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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 24, 2013 5:00am-6:01am EST

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good night. i'm david foster and a warm welcome to you and striking at the heart of egypt's security and a bomb goes off outside of headquarters killing at least 12 people. readying reenforcement and they talk about sending peace keepers to stem the violence in south sudan and india and pakistan hold face-to-face talks.
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>> and i have the sport and hear what the managers have to say about the stalemate at chelsea and the football returns to egypt and we will find out why the players may find that league lonely place to be. ♪ these were the scenes in the early hours of this morning as a powerful explosion tore through a police headquarters in egypt, it's the second time the building has been attacked raising any concerns about security and not just there but elsewhere in the country and it was detonated in the city of mansouri, north of cairo and one of the worst attacks since mohamed morsi was out of power in july and there were 120 others injured and they are calling it a terrorist attack. the muslim brotherhood condemned
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what happened and saying it was an attack on the egypt people and interior minister and he talks while he visits the blast site. >> translator: on monday there were four activists who confessed to some of the incidents and they are trying to terrorize people because of the referendum and i want to assure people there is a plan in place to take the election centers. >> reporter: and we have more. he is in cairo. >> the blast struck at police headquarters soon after midnight, around the time a group of senior police officers was inside, among them the city security chief. it's not clear if he was the target but he is among those listed as seriously injured in the explosion. the car bomb ripped through the five-story building collapsing part of it and burying officers
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in the rubble and caught neighboring buildings in the densely packed neighborhood and local hospitals called for blood donors to help with the rush of casualties and they set up checkpoints around the city to try to find those responsible. the prime minister described the attack as a terrorist incident and said the perpetrators will not escape justice and the government spokesmen said the muslim brotherhood showed it's ugly face as a terrorist organization shedding blood and messing with the security and no one is saying they are behind the bombing and carried out attacks in the peninsula in the past. a few days ago they said they consider them to be infindels because they answer to the military-backed government. i'm with al jazeera cairo. >> reporter: and in the country there have been more protests against the three-year sentences
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handed down to egypts prominent activists accused of violating a controversial law restricting protests and they condemned the egyptian government for what they say is a widening crack down on political decent and we report. >> the court ruling angered the trio of supporters but did not surprise them but the sentences were not about the law, they were about silencing political opponents. >> they are telling us there is no freedom or humanity and make us forget the principles of the 25th revolution but we will not forget them and we will continue with those principles. >> reporter: the three were convicted over an incident last november when maha went to court for an unrelated charge. a group of supporters fought with riot police. and the court held the men responsible for organizing an
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illegal gathering and injuring police officers. the prosecutors' office said all they did was apply the law. in a statement the office said the videos the prosecutor watched on the internet clearly showed the three defendants chanting against the protest law and attempting to storm the court while throwing rocks at the security. these crimes were proven beyond any doubt. after the verdict a local television station played a recording of a phone conversation between two of the convicted men. the recording revealed nothing incriminating but human rights say it's part of an orchestrated attempt to discredit the government's critics. >> translator: they say they are fighting terrorist and no one can fight against them and making people accept restrictions. secondly, they are using the
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media to insight people against anyone criticizing violations of human rights. >> reporter: protests condemning the government have been taking place almost daily. this was cairo on monday. for the most part they are led by the religious conservatives but the latest convictions could trigger wider demonstrations among people and it is seen as a rolling back of gains of the revolution to the return of the barbaric days. >> reporter: thousands more peace keepers could be on their way to south sudan as fighting takes over what appears to be the central african nation. 100,000 people left their homes to look for somewhere safe to hide and some 45,000 of them are taking shelter at u.n. bases and a draft u.n. resolution for more soldiers has been put forward by
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moon and the security council is expected to vote later on tuesday. u.n. already has 6700 peace keepers in south sudan and they want 5 1/2 to reenforce them and they will be in drc, liberia and ivory coast and sudan and more equipment could also be transferred and helicopters and one military transport aircraft are plained and we are in duba joining me and i don't believe people are arriving where you are but in the capitol and across the country and do you know if the u.n. can take people who are fleeing from the violence or whether they had to shut the gates? >> well, they are stretched to capacity. some places they did shut the gates because of too many people and trying to run away and get to u.n. bases just for safety and in duba there are two bases
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and a lot of people are in there and one base is 10,000 and another base is around 10,000, the fighting is taking its toll on civilians and women and children and everyone is invited and effected and i'm joined by the doctor a unicef chief of staff and this is a plight affecting children i suppose and what impact has it had on children? >> all we know is with the conflict escalating, the lives of children are in danger. the conflict is in terms of the states that have been effected but also in the number of people that have been effected. and as we know in this kind of situation the children are most effected. and in this case it's no exception. children, women's lives are in great danger. >> reporter: what challenges do you face looking after all of these people? >> well, especially in places
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like the state in particular where there is insecurity, and thousands of children are in the u.n. compound, because of the insecurity we are unable to reach them. that is great frustration to us. we have the means. we have the materials. we have the supplies to reach them and because of insecuritys we are unable to reach them and that is a frustration. >> reporter: the ones who do make it to the camps are they injured? what condition are they in? >> for children in particular, a lot of them are separated from their families. a lot of them because they have stayed for sometime and have to travel a long distance to reach the camp a lot of them are tired, hungry and a lot of them are staying in the camps and the heat of the sun and at night and in the cold. so a lot of them are coming in psychologically or so very, very not good shape and children and
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women come to the camp and it's a bad situation. >> reporter: the u.n. is thinking of sending in more troops to south sudan, more bodies on the ground, is that going to help? >> well, we think, we believe that that is going to help. it may not help us to do more, but it will help us to do better work than we are doing now so we really work on the decision of the security council to send more troops here. hopefully if you give us room and access to children and women that we cannot reach now. >> reporter: thank you very much from unicef. one perspective of what you are facing and helping thousands of people across the country. >> the challenges seem to be growing and harry we thank you very much indeed. and south sudan's government said 20% of oil production is shut down because of the fighting. oil production in unity state has stopped because of battles in that area. the region was producing 45,000 barrels of oil a day.
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south sudan is linked solely on production for upper niles state which produces about 200,000 barrels everyday. the prime minister of central african republican has backed troops despite problems against them and the malitia and accused of being biased against muslim celica fighter agree them with the pour and coup in march and the prime minister says all armed groups need to be disarmed. >> translator: the solutions thought out which is helped by french forces consisting of locating all the armed forces, all the malitias who have armed and committed atrocities, all the groups must be neutralized. >> reporter: in a moment on the news hour, they killed more people than the other, the
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inventor of the ak-47 has died. and he spent nine months on hunger strike and now the prisoner has been freed from an israeli jail. in sport we will hear from the person who has to explain the supporters and not his own teammates who cause him the most trouble in cricket. ♪ everyday on this news hour we bring you the latest on countless conflicts worldwide and they have one thing in common. the inventor of the gun that killed more people than no other died at the age of 94 and he designed his ak-47 assault rifle for soviet soldiers but for decades it has effected people
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and drugs, gangs and many people around the world and we report from moscow. 1947 and the very beginning of the cold war and rolling off the production line at the soviet factory, a new weapon to change the world and the ak-47 from the inventor. a former tank officer and wounded in the war and while recovering in hospital listened to soldiers complaining about the lack of a reliable infantry weapon. rugged and reliable the ak-47 can fire 600 rounds a minute and ranges of more than a kilometer. and russia supplied millions of weapons in the cold war and they
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are still in use. it is a remarkably simple weapon to use and it only has eight moving parts and you can easily teach a child how to strip and shoot an ak-47 in under an hour. for the child armies of african an sierra leon, liberia is the weapon of choice and known by drug dealers and cartels and it was an icon for violence in the 20th century. four years ago the russian leadership celebrated his 90th birthday. awarding him the nation's highest honor, hero of the russian federation but looking back on his life he had some regrets. i'm proud of invention but sad it's used by terrorists and i would like to build a machine
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that farmers could use like a lawnmower and peter sharp in moscow. they are calling for a boycott of the winter all picks to talk about the human rights record and two female members have been freed from prison and reunited in moscow and jailed last year for singing at a moscow cathedral regarding putin's leadership and they were dismissed by putin as a propaganda stunt. >> this was regarding the olympics but i'm calling for a boycott and honesty and do not sell yourself for oil and gas that russia can provide. >> reporter: the crowds looked big but the number of people is dwindling and half a million people gathered in kiev but sunday was the lowest turn out yet. from the capitol's independent
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square jennifer glass has more. >> this is the heart of the movement in kiev independent square and this camp has been set up for just over a month and people are living in tents and keeping warm around oil drums here. it's much less crowded than certainly we have seen in the earlier days and people being counted in the hundreds rather than the thousands here and it's a week-day morning here and a lot of people are at work and in the evenings and on the weekends the numbers do get bigger. we are not seeing the kind of turn out we saw in the early days of this protest and demands are the same that the people want the government to resign. they want the government to make concessions toward europe and like to see the police apologize for attacks that occurred on the square in early fall and the government has no signs of making concessions and the opposition leaders are calling for people to stay here until the new year.
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this is the square and the main protests are happening, the heart of the protests. as you can see a few hundred people here on this morning. it is a working day. the real question will be what will happen when the holiday season starts? ukraine and the holiday season begins at the new year and orthodox christmas is in the opposition and leaders called on people to come out in large numbers during that time to celebrate new years on insquare. we may see then how much momentum this protest has but right now as you can see very few people and certainly not the huge numbers we saw in the early days of this protest. >> reporter: some other stories from around the world, the pioneer and british scientist has been given a pardon 50 years after he committed suicide, his code-breaking skills helped britain win the second world war and he was persecuted for being
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homosexual which was illegal in post war britain and after being committed he took his life and they are delighted his name is finally being cleared. israeli prime minister netanyahu said any spying on israel is unacceptable and responding to news reports that britain and the u.s. snooped on former prime minister and senior defense officials and based on documents leaked by the whistleblower edward snowden. >> translator: concerning matters published in the past few days i have asked for an examination in the matter, in the close ties between israel and united states there are things that must not be done and not acceptable to us. >> reporter: a spoof video about youth culture landed eight people in prison. six foreigners and two uae citizens are sentenced to a year
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each by a court in eadowabi and even though the youtube video stated at the beginning what people were about to see was fix -- fictional and they were talking about penalties for challenging authorities and they said the ruling was painful and unfair. palestinian prisoner was on hunger strike for nine months has been freed and he was originally sentenced for 26 years and they report he is seen as a symbol of resistance for other hunger strikers in israeli jails. >> a significant moment here in jerusalem for the longest hunger striking palestinian prisoner also seen as a hero. he has just been released from a prison in northern israel. his nine-month hunger strike forced the israeli government to
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shorten his prison sentence from 17 years to only 8 months in exchange for ending his strike. >> translator: israel has tried to humiliate my people by detaining my again. i had two options, die on a hunger strike or gaining my freedom because i would not have let the occupation defeat my people. >> reporter: and he was sentenced to 26 years in prison in 2002 for what israel described as terrorist activity. but was released early in the 2011 prisoner exchange deal. it was not long before he was rearrested for what israel said was a violation of his parol term and he was sentenced for the original term and he started the hunger strike that his family says won him his freedom. it is clear that israel has anger and defeat celebrating the release with the palestinians is a message under occupation we
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are a free people and israel cannot take our happiness away. >> reporter: he is also seen as the man who led the hunger strike movement across the prisons and prisoners demanding early release or better prison conditions. and palestinians he defined the long detention and willing to die in the protestify but israel fears others will follow in his footsteps and go to the strike of all prisoners. the hunger strike has become a serious challenge for israel which has come under international criticism for the health of hunger striking inmates and sometimes leaving them no option but to compromise. al jazeera in jerusalem. >> reporter: christians celebrate the birth of jesus people who live in the place where he was born are struggling. business owners in bethlehem say
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israeli security measures discourage visitors. and we explain for those who do visit they are seeing reas a results of a $50 million make over. >> christian school children in bethlehem kiss the spot where many believe jesus was born and it brings tourist and faithful from around the world but not repaired in 500 years. the european countries and palestinian authority put together part of the $50 million needed to give new life to a building whose oldest stones date back to the fourth century. >> translator: we hope that the restoration will bring torist to the city and helps the people to stay put and end the occupation of our home land. >> reporter: many christians believe mary and joseph, jesus' parents walked down the street known as star street on the way to the manger where they say
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jesus has been born but business has not been good recently and 2 million tourists come here every year but rarely stay very long. >> we go to jerusalem and got a hotel there and travel one day and go back. >> reporter: bethlehem lies inside of jerusalem but behind the israel separation wall and can take a couple hours to get through checkpoints and it's under palestinian rule on a land occupied by israel. unemployment here is the highest in the west bank at around a quarter of the working population. >> translator: it would be best if the tourist stayed and spent more but they don't stay. >> reporter: there is hope the repairs and the decision to make the church a world heritage site in 2012 will bring back higher tourist levels but the sediment of some and the city of
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christmas and celebrations and business of the celebrations are somewhat like a christmas tree surrounded by a cement wall, i'm spicer in bethlehem. >> reporter: the roman catholic has delivered christmas greetings to the predecessor and it's the second time pop francis has been welcomed by pope benedict since he stepped down in february and they will hold mass later on tuesday. in brazil heavy rains caused flooding and land slides and 20 people have been killed in santo and more than 40,000 people have been forced from their mountain homes and doing best to provide food for hundreds of people seeking shelter in public buildings. i suppose it's appropriate since what i just read to do the world weather now. here is richard. >> thanks, david, this is an issue across southeast brazil at this time of year and if you
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have cast back to 2011 when nearly 500 people died in december and january because of flood. this is an ongoing situation and there has been torrential rain in brazil over the course of december and it's 12-15 of the month are getting deaths as a result of severe flooding. this is a satellite picture and there is active cloud extending across southeast areas in particular and associated with the area of low pressure and but it's produced some pretty large rainfall totals in the last 24 hours alone as you see and this is on eastern parts of the country and this is a period of 48 hours and we see some significantly larger totals than that and looking at the forecast we are not seeing great changes and it's typical of what you see this time of the year and we get to the month of december and we get rainfall totals about 180 millimeters and certainly i think 180 millimeters is likely
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one or two localized areas during the course of the next three days here and remains very heavy across eastern brazil and extends on through towards wednesday. david. >> richard thank you very much indeed and do stay with us there is plenty more ahead in the news hour including. >> it was a miracle. >> reporter: south sudan and terrified and traumatized people from kenya tell their stories. in sport the defending stanley cup champions look to get back to the top of the western conference coming up. ♪
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♪ you're watching al jazeera. good to have your company and david foster with you and time to update you on the world's top stories. egypt visited police headquarters where a car bomb blast killed 12 and injured 120. and they say the explosion is another attempt to terrorize people ahead of a constitutional referendum. thousands of peace keepers could be on their way to south sudan to try to prevent a civil war and u.n. security council is expected to vote later. the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. says there is unanimous support to increase the number of troops. pakistan and indian military commanders are meeting for the highest level talks in more than ten years and they are trying to strength a ten-year-old peace
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agreement which has been broken. south sudan and kenya airways suspended all flights to and from south sudan. some people have been brought home safely but some say it took too long and this is from duba. >> terrified and traumatized saying they cannot believe they survived the violence in the town of boar. they say they were air-lifted by u.n. helicopter. >> it was a miracle and they come to pick the u.s. citizens, that is when they discovered the u.s. citizens have already been evacuated and give a chance to 15 women and ten kenyas and
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people from uganda. and talked about widespread looting. >> my passport and since monday i have been left with but i don't care. i'm going home. >> reporter: and those in the relatively calm capitol want out and kenya officials say there are some 30,000 people in south sudan and to have died as a result of the violence. and 10,000 kenyans applied for travel documents in the past week. this is the third batch of kenyans to get out of the capitol since the fighting began and kenya officials tell us the priority is to get women and children out. kenya troops have been delivering people displaced including food, milk and water and complains that the rescue is slow but it's doing what it can
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given the circumstances. those who are financially able have been getting on commercial flights and seen at duba airports as they exit. survivors say people are missing and some thought to have fled and leaving an imprint even on the younger ones. >> it's not good. it's killing people. >> reporter: as the planes fill up desperation sets in and some refuse to spend one more day here and those are grateful and say the world needs to remember those left behind and i'm in duba, south sudan. >> reporter: air raid on allepo killed 330 people in a nine-days of bombing and it's the human rights and attention is focused on so called barrel bombs and we
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report. >> reporter: children running for their lives, a sign that something terrible has just happened. inside men tried desperately to free students under the collapsed roof of the school. it's not clear whether all these children survived but at least one did. these are the latest pictures from allepo, a city that already had large parts of it flattened after 2 1/2 years of conflict. but the aerial of bombardment killed hundreds of people but many in the city remained
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defiance. >> translator: and we tell them that we won't. >> reporter: to limit government air strikes these rebels are firing on one of the airports. for over a week the government has been dropping barrels filled with explosives and shrapnel from aircraft that destroy wide areas and syrian forces don't appear to be targeting anything specific. >> translator: he used to strike us with canons and tanks and were able to tolerate but this barrels and this reflects how weak he is because if he is powerful he has to join the battle on the ground. >> reporter: analysts say the government is focusing on allepo because of the strategic importance and used to be the commercial hub but the most recent strikes coincides with the run up to peace talks planned for the next month in switzerland and the government appears to be trying to gain as much ground as it can to give it
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as strong of a bargaining position as possible for when it begins and the battle to survive the military on slaught gets worse by the day. >> reporter: throughout the year we reported extensively on refugees and many of those living in make-shift shelters finds it hard understandably to earn a decent living and we are revisiting a refugee camp in northern iraq to find out how some of those who have been there all year are coping. >> reporter: and this is not so much a camp site but a small town made out of canvas and rope and an economy and an inf infrastructure to survive and rain is a problem and flooding if not controlled would wash away this camp. one agency called the rise foundation is working with a
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french organization and the norwegien refugee council and they are helping to protect the camp against flooding by building drainage systems but instead of bringing contractors they hire others to do it. and it provides much dignity and a day's pay for a hard day's work. >> translator: i have an elderly mother and 11 siblings, i'm the sole provider and this is great opportunity for me to work and i'm proud i can provide an income for my family. >> reporter: and it's hard work, all these need to be placed on drainage ditches and it's a basic low-cost solution and providing protection and income. the manager of the program and he takes a hands on approach. >> the people are employed and kids have nothing to do during the day and if we can employ
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people it helps the engagement and gives them a sense of purpose. the guys and families that are involved in the project take a sense of pride in what they are doing and you can see that from what they are achieving. >> reporter: people in the camp are building a life together in tragic circumstances and that is particularly important when you consider that about 13,000 people live here and nothing to do. while they build it there is a lot to do but this is a short-term solution and in the longer camps is when the work dries up there is a sense of frustration that kicks in and that frustration can lead to anger and leads to violence and managing that especially duing -- dealing with refugees of this size is difficult and crucial
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and there are camps like this across the region and the longer the conflict goes on the more anger there will be, i'm with al jazeera in a camp in iraq. >> reporter: defenses and faces show that after many years still no resolution has been met. but pakistan and india military commanders are holding high level talks in cashmire and trying a cease fire agreement since 2003 and there is a line of control, the unofficial border. our correspondent reports now from the indian city of shriniga. >> reporter: it looks quiet and peaceful but life here can be hard. these children may not know it but things can change quickly here in cashmire, something these people know for themselves.
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[cow mooing] they travel from borders to the capitol for treatment. and he lost his right leg to a land mine a few years ago and brother lost his leg in a separate incident. a high level meeting between india and pakistan that could stop cease fire is of little comfort to him. >> translator: we are poor people. we are handicapped and we belong to india. we live on the border. if we don't stay out of the water what do we do? >> reporter: mohamed also knows the pain caused by tighting. in 1998 he had to leave his village which was next to the so called line of control that divides india and pakistan and cashmire and in 2004, a year after the last cease fire he had to move again because of shelling which killed several
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people. >> translator: only god knows if anything will come out of the meeting, what do i know, nothing happened yet to resolve anything. >> reporter: this bus service between india and pakistan and cashmire is few connections between the two sides and based on experience most people on this side of the line don't have much faith in the high-level talks but there is still hope like these buses good will will flow freely between the two sides. and coli is hoping things will change as a result of the two sides meeting. >> translator: everyone here is happy that might be able to go back home. we are very happy there could be peace. >> reporter: whatever the outcome of the meeting coli is among the lucky one whose have money to move to safer parts of cashmire and ones who don't are left behind. >> translator: what can we do? we are hungry and naked, what can anyone do, this is life for the poor, who looks after us?
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[birds] snow has fallen on cashmire and a reminder of the hardship the people face and unlike the snow there is hope here now that when peace descends on cashmire they will be here to stay and this is from india. >> reporter: and there has been conflict between pakistan and india for more than 50 years and two nations went to war in 1947 and 1965 and both times ending in a u.n.-ordered cease fire and after attempts to reach a deal the two sides agreed to a cease fire along the line of control in 2003. a year later a formal peace protest was launched. and that has not stopped both sides from violating that agreement. as we heard we will talk about the latest meeting and joined on skype and new deli we have the director general of the policy group who is doing peace
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building and ethnic conflicts. very good to have you with us on this news hour. just bring us up to date on the news hour, 2 now 3 cease fire, 2004 peace talks were supposed to start and in a few days that will be ten years. where are those piece talks, are they happening at all? >> yes, there was quite a dynamic peace process from 2004-2007 which was then put on a back burner when the agitations erupted in pakistan. it was put on the back burner at the president's request. during those three years we saw the launch of the bus service which you have discussed in your program. we also saw various other points where cashmiries on both sides could meet and cross over and of course there were separate talks on resolving the various seven
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or eight issues that remained to be resolved between india and pakistan. >> reporter: why is it such a contentious issue? >> well, you know, partition is always a difficult thing. as you can imagine, it causes a great deal of pain and suffering and hostility on both sides of the partition line. it also often leads unresolved disputes and we have seen this in bosnia and seen it in many cases, northern ireland and cyprus et cetera and it's not surprising there has been hostilities and as you see in the cases whether it's northern ireland or cyprus or the partition of bosnia it takes a very long time. >> reporter: i'm just wondering, i'm afraid i'm no expert in this, why was it not originally incorporated in park stand and the other part in india, why did it become a
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sept septer -- separate, territory? >> reporter: and india comprised territories that were directly under british rule and territories that were called the princely states and they had an option of choosing which country they would light to go to and then king of cashmire could not make the decision and the decision was preempted actually by an invasion of tribals from pakistan. and then there is a lot of history there. >> reporter: well thank you very much for that. i'm wondering going from those days more than half a century ago to now, 2014 coming up, you studied a lot of conflicts. you helped resolve a number with some of your advisors, how good of a chance do you think there
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is with this one being resolved? >> comparatively speaking there is a very good chance. the problems are that political will is a difficult thing to build especially in countries which may be in the throes of political transition and change themselves and that is a major stumbling block and this is the first time in history. there is a hope that civilian authorities and civilian peace making may have an opportunity to actually determines how this moves to resolution. on the cease fire as to itself, and while there have been violations the truth is between 2003 to about to last year, they were not very high in number and
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there was relative peace on the line of control and therefore in both parts of cashmire and now there was a huge increase in violations this year, partly due to a huge increase in infiltration attempts from the pakistan line of control and included of course an infiltration across the international border as well which led to terrorist attack. >> reporter: i'm going to have to but in but i appreciate it not only for your advice on what may happen in the near future but for the history you have given me and we are talking to you from new deli. we are staying on the program in india because a new political party founded just over a year ago is talking about deli and aap or the common man's party stunned the parties in the election and capitalizing on widespread frustration over
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corruption and we reports the parties promise far more than they can ever deliver. >> reporter: a few months ago all this hardly seemed possible. but now reporters and police follow this man's every move. and the income tax office and turned politician says the common man's party is ready to form a coalition for the state of deli. . >> translator: during the last week we asked the public if we should form deli or not from s and s and public meetings and got a response in huge numbers that we should so i'm going to the governor to give them a letter saying the party is ready to form the government in new deli. >> reporter: and he may be ready to get to work, but most of his parties elected representatives have never spent
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a day in office despite the problems this presents, they are confident that inexperience won't hamper their ability to lead. >> translator: we have organized a meeting to discuss the result and the party will decide the future cause of action. we will also discuss the formation of the government and how it will function. >> reporter: for weeks supporters have been celebrating their party's victory. but it's not just deli that these people are excited about. they are hopeful that this anticorruption party will play a big role in next year's national election. by involving voters in every step of its decision-making process political observers say aap is changing the dynamics of india politics. >> for them to involve what is in this manner rather than the once in five year kind of formal attachment that people have with
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politics is something that is truly there. announcer: the party convinced many voters it can fight corruption and make life easier for millions of people by providing cheaper electricity and clean water. it now faces a challenge of turning its campaign promises into practice but even before india's newest political party is sworn in, the critics are already asking whether an inexperienced government can succeed where others, more seasoned ones have constantly failed, new deli. >> reporter: you are watching al jazeera and stay tuned for this and you heard of fish out of water and we will explain what that means and we will be here with sport and the team will be even stronger in 2014. ♪
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♪ sports with andy. >> thank you very much david and liver pool will lead at christmas for the first time since 2008 and they will be on top monday and going with chelsea and wild weather for the game in london but were not rewared with anything with a football and chances for either side in this nil, nil draw. >> and this is unbelievably focused. it's a great desire. we go for a period where it's more difficult but we will come out of that really and with the spirit we come out of that.
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>> and we want to win. we don't want to lose. very important not to lose. because if we lose we are five points behind the leader and we are two points behind both leaders and that is a different picture completely different picture. >> so this is how the league is looking with the next round of games coming up, on thursday and chelsea and then swanzy and liver pool and a way at manchester city. and they appointed kim as the manager until the end of next season, the former england was sacked last week, the 44-year-old was already active and guided the club to 3-2 win at south hamilton on sunday. spanish league is starting the winter break with barcelona awarding rivals and the team
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will return in better shape and he has been keeping himself busy by signing a three-year contract extension and on top of the table leading the difference and done it despite injuries to key players including vendez and massy. >> translator: you shouldn't forget that in the end titles are won by the whole time and all win them. if we have the team in good shape things are much easier. if one of them is missing then we have to overcome the obstacle, back from the holidays the team will be fit and make us stronger. >> reporter: football will return to egypt and it was cancelled in 2012 following aed di -- deadly out break of violence but football will be coming back with one key ingredient missing.
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football will be lonely this season and just ask a former full back who quit just after the authorities cancelled the league and his club cut his wages. when the players finally kickoff it will be an empty grounds. the fans have been banned and he will miss the game but not the whole atmosphere. >> translator: the relationship between the players and supporters is like the musicians with music fans, i play to them and they express feelings when i create something beautiful and help them enjoy it and helps me create once again but football is like music. >> reporter: the football authorities cancelled after a riot exploded in the early days of egypt revolution and they charged to rivals and police stood aside and 74 people died in the violence. the red shirted supporters believe the ban was not just about sport.
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their most radical supporters were also on the front lines of the protests that toppled the government of mubarak and he is excited by it, no football meant no customers for the waiter in one of cairo's most popular sports cafes. >> translator: we can't wait for the league to return, there will be more work, lots of people will come. without football there will be no people and no work as you can see. it's been hard. >> reporter: and so the world's loneliest league will kickoff after a two-season break and in the words of one supporters, the players and clubs and fans desperate for it but no one is excited and i'm with al jazeera. >> reporter: and the new year is set to increase the pressure on brazil authorities ahead of the football world cup and they had originally imposed a deadline at the end of this year for stadium to be completed but half is still under construction and rushing to be finished in time for test events and the real concern is here with a pitch and yet to be laid most
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seats have not been installed and as you can see the roof not finished as of yet. and nba and james led the hit with 38 points as they beat the hawks 121-119 for the fifth straight win, denver they beat the nuggets and led by david lee and his 28 points and 10 rebounds. however, denver had a chance for the win and 16 points to give them a lead but it would beat former nugget who sealed the win and financial 89-81 to golden state. nhl the chicago blackhawks continue to make their way back to the top of the western conference table with a win over new jersey and tied at one in the second period and the hawks had a rebound and 2-1 and chicago 3-2 lead in the third when patrick sharp took it beyond the reach scoring on break away 5-2 the blackhawks
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final score. the teams of blackhawks are chasing the ducks to take on the capitols and 2-1 lead in the middle period when they tied the game at 2-2 and late in the third panthers will make it 3-2 and clinch the ninth straight victory. england kevin peterson made light he was the target of choice comments made by retiring teammate swan, swan decided to quit and 3-3 with the series of australia and described players on the backside and has claimed he wasn't describing anyone on the england side. do you think he was referring to you? >> if you are on the boundary you should come on the field and see what i get called on the boundary. there are a lot worse things but yesterday was a family day and i'm not giving any energy to what happened yesterday.
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the only energy i have on the left of me is for melvin training today, training tomorrow and sidney. >> reporter: and we get underway on thursday and that is it. >> and that is his best friend. >> i agree, thank you very much indeed. to the icy slopes of russia, an rugby is going to sochi strapped to a shred and he is famous for sunshine and beaches and put in the sport as part of a marketing campaign by a german company. and that is what he has changed his name to to help sell coconut powered men's under pants. that is it for me and the news hour team. i'll see you a little bit later.
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♪ sense of humor, insight and curiosity. he opened a new window into american life. >> before they know it we're actually able to present something new that they haven't heard about. >> talk to al jazeera with ira glass.
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the obama administration extends a healthcare deadline for 24 hours after a record one million americans monologued on to and they want to increase the number of peace keeping troops in south sudan as violence escalates and thousands pour into refugee camps. and taking a stage behind bars, inmates were using acting to get a fresh start. ♪


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