tv News Al Jazeera December 20, 2013 3:00am-3:31am EST
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check check >> a rescue operation is under way in south sudan after three u.s. soldiers are killed and a border village plunged into chaos. >> hello, you are watching al jazeera live from doha. also on the program - a filipino politician shot dead at manila's international airport. >> the presidential vote in madagascar that could put an end to a political crisis, >> we speak to an iran director who domed the censors and won on
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oscar. >> welcome to the program, a rescue operation is taking place in south sudan after a remote village has been plunged into chaos. violence broke out at the u.n. compound days after an alleged coup attempt. india said three of its peace-keeping soldiers have been killed. the town is close to an ethiopian border centered around a market and primary school. a kilometre to the north is a hospital. >> the u.n. says they will only release details about the rescue mission once it's complete. when people heard a u.n. base was attacked were shocked. they said if the u.n. could be targeted no one is safe.
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there was sporadic gunfire around the u.s. embassy area. people are concerned about what will happen next. the government tells people to relax, not to panic, they were in control of the situation. airlines have increased flights coming in to juba, to get people out before the weekend in case something goes wrong. for those that can't leave, they are quietly panicking. their worst fears that the rebels will come in and take juba and they are concerned about the family. >> the chief prosecutor at the criminal court asked for the trial of kenya's president to be delayed. uhuru kenyatta is accused of fuelling ethnic violence after the 2007 election. he was due to stand trial in february. more than 1200 died in the fighting. the prosecutor says she needs more time to collect evidence after a crucial witness
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withdrew. >> gunmen shot dead a mayor, his wife and a baby at an airport in the philippines. ukol talumpa had just won an election in may. >> what seems to have happened at the airport. a great deal of panic and confusion. >> yes, indeed. in fact, several hours, over three hours ago the mayor arrived from zamboanga. a lone gunman fired several shots, killing the mayor and his wife, an 18-month-old baby and another person the relative of the mayor. five from wounded and have been
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airlifted to a hospital. the suspect fled, according to local police. >> it teems nobody as taken responsibility. where do you think fingers will point? >> the local government believes that this is politically motivated. that is the earlier assessment, in fact. the mayor, alone has already survived three ambush attempts. local elections were in may, and he was in an area considered to be hardened by electoral violence. the bodies, the relative and the wife are being flown back to zamboanga to give them the proper burial that they need to do. however, in this airport they are clearing the crime scene. this is the busiest time of
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year, christmas in the philippines, and there have been flights according to airport officials. they are clearing the area. those victims, the others who are wounded are in the hospital. >> and, of course, the investigation will be hampered by the fact that they are - i believe there's no cctv in the area where the attack happened. >> yes, indeed. in fact, that is a surprising result of this area, that it does not have closed-circuit television. the airport in the philippines have been classified as one of the worst in the world. security has been a major issue. there has been a lot of contract killings, most happening in the prove sinces in the ear of southern philippines. this alone. this is an international airport and has been classified.
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again. a security concern. no security cameras at the airports. at this point there's no idea as to who might have been behind the attack. they have made an assessment of this. thank y thank you. >> north korea threatened to strike south korea without notice. it follows protests in seoul where ef ef only anies of kim jong un were current. north korea said the rallies in sulted the highest dignity of leadership. >> top diplomats will meet in
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sweden following ground work for negotiations on syria. our diplomatic editor james bays has more. >> the wintry temperatures are the only thing this place has in common. this is known for its jazz festival. it hasn't seen war fair for 160 years. talks are due to start with the effort of ending one of the bloodiest conflict in history, a conflict that is still raging. after almost three years of bloodshed in syria, for the first time a date has been set, 22 january, to bring both sides together for negotiations. even now, there are talks of delay. one of those challenges is who is going be invited. the question of iran and saudi arabia are going to be
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problematic. some are key countries, they'd like to hear a clear commitment from the base of geneva ii. and that is the implementation of geneva. we haven't heard that yet. there may be logistical difficulties. again, i would not be surprised if they decide to change the date again. >> lakhdar brahimi, the u.n. arab league representative asked the u.s. and russia it come up with a list of nine members of the opposition, and the russians to bring a list of nine participants from the regime's side. >> even if the talks finally go ahead. diplomats think the chances of a deal are not high. despite that the u.n. has to plan for the next stage. >> we might contribute towards stablilization of the situation in syria.
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and we have been working on various scenarios, you know. planning ahead. but clearly this is still mainly paperwork. >> there is certainly fresh impetus in the search for peace, but on the ground depressingly there's no sign of a let-up in the brutal violence. >> let's bring you news coming out of the soviet - russia. the former oil mag nate disputed as being one of russia's richest men who has been in gaol has been pardoned by vladimir putin. it was part of the announcement he made at his annual address to the press and media, that he would give amnesty and pardoning to 300 political prisoners. those in gaol will get more on that as we get it.
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he has been pardoned. >> people in madagascar are voting for their next leader. two hopefuls hope to ease interpretations. they have the backing of political rivals. sanctions were in place since the last government was overthrown in a coup. >> the one overriding message by voters is they want the political and economic crisis that gripped their country to be over. they are sick and tired of seeing unemployment and poverty get worse. nine out of 10 survive on less than $2 a day. house care and education, basic services have been hit hard. they'll elect 151 parliamentarians and a new president. they have at choice between two cannedates.
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on one side is hery rajaonarimampiaina. he ousted former president marc ravalomanana and he is supporting the other candidate, robinson jean louis. the election result will be known on 7 january. observers will look to see that the military stays in its barracks, because the country has a history of coups. if it is declared free and fair, all the donor money cut off should return and foreign investors should come back so madagascans can rebuild their countries. >> a group of doctors revealed the medical care of asylum seekers in australia. it detailed failings at the
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asylum center. they say they are paid to compromise their medical ethics. andrew thomas has more. a letter of concern paints a dangerous picture of a detention center where 2,000 are held. christmas island is where most refugees aim for. the detention center is where they are held, in line with australia's tough policy of not allowing refugees coming by boat to australia to stay here. 15 doctors all worked on christmas island and they say there are numerous unsafe practices and gross departures from acceptable standards. asylum seekers examinations are quick. often they are soiled in urine and faeces. they talk about asylum, and
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natal care is unsafe, basic medical stops are low. they say the health service falls below acceptable standards. the immigration minister said the claims are taken seriously and an assessment is underway. once that's been done, there has been recommendations and they'll be acted pon. >> more to comme. thousands of indians out in the cold waiting to return home. >> and a sweet scoring sweet success at the e.u. we'll have the details.
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>> welcome back. you are watching al jazeera, a reminder of the top stories, the united nations is a flying troops to a tiny village in south sudan after it lost a base there. violence has swept the country after an alleged coup attempt. gunmen shot dead a town-may juni -- town mayor, his wife, baby and another person in manila. >> a run-off election in madagascar. two candidates promise to ease years of turmoil. >> in the central african republic there has been reports of fighting in bangui, hours
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after an international coalition took over the peacekeeping forces. on a visit to the country the u.s. ambassador to the united nations called for an end to the fighting. >> the u.s. has been detached from the crisis. it may come as a surprise to central africans to see the jet. the united states ambassador to the u.n. headed for an armoured car. powell drove through streets tense with intermittent gunfire. she visited a hospital and spoke to one of thousands injured in the attacks. >> is there anything you would like to ask from us specifically? >> she wants peace. >> across the other side of the capital this is the new force
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tasked with trying to bring teas. the green berets of misca an international support mission. it will scale up to 6,000 troops, dwarfing the size of its predecessor. within an hour of the ceremony an indicator of the will to increase the force. fresh troops from barr undery. >> the troops and military have been flown in. logistical and humanitarian funding is as far as the united states has gone. >> samantha powell was a journalist known for her criticism of the un's response to atrocities. as an ambassador, meeting religious and political leaders. it is important that these powerful people, the president, prime minister and head of the
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council, agreed to relinquish power as soon as the elections occurred. samantha powell may have shown concerns. the situation is the same here. there's uncertainty. >> meanwhile france has 1600 troops in the central african republic, and president francis hollande is lobbying e.u. leaders to give more support to operations in mali. at a meeting in brussels they decided they can't. they agreed to cooperate on defense issues in the future, but have not ruled out involvement in africa at a later date. >> thousands are living in a camp months after escaping violence. a hindu woman was harassed by a man, he was killed by her
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brothers. there were riots. the conditions in the relief camp are dire. >> as night falls over the camp residents tried to keep warm. they left their homes in september, after violence erupted in their homes. this man lost his 9-month-old son to pneumonia. 10 others in the camp died. >> translation: you used to wake up in the morning, he would say pa pa. he had started teething. >> in the morning officials arrived with track suits and socks for the children. but mohammed shek ear is fewerious, saying his house was looted and burnt. he really needs compensation and land. most families in the camp have
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no homes to return to. the government says it's doing all it can, including allocating $40 million to help. >> we have provided blankets, and a number of other relief measures - warm clothes, nutrients. we are trying our best to prevent the people from death. >> authorities have arrested 300 people, including political leaders accused of flaming the unrest ahead of the 2014 general elections, and have been criticised for abandoning the families. the supreme court intervened and directed the government to provide relief within 24 hours. >> in september when the camp began, it stopped. there were orders from the top. facilities have begun again.
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life continues to be a struggle for survival. families in the camp are bracing for a long bitterly cold winter. they are too afraid to return home, and too poor to go anywhere else. what they fear the most is being abandaned by the government. >> tear gas has been used to stop violence between parents and striking teachers in southern mexico. the parents threw rocks and sticks at a teacher. according to local media the striking teachers were trying to force their way in. thousands are striking ever education reforms approved by congress. thousands of union workers and act visits marched through argentina's capital. >> earlier this month thousands of businesses were looted across the country.
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at least 14 people were killed in the violence. >> american retailer target says bank details for up to 40 million customers may have been stolen. it includes names, card numbers and expiration dates. >> from november 27th to last sunday customers of target were having names, card numbers, expiration dates and security codes harvested by hackers whenever they swiped a debit or credit card at a store. the breach was discovered on sunday, but was only publicly revealed on thursday. the customers at least seemed unruffled. >> i trust that they wouldn't want their money or anything else damaged or taken from them. so they need to rectify the situation. >> we will keep an eye on the credit card. >> there are serious questions for target. the retailer has not disclosed
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how hackers gained access to the systems, nor how they stole data for three weeks, or whether a breach can be prevented from happening again. this is not the first time a major retailer has been hacked. tjx had its computers compromised between 2005 and 2006. for 18 months customer's data was stolen. the "wall street journal" reported that a telescope shaped antenna was pointed at a laptop and gained access of up to 200 million targets. target is advising its customers to be vigilant. for complete security, there's a course of action. >> i would back off using the card. i'd put a freeze on it if you don't want to end the account. the damage may have occurred. looking at your statement after it happens is the best thing you can do in this situation.
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>> and the fear of retailers, not just target, is that their potential customers will cut up their cards and rein in spending during the festive season. >> another u.s. state has legalized gay marriage, new mexico joins 16 other states in allowing same sex couples to tie the knot. >> the first iranian director to win first foreign picture. it's no small feat for a director working in a country with severe censorship. >> iran's best-known director has been circling the globe to promote his latest film. >> i think i can stay out of my country for a long time.
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>> it's set in paris. like everything done, the past is a product of the homeland. an iranian man played by iranian actor returns to france to divorce his french wife. while the drama is personal, not political, the relationship serves as a metaphor for east-west relations. >> translation: there's a world of misunderstanding between them. perhaps we can't call it their differences. in the opening scene we see them placed on two sides of a glass pane. they see each other and talk to each other. it seems they don't hear each other. >> when he released his last film "the separation" the strain on iran's relationship with the united states made headlines. it made more than $700 billion, earning iran its first ever
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oscar in the best foreign feature category. the win was celebrated on the iranian television, despite efforts to shut down the film's production. according to a film expert, making an award winning film under iran censorship codes is nothing short of a miracle. >> she he-- see here, that's no allowed. he is skilled at managing to get through the censorship codes. he made socially critical films without sounding critical. >> has censorship eased under the new president. >> translation: it's too soon to judge. the government has only been in office for a few months. before things were so bad that anything that happens now is good. >> with the past he avoided
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iranian censors by shooting abroad. in the united states there's talk of another oscar. if the success of films are any guide, the two countries have more in common. >> finally - food fights take place every day. not in school canteens, but those playing out in call rooms. farmers, manufacturers resort to other means. turkey is celebrating a victory with e.u. >> where does your food come from, how is it made? these are at the core of a multibillion industry. cheese must come from france. italy has the rights to parmaham. they are 1200 products that have
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an e.u. status. specific logos as a trademark of quality. helping to protect consumers from products. three new items. greek tomato known from islands. the other is u.k. yorkshire cheese. it's been produced since the 12th century. the third isn't even from the iyour. the european commission awarded status a sweet pastry made with dough. it's now only one of 60 non-e.u. foods to hold the trademark and follows a battle with greece for the distinction. food and politics are never far from each other. and in this case the turkish
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delight triumphed >> you can follow that story and all that we are covering by logging on to the website on there's news, reviews. our top story is the ongoing situation in sudan. wall street had feared the fed stimulus move, but it turns out the stock market wasn't scared at all. we'll talk about what that means for you. also with the clock ticking down to a key obamacare deadline, see how health insurance companies are pulling out all of the stops to get you online. and mall shops luring buyers with perks you can only find online until now. money." ♪
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