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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 3, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EST

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question continues on thanks for watching. >> hello and welcome to al jazeera america. i'm richelle carey in new york. john siegenthaler has the evening off. massive winter storm, now bracing for the coldest temperatures to hit the country in decades. fire ball, setting precedent, the first undocumented worker licensed to practice law in the u.s., joins us. plus free ride. buckle up for next big innovation behind the wheel: self-driving cars.
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>> you have to go back a full 20 years for much of the country to see temperatures this cold. the live picture, new york city right now. it looks cold and for this coming weekend, about 140 million americans will be in the middle of a frigid cold snap. we'll get to the big chill in a moment. first, the huge snow storm that blanketed the northeast, froze highways, grounded many airports and took at least 15 lives. the first winter storm of 2014 delivered. almost two feet of snow in parts of massachusetts. up to 18 inches in new york. parts of vermont the wind chill made it seem like 29 below. cold enough to cause frostbite in half an hour. and in maine, the wind chill pushed the temperatures to 40
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below. >> i'm layered up, three swed shirts and four pants. >> delayed or cancelled flights because of the storm. residents here in new york city were asked to stay home and stay warm. and shelters filled with many who normally sleep on the streets. >> normally, we open up three times a day for meals and a lot of our guests will leave afterwards. but what we'll do today is we'll keep our doors open up all day. it's too cold to have people come and eat and then leave afterwards. >> the new mayor of new york encouraged anyone who sees a homeless person out in the correlated to call the emergency help line. and it's a one-two purchase of extreme weather. first the snow then the extreme cold. usher careshi is in chicago. >> lake effect flow could yield another ten inches over the weekend. but it's the arctic temperatures
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here that are causing even more concern. the coldest recorded temperature here in chicago is minus 27° back on january 20th, 1985. but the bottom will seemingly drop out of the thermometer on sunday night. the lows will be in the minus 10 to 20 range. in the midwest, municipalities are bracing for the potentially bracing arctic blast. 40 to 55 below zero. those temperatures are designated by noaa as extremely cold. exposed skin can freeze within one minute. milwaukee public schools will also be closed and the city is closing down nonessential city services on monday. here in the state of illinois it is opening more than 100 warming centers and governor pat quinn is warning of the severe
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temperatures during this icy weather snap. >> kevin corriveau is here on this dangerous weather, kevin. >> we're looking at two particular events going on. first of all, the situation in the northeast, the blizzard in the northeast, up to two feet of snow in mches. it is still on the ground, you can see the live shots coming out of new york. the problem is tomorrow morning we are going to be quite cold. saturday can the high temperatures are only going to go to 25° in new york, 20 in boston, that means no melting is going on. but big change will occur here on sunday. 40 in boston, 41 in new york. you can imagine what that means. two feet of snow is beginning to melt. the problem with that is as we go to monday temperatures flows dive again. any standing water is going to become ice. so it's going to be a very dangerous situation as we go
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from monday to tuesday as well. new york looks like this: 27° on saturday. look at the temperatures as we go from monday to tuesday. that is that big drop i was telling you about. that is when any standing water any snow is going to be refreezing. now, up here towards the northern plains, that is where the next major cold snap is going to happen. 26° in fargo right now. watch what happens to the wind chills as we put these into motion over time. minus 38, minus 43, as we get to about minus 52 -- 56°, and that is going to be in the overnight hours. so big big problem, very dangerous problem richelle fllt northerinthe northern plains. >> thank you kevin. what the record breaking temperatures, players, on the field and the fans as well. the 13-year-old california girl who was declared brain dead after tonsil surgery last month
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is moved to another facility. that agreement came today. earlier we spoke to melissa chan in san francisco about what's next. >> already in a very convoluted case we have two court hearings taking place a federal hearing on the jahi mcmath case, and friday morning here is what we have in terms of developments. we now know that the hospital will lou the m -- will allow the mcmath family to move her to another facility. you have a hospital in oakland the county coroner's saying the jahi mcmath as dead, a corpse, a body. yet you have this family fighting in court to keep her on
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life support. they have a limited amount of time. they have until tuesday, january 7, 5:00 p.m. local time to make this transfer happen. otherwise the hospital with is within its right to take jahi mcmath off support. >> regaining control of two cities in the west of the couple, al qaeda linked fighters have held parts of programhadi and fallujah, five people have been killed on protest camp leaving 13 dead. secretary of state john kerry went to the west bank to try to advance talks between the israelis and the palestines. hpalestines --
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palestinians. he did not receive a welcome. as secretary of state john kerry ramallah. >> one threat before all others. missiles. short term missiles shot by militants in gaza. it is those missiles that israel hopes to target with a new missile defense system it targeted three da, the aereo 3, it flies high, it flies fast and it tries to intercept those missiles way up in the sphere. the the idea is if you intercept thosing agents, can't get down to earth and actually harm any
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of its funded targets. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu thanked those who were supportive of funding aereo 3. terrorist proxies that have. >> u.s. officials are now saying that hezbollah has used the cover of the syrian civil war in order to import advanced missiles from iran. what hezbollah is looking for, also target israeli war planes. what hezbollah has been trying to do is not only gee tefer israel from coming in, but deter from its civil war. in the past it says this is one of its red lines and israel has
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tried to target these missiles, it's actually, five air strikes for what today's intelligence suggests is that no matter how good the israeli intelligence is, how accurate those have been, these missiles from iran could reach every place into israel. nick viv rin, jerusalem. plowsers mohamed fahmi, and peter greste face nurt questions now. under suspicion of joining pooh terrorist fruch. the allegations are fabricated nonsense. next: raising the bar. meet the first undocumented worker licensed to be a worker
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in the u.s. >> then, fully automatic, step into the cars that drive themselves.
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>> start with one issue education... gun control... the gap between rich and poor... job creation... climate change... tax policy... the economy... iran... healthcare... ad guests on all sides of the debate. >> this is a right we should all have... >> it's just the way it is... >> there's something seriously wrong... >> there's been acrimony... >> the conservative ideal... >> it's an urgent need... and a host willing to ask the tough questions >> how do you explain it to yourself? and you'll get... the inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5 eastern only on al jazeera america
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♪ wake up little susie ♪ wake up >> sad news tonight. phil everly has died. phil and don were known for their wonderful harmonies, influencing many future artists, everly passed away from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. a lifelong smoker, he was a star in the 50s. we are expecting results within the hour and a contentious union vote from workers in washington state. they are expecting cuts from pension and health care benefits, boeing says it needs the cuts to remain competitive,
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moving the 777x out of the state. more than 30,000 machinists cast their votes today. allen schauffler, what are you hearing about the vote? >> well, a lot of anticipation. a little bit of worry, too. a lot of people we talked to aren't really sure how this one is going to go. they're counting ballots in six different locations around western washington. this is one of them. they've wrapped up here but it's still taking place in other sites. these folks are expecting an announcement very, as you mentioned, how the vote is going to come out. the first vote was a resounding rejection of the boeing company's offer about 2 to 1. this one may be a little hard tore predict but they are not predicting a blowout either way. >> i think this is going to be a close one. they've put a lot of pressure to
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make a really tough decision. >> well i know a lot of no votes last time that are changing to yes just for you know fear of losing their jobs or fear of boeing leaving. >> yeah, this is video from a pre-vote, no rally that was held yesterday, a lot of really strong emotions there. take a vote and we're gone, taking the assembly of wide bodied jet out of the state. machinist union said it wouldn't do that, leave a trained workforce behind. let's bring in scott hamilton in, a long standing analyst. scott, if this is a 60-40 no vote what happens? >> boeing says it's going to put the wings someplace else. we don't know if the final assembly line will stay here or follow those wings but it's a
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bad-news scene for the union bad news for washington state. >> what if it's 60-40 yes? >> then it's a disappointment to the 21 other states that submitted answers to the request for proposal and a big win for washington. >> if it's close, 51-49 either direction to these two sides have reason to still talk to each other? >> if it's 51-49 yes, it's a done-deal, if it's 51-49 i would hope -- no, i would hope that would prompt both sides to come back for another try. >> wiggle room? >> maybe. >> scott hamilton, long standing airline analyst here. back to you richelle. >> thank you. sernlg he yoa garcia, last year, california ruled he could be
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admitted to the state law. he has been waiting 19 years for a green card. a little while ago, i spoke to garcia from his office in chico, california. >> i was superexcited, it was many years fighting for this right and i couldn't be any happier with the decision. especially a 7-0 decision by the chief counsel herself. very, very excited. >> let's talk about how the last few years were, were you concerned that your undocumented status would end up hurting you? >> once this controversy erupted, yes, that was a concern. but prior to that i wasn't concerned, the california state bar had never asked anybody about their status. that was never a concern for me when i was going through law school. once the controversy started yeah, that was a big concern for me and it was a roller coaster
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of emotions. i didn't know if i was going to be able to practice or not. hi faith that california would do the right thing and take the lead with this landmark decision. >> you said you felt that the court made the right decision and it was a unanimous decision but there are those who are obviously pushing back against the decision who don't agree with it who would question how are you supposed to uphold the baw while your presence in the country is a violation to that law. how do you respond to that? >> richelle when you are successful at what you do there's always going to be critics. and i get the criticism and i understand their point you know. at first blush, if somebody told me that and i was outside, outside the bubble you know i could probably understand that point of view too. but if i took one second to actually look at the facts, look at the fact that i came here as a minor, i was brought here by my parents, immediately when i arrived in this country i applied for a green card and i
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was approved for one. 19 years later i still don't have one, i'm going to be frustrated at the federal government not at me. why does it take 19 years to get a guy like this to get a green card, when he's working hard paying taxes and contributing to the economy it doesn't make any sense. >> what do you think in this delay to immigration reform, it seem every few years to creep onto the agenda. there doesn't seem to be anything of substance done regarding immigration reform. what did you think about that? >> i'm extremely disappointed with both parties but i'm particularly disappointed with the administration and president obama. i have addressed him on multiple occasions on national news and asked him why does the government oppose my licensing, and why he is he a friend to the immigrant population when he
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fails to pass legislation and both boehner and the president need to sit down and get down to business and get this immigration reform off the ground. words are nice but we need action this year. >> what do you think this message is to other people in similar situations to you, other people that as you said came here exactly as you did with their parents, tried to get legal status, what's the message to them? >> you know i think it's a wonderful message, my story is a cinderella story. if you work hard if you persevere, if you cooperate with the government, the american dream is still alive and well and i think this is a wonderful story for not only immigrants but the american public as well. giving in, the general minimums with it will no longer use genetically modified grain
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in one form of cheerioosos cere. >> about 75% of pro saysed foods including soda soup crackers and condiments acquaint gmos. rgbh, banned for human consumption in several countries and the entire european union. agricultural giants like monsanto say gmos are just an extension of traditional breeding and help produce products that are bigger and more resistant to disease. but critics say the safety of gmos isn't proven especially over the long term and point to lab studies that show gmos
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contaminant crops. gmo foods are banned outride in three countries and 61 countries require products containing gmos to be labeled. but here in the u.s. cungs are not required to use labels, and not labeled as gang, foods labeled as nonnatural can -- as all natural can contain gmos. actor brad pitt's make it right foundation has built energy efficient homes in the lower 9th ward but some of them are rotting away. >> willie converse lives in one of the homes that brad pitt's foundation has made. >> we saw the mold growing on it
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and it started turning black. >> the make it right foundation said the energy efficient homes were built with wood infused with glass called timber sill. >> the only down side to that was that everything was new and hasn't been through trial and error. >> according to the website this new innovative wood is made womb are without chemicals so it is better for the environment. but the problem is it can't withstand water, that is a big problem for a place like new orleans. the wood may not be a perfect product but the effort is initial. >> everybody is trying new products. you always look or the products that don't biodegrade like glass. i think if one thing that we learned after katrina was that just using standard wood and houses that's not treated in any way and not protected, sort of
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you know makes it a risky business. if nobody is out there pushing the limits trying to use more sustainable products then we're not going ochange art all. >> reports say the foundation is considering legal action and timbersill says it's checking into the concerns. as to the people affected it may be a bit of inconvenience. >> it's a bit troublesome but at the same time, we just deal with it. >> it's better in the ninth ward than it was. ben lemoine, al jazeera. >> coming up frozen field and below zero temperatures for players and for fans. plus rail risk, a new warning about trains carrying crude oil. next
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only on al jazeera america
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>> welcome back to al jazeera
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america.approximately i'm richelle carey. here are the top stories. new developments for jaich jahi mcmath. the california supreme court has come down with a deceo, she will be moved to another facility. the specifics of the move have not been worked out. boeing has made plans to move the 777x out of the state, details will be made. in some places, a suspected to be colder than it has been in decades. decades. kevin corriveau is here with a look at what's ahead for the weekend, kevin.
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>> temperatures like this, minus 64° in goa only happen in decades. now we're not talking about the ambient temperature. we're talking about the wind chill temperature what we call the real feel temperature. that's a combination of the wind and the temperature and how it feels on your skin. it doesn't affect pipes, it doesn't affect trees, it doesn't affect houses, it only affects gang materials such as your skin. but it only takes less than a minute for your skin to freeze in conditions like this. this is 8:00 a.m. sunday morning. this is the lowest i've seen on our forecast models. we have been running this for the last couple of hours. saturday and sunday it only goes down. if you are traveling, driving here, you definitely want to have protection in your car, blankets, you want to tell people where you're going, make slur your car is full. if you have to stop in someplace that has civilization do that
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because it's extremely cold, extremely dangerous in that area. we also have blizzard warnings in effect in that area. what blizzard means snow, winds over 35 miles per hour, we below 20°, in fa fargo, not only temperatures, also driving visibility, definitely stay off the roads this weekend, it is a very dangerous situation. so that storm is in full progress. can you see the cold front that is coming in from canada right now. this is the line right there. we have some rain with it to the south but we have some snow up to the north. the snow's going to end. it's going to be actually too cold to snow up in that particular area. for many parts of the other sections of the country we are looking fairly good. we are going to be seeing that cold front start to make its way down into missouri, a little bit of rain ahead of it in kansas. temperatures like this on saturday, memphis 49, really,
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the only places, miami, houston, maybe san francisco. otherwise, it's going to be frigid. indianapolis, very cold there. memphis at about 43. >> kevin, thank you so much. the weather is also playing a factor in this weekend's nfl playoff games. in green bay where they're used to cold, jessica taff, they eat snow men for lunch but they're not used to the that. >> just think, the playoffs are in are outdoor stadiums, none more so than this one, welcome to green bay, where it's byos, bring your own shovels.
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the group here were called on to scrape off the field, it probably felt balmy in lambeau field, where sunday night is expected to have a sub-zero blast. >> its going to be cold for everybody, i don't care whether they live there or not, i'm sure they'll be cold just like us. as a defender, pretty much we don't have to catch it every play. we're pretty much protect,. >> you tell yourself it's going to be freezing but you can't run now. they pay you to go out there hot, cold and you got to go out there do your job at a high level. >> i love hand warmers. not only are the bitter cold temperatures uncomfortable, they are downtown right dangerous.
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i spoke with dr. kerry haber for how to deal with the wild card weekend. >> obviously, we think of the cold as something that makes things contract. make sure we cover our heads because the heat escapes through your head. so you got to make sure you wear sunscreen. people don't realize that just because it's cold outside, the sun can really get you. a lot of people don't realize either is you got to stay hydrated, you're drinking alcohol, that's a real big problem because you become dehydrated. when you lose hydration, your
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body starts to act really loopy and do weird things. >> green bay area, temps, hypothermia, how long do those things take? what can you tell the us? if you're below freezing a couple of hours will do you. you can also do get many chillblaines, people don't understand what that is, when you get really cold and heat your body up afterwards. it takes about two weeks for that to go away. >> you know,ing saying dome sweet dome, we'll be flirting with record-cold temps with an nfl game. and if you're curious as to who
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holds that title, you got to today go backs to the nfl championship game, the game, the packagers hosted the cowboys negative 13 trees champs. the nfc, negative 9 mark and the kansas city, this is the site of the third coldest game ever, the 4th, hosting colts. there is no temperature rule that states in the united states, any temperature is deemed too cold to play. but they have been changing something. >> this is almost like a dress rehearsal for the, team, right?
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jessica. thank you very much. bisi onile-ere takes a look at why it is there are no more lines underground. >> wreaks havoc on power lines and patience. matt who lives in a suburb outside of detroit has dealt with his fair share of power outages. >> i did have a couple maybe two years ago, maybe a day or two. every year hundreds of thousands are affected by power out's. 69% of the be power line are above ground and 31 wers are low, which best the question, why aren't all-k has herd that
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one more than onceness. >> you have to weigh the costs and the benefit, as a reeg intnt, the agency felts it would costs 1 million, the average homeowner would have to pay thousands of dollars more per year. >> occasionally we hear from a city regarding this issue. but when they realize that residential folks in their city are going to have to bear the cost of it, they urge l lose interest quickly because people can't afford it. >> the power wrote decrease for underground lines, it would take three to four time longer to dismafnlg them and that's not all. >> an underground system would need to be replaced every 25 years.
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overhead systems last longer. >> saving cost, never mind. bici onile-ere, al jazeera. >> now, have rye kindle led the debate whether strong enough for great, four tours in afghanistan and iraq and said the training is inadequate. >> the way we go about this training has really been lacking. and it's kind of passions meal i think in my point. >> does that mean the way marines treat people or do we have to start back when kids are in school? >> that's i'm glad you brought
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that up. i took tai quan do, these are upper body strengthening and at no tim good i become, such that i would, could meet the standard of men. >> so it's difficult for women to do three pullups in a row, what else in the affiliateness -- is there anything else that is that soft? >> the is storm language for the women and 30 miles for the minute. i had been on the marine coarse first women were running a mielg and a half and three miles, rawing the sierm 30 miles, we just had a separate,.
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>> i have never been able to do a pullup and many times throughout my career i resolved to try to improve my upper body strength and i could never come to that point. >> you think that women who don't pass this test should be kept out of the military? >> i don't think you can answer that question, sir,. >> it is a tough question i assume because there are plenty of affiliate woams who may not still be able to do a pullup but the can you is right now, should they serve on that,. >> what you would sphernts in combat, lifting an am mow scan over your list, that's a
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admonish relatively relative test to the things you might be doing defloyd inning coming. not strictly pullups. there is a middle ground here, i applaud the marine corps, to really come up with a good plan to advance. >> it seems that you're talking about, physical fitness. >> i do believe if in that sish. >> not just focused on the marines. >> that is true. croot the board. >> that bass retired pleenl gunnery rnlgt is a. crude oil may be more dangerous than expected. now the ntsb is examining whether,. >> thus what happened monday when a train filled with more
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than 3,000 gallons of oil derailed in north dakota. the impact, igniting a massive ball of flames, causing the city to flee while the organization, is disx, ilt says everybody, the emergency responders shippers or carriers, should be aware that the crude oil may be more volatile than traditional group of. >> produce a slightly different mitigation from elsewhere. >> the number is roizen to 40 in the past siferl years. at a, disaster in quebec last year that killed 47 people. >> the quebec disaster and north
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dakota disaster are wake up calls, not only for the relationship but for the oil industry. >> 9,000 barrels a day from 10,000 wells. new mexico, what makes the quality there so much more combustible? >> those are materials that are liquid when they're underground but at spheric, some of it may end up with the crude and that may be one reason why we have these problems. >> the safety alert, more catastrophes. >> john siegenthaler with that report. coming up: the new cuban revolution. a now gears up for oncars that
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drive them receives. bln. abou
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>> well, let's take a lookwhat'g across the northeast. we saw all the snow go through. now it's dealing with all of the temperatures as well as the snow that fell and where is it going to go? let's take a look at those temperatures on saturday. high temperatures are still below freezing for many locations except when you get down here towards washington, over here towards pittsburgh. some locations saw at least
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that, we can move it to the side but it is still there. it is not no. we get towards sunday that we finally see some melting, it is going to be considerable melting because of all the water that is over the, so what that meerntion is standing water may freeze over. bad situation. well, for new york we're going to be seeing a fairly nice day on saturday, 27°, overnight near 4. as we go towards monday and tuesday big drop in the temperature, 42 on monday, 13° as we go towards tuesday and up here towards the north we are talking about blizzard conditions in effect. for many people drive safely.
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>> every sunday night, al jazeera america presents extraordinary films from the worlds top documentary directors this week: is love enough? >> that was a dream of ours... four children.... >> a little girl, removed from everything she's ever known... >> she's gone through a ton of orphan stuff... >> if their hopes don't turn out to be the reality...are they gonna crash? >> an unflinching look at a family learning to love >> i think she could have used a hug... >> dark matter of love on al jazeera america
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>> for the first time in more than 50 years, people in cuba are free to buy new cars. a law limiting vehicle sales was imloishebloishedabolished today. >> downtown havana can be mistake for a 1950s movie set. that could potentially change now the government is letting people buy vehicles without permits. >> translator: for individuals, it's really good news as it was not allowed before. >> on friday, people flocked to state run show rooms, hoping for the chance to own a new set of wheels. but the price tags put a dash to many dreams. listed at $91,000, meanwhile the
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peeugeot would cost $160,000. marked up 400%. the salary of an average are cuban is about $22 a month. >> this is insanity. there's not one person who can can buy anything here. we're going home without a car, without anything. >> imagine i earned $600, i am going to die before i can buy a new car. >> ceub anns have been driving car nor a half century. although vehicle sales are now freed up, prices remain largely out of reach, meaning that the vintage rights that have billion
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the hall mart of accumulate an life, could now raim so. >> let's talk of the cars of the future now. they may drive themselves, yes, a study by the an auto industry consulting firm predicts self driving cars could be on the road by 2025. by nine 35, cars ton the road could be driving themselves, let's bring in science editor in. >> this is the first time we've ever seen a report come out that really puts price tags and real dates behind the sort of vague predictions everybody's had about the fact that we'll be driving self-driving cars or i guess we'll be passengers in them really. in this case, the report is
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suggesting by the year 2050, nearly all of the cars we're driving around can drive themselves. >> some people like driving, jake. they like it. how would you give it that much, seems kind of counterintuitive at first. in the early stages this is going to cost something like $10,000 extra. no defense against, i mean we are all terrible drivers. 90% of al auto accidents involve human error. not only would self-driving cars do away with traffic, pollution, and think of all the things you could do with respect to that, it could really change life and
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so that's the idea here. >> okay, even with gist all the stuff you just said, there are a lot of hurdles, for the automotive industry that thee cars would have sto cloor. >> that's right. this site have, when i speak to experts one of the major issues that nobody's talking about yet is liability. that's the real thing. i mean right now, the roads are full are cars that promise to park themselves and lain assistance but still you do the characterizing daifg. when a country comes out and says this is a receive-driver car, they take large responsibility, he said he was in a meeting with google where they were activisming tracing, on board but the lawyers were the ones that said no way, we're not prepared to take on the liability.
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so that's the problem now. >> jay, thank you so much. >> thanks richelle. >> most areas use salt to de-slick roadways. but there is a surprising product that will melt your problems away. raylin johnson supports. >> chemical deicers, sand, salt, the same site on your dinner table. assault police officers fresh water, the mor more salt you ad, the more corrosive. there are other ideas of how to get out of a wrirnt mess. in wish where else they're turning to cheese. >> wisconsin actually, byproducts of that is a brine,
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basically salt and water that's where,. >> places like waconda ill noise turn to a molasses. >> they are take the desugared assault and the molasses causes it to stick to the road and melt the ietion. is. >> its helps to keep snow from attaching to skis. >> snow that smells like cheese? raylynn johnson, ldges. >> shaf a california man told his boss, after winning one of
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the largest in history. ' >> and now a techknow minute...
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>> sometimes it pays to have a
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restless night. listen to this: steve tran woke up at 3:00 a.m. earlier this week and realized he forgot to check his lottery ticket. he did, and made sure the result, he was one of the winners. tran said, i'm very sorry, boss, i lit the jackpot, i don't think i will come in today tomorrow or ever. national geographic gave readers a window to the rest of the world. more than a century after the society's find of founding, creating the book national geographic around the world, 125
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years. >> i think right away almost from the early issue, the national geographic was kind to take its being reeshedz all around the wort world to all the seven continents and they were fearless and very determined to discover the world. the photograph of the is man in the canoe is taken in the 19 centuries. he was a pioneering wildlife photographer. what that photograph shows is it shows the length that the photographers would go to try an get the picture. it's important to see the magazine in the context of preinternet, premass travel, pre24 hours news. this is how people learned about the world. the photograph of the mother and
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child pressed against the window was taken in bombay in the early '90s. it was then bombay, of course, it is now mumbai. , it eludes in a very subtle subtle way to the hardship and poferred that people in third world countries or developing countries experience. i think after a certain period in the national geographic's hifs, perhaps in the late '60s, its mission i wouldn't say changed but certainly evolved to a certain extent. the world was already explored at that point and then people became less about conversation -- and the issue became less conversation and more about what we're doing to
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the planet. we would love the celebrate the ire of the last 125 years. is are. >> and that was rue golden. more than a century of iconic photographs. >> check out this nine-year-old is and how quibltion h quickly e a rubik's cube. there you have it. chinese authorities say lee dong yee can solve the puzzle in less than 12 seconds. top stories in just a few minutes. keep it there.
12:00 am
>> welcome to al jazeera america. i'm richelle carey. here are tonight's top stories. much of the northeast is in a deep freeze the day after a major snow storm blanketed the region. authorities are warning of dangerously low temperatures which are expected to keep conditions icy throughout the weekend. an update in the case of a 13-year-old california girl declared brain dead after tonsil surgery. a judge says jahi mcmath will be moved to a different facility, specifics will be worked out. in washington state, more than 30,000 machinists for boeing, moving production of the new


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