tv News Al Jazeera January 9, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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new york city tonight. her arrest sparked anger and india and is testing relations between the two nations. >> from the start this case has caused outrage in india. it started last month, when u.s. authorities arrested an indian diplomate while she was dropping her young daughter off at school. she said she was outraged with her treatment. >> there is no indications that anything
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but appropriate measures were followed but we do know this is sensitive. inker that attracted more attention than the charges federal prosecutors say she got lied on a visa application and lied about how much she paid her. she was indicted on two counts visa fraud, and making a false statement, her arrest has also set off a diplomatic tug of waybetween india and the united states. >> there is only one victim in this case, that victim is serving indian diplomate on mission in the united states. >> india has responded by curtailing u.s. diplomates perks now they will have to obey traffic laws and pay parking tickets. and india is also orders the u.s. embassy to turn away nondiplomates at a popular embassy social club. >> u.s. energy secretary
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has postpone add trip to india. she vowed to fight these charges. a former assistant secretary of state, he joins us from washington, d.c., welcome. >> thank you, john, very much. >> what do you make of this? does this end the diplomatic row between the united states and india. >> well, it does end the case itself, this will be ripple effects as you said in your set up piece. this is caused some damage. it is an important relationship, there will be some scar tissue left over, even as both sides i am sure will work heart to repair that damage. pretty strong reaction from the people of inyeah, where does that come from? >> what kay did was trigger national pride. is case itself eminents from different strata of
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indian society, i think there are two narratives. from a u.s. standpoint the charges were a false statement of visa fraud, but in a sense, from the united states point of view, it was about human exploitation. you tell the united states you are going to pay this woman a high wage for a set number of hours and yet reality she was pay add lower wage, for many more hours. that's abuse. however, the case ended up being defined not so much by the charges and the victim but by her perceived mistreatment once in custody. >> now the diplomate is getting ready to fly away on an airplane. i am trying to understand the sequence of events. were there mistakes made here? >> perhaps mismanagement, when these problems prop up in every relationship.
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they make a small problem doesn't become a bigger problem. it was that the charges has been pursued for a fairly long time. a pocket between september and desks where the indian government was notified of the case, and the merge concerns, and somewhere between the indian side and the american site, it was an opportunity but a missed opportunity tried to resolve this without bringing the diplomate into court. >> will this really satisfy the indian government and the u.s. government? >> the differences of
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views and different sides during the cold war, concerned about the nuclear issues but that said there are have strong reasons very large -- in the united states a lot of business being done between the united states and india, i think there are strong threads here where the damage can be repaired but it will take some time. >> now to chris christie speaking out and owning up to the scandals surrounding his office. that members of his inner circle ordered lane closings. that could jeopardize his political future. david has that story. >> stepping before the microphones governor cristty was contrite. >> i come out here today to apologize to the people of new jersey.
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>> the governor said he was embarrassed and humiliated to learn that members of his own staff spark add closure to the george washington bridge. actions that he never encouraged or authorized. >> i had no knowledge, or involvement, in this issue. about mark the democrat, who argued the traffic jam was a form of political retribution. >> i told them that an hour i was going to go out in a prez conference, and if no one gave me other information to the contrary, that i was going to say that no one on my staff was involved in this matter. kristy did just that, calling the allegations on surrender.
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emales made public revealed that she had written to the agency overseeing the bridge, "time for traffic problems in fort lee." >> there's no justification for every lying to a governor or a person in authority in this government. and the result, i have terminated her employment immediately. >> kristy also said he asked bill another close advisor involved to not seek the chairmanship of the state republican party. >> i am responsible. for what hatches under my watch. the good and the bad. and when mistakes are made then i have to own up to them. >> and that action said kristy including travels to fort lead to apologize personally to commuters
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there. state agencies already starting getting underoath. and went to high school with kristy carried out the lane closures. >> i respectfully assert my right to remain silent. >> all of this comes as christie has been consider add potential 2016 presidential campaign. that's a big of course stability to overcome. >> his office said that would include providing testimony underoath, that means that kristy's future may depend on the judgements of a grand
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jury. >> one of christy's closest mentors former new jersey governor says he is impressed with how the governor handled himself today. >> well, i thought it was impressive. he didn't use any of the league woods. denied any information that didn't know about it until yesterday morning. he apologized. and he cleaned up what he thought was the only problem in his office. so to me -- in addition to that, most people who get in trouble, most politicians they do a press conference, maybe six or seven minutes maybe 15 at moment. he answered questions for two hours. until there weren't any other questions left. that was impressive to me. unless there's something else we don't know about, i think he is going to survive this one. >> what about the culture
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where an aid can go rogue like this. >> that may be the most serious question, because this was somebody that had been there about four or five years. and how she could have expected that this is something she could do, but somehow it would be helpful to the governor, and secondly that nobody would find out about it. that to me is a very strange thing. and doesn't seem real to me, again, none of it seems real, just one of is stranger things i have ever experienced in politics this whole story. >> there's going to be a federal investigation, and the state is investigating has this done damage to the governor's office and to his aspirations maybe to be president of the united states? yes, it has done damage, no question about it. how serious it is will depend on the
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investigations. if they find something, or something comes out that we don't know now, that contradicts what the governor said in his press conference, then that damage will be very very serious. if it doesn't, i suspect as time goes by he will get over it, and again be one of the leading candidates for president. >> there have been people that have been critical of his style. in some cases it worked to his benefit, in other cases they have called him a bully. because of this, has it brought those question about being a bully back to the surface again. >> it has. if the opponents can put together rah pattern where they put this together with six or seven other incidences that somehow show he was a bully, or getting
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political revenge, then that will be harmful. but if this stands alone, and it is something that again nothing new comes out on, then i think he will once again start emerging towards the front of the pack. would he be a good president in your opinion? >> he has all the talents to be a good president of the quite. he has the intelligence, and the communication, and i think he is very good at picking out issues, he has all of that, the only questions again are on the other side. is this kind of thing a pattern. does he have an enemies list? all those things happen, and i will find that out, because i don't think anybody really recognizes what happens when the whole national press core comes in and focuses. yes get a lot of answers that you didn't have answers to before. i don't think is i think
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he could be a very good president. will he be? i don't know. i have questions like anybody else does, but i think they will be answered probably in the next six months to rah year. >> lited me go back to ma press conference, there was a vulnerable marted that maybe i'm not sure that the general public has seen in other situations. ehow would you dark rise that? >> i think he did very well. he was so definitive, there are other politicians we all know, they have gotten in trouble, and then you pause the press conferences and there are lawyer words is that you can temper it. he was direct. and totally definitive and i think that's what people want. they don't want anything else, and i think he was -- if what he said is true, and i expect it,
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then i think he will do well in the press conference, and i think if you start to poll people that listen to it, i think people will be impressed. >> governor it is great to see you again, thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. >> okay, thank you. >> and we continue our coverage now. a politician whose personality made him both popular and polarized. >> straight talking is rare in politics. his re-election speech after a landslide was packed with the language of the script my mom used to say to me all the time, christopher be yourself.
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some say there's a fine line between being a straight talker and bullying. one of his first moves was to trim public employee benefits. including teachers and this educator was right in his fying line at a rally. >> if what you want to do is put on a show and giggle, then i have no interest in answering your questions. >> there are he johns of reports out there of the governors allegedly bullying style. he has always waved off any suggestion that he is is meeting out retribution, but others have a different opinion. haunt cat as reporter and new jersey public radio had a one on one confrontation, over the george washington bridge affair, only a few weeks ago. i worked the cones on that, you are really not serious with that question? >> some of that is indeering because he comes across as a real person. if he get as question he doesn't like, he says he doesn't like it, and he is often funny about it, even if it comes across
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as insubstituting. >> now the governor is apologized, and said -- >> the fact is that mistakes were made, and i am responsible for those. >> until now certainly a front runner for the white house in 2016. >> the jobs report is out, while some are focusing on how many new jobs the economy creatorred, real money focused on an entirely different number. who are seeing the largest number of people quitting in some time, quitting your job in a tough economy, means you must not think it is that tough of an economy. means you have confident that you can do better and have another job.
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there's all churning in the economy. and probably about 200,000 people have joined the work force, and that will be a good number, i actually think it may be higher than that. that's 200,000 net new jobs that means a whole lot of people have quit, or lost their jobs, and a whole lot new bunch of jobs have been created. two idea that people are prepared to voluntarily leave their jobs, that's up 15% from a year earlier, that means people are feeling good about the economy. >> we have seen months and months of strong numbers. you remember in the last presidential election, both president obama and mitt romney said they can create 250,000 jobs a month. the point is we are up in that neighborhood. we are looking at maybe 196,000 jobs being created.
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gone, many think it may be higher than that. so if we are above 200,000, if we are in the 220,000 jobs range that tells you we are in a strong economy, john. ali velshi will have full coverage of the jobs rother tomorrow night. we crept cold spell put a chill on the u.s. economy, experts say it may have cost the country $5 billion. polar vortex forced thousands to stay home instead of work. hundreds of flights were cancelinged and even some burst pipes and power outages caused problems but experts say $5 billion isn't as bad as it sounds and about a 7th of the days production for the entire country. it's been called the creepiest place in mexico, and we will take you there next, plus. apology accepted, dennis rodman tells kenneth bays
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>> start with one issue education... gun control... the gap between rich and poor... job creation... climate change... tax policy... the economy... iran... healthcare... ad guests on all sides of the debate. >> this is a right we should all have... >> it's just the way it is... >> there's something seriously wrong... >> there's been acrimony... >> the conservative ideal... >> it's an urgent need... and a host willing to ask the tough questions >> how do you explain it to yourself? and you'll get... the inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5 eastern only on al jazeera america
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former cuban president has made a rare appearance. he was attending an art gallery opening. twenty-first time he has been seen in public in nearly a year. case pro led for nearly half a century. in mexico, tonight a site to see and to scare. it's in a place where the population is both plastic and bizarre. rachel takestous the island of the dolls. whether people can enjoy beautiful canals. these hold many stories. >> nowhere is that truer
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than here, on the island of the dolls. it looks like a scene from a horror movie. hundreds of dolls strung up and hanging from trees. his uncle started collecting these 50 years ago, after he found the body of a young girl, who drowned on these shores. >> he found the dolls in the canals and in the trash, he started hanging them up to protect him and try to scare away the spirit of the girl. now every year, more and more tourists with a morn bid curiosity come here, people like lynn w florez. >> in mexican culture there are a lot of legends about dolls. people believe they can trap their spirits and stop them from harming anyone. some co from columbia, and even australia. and this is not the only
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frightening folk tail that has origins here in sochi. the most famous legend is hoping woman. it is a frightening tail performs yearly about a woman who drowns her own children in these canals instead of surrendering to the spanish concurrers. >> we have 17 communities and all of them have their own legends we even have one about men turning into animals. disprobably one of the most bizarre. and it is proof that the mystery which has always surrounded these canals is still very much alive today. rachel, al jazeera, mexico city. deepness rodman says he is sorry for this week's explosive interview. rodman apologized for insinuating that u.s. missionary was to blame for his captivity, the
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scandal. thousands of people got caught in the grid lock because of lane closures on the george washington bridge was shut down, and those shut downs were apparently ordered from political reasons. is recent cold blast may have cost the u.s. economy $5 billion, because of thousands of people who are forced to stay home instead of work. but experts say the figure isn't as bad as it sounds. the obama administration announced five regions to be 23 focus of the federal government today. the promise zones where san antonio, los angeles, the nation of oklahoma, and southern kentucky. federal funding will go to those areas to help things with education and housing. anybody in the country
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that works hard should have a fair shot. doesn't matter where they come from, what they look like, what their last name is, they should be able to succeed. we will then them succeed. not with a handout, but as partners. request them, every step of the way. >> and we will make sure it works. tonight in one of the five zones is our jonathan martin. term us why the administration chose this area. >> when you look around here, you can see a lot of this -- what you see behind me business that is are closed that are boarded uhm when you start digging into the numbers it is evidence why they those this area. this is one of the poorest communities. $11,000, 30 to 40% of the people here are living below the poverty line. and people familiar where this region hire, know this is really coal
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mining country. this is an area know for the coal mines but we know with new regulations and changes, a lot of those jobs have cried up, so you have people that are making 70 or $80,000 suddenly making very little or without a job. so with this prom zone designation, at least for this patter of south eastern kentucky one thing that will happen is they will try to diversity the economy here. one way they plan to do is by suchs $1.3 billions into this area to hopefully help to boost these businesses. again outside of the cole industry, but we talks to the county executive, he says the real way to give a boost is to bring in more sustainable industry. >> what we need is industry to come here. we have an available, trainable, work force. so we need this prom will
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incentivize to come to this region and employ people. that's the only way to diverse few the economy away from coal. >> yeah, john, certainly, a need here. we talked to several people, they said outside of coal and coal mining there is no future here. they are hoping this will help, in addition to all the things the governor has already promised to do here. >> the president talked about education today as well, so how will this program help with education? >> right, we hear the president during his speech talk about young people and he wanted to start after the ground level, which is high school students and those in technical colleges by allowing them to get better training and different trains. so as a part of this, they are enhancing some of the programs to give them unique skills so they can be prepared for new and better jobs.
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jonathan, thank you. the need for help goes well beyond the five zones announced today. hello, john. right outside of the french quarter, you can see this chain link fence that surrounding this entire housing development. if you look outside that is a place that has seen many murders. those balconies full of families and kids at 1 point, children living in poverty, and seeing that kind of horrible horrible things that have occurred here, many people around new orleans right now, are working very hard to edge child poverty, and a staggering and playing statistic, 65% of african-american children under the age of 5 in new orleans are living in poverty.
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there are some people here trying to give their kid as better life. >> meet single mother april white. she grew up in rah housing project, and is studying to become a paralegal. she is also a working part time job, and makes less than the $24,000 poverty line. >> nothing comes easy. >> being poor is a term she doesn't want her kids to grow up with. >> you know, the main thing i preach, of course, is education. and perseverance in whatever you do. you take a bad situation, and you totally make it good. >> for white that is exactly what she is trying to do. but since 2000, the number of poor children in america, has increased nearly 35%. that's over 16 million kids nationwide. >> as the war on poverty
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continues and metropolitan areas across america, you can see the remanence of projects once been years ago, holding families and children, are now being torn down, this one in new orleans this courtyard many children out here playing, not a safe place, as it is ridden with gangs and violence. gnarly four out of five live in high poverty neighborhoods. one of the highest rates in america. kathryn ma dina grew up in child poverty. today, she runs the harmony neighborhood development. a nonprofit empowering the poor, financial consulting and the building of new mixed income homes where house projects once stood. >> the biggest thing is having access to information. having access to quality food. you find a lot of poor kids are obese, and things like that, because
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they can't afford healthy food. >> it is called food and security, and the most recent data released by the u.s. department of agriculture reveals that 25% of african-americans don't have access to proper nutrition. and that's just one of the challenges. >> it amazing me that those suspects are many tea parties. >> with little or no structure and school not a priority, some kids living in poverty join gangs and fall into life on the street. >> it has to be individuals who are willing to work with these kids, and who are committed to helping these kids make a difference. otherwise we will continually have more young people in jail. for april white and her children, they count their blessings each day. >> a lot of people even
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employed it is hard to make ends meet, with the money you are making working all day. >> for white and many ohs the belief that raising the minimum wage could help take their children out from the bellows of being poor, is as real as every day life in little or no money. >> so i don't know the question is how do you change this? where the poverty has been the same for the past 50 years since the war on poverty began. if you talk to the people in communities like this who are trying to get out of the depths of being poor, the mississippi delta, all across the south. many of them will stress they need opportunity, they need the government to get behind them, and they need an education that can empower them to move on in life. so big challenges ahead.
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hope that perhaps the president's plan will make it down here. >> robert ray in new orleans for us, thank you. and now to russia, where a number of unexplained killings has security on high alert. six bodies were found covered in bullet wounds in four abandoned cars about 200-miles from sochi. police also discovered an explosive device. twin suicide bombings left 34 people dead. the government has stepped up counter terrorism effort. it is banning liquids at two airports. let's head to washington, d.c. joey chen standing by to tell us what is coming up tonight. joey? is. >> tonight on our program, the 4th and final part of our exclusive return to fukushima series. after the disaster, japan shut down all of its plants.
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and more fuel imports for the first time in years but now there is a power struggle in the country. over the future of nuclear power. will it stay off line? america tonight sits down with the prime minister who was in power at the time of the accident, former leader once a supporter has now promised to end reliance on nuclear energy. >> do you feel a responsible to personally reach out to those people? a oi felt the biggest political father layed with me. i came to believe the only way to keep that from happening is get rid of nuclear nudger itself. >> more from our correspondent, as he joins us with his final report, return to fukushima, coming up a at the top of the hour. >> joey, thank you. there are two brothers who have become legends sort of legends for
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making perhaps the greatest sports deal business deal of all time. this story and what a deal it is. >> what an incredible deal. over our lives we have heard probably parents and instructors say it pays to think ahead, i tell you what, two brothers have gotten very rich because they did just that. the nba was absorbing four teams but the spirits of st. louis, well, it wasn't one of them. the other offered them a one time payment, they instead asked for and got the rights to a share of the four absorbed teams t.v. revenues in perpetuity. that has turned out to be a nearly billion dollars decision. check it out. that one time payment offered in 76 was around $3 million. what they agreed to instead was a 1/7th share of nba broadcast revenues
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reaped by the spurs and pacers as long as the nba exists. since then over 38 years they have raked in $300 million. now the brothers this week are negotiating a buy out with the nba, buy out price, $500 million. whew. what numbers, we welcome in daniel cap land now the sports business daily, and daniel, i invite you to try to convince me, if you dare, that this is not the greatest sports business deal ever made. sounds like a great top 10 list. if i had to find one, that would rival this, p pas it was art rooney sr. winning the pittsburgh steelers in the 1930's in a poker game. but this is pretty up there. >> why do you think the nb action agreed to this deal back in 1976 in the first place? >> well, i don't think in 1976 anybody -- save a
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wizard, could have projected t.v. rights for professional sports whether it be the nba, nfl reaching these levels. national t.v. revenues were minuscule. sports back then, it was just how many tickets you sold at the gate. t.v. revenues were very very small. the publications i worked for, no one would have even thought them up at that time. so the concept that you can get one very seven, of revenues and that would be worth anything, was laughable back then. pray tell, is there a particular reason they are willing to part with half a billion dollars to make this go away? >> well, everything i just said goes out the window now, because the revenues for cable operators and t.v. networks are willing to pay to get professional sports are skyrockets. whether it is the nba, everybody the nhl in
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nascar. the nba is in the market, they are expecting to double the rights they receive from cable operators so they are sick and tired of sharing it. >> what is it in for the sill thats to get out of this deal? seems like a pretty sweet deal? >> it is. they have reaped tremendous hundred million since 1976, but they are getting on in years. they are so engaged in litigation with the nba over what constituted media revenue. what should they have access to, should it be international t.v. revenue, should it be nba tv. i guess they are getting a little tired of fighting nba city hall. amazing thank you so much for your insights.
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there's more to finical news than the ups and downs of the dow. for instance, can fracking change what you pay for water each month? have you thought about how climate change can effect your grocery bill? could rare minerals in china effect your cell phone bill? or, how a hospital in texas could drive up your health care premium. i'll make the connections from the news to your money real.
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fetch a price of more than one hung dollars a pound. but chinese have stopped buying and it is hurting the economy in the pacific northwest, allen scheffler explains. >> a boat pulls into the inlet with today's harvest of the prized clam, called the gooey dock, but it isn't much of a catch just a few crates. the biggest market is closed and there's no sense pulling more out of page jet sound. >> for us it is so to
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50,000-pound as month that we are not selling. >> bill dewey says the-month-old ban hurts everybody, large scale growers like taylor as well as companies that harvest the growing wild. today they have been reassigned to other work. >> we are still able to dig, other companies i guess completely came to a halt. >> they strive below the tide line, burrowing deep, divers use compress air to dig them out. chinese testers say they found two samples of painted wild harvest ducks those samples were tracked to one area in alaska and a one small
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bay here on page jet sound. but the want covered the entire coast from northern california clear to alaska. so local issues can shut down the whole area, and it isn't just gooey ducks. >> gooey duck, for china, gooey duck is the big game. something for which the u.s. doesn't even regularly test. >> we wanted to know more, not just for them, but for us. >> the state of washington's health department has to quickly develop new testing protocols then sent sanks to state and private labs. forwards the results to the feds. >> we feel them very clearly show that they are safe to eat that's been provided to china, and now we are waiting to
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see what happens next. >> so now it is a waiting game. with local companies scrambling to find new markets as high level tried continues. >> we don't have any idea how long this will go on. >> with jobs and millions of dollars at stake, al jazeera, inlet washington. >> if you haven't cooked in a while, this gadget just may be for you. it is called the foodini. a new 3-d printer and it prints anything from pass to to just about anything else served on a plate. reports from barcelona. >> it is a meal, but not as we know it. this is possibly the future of fast food, freshly made, straight from the printer. that's a specially designed plate we have. >> foodini marks a new fade of kitchen appliances. rah dish like this the
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pressed for a short wait while the meal of your choice is printed out. evening capsules of fresh ingredients. >> well it might seem very futuristic but it is certainly not out of reach. if you can print your own meals well it brings the term convenience food to a whole new level. if printing your own food is an odd concept, but at the end of the day it is a three d. print sore you can say you do print food. but in essence it is a 6:00ening appliance. it is a kitchen acompliance to make cooking easier. get them right here. >> what? >> that's cool. >> that's awesome. >> being printed out? but how sit done? it is good. it tastes like normal cooking.
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>> it tastes super delicious. it is really good. >> but for some, the idea is perhaps a little too radical. >> no? >> no. >> it is from a printer, no, i don't trust it. it is not a complete process, a dish would still need to be properly flavors and cooks and that's why human skill can't be replaced. for some diners it may be hard to swallow. am al jazeera, barcelona. >> coming up inside a tornado. >> i am in the national wind institute at texas tech university, where we
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now i can just about imagine how terrifying a tornado can be. and we are pleased to have her join us now from los angeles. i love this story, so the winds you stood in 150 miles an hour, what did it feel like? >> well, for a mechanical engineer like me, it was absolutely bliss. it was powerful. 150 miles per hour is fast p moving air. how accurately can it mimic an actual tornado? well, the tornado that we had in that vortex was e.f. three. and that's about -- that's half way up the scale because the scale goes up to 5. so it's pretty vast. not the maximum that tornadoes can be, but
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enough to really measure the impact of damage on structures. >> so that's what they learned what else do they learn in this kind of lab? >> well, the purpose of the lab is to becauses the very complex bit of engineering. it's serjly it only took eight fans sucking air out of that space, and 64 metal veins at certain angles to create a tornado like that. and you can see how the tornado is formed because of the smoke that they much into the space. so it is really cool. >> it is also about trying to build buildings that can with stand the you remember sos right? >> yes. the purpose is to really understand how tornadoes can damage structures. so they put scales down models of walls and
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buildings into the vortex. and then they generate the tornadoes to see how those buildings fair. and those have pressure sensors on them. so scientists are able to collect data. listen, fascinating story, good to have you on the program, thank you again, and of course everyone can watch on sunday 7:30 eastern time. coming up all new tonight, it is ford's new focus. keeping tabs on you, the story and much more tonight 11 eastern 8:00 pacific time. the top stories in just a moment.
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welcome to al jazeera america. the indian diplomate arrested in new york last month was indicted today charged with visa fraud and making false statements. the white house requested she leave the country and her lawyer says she will fly out tonight. new jersey governor apologized for the political motivated lane closures on the george washington bridge today and fired a top aid for her role. he says he is sick over it, and denies any involvement. the obama administration designated five areas after promise zones today. thpl
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