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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 18, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EST

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>> good evening everyone. welcome to al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler in new york. >> i intend to release every last document that's in the public interest that's news worthy and doesn't endanger the lives of human beings. >> spy journalists, promises to use this as an excuse to spy on everyone. stocks soar, the dow closes up nearly 300 points, on the fed news they're going to roll back a stimulus program. what customers really want
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and trying to compete with online buying. and preparing for the worst. what to expect on the new york city area if snow falls on the first open-air football game. >> and this is what they're worried about, a giant pile of snow right across the 30 yard line. >> we begin tonight with a growing controversy over the national security agency, at issue, whether the nsa's widespread spying programs have gone too far. whether the government has been using terrorism as an excuse to do extensive spying even on america's allies. today an investigative panel. >> surprising and sweeping. the panel, chosen by president obama, is urging that the nsa
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stop collecting and mining phone calls from americans. the advisors say that surveillance program creates potential risks to public trust, personal privacy and civil liberty. they also urge that spying on foreign citizens including world leaders must be carried out by a duly enacted law or executive order and must be directed at protecting national security interests. >> we must be sure that our interests are more effectively weighing the risks and rewashed of -- rewards of our activities and that includes that we are above all focused on the threats to the american people. the president has been clear that even as we review our efforts and make some changes in how we do things, we will not harm our ability to face those threats. >> this comes on the heels of a judge's decision suggesting the
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nsa surveillance tactics may be unconstitutional. the debate between right to privacy and protecting national security was fueled by the massive leaks of classified documents. leaks coming from edward snowden, a former contractor for the nsa. snowden's contact was glen greenwold who plikd the documents for the tworld see, in the guardian newspaper. calling their actions justified, calling other as traitors or worse. snowden fled to hong kong and moscow, and he was defiant, saying some governments are building a worldwide system to secretly track how we live, who we talk to and what we say. i was motivated by a belief that the citizens of the world deserve to understand the system in which they live.
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today i talked with greenwold and asked him his what i thought about the recommendations from the advisory panel. >> these recommendations are from an advisory board that president obama created and staffed with his allies essentially. it is unclear whether the white house will adopt one or all of the recommendations but one of the recommendations is the main program which is the subject of our reporting, which a federal court ruled unconstitutional which was the collection of all americans metadata for their telephone calls, this review panel seems to conclude that that program should be scrapped and it should instead remain with the telephone companies. and if that really is true how that functions that would be a meaningful change. >> what was your reaction to that ruling. >> the ruling from the court is truly momentous. this is the first time since the
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snowden revelations began, examined the constitutionality and other forms of legality of the nsa sphainlts programs aimed at ordinary dances. vehement about the fact that the court, we as americans all have under the fourth amendment it was rather strong in rejecting the government's claim that this program is necessary to stop terrorism, the judge said that there's no evidence that it has ever stopped any terrorist attacks. democrats on the senate intelligence committee has said the same thing and i think what it ultimately does is very strongly vindicates edward snowden. he came forward and said he discovered what the government was doing was illegal. and not a licial, a conservative -- not a liberal, a confident agreed with him.
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-- conservative, agreed with him. >> between national security, the rights of americans to be safe and the responsibility of the government to keep them safe from terrorist attack and the kind of security that's talked about in the fourth amendment to the execution. security against unreasonable search and seizure, the people on this panel feel the balance has gone too far on impinging on the rights to prieives t privact only americans but people around the world. the right to metadata, the nsa keeps that for five years, or another entity ceepts the records for -- keeps those records for themselves if the government wants them. next new limits on what data government can demand from private companies.
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the back doorways the government can get around the encryption technology that's commonly available to the public. expressing their concern they need the trust of their customers they want to protect the privacy of their customers. frankly they're concerned about their businesses. next, restrict eavesdropping on foreign leaders. a well-known scandal involving angela merkel. on her cell phone in the past. there's been a breach on the brazilians. other close allies, the committee recommends taking into account whether or not the leaders of these countries are actually leading allied countries and then restricting them as that would warrant. the secret fisa court where the intelligence community goes to get the warrants it needs to conduct investigation. what this commission is calling for and frankly the president has suggested, is there somebody
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there to act in the public's interest if they figure the intelligence community is asking for too much. if director should be a civilian, they strongly suggest, now it's being run by general keith alexander. they are asking for more transparency, of what the government is asking of these companies. what the government is collecting in a very general sense. the reaction we have seen coming cheeflg from capitol hill. -- cheefl from capitol hill. he agrees with many of these recommendations. here is what he had to say on wednesday afternoon. >> the message is very clear. the message in the nsa is now coming from every branch of government. from every corner of our nation. nsa, you've gone too far. the bulk collection of americans' data by the u.s. government has to end.
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>> well, patrick leahy agrees but what does president obama think? that's the most important opinion of all. we won't know about that until next month. the white house says, some of these recommendations will be adopted, others will be simply ignored and others will be put on the shelf until a later date. the leaders will be weighing in over the course of the next several weeks. the president won't be making his recommendations for changes until the first of the year. john. >> mike viqueria reporting. more of my conversation with glen greenwold. now that this advisory panel called the practices into question i asked him if he felt vindicated? >> the very first story that i wrote back in hong kong on june 5th was about this bulk collection program. when we reported that a federal secret fisa court had ordered verizon to turn over to the nsa
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all telephone calls of all americans that use verizon. and we later discovered that it was all telephone companies who were subject to similar orders. so to have a federal court less than six months later say that the program our reporting revealed is a violation an abuse of the core libts of american citizens is -- liberties of americans because that's what it's all about. >> law did you hope to accomplish with your stories? >> i hoped first of all to make my fellow citizens in the united states and people around the world aware that their privacy was being rapidly and aggressively eroded by this system of surveillance beyond their knowledge. and secondly to hope to trigger exactly the kind of global debate that has been triggered over whether people want to live in a world like that, the value of internet freedom and individual privacy and the
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daifntion of -- dangers of state secrecy, to inform people about what they should know and to trigger meaningful debates which a healthy democracy needs to function. >> we've heard that the u.s. government say that their intention was to keep americans safe. you simply don't believe that. >> i know that's not the case. much of the reporting we have done is about spying on targets that have no conceivable conceit to, negotiating economic accords or energy companies in europe and asia. clearly economic spying or targeting world leaders of democratically elected allies of brazil, mexico and germany. how the nsa is collecting data they are collecting billions and
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billions with a b of e-mails and telephone calls every day. what they'll tell you is when the nsa is collecting that amount of data just indiscriminate mass collection of data, it makes it. harder to find those engaged in terrorism. attempted attacks that didn't get stopped with the surveillance data, bombing, as the judge this week found that these programs really do anything to stop terrorism, they seem to have many other purposes besides them. >> this is an important point. you are saying that the u.s. government used terrorism as an excuse to collect this data that had nothing to do with terrorism. >> precisely. the u.s. government uses terrorism as mostly, the minute it gets caught doing something
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that it didn't want the world to know about it just starts trying to scare people by screaming terrorism over and over. if you look at the documents we've published, what we've written about what the judge this week said, there's very lil evidence that supports the claim that these programs are about stopping terrorism. economic advantage and the accumulation of power. >> how much information from edward snowden has been released so far, 1%, more? >> we've certainly released less than half of not just the material he gave us but the tearl we think is news wore -- material we think is news worthy. there is a lot more many reporting to do, these documents are complicated and they take a while to get right. we are reporting them as quickly as we can consistent with that objective. >> so how much more will you release? >> i intend to release every last document that is news
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worthy and in the citizen's best interest. there is many, many more moss of reporting. >> are you in contact with edward snowden? >> i am in direct contact with him. he participates when he thinks it's justified and worthwhile that he did this week, when he gave a statement that was his reaction to the court ruling he didn't choose russia as the country he was in, the u.s. blocked him and forced him to be there. there was a good chance for him to be in the custody of the u.s. government, the fact that he's free and able to speak out and to follow the debate is -- makes him very gratified and quite happy. >> when you hear him called a trailer a theet someone who should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law how do you respond? >> i think as more americans learn about the true nature of
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this surveillance, as they see federal courts ruling it unconstitutional i think more and more they'll come to see just how heroic mr. snowden's acts were and he's being vindicated by these stories. >> how has your life claingd? >> it's changed in almost every day. obviously when you are given tens of thousands of documents from the most powerful government in the world, there are choices about what kinds of things should be published and what sthnt be published, you get attacked in all sorts ever ways because powerful factions are angry at you. at the same time, i think the visibility that i have and the platform that i have is much greater than it was before. which allows me to speak out on things like the dangers of surveillance and the importance of privacy and internet freedom. >> are you worried about retaliation? are you worried about your own safety? >> i'm aware of the risks
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surrounding those things and have taken the reasonable precautions that i can take to safeguard my security, the security of my source, of my journalistic materials. there's obviously questions about my ability to travel to the u.s. or its allies. >> are you concerned about not just the u.s. but let's say china, russia and other major powers in the world? >> no. obviously there are a lot of intelligence agencies around the world that would like to get their hands on these documents. at the same time, the documents are maintained with very extreme levels of security and encryption, so that if any intelligence agency did acquire them, it would do no good. they want break them, i have the nsa documents that explain those and snowden was a high level operative, to protect the documents that we're talking about.
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facing all kinds of dangers worst -- worse than ones i face. you realize the precautions and you go about your business. >> what do you think the goal of the nsa surveillance program is? >> to eliminate, to ensure that all forms of electronic communication by in between human beings anywhere they take place in the planet is collected stored monitored and analyzed by the nsa and its allies. >> and is that stated clearly in the documents? >> it's stated repeatedly in the documents. we reported in the guardian that keith alexander when he went to the nhq his role was to protect all documents. the model of alexander when he pioneered in iraq when he was in a war zone and imported onto american soil was collect it all, collect it aural, the
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defining overarching goal of the agency. >> i'll have more on my conversation with glen greenwald. later. >> america's top diplomat weighs in. plus, stocks soar after the fed's big announcement. are
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>> it was a record day on wall street. the dow was up nearly 300 points. traders were reacting to the fed's reducing of monthly bond buying from the $85 billion to $75 billion a month starting in january. i asked real money's ali velshi whether today's decision was a big surprise? >> if i had hair it would have gone white. it i was fully surprised.
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i listened to tv saying they knew it was coming, absolutely wasn't expected nor was the market reaction. >> i thought investors were worried about the fed cutting back on its buying. i thought it was the exact opposite move. >> yes because every time we had a threat that the fed would pull back, we saw stocks go lower. i was surprised by the 1.8% gain on the dow. here's the thing though. the fed said they think the economy is starting to be okay with the idea of standing on its own two feet without endless and gigantic contributions 50 federal reserve. that encouraged people to say maybe the economy is getting better. we're creating more than 200,000 jobs a month, maybe the fed's on to something. they are still putting $75 billion into the economy every month. >> they've called it tapering. how fast or how slow will this
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actually happen? >> they did not say it's happening twice. in other words this is a one-time pull back in january. that doesn't mean they won't announce another one in january. we've heard speculation that maybe they'll pull back 10 billion a month until the end of the year. the thinking can you extrapolate, they think the economy is, strengthen they will probably continue to pull back. >> so again the market appears to think that this is the right time to pull back on economic support. is it? >> this has been 5 years of the fed contributing money to the economy. at some point, one has to wonder what does the economy look, in which the fed isn't contributing, this was sort of testing the waters, the reaction was good, pain it is the right time. hard to know. >> all right, investors can see the impact of this but what about people in the street?
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>> well ultimately you'll see mortgage prices go up, you'll see variable rates go up, car loans things like that. but if the economy is strengthening at the same time, these things offset each other. housing has been very strong. the fed tapering and interest rates going up will slow that down no question about it but it's the pace at which they do it that's going to matter. mortgage rates for 30-year mortgage 4.5, they could be 6, even 7% over time but that may not happen until 2013, 2016 -- until 2015, 2016. >> ali velshi thank you. construction on new houses soaring almost 23% just last month. that is biggest jump in more than 20 years. home builders broke ground on more than 1 million homes in november, the most since early 2008. well, the votes are in,
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senators are heading home for the holidays with a budget deal in the bag. the bipartisan bill cleared the senate by 65 votes, despite conservatives and tea party members. the have end of three years of bipartisan gridlock. health insurance companies are giving customers an extra day to pay their premiums. the extension is the reaction to the trunls with the affordable care act. critical repairs are needed on the international space station so nasa is scheduling space walks for this weekend to fix that station's cooling station. kilmeny duchart has the story. trying to fix the system
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that prevents the mechanical system from overheating. one of the valves shut down last week after detecting abnormal temperatures. the failure did not pose a threat to the six crew members but for now they have turned off all unnecessary equipment and shut off unnecessary experiments. nasa has set up two space walks and a possible third to fix the problem. >> i looked around the room today and said what are people worried about and really there was not much to be said. so i think we're ready to go out the door on saturday and our team has no lingering outstanding show stopping issues. >> missions like these are not without risk. u.s. led space walks came to an end after an italian astronaut's
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helmet filled with liquid. >> in addition to training we have given to the crew in how to respond in the event they have water in the helmet again we have upgraded two pieces of whrear we have in the suit. a modified absorbent pad installed on the back of the hitment. >> tethered to the space station they'll need to replace a pump which reas well as ammonia. if necessary a third spacewalk is scheduled for christmas daze. >> if we get some time to reflect that it is christmas and looking back on the earth i think we'll have time to reflect on that and enjoy ou owfers. we are on the lookout for santa and we'll report any sightings.
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>> nasa cancelled a flight to bring supplies to the station this week. superforce, when hollywood and sports collide. it's a multibillion dollar business.
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night with the combatants in their training base. tñ
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>> welcome back to al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler in new york and here are the top stories. >> minute it gets caught doing something that it didn't want the world to know about, it screams terrorism over and over. >> that's what journal glen greenwald says. now greenwald says the u.s. uses terrorism as an excuse to do expanded many.
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>> the art could be sold to try to help chirp away at the city's $18 billion long term debt. and tapering down, the federal reserve says, with an improving economy it's time to ease back on government stimulus spending. investors liked what they heard, the dow closed up nearly 300 points. when you shop online companies can easily find out what you like, what you buy. now retailers are bringing new surveillance technology into their stores to find out more about their customers. natasha guinane is here to tell us about it. natasha. >> john, as you hunt for that gift or bargain this holiday season you might not realize that retailers are watching you from up above. stores are using sophisticated technology to track shoppers and while it might be beneficial to retailers, is it beneficial to
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you? >> each step these shoppers are taking in these stores is using a digital footprint. often they don't even know it. that footprint is like gold who mine this data to find out about their bottom line. >> it doesn't bother me. if they are using it to better finance their store i think they should. >> it seems the more and more things we do the more your privacy gets taken away from you. >> this device is a fusion of a computer and a camera. mount the equipment inside their stores typically above the entrance. watch as i walk into a store with an executive from brook stream, a manufacturer of the product. this so-called smart device is noting whether we walk in as a group, whether we're adults or children based on our height and is recording how long we stay at a prominent display.
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>> how many people dmom the door and how many we convert into a sale. where do they go where do they stop where do they dwell. >> another information that's being developed, newly released smart device still in the testing phase can also track shoppers via their smartphones. if a customer's wifi is turned on, retailers will automatically record their cell phone i.d. and store it. >> nobody wants to be tracked. for the retailers to help themselves to the consumer cell phone it's going to leave a bad taste in the consumer's mind. >> working out an arrangement with tech companies, they must post assign alerting smoppers that they're being tracked and how to opt out.
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these measures are only a first step in coping with this evolving technology. but in the facebook and google age, shoppers may have already adapted to leaving their footprint behind. >> people have come to terms with that and it's going to get even better. >> if you think you're only being tracked when shopping in the u.s., think again. this company has devices in 50,000 stores abroad. this is not the only company producing this type of technology. >> wifi that individuals are using has alarmed privacy advocates but what other measures are they going to stay to try to protect other people's privacy? >> well, john, you are correct, this is what has raised the big flag, around tech companies say
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they will limit the way they store, share and privacy advocates have concerns that these attempts at maintaining our privacy won't keep up. >> retailers are also trying to attract customers via bluetooth. >> bluetooth is a completely opt-in type of a thing. you go into a store, you use your smartphone and you log into that particular store's app. in return they might push coupons or other things to you but when they do that, they are tracking you. >> natasha guinane, thank you. detroit is trying to get out of billions of dollars of debt, one solution is selling their
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artwork. bici onlieri joins us. bici. >> anywhere up to $870 million. there are some in the art world it shouldn't be this way. >> the he detroit institute of arts is considered one of the top museums of the country. it's a cultural gem in a city gone bankrupt. now a collection of masterpieces held in trust for generations to come faces an uncertain future. christie's inventory is worth $450 million to $870 million. $18 billion in the red a federal
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bankruptcy judge has ruled nothing is off the table. pensions and retiree health care could be the victims. >> selling the city artwork is unethical. he says art is sold to buy more art, never to help settle city debt. >> it's the government's job to make sure that the artwork was held in a way that it would be off-limits but they didn't do their job. they just assumed that this would be a nonstarter and they were wrong. >> nearly 3,00 3,000 pieces are potentially up for sale, including works of breugel and van gogh. >> i think it's going to be very cautious on the part of the court and on the part of the
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mediator appointed by judge rhodes to ensure that the dia is not unfairly advantaged. >> the fact that detroit might be forced to sell off part of its cultural and aesthetic heritage. >> should not take money away from the people from the city they live in. that's not right. >> that's what i feel the art was created for, for people to enjoy and to learn from it. >> and chrisie's is expected to release their 150 page report tomorrow. meantime, restructuring plan submitted to a federal judge that is when we will learn what if anything, the dia stands
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olose. john. >> so bisi is there any way to help without selling the art? >> there's a number of option he out there. there is a mee mediator is out there. they offered five different alternatives to save the artwork here at the -- >> unfortunately we've lost our live smot with with bisi onile-ere. ,. after lying about the employees salary in the a visa application. the state department is attempting to defuse the situation. shiad ratanzi on that.
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>> john kerry did underscore the need for those in the u.s. to respect u.s. law however he also emphasized a need for foreign diplomats in the u.s. to be treated with respect and tig tonight. mr. kerry did state that he had two daughters about that sairm age, he expressed his regret and his hope for the bilateral relations will not be affected by all of this. we understand that india has now promoted the deputy consul general to become the permanent u.n. consul. she only had consular immunity. india clearly hoping that will be applied retroactively.
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however it has to be signed off by the u.s. state department around we have to wait their discussion as to whether this can go away. >> thank you. representing marketing icons like peyton manning, adel, jufnn timberlake. ross shimabuku, this going into effect college sports as well as other industries. >> hollywood and the sports world colliding, you're right. img has the harnlgest marketing business. all strapping it up on the bcs championship game. spearheaded, by ari, starting
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his own agency in the mid 1990s called endeavor and later merged with william morris. our superguest dan kaplan joins us now. what does this merger mean to the average sports fan? >> this is more a b to b merger not b to c. the average sports fan is not going to see a great deal of difference how peyton manning plays the game. fans overseas might seen something. img has been very active in developing countries like indiana brazil asia, starting sports leagues, funding sports leagues, with its new backer william morris you'll probably see lot more of that. >> why does william morris and endeavor need i mg. >> it had to be sold.
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it had to pay off the shareholders. img had to be sold. for william morris and endeavor, the bottom line is shrinking. that is a very profitable area for img, even though those stalled in 2013, although that is a hiccup. it is a much more lucrative business, with rising television fees and something every agency wants to get in on. >> the conflict between serena williams and sharapova. >> veena williams left william morris several years ago. now she's back under the nemesis
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of her rival, maria sharpova. it's something that large agencies often have to handle. >> how does this affect a guy like peyton manning, will we see him in a blockbuster movie or have his own television shows? >> of course he'll be on ento youentouran. the athletes themselves they may have more hollywood opportunities perhaps than they otherwise would have. but this is not about getting paint manning a book deal. >> now william morris endeavor has fallen short on some of their sports acquisitions, will the acquisition of img help their image especially in the sports world? >> i heard that this merger was going to be announced at the greenwich ymca.
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no, that's a joke. but having the savvy of img and img is very savvy about how sports media, people like myself, a are sports illustrated, would react to that, that is clearly -- well the lebron situation aside, this. >> bottom line will this merger be a good thing for sports? >> i believe it will be a good thick for sports. some niche forms, you are already seeing, clients of img, rafael nadal, and federer. >> athletes all want to be
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hollywood, hollywood want to be athletes. they have the synergy and the resources to do it. >> all right ross thanks very much. the first of the two big mega millions winners have come forward. the woman from stone mountain georgia ira curry says she asked her daughter to check the numbers on, after radio announcer mentioned number 7. the other winner is in san jose, california. we don't know who that person is yet. just heed, not investigated, thousands of child induce cases not investigated, what the government is doing about it now.
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>> how important is the future of manufacturing industry? >> you're talking about something that's very complex. >> made in america equals jobs in america. >> welcome back. you're watching scenes from the documentary, made in the usa, a 30-day journey, it's a look at the workforce and consumers, and john paid that documentary, and he got interested in where the goods we buy come from after a plant closed in his hometown, and welcome to the show. >> thanks for having me, appreciate it. >> so talk about how the closing of that plant impacted you and the community. >> well, the film sparred from century aluminum shutting down in my hometown in virginia, and 650 people lost their jobs, including my father-in-law,
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david nelson, and as time went on, it destroyed our local and regional economy. >> across california we are dealing with several things, a wildfire in big sur, the drought has been going on the for so long it's going to be affecting agriculture as well. we do think the big sur fire will be contained fairly soon, the humidity is fairly decent for this time of year. we're not going to see too much in terms of rain. wednesday forecast fairly dry. we do have snow up here in parts of nevada. we are dealing with snow across the great lakes. that is still the lake effect snow in the area. across much of new york. the visibility comes down quickly if you are traveling in this but we think this will end pretty quickly in the next day.
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friday, 49, saturday 55 and on sunday we are going to get all the way up to about 65°, feels more like a spring day here. big changes across the board for the central part of the united states. severe weather is coming into place right here and as we go towards saturday, right there where you see the yellow that means some severe weather, hail, lightning and damaging winds as well. >> evey sunday night, join us for exclusive, revealing, and suprizing talks
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with the most interesting people of our time. this sunday, >> i spent my whole life thinking about themes and thinking about how to structure movies, so this is highly unusual. >> the director of the sixth sense, says there are five things we can do to fix education in america >> the united states has education apartheid, that's the facts... >> talk to al jazeera with m. night shayamalan sunday at 7et / 4pt on al jazeera america >> now a follow up to a story we first told you about last night. thousands of reports of child abuse ignored by child protecteddive services in the state of arizona. they were all marked with the letters, ni, not investigated. authorized in arizona say their
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top priority now is determining the status of the children get m local law enforcement. >> here's one of the cps reports that we've received that needs follow up. >> just outside phoenix in the city of scotsdale, they are getting the ni reports in their jurisdictions, some fall back as far as 2009, exactly as the case
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had come in today. >> if there were a case that were reported a year ago, two years ago, three years ago, our urgency is, did this go on? could their condition be worse than two years ago? >> he received 230 cases stamped ni. >> we need to put eyes on the child. how is their health, their demeanor, their physical appearance, are they safe are they well? >> larson is the commanding officer of scottsdale's family law center. where they work hand in hand. everybody is an expert specially trained to deal with crimes of young children. >> state partners with cps and to have a location that a victim can come and have a one-stop approach. >> but for the more than 100 ni
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cases that the investigators will be investigating the victims will not be coming here. they will be going to the victims. >> go ahead and double check that in our reporting system because i might have missed it when i was looking it up myself. >> tony galbraith says, they 98 be cold cases. >> they may be living somewhere else, we may not be able to find where they live, dealing with that still information, that is a concern. >> do these represent more work for you? you were busy beforehand. >> absolutely it is a lot of work but it has to be done. >> even if detective gal braith
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is a detective she's a mom. >> you deal with these cases and the child is your child's age. these are tough, you cases and after that they are going to handle each new case for each new child. john. >> child welfare has been a problem in the state of arizona for
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have, the means to attack it. john. >> a super bowl with snow. it could happen in february for the first time ever. but officials have big plans, just in case.
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[[voiceover]] no doubt about it,
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>> some bad news for people living in california. the state is suffering from a drought that's in its third straight year. the department of water resources is trying to come up with a solution for farmers who have to operate with much less water for their crops. if it continues, weather conditions can result in extremely low reservoirs and low groundwater levels. the last time that happened was in 1976. super bowl's less than two months away, hard to believe. but preparations are at full throttle. this time the game is being played in an open air stadium just across the hudson river from new york. the state averages about two inches of snow in the first week of february but what if there is
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more? john terrett reports from met life stadium. >> i hate to mention this but we get an awful lot of the white stuff in february, and key is met life stadium hoad to super bowl on february 2nd has no roof. there is a chance 80,000 high paying fans could be freezing in the stands or, worse, the game could be postponed. this part of the world they're made of stern stuff. >> a snow storm could hit at any time. but that doesn't mean people should not be able to move around or football not be able to be played. >> he says the key is to have the resources in place and be able to clear the snow efficiently. and this is what they're worried about. a giant pile of snow, atop the 30-yard line. but it is not just here at the met life stadium, it is all the roads around because this will be known as the first ever mass
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transit super bowl. 820 vehicles like these will be on stand by to clear the roads within a 30 mile radius of the stadium. they'll have access to 60,000 tons of salt. no longer was the discussion over, secret weapon smedment mother nature you stand no chance. 600 tons of snow every hour can be dispatched by this bad boy and they have more than 30 of them. the man who runs met life stadium says he's never missed a match yet because of the weather and he doesn't intend to start now. >> we're ready for anything and if you have tickets we're going to greet you with smiles on your faces and make you comfortable. >> with hand warmers? >> hand warmers, hats, gloves,
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tissues, my nose has been dripping out here in the cold. >> a little bit to too much information but you understand what he means. john terrett, at the super bowl,. >> just a couple of weeks ago we spoke to the grandson of the great pablo picasso, who brought with him a masterpiece, he purchased one of the tickets in the sotheby's online charity raffle, the proceeds will be going to preserve the city of tyre in lebanon. we'll see you back at 11:00.
9:00 pm
>> welcome to aljazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler. here are tonight's top stairs. new recommendations on regulating the national security agency from an independent panel, appoint a civilian to head the spy group instead of the military general running it now. it's a deal the bipartisan budget agreement passed the senate today, potentially avoiding another shutdown for up to two years. automatic spending cuts caused by the sequester. >> customers given and extra 10 days to pay their first month premiums. the extension is a response to the lingering problems with the affordable care act


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