the funeral live on al jazeera america. that starts at 1am eastern. 10:00 pm pacific. >> thousands of people that showed up at bangui's international airport has been turned away. united nations flew in 85 tonnes of relief supplies, but poor security prevented distribution. nazanine moshiri reports on the humanitarian crisis. >> these people are waiting for a doctor to see them. they are sleeping at the airport with no shelter or mosquito nets. some of the children have
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malaria. doctors without borders criticised the united nations for not doing more. >> it's unacceptable. it's not like we are in a remote area. we are in the capital of the city, i don't know how we can ignore them. people say, "maybe they can go home" people want to go home. they are here now, today, they need the help. >> there two wounded people, so surgeons are using a warehouse to operate in. >> you can see the kind of conditions that the surgeons are working under. this is not a proper operating theatre. there's no ventilation. they are using chlorine to sterilise the wound. gunshot victims are one of the biggest challenges for the doctors. >> just a few hundred metres from all of this the prime minister, as a country. he will not leave his base.
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he's viewed as being backed by the french. but he has no control over what is happening. i asked him why he won't visit the tens of thousands living close by. >> translation: you have to be realistic. i have to think of my own security. i don't have a car. what do you want me to do, go on foot. i don't have an armed security car. you can't expect me to go where my safety is not guaranteed. >> this is where he is. close to the airport another victim of sectarian violence. these are the remains of a seleka general, killed and stripped by an angry mob. there is death here. but also life. this woman named her second francis hollande. he was born the day the french president visited bangui. >> translation: if i leave this place to go home, what will i do. how will i bring the child up.
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his father is not here. they pillaged my house and have taken everything. i have nothing right now. >> people here lost hope of the state helping them. this is a country that has all but collapsed. they are totally reliant on outside help. >> still ahead on al jazeera america, china celebrates its landing on the moon. why it says this mission is just the beginning. a major snow storm is sweeping across several states. rebecca has the forecast next.
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arlington national cemetary ery >> it's been a trying day for travellers thanks to a massive snow storm from the midwest to the north-east, from chicago to new york. more than 900 flights have been cancelled. wintry weather is making flights dangerous. indiana place warned people to
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stay home unless it's necessary to be outside. there's a lot of snow out there and it's creeping across the country. >> hitting cleveland, ohio, across minnesota and ice is developing on the snow. that is happening in new jersey. we'll continue to see things warming up to the south. a lot of change over from snow to freezing rain as we look around new jersey, and further south towards tennessee and kentucky. let's look at where we have a tornado watch in effect until 2am for the carolinas. this is it because that area of low pressure, there's four that we are dealing with. one that is travelling up the atlantic coast bringing in rainfall very fast, and the severe weather, thunder storms. here to the north-east it is snow, and you can see that the rain snow line, freezing rain,
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south of manhattan - we are getting light snow. totals, as we go back to chicago, they been 2-4 inches, higher amounts further south. looking at the snow totals, they'll pop up for the north-east. overnight, tomorrow, central park, 3.2 inches. we'll see the snow accumulating further up into new york, pennsylvania, 8-10 inches. the storm going through sunday. >> a lot of snow. thanks, rebecca. >> china made it to the moon. it's been four decades since anyone landed on the lunar service. the chinese rover will spend three months roaming for soil samples. beijing has big plans. rob mcbride reports. >> the rabbit has landed. called yutu in chinese or jade rabbit, this was the moment the
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rabbit touched down on board "chang'e 3." arriving on target, watched across china on tvs like the one in a restaurant near workers' stadium, beijing. it marks a milestone in the chinese space program, methodically following in the footsteps of russians and american exploits years ago. >> i'm so happy to see the way the space program developed. i'm very proud. >> translation: i never expected to see this. i'm happy my country managed to do this >> a tangible display to the world, of china's growing expertise and might. it looks now to build the first space station on the moon in the 2020s. for ordinary chinese citizens a
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source of pride. at this store copies of jade rabbit are selling fast. trans-france -- >> translation: in recent years more attention is given to chinese spacecraft. >> the rover has to venture out to begin its work, conducting tests, including the use of ground penetrating radar to reveal what is below the surface. so far, so good. >> it may be decades before russians rove the moon. instruments on board the yutu is sophisticated and as the people of china point out, there's only one working rover on the surface of the moon tonight, and it's chinese. >> china is on the moon. i spoke to a professor studying
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the politics of space and asked if china was capable to build a station allowing it to mine the moon. >> they have been moving quickly with their program. they have a long way to catch up on spice powers, but have been increasive in the speed at which they are developing technologies. the issue regarding mining - it is possible and there are medals and other resources that could be desirable there on the moon and other celestial bodies such as aft roids. >> should nasa be worried that china is investing into its space program and the moon. >> worried and having a successful program indicates that the country has economic wealth, technological prowess. there's an issue that so much of the space infrastructure is dual use. things that can be used for
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benign purchases such as monitoring the surface of the earth for global warming and spying purposes. if you demonstrate the capability of putting a rocket into space, you are demonstrating you have substantial military capabilities in terms of intercontinental military missiles. >> thank you to jan stuart. >> the head stones of more than 100,000 veterans good new christmas wreaths. volunteers took truckloads of the ornaments to the grave. they were placed on headstone throughout the cemetery. organizations goal is to make sure those who surfed our country are not forgotten during the holidays. >> still ahead on al jazeera america: protests and counterprotests in ukraine's capital. details ahead. >> plus...
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>> the heisman trophy winner will be awarded we'll know the winner inside the hour.
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and welcome back to al jazeera america. here are the top stories this saturday night. police say the teenager that shot and critically wounded a fellow student planned to hurt others. karl pierson entered the high school armed with a shotgun, machete and three molotov cocktails. police believe he was going after a teacher that disciplined him. >> thousands gathered in bangui with the hope of receiving aid. fears of mob riots prevented food from being handed out. >> a final journey home, nelson mandela's body returned to his home down ahead of his funeral. thousands lined the road leading to the village where nelson mandela grew up. >> apartheid may seem a distant memory for some, but not for those suffering under it.
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years later the brutality is felt. nick schifrin has the story of one man's lost opportunity. >> for kagisso, mogale a soccer field is full of broken dreams. he started the game as a teenager, destined to be a star. >> just got a goal. >> he played left midfield and went pro at 19. he was called a dribbling wizard. he got better and could have played anywhere. then it ended. >> this is my wooden boot. i scored a beautiful goal. 1982, champions in 1983. it's a cup challenge. >> kagisso, mogale's home is full of soccer triumphs. and memories of playing german teams when he was 20.
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>> the way we played could match any country. we could match brazil then. could match italy. we could match germany. >> on the streets of soweto outside of johannesburg, he was a celebrity. >> he's our hero. in fact, he's our legend. my hero >> we would all know the zam zero the hero if not for apartheid. because he was black, he was not allowed on the national team. because segregated teams were not allowed on the national team they were not allowed to travel. his freedom came too late. nelson mandela arrived too late. >> my life would have been different. it could have been far much better.
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eventually he retired. getting a job as a 40-year-old black man with no experience outside of soccer was impossible. >> he joined a real estate firm. he sold cars. none of them worked. >> that's when the story came to me. i was on the street where nelson mandela used to live. i saw a few people recognising him. i had no idea why. i didn't know how to react because zero had switched jobs again and become a driver. zero was my driver. so on a beautiful south african summer day i invited zero to play soccer.
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>> are you all right? >> yes, i'm okay. >> in the car we started talking. how did nelson mandela change your life? >> i wouldn't be sitting with you like this had it been that the old map was still in gaol. i wouldn't be talking to you like this, hugging one another. nelson mandela is zero's here all. all the dreams on the field are unfulfilled. >> the economic opportunities, have they improved? >> apartheid still rife with us. there are racist. a look at this one. >> today zero hopes to become a coach. conditions are basic. >> he had a shower. >> he needs to pay for a coaching qualification course, which he can't afford.
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he works for the love of the game and the kids. which one of you will be like zero. >> me, me. >> me. >> so zero is hoping to give the next generation the opportunity he was denied. >> nelson mandela held a special place in the hearts of many in northern california. where as melissa chan explains, many helped fight apartheid. >> it is you, the people of the bay area who have given me and my delegation strength and hope to go forth and continue the struggle. >> 1990 and the end of an 8-city tour of the united states for nelson mandela. he chose to thank at his farewell the people of the san francisco bay area.
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commemorating nelson mandela city leaders invoked their i know contribution to the apartheid movement. municipal and international divestment to south africa involving billions of dollars. >> san francisco, the university of california and the state of california played a leading role in being the initiator of the divestment movement from south africa. >> antiapartheid student protests look place here in the 1980s at uc berkeley, including a 100 day sit-in and rallies bringing together thousands of students. >> demonstrators scuffled with police. more than 150 people were arrested. >> students, community people here, again overnight, all day long in solidarity to ask our
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renaling ents to divest. >> nancy skinner was a great ute student. >> we felt that we were morally implicated in the regime denying the people of africa their freedom, and ability to participate in government. >> many other took action, not only students. in 1984 larry wright was a long shoreman, recalling how union members refused to move south african cargo off ships. the ships sat there for 11 days, every day there was a demonstration. the long shore man refused. they tried to negotiate but we refused. >> the union gained momentum until the devestment became
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inevitable. >> until the world stood with south africa through means like divestment the struggle would never reach fruitful conclusion. at city hall it was a dual honour for nelson mandela and the tradition of progressive politics in the bay area, showing how decisions made here decades ago and 10,000 miles away from south africa could make a difference. >> secretary of state john kerry arrived in vietnam for decades after first setting foot there as a naval officer. he spoke about trade and will inspect farming projects in the mee conning river delta where he commanded a patrol boat during the vietnam war. >> senator mccain landed in ukraine. he and other senators called for the u.s. to consider sanctions if there's violence against peaceful demonstrators. meanwhile about 100,000 people
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marched in key eve, demanding the president sign a treaty with the european union. some, paid to be there, showed up to support the government. from where robin forster walker in key eve. >> it's called the save ukraine rally. the implication that from behind the barricades, less than 200m away the opposition was threatening to break ukraine apart. the party filling european square, irjobic given the prime minister warned of the dangers of european integration. >> we have to fulfil certain conditions. do you know what conditions are these? we have a legal ice same-sex marriages. >> you can see the thousands of people brought in to take part, coming in in special trains and
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buses, we understand, but the reaction of the crowd has been subdued. supporters of president viktor yanukovych has been arriving from the regions all week. workers from the struggling industries, teachers on government salaries. i spoke to a pensioner off cameron, "we are paid to be here" he admits. "how much?" very little, he said. those who there are afraid of what europe has to offer. >> translation: europe says we need same-sex marriage. i'm against that. >> why are they interfering with us. >> the governing party of regions pledged supporters will stay on. the opposition are worried. >> we are afraid. we understand this is a huge
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responsible to the people. it can be dangerous for the people. >> so closer the two sides gathered, but so far apart are their feelings. shame opposition supporters taunt. the risk of confrontation grows, the longer this goes on. >> brazil a fatal accident at a world cup stadium. a construction workers fell to his death while working on the roof. coming a month after two workers were killed. >> there's more from rooej. >> saturday morning a construction worker died whilst building the stadium in brazil, in a city that will host the world cup event in brazil. this is the third city to have suffered a fatality related to the construction of the stadium.
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as brazil get closer to the opening day, there's more pressure and eyes on the country which many are skeptical will be ready in time. last week we visited a city that will ost host the games and is far behind. as brazil gets closer to the world cup, the pressure will rise and people will opinion to have all eyes on this major world event. >> still ahead - details of a new law in one state requiring women to buy insurance to cover abortions.
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welcome back. we have a large winter storm moving through the north-east. quiet to the west and starting to dry somewhat for the south. snow totals they are ranging in bands around chicago. anywhere from 2-3 inches. illinois, across indianapolis, piling up the band of blue that represents 4-6 inches of snow. the bright blue coming down. so far for pennsylvania, anywhere from 2-3 inches. new snow coming to 6 inches. heading to the north-east you can see the totals climbing to 2
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snches -- inches. it is blustery and cold. it will be drying and warming from the central midwest to the south. the forecast for sunday will be the keep the snow going into vermont.
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>> this week michigan joined conservative states passing a controversial abortion law, banning insurance companies covering abortion unless women by a policy for that purpose. >> david hawkins reports. >> sometimes politics gets
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personnel. >> so i'm about to tale you something i have not shared with many people in my life. over 20 years ago i was a victim of rape. and thank god it did not result in a pregnancy. >> gretchen whitmer, a democrat in michigan's republican controlled senate tried to convince her colleagues voting against a law from preventing insurance companies covering abortion in standard policies. >> the thought and the memory of that haunts me. if this were law then, and i had become pregnant, i would not be able to have coverage. because of this >> gretchen whitmer's emotional appeal did not work. the law passed in both houses. >> i don't believe that the argument about rape is valid. i'm a former police officer for 31 years much rape is a horrible crime. i took the victims to the
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hospital. they are given medication so there's no conception. so there's no need for an abortion. >> to put the measure before the legislature anti-abortion advocates gathered 300,000 petition signatures. abortion is not health care. a lot of people feel strongly about it. you don't have to be religious to be against abortion. >> the republican governor vetoed similar legislation was it did not include rape, incest or cases where a pregnant woman's life is endangered. a citizen's participation, approved by the legislature is veto prove. >> we have seen an extreme group, right to life, use a loophole to veto. it's unclear how many people
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will be affected. of 22,000 abortions performed in michigan, fewer than 800 were covered by insurance. this is a loser by republicans. women are watching. they'll have a long view. >> democrats and pro-choice advocates will try to overturn the law when it takes affect in march. >> now it chicago, where an unusual way to farm is gaining traction. john hendren takes us to a meat-packing plant using renewable energy. beneath the fluorescent sun in a meet-packing plant is a trend in farming. these fields grow on multiple floors far from the fields that feed the rest of the world. farmer john edel and his staff grow greens in soil-free water.
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>> our food system is broken. we are shipping produce 15,000 miles to get something to chicago. we can't do that, we are poisoning the environment where we grow the food. we need to grow where the jobs are and it's consumed. >> the plant doesn't grow the corn or soy beans in midwestern files, it grows mushrooms, basel, high-end microgreens on the plates of high-end restaurants. the fish provide the fertiliser. a handful of farmers across the u.s., including tenant farmers joined the urban farming industry. >> for 365 days a year we control the environment and provide the best environment to grow plants in the middle of winter. we like to say we provide june 21st sunlight every day of the year. >> there's another advantage - quality. >> from your own hands or somebody's hands the day before,
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versus being shipped, it's 10 times better. >> when this was the meat-packing plant, huge 18 wheeler trucks would come up here, load up the meat and carry it hundreds of miles across the u.s. the loading bays are being torn down. they don't need them because they carry the produce out the back a few miles away to downtown chicago. >> when it's finished this turns waste from local restaurants and brewies into biomass. >> by using things others think are waste you can find the energy in the structure or workers, things that have been cast aside. economies like that could encourage others to make the move indoors. >> quite a move there. still ahead - financing art for public places. we look at whether it's a worthy effort. tñ
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>> welcome back. for nearly 40 years seattle has been setting aside 1% of its infrastructure budget to fund public art works like the one behind me. now some are asking if that is money well spent. >> armed with an exacto knife and swaths of paper, celeste beginnings a tedious but rewarding night of creating work. >> it's about joy. >> her biggest master piece. >> this is definitely my first legacy to the city, so i'm certainly attached to this new piece. >> since 1973 sculptures, paintings and murals have sprouted up all over seattle. from street corners to bus stops to a scenic overlook and the hallways of city hall. >> i'm proud of all of it.
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>> art director ruri yampolsky believes public art gives the city character. >> the art is about the soul of the city. it's an identity. there are ben fists to making people feel proud of where they live. >> 1% of funding for roadways and infrastructure is spent on seattle's art. the goal is to add another element for tourists to enjoy and enrich the lives of locals. 20 years ago the city decided to try something true. even still critics believe the entire program is a waste of money. it's a ridiculous waste of money. >> for years seattle radio personality dori monson used his art show to complaint about the program. in 2012 the city spent close to $3 million, believing the money should be used for other things.
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>> i don't want to be a spartan city. there should be enough through the private sector or a modest investment, but it ha blown out of proportion to what the taxpayers thought they'd be getting. >> the city is growing and with the 1% there's 1% for creative people to contribute, to beautify. >> they believe art makes is a difference, giving artists to use the city of seattle as their canvas. >> from art to sport mark is here. the navy has been on a role. >> they have. he'll with highsman moments. ohio, alabama. harvard, yale. army and navy is different. it's not about the game, but the schools and what they represent, and all of these players will
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not play on sunday, but whether serve the country. the teams met for the 114th time in philadelphia, cold and snowing throughout the game and up and down the east coast. we pick up the action. navy up 10-0. watch keenan reynolds. off and running. 17-0. navy, reynolds 30, carries 136 yards. midshipman in charge. reynolds an 11-yard score. adding another touchdown. navy, single even record. 34-7. navy has beaten army 12 straight times, the longest winning streak by either team. before we get to the heisman trophy news, the announcement in moments. one of the college football mentions of note. long-time texas head coach matt
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brown, following the game against oregon. he coached 16 seasons in off the yin, one of the greatest coaches. he won 10 or more games nine years in a row at one point. the long horns won the title following the 2005 season. matt brown stepping down against the oregon ducks. we mentioned the heisman trophy. coming into the presentation here in new york city jameis winston the florida state quarterback was the heavy favourite. he had a tremendous season statistically. his team, florida state ranked number one, heading to the v.c.s. title game match-up. jameis winston was statistically the heavy favourite. but johnny manziel last year's winner was someone expected to receive a lot of votes. johnny manziel's team finishing 8 and 4. maybe that was a few strikes against him.
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johnny manziel through for 3700 yards and 33 touchdowns. he was expected to get a lot of votes. jameis winston was looking to become the second red shirt freshman in the history of the heisman to win the award. johnny manziel the first, passing 38 touchdowns. he was off the chance. another player invited to new york was a.j. mccarron, the quarterback. they are delays the announcement. we thought it would be forthcoming. they have not made it. >> you think you know who it is. >> i do >> it's no big surprise. finally, the mega million stake is higher. the jackpot jumped to a passive 550 million. it is the forth largest in history. there's never been a prize this large. winning that would be a merry christmas. more news in a moment.
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>> welcome no al jazeera america, i'm jonathan betz with the top stories. the teenager who shot and wounded a fellow student before killing himself planned to hurt others. karl pierson entered his high school with a shotgun and machete. police believe he was going after a teacher who disciplined him. the humanitarian crisis in the central african republic is growing. thousands gathered in bangui. fears of mob riots prevented food being handed out. >> nelson mandela's body returns to his home-town ahead


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