tv News Al Jazeera December 15, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm EST
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check czech welcome to al jazeera america. i'm jonathan betz. here are the stories we are following for you today: the final farewell to nelson mandela. south africa lays to rest its first black president. >> the free world is with you, america is with you. i am with you >> senator john mccain meets with protesters in ukraine as anger grows and europe suddenly pulls out of talks. >> the pope pushes back against critics and makes global
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headlines. >> today the final farewell to a man seen as an icon, a hero and a father. nelson mandela was laid to rest in his ancestral village, the burial marking the end of 10 days of mourning in south africa. thousands gathered to honour the world leader. >> nick schifrin is in nelson mandela's home town of qunu, south africa. >> celebrities, cell mates, princes and presidents came here to mourn this tightan of a man who evolved from head strong activist into icon of dignity and rec conciliation >> in a remote village where he grew up nelson mandela's long walk to freedom ended. they called in africa's greatest son, for fighting against
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apartheid. >> i've lost a brother. my life is in a void, i don't know who to turn to. >> fountain of wisdom, a pillar of strength, and a beacon of hope to all those fighting for a just and equitable world order. it was a christian ceremony, a tribal ceremony. away from camera, the family slaughtered an ox and draped the coffin with a leopard skin. there was 95 candle, one for each life. in the village where nelson mandela started life, big screens telecast the funeral. he called himself a country boy. this man is walking in his
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footsteps. he's a young member of the african national congress and hopes to implement nelson mandela's vision. >> our parents struggled a lot, but us, the generation that came after that, it was up to us to have unity and reconciliation >> nelson mandela dreamed of a country united in diversity. we met melanie on a nelson mandela pilgrimage. >> every single human saying, "i can make a difference with one thing", pick up the sphere and do that one thing >> in qunu, across from where he was buried, nelson mandela used to greet neighbours on morning walks. no one from qunu was invited, which is why the family, who lives 1,000 feet is bitter they are watching on tv. >> i would have loved to watch it closer. it's not right.
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>> he wouldn't have liked it either. >> no, no, definitely. he's a man of the people, you know. >> and then after everything was over, the skies opened. in local tradition rain signals that the gods unlocked the gates to heaven. nelson mandela's long walk is finally over. >> nelson mandela's life began here in the fields that surround me. as a boy he herded cattle and walked to school bare foot. an extraordinary life teaching all of us a lesson. as nelson mandela's granddaughter put today - it's up to each of us to achieve what we want. >> well said. nick schifrin live from qunu in south africa. later we air a special show "remember nelson mandela" at 8:00 pm eastern >> the e.u. broke off talks with the ukraine.
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tens of thousands have been protesting. american senator john mccain joined the movement today. >> the opposition called for sunday's turn out to be the biggest. tens of thousands responded, going to independence square. a message of u.s. support came through john mccain and others. >> your destination lies in europe. [ speaking foreign language ] >> ukraine will make europe better and ukraine will make europe better. >> visits from outsiders demot -- do not go down well, but the crowd loved it. there's no sign of the crowd losing momentum. what has kept this show on the
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road is a mixture of political party money and grassroots volunteering and activism. the stage, for instance, is sponsored by the main opposition party. on the square things tend to be decentralized. >> take this man, for example. he works for an international cosmetics company during the week, and in his spare time is one of 1,700 security volunteers here. >> we are doing security for two points. internal we looking for people who look drunk, strange, and, second, we keep eye on police >> look at this for a real military-style operation. huge quantities of food for the crowds are processed by an army of helpers. >> translation: our first source of supplies is people's charity, the contributions of those in parliament and regional communities. also the food don'tate is second
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source -- donate is the second source. >> ample money and mann power kept the protest movement fed, largely safe and entertained since late november >> that, and the hope of these ukrainians shaping their country's future. >> and for more on the story let's bring in james, a director of the american institute in ukraine. thank you for being with us. what do you make of europe's move,ll level and frankly it's unprecedented, it seems to me, for a trade agreement to be threatened, "you must sign it no changes or negotiations", i never heard of anything like this before >> is it a smart move by europe?
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>> i don't think it is a smart move and i think it will inflame passions within ukraine. it's a very divided country. it makes the red and blue states here mild by comparison. in is one half of ukraine that feels the way the crowd does much the other half feelsand it suffer if the agreement was signed >> why are we seeing this divide, a tug of war within ukraine south you have heavy industry that is dependent on exports to russia, that would be interrupted if a trade agreement were signed with europe. >> this is why viktor yanukovych has been trying to get the best deal from both sides and he concluded that the europeansffe they needed and that is not
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unreasonable >> is union, but they have unions they'd like to mant. >> how does the president get out of the mess. he was massive resign", or, "you must have new elections." this is not like 2004 and the orange revolution where the legitimacy of the government is at issue. he is the legitimate government. mobilising on the street and taking actions not within its legal democracy >> that's a good point to make,
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especially since we are seeing thousands of pro-government demonstrators gathering. is there fear that mccain and murphy, i don't think this is it helpful to go and inflame the passions. one things that viewers should no is the plethera of red and black flags - these are extreme nationalists from western ukraine. mr sonnybrook was standing next to john mccain on the inject ourselves into >> talk about why the senator's speech to the crowd couldbolshie
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the people, what are the other parts - the non-people? it seems to me we should ukraine w with the russians with a few days >> gaza's only power plant is working for the first time this weeks. israel allowed 120,000 gallons of diesel. it ran out of fuel, it provides a third of electricity. the feud was allowed in as aid after a winter storm damaged homes and crops. >> the pope insisted that he is not - he criticised capitalism.
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he said markistism is wrong but many are good people. >> actor peter o'toole died. he may his film debut in 1960. hits role as "lawrence of arabia" made him a superstar. he never won an academy award until 2003. he died at the age of 81. >> still ahead on al jazeera america - a huge win for spacex. nasa gives them historic rights to use a launching pad. the polls are closed in chile. we go live to santiago from the race >> what to do with the ewaste we don't use any more. that when al jazeera america returns.
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says the recent execution of the uncle of the north korean leader is an ominous sign of ipp stability, saying it underscores the danger in the region. >> it tells us how ruthless and reckless he is, and a lot about how insecure he is to a certain degree. it tells us a significant amount about the instability internally of the regime with the numbers of execution us. this is not the first. there have been a significant number of executions taking place over the last month, which we are aware of. most importantly it underscores the importance for all of us of finding a way forward with north korea, in order to denuclearize the north peninsula >> he was until recently regarded as the second-most powerful figure in north korea. >> january 14th is the start of
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a 2-day referendum on a revised constitution. voter turn out and approval will determine if the people support the military take over in europe. muslim brotherhood will not vote. >> ewaste damages not just the environment, but people's health. >> year after year we by more trannic gadgets, toys, computers and aplips -- alliances. when they break or become obsolete they are thrown out. they frequently retain gold, silver and copper and led. recycling is a toxic job. it contains scarce metals and are not easy to treat. this is why it needs appropriate
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recycling. if these valuables are wasted, it's a loss of resources as well. >> some countries are moving towards safe recycling and reuse of ewaste. >> the increase in demand for electronics is feared to overwhelm existing facilities, which could see millions of dollars of waste dumped into landfills. 48.9 million tonnes of ewaste was produced last year, and it's expected to rise to 65.4 million by 2017. the largest producers are china and the u.s., producing 11.1 million tonnes and 10 million tonnes respectively last year. each chinese person produces on average 5.4 kilograms of high-tech trash, compared to the average american who produces 6-times this. a u.n. initiative created an
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online interactive map. it compares much ewaste is generated. >> the ewaste is an issue for both. developing and transition countries and the developed world. we have the issue that we are facing here, low collection rates, despite having very good ewaste management systems in the place. so the consumer has to play a certain role, and he has to be aware and take action. >> let's hope this will give government and companies a better sense of the problem. then, perhaps, they can move the mountain and ensure it's recycled or disposed of safely. >> space exploration technologies known as spacex won exclusive rights to use an historic launching pad. they plan to send rockets into
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orbit. it's the same launch site used by the shuttles and most of the apollo moon missions in the late distingui '60s and early '70s. >> street gangs are a fact of life, but there is one place where warring groups can come together. >> this is south los angeles, and what most know. 2.5 square miles of run-down neighbourhoods and housing projects controlled by rival gangs. this is the other side that most don't see, a neighbour hood of murals, street art telling the story of the troubled past and hopes for the future. isabelle williams is with the mural conserve si of the la. >> a mural is specifically indicative of a social economical issue, issues of empowerment and connecting with
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the routes. >> roots extending across los angeles. for more than 11 years the arts stopped after a ban on murals went into effect in 2002. >> can you imagine grey walls. are we grey walls? we were a diversity, a creative city. i totally believe that muirals should be part of the community. >> the city agrees and lifted the ban. now colour is returning to the streets. >> you can do, likes, the bottom piece and i can do the top. >> the great wall of watts doesn't just represent a victory for artists and curators, it's a rare multicultural collaboration. >> we have one artist who is latino and another here who is african. two groups of people who are considered enemies here. >> i tried to think about the
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best message - equality, unity, friendship, team work. >> it is also bringing together students from different schools. >> latinos and blacks don't get along. today we are. >> it took the artists about two hours to sketch out the ideas. it will take three days and 100 cans of spray-paint to bring the wall of watts to life. >> the hope is once the mural is completed it will change the narrative of this troubled neighbour hood, telling all who see it of the day when the blacks and latinos came together, worked side by side. >> you come from the left, i'll come from the right. >> meet in the middle. >> growing cotton is a tough business everywhere in the world. in the u.s. government subsidies are blamed for affecting farmers in the developing world. that could change with a new bill that would cut financial aid for formers. we explain.
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>> this man was born on his parent's farm in mississippi. his family have been here since 1957. the history of african-americans and cotton production has a long and turbulent history in the u.s. profits were made on the backs of slaves, and in modern times farmers feel persecuted. roy received compensation following a settlement with the department of agriculture, accused of denying black farmers loans based on their race. >> we wanted to be equal, competitive with other farmers. not only that, to make a decent living. >> but life for roy and other cotton farmers could be about to get harder. government subsidies may be cut. for roy, it's a loss of $50,000 a year. >> it will be really bad if the government, you know, takes something away from the farmers.
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it will be really bad. a lot of farmers will not be able to keep up. >> the problem is billions in subsidies distort the global cotton market. prices are pushed down, making it hard for nations to compete or make a living. >> it's something that nations have fought hard against, claiming the practice is illegal and unfair. they have been backed by an international court and a new farm bill will be passed. it's expected the days of subsidies will soon be gone. >> at the historic cot job museum, experts like bill griffin say there's little choice. most growers don't need them, and also they are against world trade organization agreements. that means that if we violate w.t.o. rules and regulation, we can be fined big time. >> but for roy and other small cotton farmers the future is
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bleak. he wants to pass his farm on to his children. without help that may be harder. >> the polls are closed? chile. former president michelle bachelet is expected to win the election. the left-wing candidate came out of the voting last month with just less than 50%, forcing the run-off. when can we expect to see actual results? >> hello, right now i'm outside a down-town hotel in santiago where the camp is gathering and they are preparing for a celebration. the ruls -- results should be out at the top of the hour. we'll have 40% of the votes taken. there's little doubt that michelle bachelet will be declared the winner. the turn out was disappointingly low for michelle bachelet.
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some say that it's because voter fatigue. joining me to talk about what happened and why is the secretary-general of michelle bachelet's socialist party. thank you for joining us. i'd like to ask you why chileans chose to move from a conservative government to a central left including the socialist and communist party, went on the surface it's a successful economy with low unemployment, high growth rate. why have chileans decided to do it? >> i think you said it correctly. on the surface it looks good. if you analyse precisely there's inequality levels in the country are high. education has problems. labour code is unfair. the tax code is unfair. people are demanding, basically, big reforms and michelle bachelet is the candidate that promised that. people trust her and voted for her >> you say she's promised it.
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she has raised expectations high. do you think she'll deliver? >> i think expectations were already high in chile. people were demonstrating on the streets from several years ago, demanding a more equal society, d demanding a better education system, demanding that growth - it's really meaning equality. expectations were high. michelle bachelet is trying to give a proper channel and manage the expectations and do ambitious reforms and deliver that in a 4-year period. i believe we are optimistic, we are able to fulfil four promises >> in some european countries and the united states low voter turn out in normal. not in chile. what does it mean that so few people, the lowest turn out decided to vote for michelle
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bachelet, does that diminish somehow her mandate? >> not at all. the victory is legitimate. we play according to the rules. this is the first time we have voluntary voting in the country. it's an election that nobody doubt about the final winner. there was no real race here. anyway, you can not interpret absubstantially. absubstantially is absteps. there was some fatigue, people voted during the year. i think you cannot interpret that. >> anyhow, there seems to be little doubt about the whipper. thank you for being with us. there you have it the election results should be out shortly and match will be the next president of chile. >> live from santity argo >> still ahead - saying goodbye
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>> welcome back to al jazeera america. i'm jonathan betz. here is a recap of the headlines: thousands said goodbye to the man many call south africa's greatest son. nelson mandela was laid to rest in his ancestral village. it marked the end of 10 days of mourning. nelson mandela died on december 5th, he was 95. >> the european union stopped trade talks with ukraine. tens of thousands of protests spent another day demanding ukraine sign the deal instead of agreeing to closer ties with russia. >> hundreds died between fighting with muslims and christians and the central african republic. people are now facing a foot shortage. >> president, sell ebb rities, business tycoons and royals were
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among 45-00 honouring nelson mandela. among them britain's prince charles and oprah winfrey. nelson mandela's life is now documented in films and books and will be studied by future generations. we toured his official archive to see house his memory lives on. >> the center of memory is full of predictable and the strange and unusual. >> if you look at this one here, it's from arnold schwarzenegger. >> it's arnie and madeba. >> yes, and another gift that was given to madeba. >> he's behind her. >> he's behind her, yes. >> who is that? >> oprah winfrey. >> as well as being an historical record of nelson mandela's life, it's a place the public can cut through the mythology. his personal documents are in
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the vault. >> this is his mother's death certificate. his mother died in 1968. he asked for permission to attend the funeral, as the son he wanted to bury her. he was not allowed. >> there were letters to his wife winnie, and diary entries, one detailing an argument with his current wife graca machel. >> it's the sense of carrying a burden in relation to the saintly image. he became the face of the struggle. as he's grown older he felt uncomfo uncomfo uncomfortable with that. >> this is madeba's office since 2002. he used to come in almost every day, and as he really retired in 2004, he reduced the amount of time he used to come. >> mere nelson mandela was surrounded by people who inspired and influenced him. famous faces filled the shelves.
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few now the complexities of a man millions look up to. this is an insight into nelson mandela the man and the myth. >> joining me now is douglas foster, a journalism professor at north-western university and the author of "after nelson mandela, the struggle for freedom and post-apartheid south africa", thanks for joining us. you have written a lot about the country. figuring out how to train his people. unlike most, trained to convince us that they are indispensable, that the world will end, nelson mandela did the reverse since he stepped away from formal power in 1999. he insisted on his own
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dispensability. it was an important message to send that the iconic figurethatd survive. >> do you feel like that message appreciation for what the nelson mandela generation brought to the country, and where things are now. you don't have that kind of massive sustained booing at the head of state at a funeral commemoration if there's not a lot ofrt answer to that
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question is no. >> moving forward to the elections next year, do you think nelson mandela's party, the african the a.n.c. to delivn promises that the party has been making for 20 years. >> i want you to talk about your personal encounters him before. what were you most struck by, and whatndela there was always
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was making while he was smiling, which was his way. one that he carried the promise of a nonracial, antiphobic society that the a.n.c. promised to create and there was a twist in it which was, "what have you done recently to help carry us your time today. >> thank you. >> the central african republic president is meeting with militia hoping to stop the violence there. fighting between christians and muslims killed hundreds and displaced hundreds of thousands. they face a massive human tare wan crisis. nazanine moshiri is in the capital. >> the president said he is negotiating with the christian militia group, anti-balaka.
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there are questions over who he's talking to. we haven't found evidence whether anti-balaka is one group, whether it's ordinary villagers or whether they are backed by former president francois bozize, who wants to come back and grab power. we are hearing reports from a french newspaper that there was an altercation between seleka forces and french special forces on the tarmac before the french president francis hollande left. there are question marks about the authority of president michel djotobia, and how much control he has not only over his own forces, but how much power he has in any negotiations with his enemies. at the salt the humanitarian crisis is getting worse. we are hearing reports that food contributions are not happening in the camp at the airport, where there are around 50,000 people now because of insecurity there, because of people
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wielding machetes, grabbing the food as it's distributed. women are sleeping in the baking heat. when it rains, they are holding babies because there's no shelter. disease is rife, malaria and other diseases as well, and doctors who are operating in these conditions are just overwhelmed. >> still ahead on al jazeera america from physical cash to virtual dollars. bitcoin - the new currency becoming a virtual reality in india, but it does have its price.
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bitcoin is proving popular. there's a campaign to make it part of the financial system. we have this report that virtual currencies come with big risk. >> cash means everything in india. despite a rise in the popularity of credit cards and online payments most transactions take place with banknotes. some want to change that. >> bitcoin to me is freedom. bitcoin represents freedom in the financial world. >> natasha ambrose has been part of a group in bangalore that meets to talk about bitcoins, a virtual currency that she feels releases people from the burden of infoxchange conversion. >> besides are listened to different countries and states. it's very global. we need a current say keeping up with that >> it's why she's part of a group bringing awareness of currencies by hosting the first
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bitcoin governance. >> this is not a bitcoin. this is a fiscal point for people to hold something and feel understandable about bitcoin. it allows people to receive payments through this. if i carry this around i can receive payments. and the payment will stay on the computer or hard wallet. >> india is a cash-based society, with the government keeping limits on how much money a person can take out and bring into the country. with bitcoins all the person has to do is download the currency on a smart phone, slip it into a pocket and leave the country with potentially millions untraceable. that is raising concerns. >> that's what india is worried about. you'll lose precious infoxchange. >> since bitcoins are anonymous. there's worry of them being used for money landering or extremist
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groups. at present india's financial system does not have the infrastructure to regulate. >> we are wondering how - a way to regulate this. >> ambrose and other organizers attending the conference invited people from the government and the financial sector so they, too, can better understand the potential of bit coins in india. >> as wealth plays an important part in indian culture, even having its own goddess some want it to shift from the physical to the virtual. >> well, michael eaves is here with sport. i cannot believe the regular season is one down. >> as much as we talked about it early, it's hard to believe.
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the thing is all the games are so important. case in point. the loss to the broncos clear the way for several play-off scenarios. most importantly the race for home-field advantages. a win to the patriots would not only give new england is fifth straight title it would give up a leg-up thanks to a win for the patriots. a win for miami would assure the franchise of a first non--losing season. the game was back and forth. patriots took a 27 lead. a 24 your touchdown for brody. there was a 75-yard driving response. patriots mounted second-half rallies. brady moved from the 20 to the 14.
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three consecutive incompletions before the interception by michael thomas sealed the deal, improving 5 and 20. the miami streak win snapped a streak of seven losses against the patriots. how does that affect the play-offs. here it is. denver, new behind. they are the four leaders. if the play-offs started, they'd advance to the play-offs. there's a race to the wildcard. they technically have a chance to win the number one seed. if we win today, they are there for the play-off. miami with an advantage over ravens. the charges are alive and the jets limited based on a win by miami. that is what we are facing. there's a few more games and that could shift everything we saw on the graph. it's game to tame. >> it's do or die.
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>> absolutely. >> it takes a lot of energy to ship food across the country from california to chicago. that's why vertical farming is growing in the windy city. john hendren has more. >> beneath a fluorescent sun in a former meat-packing plant is the latest trend in farming. it's called vertical forming. these fields grow on multiple floors far from the fields that feed the rest of the world. >> this farmer grows greens for celebrated restaurantures in soil-free water. >> the food system is broken. we are shipping produce enormous distance, 1500, 2,000 miles. we can't keep doing that. we poison the environment where we grow the food. we need to grow where the jobs are, and where it's consumed. >> the plant doesn't grow the corn or soya beans, it grows must art, base ill.
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microgreens on the plates of restaurants. these fish supply the fertiliser nourishing the produce. a handful of formers including tenant farmers joined the industry. >> for 365 days a year we control the environment, providing the best environment to the grow plants in the middle of winter. we like to say we private june 21st sun light. there's another advantage, quality. from your own hands to somebody's the day before, it tastes 10-times better. >> when this was a meat-packing plant trucks would come up here, load up the meat and carry it across the u.s. now the loading bays are torn down. they don't need them. they carry the produce on trucks and bicycles to downtown
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chicago. >> when finished it will make the plant energy neutral, turning waste from local restaurants and breweries into biomass to fuel the plant. >> using things that people thing are waste or should be thrown away you find the number, the good workers, all the things cast aside in the past, and put them to productive use. >> economies like that could encourage other farmers to make the move indoors. >> the central illinois town of washington was one of the hardest hit by last month's tornados. diane eastabrook visits the town as it rebuilds. >> this is my house, the garmg, and the house reconstructed. >> the concrete foundation is all that is left of a 2-story home after a tornado ripped through washington, illinois. debris is waiting by the curb
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more renewal while there are plans to build a new home. >> our kids are grown, our needs are different. we'll probably build something a little different. >> with nearly 600 washington homes levelled in the nova scotia tornado, 400 were damaged. city crews continue clearing away tonnes of the twisted metal and wood left by the storm. some neighbourhoods look like war zones, others are recovering as residents repair roofs and storm damage from money. >> come on in. >> all right. >> insurance agent roger hickman says 270 of his customers have gotten money for their claims. most of that money has been for minor damage, destroyed vehicles and living expenses. final settlements on properties that need it be rebuilt could take weeks or months. >> the contractor needs to know
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which house they'll build. the state will need to be okay and a meeting of the mind as to what type of hope and how much it will cost. >> there could be a bild card for washington, since the tornado hit to winter, months of cold, wet weather could make it hard to build this the same spot comspring. the weather could damage foundations exposed to the elements. >> washington's planning and development director is warning residents about the threat. >> there's really no telling from one house to another as to whether they are intact or not. we are requiring that a structural engineer certify that every one is okay prior to us issuing a building permit for it. >> it could take years for washington to fully recover from the tornado. cox is taking her recovery one day at a time.
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>> welcome back to al jazeera america, i'm jonathan betz. gaza's power plant is operating for the first time in weeks. >> they have to use fishing boats to get to the stranded people. water is 2 metres deep in some places. the government in gaza is putting flood victims up in schools and other buildings it can find. >> translation: our homes flood and we had to evacuate them and stay in shelters. we are without furniture, blankets or anything. w cookin
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gas and everything. where is the islamic world. >> gaza suffered power outages lasting more than 12 hours. the red cross and other agencies are doing what they can to help. the feeling is with gaza under a blockade and bad weather the likes of which hasn't been seen in decades, they and the government can't do enough. >> this is a collective punishment and all the gazzan suffer a lack of electricity and all needs. more than 4,040 people are under bad conditions and big disaster. humanity disaster, health care disaster. and those are crisis that we cannot forgive. >> in gaza the hope is improving weather will let people return in coming days. >> with a massive clean up needed the situation will be
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more serious for several days, not weeks. >> well, the storm that pushed across the gaza strip reached from turkey all the way down to egypt, all the way over to syria, producing 15 inches of snow across jerusalem and flooding rain across gaza. the storm pushed to the east, but we'll deal with the lingering effects. back on the home front the snow falling across chicago to main, and. >> i 80 was a mess. various accidents. some of the snow and the freezing rain that fell could refreeze as temperatures are supposed to be below the freezing mark. the front that produced the rain and snow is pushing offshore, producing a bit of snow across
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main, the area hardest hit. some areas receiving 16.5 inches of snow. it will continue to push offshore. now the lake effect snow machine is in full effect. 1-3 inches of snow across portions of lake. 3-5 inches tonight as we head to tomorrow, on top of the snow that we received during the course of weekend. >> it will be cold across the north-east as we track back to work. north and wester by winds pushing out of canada. chilly, and the wind blowing will make it feel colder. across the south-west a different story. we have red-flag warnings and they'll expire within the next few hours. in the meantime a ridge of high pressure and winds pushing in out of the west. it will effect southern portions of california, winds gusting 40 to 45 miles per hour. across australia, high pressure cross most of the continent.
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it's been exceptionally hot, up to 37 degrees centigrade and we'll continue to deal with the heat as we track into the next several days as high pressure stays in control, exacerbating the threats. >> that is the show tonight. thank you for watching al jazeera america. i'm jonathan betz. i'll be back in an hour with more news. in the meantime we'll leave you with some moments from nelson mandela's funeral. >> the young man who left seven decades ago grew into a mighty
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leader. >> you brought a new world into being and taught us to live as citizens that god made. >> today, mingled with our grief is the enormous pride that one of our home has, during his lifetime, and now in your death, united the people of south africa and the world on a scale never felt before or experienced
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in history. >> this is al jazeera america live from new york. i'm jonathan betz with a quick look at the headlines. thousands said goodbye to the man many called africa's favourite son. burial marked the ends of 10 days of mourning. he was 95 years owl. the european union stopped trade talks with ukraine. tenses of thousands of protesters spent another day demanding they sign the deal instead of considering closer tas with rushee. senator john mccain joined protesters at independence square. >> hundreds d
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