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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 30, 2013 1:00pm-2:01pm EST

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>> coming up in the course of the next 60 minutes, there's been a second bomb attack in southern russia just weeks before the country hosts the winter olympics. al jazeera is stepping up the release of four of our journalists as the military crack down in egypt intensifies. >> fighting for his life. doctors in france say formula 1
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champion michael schumacher is still critical. and warning, could exploatde into violence as the u.c. prepares for a new wave of immigrants. >> at least 14 people were killed dozens more were injured in an attack on a bus in volgograd on monday. the top of the vehicle peeled back like a tin can. 17 have died after the bombing of a train station in the same station on sunday. both incidents are just weeks before russia is set to host the winter olympics. from volgograd. >> this small city in southern russia lost more than 30 of its
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people, more than 100 injured in two of some of the worst bombings seen in this country in five years. this monday morning a rush hour bomb on a packed commuter trolley bus, bodies strewn across the street, the works said police of a male suicide bomber. 18 hours elderrier at volgograd's main line railway station, this. a fire ball erupting as another suicide bomber this time a woman debt natured scra shrapnel. >> former hadly the kgb to coordinate the hunt responsible for these attack. the people now worried that this could be just a start of a concerted bombing campaign leading up to the start of the winter olympics in february.
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on the streets, fear but also anger. many feel let down by the failure of the authorities to protect their own. >> translator: i think that of the people standing here no one would tell you they feel safe. a lot has been promised but little has been done. >> reporter: no group has claimed responsibility for these attacks but in the summer, the chechin leader asked for solidarity. security measures in volgograd. but for the people it's all a bit to late. on tuesday at midnight they'll welcome the new year. it will be difficult to celebrate. new year's day will mark mourning for those who have gone. peter sharp al jazeera volgograd.
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>> let's talk to ann '08 soltatov joining us. if volgograd on sunday, volgograd on monday, where else? where can we possibly feel safe? >> i think there's a big problem actually nobody knows. everybody feel that actually every town in the county might be attacked. and because volgograd was as you tensibly chosen for no apparent reason, everybody feel that something might happen in moscow. and the problem is that everybody feel that it might be a diversionary attack and that the idea is just to of the security services from what might happen in sochi. >> i suppose the question in the first place is why volgograd? is it because it has a special place? if you like in russian history, that it was effectively where
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the tide was turned in the second world war and the russians were able to effectively repel german forces and it's regarded as a mother russia stronghold? >> i don't think it's that complicated. i think the explanation might be much simpler. first of all the militants wanted to make a point that they're capable to carry out terrorist attacks beyond the border. also, volgograd is quite close enough in the caucasus. there is a route from sochi to volgograd, a certain target to try to start there. >> the russians have historically in some cases tried to convince the russian people that the attacks are from an international jihaddist organization, not likely from
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what the russian government is doing. is that likely to be swallowed by the people in russia or are they beyond that? >> the opinion is quite divided. on the one hand they try to criticize the security services. on the other hand, even there is some idea to erect fences like israel's fences around israel and some decisions are proposed like we need to, again, to occupy the caucasus. the public opinion is not actually prepared to think what's going on there. and what might be the reasons hind these attacks. >> two questions wrapped into one here. how embarrassing with it this be for vladimir putin, involving
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the winter games, and how different is the experience of being in sochi likely to be for the public and the competitors? >> well, the problem is that actually, the population might be willing to criticize the security services but vladimir putin seems to be not the object of the target for its criticism. quite on the contrary, population around his failure and internationally, feel that you remember, the boston bombers, are quit to subject support to provide more security in sochi and i think maybe now they would be willing to provide more support for the russian possess. >> appreciate your analysis. that is andre kholdav talking to
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us in moscow. in r rhamadi, clashes in fallujah left another ten people dead. >> and jeaptan. supporters much if ousted president mohamed morse to two years in prison. members of the group were arrested in july following a street protest in cairo demanding morse's reinstatement. taking a look at how the interim government is taking its gript n the interim government. >> security forces fight each other through a fog of tear gas. five months after the coup that ousted mohamed morsi, egypt's
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military backed government has assaulted, culminated in the government decision to now declare the brotherhood a terrorist organization. morsi faces three separate trials on a litany of charges including conspiring against the state. thousands of other members of the brotherhood also languish behind bars, swept up by the security forces. and as the suppression of the brotherhood started last summer there began an increase on attacks on egyptian security forces. the latest was an explosion outside a military intelligence building northeast of cairo on sunday. last tuesday, 16 people were killed when a car bomb exploded at another security headquarters, this time in the nile delta. violence that had previously been confined to the sinai peninsula is now getting closer to cairo. the government says the
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brotherhood bears responsibility for the blast and other attacks even if it's not directly involved. >> it was not an objection to the state's economic policy or to the state's foreign policy orientation. it is clear all of this is a result of the specific situation that the brother hood is suffering. >> amid all the turmoil the government is pressing ahead with its political road map which has significantly been rearranged. a presidential election will now likely be held ahead of parliamentary polls. the army chief abdul fattah al sisi could be egypt's second democratically elected president. detained four al jazeera journalists. correspondent peter gresta have
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not been formally charged. worked for international media organizations over the last two decades. al jazeera is demanding that our staff be released immediately. well, let's go to sharif mansour. , what about egypt, at the moment? >> well, egypt has seen unprecedented waves of attack, against journalists and for the first time in our census we issued last week, egypt was found among the top ten worst jailers and today we released the killed census and egypt was ranked three globally of the deadliest countries for
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journalists. and this is really unprecedented for a country that specifically has gone through a transformation towards democracy. we also have documented dozens of attacks, and tactics by the interim government backed by the military, to enforce citizenship legally and illegally, independent voices in egypt since they ousted president morsi in july. we've seen -- >> if i may, let's try and broaden it slightly. your report talks about 211 journalists i think jailed worldwide. but i noticed looking at the pie charts that you had up on your website that more than half of those in jail are internet journalists. now, my question is, is that because of the rise in what we call citizen journalism and that perhaps these people aren't as well trained or perhaps don't
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have the protection of big organizations behind them? >> absolutely. this is a big part of it. across the board, always, and we've seen that not just in egypt or the reasoning, local journalists suffer the most, in terms of attacks. 90% of the attacks, again journalists happen to local journalists and they mostly are not equipped, not trained, and they don't have the resources or the attention, if they get into problems with their authorities. but of course increasingly and since the arab spring, information has became the new battle where governments feel threatened by those who produce, collect and gather information. and journalists have been accused since iran, 2009, and during the arab spring, that they are the one who are promoting, inciting instability and we see that specifically in
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egypt, even most recently all the charges that have been broke up, if they were brought up is about anti-state propaganda, antistate promoting violence -- >> which brings you back sharif, since you mentioned egypt to a, the influence of your organization and the pressure that you can bring to bear on authorities. where do you go in trying to -- let's concentrate specifically on our four who have been jailed in the last 24 hours. where do you go specifically to get people like this released? and how much attention do authorities such as those in egypt pay to you? >> well, we've been documenting and promoting all the cases of attacks against journalists in egypt. and we've worked with government, we send them letters, we worked with egyptian media, even the syndicate for journalists, to document and promote those attacks. and our recent letter to the
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egyptian public prosecutor, we told them that this is their responsibility, in front of egyptians, and also in front of the international community. and last month, specifically, the organization that i work for and other press freedom organization, managed to get the security council and also the general assembly in the u.n. to adopt a new resolution of protection of journalists and impunity. for the first time we managed to assign a date in november, a daily -- an annual day against impunity. and that would be an opportunity to pressure local authorities and all the governments to persecute attacks against journalists, especially in death situation. otherwise we are working -- >> i'm sorry, i thought you'd finished. i apologize for interrupting
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you. i want to thank you very much for coming on al jazeera news hour. sharif mansour. according to the government the people of adra were trapped there by rebels. the town's an important road leading to the capital. rula amin has more. >> syria says its army has managed to evacuate 5,000 5,000 residents of adra, which was under attack. >> it's been very hard for us, no food, no water or electricity. the children were cold and starving. >> reporter: adra is an industrial town. most of its residents are
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allowite or jews. on december the 16th, some of the rebel groups meanl from al qaeda linked group, reportedly killed dozens of citizens in support o -- because of their support. >> they terrorized and killed us. >> the families were taken safe zones and offered aid according to the syrian government. >> let the people see who the syrian army really is. thank god for the syrian army. >> on saturday, trucks loaded with bread and canned food went into the magdomea area. raising the government flag in the area. magdomea like many areas around damascus has been surrounded by government forces and people
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were punished for supporting the rebels. in other areas similar deals are being worked out between the government and some rebel groups aimed at alleviate the some of the suffering caused by syrian civil war. rula amin, al jazeera, syria. >> children tens of thousands abducted in the civil war in uganda. how are these mothers, fathers and children coping? one state in myanmar, seemed to be looked on heroin. we'll finder out why. the cricket career of jack callas comes to an end. looks like he bowed out with a win, we'll give you the details.
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another sporting great. the formula 1 michael schumacher fighting for his life. more in the news center. >> doctors treating him in france are refusing to predict an outcome for the motor racing champion saying he's on a life-threatening injury. >> he's one of the greatest formula 1 drivers of all time. but michael schumacher is known to be an experienced skier. he fell and hit his head on a rock. he'd been wearing a helmet. within ten minutes the 44-year-old was air lifted off the piece before being transferred to the university
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hospital in gre grenoabl foran operation. his condition listed as critical and his surgeons indicating he had suffered a bleed on the brain. >> it is too early to say what the prognosis will be. i think seeing the force of the blow his helmet had partially protected them. someone in a similar accident without the helmet wouldn't be here today. >> his wife and two children are said to be at his bedside while supporters worldwide will hope for his recovery. >> he's a very good friend and above all a good champion. he was very much respected in formula 1. >> i felt like coming. he's someone who did many things in sport in the humanitarian field. i'm from l lyon.
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>> tony belli is a specialist in birmingham. he says the swelling could get worse over the next few days. >> one experience frens i for ie if you bang your hand, maybe the following day the hand is swollen and bruised. the same thing happens to the brain but the brain keeps on swelling for several days. sometimes things get worse before they get better. obviously the doctors are dealing with the swelling for the moment. it is possible swelling may actually get worse over the next few days. he's obviously a very fit rid, very psychologically strong individual as well. that will certainly see him
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through this sort of difficult period and hopefully through his rehabilitation. he is obviously very young, he's only 44 and very athletic. hopefully these factors will play in his favor and will help him recover very quickly. >> greece spread with gun fire in a predawn attack. ak-47 assault riefers, no one was injured. the greek government called the shooting a terrorist action aimed at damaging their reputation before it takes over the presidency of the eu. more from europe, later this news hour including progress it seems over parades at crunch talks, over talks playing northern ireland. is.
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>> the government of the democratic republic of congo has crushed a coup attempt. government stormed the building and seized control of a tv station, headquartered he in the capitol. government spokesman appeared on tv to reassure the public. well, accept a asses seein ? that's the ultimatum to riek
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machar. central african republic over the past week the number of refugees in the camp in the capitol of bangui has almost doubled. christian and muslim militia troops dispiert the presence of u.n. troops. in uganda, during what was an extremely long civil war, now years after that conflict many families still finding it very difficult to understand that their children may never return. malcolm webb reports from lamoib district in northern uganda. >> this pair of boots is the only thing that remains of uganda sonde, an the deducted in 1997 when he was just 12 years
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old. the rebels were notorious for abducting children and mutilating people. christopher is trying to accept what is probably true. >> if you are coming back, i would be very grateful. very grateful. but now, i don't think. yeah. >> christopher's wife was so upset at the loss of their only child that she killed herself. now he lives alone with only his chickens for company. he says he's waiting for god to stay him away. he's one of thousands in northern gawns whose children went missing during the -- northern uganda whose children went missing during the civil war. he joined a counseling group for people organized by the red
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cross. here several groups have come together to hold a memorial ceremony. for most of the children an dutted by the lra there's simply no record, no comprehensive list of names and numbers. many people are poor so they have no family memorabilia. about 12,000 went missing and never came back. the lra is scattered across neighboring countries so realistically very few of those 12,000 are going to come home. people have gathered here today to try to come to terms with that and begin the process of moving forward. they take turns to say the names of those who never came home. the memories are painful. >> ambiguity of never knowing what happened to a person, normally a son or a daughter, something for those who don't live it, is very difficult to
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understand. now they have somebody that understands them and that went through the same and together they can find way forward. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: most of these people never buried or even saw the bodies of their loved ones something important in the culture here. they didn't have any type of closure until now. but while the counseling or the ceremony won't bring anyone back it can start to ease some of the grief. malcolm webb, al jazeera, lamor district in northern uganda. >> for more than half omillion syrian refugees are in lebanon. coming up, we'll be live in rio de janeiro ahead of the world cup next year. also in sport, one of the best female tennis players in the world back in action weeks away.
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the australian open. when we come back.
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(vo) al jazeera america we understand that every news
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story begins and ends with people. >> the efforts are focused on rescuing stranded residents. (vo) we pursue that story beyond the headline, past the spokesperson, to the streets. >> thousands of riot police deployed across the capitol. (vo) we put all of our global resources behind every story. >> it is a scene of utter devastation. (vo) and follow it no matter where it leads, all the way to you. al jazeera america. take a new look at news.
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>> david foster here updating you on the top stories this al jazeera news hour. at least 14 people have been killed and dozens more have been injured in the second suicide bombing in two days in the southern russian city of volgograd. this explosion on a trolley bus happened just weeks before russia is due to host the winter olympics in sochi. egyptian security forces have detained four al jazeera journalists. have not been formally charged. syrian state tv says the army has evacuated people from their homes in a town north of damascus. according to the government, the people of adra were trapped by rebels. the town is on an important road
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leading to the capitol. jordan is about to take up a nonpermanent seat at the u.n. security council, with the war in neighboring syria not ending soon, it's going to try oshape the course of the world at this point. james bays reporting. >> syria crossing into jordan, with more than half a million refugees on its soil, jordan is one of the most seriously affected countries. now, jordan gets its chance to influence international policy. foreign minister nasser juda spoke to me. as his country is prepared to take a seat on the nonpermanent security council,. >> a very important forum where we can highlight the importance
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of the syrian refugees and the burden of the neighboring countries, particularly jordan. a voice of reason for the airbus and the muslims but the international community at large. >> reporter: for almost three years the security council has been divided on syria. on one side of the argument france, u.k. and u.s., on the odor, china and russia. the issue of the dissolution of chemical weapons is the only thing on which they agree. to make it clear that such stalemate and deadlock is only prolonging the crisis. at the same time, experts say jordan is becoming increasingly worried about some of the groups forming the opposition against assa assad's regime. >> if this issue is not settled
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then the sum of those groups make it to jordan, jordan is a fragile country. and there is so much interest in -- with jordan to keep those groups outside its border and to monitor exactly who is coming in and who is coming out of the country. >> jordan wasn't supposed to be on the security council. saudi arabia was elected but turned down the seat, in a very public protest about the situation in syria. you shouldn't expect such dram a from the jordannians. experts expect them to work quietly behind the scenes in an effort to influence all of his colleagues on the security council. james bays, al jazeera, new york. running out of time, in northern ireland.
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so say those involved. let's get the details judy mcdonald in london. >> david, thank you. the talks are focusing on three very important issues, parades, flags and the decades of bloodshed in the region. all parties say they were optimistic about the meeting but many hours after it was due to finished they still haven't reached and agreement. it will be hugely embarrassing for northern ireland's leaders if the parties fail to reach monday's deadline for a settlement. simon mcgregor woods is on hand. >> five critical parties under the stewardship much american diplomat dr. richard haas, still in the tonight nitty-gritty.
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it isn't just a matter of crossing the ts and dotting the i's. towards a late night. these are very, very difficult issues for the parties to agree on. three main headings if you like, the issue of flags, cultural identity if you like, and the broader equally difficult issue of how the people of northern ireland address the legacy of the past, how they come to terms with all the terrible violence of the previous several decades. that's we understand going to involve all sorts of new bodies, commissions of inquiry, geaive investigative boards, that will allow people to find out about the scores of untold crimes, adjudicate the issue of parades and the issue of flags, that is so contentious we won't get an agreement on that in the near term.
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the new body that will deal with flags will have 18 months to deal with those issues. these are historic issues that these sides are grappling with. the opt misses sair there is still an optimistic mood in the area. parties talking about the hard issues is a sign that they are willing to try and talk this out. but we really are in the final stages of this process. dr. haas wants this done by the end of today. it's just a question of how long this day ends up being. >> simon mcgregor woods reporting there. fears that hoards of rowe romanians and bulgarians. particularly about his constituency in sheffield.
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>> the page hall district of sheffield, more nonindigenous people here than locals. but they all say the same thing. thought aroma here is something else. two kids tried to sell them a baby. a roma woman came in with her baby, covered in lice, and a finger chopped off. there is so much vitriol, against this group. if any other group, integrate here now just saying just the same here about the roma, that
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their neighbors' children urin urinate outside the gardens. >> i don't know if they understand or don't want to understand. i think they understand something at least not if language is a problem for them, at least body language is not a problem for them. but they don't want to do that. they just want to live their style. >> and in saying these things in this way, you don't feel like you're being a racist? >> no, i'm not -- i'm just trying to help them, is supposed to be. >> for thousands of roma who live here all come from slovakia. nobody knows why they found this northern english town. nobody wants to talk to you. they were gassed by the nazis, when you try to ask them how they feel they simply melt away. people say it is the way they
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live most of their lives outdoors. even the local mp home secretary under tony blair says this place is an ethnic time bomb. >> it's the speed with which things have arisen, the conditions that they have come from at home. which we've had in the past but on this occasion has made it difficult to integrate quickly. >> it remains an open question whether any romanian or bulgarian roma will make the journey. whether you think the roma incapable of being socialized or a group in need of huge support, lawrence lee, al jazeera sheffield. my grants and other visitors will have to may more for
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prescriptions, l nurse consultations will still be free. it's the government's latest move to cut spending on health services. specific details will be unveiled in march. that's your lott from europe for the moment. it's back to david. >> julie we thank you very much indeed. japan's prime minister shinzu abe is not welcome, beijing seized the yasukuni shrine. seriously damaged relations between the two nations. hard to believe, perhaps, but six, out of ten young people in myanmar's ketchin state are thought to be looked on heroin. poppy production is widespread aided by political instability in what is referred to often as the golden triangle.
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florence louie has been to the state. >> the mountains, beautiful imposing and danger russ. this is where poppy aries are g. in this shed three university students are looking for their daily high. they have brought disposable slings. $35 worth, enough for two hits each. they don't want to be identified but they tell us they have been doing this for years. >> translator: this addiction has already had a negative impact on my life. i think i really need a strong will to quit. >> reporter: the rate of heroin abuse here is high enough for aids groups to distribute free syringes to minimize the risk of spreading disease. in just 15 minutes we've managed to find about five used syringes. the statistics on drug abuse is
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unspecified but they say they collect up to 40,000 used needles every day and that's just in three towns. in this mostly christian state, the church has stepped in to fight drug addiction. at least 65% of young people in kachin abuse heroin. recovering addicts have signed up for a three month program. bun how has tried to kick the addiction but handy succeeded. >> i could buy the drug anywhere, any time, guide the risk of police. some church officials blame the government being lax on poppy noarms. the issue of drug abuse is more complicated.
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>> translator: in a way it's true. the problem is related to political instability. the government is deliberately not controlling it but we have to ask ourselves who is growing the poppy? it is the cachin them sestles. >> as a result more and more cachin between 18 and 25 are dying from drug abuse. these three friends say they don't want to end up a statistic. even though they feel powerless to quit the drug. florence louie, al jazeera, cachin state, myanmar. michael ch schumacher remais critical after his skiing accident. coming up in a few minutes.
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>> with the football world cup about six months away, police in brazil hope to clean up shanty towns, the favelas, another word for slums. any success is coming at something of a cost. gabriel alexander, joining me from favela centers, five years on, is there any real evidence that this is working?
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>> well david that's exactly right. this is so succinctly put it, it does stretch as far as the eye can see. it's actually made up of 14 different favelas, about 14,000 people live here. you look at progress, the city would point to this as progress, david three years ago, the 1% that were drug traffickers controlled 100% of the power here. then three years ago, the police backed by the army stormed this place, they entered into a shootout that lasted several hours with the traffickers, now the police have control here, it's been turned back over to the state if you will, there are police stations here. and so the city would point to this favela as a sign of progress. but as my colleague rachel levine points out, there is doubt if this pacification push really can work in the long
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term. >> reporter: heavily around brazilian elead forces, attempt to be gain control in rio, called pass fisks. that's a government -- pacification, many are close to tourist attractions and the world cup and olympics are coming. after the military is keeping the peace. >> the state was absent in these communities for many years. we arrived and we have this obligation to reconquer this community, and for the residents to grow to trust us. >> reporter: the resident-friendly pleas are having success. murder rates are dropping quickly and so is the number of violent crimes. but the tactics of the pacification police are increasingly being questioned. as more cases emerge of unarmed people being killed or abducted. in some places police have only
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limited access. this is a community that has yet to be passified by the police. and it's under the control of a criminal gang which conduct their illegal activities out in the open. every day people line up to buy drugs. cocaine, meth and marijuana are sold on the corner, guarded by armed men who block off the streets. the traffickers say the police only show up to arrest people but never stay for long. >> there are more police here which makes it tougher for us to work. most of us earn money from this as well and we just end up getting pushed back. >> by the time the world cup is held in rio, a fraction of more than 900 favelas in the city. >> these are predominant in most valley areas, there is no question the program has been very selective. certain projects for the city
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which is to turn rio de janeiro into international tourist center. >> some people in the community worry that captain marseo roicha will leave but he says he's not going anywhere. >> there are so many favelas that have yet to see any real change. but i remember being on air after the pacification began and i wonder over the numbers what real changes you have seen over the course of the last few years? >> reporter: well, there's been a lot and there's been a little and i'll explain that by saying this: it is really remarkable that we can even be standing here, right now, considering what this was three years ago, completely dominated
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by traffickers. no police state at all. now you have all sorts of services and in that way things have changed a lot, david. but in another way they haven't changed. there's still a lot of poverty, there are still a lot of people missing services, there are still really not proper schools here so in that way a lot of people here say you know things have changed but they really haven't changed. and it's really up to the residents that are ultimately going to decide but how they're going to take this with the police but there's certainly a little bit of a trust gap between the police and many of the residents here. remember a lot of the residents in these favelas were under if control of the drug traffickers for 20, 25, 30, 35 years, and the police come in one day and that's not necessarily going to change everything. it will take time city officials say and things aren't going to take overnight. a lot of change in the residents. >> going to have to jump in
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thank you gabriel alexander. scene of the world cup. can you believe it's only about six months' time. let's have today's sport first. >> as you have been hearing, michael schumacher remains in critical condition after suffering a serious head injury while skiing. doctors say he is fighting for his life. friends have been gathering outside the grenoble hospital, where the are formula 1 racer has been placed in a coma. he underwent emergency surgery upon his arrival at the hospital. they are treating him hour by hour. his wife and two children are at his bedside. schumacher is a former f-1 colleagues have been taking to
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twitter with their best wishes for the driver. former competitor jenson but ton of said, my thoughts are with michael at this tough time. michael more than anyone has the strength to pull through this. and felipe mass after posted a picture of the two together, and wrote i'm praying for you my brother. hope you have a quick recovery, god bless you, michael. followed schumacher's career from the start. >> i came into formula 1 same as schumacher. nobody had ever heard of him. he was a poor boy from a reasonably poor background. suddenly he erupted into formula 1. changed formula 1 from the old days it was changing anyway but he then came something else completely. no one had ever seen a driver as
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fit, no one had ever seen a driver as totally committed in every way. he worked with the team and he started with jordan very briefly, moved on to benneton, and went to ferrari, ferrari was so bad at the time. he gave up everything he had at bennetton, and he turned that around. he left a great legacy for himself and for ferrari, 17 wins, had never been done before. he totally rewrote the record books. intafnt vettle, another great driver, but michael changed things completely. his last three days from mercedes -- three years from mercedes, when he came back from
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retirement, i always felt you wish the very best for him at this time. >> south africa beat india on the second test, 223 on the final day of the second test in durbin. 350 test wicts. finished with three for the day. a target of just 58 openers, graham smith steering the host to a 10 wict victory and a d -- wicket victory. a lap of honor around king smith stadium he'll continue to play one day international. english premier league west brom has confirmed their striker nicholas anelka will not use again when celebrating the goal. when he made the sign made
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famous by french comedian dudonnet, he is already facin fg an investigation. football masms he scores two goals. i need to obviously speak to nico and get a feeling of how he's feeling about the last couple of days but in a football point of view, i felt it was a decision to bring him back. hopefully he's, from a football point of view proved he's cable of what he's doing -- capable of what he's doing. and how playing for west ham. >> martina sharapova eased a straight sets victory over caroline garcia of france.
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australian qualifie qualifier ay barclay. >> sloane stevens won in straight sets 6-3, 6-1, over annabelle. >> nil-3 sweep of spain, eisner and stevens took are many match in three sets. how to get in touch with us on twitter, and facebook. >> and indeed leave your comments as well, i know you read them every night when you leave, i know you're so conscientious. thank you for watching us on the al jazeera news hour.
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in a moment it will be julie. bye-bye.
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>> welcome to al jazeera america. i'm del walters. these are the stories we're following for you. security tightening in russia following two bombings in volgograd just weeks before the winter games. israel preparing to release palestinian prisoners. how one woman is reacting. policing the favelas. ahead of the world cup. the white house and the u.s. olympic committee now expressing concerns over those two deadly bombings in two


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